Mariette Carlisle Eve

Mariette's choice of clothing does nothing to hide her curvaceous body. She is usually seen in the latest outfits with a tight fit. Of course, she would prefer to wear baggy attire that conceals her form, but it would be unbefitting of a noble. At five feet eight inches, she's tall but certainly not towering over anyone else. Her naturally dark hair falls in layers past her shoulders, in varying shades of red and brown. Her eyes, though red when she's hungry, are usually an emerald green color. She has creamy porcelain skin, without a nick or scratch in sight due to her enhanced healing.



Mariette is a genuinely curious person. She craves all kinds of knowledge and wants to experience everything that she can throughout her eternal life. In her youth -before she learned what was proper- she used to question her superiors' orders, wishing to know why things were the way they were. Usually, she was punished for it. However, she never pleaded to get out of those punishments, preferring to know what it was like to be disciplined so she could gain that experience and move on with her life. She believes that the day her inquisitiveness fades is the day that she is truly dead.
When she is interacting with other nobles, it's like she snaps into a trance. Gone is the overwhelming energy she has when she chases experience. It is replaced with a cool persona, one that is calm and collected. She only lets her excitement and curiosity out whenever the noble in question has earned her trust. Even then, it's usually lessened.
Mariette isn't pessimistic or optimistic. Rather, she is realistic. She knows that her mage will eventually die and that a new one will take their place. She knows that the treaty was signed by both parties, but that it favors her kind. She realizes that she will never experience the channeling and usage of magic no matter how much it kills her that she will always be limited in that way. She is not a dreamer, her head isn't in the clouds. She is deeply rooted in the earth, wanting to learn everything she can about what is real before she dares to travel into the cosmos.

Birthed by a strong lightning mage, Mariette came into the world a little over a century ago. Her father, having been fond of the woman who gave birth to one of his children, allowed the mage to be a part of Mariette's early life. This -alongside her family's affection towards their mages- taught Mariette not to treat mages as less-than. Instead, she treated them as a gift. Something to be valued and cared for, but also utilized and played with. When they passed on or broke they could be replaced, but not without feeling a great loss.
It wasn't long until her mother passed, and the time for playing with mortals was over. After all, a member of the noble family had to be trained in order to be great. So, classes began. Mariette's favorite lessons were about history and politics. She craved information on the history of her kind and the magic that was stagnant in some mortals but flowing powerfully in others. Her second favorite class was combat training. She was taught how to defend herself against a bigger foe, with her hands and with daggers. Then of course, there were etiquette courses. These taught her to rein in her natural curiosity. Namely when she was confronted by superiors. What Mariette cherished most were the meetings with her father behind closed doors. That was where she learned the most important lessons.
Stay curious, he reminded her. That was the example the true Head of the house had tried to teach them.
Stay neutral, he chided whenever she spoke up without knowing both sides of the situation. That was their family's way, after all.
There were other, more important things he told her. Things that had to stay hidden until the time was right. However, an important part of this plan was getting into the Academy. Plenty of Eve members had been chosen, but she hadn't been one of them. So, she took it up with Ike, a member of a different branch of the Eve family. With a few persuasive words and the promise of change she was able to convince him to leave the Academy, despite his love of the place. Soon after, her letter came in the mail and she was on her way to the Academy.


- Gaining knowledge
- Honesty
- The notes of different types of blood
- Curious people

- Dishonesty
- Choosing sides
- Disrespect towards her mage
- People talking bad about her family

- If Mariette is curious enough about a person, she will follow them around until she loses interest. If the person she's following is a mage, she'll attempt to play it off somehow.
- Her brow scrunches up when she's on the verge of an emotional outburst.
- She is full of energy, bouncing her leg when she's seated or tapping her side when she's standing. She tries to avoid doing this in front of other Nobles.

N/A at this time.