Southmere EMS Office
Today was the day.
Calum Pierrepont, Emi Winterfield, Rosalinda Myles, Rosemarie Neldelstein, and Samarah Deriza were likely all but strangers to each other, yet they each had a similar purpose. For whatever reasons they had, they chose to answer the recruitment call sent out by the Southmere branch of the Erusean Mail Service, otherwise known as the EMS.
However, by all appearances, the Southmere office was in disarray. Unlike the rest of the EMS offices, the Southmere branch was rustic in nature, yet despite the lovely flowers surrounding the building, it struggled to keep appearances up. Ivy had overtaken the building, which led to the paint to flake and chip. Even the very path up to the office was uneven—a clear sign of the office suffering from a severe lack of funding. Nonetheless, for as terrible the Southemere office looked, it still seemed to be bustling as smoke was expelled from the chimney, evident someone was inside.
As the group waited outside the building, chatting with others or keeping to themselves, the front door creaked open, revealing a gaping black hole of darkness inside. Within the darkness, however, stirred a shadow that charged in the direction of the door. As if the shadow sought to ambush the group, the being leapt through the opening, revealing creme-colored fur as the dog raced to frolic within the flowery garden outside the building.
Still, who did the dog belong to? It didn't seem lost, nor was it a stray, evident by the red collar around the dog's neck.
Calum Pierrepont, Emi Winterfield, Rosalinda Myles, Rosemarie Neldelstein, and Samarah Deriza were likely all but strangers to each other, yet they each had a similar purpose. For whatever reasons they had, they chose to answer the recruitment call sent out by the Southmere branch of the Erusean Mail Service, otherwise known as the EMS.
However, by all appearances, the Southmere office was in disarray. Unlike the rest of the EMS offices, the Southmere branch was rustic in nature, yet despite the lovely flowers surrounding the building, it struggled to keep appearances up. Ivy had overtaken the building, which led to the paint to flake and chip. Even the very path up to the office was uneven—a clear sign of the office suffering from a severe lack of funding. Nonetheless, for as terrible the Southemere office looked, it still seemed to be bustling as smoke was expelled from the chimney, evident someone was inside.
As the group waited outside the building, chatting with others or keeping to themselves, the front door creaked open, revealing a gaping black hole of darkness inside. Within the darkness, however, stirred a shadow that charged in the direction of the door. As if the shadow sought to ambush the group, the being leapt through the opening, revealing creme-colored fur as the dog raced to frolic within the flowery garden outside the building.
Still, who did the dog belong to? It didn't seem lost, nor was it a stray, evident by the red collar around the dog's neck.