Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Thesan. He was Thesan. For the longest time that was the only word that echoed through his skull and he took it as his name. As a dragon he hadn’t lived long but he has lived a lot. Animals, man and nature had all burned under him. His wings were stronger than those of the others and he knew it. Then the clarion call echoed through his skull to go west and find his god. The blackened trail of smoke streaking across the elsewise clear desert sky made Ragnagedon easy to find. He was the promise of epic destruction. The promise of a fate fulfilled. Thesan hated and revered his creator.

Then she showed up. Dirka, goddess of magic. Her foul sorceries froze them all in space. While his wings could not free him, his mind was left to roam. With every passing of her he seethed. How dare some minor god taunt them in such a depraved way? In the presence of Ragnagedon, what else could he do but hate inside his own mind but that rage was now changing him. The essence of Ragnagedon was eating him whole and he let it. For when he opened his eyes again, the world looked very different. He looked very different.

Of the five dragons that had joined him with the god of fire, only he and another remained. Still frozen in the air, another was now approaching. The hydra god of weather. It did not stop Thesan’s seething. Nor did the cold, frozen breathe of some strange creatures he could barely see temper him. Then, as if fate would have it, the witch’s magic failed. In a burst of fire and smoke Thesan broke free and managed to see clearly what was trying to harm him. His own kin but changed and cold. They once proud black and red scales turned white as snow and their horns as blue as deep-frozen ice. “Traitors!” Thesan exclaimed at their sight. His voice echoed against the mountains and it was answered by a hundred angry screeches which demanded Thesan’s attention. His own, true kin were coming to the battle. They were coming to him! Thesan spared no time as he began to chase around the frozen dragons. Breathing fire and trying to dig his claws in at any chance he’d get. His huge wings was constantly casting a shadow over them.

Lira’s business was elsewhere. Like her hateful brother she too had been seething when frozen in place. She too felt the pain of the cold breathe. But she had another goal in mind. The moment she broke free she had taken to the clouds where she had remained as her brother began to fight the ice dragons. She was stalking a different prey all together and when her brother had occupied its attention, she struck. From the from the white clouds it came. A beam of concentrated fire straight for Drakairos. With wings folded she came down. The fire around her and the smoke trail following her turned her into much of a meteor. One aimed square for the hydra god. “Face me beast-god! Show me your strength!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Legion02 - Arch-Dragons - Thesan & Lira - & Friends

The mighty hydra turned around to see the two frozen arch-dragons spring back into life as the curse lifted off their shoulders. By that time, their minor kin had been purified into ice dragons and added to Drakairós' growing army. From five dragons - the God of Weather included - they're now comprised of eight individuals*. And with the incoming hundred-so dragons, more will join them yet...

And some being lost in the process.

The male arch-dragon roared to his "traitorous" kin as he engaged the ice dragons with immense abhorrence. The ice dragon attempting to purify him staggered back with a vicious shriek as it attempts to fire its ice beam at him. Eventually however it would be driven away and be one of the few to be chased by the enraged fire dragon. The hydra dragon god issued a guttural call to mobilize the rest of the ice dragons to engage the enemy, all complying without hesitation. Two other ice dragons followed Thesan in pursuit as they attempted to strike him down with their cold breath.

The storm around them would continue to intensify, with the blizzard casting down near-hurricane force winds that would definitely diminish the flight capabilities of the fire dragons, as well as heavily diminishing their vision. Yet as the winds began to howl fiercely, with the snow whipping back and forth through the currents, this heavy blizzard evolved into a thundersnow phenomenon as lightning pierce through the thick clouds. Most of these strikes would occur around the flock of dragons, attempting to take them out one bolt at a time. Dra and Rós would fire their lighting and ice breaths respectfully from afar as they attempt to take several more out. Any foe the ice dragons would win against will attempt to turn them into their own, while some would perhaps fall victim to the fire dragons themselves.

"Should we consider splitting again?" Rós asked the middle head cautiously, thinking about the whole divide and conquer strategy like they did with the first few ice dragons.

"Not with these many opponents." Dra responded bluntly, "We'll stay as one for now. Once we decapitate the leading heads, can we divide to pick off the retreating forces."

Yet as the Weather God continued to lay waste to the flocking fire dragons, a beam of concentrated fire hit them on their side, causing them to reel in surprise. All three heads ceased firing as they glanced up into the white clouds to see the second arch-dragon heading straight towards them in a beeline fashion. Roaring for a challenge, she falls towards him like a meteor hitting through the atmosphere. Yet it was Dra who would respond with a grin, for he knew what to do.

"Challenge accepted." he growls ominously.

And in that moment, all three heads opened their toothy maws - each full with razor sharp teeth - and quickly fired their respected beams at the descending dragon.

(*eleven if you count Dra, Kai, and Rós separately)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

An exhausted sigh escaped his lips as he lay collapsed once more into his plush furs. Despite the post-coital glow emanating from his naked form he lay wide awake, a crease furrowing his unblemished brow. Neither of the companions sharing his large bed awoke as he stirred with troubled thoughts. The day’s events had really been a shock to his usual solitude and his divine senses made it clear that he was no longer truly alone in the world. He felt a connection to his first child. Ystra, the Bight, the Rime. Born of fire but reborn of ice, she was filled with his essence and touched by Rós. He could sense her now, having travelled with the many-headed god to help create his flight of ice dragons. They were the opposite of Ystra: converted by the weather god’s power and blessed by Winter through her intervention. Her alarm echoed in his mind and he summoned her with calming thoughts. The matriarch of her own three children: Bight, Hoare, and Rime, three of the dragons more her than Rós. She led their migration north to ultimately patrol the Northern Crown and Niflheim. Added to the decreased temperature around the floating palace, so that no creature could even fly near, the new species of dragon added to the strata of threats to guard his realm. He was more remote, isolated and therefore safe than ever.

Yet he still could not settle. He had seen the gathering of deities drawn from afar to that terrifying crater and horrific monument. But he knew to leave that for the Lord of Light to have an issue with and the twisted mages to decipher. Although maybe he should visit his sister of darkness, as it was within her vicinity and she was a fearful one. They shared the cold and he was possibly the only creature that made civil contact with her. He had always made an effort out of sibling love but even he had started to tire of her endless self-pitying. He was the embodiment of a domain that wasn’t wanted by humanity either. But they were both necessary for worldly balance. She just needed to embrace her true place in the world. If that needed to be through fear and respect rather than love then so be it. That was how he had become worshipped. The northern tribes didn’t submit offerings to him through a love of hardship, frostbite and snow blindness. They did so to ensure that he was appeased enough to reduce the amount of those things. But recently the spread of fire had reduced their worship. The offerings were less and sacrificial youths less handsome. He’d already destroyed a village for such selfish blasphemy. When he had been stalking a bear, they had asked him to rid them of he’d overheard the elders laugh around their new large byre boasting about how they were keeping their most handsome and athletic men for combat and sending Sveiand the men of tribes they fought and stole from. The hunt became a rally cry as the winter god erupted into his true form. The guttural roar emanating from his now ursine throat bringing ice wolves, great eagles, snow owls, rampaging musk oxen and the great white bears themselves to the vicinity – most of them granted unnatural attributes through an agreement with Naswaru. The tribe had cowered as Oao’s darkness deepened but the usual blessing of the god of cold did not dance across the sky. At midnight they struck. Amongst the throng of ferocious beasts, the gigantic white bear mad sure that he was the last thing these tribespeople saw. He blessed them with seeing his true form and cursed them to never see anything again as the many beasts of the tundra ripped, gouged and crushed their flesh and bones. Winter was not forgiving.

He pushed the memory from his mind and rose from his bed. He decided on a walk to clear his head and realised what a human concept that was. His laughter echoed down the many chambers, tinkling like icicles in a bitter breeze. The men in his bed slumbered on under his enchantment. His clothed formed around him as he strode down a grand corridor, the white furs growing a fractal frost, before he was nothing but a stream of consciousness in a banner of iridescent shimmer streaming to the nearest shore. It was there he reformed in a flurry of snow to follow a set of solitary boot tracks, the soles well-trod. The snow quickly lessened and the wind ceased to howl in order for the god to make out a figure clad in heavy furs. He had not received word of a new sacrifice and any human without his blessing and therefore intervention would surely not last long. Yet for some reason, story-telling elders and travelling bards in the future would argue over lust, loneliness or curiosity being the cause, but even Sveiand didn’t know why he continued to approach the character that seemed to be muttering to itself in the increasingly sub-zero temperatures. He was stalled by his unsummoned attraction to the brunette figure as he caught sight of his unnatural golden eyes. Another sacrifice he thought and turned to disappear once more into the landscape, weather beginning to worsen at his very though. But the appearance of a monstrous grey beast through the snowfall gave him enough reason to make himself known. He guessed from the slender limbs and horned skull that the winged skeletal creature was formed through knowledge. He made a mental note that even the pragmatic and twisted mind of Iva was touched by vanity, otherwise why make creations in your own image, but did not want to see a handsome figure lose crimson blood on his pure landscape when this gargoyle struck.

“Why do you come here where you have not been invited?” his voice carried to them, as the very wind itself. He still maintained his human form and strode confidently through the snow toward them both. He nodded toward the beast to ensure that the other man knew of its silent presence before addressing it, ““What do They want this time? It took a long time to recover after last time and am not inclined to do so again.” He chose his words carefully as to not reveal his divinity immediately. In truth he had slept for decades after helping to construct the library with Iva’s incredible plans and had marvelled at their joint project. Yet he still felt he hadn’t been repaid in kind for his efforts. He felt the great bear within him tense as he awaited a reply from these trespassers. Winter was not forgiving.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Quill was preoccupied with his own half-formed thoughts, he did not even notice the gargoyle that had landed near him. He was stirred from his thoughts when he heard some shout. He quickly glanced around, and noticed the construct and the authoritative stranger. It hardly took a second for Quill to adapt, as he had wandered into something more interesting.

He felt the air begin to chill, however it took him a moment to react, as he begin to shiver and bundle his arms around his chest. He had traveled with many humans, and he grown accustomed to imitating their mannerism. He begin to shout towards the figure, and slowly approach him as though he was truly impeded by the snow and wind, "Help, it seems as though as I have gotten lost. I was sure it would only take a moment to regain my bearings, but as I focusing, this monstrosity had sneaked upon on me." He did his best to feign fear and desperation, and if you would ask Quill he would say he did so masterfully. However, Quill had claimed many things that were not quite truthful.

He paused, and slightly stumbled for effect, "I am just a hunter." he said, padding his travelling clothes as though he was looking for something. His hand motions became more frantic as he did not find anything. "Oh no. Oh no. I must had dropped my gear. How will I feed my village." he once again paused. He then looked towards the ground and took a deep breath. "Azhriel have mercy on my soul."

While Quill's actions may confound the priests of the other gods, his followers would know exactly why he acted as though he did. He was bored, and so he did something that would relieve his boredom, even if just for a moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Zee

Deruga and the mimics weren't surprised. The mimics went to their true forms and Deruga shed his cloak. The mimics kept him behind them so he could cast without interruption. With his eyes glowing, he cackled. "I am Deruga, a sorcerer from the Teeth of Madness! Hu ha ha he hah! Tell me, has a dark magician crossed these sands? Tell me, and I will point you towards a better meal, and I won't have to kill you!" He and the mimics laughed, then waited for the demons response.

Dirka was disappointed she couldn't find Somler. Maybe he lost himself to himself? It wasn't impossible. He was one of her favorites. She sighed, then trudged to a portal.
When she was back in her garden, her son had come back with a cursed man. She smiled that he was successful, but was still sad. Rescoreje looked confused, but simply asked this instead; "Can I go back to my going into madness in a dark cave now?" She looked at him with a sad look. "What? So your poor mother can go sane with worry? No, I think it's best if you stay here for now." Then she perked up at a thought. "I know! I can visit Hayim! Let's see where is he at?" She swiped her hand over a mana pool and an image of Tabrasa appeared. A blue dot showed where the gods were on it, and a dot above if they were in another realm. She saw where he was and opened a portal immediately.

She stumbled out of the portal, for it opened two feet higher than she thought. She landed in a very uncomfortable position. "Ow, that hurt." She then got up and cleaned herself of. When she looked, she saw Hayim talking to one of Iva's messengers. Then she saw all the little plants around him. "Da' 50 shades of purple is going on here? Hayim, why are you trying to play with a messenger bird? Tweet tweet?"

@A Lowly Wretch@ReusableSword
A portal opened behind them and a crystal sentry walked out. It went up to the two gods and dropped a scroll at their feet. It then waved and smashed itself in the head with a rock before going back through the portal which closed behind him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Every god had a place in the world. The three-headed god of weather had his clouds and the goddess of magic walked amongst those she blessed. Valen’s place was among and between the humans. Traveling from tribe to tribe as he taught them one art or another. Now again he led his immortal donkey through the thick, ancients forests to where he knew there were more humans. After many lonely nights he finally got close as he saw the smoke rise up from a campfire. “We’re nearly there, friend.” He muttered to his donkey. Who of course did not understand him. The obedient packing animal just stopped and began to eat off the forest floor for a moment. Before it was pulled back into walking pace by Valen. He’d been traveling for several weeks now. Strangely enough the number of human tribes around seemed to have shrunk significantly.

Slowly, peacefully, he walked up towards the camp. Still, two men grabbed their spears and approached him. “Halt! Who are you!” they commanded. Valen stopped. He was no stranger of the weariness of men. Strangers brought uncertainty and Valen was more than just a stranger. He slowly raised his hands, revealing the tools he carried inside his heavy cloak. From beyond a tent an elder appeared, who hit both of the warriors against the leg with her cane. “Idiots. You think those spears will do much against a god.” She then turned to Valen. “You haven’t aged a day, my lord.”

A small smile escaped from Valen’s lip. “I’d say the same but I’d be lying.” He looked around for a moment. The number of people was suspiciously low. As if it hadn’t grown since his last visit. “Where is your husband?” he asked the elder.

Her face instantly soured. “Taken by fire madmen. They call themselves worshippers of Ragnagedon, the god of fire.” She explained. “They came just a few days ago. We managed to escape but.. well a price a was paid.” Valen felt the mood sour in the village as the tale was told. The sense of loss ran deep.

He started working that evening after he had filled his stomach. Within the small tent he set up he began to draw his plans. Paper and papyrus were filled with various ideas. Most were thrown out. When curious children picked them up and unfurled them they could only see confusing lines and weird scribblings. Eventually, the god burst forth from his tent with his toolbelt. It was time to build. A bit further outside the village stood several large stones. As the rays of dawn graced the rocks, Valen began to measure them with his fingers and their shadows. Curious villagers slowly approached him. First, they just watched him as he was knocking on stone and seemingly began a conversation with one. It took several hours and the sun stood high in the skies when he finally exclaimed: “Yes! This one!”

The villagers came closer. “What are you doing?” They asked, just as he took his hammer and chisel. The question stopped him in his tracks.

“You’ve told me about your loss.” He began his explanation as he sat down. Putting away his tools again. “I’m sorry, I won’t bring your loved ones back. Toying with life and death like that is a dangerous endeavor. No matter what powers you’re given, be it magic or divinity, those who passed should remain at rest. That being said, their memories can be eternal. As can their stories but I am afraid human memory can be a feeble thing. Forgetting is a human thing, one you shouldn’t be faulted for but that does not mean you’re not allowed to combat it. What I want to do is make an aid for your memory. Something that will help you remember whenever you see it. So even when time slips and memories fade, they can be summoned once more. Here, around this rock.”

“How would a rock help us remember? Why not that rock?” another villager asked as he pointed towards another rock.

Valen smiled. Humans, such inquisitive creatures. “Because it is my intention to shape this rock into something unique.”

The villagers talked amongst themselves for several minutes as Valen patiently waited, playing around with his divine tools between his fingers. Eventually, the strongest men of the village stepped forward. “We want to help you to shape this rock.”

Valen jumped up from his seat. “Excellent. Now I would like this stone moved towards your village. It wouldn’t be seen very often up here in the hills, right? Alas, I do think this whole stone is a bit too much for you. Fret not, I have a plan.” What followed was an endeavor carried out by the entire village. Wood was chopped and the trees were used to roll the massive stone down the hill’s slope. Ropes kept it from rolling too fast. The arduous tasks meant that people were tiring quickly. A steady supply of water and food kept them on their legs. It took four days to move the stone to the village but it eventually reached it. There a pit was waiting for it already. Slowly but surely the stone pillar was raised under the supervising eye of Valen. When the stone was raised, he and a handful of villagers went to work. People began to carve figures on all sides of the stone. Figures of people holding berries, javelins, arrows and other objects. Each figure was unique. A person that had died at the madmen’s fires. As figures were carved, already fading memories sprang back to life. A few tears dropped again. Valen continued his watch over the stone. It felt nearly impossible to not be touched by their sadness but Valen always considered that a curse for any divine being. Alas, if it was a curse it was his to bear. Often times he wished he could do more for the human tribes he visited. In the past, they were happy with pots and stitched garbs. Now death was stalking the humans more often. Had his siblings given up on shepherding them? Or were their own, selfish desires rising above their duties? Valen did not know but he certainly didn’t like it.

Sunken deep in his own thoughts about the other gods, Valen never saw the elder approach behind him. “The villagers are…grateful for your gift, lord Valen. They’ve sworn they’ll add a figure for each person that died. So they may never be forgotten.”

Vallen nodded. It was what he had hoped for. That the humans would continue practice what he had taught them. “I hope only old figures will have to be carved from now on.”

Lira was not blind. The beams would hurt her far more than she could hurt the hydra god. With a tiny movement of her wings, she changed direction. Narrowly missing all three beams by barely an inch. Fear coursed through her heart for a second. Such power. She knew they were a god but clearly she had underestimated divine power. Still, she couldn’t just run away now. When she came down upon the earth a heavy quake traveled through the ground. Within the howling winds, a roaring explosion erupted. Vaporizing all the snow around. Eventually, the smoke cleared and within a still glowing crater stood Lira over the broken body of an ice dragon. Holding its head up. “Weak.” She muttered with disgust as she threw the head back down again.

High above them the swirling winds carried ice and snow. The darkening clouds of the storm blocked any and all sunlight. By now the battlefield was illuminated by fire and lightning. Flashes traveled through the mountainous pass. Newly arriving dragons were soon caught in the winds. Unable to fight such hurricane winds they were quickly thrown against the ground or were swallowed by the maelstrom. Flying aimlessly through the blinding darkness. This did not mean they were utterly passive about it. Angry at the wind that held them the verzakian dragons breathe their fire into it. High over the ground fire joined fire before it was swiftly extinguished again by the gale winds. Down below the dragons had a stronger chance to survive. Some had the misfortune to be caught by several ice dragon. There was little they could do against the purification. However, the winds seemed indiscriminate. Ice dragons too were swallowed up and thrown around. Some found themselves high up in the air. Where the fought a chaotic battle with the other dragons even though neither side had actual control. Down on the ground the lightning and ice mixed with the burning shrubs.

Lira and Thesan crawled up the side of the mountain. Careful as to not open their wings and be swallowed by the storm. From a higher ground, they observed the battlefield. It was pandemonium. Great pillars of smoke and fire we ripped apart by the air. Where the whirlwind created a maelstrom of fire and ice. Rain fell down, joined with ice, fire and the occasional bolt of lightning. All the while the gale winds were failing to suffocate the angry, desperate or triumphant roars and screams of both sides. In the middle of it was Drakairos like a furious orchestra conductor. “We need to do something.” Lira noted as she saw the Verzakian dragons get killed or be victorious. “Agreed. You help our kin! I will take the hydra god!” Lira nodded as she quickly descended the mountain again. With fiery breathe she grabbed once ice dragon that thought he had won and was purifying a weakened Verzakian dragon. Before he knew it though, the ice dragon’s jaw was forced to stay open as he looked down Lira’s great maw. A great beam of fire began to melt his innards. Within a moment his corpse collapsed.

Thesan opened his wings and was quickly swallowed by the storm. Hoping the chaos of the winds would keep him unpredictable, he made no attempt to control his hurling movement. Instead, he shot his beam of fire at Drakairos every time he could. “I’m here, false god!” he screamed in between beams. “I’m here you three-headed beast! You wouldn’t dare face me in a fair fight, would you!? No matter! My kin are coming for their king! Soon this whole storm will be made of fire!” he taunted.

The soggy mud had preserved the tracks perfectly. The fire raiders were kneeling next to the trail that looked more like a river of footsteps. Now further up north, they felt a chilling wind here. Every other day a cold rain tried to cool them down. Every time they had to burn wet logs in an attempt to stay warm. Most of the times they were successful but those times became less frequent now. Fir had long dreaded this. The fading of their flame. He had looked into the eyes of his people and he began to saw the hollowness behind them. These men and women held no purpose if their fire would die out. What would follow after that would be the end of everything he worked for.

Alas, if there was a god of fate it would appear that it was on his side now. The trails marched down south. “They passed us.” Esif noted as she prodded a trail. Comparing it to her own footsteps. “They’re loaded heavier than we are. They also far outnumber us.” From all people that could’ve lost their flames, Fir’s youngest Hand was not one of them. “I propose an ambush.” She followed up. In the last year she had grown into quite a scout. Knowing the terrain and reading the land. Fir trusted her judgment.

“Indeed. Esif, take your men and find me this…band. I want to know where they are going within three nights.” Fir commanded with his usual tone of severity.

Esif carried out his command. Small groups of her people, a handful to each group, began to canvas the area. They stalked the thick, suffocating forests and mist-filled fields in a search to find their prey. Eventually, she found something. A group of men, about an equal amount as her own group, running from a bear. “You’d think they could take that thing.” Jass commented with a smug smile as they observed the spectacle from a distance. “They can.” Esif said with a cold voice. The men were packed better than she and her people. With bronze spears and even swords. Strange black and red scales were sown against their fur clothing. With three strong men they could take the bear on probably. So why didn’t they? It didn’t matter as the bear stopped in its tracks, sniffed in the air and turned around. “Oh crap.” Esif said as she immediately realized what was happening. “Run!”

The bear began to chase the scouts now. As they wore heavy furs, the bear was quickly catching up with them and when it would, the bear would have no trouble tearing apart their backs. Some scouts huddled together with spears outstretched. To no avail. The bear plowed straight through them. Tearing the face off of one man. Esif, in the meantime, ran towards the enemy. Who was still running away. Behind her she heard the bear mauling her people. “Lord Ragnagedon. Grand my vengeance. Grant me power. Grant my vengeance. Grant me power. Grant me fire!” She repeated like a wicked prayer. Begging for the endless burning and death of others. Soon she was upon one enemy scout who barely understood what was happening as Esif jumped up from a fallen log and threw him against the ground with all her weight. A second later one of her daggers was in his neck. Blood spat forth and pooled on to the already damp ground. Esif let her knife go. She grabbed the bronze spear laying next to him and turned around with it. Right in time for the jumping bear. The lumbering beast fell on the spear. Howling in pain as its own weight pushed it deeper. “Die! Die! Die!” Esif screamed as bear-blood poured from the open wound onto her. With her other hand she grabbed the knife from behind her and began to stab the bear even more. Eventually ripping its belly. Guts fell out of the wound. With a painful howl he finally dropped dead. Right on top of Esif. Who nearly got crushed.

But she wasn’t about to just give up. With her knife and all her strength, she managed to push the bear off of her. The limp beast fell down next to her as she finally hung limp over a corpse. Exhausted from the endeavor.

“Get up.” A bronze tip gleamed in the sunlight over her. Several others also pointed their spears at her. “Again, get up.” One of the warriors commanded. “You’ve committed heresy. Come with us.” Esif just let dropped her head back. Just her luck.

Ragnagedon made it in Verzak just in time. He felt himself grow weaker with every wingbeat. The creation of the Arch-Dragons had certainly sapped him. As did his fight with Dirka. But it would seem he had less strength left than anticipated. Supremely annoyed at that notion, he managed to land in his cave. As his feet touched the hot rock beneath him, he collapsed in blue flames. Revealing his true form. Weak and even limping, he walked up towards the bath of lava he had walked out of previously. Exhausted he walked into it and closed his eyes. Willing to face his hated dreams again as he recovered his powers.

Outside Verzak changed with its master. The great spires could no longer block the skies. Nor did the earth constantly quake anymore. Still, the great rivers of molten rock flowed and the eternal flames burned. Even though the spires could no longer block out the sun, great pillars of smoke still rose up high into the air. To be seen from miles away. Verzak had become as peaceful as it could ever be.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~The Illuminator~~

Wall of Hlakth -> Cy'Lathak

Such a pretty red color.

Lahzria's hands were steady. Far steadier than they should be.


A silent whisper. A voice from somewhere commanded. Her hand burned again, but it didn't matter. She had to draw the sigils after all. Draw the seals. Open the gate. Walk the path. Bryyre didn't understand. Of course he wouldn't. They were all fools, weren't they? They always treated her like a child. Like she wasn't good at anything, but no. She understood now. She understood very well. She was the smart one. She was the talented one. They were the weak minded fools who unknowingly had angered the Illuminator. They begged him for information. They had forgone their own paths of discovery and had instead fallen into a puerile notion that if they asked nicely, he would bestow it upon them. All at the cost of a life. Her life.

...find me...

Who was the fool here?

Dipping her fingers into the paint once more. she placed her hand upon the frozen wall, her hand sliding upon it easily, the sanguine paint sticking and freezing to it almost instantly as it was pressed into the wall. She didn't even know what she was doing, honestly. It just felt right. Like she already knew what to do. Somehow the information was just there. Why was her hand burning? Urgh, didn't matter. Rub it. Make it better for a moment. Draw more. Rub it again. Repeat.

...a circle there...symbol here...close...

The voice again. It sounded familiar. Like Iva, but also different. Deeper? Or perhaps lower pitched? Both? She couldn't tell. It was like trying to hear someone across a canyon. Was he directing her? But this felt different. Like it was something else. She rubbed her head, a small headache forming. Urgh, so annoying! And why was she feeling so agitated? Like if someone just looked at her funny she might just stab them. Or laugh. She couldn't decide. Maybe she'd do both. She felt like she had did that already.

...hand there. Place it on the pedestal. CARVE IT. COME.

"Alright alright no need to shout!" She shouted to the air, blinking in mild surprise as the object in her hand she was using to hold the ground, clattering dully against the icy floor and sliding a few feet away. Who was she talking too? What had she been doing again? Lahzria took a quick look around the room again. Right. She was working on the portal. Bryyre certainly helped...she pulled her knife from the stone floor. Carve. She needed to carve something. Into the wall where the portal was? Seemed right, but...

"...Ah." She glanced over to Bryyre, the body of the male slumped against the pedestal. "...huh. Where'd your head go? Losing it is bad. Makes you stupid." Lahzria laughed lightly, poking the side of her own face with the stone knife. "Well, not like you need to worry about that anymore, haha!" Ah, how troublesome. His head had the last item. Swiftly turning around she began looking for it. She had just had it, right? Couldn't have gone far. "...ahaha, don't roll away from me. There you are." She found it, picking up its head and sliding back over to the pedestal and placing it on it.

Nothing happened.

"Hmm...oh right. All this useless flesh is interfering." Bringing the knife to the flesh, Lahzria began cutting. Flesh was flayed from the bone. First was the scalp. Useless bit of a human body. Hair just got in the way. Better to use it for rope or something. Next was the eyes. She had already cut off the jaw when trying to get more paint so she needn't remove that again. She tossed the useless item to the ground, starting on the next bit. "So close, free you'll be free soon. You'll understand everything soon!" She couldn't help but to laugh. Why was she laughing? She hadn't a clue but it was just funny.

"Annnd there we go." A loud crack filled the chamber as the skull was split open. Quickly Lahzria removed the brain, placing it on the pedestal and tossing the rest of the skull to the ground. "Ah...! Such a pretty thing - " But before the human could comment further on it, the entire room rumbled, icicles falling from the ceiling and crashing to the ground, but she didn't seem fazed in the slightest. The portal began to light up, the blood she had drawn with beginning to burn and vanish as a crack of light appeared in the middle, slowly, slowly expanding until it filled the entire construct.

"...aha." She began to laugh, a maddeningly jovial laugh as she was assaulted by a cold, fierce wind from Iva's realm. Without even sparing a second thought for Byrrye or her actions, the girl in bloodied furs walked through. There was another rumble and the portal closed, completely closing off the library off once more from the mortal realm. The only thing that was left behind was a corpse and a knife.

"Ah..." Silencing her laughter, Lahzria looked out over the frigid expanse. The Library loomed over her. She couldn't find words to describe its splendor.

"Cy'Lathak...welcomes you...La-Zha..."


The beast had, for the most part, been entirely ignoring Quill as it wasn't the black winged creatures objective. Emotionless and unfeeling as the creature was, it spared not a thought for the cold. Even so, it was a living being. It made its home in Iva's cold, empty realm, but even it had the limits of what its thick and leathery hide could do. The cold of the northern winds were beginning to become too much for it, yet it could not return without delivering its message or returning with something else, so when Sveiand made his appearance, the creature had wrapped its large wings around its body in an effort to stay warm.

Lacking any natural form to communicate with the god, the creature made a few loud clicks from somewhere, tilting its head in a studious fashion as it observed the creature in front of it for a few seconds. Silently, the Aho'Nohg reached out, a scroll in its hand and handed it to the God of Cold.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Legion02 - Arch-Dragons - Thesan & Lira - & Friends

Drakairós could only stand helplessly as the arch-dragon dodged his breaths and crushed a fellow ice dragon underneath her massive weight. They can only flinch as another of their very few newfound units succumbed to its destruction. Whilst many more will take it's place, eating away at Ragnagedon's forces, every loss will be painful for the hydra god. But in war, sacrifices must be made no matter the cost. They can see the battle rage all around them, ice dragons purifying fire dragons, the latter destroying the former, and some of both being caught within the raging torrent of gale-force maelstrom of fire and ice. It was a scene of apocalyptic proportions, both as dangerous as it was beautiful. As long as the hydra god keep earning dragons for their growing army - more so than loosing them - and destroy the arch-dragons, then victory is within their grasp.

Drakairós couldn't see where the commanders went after seeing the female flee into the storm. But no doubt they were going to issue a counter-attack and attempt to pave victory for Ragnagedon.

"Those loathsome fire-fracks are going to keep eating away at our forces if we don't deal with them in time." Rós growled annoyingly as his breath takes down a rogue fire dragon, suddenly becoming swarmed by three ice dragons.

"Indeed." Dra agrees as his lightning breath immobilizes another fire dragon from above, "Although in order to quench their flame, we must temporarily tap into your ice beam."

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO BREATHE ICE!" roars Kai furiously as his breath explodes a portion of a fire dragon, "I JUST~"

"It will only be TEMPORARILY, Kai. Just to freeze these despicable arch-dragons in their tracks." the middle head affirms strictly before turning to Rós, "How long until it's ready?"

"Give it a few minutes to let it 'cool down'." he replies confidently, "You'll feel when it's ready."

As the ice head purifies a fallen fire dragon, several fire beams ripped through the swirling chaos as they attempted to blindly blast Drakairós to ash. Most of the beams missed, with one or two lightly scathing them, otherwise doing nothing but gather their attention to him. The male arch-dragon roars for him to do combat, even having the nerves in calling them a "false" god.

"FALSE GOD?!" Kai bellows insultingly at this taunt, "HOW DARE YOU PROCLAIM US, THE GOD OF WEATHER, AS FALSE PROPHETS!"

The other heads meanwhile kept much of their temper in their craniums as they took to the skies. With every flap of their gigantic golden wings did they earn more and more speed as they attempt to blast the arch-dragon straight from the sky.

If it didn't work, they'd fly close enough to latch their long talons into the creature's flesh - precisely around it's left wing ligament - in order to destabilize him, all while continuing to fire their beams into him.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Dealdric

The thick miasma of clouds that hung above the lands of Anu, cracked with lightning. Which was followed with a distance rumblings of thunder. The nightmarish land darkened further as it began to rain a foul liquid. Water mixed with some unholy substance, which blighted the land. It wasn't drinkable and agitated any skin that wasn't covered. The wind was also beginning to pick up, making the rain fall sideways.

As lighting flashed again, there was a stand off in the making. Where once the Lesser Devils had tried to attack, thinking it an easy battle, they had halted once the mimics had chosen to reveal what they really were. In the darkness that was quickly suffocating the land, the devils eyes were quickly becoming the only vivid light available. For they bore wicked glares of hatred onset by the turmoils of hunger. They needed to eat, to fill their fiendish bellies with succulent man-flesh. More starving individuals began to salivate, the prospect of eating clouding their vision and driving them almost as crazed as the magician before them.

Slowly, slowly, the hungrier Devils etched forward, clawing over rock and tree with eyes fixated on Deruga. If at all any of the lesser devils understood what the human spoke, they showed no signs of responding. The largest of the devil's there was one black as night, it's eyes crimson. Such eyes burned with understanding, for it was cleverer then most of its kind.

The air became tense with anticipation. A lightning flash illuminated the land surrounding the ill advised travelers, it showed at least twenty glistening devils, wet by rain that did not affect them, and if not more that went unseen. Thunder then erupted around above, the likes of which could be felt to the very core. When it ended, the only sound was the rain whipped by fierce gale, which increased still.

The black devil then whipped back its head, and screamed, sending the Devils down to attack the crazed magician and the mimics.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Zee

The mimics began their defense. With the power of any known beast, they could hold off many creatures of divine origin, but four against an unknown number was a tied fight. But Deruga immediately started his chant once the demons attacked.

Sin here,
Devil there,
Numbers sheer,
and wizard's snare,

Send the mini devils,
with low mental levels,
back to the primordial soup,
from whence they scoop!

He immediately felt drained, but he had plenty for the spell. The closest devils, except the black one, were all starting to fall apart, for their cells no longer joined into one organism. Now they were puddles of devil amoebas. The mimics were cut and bleeding, but nothing fatal. Then, the main one started to laugh. It eventually doubled over from the exertion. The other mimics soon joined one after the other. Deruga was drinking something out of a gourd when he noticed. "What the blue shade of the mistress's rear end are you four laughing at?! We are here to find the guy that pissed her off! Guys! Come on!" Then he noticed the black devil. He immediately got a more blusterous stance. "Look at how effortlessly I defeated your paltry force! Now, are you ready to make a deal?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Dealdric

The wind was howling now, and the rain fell in thick sheets. The Lesser devils had fought hard, but not hard enough it seemed. The large black devil had not attacked with the rest, instead it watched with curiosity as the battle unfolded. It noted how the man, this magician, was drenched in the rain yet showed no signs of agitation. Furthermore, the man seemingly ignored the weather that whipped around his little party. He was even able to cast a spell through the weight of thunder and wind, without even failing. When the spell was finished, he saw most of his kin turn to nothing but puddles, only to be washed away in the rain.

In fact, the man didn't even have a scratch on him, from what the black devil could see in the darkness. A most peculiar circumstance, to believe that so many devils died without even touching him. It was almost as if the man before him, was some type of God? But surely that was preposterous? He looked like a man, smelled like a man, even talked like a man. The black devil wracked it's brain, trying to come up with some logical explanation as to why the man was so powerful. He didn't know why, perhaps he never would, but it warranted a new solution. The black devil smiled, showing pointed teeth as it looked at Deruga.

It spoke in a strange garbled voice, "This one thinks it's strong, yessss? This one thinks it can make deal, yessss? This one is fool. This one shall see true power, yessss." The black devil finished, cutting itself with a sharp claw in the form of Anu's symbol. It said something in an infernal language, and the symbol glowed a deep crimson.

It looked back at Deruga with a deranged look on its face, "This one shall pay, yessss!"

A blood red portal ripped through reality, forming upon a rock just below the black devil. The entire world went quiet, yet he rain still fell and wind could be felt. The lightning still flashed but not thunder followed. Then from the portal emerged a woman clad in ghostly white. Her skin was pale, her body unblemished, and she was beautiful. Her black hair was long, and her eyes were of amber.

Elaria, The Devil of Whispers had come.

She looked to her summoner, the black devil, who then pointed at Deruga, and her gaze followed. Elaria then smiled.

Deruga would then hear a sweet voice in his ears, it was but a whisper. "Why art thee here, little magician? Doth thee not know trespassing is death? Have thee cometh to die?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Zee

Deruga and the mimics stopped their insanity temporarily to listen and watch. When the demoness came, Deruga seemed to straighten and hiss. "I have come by my ladies order. I hunt a member of the band that has joined another, and taking the tenor's instrument. I hoped your friend here would be more civilized than myself, but apparently not. Plus, I did not know that was punishment. But a deal could be made, as you are a demon, the best dealers on earth. Tell me if he has trversed through here, and I and my ladies beasts will leave promptly to the closest border. Don't, and then this mindlessness will continue till I join my lady and you join yours. Deal?" He said threateningly. He knew after that last spell, he'd need to get energy from something other than his potion, and use spells that wouldn't create, but he could last enough to piss off the goddess of Devilry. But would his lady approve?

...probably not...

Terzotz was resting in the Rift near a fire spring, Rescoreje pacing in front of him. He had only one orb for an eye open, peering into the molecular structure of the demigod, simply to make the situation more entertaining. Rescoreje broke a rock, then punched a Leechbark Birch, which sapped energy from him when he did. "That wasn't very smart." Rescoreje looked at him with a murderous gaze. "Shuttin' up" And he settled back into the most relaxed he could whilst near the youth. "She's always babying me! Why can't I be on my own, huh? I can beat any god with my eyes closed!" Terzotz snickered."There's the mortal arrogance. If you beat a god, the only god it would be is Hayim, if you're lucky. Your supposedly 'over protective' mother would save your ass before the god in question did more than scratch you.and for good reason." Rescoreje threw a rock at him, which consequently bounced off and hit him back in the gut. "My mother IS overprotective. Tell me one reason why I need to stay here in her hidey-hole?" Terzotz got up with a roll of his eyes. "Well, how about the fact you are a very large bargaining chip. If a god wanted to control your mother, all they had to do was capture and threaten to kill you should she disobey or attempt to rescue you. You are also one of the, if not the only living demigod in existence. You have a small section of the power of a god, a mortal soul, and the free will of a mortal. Any god would love to collect you, as a trophy. Many would snap their fingers and you'd be a puddle of orange juice on the floor. Any arguments now?" Rescoreje sat and pouted, glaring at the black dragon with his arms crossed.
"You're a dumb lizard."
2 hours later
"MOTHER DAMN YOU, YOU FAT FLYING IGUANA! YOU HEAR ME?!" He was hanging from a vine from the Rift's floating mountains.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As surely as the Sun shines so must we be a light unto others. Even though the my midst of darkness always shine in brilliance.

-The Book of Radiance:
canticle 1: verse 1

TIME: Present | LOCATION: Elysium - within Terratoria | INTERACTION: @Rune_Alchemist

One would think that running the administration of the Kingdom of Light wouldn't be as dull as it was. Even with Hyperion's campaign into the mortal realm to deal with the darkness growing there most of Apolios’ duties were ran by angels flying to and fro. So, as he was one to do, Apolios allowed his mind to wander back to it's source. The sun. Ever burning, ever spinning, ever floating through the vastness of the Great Void.

In the ever growing mortal realm praises kept being offered to the great burning orb but was it truly the Sun they praised? Was it not the light which it gave to brighten the world, nor the heat which drove the winter back to it's own realm? Then what was the purpose of such magnificent fire and by extension the God of the Sun. Why should he exist for something that has always been and might well burn long after if something should happen to him.

A sudden and violent psychic screech brought him back to Elysium where an angel was approaching to tell him something that he already knew.

”My Lord, a creature is flying around the base of the Palace!”

”I am already aware. Worry not, this is something I will handle personally.”

Before the angel had the chance to protest Apolios had already teleported himself to this creature. Judging from the hideously unsightliness this creature came from either his sister of devils or the God of Knowledge.

”You have just summoned the God of the Sun from the duties said title entails, I hope for your sake CREATURE that whoever sent you has something important to say.”

As he and the creature hovered in mid-air the Light which radiated from Apolios grew brighter as a show of this patience was already wearing thin and whatever it had to say/do it needed to be done as swiftly as possible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Hayim inched closer to the creature whenever he could do so subtly, doing his best to get in close enough to touch and cure the beast. It was more of an instinctual thing than a conscious decision on his own part - after all, it was in his nature to care for those who are mutilated and disfigured. It seemed that the mere inkling that it might be twisted was now more of a certainty. Not based on truth, but on a mere childish confidence that the naive and ignorant held. Hayim nearly managed to pat the creature before it unrolled the large scroll it carried, briefly covering one of the seedlings by Hayim's side.

Pausing, Hayim instantly forgot about the creature's peculiarities - distracted by the frowning face of the god of knowledge. The level of artistic talent was akin to what a human child or Hayim himself could replicate given effort, and this had a great effect in distracting the god - the use of drawings rather than words had definitely been a wise decision. As he read the scroll, a horrible realization dawned on Hayim.

"Noooooooooo! Iva has saddies! Hayim gotta go an-!"

The god was cut off by the sound of a person landing, causing him to spring to the nearest tree trunk in surprise. The seedlings, mimicking their creator, followed in a far slower, almost mechanical imitation. Luckily, a quick investigation revealed that the culprit responsible for the sound was none other than Dirka!

"Ow, that hurt. Da' 50 shades of purple is going on here? Hayim, why are you trying to play with a messenger bird? Tweet tweet?"

Springing onto the sorceress' leg, Hayim immediately attempted to heal the god, seemingly uncaring that the fall had not even bruised her.

"Yay! Dirka! Hayim go visit Iva by flying with Animal... No, with Bird-friend! Dirka come to! She help cheer up Iva and we all can play together!"

Detaching himself, Hayim quickly dragged the scroll over to the god's feet, before making his way towards the 'bird.' It appeared like the idea of healing the beast had left Hayim's mind, at least while the prospect of Iva being upset was an urgent threat.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Dirka was smiling throughout the entire event. She loved seeing Hayim. When he talked about seeing Iva, and saw the pictures, she instantly knew what was happening. She sighed, then re asserted herself. "Oay, little bloom, how would you like to get there? A flying Hare? Or a slithering snare?" Then she faked gasped. "How about we go through one of my portalsThat's what she said to Iva's Library!" She waved her hands and said a word only magicians knew and a portal opened. She slumped slightly, then held her hand out to Hayim. "Let us play with, my flower, with our brother's bower!" She laughed madly at that while waiting for Hayim's response.

Terzotz finally got some peace and damned quiet. No Wisps singing, no demigods whining, and no golems rumbling. He was so close to falling asleep. His eyes drooped lower and lower, so close to being closed. Right before they closed, it was all ruined. A golem had fallen of a floating mountain and shattered. It's head and limbs clawed and wiggled towards each other, and started slinking away like a slug.
He really wished the mistress got back already.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Naswaru The Relentless.

The shadows whisper echoed through his senses. It seemed that it was a bit too much to ask for. Wanting her to come out of her shell to join the rest of the world would take more coxing then just a few words and sentences. “Light does not reach into the earth unless brought there. If you found a large enough cavern underground, far from the light… I could fill it with many things you could call your own.” The large being regained his composure and stood. “All you have to do is ask.”

They were interrupted by their brother, the god of lies seemed to be fully entangling himself with in the spire. He seemed to be engulfed by it. Slowly the light from the spire faded and where the god of lies once was stood another. Similar in body language but different in appearance. Naswaru was looking this new being over as where a few of the random experiments of the other gods. Then he spoke, something about Iarus, the God of Fear.

So that is what the spire was for. A new chord it would seem. This had never happened before at least not to his knowledge. The huntsmen knew he wasn’t invincible and that he could die but this was something different. To bond to a new chord entirely, presumably casting aside the old for the new. He was honestly impressed to see his brother grow but did he truly let go of his old self or did he simply hold onto both chords and lie about it? Questions for another time.

This whole thing was astonishing yes, but it seemed to have finally ended as the land and the plants began to move back toward the spire and away from each other. Perhaps this would be a good place to revisit and investigate. For now, he had other business to attend too. Before he could leave, a portal opened behind them with another creature that came walking out. The crystal entity delivered a letter before waving good bye by smashing its head with a rock.

Naswaru read the letter for a moment before leaving it for Oao, “you know how to find me if you wish to talk. I hope your day goes well.” The only real good bye he would give her before taking off. He did not wish to go to either of the summons that were brought to him. A few things needed to be done. One of his many entrances was nearby and did not take him long to reach and enter.


Entering his twilight home, the god spread his leathery wings and glided over the many landscapes. To him this place was beauty. It was after all his domain, his home. The separate biome's separated by endless and interconnected streams of thick mist. A boundary guarded by his Caretakers, one would think they looked like a cross between a heavily armored armadillo, an ancient reptile, and a big cat. Predatory in nature, these Caretakers keep the populations of the animals living here at manageable levels while also protecting his home.

The plateau that held what one would call his home was made up of vast huge trees that although spaced neatly apart from one another reached far into the sky and toward the cavern roof. The leaves held many colors that seemed to ripple and change like water and a light breeze. Bark seemed to vary as well, from natural oak and pine bark to stone or ice covering them. The trunks held a green gelatinous ooze with the center of each tree being hollow. The ooze was separated by great circular platforms that seemed to vary. Seeds, large and small, would grow at the base of these magnificent trees.

Each seed was made of the same bark materiel that covered its tree while being slightly clear or see through. Within each of these held something small, whatever floated inside the protective vessel seemed to move or twitch slightly. If one were to open it, they would find an infant creature. This was how Naswaru made and modified his creations. Everything starts as an idea that gets more and more work done to it the farther it goes down the tree. That is until it reaches the bottom where the final adjustments are made before it is released into its pod.

Every one of these creatures spends time with the huntsmen until they reach maturity. This is, so he knows it will survive, and he can bond with it, imprint knowledge that will be passed down to the next generations on how to hunt and survive. It was a long process but he enjoyed it. One such creature was finished with its growing period and ready to be released from its tree. This creature was special in that Naswaru had made it specifically for one of his brothers. He takes great pride in his work but whenever he does this for one of the others he can only get it so far.

Once it has reached the stage of its life where it is in a pod and ready to be brought into the world. The creature requires the divine energy of whom ever it was made for to awaken. This was to make sure it would bond with whomever it was for. This specific creature would grow into one of the largest creatures he’s ever made. Not only that but it has taken far longer than most of the other creatures he has made as well.

Sveiand the cold one, this one was made for him. A companion that will pass the test of time and survive his cold nights. The leviathan class creature although starting out small in time can very well reach the size of ice bergs. Its pointed lengthy body would be meant to match the frozen tundra and would be a very strong swimmer. With a friendly temperament toward its master with a playful nature in its younger years to give it time to bond. Growing into unflinching loyalty paired with matching intelligence. Naswaru was satisfied with this creation. All that had to be done now was delivered it to the god.

Emitting a sub sonic sound while he inspected the large crystal pod he called forth 3 of his Caretaker’s. The large armored creatures bounded up towards him and the large white tree. They approached slowly while the huntsmen inspected the crystal pod. Plucking the pod from the tree Naswaru turned and walked up to one of the caretakers placing it in front of it and speaking a word, “Niflheim, Sveiand.” It was all he said, it was all he had to say.

The three creatures turned and took off toward one of the nearby portals. One picked up the crystal pod with its mouth. They had a location and a recipient. Their scales slowly began turning a white and blue color as they leaped through the ice covered portal. And with that they were gone, leaving Naswaru to his own devices once more. The three would emerge from a small cave near the god of ice’s home and make their way to his palace where they will wait to deliver the package before returning.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Dealdric

There was only one insult that truly offended a Devil, a unforgivable mistake it was, to be called a demon. For demons were lesser creatures in the eyes of those who sought change. Elaria was different however, she had never been a human who wanted power. Anu had created her directly from her own flesh, a process she had never attempted before. Elaria had been born with a purpose, to transform humans into creatures of greater sin. She would not be taken a fool by a creature so low as this one.

Her smile changed to that of a blank stare. Did the human really think it had power to deal? Did he really believe trying to threaten an avatar of a God would be a smart idea? Then again, this one reeked of madness. Probably one of Dirka's followers, and even though she and her mistress had made a deal, they had never said anything about it applying to their subordinates. Even if they did, Elaria found herself no longer caring to uphold it.

There was a certain venom in her whispers as she spoke now, "I am not a demon, child of man. Thee wouldst be wise to know the diff'rence between Devils and Demons. Most taketh offense to being called the oth'r, foolish child." Elaria then floated down closer to Deruga and the mimics. The rain avoided her, forming a pocket of dry air around her body. She was also tall, much taller then Deruga.

"Mindlessness, thee say? Thou art not in a position to maketh a deal. Thou are a fool." she whispered malevolently. "Didst thee think thee could threaten me? I am Elaria, child. The Devil of Whispers, an Avatar of mine own mistress. Thee have offended me, and in turn, offended Lady Anu." The weight in her whispers were powerful. She came closer still, her eyes glowing with hatred.

"A deal shall be made, whether willing or not. For Anu is a benevolent Goddess. Listen well, thee shall forfeit thy creatures to Lady Anu, falleth to thy knees and begeth for life. Only then shall thee be forgiven for thy transgression. Fail to do this and thee shall die. Attack and ye shall die. Pick now, mortal." she spoke, the words coming from her mouth with formality. The man had a choice now, to live or to die. There was little alternatives.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lord Zee

Deruga knew he was cornered, and the Devil caught his bluff. The mimics would serve no one other than Dirka, and death was disintegration for them. But the Devil was wrong about one thing; there was another two options. One: he could run using a portal and most of his strength, or Two: Pray to his lady. Would she hear? Possibly not, but it was a chance he was willing to take. To by him some time, he said this: "Hold on Devil, demon, whatever, I must meditate on this. No big decision is made by a sorcerer this quickly. Five minutes is all I should need." and he turned around a plopped down cross-legged. In his mind, he did what was needed. My lady, I require aid! Send me strength, ooooo or maybe a dragon? Anything's good right now. He waited, and waited, then he heard it.

...you always do it during something important. A Dragon? No. How about someone you've forgotten, ...

Deruga immediately quite meditating with a confused look. "Someone I forgot? Who in the-" A portal opened and two crystal golems walked out, as well as Rescoreje. He grinned cruelly, then chanted a quick verse, and a sheild appeared between him, Deruga, the mimics and golems on one side and Anu's Devil and Demons on the other. The Golems then grabbed Deruga and they and the Mimics ran for the portal. "Sorry, DEMONESS, but he is off limits! Any other Magician, but this one is off the menu! BWAHHAHHAHAA!" and the portal closed behind them, leaving the Demons and Devil alone.

Deruga was resisting against the golems, but to no avail. "Thanks, but I need to finish my mission! Let me go!" Rescoreje drank from a mana pool, then stood up and rolled his eyes. "Relax, your conductor will allow you to go soon, but first I fix what damage you caused." and he went into the main garden where Dragon corpses lay as well as one with the sin curse. "And don't interrupt." and the gate slammed behind him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~The Illuminator~~


Lazhira stood before the library, staring up at its relatively massive structure, the cold wind biting into her flesh going completely ignored. How was she to get in? The voice had gone silent, but she felt like she was being watched. As though a massive, studious eye was observing her somewhere close by. A mildly unsettling feeling when she thought about it, but she didn't. Instead she simply walked up to what looked like the front door. A massive set of blue decorative double doors lightly covered in snow and frost.

"Hm." No handles or something to pull on. It was just...like a wall. A smooth blue wall with no way in. Yet it seemed to be the way in. So how would one open a door with no lock? Demolishing it was an apt answer, but she doubted she could do that. Scale the tower? There were a few black flying creatures around that seemed to be watching her, too. Perhaps she could somehow get one of them to fly her up?

"Heeeey!" She shouted up. "Black bat-flying thing! What ya doing up there?" At first they didn't seem to acknowledge her, simply perch themselves on the stonework of the library. However, something heavy landed behind her, flinging a bit of snow into the air and causing her to swiftly turn around and nearly fall over. "...well you're big-" Before she could get another word in, the creature grabbed her by her wrist, lifting her off the ground. It studied her curiously in a mildly unsettling fashion. Any other human probably would have been screaming by now, but Lazhira simply felt mild amusement. "Heeey there. You think you could maybe fly me up to that balcony up there?"

The creature tilted its head curiously. It hadn't seen this human before. It didn't have to take an order from it, did it? Yet it oddly felt compelled too. In fact, this human felt kind of familiar to it. It didn't know why, and it certainly didn't care to question it. So instead it grabbed her by her other wrist, lifting her up to its shoulders to let her sit on it. With a powerful flap of its wings, it rocketed off, covering the distance to the fifth floor in a matter of seconds.

"Gah! For the love of knowledge!" Lazhira was then roughly tossed off the things shoulders, nearly face planting the tough, course grass on the balcony. The black winged creature didn't stick around, choosing to immediately fly off again and let the human figure out what she was going to do from here herself. "Urgh, well thanks anyways!"

"...Ah. Little La-Zha?" An amused voice caught her attention as she dusted off some snow from her furs. "Hee! You're earlier than expected! Joyous! Wonderful! Ah and here I was thinking you were Hayim or Dirka, but a pleasant surprise visit indeed! Normally I hate those..." Standing before her, was Iva. The god of Knowledge in all of their radiant glory. No glamours or masks to hide them this time.


"Who else! Tee-hee! Come come, you must be freezing! Lets get you into the library proper and get your tiny mortal self some food! You must be tired...ah, Bryyre isn't with you?"

"Ah," La-Zha giggled. "He was a great help, but he wasn't cut out for it. It was great for study though! I never knew a human body had so many bones or organs! I should find some more for dissection."

"...heh!" Iva patted the human girl on the head, leading her towards the door to the Library. "Good, good! We are pleased! You'll find your way easily enough! The Library will help you with that." Turning around and leaving her at the door, the god returned to his previous position in the middle of the balcony. "Now I must wait! How boring! Droll! Annoying! Dirka and Hayim could really stand to not keep a god waiting!"

@Archangel89 - Apolios

The creature seemed entirely unfazed by Apolios' radiance. After all, it would have considered its own creator far more so if it had the capability to consider such things. But alas, the Aho'Nohg lacked such capabilities. It was designed to be a messenger, nothing more and nothing less. It could only complete the tasks it was given. Even so, the creature was not without wariness or caution. It knew dealing with the gods of Light and Order may not be entirely healthy for it.

A sharp, brief chirp was heard coming from the creatures faceless visage in response to the gods irritable seeming nature. Producing a scroll from its claw, it handed it over to Apolios.

With the letter handed over, the black creature waited for Apolios' reply.

@Lmpkio - Nerplagius

Circling above the mountains, the spire loomed. It seemed as though things were dying down, or at least coming to their culmination. Likely by now some of the other gods had noticed the few black winged creatures silently observing from a distance. They're connection to a god wouldn't immediately be obvious, though they could easily make a few guesses. There were only so many gods that would have likely made something so grotesquely mutated from its original form.

It had been tasked with delivering a letter to Nerpalgius, though finding the God of Diseases was easier said than done - but after receiving a communication from one of its kin that something was happening and he could likely find the god here, it swiftly made its way over, and it seemed as though he was in luck. It didn't take long before the faceless creature found the god. It landed heavily behind Nerplagius before he left, a loud screech announcing its presence.

quickly, it produced a letter and handed it to the God.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Light does not reach into the earth unless brought there. If you found a large enough cavern underground, far from the light… I could fill it with many things you could call your own.”

"I could call many things my own." She retorted. "I do not find my realm lacking." She hadn't even bothered looking away from the sight she beheld as she watched the scene at the tower with gripped interest. Just as she had prophesied the god of light was turned away by the power of the spire's aura. Further yet his attack hadn't even pierced the strange black force filling the stone spire, simply reflecting off of it while the power of fear beat down upon him like the oppressive heat of the sun.

“you know how to find me if you wish to talk. I hope your day goes well.”

At that immediate moment her dark vessel turned, staring back upon the predator god with it's faceless gaze. While it had no face to express with her posture belied her astonishment and offense towards his words.

He hopes my Day goes well!? She couldn't believe he would be so insensitive as to speak of her and the day in the same sentence. The day never went well for her, that was just a basic fact of life.

Clearly he's mocking me! She concluded.

And just like that he fled the scene. She hadn't even been given the chance to get in a word before he scuttled away to hide in one of his caves. They were shallow caves indeed for she'd never brook another god's realm exiting into her own. All that the sticky yet slick phlegm-like darkness covered was marked as her territory which she watched with persistent fervency. No, his caves led not into the heart of the earth nor did they connect with others quite like hers did.

It was infuriating. He had the gall to mock her and then leave, ruining her whole night. The worst part was that it wasn't even daytime so there was little other way she could take his words but as the viper-tongued mockery she believed it to be. Stewing she barely even glanced down at the self-destroyed golem before turning her sights towards the tower, passing over the letter entirely. Ahead of her she could she something far more important, an event so dire it's results could have lasting consequences for them all.

She watched as the spire's power receded much like the black which colored the rocks the spire was comprised of. By this point the color was halfway down the spire leaving the top of it a dull grey stone which was already beginning to crumble under it's own weight and fragile design. The twin strands were beginning to tighten together until they were nearly indistinguishable from one another.

This was it. Able to start moving into the resident darkness around the spire she was able to peak in through the smooth gaps which were scattered across the face of the spire like freckles on a face. The force protecting the spire's recession was picking up, growing faster the further it receded. Inside she could just barely see the strands woven into one thread, the light tightening into a single narrow strand. Ever watchful she could see the moment the black barrier receded completely from the spire. It was at that very moment the power that was feeding the light was cut from it's source. With the very power that fueled it gone the light shrank, dwindling down into the final product.

A single hair softly floated down the shaft, wafting to and fro on the steady air like a downy feather. It was a Divine Cord, the essence of fear softly radiating from the tiny string like warmth from a living body. It's tiny white light only illuminated a small distance around it casting it as a mote gently sinking into the deep dark pit.

It was very dark. Having rid the area of everything right down to the very light of the moon it had made the spire very dark indeed. Even with the landscape and all other things rushing to occupy the void it had created through the fear the darkness held much of what was made empty, all the way down to the surface of the core.

She would not have Iarus reign over all fear. Her fears were not his to own. The power that birthed this Divine Cord illuminated that much for her. As it gently drifted like a baby upon it's transparent crib a dark hand was formed out from the darkness below, reaching up and clenching it's grasp upon it. Despite it's light the illumination proved little harm to the mass she shaped from the darkness.

Now in her possession the hand pulled back into the dark. She pulled the Divine Cord through the darkness itself to herself, closing off her direct link to the darkness in the crumbling spire's depths. The landscape filled the hole that surrounded the spire, burying the trees, shrubs, grass and anything else unlucky enough to be caught in the landslide. The top of the spire broke apart under the force of the winds while it's depths below were crashed into by so much earth, cracking it inwards and filling the hole within the spire as well. All that was left of the spire was a cracked crown of jagged stone sitting partially buried in the sinkhole it had created. What remained of the site was steeped in purest fear's lingering influence which likely held a transformative effect upon all it saturated.

Meanwhile in the heart of Oao's realm she sat ensconced in the goopy darkness which plastered her entire realm, covering her like a soft shelled egg. In her little bony figured she clutched the Divine Cord, it's purest white light shining through the arguable large gaps in her grip like a captured firefly. Standing on the precipice of something wholly unfamiliar terror gripped her and not just because she held the fibre which embodied fear in it's purest state. She had no idea how these were even made let alone what they did. All she knew was that she held one in her body. She was afraid to let it go but she feared if she did something with it it could very well blow up in her face. Heck it's very touch could be effecting her thus placing her in a very gripping dilemma.

She opened her palms slightly and looked down upon the Divine Cord. Such a tiny thing, no larger than a hair pulled from a human's head, resting in her palms completely oblivious to the world around. How such a small anomalous fibre could hold so much power was stupefying. Staring into the soft white glow of the Divine Cord her gaze was drawn into it and something inside awakened. Much like how humans and beasts alike held instincts that guided many of their actions deities were no exceptions to this, only different in the inherent programming which guided them. She seemed to subconsciously understand what needed to happen, acting out of feeling over thought.

Bringing the cord near her chest she let out a terrified squeak as something wholly unnatural to this form of hers. Her chest split open in the middle, her rib cage opening like a great maw lined with the long wicked fangs that were her ribs now freed of her sternum. Splayed open like the victim of a particularly strong axe her organs were on full display though thankfully her audience was naught but the darkness and the cold cavern air. Crawling out from her heart came her own Divine Cord, the cord of darkness wiggling out from it's hiding place like a courageous heart worm.

Floating up as though subject only to their own gravity the two Divine Cords slowly moved towards each other, drawn by each other's divinity. Stuck only able to watch with wide-eyed horror as the very essence of her being now paraded beyond the safety of her body she could only stare, no longer able to feel her body now that the true force that animated it was out and about. Her mind started to grow dark as the vessel which contained her consciousness retracted it's control of the body in preparation for what came next.

The two cords reached out to one another and slowly began to coil around one another in a manner not dissimilar to the way the Divine Cords were born, two cords twisting helically about as they sought to connect with each other.

The two Divine Cords would continue to dance for the span of ten days and ten nights, locked to conceive a linked whole on the same second of the same minute of the same hour as the time they first touched. In ten days at this very same hour of the night the sum would arise and take it's place in a new body shaped by both their essences, her old form left behind to rot away.

In ten days, the most vulnerable hours.
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