Rated M: For violence, language, some adult themes - please fade to black this RP is not an erotica so keep that stuff limited, drug use, and otherwise other offensive or triggering themes
They say what would wrought human destruction was humans themselves. They said if anything humans would eat themselves alive and destroy each other. When the Monoliths began to emerge from Abyss, did they still think that?
Humans had their doctrines, their theological theories. They had their evocations and rites. They had their wars based on their faiths. So when the Deamis rose, did it quell the faithful? When it was clear rapture did not come from a God, but demonic Kings. Did they lose faith?
Discord Discussion

The end of humanity reign was nearly two hundred years ago. The few survivors became enslaved to the Deamis, who came from the Abyss to rule the surface tired of being sealed by the Gods magic, the ten demon kings gathered their powers together to free themselves from their prison. The surface plane of Earth became a war of powers that humans couldn’t compete with and the Gods eventually fell. While the Deamis rose and so did their Monoliths.
Earth was now the home to the entropic darkness of the Abyss, the sun turning red, the sky brown and dusty. There would be no savior for the humans who tried to rebel and survive, and for two hundred years the world would become darken.
The Gods weakened, though not entirely annihilated thus came up with a plan. The final end. Earth would not need saviors, but the ones who would end all life. Certain children born were corrupted by these Gods with the powers of the Abyss and bestowing them the remnants of the Gods power inside of them. Their mission someday would be to destroy the world.

You are an orphan. When you were a child you were taken from your parents. Raised instead by other children in a similar circumstance, you lived for twenty years underground being taught how to harness your powers. Detached from Earth and the beings living the Gods who bestowed you the powers of both the Abyss and their last remaining powers. You and the other eighth grew up with each other’s only influence and that someday you will be released on the surface to annihilate it.
You and the othes are traveling the world tracking down the Deamis Kings who have made these regions their Home. This RP is Not about practicality, you will be fighting demon armies, and their Prime Generals with little to no self restraint. This RP is inspired by like the likes of NMH, Bayonetta, DMC, it’s meant to be a brawling romp. Shenanigans, with an emphasis on creativity when it comes to handling situations, and a focus of humor and unapologetic violence.

While I state this RP has no self restraint, limitations and restrictions are still in place. This RP will have a Day and Night feature. Each of my post as a GM will state the time of day and depending on that time of day, you have access to your God abilities and Abyss abilities. All your abilities can be upgraded as well in this RP via the Deamis Medallions. Essentially this RP is based on Chapters, more like a DnD session. Playing through the Chapter nets you rewards.These are rewards that upgrade your weapons, abilities and powers. Through Deamis Medallions. How you earn these Medallions is through kills, but also through participation. Good communication nets Medallions, creative writing and creative ways of dealing with a situation nets you Medallions.
I may also offer to players Legendary weapons based on the Gods or Deamis domain you inhabit.
How Domains are handled and how they affect your magic;
Deamis come from the Abyss, the Abyss elements are disease, dark, corruption, control, and force. What you do with the interpretation of these is up to you in creating your character. Disease could be interpreted as poison, but also disease. Corruption could be erosion or invoking illusions. Control can be mind control, but maybe you can take command over some Deamis.
Gods are Cosmic, their domain elements are - elemental, fire, earth, air, wind, etc. Light. Healing. Essentially Cosmic powers will be more varied than the Deamis domains because of the nature of both. This also keeps things more easy to follow and simplified.
*Further question just ask me - as I was trying to be deliberately loose with the interpretations

Age: most will be 20, if you contact me and make a good case why you want them to be younger or older then I’ll change it
Appearance: [Picture and description. Please keep in the realm of a visual CG style like DMC or Bayonetta.]
For the love that is holy, flesh your characters out like they are living beings. A personality is not just who they are in the IC. They will evolve from this section in the IC. It’s who influenced them, in this case the other orphans, how did it affect them, why do they react in this way.
Remember, who, why, what, and how
If your trait is Fearless
How are they fearless?
He is fearless because he runs into battle without thinking, he has no sense of his own life and believes himself invincible.
Why is he fearless?
Being the younger “older” kid of the group he wanted the other seven to admire him and thus if he wasn’t afraid of anything then perhaps they would see him as a role model. He has a competition with [so and so]
Look how easy that is; Fearless to the point he’ll put his own life in danger in order for the others to admire him. He stemmed this from the fact he was the younger, but older in maturity than the other kids after [so and so] sole attention away from him stemming from his own envy.
God: This is the God you fall under that blessed you. You are entirely in control of who they are, what their domain is under, why they chose you, and what their lore is. Remember I am emphasizing creativity here. This is one of the ways I am gauging that.
Deamis: This is the Deamis you have been corrupted with. Again you are entirely in control of making up this Deamis. What their domain is. Their lore. And these Deamis will be the base of the 10 Kings.
How abilities work;
[Insert Ability Name Here] - [Place a 0 - 8 here for an upgrade] - [Element and God or Deamis] so it should look like this
Scarlet Blast - 0 - Dark Deamis [the 0 emphasizes you have no Upgrades and your ability will be at its standard base power. Any additional upgrades will add 5 to your base]
Abilities will need;
-Detail - if you have super strength you have to tell me at what limit. Is it you can stop a moving truck or lift the equivaleRelationships:
This is the part that allows me to gauge whether or not you are actually engaging with the members of this RP. This RP lives or dies with the efforts of the members. I can write amazing set pieces, but that’s not going to do much good without members.
In this section you will write
[Insert name] - [your standing with them]
[and a brief description of your relationship with them]
That looks like
Meredith - Good Standing
Meredith the only one of the group that truly understood Scarlet. The two have seen playing and training together the most. It was when Meredith took a hit for Scarlet that cemented their friendship.
If you have regenerative abilities, at what rate, at what limit. Be specific. No vague “she turns invisible” okay great that tells me so much and allows me to write challenges in this RP.
-Weaknesses - all abilities have weaknesses
2 God Powers, 1 Deamis Power for now.
No reviving from the dead abilities and instant healing, thank you
They say what would wrought human destruction was humans themselves. They said if anything humans would eat themselves alive and destroy each other. When the Monoliths began to emerge from Abyss, did they still think that?
Humans had their doctrines, their theological theories. They had their evocations and rites. They had their wars based on their faiths. So when the Deamis rose, did it quell the faithful? When it was clear rapture did not come from a God, but demonic Kings. Did they lose faith?
Discord Discussion

The end of humanity reign was nearly two hundred years ago. The few survivors became enslaved to the Deamis, who came from the Abyss to rule the surface tired of being sealed by the Gods magic, the ten demon kings gathered their powers together to free themselves from their prison. The surface plane of Earth became a war of powers that humans couldn’t compete with and the Gods eventually fell. While the Deamis rose and so did their Monoliths.
Earth was now the home to the entropic darkness of the Abyss, the sun turning red, the sky brown and dusty. There would be no savior for the humans who tried to rebel and survive, and for two hundred years the world would become darken.
The Gods weakened, though not entirely annihilated thus came up with a plan. The final end. Earth would not need saviors, but the ones who would end all life. Certain children born were corrupted by these Gods with the powers of the Abyss and bestowing them the remnants of the Gods power inside of them. Their mission someday would be to destroy the world.

You are an orphan. When you were a child you were taken from your parents. Raised instead by other children in a similar circumstance, you lived for twenty years underground being taught how to harness your powers. Detached from Earth and the beings living the Gods who bestowed you the powers of both the Abyss and their last remaining powers. You and the other eighth grew up with each other’s only influence and that someday you will be released on the surface to annihilate it.
You and the othes are traveling the world tracking down the Deamis Kings who have made these regions their Home. This RP is Not about practicality, you will be fighting demon armies, and their Prime Generals with little to no self restraint. This RP is inspired by like the likes of NMH, Bayonetta, DMC, it’s meant to be a brawling romp. Shenanigans, with an emphasis on creativity when it comes to handling situations, and a focus of humor and unapologetic violence.

While I state this RP has no self restraint, limitations and restrictions are still in place. This RP will have a Day and Night feature. Each of my post as a GM will state the time of day and depending on that time of day, you have access to your God abilities and Abyss abilities. All your abilities can be upgraded as well in this RP via the Deamis Medallions. Essentially this RP is based on Chapters, more like a DnD session. Playing through the Chapter nets you rewards.These are rewards that upgrade your weapons, abilities and powers. Through Deamis Medallions. How you earn these Medallions is through kills, but also through participation. Good communication nets Medallions, creative writing and creative ways of dealing with a situation nets you Medallions.
I may also offer to players Legendary weapons based on the Gods or Deamis domain you inhabit.
How Domains are handled and how they affect your magic;
Deamis come from the Abyss, the Abyss elements are disease, dark, corruption, control, and force. What you do with the interpretation of these is up to you in creating your character. Disease could be interpreted as poison, but also disease. Corruption could be erosion or invoking illusions. Control can be mind control, but maybe you can take command over some Deamis.
Gods are Cosmic, their domain elements are - elemental, fire, earth, air, wind, etc. Light. Healing. Essentially Cosmic powers will be more varied than the Deamis domains because of the nature of both. This also keeps things more easy to follow and simplified.
*Further question just ask me - as I was trying to be deliberately loose with the interpretations

Name here
Age: most will be 20, if you contact me and make a good case why you want them to be younger or older then I’ll change it
Appearance: [Picture and description. Please keep in the realm of a visual CG style like DMC or Bayonetta.]
For the love that is holy, flesh your characters out like they are living beings. A personality is not just who they are in the IC. They will evolve from this section in the IC. It’s who influenced them, in this case the other orphans, how did it affect them, why do they react in this way.
Remember, who, why, what, and how
If your trait is Fearless
How are they fearless?
He is fearless because he runs into battle without thinking, he has no sense of his own life and believes himself invincible.
Why is he fearless?
Being the younger “older” kid of the group he wanted the other seven to admire him and thus if he wasn’t afraid of anything then perhaps they would see him as a role model. He has a competition with [so and so]
Look how easy that is; Fearless to the point he’ll put his own life in danger in order for the others to admire him. He stemmed this from the fact he was the younger, but older in maturity than the other kids after [so and so] sole attention away from him stemming from his own envy.
God: This is the God you fall under that blessed you. You are entirely in control of who they are, what their domain is under, why they chose you, and what their lore is. Remember I am emphasizing creativity here. This is one of the ways I am gauging that.
Deamis: This is the Deamis you have been corrupted with. Again you are entirely in control of making up this Deamis. What their domain is. Their lore. And these Deamis will be the base of the 10 Kings.
How abilities work;
[Insert Ability Name Here] - [Place a 0 - 8 here for an upgrade] - [Element and God or Deamis] so it should look like this
Scarlet Blast - 0 - Dark Deamis [the 0 emphasizes you have no Upgrades and your ability will be at its standard base power. Any additional upgrades will add 5 to your base]
Abilities will need;
-Detail - if you have super strength you have to tell me at what limit. Is it you can stop a moving truck or lift the equivaleRelationships:
This is the part that allows me to gauge whether or not you are actually engaging with the members of this RP. This RP lives or dies with the efforts of the members. I can write amazing set pieces, but that’s not going to do much good without members.
In this section you will write
[Insert name] - [your standing with them]
[and a brief description of your relationship with them]
That looks like
Meredith - Good Standing
Meredith the only one of the group that truly understood Scarlet. The two have seen playing and training together the most. It was when Meredith took a hit for Scarlet that cemented their friendship.
If you have regenerative abilities, at what rate, at what limit. Be specific. No vague “she turns invisible” okay great that tells me so much and allows me to write challenges in this RP.
-Weaknesses - all abilities have weaknesses
2 God Powers, 1 Deamis Power for now.
No reviving from the dead abilities and instant healing, thank you