Name: Nerplaguis | "Nergualis" | "Plagueis" | "The Mad Scientist" | "The Black Death"
Appearance: Nerplaguis is a tall and lanky figure, standing around 6'3" (1.905 Meters) and casts a long shadow wherever he goes. He wears a black robe, riddled with pockets, as well as wearing specialized leather gauntlets, long sturdy boots, and sports a bird-like pale white mask with a long jagged beak. When he walks around, a trail of black smoke dissipates behind him and is often carrying his staff as well as a lantern of green flame. Not much is known about what lies beneath these thick garments, although there are many wild speculations. Some say that he's a sickening corpse, with decomposing flesh, sickening bubos, and his guts being practically visible in his chest region. Others say that he's simply an anthropomorphic bird, who wears this outfit to mask his identity from the others. However, no one really knows for certain.
Nerplaguis can also transform into different animals, with his most common form being that of a large raven, often used for espionage in the real world. He can also transform into a wisp of gas/smoke/disease, allowing him to get through tight spaces and for even better espionage.
Realm: The Laboratory Dungeons of NergalisDeep within the caves in the mountains north of Verzak, lies Nerplaguis' personal laboratory dungeons. It is a dark and wretched place, filled with the scent of everlasting death and decay, as it plagues the gothic stone-walls of this hideaway. This area is so toxic, that unless the visitors are immune to disease or wear a specialized mask that Nerplaguis provides for his VIPs, they risk getting intoxicated and sick. Even the gods aren't at all safe from what they may breathe in. This is where every great disease, mutation, strain, and disorder are created in, with the plague god always experimenting with new ingredients that he fines across the realm. Shelves of books, potions, and ingredients cover most of his workshop, along with specialized syringes and other weird contraptions that would help him spread his infectious creations. He snatches random test subjects from nearby villages and plants them in cold, barred, cells weekly, and infects them with his latest creations, where he watches as they slowly wither away in pure agony.
The only entrance to the laboratories can be found near the north base of the mountains, leading into a labyrinth of sprawling cave systems. For those unfamiliar with the cave system it is a daunting task to find their way in and out. In addition, several
Plague Sentinels guard the laboratories and the cave systems leading directly to it, wielding their sickly blades to strike down those who get too close.
Biography: Nerplaguis is often seen as a scheming, psychopathic, alchemist working deep within the confines of his personal laboratories, whilst sporting a cruel sense of humor and taste in entertainment. As the god of disease, he regulates domain and overseeing every plague, sickness, illnesses, strains, disorders, and mutations he creates with a high praise of sadistic professionalism. He's notoriously infamous for kidnaping random mortals from all around the realm, unbiased regarding their race, gender, ethnicity, age, and what not, and uses them as live test subjects for him to test his newest concoctions. And whilst they suffer, screaming in agony or whimpering in the dark corners of their prison cell, he simply watches them for days on end for pure entertainment until they die. Once affirming their effectiveness, he plants the disease in a random person somewhere in the outside realm and waits for all hell to break loose. For many viewing from the outside, Nerplaguis is a cruel and mentally compromised psychopath who cares not for the lively hood of mortals and threatens to plague the entire realm with the worse diseases imaginable. All of this is simply a game to him.
But Nerplaguis does have standards and recognition regarding his status. His overall purpose in releasing his diseases are simply to manage population control over those who have grown far too big in population to simply be killed off by traditional means. He would test his new diseases on selected test subjects first before releasing them to his selected demographic, often wiping out their members to a significant degree so that others may allow themselves to live. And what about those who have survived his experiments in the cell? What about those rare few who have been exposed to the most horrid diseases in his arsenal and yet still be able to survive and heal?
He often just lets them go.
The God of Disease believes that his diseases aren't simply killing everyone just for the sake of killing, but rather rattling out the weak and making way towards the strong. Those who've survived his worse experiments have overcame odds that most men would simply falter too. And he treats them with a heavy amount of respect. But these specimens are incredibly rare and it still wouldn't justify the unethical methods he issues towards his subjects and how he doesn't bother maintaining them once they are outside. He just lets them do their thing until they wither out on their own and thus he's back to creating a new plague.
But rumors had been steadily roaming around Tabrasa regarding some of Nerplaguis' most disturbing projects. It's been said that he has sicknesses stored away that are so toxic and so contagious, that it can effect the gods themselves. Whilst his laboratories are already toxic enough to potentially make the gods sick already, the fact that there are claims of him storing these biological weapons of mass divine destruction is certainly alarming. One only hopes that he never has to use them, at least when it comes to eradicating all life in the realm...
Notes: TBA
Misc: - Nerplaguis' Plague Sentinels are seen as mindless automatons reincarnated from surviving victims who chose to serve him, those claiming that they can't live without being dependent on sickness. Only four roam the laboratories thus far.
- According to Nerplaguis' himself, he claims that the first disease that he ever made was leprosy.
- Some of Nerplaguis' more tamer diseases, such as the common cold and fevers, had been disowned by him for their lack of effectiveness and tameness against mortals. These types can be easily cured, yet are also able to strengthen the immunity system slightly every time they are casted out from the person's body.
- “Put this on my tabula”