Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Tipsy Tuesday


"Alright brain, you don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer." Homer Simpsom


So.. well its time to be foot loose and fancy free. Across the city for one special night all drinks are half price! Be it beer or bourbon. Wine or Whiskey and more. Bring your best, maybe you could get lucky tonight or just get hungover for half the price. either way its better than normal!

Have fun, interact, have a laugh maybe cause some drama, romance, or just get hammered and see what drunken adventures you can get into.

So, pretty simple. A roving herd of Drama Llama have been spotted from our Art adventures so please do give them a pet, and maybe a bottle of wine and book.

All Locations are open as normal.

Please be clear where you are posting from etc, but you all know the drill :) Any questions, musings or problems feel free to message, PM, Discord or Post and we will do bet to help.


SOL source of News since 1895



Special Report by Rita, An artful Drama

Hello Readers!! Rita from Sol Spills here and boy do I have a treat for you. So this reporter got a press interview at the show for Siobhan Murphy. If you recall a few episodes ago we debated who was dating whom. Well if you can believe Maria Olympus her daughter was dating Mr. Nicolosi. Here is a direct quote from Olympus herself. “As for the current rumors it seems we have a classic situation, one person sees things differently to the other and had a different idea what the relationship was…” Sounds to me like she’s calling Nicolosi out that he was dating her daughter and that her daughter is the innocent in this tale.

But that’s not all she went on to say “Things failed as many do and what one saw as a friend the other a boyfriend. And well. Misunderstanding has escalated quite badly. Sorry folks. No love triangles today.”

That seems rather misleading does it not? Why not give a firm yes or no? She goes on to give particulars about either her daughter’s relationship with her current girlfriend. “No they met recently, but both have my approval and wish them well as a couple. And no, I just want to see my daughter happy with a supportive partner.”

Wow talk about harsh. If she claims that they were in a relationship then says he wasn’t supportive isn’t that confirming that they were. On top of all this the impression that was given in the press conference, tiny as it was, was that we were not to take comments from Olympus’ daughter. So naturally we all asked Siobhan Murphy. To which we were told. “Mr. Nicolosi has not dated anyone prior to myself for quite some time, meaning more than a few years. If you were told otherwise it is a complete fabrication and you need to consider the source. I have had nothing but support from him even before we started dating. He isn’t here tonight due to commitments that were made prior to this event.”

All this juicy news but I left the kicker for last, an unplanned pregnancy is in the offing for Ethan Aster. His new girlfriend will hopefully they will be enjoying the little patter of tiny feet. That's all for now in Sol Spills.


Sol City PD Fights Crime Underwater With Sneaky Submarine

Sol city Police have anounced their latest acquisition in the fight against crime that has blighted the city in recent months. Police Captain Marko Ramius of the proudly revealed the military-surplus diesel powered underwater crime fighter to a large crowd at the Sol City docks. “I want to emphasize that this submersible craft came at no cost to taxpayers,” Ramius explained. “With the blessing of the City Council, we requested such a watercraft last year under a federal program to outfit local police departments with surplus military equipment.”

“While the craft reached the end of its usefulness for the U.S. Navy, the civilian applications of this submersible are numerous,” Ramius continued. “You never know what’s out there and we’re here to protect the citizenry from the worst case scenario,” he added in a phone call Tuesday. “Imagine the horror people would experience if a large military craft passed beneath their boat or emerged from depths within view of the beach—we’re here to stop that from happening. This sub will make a strong statement about our power and might,” Hirsch continued. “The people want to know their police will do whatever it takes—whatever it takes—to maintain order and control,” he said. “They want to see us as an unstoppable force beyond the reach of sleazy criminals’ lawyers and legal loopholes.”

Named Jaws VIII by SCPD, the submarine will be deployed to patrol the shoreline on weekends only leading up to Fourth of July, when patrols will be stepped up to seven days a week through Labor Day.

SCPD marine patrol officers will be on the lookout for swimmers, surfers and boaters in distress, and will issue tickets to unlicensed operators of motorboats and to operators of all boats that are not carrying personal flotation devices. “We could even depth charge a large shark, should the need arise,” Ramius said.

Along with the submarine, SCPD has recently acquired a “whole slew” of military equipment, Ramius revealed. “As we speak, my men are doing various drills and practice engagements, including Free-for-All, Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Headquarters, Capture the Flag, Team Tactical, Kill Confirmed and Search and Destroy scenarios,” he said.

Special report on Sunday evening at 9PM, Sol City News Network, when our reporter is joining the submarines first trial patrol and duties.



SOL CITY is has a cool but very clear winter evening, no chances of rain and not a cloud in the sky. Temperatures are not high so wrap up and make sure you have a coat or a good beer jacket. Take care and make sure to dress for the weather.

For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Hesphestus Manor Art show ending to The Pit Night Club . Saturday Evening to Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

Saturday Evening


Victoria was rather exhausted when Ethan snuck into her suite and curled up under a thick quilt to fend off the Northern weather at times. The evening had been left her feeling drained and slept deeply ernough to not notice Ethan unless he brought a full marching band with him. His particular brand of waking her up was... Creative to say the least but somehow he appealed to her little impulsive corners of her mind where the darker aspects dwelled and well, he did relise the sisters had to share the balcony? Still she was soon losing her self control and nearly hid that they where doing rather badly. OK Victoria had to admit, that was rather fun and the risk was a certain excitement.

Victoria fell asleep rather instantly and contently, she had a quick talk with Maria before she had retired to bed that night but they planned to meet Sunday afternoon and knew her body would be, well haywire and abit crazy thanks to a gak ton of hormones. Naturally gravitating to warmest part of the bed, she ended up close to Ethan, that morning she was not sure why be it be the potential pregnancy or just her feeling cold after there escapades on the balcony.


Sunday morning and lunch


That trip Maria very few questions for very good reasons... She was old ernough to know, and smart ernough to know when not knowing anything more than strictly required was a very good thing.


That Sunday, was anothet intense day, though her thoughts about the painting where a alittle mixed till its meaning was explained and was won over. The ruined church had a rather... Well it was compelling. Darker, unknown, but Beuterful. Yep, despite everything, Victoria did like the painting. Waking up with Ethan, well least they used protection that time! She really was not up for doubling down on the odds. She still was not sure, well suspected heavily but the hospital would be the deciding vote. There still was a chance, and that needed to be answered sooner rather than later.

Maria had to leave in a day or two but kept a eye on things. She left it to Victoria and Ethan to decide what they wanted to do about it and merely remained a medicalise translator and made sure Victoria was not fobbed off. The test was quick, but also a tad complicated but very Acurate and soon a rather overcome and still processing the information Victoria was leaning somewhat against the snow flake cane with a bunch of information and appointment letters tucked under her arm in a folder. Thankfully she had the foresight to being her own as not to make it so easy a toddler could guess with the standard hospital pack. Her unique medical history, size and fact it was her first. Well she would be seeing this place fairly regularly and Maria was posting over a few things to help Victoria and Marinalia whom when she had met later that afternoon was rather protective of her half sister when she was more vulnerable processing the life changing events that had gone on. Ethan, well she hoped he would not leave her knocked up, broken and having to face things alone and afraid. It would be tough ernough without making things even worse for Victoria.


Sunday morning to Tuesday approx


A very happy Marinalia left Xia's apartment having woken up a alittle blushingly next to her girlfriend after there nights activities very much just wearing a necklace and her ring, rather less clad than she arrived at the apartment. Waking up, well she had no real desire to get out of bed, though least she had somthing to wear other than he dress for the trip home. She had learned that lesson and it paid to plan ahead.

A few... Well alot of little moments later and so eventually she had breakfast and so late, heading out with a extended goodbye on the doorstep to catch a uber home and meet Maria and Victoria in the afternoon. The text message she got.. Well that was ernough to let her know what they suspected. But still, Victoria. Her entire life just got changed in one day, it was not exactly the way you thought you'd find out about such news than a party and gossips...

Sunday was definitely a rather dramatic day for the sisters, a while with Maria later that night was... Detailed in ways to help Victoria with the events. She definitely would need a alittle support. Hopefully just that Ethan stuck about because Victoria really desite her ice princess moments was genuinely scared by the coming uncertainty. That week was busy, she managed to see Xia a alittle bit, and kept in touch by messages often though and a few pictures mostly like her selfie on a ridge near the lake at the mountains. She had finally started abit of her new flight training and spent Monday evening riding after work. Marinalia just needed time to clear her head and the atlas mountain trails in moonlight where ideal for that.

Maria left Tuesday, she had a wedding to plan and commitments back home to honour. She had done her best to try and help, with a few things to send over like a copy of what the other Olympus women had found helped. A old little tradition her daughters namesake grandmother had started, between two doctors and so the latest copy of the hand written book had definitely evolved and got alot safer though!

Supporting her sister was not quite easy, she had been rather busy and distracting sledf, calling consulates, home and work.. There was no hiding it and she was frustrated as they told her take a few days off while they did a health and saftey check, especially given she had to disclose she was at a alittle more risk than the norm. If she did not tell, they would find out and that would be even worse ways of handling it. She kept in touch with Ethan when possible and had not really left the house much, still taking in events somewhat, and trying to work out how on earth she was going to handle things. The call to her dad was short... But so very awkward, the circumstances where far from ideal and after that a rather dazed Victoria had spent the morning napping andncatching up on her sleep she missed worrying the previous night about telling her dad.


Tuesday Afternoon


Tuesday was a fairly quiet day as Marinalia finished her flight training early that lunch, they where not flying that afternoon and things where rather random as her schedule was split in two between training on the L100 J, teaching new pilots to fly helicopters. She was a teacher and student at the exact same time!

True to there word the art gallery team had rather left the place spotless and Markless, the ornate plaster work was undamaged thanks to rather fancy screw less fixinibgs and so. The floors where unmarked and drive. Siobhan was not a friend but they where true to claims. The Ball room was quiet again as she sat on a windowsill drinking a cup of tea. One, no two of those paintings now resided in there rooms which would be quite the annoyence? Or perhaps bad bad joke for her. Her works where lovely though, one reminded Marinalia of home, the second was pure Victoria. A dark ruined cathedral but so very Beuterful painting.

Marinalia was happy just felt a alittle lost, job was going well, so was her relationship and things. Things where almost going too well for her. Things always turned bad and was almost watching for the next storm coming. Xia had her a work cut out a alittle, she Marinalia was still more posetive just well, that little aide of her was hard to break. It seemed the uniform picture had gone down well she sent over though, she did look rather good in the slightly vintage fitted uniform. Granted she had let a few buttons slip and a so just because it felt a alittle daring to tease her abit hinting at few suggestive places. She was not quite comfortable going much more via pictures. In person, well she had nothing to hide but she knew too well from Victoria how easily compromised things could be. All on all despite being practically outed and more, nothing to prevent it and merely treated any media with a icey disdain ranking them about as much as a cockroaches at present. Might not win friends but her private life was going to remain private as much as possible. Victoria had been forced to deal with press by circumstances , she was not so obliged.

Victoria had spent quite a while at home, she was rather still getting used to the idea, well of everythong that happened in past few days and rested upstairs with a mug of peppermint tea and a her laptop. The tea was claiming and no caffine so atleast one pleasure was not denied. She was still waiting to return to work so was sat reading a paper on some new rotating encryption tech or so they claimed anyway. The paper was not thr most well written of explanations of the concept. Curling a arm round her stomach, no one would notice for months, she a good month before most people tended to find out, still, she was... Well the report she read about 1000 times over was plain black and white. Worse still the gossips knew and she had to confirm to avoid the downright stupid rumeurs. Not that she reallt regretted anything, Victoria would make the best of it, readonly googling names, Viatrix, she who brings happyness, and close enough to her own for the silly little family tradition of letters seeming to follow. That was a matter she had 9 or so months to solve...

The gossips would get bored... Eventually. The gates where locked tight and powerful flood lights made the entire perimeter brighter than daylight during the night, from every angle the unblinking eyes of the camera system always watching and perimiter alarms fully set. It probbly looked like overkill but she felt safe, a feeling the vultures and carrion feeding press rather where the opposite. It was mostly just to make it clear unwanted guests where not welcome. Peaking out the upper windows, they seemed to still be odd lingered... Granted they likely where changing tactic and merely would wait for her to surface behind her walls and high gates.

She had tried to ignore them much as possible and merely gave a cool, polite statement along the lines of we are working things out or so and left it there. How long did it take them to get bored of Ethans Pregnant girlfriend. Not that they had really talked that part but she let the media assume to some degree. Ot was far easier than fighting them pointlessly. if they kept it up for 9 months or longer. Sol city may have less journalists though.... And true to Milos claims... The sword stick he made was both a Beuterful pattern of almost snow flakes and very sharp practical steel. You really did not want to be on wrong end when she saw what it did to a large steak they had with very little effort.


Tuesday evening


Victoria was being somewhat forced out by Marinalia, she thought she needed to stop hiding from the world, it was a bad example to set and start. There was a half price night on at many places.... Mocktails. She could not drink but she was not helpless and so fragile she would break leaving the house just had not wnated to... There was a clear difference. The Pit... Well she not been but hered of it, a little more up market than Club Rather but they definitely where on good odds of not being welcome there.

Messaging Ethan to say she was going out that night, she knew he would wither worry or be glad... Which ever was a guess. Thry had kept in touch over past few days but where still really not knowing each other quite that well yet to tell how he reacted to things. going out with Marinalia to the Pit for a quiet night out, Don, t worry I'm not drinking. Before you ask and no Caffeine... Mornings really are a drag! Have fun tonight wherever you be.
Vika x
sending the text Victoria found a simple cut but detailed and rather embellished dress that glittered away in her wardrobe. She might as well have fun while possible. Maybe a tad much, OK or was a tad much but hey, it was fun.

Checking it out in a long mirror, leaving her long back hair down and rather alot of flawless pale skin exposed. Teamed with a pair of embellished dark flats. Urgh.. The weather was cool so she grabbed a warm longer coat to wear until thry got to the place that went to her knee and could show off her far less practical outfit. Her phone bozzed a second about a comment on the Sol city submarine article, that was plain silly but fun almost.. Where rhey planning to torpedo Godzilla?

Sending a picture to Ethan, Marinalia and Dira, yep she definitely found her outfit. Part for fun, also showing Ethan she was not going to give up looking nice just because she had a passenger. On a plus point, thry somehow agreed on a few things, it was a difficult route but they probbly could make it just about work.


Marinalia sighed, not sure what to do about the evening and so. She definitely wnated to go out but we'll... This was her. The last few times she had gone anywhere... And she meant anywhere drama llamas where roving in vast herds following. Reading a article on Ipad urgh. The gossips where using them for there latest 30 pieces of silver. Of course Siobhan was coming out smelling of roses. Joel well she never saw him at the party, at least she could not possibly think she was still after the man? Had they hooked up at the gala? Because that red dress definitely was a Im definitely after more than freindship sign the size of a semi truck covered in neon lights.

Her sister was arguing with someone over a submarine... Oh Vika, lol. That story was silly. Did police need a submarine?

What to wear, a short walk to her closer from the bathroom, kinda famous now for providing the little spark to Xia's and her start. They had kinda got intimate rather quickly but crazy worked and Marinalia was rather happy with how things went, especially if Saturday night was any idea what she could expect.old memories where quickly brought back and old doubts as she saw a candy box, the fancy ones joel had bought her back from Japan what felt like a age ago. A surge of annoyence she regretted after as she crushed it under her fist... OT was a pretty box and her vanity was rathe solid. Why was things so damned complicated.

Changing into a simple outfit, it was too cold for her nice dresses really, and not like she was a stairway from bed. Grabbing a simple skirt, top, and dressing it up with a diamond necklace, knee high boots and throw over knit to keep warm. She could wear or not depending on the temperature. It looked OK for a night out and it was not like she was actively after attracting a gu... Girl... That still took a little time to correct after years. Sure a few probbly doubted her choice or thought it was a whim or so... But genuinely, for once she was happy with her chosen partner, Xia had been extremly good to thr rather broken English woman. She somehow did not mind her seeing her, scars, tears and all.

Heading down stairs she was mindful not to tease her sister too much and had a glass of lemon chello or 4 to warm up a alittle before getting a uber to the Pit. Sending a picture to Xia, the outfit was a alittle diffrent how she was used to, but it was a alittle different, and she was trying different things. Took your suggestion. Mixed it up abit. Off to the Pit with Vika.

Have fun my caribian cutie tonight. Ps got a few fun things for our caribian adventure I'm sure youl like... No spoilers!

Miss you.
Mali x

Smiling as she sent the message, Xia was probbly only person who opened her up quite like this , she had been Bikini shopping among a few other little things for a private moment or two. It was a suprise for there holiday, she had been so patient, so supportive at times. It was her cheeky little reward. If she was lucky and there was a rather private beech to be found, well Marinalia might avoid a few tan lines. That side of her might be a rather fun suprise to keep to herself until the holiday. Frankly very few did, most seemed to assume reserved tame English woman and take it as the whole truth. The real truth was far more complicated...


Passing the drive way, she blanked a lurking media person and just walked to there waiting ride. A it was cold, B she has nothing to say, C lurking outside there home for a story was plain low. She had already seen them on cameras so it was not a suprise how many of the cretins where about.


Tuesday Evening. The Pit.


Pulling up outside the old night club, some said its bullet holes above the DJ booth where when it was a booze warehouse for the Mafia in the prohabition. Others just a drunk person firing off a few rounds as they hated the song. Helping Vika out the car, she had the ice cane as she had taken to using her balence was slowly recovering again after the shock and Marlin had to admit. Victoria did least look far more stylish than the plain metal one she used before. The arm thing had taken a alittle practice thanks to height differences but they eventually got the hang of it.

Heading in after a short wait hooking her arm into her sisters as they did sometimes and smiling to the bouncer who let them in early for a smile and a quick kiss on cheek. It was a too damned cold and anyway, Marlin was swinging the other way so that was safe as houses!

Making there way into the plush club, sofas, areas and bars where it was quieter and more lively dance floors. It catered to many diffrent clientele and had a alittle bit of a few things with a good mix of music pimping out though the speakers. Hopefully tonight would be far less dangerous than there last attempt! Her change of style had one advantage, well both there choices, the pictures and press sightings all had her in various gowns and so, or work uniform, not in a more casual but also going out look. It would not hold to any real scrutiny but would act as a thin layer of subtafuge to keep a few of the vultures off them. Victoria was the same, both actively trying to throw a few hunters off the scent.

Getting a pair of sofas and a small table before the main rush. Came, a fruity Mocktail for Victoria, not drinking but not wanting to scream look at me, and a lemon liqiur based drink for Marinalia. Chatting abit they did not know what to expect but maybe freinds would come by, there Boyfriend or Girlfriend respectively or just a sisters night out? Relaxing, they both where still alittle frsutared by the gossip article. Marinalia especially as she wondered how much Siobhan had Rita in her pocket, she was oh so friendly in her past 2 or 3 articles... "cheers. Least Rita was wishing you luck. Tiny feet, Auntie can play then hand back to Mum for hard parts. Or messy ones.

Knowing That my luck we gonna meet Joel and Siobhan on a date! That dress was so not freinds."
Victoria laughed, oh she definitely would need help but oh Auntie would not be entirely escape baby sitting. OK that was scary, she was gonna have to plan so much stuff she had no idea on! Maria, Marla or Rachel where getting alot of Skype calls. "oh auntie will be helping! Il need it... Really, Ethan.... I Don, t know, but I know I can rely on you.

She was, probbly wants a exclusive from me or somthing. Yeah right. If I ever did there would have a few terms and conditions... Yep. We looked better though. Of course. "
Sitting back, Victoria was still uncomfortable being so known, she knew it might happen with Ethan just did not expect things to blow up or grow complicated so quickly. She already was far too deep in to turn back so just had to make the best of the situation. Plus if Saturday was a regular thing she not be unhappy for a while. Both the sisters had a definite reasons to be happy at times at least.

Sat back hoping fate was feeling in a OK mood. Hopefully they could break the mould they had set. Victoria cast a rather icey glare at someone she thought was a fangirl from before who kept looking at her , she had a few issues with them and really was not in a mood to be bothered tonight. Or at all. Ethan had said not said she had to be nice to them. Just not to hurt them.

@Pilatus@Almalthia@King Tai
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 9 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Joel wasn’t in a particularly good mood in the days following Siobhan’s art showing. He wasn’t visibly upset, but he was irritated and he knew Sio could sense it and the fact that she knew it, irritated him further. The painting that she had done for him now hung proudly in his living room above the shop among his other motorsport related pieces. It was definitely the most thoughtful thing anyone had done for him and far and away the best gift any female had ever given him. No, it was the family attached to the McLaren/Senna F1 steering wheel that hung alongside of the painting that was, again, the source of his irritation. When Sio first told him about the words spoken at the Gallery relating to himself and Marlin he merely pursed his lips in annoyance and let it go. No, it was when the gossip column was published that he was officially pissed and the fact that Sio had attempted to take up for him just made it worse. He seemed to live rent-free in the minds of those people and he was sure that aggravating him had become a source of pleasure for the whole nutty-bunch.

The drive along to the west-side had been mostly quiet as the sound of the GT-R’s engine tended to make a steady conversation difficult. The gauges cast a dim light over Joel’s stoic expression while his right hand rested over the center pillar on Siobhan’s blue-jeaned leg. He glanced at the few sparse changes in the landscape under the floodlights that spotted through the darkness of the night. The landscape south of Old Sol airport was as cold and barren as it ever was, only marked by the occasional shrub or tree line and a couple newly built warehouses. The roads were a long grid that dead-ended in a few places and were straight and flat. In his younger days, when it was much less developed, it was a regular spot for to meet up, hang-out and of course, race. Being on the far outskirts of Sol-County, the police rarely paid any attention until someone occasionally rolled a car. A few memories popped up as he watched brake-lights blinking in the distance where cars were lined up on the roadside. He hadn’t been back in several years and honestly felt like he had outgrown it.

Joel checked his watch. He would be due back on the mountain again in the morning for another shakedown as they got the cars ready for Jamaica. Then everything would go on a plane and everyone would fly down for the season opener. If it weren’t so much fun, the rally team might have felt like work he thought as he glanced around unamused. “When I was a kid, this was where everybody came to run,” Joel said with a slight yawn. “I never raced here though, too many people just out to see what ya got.” The sleek, stealth bomber-like lines of the GT-R drew sharp stares and gawks from onlookers in the assembled crowd as they pulled up. Joel had no doubt some, if not all of the people gathered would recognize him, though they were only there looking for one person in particular. Joel scratched at the significant stubble that had grown across his face and pushed some of his hair back behind his ear as it curled out from under his cap in waves.

One of the smartest pieces of advice anyone had given him after winning the Grand Prix was “market yourself” and just for fun, he decided to have a couple caps made that simply said apex across the crown in a simple font: one that matched the more subdued blue, white, red and silver of the rally team and the other that matched the bright red, white and blue of his 300ZX. Each sported his regular #75 on the side and either the VW/Rebellion or the Nismo logo. Every time he was in the public-eye he tried to wear one and sure enough the emails and social media requests started rolling in as to where fans could buy one. On this particular night he was wearing the latter along with the matching jacket he brought back from Japan and it was cold enough for jeans to be appropriate. He glanced around at the cars and people gathered around amidst puffs of breath in the night air then over at Sio as he very casually unbuckled his belts watching her do the same unsure of who or for what he was supposed to be looking. “Seen him yet?” He asked.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dusty working at Club Aether during one of the busiest nights of the month.

A small recap of the past weekend

Dustynn and Leo's cabin rendezvous had only increased their relationship for the better. Some things had been revealed, though difficult was only helping their foundation of the house they were building become stronger. When Dustynn arrived home to her mother's strong words and even stronger grip around her neck when she came through the door, the emotional and physical fight had caused a rough start to the following week.

Tuesday Afternoon

"If you fucking do that shit again to me, I will kick you out!" the boisterous voice of Dustynn could be heard outside to any passerby of the overcrowded trailer. "How are you going to kick me out of my own place?" the equally loud of Dustynn's mother could be heard as they stood in the makeshift kitchen.

When Dustynn had came home from her weekend away her mother who was not very happy about not coming to get her from the police station, had attacked her when she had walked in. The two tumbled down, Dustynn hitting hard in the process. Eventually the two women had tired one another out after yelling and physically fighting, they spent the next two days not speaking until now.

"I don't know." replied Dustynn, a bit defeated that the woman was right. She could not kick the woman out of her own place, unless the police were called again, and Dusty would not and could not call the police on her own mother, despite everything. A smug face fell upon Kimberly as she pointed towards the fridge. "Make us some breakfast and I might forgive you." Dustynn could pick up the pan in the sink and bash her mother's brains out in that moment but, decided against it and pulled two freezer burned breakfast sandwiches from the ice box, unwrapped them and placed them in the microwave that desperately needed cleaning.

During the couple minutes they needed in the microwave, Dustynn lit up a joint and took deep drags. She passed it off to her mom, who made her way to the couch. Grabbing the hot sandwiches from the microwave, she took a few napkins and wrapped them- to then proceed to sit down next to her mom on the couch. "Thanks Dusty." Kimberly said as she took a bite from the hot sandwich. "Yeah." she returned, not really acknowledging how screwed up this whole situation had become. Eventually the tv was turned on and had enough noise to block out most thoughts, the smoke of the joint being the only thing intertwining them in the moment.

Later that evening..

"Ma!" Dustynn called from the living room, sitting in front of a lit up portable mirror. She desperately had tried to hide the huge black eye she had received from their fight, but didn't know how to go about it. Tonight was a big night for the bar, whenever there was a deal going on it meant that people bought more drinks and more drinks meant more tips. Tips she would not receive if she looked like a domestic abuse case. Kimberly came out eventually, after a few more calls, she looked down and chuckled, "You look like shit." Dustynn laughed back mocking the woman's tone. "If you want the heat to stay on, you better help me." she threatened, as Kimberly took a seat on the floor next to her one and only daughter. She dug through the collection of makeup finding things that were green toned to contrast the red tones. Side eyeing the mirror now and again, you wouldn't know that these two had such a harsh relationship.

"Maybe some mascara will distract too." Kimberly said as she finished up, scooting up from the floor to the couch. "Thanks Momma." Dustynn said as she admired the woman's handy work. If she really applied herself she could have made a profession out of this talent. Kimberly nodded, as she looked to the clock on the microwave. "Better get going, it's going to get dark." Dustynn looked out the bottom of the window from the floor. Winter always brought night quicker. Though it wasn't freezing, it definitely was cold in Sol.

After dressing warmly in a pair of grey skinny jeans, a mustard colored sweater, a low v-neck black shirt underneath and her black boots- her black leather jacket to match she got into her car and drove to work. Removing her jacket she shoved her belongings into her locker before getting to work cleaning up tables, the bar top, and both of the bathrooms before the doors would open that evening.

"How did that art show thing go hun?" Dustynn asked her coworker Marcus as they finished to get things going, the patrons slowly filling the bar. She hadn't checked in with him since the event, and she hoped it had turned out good, considering she had encouraged him to go in the first place.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus Ainsworth

Club Aether
Tuesday Afternoon

Interactions: @MissCapnCrunch@Majoras End

Marcus sat on his couch, his acoustic guitar in his hands, softly strumming through a new progression he was working on, while humming a quiet melody. Every few bars he would stop, reach over to grab a pen from his coffee table and jot down lyrics or notation in his writing book, before going through those few bars, trying out a new passage or different melodies to see what fit. He’d found himself finally broken free of a long creative drought, all of a sudden bursting with inspiration. “Hmm…. Though your absence left a hole that I thought nothing could fill…” He mumbled softly as he scribbled the words down messily, pausing for a moment to think, before continuing. “You never saw my full potential, and now you never will!” He enthusiastically wrote those last words down, before throwing the pen to the table with a proud smirk. “Damn, I actually like that…” He said to himself with a chuckle, reaching over to his phone to check the time. “Fuck!” He cursed as he realised that he’d lost track of time, and had work in an hour. Quickly moving his guitar to its stand, he bolted to his room to get changed. Luckily he’d already showered, he just need to get dressed.

After changing, he picked up his phone again to order an uber to work, deciding to text Reya as he waited. The two of them had only gotten closer since their “maybe, sorta date” at the Art Show, but it hadn’t progressed any further than friendship at this point. Marcus was always too awkward to ever ask if the art show, or any other time they had hung out since, had been a date, and she hadn’t brought it up either, but he still remembered her brother’s words, giving him a slight amount of hope. But, that still didn’t change how awkward he felt about it all. He was still getting over his ex, and was wondering if it was even wise to enter a relationship already, so he thought it best to not rush into anything, and let things fall where they may.

‘Hey Rei! :) I’m working tonight, and it’s gonna be busyyyyyy. I’m gonna need a drink or 7 after I finish. Meet me there if you’re free??’

He sent the text, and gathered his stuff before heading downstairs, just in time for the uber to arrive.

He got to work 15 minutes early, like he always did, and started helping out almost immediately. Although it was supposedly the busiest night of the month, which was surprising considering it was a Tuesday, he was looking forward to it. Especially because he was rostered on with his work bestie. He and Dustynn hadn’t gotten a chance to talk since the Art Show, and he was glad that he finally could. “It went well!” He replied with a smile, after serving someone a beer. “Well, I think so… We still haven’t really discussed whether it was a date or not, yet…” He shrugged a little, leaning back as he waited for another customer. “I kinda think it was… Especially because of something her brother said, but I dunno… We haven’t been acting like we’re dating. But we have been talking heaps.” He let out a soft sigh, before a customer got his attention, serving them with a smile before turning back to Dustynn. “I don’t even know if I’m ready for a relationship anyway, ya know? It’s still barely been more than a month since Hanna left… But like, I dunno. I’m just trying my best not to overthink it, and let things, just, like, happen…? I guess?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 9 days ago

Paige Kennedy & Milo Ventri

“StarBank, Millenium, First National…” Paige crossed her arms and looked at the markers on the screen of her laptop. She’d said the names of Sol’s three largest banks to herself so many times that they just flowed together in her mind like a song. “All on the same side of the river…” She continued. “And this Friday will be the first time in three months that the there will be a truck run on all three in the same day.” She looked on at the screen resting her chin into her palm as she ran the scenarios over and over again through her head. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she would be potentially making the biggest score of her career in the cold and dark winter of Sol City.

“Why don’t they just go for the trucks?” Milo asked. He tossed another cut log into the small wood fireplace in his shop. Despite how much he had restored the rest of his place into a modern living-space, Paige always gravitated back to the workshop, back to the same table where they lured the gangster, Jackie Costa, into a trap.

“The cash is laced with dye-packs.” Paige said tapping a few keys and moving the map around. “Guards have Uzi’s, it’s just like the old days.”

Milo snorted a little in amusement and sipped a little at the small glass of high-end scotch that Siobhan had managed to liberate from the Olympus family at the Art Showing. Paige’s custom of simply taking whatever she wanted, wherever she wanted, seemed to be rubbing off some on the younger redhead. Though he still wasn’t consuming like he’d been before the assassin’s attempt against him, he accepted the bottle a little curious how the girl had managed to acquire such exotic tastes in spirits at such a young age. Out of habit, the glass rolled slowly in his hand as he watched Paige and thought of the night that the bottle was claimed while another sip slowly burned down. He was officially done with the Romus/Olympus clan. Without a word, Paige had allowed them to prove her right and he had to give her credit for keeping quiet when he knew she was burning to tell them what she thought. Looking at her wearing one of his HEMA t-shirts that she had cut-out to hang loosely off one shoulder only further confirmed that he had made the right decision, but a slightly serious expression drew across his face at the thought. Seeing the ferocity of determination in her face reminded him that she would do anything to get back to Florida and he knew she believed taking down Nikki would be a step in that direction. For him, it was only a step into the past, he had no desire to return to Delta City and had put it all behind him. It was the only unsaid thing between them.

Paige relaxed some and leaned back in her chair resting one arm behind her and sensing his gaze. Unlike him, she could never become immune to the scent of molten metal and gun cleaner that hung in the air within his workshop and was glad of it. The smell was intoxicating. She locked her eyes with his as the fire snapped across the dried wood behind him. Her green orbs searched into him. It was the same look he’d given a few moments after she told him about Ana coming to Sol City and she still couldn’t believe the naivete that she allowed within herself. In her mind she tried to think that things would be the same as they had always been between the three of them, but in her heart she knew that would never again be the case and in those dark echoes she knew that if he still loved Ana, she would never be able to compete. The moment passed without a word and she turned back to the screen and small coffee cup he poured for her.

“The distraction is the wildcard…” Paige said breaking the silence that followed.

“It’ll be on the westside,” Milo said. He walked over to his work bench and examined his rifle in a state of partial deconstruction and cleaning. “They’ll want to use the bridge traffic as a barrier.” He truly didn’t know what she had in mind for him, like she had just put aside the fact that he wasn’t a cop or a soldier he was just a man. He looked at his hands steadily working, thinking about what he’d done with the man who’d tried to kill him. Sure, it was good to talk about it with her and she was probably right that it would get easier with time though he wondered if she really was proud of her body count. “What do you think they’ll hit?”

Paige brushed some of her hair aside; by the end of the day of the day much of it hung loosely from her regular braid and covered much of her exposed shoulder. “Probably just blow up a car or something, it’s the oldest trick in the book.” She shook her head. “It just seems too simple though, it’s not their style.” She sighed and found his hand suddenly resting on her collarbone massaging the back of her neck with his thumb. She let her head fall over as his touch took some of the tension away feeling the roughness of his hand against her skin. Her exhaustion was evident, but she picked up her phone and started typing out a few messages as her eyes were heavy. Milo watched not saying a word as the screen was clearly visible.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: Sol City Outskirts

Interaction: Joel @Pilatus

Mentions: Paige; Milo; Bradley; Rita & Lexi

Siobhan was thanking the fates that she could go back to wearing her jeans. She had grabbed a pair that she bought as a spur of the moment thing. They were practically painted on. She had been staying in shape and even firming up with Paige pushing her along, apparently she had grabbed a size that was a bit smaller than she normally wears. Hence the painted on look. Unfortunately she couldn’t return them. So she’d just wear them. She wore her jacket that matched Joel’s and under that a white ¾ knit top, ankle boots and some super cute leg warmers.

Joel’s hand was on her thigh and driving her crazy. The weight and warmth of it was enough to do the job but you added in the fact that it shifted if either one of them did and that was just like lighting a match and holding it to tinder. She was sure that Milo’s forge would pale in comparison to the heat she was feeling. She made herself concentrate on what he was saying but got lost in the timber of his voice. They had stopped and he had removed his hand and asked her a question. “Huh? Oh umm…” Siobhan looked around and after a few seconds she recognized Bradley and pointed him out. “The one in blue jacket and jeans next to the one in the black trench.”

Siobhan thought about how if anyone like Rita got their hands on info like this that Lexi would kill them. So Siobhan kept her hood pulled up to cover as much of her hair as possible. Siobhan was tired of this issue and was about at the point of socking Bradley in the nose just to get him to leave her alone. Race or no race. Her car wasn’t finished and she was damned tired of the bull. If she didn’t have so much pride she’d have told Paige and just let her take care of it. Who was she kidding if she didn’t have so much pride she’d have never been in this situation in the first place.

Siobhan grimaced at her thoughts and shook her head. No use crying over spilt milk. Can’t change anything now but she could learn from her mistakes. This way at least Joel would know what the guy looked like.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

The Pit Night Club . Tuesday Evening . Sol city Happy Night .

Tuesday Evening


Marinalia knocked back part of her cocktail as the enjoyed a alittle night at the Pit, laughing with Victoria the two where happy and a cold glance from Victoria kept some annoying fan girls away. Being Ethans Pregnant girlfriend was a rather strange situation and simply was doing best to try and make light and find a silver lining.

The buzz from Marinalia phone was ignored for a second, but she got a another buzz and decided to investigate finding a message from her mum reminding her nesslessly that Victoria should not be drinking and also wishing them a goodnight wanting a picture of them dressed up which was returned gracefully.

Thr message from Paige was curius, she had said she could fly her of she needed, and Deadalus did have a little agreement quietly with rh city to help out of needed. It was simply part of the deal that gave them originally the more favoured access to city airpspqce and prime land for the international hub. Might not be entirely honest, but everyone gained from it. Would it be dangerous? Paige was a Marshall, they tended to be going places bad guys where.. But she did if suspicion correct, cause Bob to end up in a jail cell where he definitely belonged. Shame the rest of the Trio had not joined him there. Though thanks to Xia, Marinalia was doing quite abit better, theoropy to but it was nice to have somthing good to distract her mind, and well she could not help but smile a little when she though Mt back to the distractions.

Typing quickly, remembering her ringtone, well that was a irony to say the least. Even of half of people seemed to think she had no taste at all. Well they had no taste... Hi

Yes, I'm on standby Friday. You may have to fill out abit of paperwork later on, just to excuse any costs, we have a deal with city ;)

Long as you Don, t need to fly 10+ miles to sea, I can get ya there.


Pressing send, yes, it probbly was not the safest idea but she promised and it might be fun to pull off a few of the more advanced flight skills like a corkscrew descent. Her girlfriend might not be happy of she was hurt before there holiday, so just have to be careful, Marinalia had a few advanced lessons thanks to working with a few ex military pilots in Alaska how to safely handle bad conditions so the weather should not matter. Why she had got her job in Sol being trained in worse conditions than most. The only one she did not have as never needed was blue water, on a plane... Just not a helicopter.

Only time would tell what exactly firday brought.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Current Song: Bury Tomorrow / Another Journey
Play Here:
Location: Club Aether - Tuesday Afternoon

Character Tags:

Leo and Dustynn had solidified their relationship in his cabin and not just because of the clichéd fade to black scene that often occured in day time tv movies. She had opened up to him about her personal life in a way that affected him deeply. His feelings for her had increased alot and it scared him, falling so hard for someone so quickly caught him by total surprise. However there was no denying the way he felt when they were together, the sense of butterflies in the stomach and the inability to stop smiling. She made him happy and he hoped that he could repay her in kind.

It had been a couple of days since their night together and now it was time for work. Leo entered the club, greeting the security guards as he made his way in. Several patrons were stood chatting in the entrance corridor sharing a story about a recent art show up at the Manor. Before he could hear any decent parts he found himself rounding the corner and entering the bar area. He could see Marcus serving a customer, the newest member of the team had really taken well to the job. As his eyes drifted to another customer Leo spotted Dustynn pouring them a drink from the back of the bar. That feeling deep inside took over once more and he the smile stretched across his face.

Approaching the bar Leo gestured at both with a nod of the head and a smile. He between the two customers they were serving and rested his hands on the bar. Once the patrons had been served Leo spoke, looking over to Dustynn. "Hey gorgeous." He propped himself up onto the bar and leant over to give her a quick kiss. Returning to his feet he turned over to Marcus and reached out for a handshake. "Hey Marcus, hows things?" The chat would be brief, Leo had paperwork that needed doing and he'd be on hosting duties for the majority of the night.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dusty working at Club Aether during one of the busiest nights of the month.
Interacting with: Marcus, Leo, and multiple willing customers. Text from Paige.

The smile Marcus gave, could helped but be returned. Dustynn could tell that it had actually went well and he wasn't just blowing smoke up her ass. In between the conversation, Dustynn served a customer a round of shots for an incoming crowd. "Sometimes the things unspoken, speak the loudest." Dusty said, surprising herself with how deep that comment sounded. she watched his smile and nervous chit chat about his ex and if he was ready for a new girlfriend yet. "I think you'll know when you know, plus if she is as hot as you make her out to be- you'll know even faster." she laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

Dustynn wished the best for Marcus. The two hadn't known one another that long, but he was kind and deserved good things. It didn't take much to impress Dusty, but being as easily trusting as she was; if you were kind to her once- you were way better than most people she dealt with daily. Leo had came by in the midst of their conversation as they exchanged a quick kiss. "It's going to be busy tonight!" she exclaimed, excited but knowing that it was probably going to get heated on this cold night.

"I need a quick smoke." she commented, nodding to Marcus before she headed back to her locker and grabbed her jacket, her pack of smokes, lighter, and phone deep in it's pocket. Walking out into the back service alley way of the bar, she pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a minute to enjoy the burst of heat from the flame. Placing the stick between her lips she pulled out her phone and looked at some of the notifications; clearing the unimportant or uninteresting.

One from Paige, the woman she had met during the snowstorm raised some attention as she read over it a few times.

Offers? Not anything serious. People want the business bad, but they've all been kicked to the curb.
You should come out tonight, I'm serving all night and I can get you a better deal than the 2 for 1's ;)

The reply was as truthful as far as Dustynn knew about, plenty of people wanted the business but she knew that Leo would have a very hard time letting the place go, unless two more went up in it's place. Dusty thought about showing the text to Leo but knew that all the other missing facts from have to be filled in; something she didn't want to spend the night doing. She deleted the text thread and placed her phone back into her jacket, finished off the cigarette and flicked it into the street.

Coming back into work, she threw her stuff back into her locker and got back to work helping Marcus serving customers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Xia Alexander & Carlo Washington

Saturday-Tuesday / Various locations

Saturday Night

Xia couldn't even describe how Saturday night was. Fair share of drama, confrontations, annoyances, gossip, surprises, matters being set straight, confusions, comforts, business, along with shits and giggles. If this was how every event was here in Sol or on the rich side of the tracks, Xia could probably do without but as long as her girl was involved, she had no choice but to be involved too. Not long after getting home with her girlfriend, already feeling quite good from their drinks, the two were already getting their little after party started after most of their flirting and dirty talk an hour or two before.

Xia's cousin, Carlo, mentioned he was going to be at his new girlfriend's place but...he forgot something at the apartment. Upon returning, he didn't know if his cousin was back until walking in and hearing the juicy smacking of kisses the closer he got to Xia's room door and the moans that sounded in between. A smirk was planted on Carlo's face while he quietly went to get his laptop from off the couch and headed back out quietly You ain't the only one getting some ass tonight, Cuzz. He said leaving.


Xia was still sleep the next morning when Marlin woke up next to her. The sleepy Caribbean beauty moved a little in between the sheets, mumbling with her eyes closed. She was fairly quiet when she spoke knowing her girlfriend was up wanting her to continue cuddling but at the same time, hungry. After ordering breakfast and eating a little, she soon had to say goodbye to Marlin. I'll see you later baby.... She said beckoning for a goodbye kiss from her sweet little English muffin. She didn't want her to go but she knew that Marlin was a busy busy girl and didn't want to hold her up. After her girlfriend left, she went back to bed for another 45 minutes to an hour.

Getting back up and stretching, she got out of bed to get back on her panties and headed to the bathroom to do her daily rituals, humming with a smile on her face walking out and heading into the living room feeling quite chipper. Damn! You sound happy... Hearing words of someone, Xia flinched and screamed. She covered her bare breasts and looked over to see Carlo sitting on the couch on his phone. FUCK!! Carlo, you scared the hell out of me! She said still covering her chest. I haven't seen your goodies since we were in our teens. He smirked while still looking at his phone. When did you get home? Why are you here now?

Hm? I got home about 10-15 minutes ago and I'm home because.....I live here too? Look...I wanted to come and bring you breakfast for you and your English biscuit....so...I brought food along with american biscuits. Xia sighed and walked back in her room to put on a shirt to cover herself. Well if you were waiting for Marlin, you missed her. And then you brought food even though I ate earlier. Where did you get the money? I thought you quit that part time job at the convenient store? I did...my girlfriend gave me money for the food. But...don't worry..I'm paying her back.

Yeah..that's what I always hear. No...I'm serious...I start my new job Tuesday. I'll be working with Mercury Deliveries.. Xia raised an eyebrow as she looked in the back that was given to her filled with food from the breakfast deli pulling out a big blueberry muffin and taking a seat on her recliner while crossing her legs. Oh....okay? Carlo looked over. What? you ain't happy I got a new job? Xia started picking at her muffin and eating a little. More surprised...what is Mercury Deliveries? It's a food distributor company. I'm gonna be delivering drink products. Full time work too. With this...if I make enough money, we can afford a 2 bedroom apartment.

Xia coughed a little. Okay...Carlo, if you make enough money working at this place, you should be able to find your own place. Not that I don't enjoy you being here-...actually...I never really wanted you living with me but you're my family. Your mom told me that you were to stay with me until you get on your feet...not stay with me for the rest of your life.

I know..I know...you ain't gotta remind me. Look...my homeboy, Phil, he hooked me up with this job and I'm going to be working with him soon too with his group. Group? Phil is a rapper and producer that has his own studio at his house. He has a rap group that does trap music, rock rap, dubstep, and other shit like that. He plays at clubs...calling himself Philly lowride with Yung Casino and two other members of his group Resurrection Brothaz. They want me to join their act sicne they liked my flow. I'm thinking of calling myself Monte Carlo. Xia snorts a little You do realize that's the name of a place in Monaco and a car right? You guys got some of the funniest names. I'm working on the name, cuz. I'm serious...

Xia continue to quietly eat her muffin when Carlo stood. Look...I'm trying to be something....something better than my pops. That's why I'm here. Yeah..the job I got ain't the best but I gotta start somewhere. I know me and you haven't had a good relationship but that was all from hangin' with the wrong crowd, doin' drugs that made me act crazy. Then dealing with my sorry ass father who always was in and out of jail, drunk, beating the shit out of ma, and always bitchin' about how the white man was always trying to keep the brothaz down. I don't wanna be nothin' like that nigga. I'm gonna be better...I'm a changed grown ass man.

Xia was eating slowly and looked her cousin in the eyes. Mhm... Carlo looked over. That's all you got to say is mhm? Xia shrugged. Mhm... Cuz I'm baring my shit here. Seems like you ain't taking me serious. I am...I just want to see more action. I believe you and giving you the benefit of doubt and...I'm in a chancing mood. Why? You have a very good night like I had last night and you tell me if you wouldn't be so cheery. Xia said thinking about Marlin.

I know...I heard you two... Xia's expression was that of surprise. Wait..wait what? Came home to pick something else up. Never knew you were into girl but seems you both know how to get them spots hahahahaha! Xia threw the muffin at Carlo and got up to chase her cousin around the apartment while she tried to get him in a wrestling move..

Monday-Tuesday (Evening)

Monday, was another busy work day. She had a meet and greet with 2 new clients today going on about a little bit of personal life and sharing a few laughs before starting the tour of the facility. This was going to be a busy week indeed but Xia was going to try to make the best of it and see her girlfriend whenever the chance came. She went to deliver lunch to marlin before she had to get back to work but it wasn't a long meeting since both girls had to continue with their business.

There was more texting between the two than physically seeing each other. She would express some exciting things about her cousin trying to do a little better and then on top of that, Xia was still excited that they'd soon go on their vacation soon. For the most part, Xia has been the happiest these last few days since Saturday, even though the little article in the newspaper made her raise an eyebrow, she wondered how Marlin felt about it?

Regardless of those, the girls managed to get together for shopping here and there. The Caribbean beauty found some skimpy bikinis that would more than likely leave little to the imagination. When it came to Marlin, Xia suggested she needed to mix up on her clothes and not be afraid to show off a bit. She was going to support her no matter.

Since it was Tuesday evening, he cousin was just coming home from work and the vibration from her phone got her attention when she saw a picture of Marlin in an interesting choice of apparel. Xia stared and couldn't help but smile and then read the text. okay, Marlin was looking sexier everyday with her changing and adapting. Xia smiles and texts her back

Looking good baby. Have fun tonight and if you need anything, I'm just a call or text away. I think I'm going to catch a flick at the cinema tonight with Carlo. Again, I'm here if you need me. Now...go enjoy your sexy ass, my little English biscuit

Mwuah, Luv U <3

Xia turned to go and speak with the tired Carlo wanting to drag him to see a movie tonight since the movies were not as crowded during the week as opposed to the weekend. Carlo was still getting used to the nice Xia and whatever freaky kinky shit that she was doing to Xia, Carlo hoped she continued it. He eventually and reluctantly gave in to go out to the movies with his cousin but his homies were probably going to be their tonight as well. Xia went to get ready for the night.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 9 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

They had an Audi Sport Quattro kit car back at the team garage that Joel was thinking about as he leaned against the back of the GT-R breathing in the cold night air stealing a brief glance up at the clear sky where the light dissipation from the city wasn’t as great and some stars were visible. The car was a shit-ton of fun to drive and was completely old school with a traditional clutch pedal, basic round steering wheel and an H-gate shifter that felt like cycling a rifle bolt. He’d only got to drive it once as it was only for “promotions” as he was told. He let his mind wander briefly giving a few nods and waves to people that recognized him and looked a little surprised to see him out at the old stomping grounds before casually easing back into reality as he heard Sio describing her apparent stalker across the way and attempting to hide under her hood which seemed rather odd.

“Nope, no hiding now.” Joel said pulling her hood back and letting her red hair fall. He knew she was worried about the media and her image otherwise she was never one to shy away which annoyed him a little. “We came out here for you.” He said resting one arm over the rear-wing and letting his eyes scan past the person she described, but not settle on anyone particular. “No one here is going to say anything.” He continued leaning over to talk in her ear enjoying the smell of her coffee scented shampoo. A small cylinder engine fired up across the lot filling the air with a high-pitched exhaust burst. There were bets going around on the first run of the night and he smirked with some amusement at the scene thinking most everyone out there had probably watched too many movies or just had more money than sense- while some had neither. “I doubt anyone out here even reads that rag they circulate around town and no one for sure is going to say anything.”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

The Pit Night Club . Tuesday Evening . Sol city Happy Night .

Tuesday Evening


Marinalia could not help but smile at the text she found from Xia, of course Victoria picked up on that dragged her hand over to see giving her a aww and teasing them good naturedly about being overly cute and jokily singing a little school years rhyme. OK. That was probbly thr sugar or Victoria was just pregnant and being stranger than normal..

"Do I have mention you and prince charming. Though your rather the modern Disney tale. Snow white got pregnant by Prince charming after a one first date! " she could not let Victoria escaoe entirely, they where sisters after all and did have there stereotypical moments. "Not Disney.... Hey... Harsh. Just got to take life as it comes,, Hospital nurse was amazing on just talking. In scared but well... It's kinda done. Ya know... Wonder if I did different one night how all might change....

Don n, t quote me on that in a few months or 8 ish... I might want to wrap guitar round his head a few times. "
mind wandering a little, Marinalia left Victoria to her pondering of what happened if she forced past Milo that night and demanded to know what he was up to... She might even get on with Paige and Siobhan. Though marlin might of ended up witb Joel... And Xia well honestly, she was not sure who she would of been happier with. Joel had a certain charm, they both had a certain back and forth and flirtyness but seemed to have sent her confidence up, and was helping her with her deamons.

Marinalia has been shopping, seeing Xia in a rather skimpy bikini had been, well she was still getting used to some things even though they had shared a bed, and a few other things. Marlin needed time and was ever grateful Xia has the paitnce of a dozen saints. She has picked up a few things that might cause a rather happy girlfriend on the beech, and a few things for after... Xia had been a little mock grumpy she his her suprise, hut promised it would all be worth it. The shop assotiant had been a rather willing acomplise to the couple she saw was rather new but fairly well matched in there own strange way.

Meeting her for lunch was fun, however short, it was a little cool but she grabbed abit from the staff cafe and headed up the quiet old control tower. The view was nice 360 degrees over the airport and very far edge where city gave way to the wilder open land. Everyone in her department and more already seemed to know she had a girlfriend much to a few guys disapoinent who unknown to her had a few admirers who had wnated to ask her out. Though the pretty dark haired sectretey seemed to cast a lingering glance. Other than a few jokes, questions and slightly silly inaprooate ish items. Most people where of the impression she was happier and more like her old self before the incident at the jazz night.

Typing out a reply, Xia seemed to be getting on better... Maybe it was Saturday night. It had rather helped them both out with stress and so. It was hard to be worried fast asleep curled up to her rather lovely and more curvy girlfriend. She was glad Xia and Carlo where getting on better, he seemed to have work and a girlfriend, so that kpet him distracted off her for abit. Not that that night had clearly been a sign that Marlin was off the market as it where. Thanks, you look lovely in sure :) enjoy the movie, glad Carlo is starting sort things out. He might have a good yolk under that shell after all.

Always. Though winter storms could be fun now! Have fun my Caribbean cutie, see you soon!

Spoilers... All will be revealed in the Caribbean ;)
Luv Mali, x x

Smiling as she hit send, and adding a Video of both Sisters raising drinks Happily in the Pit with a little joke about 2 for one entery and Victoria looking still somewhat nervous deep down about all the recent events though also a supportive Marlin, Victoria in a 1920's ish glittery dress. Victoria knew, well Xia knew as Marlin told he before the article broke, wanting the News to come accurately and not second hand so adding non alcoholic was unnecessary. Both sisters had expressed a desire just to not be bothered by press. Victoria especially did not want the fame, but also enjped her time with Ethan in its own strange, or sometimes... Private ways. Though she knew her child would have at least one aunt aiming to spoil them rotten if anything was to go by recently.

Marinalia had plans to try and see Xia on Thursday as she had a early close thanks to a long Friday. Well if the Luna Sports was quiet. They both knew each other had busy jobs and made most of times they had. Though she was gaining a definite protective streak for Xia slowly, it just was her way, coming from a smaller fnaily, and a little broken one she protected those closest quite fiercely as Victoria had showed.

The only good thing Marlin thought came out of it, was well no one was asking her so many stupid questions why she had a girlfriend, somewhat of a disaster but it certainly drew a line in sand, forced her across it and put Joel safely in the past colum, however much she still did wonder what might of happened. Joel was defenitely with Siobhan, she was a tiny bit curious when things began between them at the party, after it, gala? however in the past, it still was a curiosity.

"Wait.. Paige texted you... you know trouble and that woman.. rumours are she is close to it... just be careful! seriously. dad had that stuff resized right? " The message from earlier came back up, well she knew enough to know Marinalia might not have a calm Friday. "Im just flying Vika, anyway, i want make the wedding, il be very careful. i know you think big bad is coming, and yes. i may have grown a little since then, in good places. it fits, little tight but fits. " Victoria did not leave that one be for a minute or so before she promised not to take any risks, she needed her sister intact and healthy in the next few months, Ethan was great but reliability, that she would know in time if the fire would burn very bright but short, or find a nice steady flame. "Thankyou, i kinda.. just need help, just don't risk it Mali... just make it home. "

@Pilatus@Almalthia@King Tai
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 9 days ago

Elsewhere in Sol City...

The metal and the word from the street were heavy at the 501 Club on Tuesday Night. The clamor of conversation rose and fell against the sound of Slayer and old Metallica from a playlist stolen from a long broken jukebox that still sat derelict in one corner serving as a makeshift table for half-empty bottles, sweating glasses and ash trays. It was crowded, not because it was Tuesday, but because that was just the way it always was and the owners didn’t need silly gimmicks to attract their dedicated clientele. Members of the Visigoths 1% gang ruled most of the floor and the one pool table that still had enough balls and sticks to keep a game flowing. A few old hands of the Dellesantos Crew could be seen keeping to themselves around a table to the back. In decades past, they never would have set foot in Visigoth territory without a deathwish, but times changed and for the more seasoned residents of Sol’s underground, it was a lot less trouble to just have a drink, get-along and not think about it.

Not far off from the bar, at a small table adorned by old license plates and a shoddy framed flag from North Vietnam sat three men.

“This is absolute fucking Americano, Yolo.” One man said. He was clearly well-built, muscular, but not lean with a shaved head and a meaty grin. He wore an unpretentious black jacket, jeans and a workman’s boots that had not seen a great deal of work. He drank his beer from a bottle and kept his elbows rested on the table. “I fucking love it, almost reminds me of that place we had in Kansas City, remember that?”

Perky’s.” The other man replied. He was much younger, lanky with sharp features, poorly-cut curly hair, cauliflowered ears and sleeves rolled. He kept his posture relaxed, leaned back in his chair that shifted under his weight uneasily, like every dowel and screw that held it together had been retightened again and again to keep it standing. Yolo had a keen eye and kept a careful watch over those that plainly recognized them as outsiders.

“So, who’s the best lawman in this shit hole, Osvaldo?” The older man said.

The third man across the table looked more blue-collar than outlaw. His greasy black hair curled out from under a grungy and faded Angels hat. Hs facial features wrinkled like an old baseball glove at the the question. “Would need to weigh that one for a moment, senior.” The man said. He ran a hand over his mouth and crossed his other arm in consideration. Being a Dellesantos soldier for so many years had affected his memory considerably and he had to think about who was still alive, who was dead and who he wasn't sure either way. The two men in front of him wanted information and were paying handsomely for it, or at least one of them was, and as long as the family was protected, he didn’t see anything wrong with pocketing some cash on the side. His presence at the table abated the stares of the regulars. The calluses on his boney hands and the age in his eyes meant his intel was unquestioned. He gave a thin sigh of exasperation at the fog of age in his memory before he spoke: “The best tracker is Toly Pierce, he’s ex-KGB, will chase a man clear into Canada…” He shifted slightly in his chair still thinking and looking down at the scarred hardwood table between them. “But he is a bondsman… The best would be L.T. Davis, he is ATF and is fair, will even overlook some things.” Osvaldo nodded to himself with a slight smile at his recollections, but the smile faded back away as another thought approached while Hells Bells dawned in the background and he shook his head grimly. “No mis amigos, L.T., is the best... but the meanest is a woman, a Marshal, Kennedy is her name.”

“Ha! See I told you he’d say that.” The older man slapped Yolo on the back who in turn rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“Tell us some more, Osvaldo.” The man said. He rested his chin in one hand aggrandizing his interest.

The old Mexican regarded them strangely. “You already know of her?”

“We’re familiar.”

“She’s hardly been in Sol City over a month and has killed at least two men.” Osvaldo continued. “She is loco, from somewhere in Florida, they say she threatened to kill Elvin Santos at gunpoint for information. Always likes to talk before she does something; I heard she beat a man near to death with a Bible.”

“Crazy bitches are always from Florida, remember that.”

“Just like Shannon.” Yolo chuckled.

“Oh my fucking God, do not get me started...”

Osvaldo’s aged glance narrowed. “What did you say your name was again, senior?”

“Nik…” The older man said. “Nik Giancana.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 9 days ago


Location: Sol City Outskirts

Interaction: Joel @Pilatus


Siobhan mock glared at Joel as he pulled off her hood but didn’t argue. Sometimes that man can be right. I better not tell him though. If his ego gets any bigger then he may have to move to a bigger place. Siobhan heaved a sigh and squared her shoulders and grabbed Joel’s hand intertwining their fingers intimately. I am done with this tonight.

“Did you want an introduction to the creep?” Siobhan looked up at Joel in curiosity. She was struck by his good looks as she was each time she looked at him. He just seemed to weave some kind of spell that she was totally vulnerable to. He might be a bit older than her but she was finding she liked the age difference. His experience was intoxicating and she felt safe with him. Something that she’d never felt with other guys before. She was down right skittish around other men, except Milo. But he was a brotherly figure so he didn’t count as a man.

Siobhan smiled sexily closed her eyes and raised up on tip-toes just enough to kiss Joel lightly on the lips with a lingering kiss. She wanted more than that but she wasn’t sure how comfortable he was kissing in public. If she were honest with herself she’d admit that she knew that there was more that could follow their make out sessions. But slow was nice.

She’d bought a tasteful bikini for Jamaica while swallowing down the gitters as she did so. Jamaica was so important to him and she was excited that he was finally living his dream. She had lived her dream since she could remember. Siobhan opened her eyes and said in a husky whisper each word said against his lips.“Kiss me like you want to do bad things to me Speed Racer.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Club Aether

'The normal life of Joy Fisher.'

A petite girl with beautiful long blonde hair made her enterance through the front door of the appartement. Softly she kicked her foot against the door as it quietly clicked close once more. She dropped her bag near the door as if it was garbage, just like she let her coat drop from her shoulders onto the cold ground. She kicked off both her shoes to both sides of the room and unzipped her skirt making it fall onto the ground as well.

All in one smooth motion she moved through the room before dropping onto the bed with her face right into the pillow, she rumaged around under her pillow grabbimg the remote of the television and clicking it on. An episode of Friends was airing which was quite fun to watch at times so she left it on for now as she boringly waited for time to pass.

About half an hour later the doorbell rang indicating that her order of food had arrive just at the right time. She got to the front door and called the guy up while she searched for a small money tip for him somewhere in her bag. The front door already started ringing while she hadn't had time to put on a pants or anything yet. As the lazy person she was she simply opened the door with the thought her sweater was long enough anyway. She boringly took the order from him and gave him the tip before moving back to her nest with the Chinese food just like any day.

After another hour of watching television and munching her dinner it began to get quite boring. There weren't really any new anime out today and she didn't want to watch any movies or series. Well, it was supose to be like 50% off club night today so that was somewhat tempting to go too. It wasn't like there was anything better to do for her either. So, she got off her lazy ass and began doing her hair, make up and clothes while eating the just now reheated chinese soup. Another hour later music played from her phone while she loud mouthedly sang with the songs all while she was doing her hair.

She was wearing a cute dress that ended just beneath her knees, it had a frilly white part at the top that left the area around her neck open and had sleeves untill her elbows. While under her chest the color was black, the dress was quite wide at the bottom, she wore it together with white pantyhose and flat black shoes. Her bangs were swept to the side like usual only with a cute black butterfly hairclip to finish it off. Her long hair was loosely hanging behind her back with not much of a style in it. Her make up wasn't so extravagant, only a bit of lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, light pink blush and a small bit foundation.

At least she was done now. She got over the kitchen and pulled a redbull out of the fridge and a bueno from one of the drawers. She quietly munched half of it down while the songs were still playing and glanced into the big mirror at her doorstep. She thought she did look good yet that annoyed glare wanted to make her punch the mirror in its entirety. She gulped down the last of her sweet chocolate and popped open her redbull while she pulled on her long coat again and equiped one of her cute bags into the left hand character slot.

While pluging in her earbuds Joy made her way outside and cycled a few blocks down from her house while softly sipping her redbull. Just before she arrived at her destined club Aether she managed to throw the empty can into a trashbin so that she wouldn't be stuck with it. She put her bicycle stuck to a nearby pole and managed to get past the guards while looking seemingly quite nervous. Joy sighed deeply as she stored her coat away at the lobby. She wasn't much for going out but she did enjoy to drink quietly and keep to her own.

She had never been to this club before but seeming as it was quite populair she had to try right. The music that came on wasn't really her taste but she could enjoy most songs without knowing them. Joy got close to the bar but waited a minute to unknowingly glare at the bartenders for a while. The woman left leaving only the man to tend for now. He didn't look all to busy so she better order something from him. Quietly she got up to the bar as she glared at the bartender 'seeming quite annoyed' with her bag held by both her hands in front of her lap.

"Can I get a double shot of Bacardi and a draft beer..."

Quite a normal order to make for a small girl. As soon as she recieved her order she paid the bartender and shot the Bacardi. She placed the glass back onto the bar again and pulled a somewhat sour face. Not a big fan of shotting bitter stuff but she had to get tipsy so that she would be maybe just a bit more open. She left the bar for a while as she simply inspected the club a bit all while quickly finishing off her beer to return back upon the bar once more. She still wore the same irritated expression as she spoke to Marcus.

"Can you recommend me anything that is refreshing."

sometimes she did sound like she would kill someone if she didn't get the right reaction or something not fitting to her request. Joy would stay close to the bar not knowing what to do in the club apart from drinking amd browsing her phone. The woman bartender had returned as well.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus Ainsworth

Club Aether
Tuesday Evening

Interactions: @MissCapnCrunch@CaptainSully@liferusher

Marcus nodded a little, taking in Dustynn’s words with a slight smile, letting out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I suppose so… It’s just the not knowing that kinda freaks me out, I guess.” He shrugged again, but smiled. Marcus and Dustynn had only known each other for a couple weeks now, but they’d become fast friends, and Marcus really appreciated her advice, believing that she was being nothing but genuine, and would give him nothing but the best advice. It felt good to have someone other than his friend Chris to talk to for once. And another female’s point of view always helped as well.

As Marcus poured another beer and handed it to a customer, taking the money from them with a smile, Leo approached the bar. Marcus smiled and nodded at him, though rolled his eyes teasingly at the public display of affection between he and Dusty. As he finished serving the customer, he met Leo’s outstretched hand with his own, shaking it firmly. “Hey Leo. Things are good, actually.” He said with a genuine, optimistic smile and nod of his head. He nodded at Dusty as she left to gout for a smoke, and then looked back at Leo. “So, things with you and Dustyn seem to be going pretty well.” He mused with smile on his face. He wasn’t sure if it was place to really comment on it, but he wanted to give them both his best wishes. He’d only met them both recently, but he quite liked the both of them.

He turned his attention away from his boss as a woman approached the bar. The first thing he noticed about her was her hair, long and golden. Marcus couldn’t help bet wear a goofy smile as he looked at her, before noticing the look on her face. She did not look happy at all, looking quite annoyed at something. He wasn’t sure if it was at him, or just the world in general. He was caught off guard a little by it, but as he she ordered a shot and a drink, he nodded, giving the angry looking girl a sweet, genuine smile. “Yeah, of course.” He grabbed a beer glass, pouring the beer and placing it on the bar, before going to the spirits shelf and grabbing the bottle of Bacardi, pouring the shot quickly and placing it next to the beer. If Leo was still watching, it would be obvious that Marcus had picked up the skills of a bartender quite well. He smiled again at the blonde woman, asking for the amount the drinks cost. He wanted to ask if she was okay, but thought it better not to. He didn’t want to pry into the feelings of a stranger. He watched her go after taking her drinks, a puzzled look on his face.

He continued to serve customers, all the while occasionally looking over the angry blonde. Something about her intrigued him. It wasn’t too long before she came back to the bar, at this point Dustynn was back, probably serving someone else. Marcus listened to the angry looking woman’s question, and nodded. “Uh, yeah… We have a Pale Ale that I find quite refreshing, or if you prefer cocktails, I make a mean watermelon mojito.” He replied cheerily, hoping his more upbeat attitude would help to cheer up the morose girl. Though her demeanor did throw him off a bit, he tried his best not to let it show.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Pit to Club Eather and Run District . Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

TUESDAY evening


Victoria and Marinalia had a silly idea, well a rather strange idea and both wnated to test somthing. It was a tad of a risk but the over sized gorilla's who worked the doors there where, well... Not entirely brightest creatures ever existing. But Victoria was known as Ethans Pregnant girlfriend, and her getting hurt on top of thr last one would probbly not be the best press.

Throwing there coats back on and giving Victoria a hand up and a little help, she was recovering bfaorly well and getting used to her new balence, just the shock and hormones had knocked her back abit and was more reliant on the glittering blue snowflake cane than before for abit. Keeping a arm to help her when needed, she was one of few Victoria was happy taking help off. "Let's see if trolls are out, what's the bet we banned despite your boyfriends intervention?. I'd bet the drinks but alas, loser does the shop this week? " Victoria was a alittle slower so they finally saw the run, and it's hefty oversized guards, blimey did they pick one atrabute alone. It was funny going to be seeing them so treating a 4'9 waif like black haired woman Victoria was as a threat. "deal... Drinks might have to wait. Trolls, there's plenty of bridges in the city for them to call home, what was that one listed... Sully, Leonardo or so online? Manager or so on website.

Probbly, never know till we try, no email yet said so and I used mine to sott out those run passes out. Had a fun idea of there dicks though... "
finally reaching the run district, it was busy tonight but it was 50% off all drinks. Dressed, Victoria was thinking it might of been a better idea to dress abit warmer some times. Approaching, Victoria tilted her accent deeper Russain and kept close to Marinalia, the two women waiting till the inevitable happened when there finger prints clicked some non happy colour. "I love mints anything about now Mali...

Whats iz the Problem Gentleman? That has not happened before..."
"Gentlemen" seeing them charge in and attack a few police officers was pushing it, but hey. Maybe they might get a straight answer our someone not looking like a walking steroid bill board. It was always worth a try, plus she wnated to test how far Ethans little solution wwnt, he might be more connected than she relised and things could turn.... Intresting to say the least, she really did not know what directions things would go to be honest to herself.

Waiting, View in a pretty, shorter art deco dress, and Marinalia more relaxed in a nice top, shortish skirt and above the knee boots. Admitly the outfits probbly gave a clear impression of rich girls but hey, they struggled to hide anything it seemed in Sol city so why not look the part. It was kinda surral as they got escorted by 3 oversized of the security breatherin of the Troll kin, each one vastly larger than the two women, especially Victoria who looked about as threatening physically as a potted plant to them and frankly tiny in comparison . Behind a laptop was a different story. "you guys really do take Paranoia to be a virute here. We weigh less than you bench... " reaching the bar, well the 3 brick outhouses seemed not to let up there passive intimidation. But they spotted someone they recognised, Marcus!

The one with the adorable blue haired date who wnated to dump her brother in a bin, a pink haired bar lady and someone ordering cocktails. The older man, well he would be the manager? Was he rather friendly with the pink haired bar woman... Juice... "Hey Marcus, you enjoy your date at our party? You looked cute together.

You must be the Manager, we walked up ID flashed up strange colours, and He-man and his family seemed rather clear we meet you. Though it seems alittle overkill especially with Victoria being about a third there size or more."
playing a alittle bit less knowing, she wnated to know what that meant... Banned would be banned, this was somthong diffrent. Victoria glanced over seeing a new girl, she was small and Victoria was still smaller, a few inches taller than the long Raven haired, yet pale skimmed petite woman. OK, she did push petite a alittle. Petite petite... Why was everyone taller... Even Marlins cousins would be pretty quickly of not already where. That Victoria could find out at the wedding though.

Marinalia glanced over at the blonde haired woman, the bartenders, and older man, things definitely where not boring... OK they walked into this one but but they where just curious given how they had not notice of the pass being revoked. Both sisters had eerily matching slate grey eyes, though Victoria, s came across a alittle colder than her warmer sister. From a few glances her way, Marinalia was quite thankful that momment she had a girlfirned, this place had a few charceters for sure. Though it was a good night the last time in long run, she met Xia and that lead onto the gym, that lead to rather alor more!

Only time would tell what happened. At the worst they got banned, and Victoria might have a chance to find a vennue for her twilight fan fiction evening little trick she was itching to test out on someone.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 9 days ago

Joel Nicolosi

Joel was perusing the lineup of cars just the same as anyone else. It was the regular lineup of total junk and stupid money the same as always. He didn’t mind the gawkers that his car was drawing. There were a couple other GT-R’s parked along the wayside setup for the quarter-mile, but none with the refined aero kit or carbon-fibre construction that his sported. He continued to glance around casually as she spoke in his ear. Confrontations were not particularly his style, but despite the hassle of driving all the way out there for her, he was just a little bit curious what exactly was going on. As she whispered he continued to nod and acknowledge those that recognized him, keeping a slight smirk on his face when she pecked him on the lips. He reached down behind her out of sight between the rear of the car and pinched her ass hard without making the slightest change in his expression.

The object of his search, he was pretty sure was just across the small lot in which everyone was gathered. A fourth generation Z28, maroon and lowered slightly in the front-end, which on its own would not have been anything unique, but the beadlock rear wheels and the fat street slicks tucked under rolled rear fenders were not normally a choice for posers. He could see what looked like an old-school tachometer mounted on the hood that he had to admit was a nice touch. Whatever was under the hood, if it was fit enough to match the outward appearance, would be an interesting match against Sio’s Corvette and if the guy was as much a cocky asshole as she described, then it was going to be relatively easy for him to get the information he needed to make sure her car could win, assuming that even happened.

“Let’s see if your homebody wants to make a scene before you get all hot and bothered.” He said meeting her eyes for a moment then glancing away as if he were thinking about something else.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Current Song: Bury Tomorrow / Another Journey
Play Here:
Location: Club Aether - Tuesday Afternoon
Character Tags: @MissCapnCrunch@Zaxter996@liferusher@PrinceAlexus

The time had flown by and soon enough the karaoke would be kick in. The bar was filling nicely for a Tuesday much to Leo's surprise. He poked around on his phone for a while as Marcus served a woman he had never seen before. For all of his sins he did well at remembering faces and hers he couldn't remember. He put his phone away and motioned to talk to her but not before three of his hulking doormen escorted two women right up to him. Steve's temporary replacement during his "hiatus" opened his mouth to talk but one of the women jumped in at the sight of Marcus. "Hey Marcus, you enjoy your date at our party? You looked cute together." Soon enough her attention moved to Leo. "You must be the Manager, we walked up ID flashed up strange colours, and He-man and his family seemed rather clear we meet you. Though it seems alittle overkill especially with Victoria being about a third there size or more."

Leo scratched at his chin as he tried to work out who the girls were and soon enough the events of the recent mini-riot came flooding back. While he hadn't been on the floor he had seen enough of the CCTV footage and these two were definitely involved in some capacity. They weren't the instigators by any means but he couldn't really afford to risk letting trouble makers in after the recent issues. That said, they knew Marcus so they really couldn't be that bad. Leo had a plan that often seperated out the troublemakers from those looking just to have fun. Standing up off his stool he approached the pair and straightened his jacket.

"Well you are right there, I am the manager. The names Leo and that light that flashed up is our security system. The entire Run has it installed so that anyone who is banned from a club can't then move on and get into another. Unfortunately for you both you've been banned after that drama you were involved in the other week." Leo used nodded at his security and they backed off. "However...I am willing to lift the ban if you're willing to play a game." A teasing smile crossed his face as he looked at them both. Then with his best impression, "Would you like to play a game?" The quote wasn't exactly but he just laughed it off. He began to rub his hands together menacingly with his smile still stretched across his face, waiting for their response.

1x Laugh Laugh
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