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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jade Blades
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Jade Blades Wandering Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joryldin Nailo

Interacting with: Morrigan Cade @HecateProxy

Morrigan posed a difficult question to answer. The simple fact of the matter was that he was trying his hardest not to adjust. It was stubborn and ultimately pointless, and Joryldin knew that, but it was a matter of values. He didn't want to adjust to a life that spat in the face of what he held dearest before.

"It's been... a challenge. You don't need me to tell you that there's a lot of things you miss. The sun, normal food... Hell, creepy as it sounds, sometimes I miss mundane pain. It's strange to stub your toe and dent the chair instead of the other way around."

Joryldin set off meandering towards his councilor. He shuffled along with the crowd in a way that seemed far more akin to a zombie than a vampire. A quick tilt of his head indicated for Morrigan to follow and do the same.

"Heh...It's not all bad though, I finally get to sleep in all day!" It was a shitty joke, that's for sure; but like Dakota said, what's the point in being undead if you couldn't make light of it? "Name's Joryldin, how about you?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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"I might end up beating you to a pulp here."

Cassandra laughed good naturedly, "I guess we'll see. What's your affinity?" Depending on what sort of magic he used, they may end up playing arcane "rock, paper, scissors."

She was checking off the forms of fighting she was familiar with, marking them one through five. She liked a short sword okay, but she had always excelled at empty-handed martial arts.

"Think they'll let us beat up vamps too, or are they keeping us separate? I'd imagine there's a lot of pent-up anger there."

The smile faltered and faded. She didn't want to have to fight her partner, and didn't have anything particular against vampires in general. And yet, the look on Dominique's face when she had stood up to him had been so gratifying; she couldn't help imagining how it would look if she slugged him.

She hummed at him thoughtfully, and replied quietly. "I can only hope."

Realistically, though, until she learned some real magic, she wasn't likely to stand a chance against a vampire.

@Scribe of Thoth@Trainerblue192@Obscene Symphony@Hero
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I guess we'll see. What's your affinity?"

Max focused a bitter glare down at the paper he was writing on, his hand noticeably clenching the pen a bit tighter. Was he really that far behind? Lightbulb was understandable, he clearly had connections to some prestigious tutors or lifelong grooming regimen, but this girl looked far too casual for that. Was this just rebelliousness on her part? He didn't know whether to like her more or less for that. Or, maybe she was just lucky. He'd have to ask pale girl if she knew her affinity already too, but that would involve interjecting himself back into that conversation and he sure as hell wasn't about to do that.

"I can only hope."

Oh good, a distraction. He didn't have to answer her earlier question, if he was lucky. She was less confident in that one. Was she scared? Hoping doesn't sound like fear. Curious.

"Got a grudge to settle?" he questioned with a tad bit more enthusiasm in his voice than normal, brow raised as he shot a sideways glance at her, "Or are you just one of those weirdos that gets off to challenges?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The white haired girl nodded in response to Aaron's assumption, pleased that he remembered her. "Yes, that's right!" She confirmed his assumption. Considering he had been the first friendly face she had seen, she hadn't forgotten his and was genuinely glad to see him again. Her eyes briefly flickered to the young man next to him, who simply turned away. Well, not everyone was going to be friendly, so that was expected.

Lilie's eyes seemed to light up again once the blond man took a note of her weapon. Right, she did remember him carrying one last night as well, but Arianna's arrival had cut their introduction short. Well, this was a good second chance, especially since he would bring up the possibility of a spar. Arianna had shown her that she needed to get a variety of opponents regardless of skill.

Speaking of which, that exact point was brought up just as it crossed her mind. "My mother was a former instructor at the Everett Fencing Academy, though she didn't start teaching me until about...ten years ago, I believe," Her voice trailed off as she tried to remember, but she quickly dismissed it as her enthusiasm returned in full. "A spar sounds like fun--"

Lilie cut herself off as she noticed the young man next to the duo, looking like a mess of nerves. Poor thing seemed rather uneasy, smelling very much like those freshly planted magnolias she had left at her parents' house before she had departed for the Academy. She shook her head at him, giving him a smile to put him at ease. "Ask and ye shall receive," She said kindly.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ten years! Aaron honestly hadn't expected that, but he was elated nonetheless. Not only could he justify taking her on, but even if his training had been more intense than hers (and, thinking back to the thousands upon thousands of hours he'd spent getting his ass kicked by a vampire six times his age, he was pretty confident it had been), having at least similar experience would still make the match more fun.

"It's a date then!" Aaron replied happily. Unfortunately, it hit him a second too late that the phrase, which he usually used without concern, might come across as a little too forward. The only women he had ever interacted with were either his female relatives, his teachers or the ancient vampires who literally owned him, so he wasn't exactly well-versed in the art of interacting with girls his own age and status. A brief look of horror crossed his face and he cleared his throat, mind racing through every worst-case scenario and searching for a solution. He didn't want to scare Lilie away before he even got the chance to get to know her.

Mercifully, their conversation was interrupted, first by the smell of winter air and fresh laundry, and then by a very nervous-looking young man with tan skin and a bunch of eye-catching tattoos. Grateful for the distraction from his misstep, Aaron turned to the newcomer with an expression of relief that soon turned to polite concern as he watched the poor guy just about fall to pieces. Aaron wasn't entirely sure why he was so anxious, but he supposed everyone reacted to the whole mage situation differently, and it could very well be those nerves coming out now that there weren't any vampires around. Besides, after the trouble he'd had the night before with Varis, Aaron was in no position to judge.

Lilie offered a greeting, and Aaron couldn't help but watch her face as she turned to the newcomer with that dazzling smile. Surely that'd be enough to put anyone at ease, and her kindness made something pang longingly in his chest. He followed her lead and offered the newcomer a welcoming smile.

"Of course, don't worry about it," Aaron offered, doing his best to seem reassuring. The man had already known his name, and Aaron wondered if Sariel had referred this one as well. If so, he was flattered. He hooked a thumb in his pocket and relaxed his posture, hoping to calm the newcomer by proxy. "Are you looking for help with magic too?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Arianna Dracul Eve

"Hmm...nothing specific for the time being, though for now perhaps some social classes would suffice as a base. From there we can perhaps have some chats over the matter, hmm? But for now this information is suitable. My thanks~" the smooth voice of Arianna said to Ms. Naomi, before politely moving away with a sway in her step, so other students could come up and ask questions. Albeit, a few of the others seemed to be glancing at her from the crowd still as she moved. She could tell it instinctually.

However, she hoped her darling new partner was doing well herself, and listening to that warning at that from last night. As much as she felt she could be the jealous sort, this not being something to ever admit in public though, but at the same time it had been a sincere thing for genuine reasons. Adoration could become obsession......but realistically that obsession could become possessiveness and such unscrupulous things that were dangerous among either vampires or humans....or even mages for that matter. She would know.

This being said, she wanted to catch up with Lilie later, perhaps, once they all had free time and all that back at their lodging. Truthfully, she'd felt the other girl out with some vulnerability last night, to see what she'd be like and seek to kick things off on a genuine note. In reality, Lilie seemed to be a...gentle sort, if those words summed it up right about that aspect of her perhaps. The kind who perhaps had issues to work through....some things perhaps worse than the vampiress' own issues potentially. Ah. She could merley text Lilie about later, rather than openly going about it all? They could even do another spar as they had earlier, which had been enjoyable as she'd seen that fire in the mage's eyes! Further, she herself hadn't had a good opponent in a long time....rather long time really.

Pulling out her phone from a side pocket, Arianna quickly sent a text, before putting it back into her pocket once more on the vibrate mode. The text said the following:

'Dear Lilie, i most enjoyed our fencing practice earlier! I hope you also enjoyed the breakfast i made, though if i need to touch up those skills you can tell me without worry. At any rate, i do hope you are enjoying your time with the other mages. Made any new friends?

Beyond this, i was thinking perhaps we could do some more some more practice later tonight, and after such talk some more as well! It would be most delightful, truly, and perhaps i could make you dinner too. I look forward to hearing back from you as soon as you can respond to this, my dear~'

Arianna didn't think twice on the text, though a small smile briefly flashed on her face at the thought of spending more time with Lilie. It wasn't a predatory sort of expression, but perhaps a flash of the vampiress underneath the title of "Countess" for the first time in a while. But Arianna even so still continued on her chosen action for now, looking about the room for individuals she would find....interesting enough to chatter about with briefly to kill some time. It was then she noticed a pair of figures near each other, both distinct in her eyes after last night's ceremony. Her smile becoming a more aristocratic now, but in the elegant, gentle manner, Arianna walked over to where Amaris and Varis, her aura of regality and nobility arriving ahead of her a bit.

"Well well well, it seems a a pair of certain someones are associating away from the more common crowd right now~ Fufufu~ And how would each the two of you be doing this fine night? Doing Wwll, i would hope."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(@Hero being tagged for the above post, where i forgot to tag them initially. Apologies ^^;)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 41 min ago

@Obscene Symphony@Hero

"Of course, don't worry about it," Aaron offered, he appaeared to be doing his best to seem reassuring. He hooked a thumb in his pocket and relaxed his posture, now in a seemingly calmer, more relaxed, position. Salem felt his shoulders relax as knots in them, caused by the tension, slowly undid themselves with every visual cue insinuating that Aaron was no different than him. "Are you looking for help with magic too?" Ofcourse hed think that, look at me, I look a mess right now. Then again it stands to reason that he has had more training than most newcomers to this school. Salem silently reached into the front pocket of his satchel and pulled out the photo of Lucan.

"I was wondering what you could tell me about Lucan Bordeleaux. I'm aware that you both have ties to the Noila family and was hoping...maybe you could give me some insight on him?" he began to place his hand on the back of his neck, relieving some tension. A nervous chuckle escaped him as he looked down at floor, kicking it beneath him slightly before lifting his eyes to meet Aaron's gaze once more. "Where are my manners, my names Salem, Salem Spellman. And I wouldnt be opposed to a magical study group...as it were." he extended his arm out towards Aaron and then Lillie.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris Marivaldi


Interacting with: Varis @Achronum and Arianna @Crusader Lord

The closer Amaris got to the main part of campus, the larger the crowd grew. She maintained a slight distance between her and the others, choosing to observe them from the outside for as long as space would allow her. Eventually, however, she found herself being corralled in with the rest of the group. At some point, the teachers began filtering the crowd, pulling mages one way while directing the vampires in another.

As if it were nothing short of natural, the vampire students began sorting themselves with the purebloods at the front of the pack and the Embraced students following at some distance behind. She felt bad for the smaller grouping, having taken note of the close eye the staff were keeping on them. It couldn’t be helped though, being so new to the lifestyle could be a big shock and not everyone had the ability to cope with the transformation. She liked to think it was just as much for their benefit as it was everyone else.

Following behind the headmaster, the new students walked through the campus surrounded by various upperclassman. It was a little difficult not to feel like they were being put on display and paraded around, especially with the nobles mixed in with the front of the crowd. At one point, the headmaster halted the group’s procession to reprimand an upperclassman whose behavior reflected rather poorly on his character. The student’s surname, Sputnik as she gathered, was not one she recognized personally… though it was clear that it was very well known by the staff of the school.

She maintained an unimpressed expression as the student’s eyes scanned the crowd, winking at several students and grinning at others. Eventually his eyes fell on Amaris with a gaze that she could describe as borderline predatory before they drifted onward to another student in a similar manner. Before the man could cause any real problems, however, another upperclassman snuck up behind him and knocked him over the head. The sound of jaded lecture floated after the students as they marched away, the headmaster shooting them warnings to keep their distance from the so-called trouble maker.

Don’t have to tell me twice. Amaris fought a shiver from running down her spine, the memory of his gaze enough to creep her out.

After a few more minutes of walking, the crowd was directed inside of the building known as Mockingbird Hall. The bulk of the students took seats wherever they could find them, most sticking together in their self created cliques like they had on the walk over. On the other hand, much like their dorm accomodations, the four noble students were led to chairs up front and separate from the rest of the crowd. As if the separate seating was not enough of an indicator, each of the seats were marked with the crest of each of the families. It felt like a bit much, but there was little use in arguing with it. Vampires had a way about them when it came to status quo, she doubted anyone other than perhaps the Embraced would think anything of their treatment.

The speech that ensued was among the most boring she had ever sat through. She struggled to maintain focus, only catching bits and pieces of the lengthy introduction. It was a little disappointing to not hear the academy taking an official stance on the treatment of mages. Amaris had been hoping for something more positive but was unsurprised by the neutral take on the situation. Following the PSA on mage handling, the headmaster went into details on the classes they were to be attending as well as the opportunity to join activities before finally dismissing the student body to mingle about the hall.

Amaris stood from her seat as the staff made their way from the stage and dispersed, the Countess turning just in time to see Varis making his approach. With a bow and a smile, the Count greeted her with all the proper etiquette but none of the sincerity.

It is a pleasure, Countess. We haven’t had the opportunity to meet in recent decades. How are you and Lord Marivaldi doing? Last I heard you were still rather at odds with the man.” Amaris had to hold back a scoff at his attempts to rile her up. Returning the smile, Amaris lowered her posture into the straight-backed curtsey she was accustomed to giving those she matched in status.

Count Varis, a pleasure indeed. I can’t say that I know what you’re talking about though. The Lord Marivaldi and I have been on excellent terms. You must have mistaken the grief for conflict, an easy mistake when you are only familiar with one.” Her smile was light but her violet eyes were ice cold, daggers hidden behind every syllable she spoke.

Nearby movement caught Amaris’ attention, the noble attendee from the house of Eve if the Countess had been paying attention. She knew little about the light haired vampire aside from her name, Arianna Eve, Countess to the once esteemed house of Eve. With the instability among the house rising, the Marivaldi household had taken up a few of the Eve responsibilities, so Amaris had become somewhat familiar with the family… or what was left of it rather. She hadn’t spent nearly enough time in their presence to gain a real opinion of their ideals, but she knew better than to trust a family who could crush their own just to rise in rank. Amaris figured that was another part of why she disliked the Sinnenodel’s so much but that was a thought for another time.

Arianna winked at Amaris on her way by, a move that caught the Marivaldi child by slight surprise. She was sure not to let it show in her expression, but her eyes shifted in color slightly betraying a moment of her embarrassment before she was able to recover them. The Countess watched out of the corner of her eye as Arianna approached the tables to ask a few questions before pulling back once again to allow other students a turn. Locking eyes with the pair, Arianna made her way over to where Amaris and Varis were standing. Appearing every bit as regal as Amaris would expect from someone of their status, Arianna shone as proof that even the most unfortunate of circumstances could produce a fine jewel.

Well well well, it seems a pair of certain someones are associating away from the more common crowd right now~ Fufufu~ And how would each the two of you be doing this fine night? Doing weII, I would hope.” She said as she made her approach, Amaris turning her body to give Arianna the same curtsey she had given Varis just a bit before.

Just a bit of catching up, you know how it is.” Amaris chuckled lightly, though the sound was a bit more strained to the trained ear.

Oh, and I was just about to ask the Count here if our mage partners were included in the invitations found in our mailboxes. Although, I am rather interested to hear if you will be attending Miss Eve? It can be rather difficult to have a proper chat with so many… prying eyes.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I was wondering what you could tell me about Lucan Bordeleaux. I'm aware that you both have ties to the Noila family and was hoping...maybe you could give me some insight on him?"

Aaron's eyebrows shot up and his smile faltered, and a look of confused shock crossed his face. "...Lucan?" he wondered aloud.

He would never have believed it had the young man not handed him the photograph. But there he was, right there on a pairing sheet with the Noila crest and everything, all carefully constructed stoicism and beaten-in composure. Aaron's face split into a wide smile, some combination of disbelief and elation. "You lie," he gasped, before laughing once and smacking the photo with the back of his free hand. "I can't believe it!"

Still smiling, Aaron whipped out his phone and opened his messenger app, tapping out a quick text to Lucan and shooting disbelieving glances at the new mage as he did so.

> You sneaky bastard! You never told me you'd be here too!

Once he was done, he returned the picture and enthusiastically shook the mage's offered hand, who introduced himself as Salem Spellman.

"Great to meet you Salem, I'm Aaron Starag, but I guess you already knew that," he stuck his phone back in his pocket, leaning back and glancing around between Salem and Lilie, still surprised by the fact that Lucan was attending the Academy too. "You really won the lottery there Salem," he began, gesturing to the photo. "He's been my teacher for the past five years, taught me almost everything I know about swordplay, self-discipline, that sort of thing. Music too. I don't know what I would have turned into without him." A fond look crossed Aaron's face as he thought back, resting his left hand absently on the pommel of his sword before nodding with a grin in Salem's direction. "You're in good hands, I can guarantee you that."

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he checked it to find a text back from Lucan.

> I wasn't truly given a choice, like most things. But the question is how exactly do you know I'm here?

Aaron nearly rolled his eyes at Lucan's usual formal tone before his lips caught a mischievous smirk. "Here, we'll get a rise out of him," Aaron said to Salem, crossing over next to him and opening the camera on his phone. He gently nudged Salem with his shoulder. "Smile."

Salem tossed an arm over Aaron's shoulder as he lined them up in the frame, and just before he snapped the picture, planted a light little kiss on Aaron's cheek. It was so unexpected and absurd that Aaron burst out laughing. The photo caught him right before, eyes squeezed shut with a cracked-up smile as Salem made contact. "Incredible," Aaron laughed, tapping out a reply to Lucan and sending the photo right after.

> Because look who I'm talking to! XD

With that, Aaron put his phone away for good, done for the moment with being impolite. "You and I are probably going to be seeing more of each other, Salem," he noted, and remembering Salem's second request, added "And of course, I'd be happy to help you study magic. You and anyone else interested." He shrugged, reminding himself not to be prideful. "But remember, I'm still learning."

Aaron was practically beaming. His Academy experience so far, while short, had been a roller coaster of excitement, horror, self-doubt and cautious optimism. Having William and Sariel around had been a small comfort, but now with Lucan there too, he was feeling a lot more like he could handle things. That, and it made him a little more confident that there really was a good reason for him being there, that he wasn't just being thrown away. After all, he highly doubted the Noilas were disposing of the Knight of the damn Evening, so maybe his own fate was a little more hopeful too. Nonetheless, Lucan was like a brother to him and knowing he was around was a welcome lifeline.

As he stood there with Lilie and Salem, and others in their year all around, Aaron felt lighter. Like the weight of the whole situation had been temporarily lifted. Without vampires around there was no upper class bearing down on them, and even though there were still expectations to meet (he was a Starag after all, they were meant to set an example) the consequences were a lot less dire. He allowed himself to be optimistic. Here he was, talking, making friends, spending the most time of his life thus far with people his own age. People seemed impressed by his magic. Lucan was around campus somewhere. In that moment, it really seemed like his time at the Academy would be a good thing after all, a chance to escape the ancient halls of Noila Castle and live a little with his peers before his life of servitude came into full swing. There was still the matter of uncertainty, and Varis... well, there was still hope for Varis. On the whole, things seemed to be looking up.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 21 days ago

𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔅𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔵

As Lucan moved to enjoy his solitude, lost amongst the darkness of the Hall he was called back to the Councilor's table. With a forced smile and incline of his head he slowly but surely returned to the table and titled his head in curiosity on what they required of him.

"Apologies for taking more of your time but I see you signed up for the Arena Guild, but that needs to be done at the table right over there." The Councilor pointed out a table that seemed quite busy and Luc had to utilize his training not to roll his eyes. Instead he removed his handkerchief from his right front pocket and dusted some invisible dust from his jacket. He simply smiled and nodded to the Councilor and turned to head over to the table indicated.

As he moved his eyes caught sight of the nobility already beginning to congregate together and Luc felt his eyes rolling internally once more, of course they would already begin scheming. Probably already set up some sort of council on which to exert their will on the rest of the Freshman class. He purposefully avoided eye contact as he moved past them and instead greeted some of the other purebloods who of course wished to greet someone from a family such as the Bordeleaux's. They might not be nobility but the Bordeleaux's boasted the strongest and best trained military of any other vampiric territory and were famous as personal guards for the Noila family.

"Look, it's the Knight of the Evening. What in the name of the council is he doing here?" Came a soft whisper to Lucan's right and he forced himself not to glance over, or to even acknowledge that he heard the rumor mill already begin turning. He had considered on not even wearing such a blatant statement of who he was with his outfit, but in the end decided that he wasn't ashamed of himself or his family so why hide it.

He reached the sign-up table and was surprised to see those in line seemed a bit star struck, forgetting all manners and staring. Luc simply ignored them, waiting patiently for his turn to write down his interest and when it finally came he browsed the sections and for experience simply put his name and shrugged. The girl sitting at the table seemed to scoff at that and frowned at Lucan. "So you think that your name is enough for me to judge your worth?" Luc could hear the testiness in her voice and assumed that she was one of the officers of the guild.

"Considering what family I'm from I assumed that one who understands dueling would know exactly my experience based on such. If that's not enough I will be happy to elaborate but I may need another sheet." He tilted his head as he finished, almost questioningly and a few of the vampires behind him chuckled softly to themselves. Luc saw the girls eyes flashed and took a moment to memorize the name on her nametag. "Athena." He added as an afterthought.

"How about instead I challenge you myself to see what you've got. If you're good enough perhaps we'll see what we can do with you, make sure you sign up for the mage test as well 'Bordeleaux'." Luc simply nodded at her words and shrugged before turning and walking away from the table. His eyes browsed the crowd and as he saw the noble party growing decided to happily ignore that scene. He hated the political scene, was good at it but hated it immensely. He instead walked towards the back once more, hearing a sword clash which indicated that he had a message. Luc allowed a very faint ghost of a smirk to form on his face which was almost instantly replaced with stoicism again.

> You sneaky bastard! You never told me you'd be here too! Luc read the message a few times and gave a sigh, of course Aaron had found out before he could find the blond. Luc let his fingers flow over the keyboard of his phone and sent a quick reply.

> I wasn't truly given a choice, like most things. But the question is how exactly do you know I'm here? As he hit send he found he was close to the back of the room with the embraced and once again he let his eyes scan over the two younger vampires from earlier that he had observed when he first entered the building. They would at least be better company than the nobility and would keep any purebloods from attempting to gain favor with him as well. With a second of hesitation Luc found himself slowly approaching the two and tilted his head when his phone clang once more.

> Because look who I'm talking to! XD The picture that followed had Luc speechless for a moment before he recognized his partner, Salem Spellman kissing Aaron's cheek. Of course, this was exactly something that would happen and he found himself not even surprised. He simply shrugged and typed in an answer.

> Oh, I see you've found my partner. How fortuitous, and you already appear close. Less that I have to do in the long run. With that Luc looked up to find that the two embraced had seemed to disappear. The Bordeleaux was only stunned for a moment before his eyes spotted them headed back to the councilors. Of course they would venture into the thick of things now that Luc was looking to get away. He briefly considered just returning to the shadows and wait but he would have to mingle at some point, might as well get things started.

He slowly made it was back into the throng of vampires, the embraced and purebloods now mingling as everyone started talking about schedules and extra curricular activities. Luc found himself almost pushed into the noble circle and gave the vampire that ran into him a glare that would scare the dead before pushed past them and behind the two embraced males he was going to approach before. "One would think that someone just dumped blood all over the floor to drink the way everyone is acting." He tilted his head and raised one eyebrow while then inclining his head in respect to the two dark haired embraced vampires. "Lucan Bordeleaux, a pleasure to make your acquaintances."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


"Grudge?" Cassandra thought about Dom. She had known the guy for less than twenty four hours, and she didn't want to say she hated someone that quickly.

"We'll see about that too." she had brightened a little. "Maybe a good smack will get it out of my system. So how have you gotten on with your, er, partner?"

In the back of her mind, she had a nagging worry that her experience would be the rule rather than the exception. She wasn't sure if she could stand finding out her expectations had all been a complete falsehood, and not just a lie of omission.

@Scribe of Thoth
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ProxyInc
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ProxyInc Browncoat

Member Seen 10 days ago

Joryldin, Lucan, Morrigan

Lucan had impeccable timing. He made his way into the conversation just as the other two were beginning proper introductions.

The shorter one asked his new acquaintance, "Name’s Joryldin, how about you?” just as Bordeleaux strolled in and gave his own.

”Names Morrigan,” he managed to get out before they were interrupted. The embraced vampire took a moment to step back, letting his new companion take the lead.

Joryldin, the smaller, more unkempt one turned to glance at the new face. He was dressed far too casually for the occasion. As he noticed the myriad of crests adorning Lucan’s formal attire, he froze momentarily. "Oh, uh- Hey. You new here too?

Luc tilted his head to the right slightly as the smaller embraced turned to him. He took in the brief yet adequate glance over and hoped he didn’t appear as some stuck up noble, but he probably did in the end. “I’m new to the Academy yes. As a student anyway.”

"Well, the pleasure’s mine. Joryldin held a hand out to shake, while simultaneously cursing himself for possibly sounding too formal or maybe even being disrespectful with his straightforward greeting.

Morrigan let his eyes wander, the vampire before them seemed more refined but there was something admis. A lack of polish perhaps, he couldn't be for certain. With a cross of his arms he watched the two exchange small talk. ”New as a student? So you've been here before?”

With a respectful inclination of his head Lucan accepted the handshake and gave a polite squeeze, not too hard and not too soft. The embraced seemed to be hesitating after his movements which Luc put down to simply not having dealt with many pureblood yet in this stage of his vampiric life. He was about to respond when the other, taller one spoke. Luc removed a handkerchief from his front pocket, wiped a bit of invisible dust from his jacket, and then nodded.

”Indeed, I worked security here some…” He thought for a moment and then a ghost of a smile came across his face. ”40 years ago? 50, they all start blending together after so long.”

As conversation began to properly kick off, Joryldin took out his earbud and turned his phone off completely. It was best not to risk pulling it out of his pocket and closing the program; people might see what he was listening to. "I guess I can count on you if I get lost, can’t I?” A slight smirk came over him. He was only half-joking though, and would probably get lost multiple times during the first few weeks.

As Joryldin joked, Morrigan simply covered his mouth with his hand, hoping to mask some of the surprise that he felt crease the edges of his mouth. Forty to fifty years was beyond the time that his sister had spent her days here, but even hearing the youthful looking vampire say it so casually threw him. Was the difference between the two so vast?

With keen eyes Luc hardly missed any of the movements his two companions made. He was so used to watching these subtle movements in court that he found himself copying them in normal everyday conversation. The earbuds coming out, the slight smirk coming to Jory’s face and then Morrigan’s covering of his own face, hiding some sort of emotion which Luc could only assume was disbelief.

”Of course you can, I’ve no idea what you two have gone through in your lives but it probably wasn’t easy, and now you’ve been thrust into a world where you haven’t belonged. If you ever need any advice or help please don’t hesitate to find me and ask me any question you might have.” He thought of some of the embraced vampires that were in the Bordeleaux’s House Guard and how he had spoken to them about their own experiences and hoped to at least help some of these vampires find their way into society easier. Then again, that’s what the Academy was for overall.

The mote of humor Joryldin toyed around with disappeared in a puff of smoke. He fully expected everyone here to lord themselves over him and tell him that he didn’t fit. Hell, there was a spiteful part of him that was happy to hear it. What he didn’t expect or want was how quick people would be to try and read him; to try and prod at what made him tick. "Thanks,” the fledgeling mumbled, "If I need a hand I’ll be sure to flag you down. Lucan, right?” Bright eyes slowly faded to their usual dark crimson as Joyrldin threw his hood back over his face.

Morrigan bit back a sigh, there was the arrogance he had come to expect. And he had no doubts Joryldin shared the same feelings of ire as he watched the boy pull up his hood. ”We should probably move with the class to lunch,” he said to ease the tension. ”Lucan, you said you've been here before. How does lunch work?” The question seemed silly but he couldn't imagine vampires feeding off of their mages while they sat down to a tray of whatever.

It seemed that Luc was back into the court scene as his words seemed to have the opposite effect of what he intended. He shrugged mentally, it was a complicated line to cross when it came to the embraced and he regretted even bringing it up. As it was however Jory seemed to be finished with the conversation overall after giving a respectful thanks. Luc watched as the shorter vampire placed his hood over his face, not missing the change in his eyes that belied his mood.

The other embraced didn’t show any outward signs of offense but Luc had stepped all over one so he was sure that he wasn’t exactly a favorite to either, but Morrigan surprised him slightly by being quite diplomatic in his reply. Luc wiped another piece of dust from his jacket and nodded before replying, his eyes going to stare at Morrigan’s form. ”Lunch is a time for vampires to show off their mage’s and for the main bit of policy to begin. Mage’s will no doubt eat but vampires tend to greet their mages friends and their vampires. Cliques will probably form out of that and a pecking order will start forming. Though, with the nobility here this year it will be interesting to see exactly what happens with that. My good friend Aaron has happened to find my Mage since I wasn’t here for orientation. You’re both more than welcome to join us, I can’t speak for Aaron’s vampire since I don’t know who it is but if anything you’ll have a seat with me and Salem.”

Joryldin made a mental note to do the exact opposite: Stay out of his mage’s business and only interact with her friends if she introduces them. Of course there was a pecking order, and he couldn’t wait to see how much of a train wreck that would be. “You two feel free. I’ve got to get my classes in order, but I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” With that, he meandered off into the crowd to find his guidance counsellor. Expecting nothing more than patronization and propaganda, he braced himself and started rehearsing in his head. Joryldin wanted to brush past the pleasantries as politely as he could muster, then gather all the information he needed to start off the school year.

There was sinking feeling for Morrigan as he watched the small of Jorydlin's back disappear, leaving him behind with the pure blood. His mouth opened and closed for a moment while looking for the words. ”I guess I will accompany you, better than trying to figure things out on my own. I guess,” He knew his words didn't exactly inspire confidence but then again he wasn't exactly feeling much of it himself. But friends were something he needed while being here, and despite the arrogant statement made earlier the pure blood seemed kind. He moved to stuff his hands in his pockets and looked back idly at Lucan. ”If you'd kindly lead the way . . .”

With a simple nod Lucan watched as Jory made his exit. It was plain to the pureblood that he had crossed a line without realizing it and he made a mental note to try and correct his mistake at a later date. For the moment however he was left with Morrigan and he politely looked down while the young vampire took a moment to regain control. ”I apologize if I made you separate from your friend, that was not my intention, and I’m sure I’m the last person that you wish to walk about with. But I hope I can show you that not all purebloods are the same, and that some do think about those that are ‘beneath the boot’ so to speak…” He hesitated and placed his handkerchief back into his front pocket and nodded. ”Of course, please this way.” He gestured to the door and ensured he was stepping beside Morrigan and not in front.

Morrigan fell in step with the pure blood, letting his mind roam freely. As his new companion said lunch was supposedly a time for vampires to flaunt their partners and the typical hierarchy that came with school to begin. ”It’s fine,” he assured the vampire. Of course part of him would have felt more at ease with another fledgling, but Morrigan couldn’t pass up this opportunity. ”The change can make us, touchy.” It wasn’t a lie, at least not a full lie. Both he and Jorydlin seemed to be struggling—but another fledglings temperament was of no concern to him. For now, he needed to make sure he found a decent spot in the school's cliques. The two of them moved silently with the rest of the student body towards the cafeteria.

@Apoalo@Jade Blades
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A date? Lilie seemed surprised by Aaron's choice of words, the white haired girl momentarily muted as the conversation between Aaron and Salem--as he introduced himself with a handshake--continued. Aaron seemed much more social than she was, more composed as he conversed with the nervous young man. She watched politely, not offering much to the conversation but still listening politely. She wasn't exactly the social type, either, so she could understand Salem's hesitance. If it wasn't for Aaron, she was sure she wouldn't be interacting with anyone.

The Noila name stuck out to the girl, causing her to frown slightly. Truthfully, she was mostly ignorant to the politics surrounding the vampire families, her life focused on working, and before her magic was revealed the most she had hoped to do was become an instructor of fencing arts or maybe take over the family bakery some day. Arianna was one of the noble houses, something that had caught her by surprise, but she didn't know much of the Eve family.

The Noila family, however, was one of the few things Lilie was vaguely aware of. Having a relation of any sort to them was a big deal, that much she seemed to understand, and her eyes drifted to Aaron. Now that she was really looking at him, he did seem to have a more refined look to him than others did. The way he spoke was eloquent, his mannerisms dignified and practiced. He seemed to be her opposite in many things the more she thought about it. A formal education, a useful magical affinity, even the way he composed herself. Meanwhile she was clueless, had no idea how to use her magic let alone make any use of it, and was awkward enough that she really didn't know what to do with herself half the time.

Realizing she had been staring, Lilie caught herself and looked away. She wasn't entirely sure if he had caught her or not, but she really didn't want to find out. Daring herself to take a look, she saw Aaron and Salem taking a picture together. As it happened, she heard her phone beep at her, signaling that a text had come in.

> Dear Lilie, I most enjoyed our fencing practice earlier! I hope you also enjoyed the breakfast I made, though if I need to touch up those skills you can tell me without worry. At any rate, I do hope you are enjoying your time with the other mages. Made any new friends?

She instinctively looked at Aaron again, and after a moment, she looked at Salem. Acquaintances, maybe? She would need to interact with them more to really say that much, though she did admit she was more comfortable with Aaron.

> Beyond this, I was thinking perhaps we could do some more some more practice later tonight, and after such talk some more as well! It would be most delightful, truly, and perhaps I could make you dinner too. I look forward to hearing back from you as soon as you can respond to this, my dear~

Arianna really was kind to her, although she felt like she was trying to woo her with her promise of dinner. She didn't respond right away, not wanting to be rude to Aaron and Salem, so for the moment she just quietly pocketed her phone and made sure to pay attention to the conversation. At the very least she can tell Arianna that she did some socializing. As he offered to help Salem with his magic, she wondered if it would be rude to ask him to help her, too. Then again, maybe it was too much to ask.

"It does seem like a good way to mingle with other mages," Lilie finally spoke in agreement, her blue eyes landing on the young man that had turned his back to the conversation, although she would give the pair her attention once again. "I'm eager to learn, even if I feel my water element won't be of much use. But combat, on the other hand..." She gave the Area Guild table a rather confident look, only deflating slightly as she thought of the spar earlier. "I believe I can hold my own quite well."

Interacted with : @Obscene Symphony + @Trainerblue192 | Mentioned : @Crusader Lord
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dakota Brookes


Interacting with: Lilie @Hero and Salem @Trainerblue192 || Mentioned: Maxwell @Scribe of Thoth and Aaron @Obscene Symphony

Dakota had run ahead of Joryldin, a satisfied smile overtaking the ‘morning’ fatigue as the mage shuffled in with the rest of the crowd. First day jitters picked at the youth’s stomach, but it wasn’t nearly enough to overtake the sheer excitement they felt. Turning their neck this way and that, Dakota took in a very different atmosphere than that which had been set at the party. They were the same faces, sure… but everything seemed so relaxed and natural feeling. Already, groups were beginning to form and friendships made. Dakota hoped they would be able to find at least one or two decent students they would be able to call friends.

After a little bit of walking with the flow of traffic, the crowd began to filter as staff members yanked mages off to the side. Ushered in the direction with the other mages, Dakota’s awe became ever more apparent as the first years shuffled past gatherings of upperclassmen. There was lots of excitement in the air, not just from the new students but the returning ones as well. Some sat in circles and studied, others began showing off (though for whom was debatable), but everyone… everyone buzzed with an energy that Dakota could not describe. A large grin was all the mage could do not to dash off and begin interrogating every person they came into contact with.

Taking a seat inside the auditorium, Dakota let their eyes wander the room to take in some of the faces they would be studying alongside for the next few years. Fingertips twitched as the excitement overflowed, the urge to pick things apart and to learn beginning to get the better of the curious youth. Thankfully, the speaker took to the podium at the front of the stage allowing Dakota something to channel focus to. The man speaking was definitely advanced in years, his speech slow and deliberate as if he had to force the air from his lungs to form the words. His sentences were interrupted and followed by small bouts of coughing, and he looked as if he could fall over at any time.

The mage couldn’t help but to wonder how old exactly the man was, if his body just didn’t cope well or if through some use of magic he was able to extend the length of his life past it’s due date. Such thoughts were interrupted as the set of doors everyone had passed through previously flew open. The sound it made was loud, startling many of the student body into turning to see who had made such an entrance. A beautiful woman walked down the center of the aisle with little care to the scene she had just made, the scent of flowers following in her wake. Her face seemed familiar and it took Dakota a moment to place it, however after a moment, the mage recalled seeing the newcomer’s face at the party the night before. It had just been in passing, but this was one of the people standing near the Princess when Dakota had caught the last couple lines of the speech.

Using a bit of her own magic, the woman climbed the stage to whisper something in the old man’s ear causing him to nod his head and retreat from the stage… in style. Dakota could feel the question hanging in the air, many students all wondering what she could have possibly said for the headmaster to leave in such a manner; but such questions were not to be answered. Instead, the woman took to the edge of the stage and sat while introducing herself in the man’s stead. Sariel continued on to assure the group that their concerns and fears were not without validation but they had nothing to worry about. It was very light and motivational to say the least, and Dakota found themselves even more anxious to get up and start the year off.

Once Sariel had finished explaining everything that had needed explaining, the student body was dismissed to mingle and ask questions. Tables and upperclassmen had been brought in to provide any information the new students would need to start things off right. Dakota thought about heading straight back to start asking questions but suddenly didn’t know what questions to ask. Glancing at the back, it seemed there were several stations that were erected to answer questions about affinities, reminding Dakota of their own lacking. Turning to head up to the front, Dakota nestled in with the smaller crowd that gathered around Sariel, hoping to ask for some advice on what to do.

Before getting a chance, however, another student pushed to the front and spoke without so much as introducing himself. His question was not all that unlike Dakota’s, but the tone behind it put the youth off for some reason. The attitude was unnecessary, not to mention the clear division he put between himself and his peers… Dakota made a mental note to take care in attempting to befriend such a character.

That’s a shame… Would have been nice to know someone else without an affinity. At least I know I’m not on my own. Dakota thought to themselves, taking a step back from the group so as not to ask a duplicate question. The advice given was simple enough, just a matter of trial and error until a result was produced so try anything and everything. If there was something Dakota was good at, it was messing around. Hopefully, the affinity would make itself known sooner rather than later.

Satisfied with the response, Dakota began walking toward the back of the room passing the various groups that had already begun forming. There was one in particular that drew their eye, something marked Arena Guild that had a decent number of people surrounding it. One of those mages ended up showing off a little bit of his own magic, earning him several bouts of praise from those he was talking to and pulling in a few more. Intrigued, Dakota moved closer, catching a small bit of conversation from a girl talking about combat to another student.

...But combat on the other hand… I believe I can hold my own quite well.” Taking the opportunity to invite themselves into the conversation, Dakota slipped forward beside the beauty with a small wave and a huge grin.

With confidence like that, I’d pay good money to see you take on some of the guys here. Show ‘em who’s boss.” Dakota laughed and winked, relaxing their posture to reign in some of the excess energy.

I’m Dakota by the way. Sorry if I’m interrupting, heard something about a fight and it peaked my interest. What are you guys talking about anyway?” The smile turned apologetic as the mage shifted their gaze between the other occupants of the conversation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Count Varis, a pleasure indeed. I can’t say that I know what you’re talking about though. The Lord Marivaldi and I have been on excellent terms. You must have mistaken the grief for conflict, an easy mistake when you are only familiar with one.

“Conflict precipitates change. Grief paralyzes it.” Varis dismissed the insult but his smile grew wider, savoring the look in the Marivaldi’s eyes and the cloaked jabs. “Though I am glad the actions of Lord Marvialdi find themselves in your good graces. My cynicism, a flaw I’ll admit, found his origins and his recent promotion curiously connected but he is neither a pure blood nor a Sinnenodel so I’m sure mischievous machinations are not his intent.”

Varis watched as Amaris’s eyes flickered away from the conversation to a woman gliding her way towards them. She held herself regally, confident and poised, in full control of the space around her as she made her way through the thinning crowd. Varis enjoyed the theatrics of his position as much as anyone but the Eves ran with them. Varis may have been impressed with the vampiress if her entire house didn’t still exist at the whimsy of the others. Perhaps if the family spent as much time on keeping their house together as they did with their cultivating their dignity, the Eves would be more than a shadow play.

“We haven’t had an opportunity to see one another in the recent decades so I took the opportunity.” Varis responded to the Eve’s inquiry as he bowed. “I am embarrassed to admit but I don’t believe I know your name. Count Varis, student to my Lady Sinnenodel. As for your mages, I would be delighted if you would bring them. My mage seems a tad skittish with his assignment so hopefully a play date will help soothe his nerves.”

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t little Varis.” The Count, for a split second, tensed and his eyes widened at the voice. He regained his composure just a moment later and schooled his expression back into polite indifference. His eyes darkened significantly as he turned to face the woman standing at his side. The vampire stood barely two inches beneath Varis’s 5’10”, long red hair cascading artfully down one shoulder and amusement glinted in her amber eyes. She reached up with thin fingers to tuck a loose strand back into place. “When did we last have a moment to meet? A few decades shy of a century if I recall correctly. Are you still making those absurd pillow forts whenever you want some privacy?” A chorus of expletives exploded in Varis’s head as the woman spoke but he kept his mask firmly in place.

“Exactly seventy seven exquisite years, dear cousin. Though it seems they’ve met an ill fated end.” Varis practically sighed. Of all the people to run into, Ailsalia was the last one he wanted here. How she managed to escape his notice was beyond him but he would have more than choice words for the person who emailed him the school roster. But the earlier mistake set him farther behind than he was comfortable with. The woman surprised him and, from the smugness plastered all over her face, she noticed. Even when they were younger, Ailsalia possessed a special talent to find all the right buttons to press and he didn’t need her pressing his. Ailsalia presenting herself unexpectedly in this situation bode poorly for the Count and he bit at his lip while contemplating how to handle her. He needed to deal with this quickly and disengage from this moronic event. He had one piece of business he couldn’t put off until tomorrow but then he could bolt back to his residence and adjust for the vampire’s eventually meddling until the boy’s return. But how to get her away from him? His polite smile warped into a sneer as an old memory resurfaced. He hadn’t thought about it in decades but it’d be the perfect knife to the gut. He couldn’t wait to wipe that grin off her face. And if he had a little fun twisting the knife? Well...oops. “I have found most of my childish habits have thankfully stayed in my childhood, much like your parents in yours. Now, was there something you wanted or did you come just to interrupt me?” At the mention of her parents, Ailsalia’s eyes darkened and her smile turned frigid and sharp but otherwise kept her composure.

“I thought I’d come over and reconnect but it seems you are as unpleasant as ever.” Ailsalia scoffed at the look of disbelief that Varis blatantly sent her after her reasoning. “Unlike you cousin, I’m neither a snake nor a Sinnenodel. Your father made that distinction quite clear after my parents’ passing.” Ailsalia turned away from Varis and faced the other nobles. “And since my cousin obviously forgot his manners, my name is Ailsalia Margaux, cousin to this arrogant worm through our mage mothers.” She curtsied and smiled at the vampire, eyes still dark. Varis pulled out his pocket watch, checked it, and snapped it shut sharply.

“Well, this was fun but I believe it’s time for me to leave. I have a bit of business before our soiree this morning and what kind of host would I be if I were late to my own party?” Varis bowed to Amaris and Arianna before saying to Ailsalia sweety, “It was a displeasure as always, Lia. I do hope we don’t cross paths again.” Ailsalia’s face went blank at the name and Varis turned sharply on his heel as he left, his usual confidence replacing the tension Ailsalia’s presence brought, humming absently. Varying emotions played across Ailsalia’s face-grief, anger, sadness, fury- before it settled back into a pleasant smile.

“My, my. Never a dull moment when that worm is around.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 41 min ago

@Obscene Symphony@Hero@WeepingLiberty

"Great to meet you Salem, I'm Aaron Starag, but I guess you already knew that," he stuck his phone back in his pocket, leaning back and glancing around between Salem and Lilie, still surprised by the fact that Lucan was attending the Academy too. "You really won the lottery there Salem," he began, gesturing to the photo. "He's been my teacher for the past five years, taught me almost everything I know about swordplay, self-discipline, that sort of thing. Music too. I don't know what I would have turned into without him." A fond look crossed Aaron's face as he began resting his left hand absently on the pommel of his sword before nodding with a grin in Salem's direction. "You're in good hands, I can guarantee you that."

Aaron began texting someone as their conversation progressed, after a few moments hed asked Salem to take a picture with him in order to get a rise out of Lucan. A mischievous smile danced across Salems lips as he quickly gave the blonde boy wonder a light kiss on the cheeks. What am I doing?! Surely he'll recoil, hate me, or worse. The moment had passed and Aaron was...laughing? That's a good sign at the very least.
With that, Aaron put his phone away for good, done for the moment with being impolite. "You and I are probably going to be seeing more of each other, Salem," he noted, and remembering Salem's second request, added "And of course, I'd be happy to help you study magic. You and anyone else interested." He shrugged, reminding himself not to be prideful. "But remember, I'm still learning."

""It does seem like a good way to mingle with other mages," Lilie finally spoke in agreement, her blue eyes landing on the young man that had turned his back to the conversation, although she would give the pair her attention once again. Salem was glad to finally hear her speak. He had feared that he interrupted something between the two once she began to shy away from the conversation. "I'm eager to learn, even if I feel my water element won't be of much use. But combat, on the other hand..." She gave the Area Guild table a rather confident look, only deflating slightly as she thought of the spar earlier. "I believe I can hold my own quite well.""

Salem's eyes grew wide as he heard the white haired mage mention both her aspect as well as her doubts in it. This was not an element to take lightly, he glanced over at her side and noticed the rapier once more. His brows furrowed and knotted as he began to place his hand upon his chin, thinking. She wields a rapier, it's no small coincidence that her aspect would match up nicely as well...two fluid art styles that have the capacity to wreak havoc upon ones opponents. What's more she has the ability to crowd control from all the stories I've heard of water mages back from the clinic...not to mention their vital role in my clinic. Before Salem could speak up a third voice appeared.

With confidence like that, I’d pay good money to see you take on some of the guys here. Show ‘em who’s boss.” Dakota laughed and winked, relaxing their posture. “I’m Dakota by the way. Sorry if I’m interrupting, heard something about a fight and it peaked my interest. What are you guys talking about anyway?” The smile turned apologetic as the mage shifted their gaze between the other occupants of the conversation.

It was at this point that Salem *truly* took notice of where he stood. Not only physically, but also in regards to all his classmates and peers. Aaron had his longsword, Lillie her rapier, Dakota seemed like she was a brawler herself and then there was the matter of the two who stepped aside before Salem made his way over, it would appear a majority of the mages had some combat training, something Salem severely lacked. He began to shrink, feeling incompetent and dreading how his partner would react when he found out he wasn't trained even a percentage of what Aaron knew. A small nervous chuckle escaped him as he took a couple steps back, looking down at the floor as he began to rub his neck again. "I...um, I dont have any combat training. Not in the sense you all speak of at least. I cant wield weapons, nor throw a punch, or roundhouse kick or anything...I'm just a medic..." his voice trailed off softly as his eyes continued to scan the ground. "But I've had many mages work with me at my clinic, so I've learned of ways to utilize other magics both for medical purposes as well as some combative strategies...from uh...the stories they've told me. All of my patients are humans and a few are brought to me by mages who have had to combat a feral or two away from the slums..." he went silent for a moment and then looked up at Lillie "Your aspect is a gift that we can utilize in medicine, but it is also an unrelenting force of nature that can be used in combat. I may not be a fighter but I can more than help strategize techniques to flow with your style of fighting." As if to get the last word, Salems stomach began to growl loudly from having skipped "breakfast" that day. "It wouldnt happen to be Lunch yet would it?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jade Blades
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Jade Blades Wandering Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joryldin Nailo

Fully expecting a mile-long line, Joryldin trudged over to the collection of councilors only to find most of them sitting bored at their respective tables. The older vampires were making themselves look busy; tidying their station and waving pamphlets at passing freshmen. Some of the younger staff sat idly playing on their phones. Ironically, most of the purebloods blew off Count Alder's advice and went their own ways. To his dismay, Joryldin found himself and a handful of other Embraced freshmen to be the only students up on the stage.

He made sure to avoid any sort of eye contact, but as he approached his designated councilor, Joryldin could physically feel the headmaster staring him down. Dressing like a bum proved to be less than optimal, and putting himself on the headmaster's shitlist at first sight would be a nightmare to deal with later.

"Don't mind him, sir. Alder doesn't seem to get that there's a world outside of high society. If you ask me, the old man needs to spend less time in his coffin." This voice, full of lighthearted humor, came from his councilor; a gentleman aged only slightly more than Joryldin himself.

He was shocked to the point where all formality went flying out the window. "Sir? Who're you calling sir? You're probably like two centuries older than me." What surprised Joryldin more than the assumption was that calling him such implied some level of respect, or at least common decency.

"Looks like we both shot way too high, I'm only fifty, dude." With a fang-filled grin, the councilor leaned his plastic chair back and put his feet up on the table. He was a handsome fellow. Well toned muscles fought against his tight t-shirt, something from the academy's gift shop by the looks of it. He had a chiseled jawline and a pointed goatee that was all the rage right now. "Name's Teddy," Count Alder shot the both of them another icy glare. Both for the jab at himself, and the informality of their attitudes.

Ugh, fine... 'Sir Theodore Ashley'." Teddy rolled his eyes and waved his hand in the air; a sarcastic display meant purely to piss the headmaster off some more. So, tell me 'bout yourself! The more I know the easier it is for me to help you get started! Wait... Lemme check my list real quick... Nailo, right? Didn't know she had a son... Oh!" The councilor's eyes lit up with surprise for a fraction of a second as he reviewed a bulky packet of documents, "Welcome to the cool kids club!"

The greeting stung like a brand, but he couldn't object. "Thanks... how the hell did you know all of that just by looking at me" In his pockets, Joryldin tightened his fists. People had been reading him for the past two night straight, but this was a new extreme. He would have been livid were it not for how genuine and well meaning Teddy was.

"These guys are crazy, man. They've got everything! Check this out, they even gave me your old blood type! What am I gonna do with that?" Teddy laughed aloud, much to the flegeling's discomfort. He sat straight in his seat and showed Joryldin the papers. The academy had collected records of virtually his entire life. Every homeless shelter he stopped by on his travels, every coffee shop he earned a few bucks from for cleaning up; everything short of the few years with his birth parents. That wasn't surprising, though. After all, people don't die for speaking out against a noble house, they disappear. The school could have at least have the decency to put down his original name, though; rather than erasing who he was.

Joryldin heaved a sigh of defeat. The whole point of being here was to kill the human he used to be. It was like the nightmare all over again; undeath was welcoming him with open arms whether he liked it or not. "That's wild. Can't they give a kid a little privacy?" A halfhearted chuckle prompted another smile from Teddy.

"Well, they totally leave out personal interests, the one thing I can actually make use of." Teddy stuck his tongue out at the headmaster, then returned his focus to Joryldin. "Tell ya' what, lets clear out of here and head to my office. Everybody's starting to leave anyway so we might as well chat somewhere with actual furniture instead of whatever this thing counts as." The councilor rocked back and forth in his seat to prove his point, only to have the legs of the cheap lawnchair snap underneath him. Teddy would have wound up flat on the floor, but Joryldin caught his hand before he went down.

"I think I see what you mean! Let's go."

The two of them headed down the halls to Teddy's office. To account for the lack of windows, the walls were decorated with ornately carved wooden molding and all sorts of murals; most of which were made by previous alumni. Joryldin and Teddy chatted about hobbies, favorite shows; all sorts of mundane things. It was hard for Joryldin to open up about how he felt since most of his opinions were the sort of things that would get him in trouble, but Teddy provided valuable insight on what little he could share.

"I know exactly how hard humans can have it. I have everything a man can ever dream of now, but it just feels like I'm pissing on my own grave..."

"I know that feeling, dude. It was killing me for the longest time. You know how I got past it?"

"Well, no. We literally just met two hours ago and unlike you I don't have a giant cheat-sheet." The both of them had established a mutual love of sarcasm at this point, and the quick joke helped lighten the mood.

"I sat down, and I said to myself, 'Teddy, you've got eternity ahead of you, and not a worry in the world. What should you do with it?' And eventually I realized, if I already have everything, doesn't that just mean I have that much more to give those that don't? If there's one thing I want you to take away from this, it's that you've got the time and you've got the strength, so put it to good use helping people in the sort of trouble you were in." Joryldin sat silent, nodding as he took the words to heart. "Now get out there and enjoy yourself, ok?"

Joryldin got up and smiled, fangs gleaming. "Will do, Mr. Ashl-... Teddy, will do Teddy. Thanks for everything."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aaron was content to listen as his peers continued to chat, though Lilie's self-deprecating statement made him deflate a little. He was going to cut in and encourage her not to think that way when a new person showed up, a red-haired girl who introduced herself as Dakota, interrupting with an ill-advised challenge.

"With confidence like that, I’d pay good money to see you take on some of the guys here. Show ‘em who’s boss."

"Looks like you'll get your wish," he said to Dakota, patting the pommel of his sword, "Lilie and I are sparring later today. We've both had ten years of training, so I think it's going be a good show." He flashed a smile in Lilie's direction. He was pretty sure he knew what the outcome would be, but he hoped she would surprise him.

Salem spoke up then, and Aaron's brow furrowed as he listened to him downplay his skills. He agreed that Lilie shouldn't think so lowly of herself, but Salem shouldn't either. From his time with Sariel, conversations with his relatives and his own study, Aaron knew that a mage's affinity could manifest in a whole host of different ways, and on top of that, there was Arcane magic to be learned. Not to mention, Salem used his gift to help people; what wasn't there to be proud of? It wasn't as if Aaron could help anyone with his magic, and as much as he adored his combat training, he really couldn't understand why Salem felt bad about not having any. Come to think of it, if he was going to Lucan, he'd probably be picking up some techniques anyway, but surely everybody didn't have to be a fighting machine.

Heh, he thought, try telling that to Lucan.

At the mention of lunch, Aaron glanced at his watch, and almost on cue a bell sounded and people started shuffling out of the hall.

"Looks like it," Aaron replied, a little bit of amusement bleeding into his voice. "Shall we?"

Before they left, Aaron quickly asked the Arena Guild representatives for a scrap of paper and wrote down his name and phone number in elegant script, then tapped Max on the shoulder and handed it to him as he passed with a friendly grin. "Text me when you're ready to start."

He opened the door for Lilie as they left, and held it for the rest of the group before falling into step with Salem. After a moment, he gently nudged him to get his attention. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself," he advised, "Medics are some of my favourite people. I owe you guys a lot. I mean, look at this!"

He turned his head to Salem and tapped his nose, which was straight and smooth with an even slope. "I've had my nose broken six times," he muttered, lowering his voice and leaning in so Salem could hear, "and you'd never even know. Who knows how deformed I'd be by now if it weren't for mages like you?" He tugged absently on his left ear, running his thumb over the jagged line there as he thought back. Broken noses weren't the only things that healer mages had helped him with, but that was one example he didn't particularly like talking about.

He offered Salem a reassuring smile and shrugged. "Don't sell yourself short. Fighting is overrated anyway." Maybe it wasn't entirely true, but he was trying to be helpful.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max briefly quirked his head backward as Cassandra talked, trying to locate the source of an annoyingly pleasant-but-not-identifiable scent. The boy was was greeted, much to his horror, with the sight of some new mage kissing the retriever as he was taking a picture. What the hell. Wasn't he just flirting with pale girl? At this rate he'll be in bed with half the campus by the end of the week.

"So how have you gotten on with your, er, partner?"

Max snapped out of his stupor as the girl he was speaking to finished. He hadn't even heard half of that. Hopefully it wasn't important.

"Huh? Uh, he's alright, for a leech." He stammered out. Shit, that was way too honest for his tastes. He glanced away bashfully, "I mean, we only said maybe three things to each other all night."

He managed to compose himself by the time Aaron had handed him the paper, taking it with an arched brow.

"Text me when you're ready to start."

He merely hummed affirmatively in response before looking at the slip he was passed. A phone number. In ridiculously over-the-top handwriting. Great. Was Fido flirting with him now too? He took out his phone in seemingly rude disregard for Cassandra, putting the number in under Golden Retriever. As much as he tried to ignore it - he wasn't going to remember it anyway - the name scrawled across the top gave him pause. Starag. He'd heard that before, somewhere. Whatever, he could ask later. Or not. Hopefully not.

@Gisk@Obscene Symphony
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