
Welcome to Faygold, a limited monarchy ruled by King Lucian and Queen Anoriah. The Royal Family has two advisory councils, that of the High Chamber and the Magic Assembly. The High Chamber is a group of powerful nobles, acting as a check and balance system to the King and Queen. The Magic Assembly also serves as a military force for the kingdom of Faygold, stepping in to defend the country and handle internal threats that Magic Guilds can’t handle on their own.
Magic Guilds are a de facto form of law enforcement. Each Guild tends to operate within their nearby area, though the more powerful Guilds can be called upon from anywhere within the kingdom. These Guilds will be asked to combat and solve problems caused by anything — ranging from monsters, to bandits, and even evil mages. On occasion, two or more Guilds will team up to take on larger threats together. As a collective group, these guilds are overseen by the Magic Assembly, who can approve or revoke a Guild’s official status.
Unfortunately, the very strength of these Magic Guilds often invites challenge. Challenge, in turn, incites conflict. And conflict? Conflict breeds catastrophe.
This catastrophe manifests itself in the form of Dark Guilds. These Dark Guilds use their magic for sinister purposes, from petty thievery to all-out murder. Smaller Dark Guilds appear with some regularity, but truly powerful ones are very rare. Often, these powerful Dark Guilds are made up of cultists who worship evil magical entities. Speaking typically? The presence of the Magic Assembly is enough to discourage the formation of these Dark Guilds.
Magic in Faygold is incredibly diverse. While more common varieties such as Transformation magic exist, there are hundreds — possibly even thousands — of types of magic out there. Some are harder to learn than others, but there are carefully written books documenting even the more rare forms of magic. Many mages will start off self-taught, commonly using these texts.
Each year, Faygold’s monarchs hold the Royal Tournament, in which a large group of Guilds gather to compete for glory and acclaim. Guilds are eliminated each round until only seven remain. While the contents of this competition change each year, there is always a large battle royale at the end between the remaining guilds.
This event is broadcast nationwide and is treated as Faygold’s proudest tradition.
Magic Guilds are a de facto form of law enforcement. Each Guild tends to operate within their nearby area, though the more powerful Guilds can be called upon from anywhere within the kingdom. These Guilds will be asked to combat and solve problems caused by anything — ranging from monsters, to bandits, and even evil mages. On occasion, two or more Guilds will team up to take on larger threats together. As a collective group, these guilds are overseen by the Magic Assembly, who can approve or revoke a Guild’s official status.
Unfortunately, the very strength of these Magic Guilds often invites challenge. Challenge, in turn, incites conflict. And conflict? Conflict breeds catastrophe.
This catastrophe manifests itself in the form of Dark Guilds. These Dark Guilds use their magic for sinister purposes, from petty thievery to all-out murder. Smaller Dark Guilds appear with some regularity, but truly powerful ones are very rare. Often, these powerful Dark Guilds are made up of cultists who worship evil magical entities. Speaking typically? The presence of the Magic Assembly is enough to discourage the formation of these Dark Guilds.
Magic in Faygold is incredibly diverse. While more common varieties such as Transformation magic exist, there are hundreds — possibly even thousands — of types of magic out there. Some are harder to learn than others, but there are carefully written books documenting even the more rare forms of magic. Many mages will start off self-taught, commonly using these texts.
Each year, Faygold’s monarchs hold the Royal Tournament, in which a large group of Guilds gather to compete for glory and acclaim. Guilds are eliminated each round until only seven remain. While the contents of this competition change each year, there is always a large battle royale at the end between the remaining guilds.
This event is broadcast nationwide and is treated as Faygold’s proudest tradition.
Seafalls City is beautiful, considered by many to be the heart of Faygold. Situated at the top of a cliff, it sits atop a series of waterfalls that pour into the sea. The city is a popular tourist and vacation spot, known for its natural beauty and hospitable locals. However, in recent years, it has experienced a growth in petty crimes, specifically of the magical variety. With most of the real Guilds taking on larger threats, Seafalls City is primed to house its very first, brand new Magic Guild.
A Guild like Leviathan Fang.
A Guild like Leviathan Fang.

Hi, all!
This RP is going to focus on a fledgling guild known as Leviathan Fang. Newly founded by a man named Lancelot and his two companions, it seeks to combat a rising local crime rate (and enjoy the richers that come with the job). Having only been recently recognized by the Magic Assembly, Leviathan Fang has a long way to go before it gains prominence as a powerful guild among the others in Faygold.
Leviathan Fang is, first and foremost, new. The guild is so new in fact, that our opening scene will focus on the three guildmasters (played by the GMs: @Hey Im Jordan, @CaptainMarvel, and @Fabricant451) of Leviathan Fang reviewing their applicants: your characters! However, as a result of how fresh the guild is, we’ll be expecting a certain flavor of character. Applying mages should be neither very powerful, nor very experienced. No one will be starting off at a rank higher than C- Class. That is to say, no overpowered characters will be allowed.
Similarly, we’re trying to keep our tone as lighthearted as possible. As such, please avoid making characters that are extremely dark, brooding, or edgy. With that said, of course your characters can have can have had hard lives or some form of tragic backstory! Life is hard; it’s absolutely valid to reflect that within your writing and your character. However, even in the manga/anime, the characters with darker backstories still fit in with the lighthearted tone. We’d ask you to do the same, and leave the darker characterizations to the antagonists.
We'll delve further into magic rules and the nitty gritty in the actual OOC! At the moment, we're looking to cap player/character count (1 character per player) at 12. The driving force behind this roleplay will be character growth and we'll be making sure to give everyone their moments to learn new spells, become better fighters, become stronger mages overall, and above all else: really enjoy those classic shounen anime power spikes, and epic moments.
Thank you for your interest, and feel free to mention one of the three GMs (@Hey Im Jordan, @CaptainMarvel, and @Fabricant451 with any questions you have.
This RP is going to focus on a fledgling guild known as Leviathan Fang. Newly founded by a man named Lancelot and his two companions, it seeks to combat a rising local crime rate (and enjoy the richers that come with the job). Having only been recently recognized by the Magic Assembly, Leviathan Fang has a long way to go before it gains prominence as a powerful guild among the others in Faygold.
Leviathan Fang is, first and foremost, new. The guild is so new in fact, that our opening scene will focus on the three guildmasters (played by the GMs: @Hey Im Jordan, @CaptainMarvel, and @Fabricant451) of Leviathan Fang reviewing their applicants: your characters! However, as a result of how fresh the guild is, we’ll be expecting a certain flavor of character. Applying mages should be neither very powerful, nor very experienced. No one will be starting off at a rank higher than C- Class. That is to say, no overpowered characters will be allowed.
Similarly, we’re trying to keep our tone as lighthearted as possible. As such, please avoid making characters that are extremely dark, brooding, or edgy. With that said, of course your characters can have can have had hard lives or some form of tragic backstory! Life is hard; it’s absolutely valid to reflect that within your writing and your character. However, even in the manga/anime, the characters with darker backstories still fit in with the lighthearted tone. We’d ask you to do the same, and leave the darker characterizations to the antagonists.
We'll delve further into magic rules and the nitty gritty in the actual OOC! At the moment, we're looking to cap player/character count (1 character per player) at 12. The driving force behind this roleplay will be character growth and we'll be making sure to give everyone their moments to learn new spells, become better fighters, become stronger mages overall, and above all else: really enjoy those classic shounen anime power spikes, and epic moments.
Thank you for your interest, and feel free to mention one of the three GMs (@Hey Im Jordan, @CaptainMarvel, and @Fabricant451 with any questions you have.