Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


She Who Is Scarred, The Curse Bringer, The Devil Maker

The World Tree. A vast life form, interconnected with Tabrasa on a level unlike anything seen before. A forest was cradled at it's roots, nestled and protected, yet it was not safe. From Anu's vantage point, she could see the happenings of the tree like an eagle watches for prey. Tiny dragons, siblings, and fire. Wicked, hot fire. The kind that burns what it touches to ash in a heartbeat. Yet the forest still grew, consuming the fire as fuel. How ironic was that?

Her shadowy wings flapped in the breeze, keeping Anu floating high and away from the tree. Her long grey hair was blown about by the wind. Her armor did not gleam in the sunlight, in fact it seemed to devour the light itself, and a dark aura could be seen and felt around Anu. Darkdrinker hungered for blood, but Anu would never let the weapon control her. From where she waited, she still did not crest the top of the highest branches. She was in awe at such a creation, but she absolutely despised all the green foliage. She wished it would burn, but Anu also knew better. It was the chord that kept it growing, and consuming all it touched, all it changed.

What was even more intriguing, was all the dragons darting about. Many of the hated Verzakians flew and Drakairós themselves. Two larger Verzakians were also in attendance, and they seemed to be leaders of sorts, but Anu did not know. Then finally, came Azhriel atop his own mount. She was curious if Azhriel knew what she had done to her newest pet. Would he be angry? Well no matter, if her brother confronted her in any way, they would have a delightful chat. The group forming before the world tree, was such an odd little party, but Anu did not care about them. Not any of them at all.

She only cared about the chord. There was no other explanation for the growth she bore witness too. If it was anything like the fear spiral, the chords promoted change whether or not wanted. She doubted any of her siblings would create something so enormous, the effort alone would perhaps kill a god if not incapacitate them for centuries. That wouldn't be fun at all, well, for her sibling that is. In fact, Anu realized that would be the fasted way to steal a chord. To rip it out of a weakened God, would be like killing a human. Easy and extremely joyful.

So there she waited, not knowing what to look for or how close to get. She did not want the influence of nature to warp her body and mind, that would be an inconvenience in the long scheme of things. She had a deal to uphold after all, and better to get it done when the opportunity presented itself. Her end of the bargain would be upheld, and if Iva's was not... well then she would perhaps have a powerful tool at her disposal. But why think such silly thoughts?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deruga and Terzotz watched the chaos of the world tree from the Rift. It did not affect them, for the although the Rift was entwined with the world, it very much was not a part of it. Deruga thought the comparison of a binding spell once, but Dirka quickly showed the major flaw in that. The complexity of the Rift always amazed him. It's dark purple skies, yet plants growing from the light of fire and other plants luminescence. Terzotz pointed out that Azhriel had joined this fight with a claw to the scrying pool. Deruga looked and was not comfortable in this. If Azhriel got turned into a plant too, then the souls of the dead were left unattended. "The band of the gods keeps getting closer together, and not in a good way. We need to assist them." Terzotz looked at the magus as if he had grown sanity. "Did someone find a cure for insanity and give it to you? Nothing effects the damned thing! Unless possibly..." the black dragon stopped there, thinking it preposterous. Deruga took a Nimera Tiger claw and poked the dragon with it. "By the lady's eyeball! That hurt! Fine I'll spill! The tree draws off a Divine cord, right? Divine cords have an energy limit even ones this new. But that tactic is not viable because it would change anything to a motionless plant before it runs out. But what is stronger than a divine cord? Another new spire one! So, wake up one of them, and they could easily reverse the damage and keep it like that long enough for a god to claim the cord. Simple!"
Deruga looked at Terzotz like he had lost his last marble. "Are you suggesting we wake up a spire? Do you know how stupid that sounds? The're more likely to vaporize us than help us. Besides, we don't even know where they are!" The dragon looked around sheepishly. Deruga now knew what the dragon was thinking about. "No, we're not doing it. That's no longer madness or insanity. That's idiocy." The dragon gave him puppy eyes, which was more scary than cute. Deruga shook his head, adamant in his decision. "Don't most males that have a mate tend to try to impress them? If so your doing a poor job" Deruga got wide eyed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dealdric - Dirka

Within an instant, the God of Light would be presented with Dirka's demigod creation - another in the long line of her madness. Yet this one was rather... pathetic to him in many more ways then one. After plopping face first into the ground, he looked to the both of them with a sassy roll of his eyes. It became obnoxiously clear that he wasn't taught proper etiquette - whether Dirka really did create him, or brought him to life when he was nothing but a mere throw-away mortal. This soulless husk of a man - Rescorje he was called - looked more feral than tame. He had many questions to ask Dirka about how, who, and where he found or created him, but alas it wasn't his concern at this point.

The Mad Magician offered to him that while he took care of her demi-god son, she would help him in his project, or alternatively on both on a single project at a time. Hyperion would raise his arm to hail her.

"My project is mine alone to yield." he responded bluntly, "All I need is the holy magic. But, if by any means I am forced to contact you due to unforeseen... consequences, then I will summon you for guidance."

He'd then look down at the demi-god with his helmet obscuring his disgusted look.

"As for your... child." he'd mention, "If you have any notable specifics on what subjects I must school him, then by all means do not hesitate to mention them."

Hyperion would then look back at his guards.

"Take him to the quarters." he'd order, "I shall deal with him momentarily."

The paladin guards would proceed to escort their "captive" to the prison quarters, where he'd await Hyperion's arrival.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Dirka watched her son dragged away, then turned to Hyperion. "Just enough manners to where he could pass for a civilized human being. Even though none under my domain are...no regrets! Here's the scroll, completely translated from the original manuscript, and if you need me, send word to the mages of the teeth of madness. I'll come." She started to walk away, before smiling and looking at Hyperion with a twisted grin. "Oh, and if our curious how he was made, it was the fun way. Bye bye!" She snapped her fingers and poof, she was gone, leaving Hyperion to figure that out.


Dirka dropped onto the beach of the island of white dawn, headed for it's settlement. She was curious if Iva went through with his plan for it yet. If she was lucky, he'd be there, for she had things to discuss with him. Very secretive things she wanted kept behind closed doors, and she knew Iva would be reasonable. He knew knowledge came with a price, and she was here to declare that price. She knew his prophet heard her comment. But now she had a way to keep that secret safe. With Iva, a deal was a deal. It was hard to get him to break one, unless another that benefited him more came along. That's what she had learned, but was her deal worth it? Could it keep her secret long enough to where it no longer mattered? She knew she only had two more decades at most with her family, for nothing lasts forever. She learned that lesson long ago when her sanity left her. Now she was a functioning mess. Her people had no law, no cities, and she had nothing but her blood. And soon even that would be gone. What would she become then? Her brother of mystery? Or her brother of knowledge? Or perhaps something new entirely? Something so abominable that not even the deepest reaches of Iva's mind could conceive such impossibility.
That's all she was though, wasn't it? The goddess of impossibility. Magic has no explanation, she has no explanation, none of her siblings do. She was simply the impossible. And the impossible is overlooked in the end, seen as idiocy or insanity. Was she forever to be the background?
"Who even cares, inside voice? My siblings? Noooo. The Audience? Noooo. The writer of the damn play?! NOT EVEN HE GIVES A COW'S WASTE! HAHAHAHHA!" She fell on her back and started making an angel in the snow and sand mixed together. She laughed madly all the while. Her harp and drum seemed to be looking at her, as if asking if she was okay. She got up started to hum. She started a rhythm and the drum continued. She finished getting up and whistled a minor tune for the harp, which mimicked her. She cleared her voice and began to sing and walk towards White Dawn.

Walk the trail of bones
or walk the trail unknown.
Seize your moment in the light
or walk in the darkest shadows.
Dream on an empires stable night,
or watch the end of the show!

Man or beast,
who cares at all?
God or priest,
which takes the fall?
No one knows the answer,
but they are like cancer!
Who trusts them?
Not a soul!
Who helps them freely?
Only me!
Everyone wants something back,
but I honestly don't care at all!

Hiding secrets behind the mask,
and before anyone asks,
I lied about that!
I don't want anything from you
or you looking like a bat!
And now I'm feeling very blue!

Oh wait, I already was. Everyone I make a deal with, I don't actually want something, but if they don't see another thing to do in return, then they get suspicious! I have enough on my plate already, and I don't need more! My experiment f***ed up and now I'm mad!

And in a good way!

Walk the trail of bones
or walk the trail unknown.
Seize your moment in the light
or walk in the darkest shadows.
Dream on an empires stable night,
or watch the end of the show!


She laughed and saw lights ahead. She was close, but she wasn't sure if she felt her brother's essence here. Maybe better, she'd find the prophet or someone who knows where she is at least.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Even as Hayim watched on through teary yellow eyes it seemed all for naught. He could not lose himself to the way of the forest quite like it seemed the dragons were about to.

Wings, teeth, scale and claw were naught before the power that assailed them. The skin which webbed between the bones of their wings turned firm and ripe with vibrant green chlorophyll. Their teeth were turned into cold hard wood. Their scales became tough and rigid bark. Even their claws were changed into long, sharply edged roots. Though they moved still it was not muscle and sinew which pulled their limbs but vines and fibers instead. Their blood was now sap, their eyes now light-sensitive fruit tucked beneath their hard wooden brow. They no longer had anymore right to call themselves dragons than the tall ents of this forest had to call themselves human.

This process did not discriminate between the dragons of Sveiand and those of Ragnageddon either. It mattered not which god's essence ran in their veins for the aura would claim them all as plants. Neither Drakairos nor Azhriel were safe either, even if it did take longer for the changes to take place. The physical form was always the first to change as their soft meat would begin to morph into wood and fiber. They could feel their eyes begin to harden into soft fruits and Azhriel's hair would be starting to thicken and turn green. All the while their attacks were futile as the tree healed over any harm it sustained in mere moments, carrying the scars of these wounds into the rings which formed it's many, many layers.

All the while the fruit that was born of Thesan's attack trembled under the immense pressure it's heat was generating. The red fruit trembled even as it transformed fully, the temperature having remained despite it all. In one tremendous burst the fruit burst open from the force of it's juices exploding outward simply due to how hot it was. From it came a massive shower of bright red juice and seeds which ruptured forth like artillery shells. Though random in their scattering a number of dragons were plastered with scraps of it's flesh and juices, it's seeds catching a couple dragons in their trajectory and ripping through them like stones through water. Those who were covered with the juices of the fruit howled in extreme pain. Even despite their new state of body the juices were so spicy they could feel it's burn sizzle right down to their core. That's not even factoring in that the temperature of these juices were hot enough to melt led.

As the seeds impacted the ground below they burrowed deep before sprouting almost immediately after. From the large, round, hostile looking peppers grew and proliferated across the forest floor. Calling it a forest at this point was almost a misnomer as the landscape was now something of a bizarre jungle consisting of almost all plants you might find in Tabrasa and even some that didn't even exist before like the peppers, the stones or the dragons.

High above the two lights danced faster and faster, spiraling around one another in a helix which seemed to begin tightening around itself. The beam was growing thinner, more intense that before now. While the aura's radius was beginning to shrink the potency of it's changes were intensifying, those caught within changing faster and faster the closer they were. Hidden deep within the trunk of the tree the deep black color that infused the spiral spire was receding, falling back towards the core of the world.


The time of it's creation was nigh.

Relevant to: @Duoya@Lmpkio@Kalas.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hayim continued starting through the world tree, looking into the war that went on in reality. Perhaps it was the natural healing effects of Akhuz, or maybe exiting the range of the spire simply let the changes revert faster - it was almost like Hayim could feel his mind dumbing down to its normal level. His body, however, seemed much slower to respond, with no changes being noticeable to the god as he stared at the plant dragons. By the time the dragons were totally transformed and corrupted, Hayim's eyes drifted once more to the fruit.

It had engorged itself tremendously, and its vibrant red was far more potent than any fruit he had ever created. The fruit caused fond memories to arise in Hayim's slowly returning mind - particularly memories of feeding the weaker ones to oblivious children. Hayim never found amusement in the pained expressions they made, but their parents were eager to laugh at their misfortune. It took a little longer for Hayim to remember his excuses for those incidents, that he could simply relieve the pain at a whim and there was no ill will intended.

As he watched the giant fruit burst, spreading it's burning seeds and juices across the forest of Animal-friends and Humies, Hayim wished more than anything that he could alleviate their pain at that moment. Hayim felt almost guilty that he was relieved - since he was in Akhuz, he wouldn't need to hear the Humies scream. The air was filled with the sound of sizzling plant matter, pierced by the roars of several dragons who were struck by the red fruit. Hayim tensed, tentacles wrapping around small outgrowths of root that surrounded him.

The light was shrinking - but like when a Humie cups his hands around a flame, it merely focused the light that already exists. The assaults delivered by Hayim's siblings were superficial earlier, but now Hayim had to actively focus in order to see the damage before it was simply negated. Hayim hopes were dimming somewhat by this point - if the light was like a fire, then intensifying would only mean it was growing stronger. Still, the god would never abandon his post, even if he was regaining his old impatience. The Humies and Animal-friends were still stuck, crying out in pain and fear.

Hayim contented himself with watching the unfolding battle, praying that his siblings would leave the area soon. If they did, then the chance that they would accidentally kill any of the transmuted inhabitants of the jungle would be far lower.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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@A Lowly Wretch - The Spire | Arch-Dragons | @Duoya - Hayim | @Kalas - Azhriel

Drakairos and his forces continued to circle around the ominous spire, issuing as much damage to it as possible from a safe distance. Yet even then, some of the more bold units began to stray dangerously close within the spire's radius, with some succumbing to the terrifying metamorphosis. Their new plant-like bodies would fall from the air and slam into the earth below, slowly becoming engulfed as victims of Mother Nature. The three heads would still remain cautious and keep out of range, but even they knew that their efforts were merely futile.

Suddenly, they notice a large crimson fruit explode violently as its juices spurted through the chaotic air. Any of the ice dragons who were unfortunate enough to come in contact with the volatile liquid would feel an immense pain ripple through their body as they found themselves melting from the inside out. It was a gruesome way for them to die as they feel their blood evaporating and their organs being cooked or melting away completely. And the aftermath of the initial explosion was even worse, as the seeds that were expelled plunged into the ground and immediately grew to become giant pepper-like structures.

The atmosphere here was nothing like Drakairos had ever seen. Yet it was also something they had little hope in winning against. They were on the loosing end of the battle. And partnering up with Ragnagedon's forces was easily a fool's errand. They were burning with passion to fight, yet lacked the wisdom and thought to know when to quit - or so the three heads believed.

But perhaps... they could gain at least one satisfaction from it.

The three serpents by that time were coiling around one another as they soon formed back into their combined form.

"It's no use..." Rós muttered dissatisfactory, "We have to retreat. Signing an alliance with these foolish dragons was a mistake."

They would then look down to see Thesan himself still attempting to battle the elements. They couldn't see the other arch-dragon, but something about where he stood seemed like a prime opportunity to stuck out some punishment for their foolish errand. The three heads began to grin as they all simultaneously issued a devilish thought in their three little heads. None would need to issue their own matters into the mix as they issued a dive bomb towards the vulnerable arch-dragon. If he still remained unnoticed, the weather god's talons would extend as they issued a powerful kick that could disarm any smaller being that got in the way. The force would also produce a powerful knock-back that should push the arch-dragon into the deadly radius of the spire.

If they won't be able to take out the major problem today, then they might as well try and eliminate a smaller one instead.

Once the deed was done, they left the arch-dragon to his supposed doom as Drakairos began to fly away from the spire and towards higher ground.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ral ~ Treasure Island

A ring of light shone on the crystal tree on the island not far from the western lands. An island ground, the grass scattered with countless treasures, some worked with gold, but more often they are encrusted with jewels, diamonds and any priceless rubies of various values. Even the colour of the mist was taint of green.

Taking a seat on the Jade Throne Ral looked at the ongoing work that he had been working on. "Tsk..." Clicking his tongue in frustration, that glowy orb blinked away like the stars. Too less power, not even close to the three treasures of his first creations. The last one that he took to the tribe of the coast. He doubted that his oracle to them would do any help, but he would be glad if they had managed to sniff out the three treasures.

It’s not even enough, and one more that he adds, he would be putting himself into the item, not a good idea to seal myself into an object...

The white dragon was another worrisome one, one of that angry god's dragon that he strengthened. It seemed as terrifying as those bigger dragons from the Black Spire. That was as much regret than the time where he created the copy ring. He tried to sense where that one had gone to. A part of his powers are in that dragon nonetheless, from that time of encounter of the desert.

Now that is reminded, he had placed a link on the truth seeking rod, a direct one, not that anybody would know about this. That one link where he can sense the place of the weapon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dusk was settling on the evening horizon. The great tree's branches blotted out the reddening light of the sun as clouds tangled through the long forks in the branches like wisps of cotton through one's fingers. Those who were trapped below the strange canopy of the many trees could see little of the sky and those who remained above saw nary a sign of the ground. One thing everyone could see however was that the twin strands which danced around one another were tightening ever faster.

The spiral hardened into what almost appeared to be a single column of twisting light, deep earthy green energy intertwined with the pale white glow of divine power. The two twisted tighter and tighter like they were two snakes attempting to strangle the other, this rotation perpetuating in an ever constantly accelerating pace. As the lines of distinction which separated the two forces started to blur however there was what appeared to be a visual snap, two separate forces now joined as one in a single beam shining bright into the sky. Faster than a candle snuffed out by a waterfall the light suddenly stopped, both ends of the force retracting back to it's center at the speed of light.

Deep, deeper still a small hair no larger than one plucked from a human woman's head softly swayed upon the air as it fell, the pale white essence tinged with a faint green glow. The Divine Cord of Plants had been born, still yet without shape as it descended down the shaft within the middle of the great tree. The spire which had long ago been swallowed up into the body of the tree itself had turned grey, the black colour which previously sustained it having retreated back to the core where it once again covered the hole which once was as though it never appeared. The core was whole once more. Perfect, smooth, spherical to an absolute degree.

All the dragons which had yet to flee where rooted within this hybrid of a forest and a jungle, their bodies now equal parts dragon and tree in their own right. They still commanded their own bodies but they were more plant than beast by now. The humans who were taken up by the trees found themselves bonded to the wood, alive and merged with these great wooden bodies. Their minds were joined, their thoughts heard by all who's roots were joined with theirs. Many voices from many minds spoken across an inaudible network of living bonds. The loudest and most numerous of these voices were those merged with the great tree itself. Given stability and purpose by their wisest voice, The wise woman Udrassa, They ushered a tone and feeling of order and calm to all those who still found turmoil in the loss of their humanity. The tree brought peace where once chaos prevailed and so the many voices deliberated across their shared mind as to what to make of this.

Hayim could sense the abatement of pain as the fighting settled, the light now gone as was the aura. Even the aftermath of Ragnageddon's contribution came to rest with the passage of time, the many seeds bringing this strange new pepper into the world. The forest was a hectic mashup of divine forces which collided with the power of plants, all those who participated having brought strange new flora into existence through this great strife.

While changed the land could rest for now.

Meanwhile in the depths of North Crown

Old, dried scraps were all that remained of her former flesh. She sat with her knees to the floor, hunched over the last of the remains as she chewed the last vestiges of her divine power from the old chips of skull which once was her head. This change was baffling, frightening even. Things which never mattered before brought her discomfort and shame, deeply human concerns. She was the embodiment of fear from the mortal world both of primal fears which all fauna held and of the more complex fears invented by human imagination. Her fear of the light was an element baked into her very being simply by the nature of what she was: Darkness incarnate. She feared her sibling and hated them much like a beast would. But now... It was a web of concerns that occupied her mind. The types of concerns she'd of never considered before.

One thing for certain was that she knew she was alone. This may have brought her sadness before but now she felt a certain fear towards the maddening silence such isolation brought. Were it not for her ties to the shadows and night sky she'd fear she was no longer real. It was certain, she needed to change.

Before that could happen though a deep chime rang out. It rang not through the dark cavern halls but through the halls of her mind. The ringing of the chime carried for some time, resonations lingering as slowly it faded. The chime did not come alone however. The sound which pierced her mind carried with it a deep exhaustion. She felt tired and weary. It was like she was a mortal who had spent several days walking though her feet did not hurt. It was simply exhaustion of a purely mental origin.

She was not alone in this feeling. All throughout Tabrasa every deity, every being in possession of a Divine Cord could hear this chime. It rang through their minds, as did the exhaustion which followed. It was not unstoppable, the exhaustion could be resisted with some will.

At least this time perhaps.

As for Oao herself she felt great concern. Should she succumb she'd be easy prey for whatever might come for her. Scared of this thought she retreated down into the heart of the caves, surrounded on all sides by an enormous labyrinth of caverns caked in her dark webbing. The very same ichorous plaster which served to keep all prying eyes, divine or otherwise, from seeing into her domain she used to start crafting a strange shell on the floor. She could only hope she'd have enough time to finish before the chime overtook her consciousness.

Meanwhile back in the strange forest

A large strange pod had grown from the forest floor. It looked like a pea pod but what laid inside looked nothing like peas. It was strange and lumpy like a humanoid form trapped within.

Within this pod was the girl who Hayim forsook. She slept in dreamless stasis, her time to hatch forth approaching in the hours to come. What had become of her though was yet to be known.

Relevant to: @Noodles@Lmpkio@Duoya@Dealdric@Lord Zee@Leotamer@Vega7@Stern Algorithm@ZekariVoblis@jetipster@Kalas@Archangel89
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dealdric
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Dealdric Essence of Purgatory

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Dirka approached one of the blobs that worked within the village to build his structure. She cleared her throat to get it's attention, of which she was not sure she got. "Hello little ooze, but could you by chance call your master or at least take me to him? I have a few questions, and also a few answers, if he'll hear them." She looked around at the village, looking at the now scared faces of its inhabitants and the shuffling of the Aho'Nohg.
She hoped that her Sibling would respect her privacy while she respected his. In fact his was the only one she did respect, but hearing about his and Anu's meeting disturbed her. Most likely she asked what he knows about Dirka or her weaknesses, but she knew him better. If she gave him something worth his while, he'd lie to her, and Anu'varr would be none the wiser. But Iva was unpredictable in many cases, so he might double cross Dirka or refuse, or cross both Anu and Dirka. But she also counted on his logic of the world for this to work, not his whims and madness.
Hopefully he'd take the deal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It was almost amusing how everything suddenly stopped. In one instant, the light seemed to trail together before vanishing, leaving the area slightly darker and much less chaotic. The growing stopped near instantly, and as Hayim allowed himself to crawl through into the real world, he did not manage to detect the aura that was once so pervasive with his very being. In fact, Hayim did not even need to try and feel for the presence to know that it was gone - the growth of the plants had completely halted, and while the forest remained, the trees were no longer racing towards the heavens. Hayim sulked around the perimeter of the great tree, cautious to avoid touching it again and possibly restarting the process that activated the spire in the first place.

As Hayim's body slowly shrunk, he noticed the trees that were warped slightly, baring the twisted and malformed faces that were once humans. Hayim, or course, was displeased with this. He rushed towards the being, only realizing what it was when he was a few feet in front of it.

It was the same Human that had given it a ride to the World Tree's branches. The young god wrapped his significantly smaller limbs around the trunk and cried out to it.

"Humie! Hayim no hurt by spire anymore, now Hayim can help you!"

Hayim proceeded to draw upon his well of divine essence - it was already starved from his voyage in the aura of the spire, but Hayim was ready to scrape everything left in order to help the people of the forest. He was already pouring some of his essence into the man in an attempt to revert the process that the spire used to pervert his form.

Thanks to his exhaustion, Hayim was barely aware of the divine cord that laid dormant in the tree. The pod that bore the young girl, despite being well within Hayim's view, was completely ignored - the god did not know that a human was inside, and his goal first and foremost was to help the people who were forcibly altered into trees.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As Hayim approached the merger between tree and man he looked down to him with a face that was hard to read, his branches rustling as they brushed through the tangled canopy.

"Ah, Hayim. It is good you return. Before you attempt to restore us you must speak with Udrassa, our wise woman and now the great tree. We speak through these trees and our opinions are divided."

Just as the tree being spoke it seemed Hayim's presence had not gone without notice. Even through the thick of the canopy it was impossible to ignore the motion of the great tree as it leaned ever so slightly, it's motion covering many miles just by this subtle movement alone. The trees who's branches formed the canopy above Hayim's little form bent away forming a circle in their mesh which opened the sky up to him only to reveal the truly massive face of an older woman formed in the wood. The face was so large that it could encompass a mountain.

"Hello, Hayim." The great tree Udrassa greeted him. Though her voice was powerful, carrying far thanks to her sheer size, she sounded calm and pleasant, wizened with age. Her large wooden face held a faint smile largely so as to try not to frighten the little god.

"I am Udrassa, once the wise woman of this tribe. I am now, as you can see, merged with this great tree." From high above a long, thin branch from the top of the great tree was lowered, it's tip laid just shortly before him.

"Though I would love to speak with a divine one such as yourself I am afraid there is little time. Having absorbed as much essence from that pillar of light as I have I can distantly hear the chiming. It may effect me worse but I worry you may be experiencing it far greater than I. I humbly ask you to allow us to explain ourselves, however long you may have to hear us out."

Just as she mentioned it another chime rang. Another sound born not in the air but in the mind, echoing throughout the entire world in the minds of every being in possession of a Divine Cord. Just like before this chime brought another wave of exhaustion, intensifying the feeling born of the last chime by the quantitative power of their sum. There was little to halt the fact that in only a few more chimes the urge to rest would overwhelm all will to remain awake.

Such as it was for him, such as it was for everyone.

The palace beckoned.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ral's Tribe
The leader of the tribe looked away the mess they created. They fought back the enemy tribe, but that still look for a few causalities on their side. They did not fail the wishes of their god, for now the treasures have yet to fall the wrong hands. They have guarded the creation of Ral well enough. But however that it is, its sure that many seek the creation of treasures. The truth seeking Rod rattled.


For the whole time, there is an ever familiar chime that he hears, but he could never recognise that form, however apparent that it is.

One the most part, he kept himself away from the squabble amongst the gods, even ignoring the rumours of some divine meeting. For the whole time he just created weapons that could solve one problem that leads to another. Seems to him that weapons grow no eyes. One way or another, he will need to seek the help of other gods. He felt as grumpy as that god Ragnagedon. But he heard that he went into another slumber, fortunately for this realm.

Right.... No more playing games, the chime of the God's birth was what edged across his mind. He do not trust any of the pantheon, but yet he could request help from en of the new divine cord.

He let his powers surround him, and he vanished in a flash of golden light. Each god's power work differently, some work with portals, but he couldn't create a good one with the different nature of his own powers. As different on how one can't sense another god's directly.

Strange Forest
A shimmer of light flashed before a figure of yellow hair emerged at the Grand Tree Garden. The god of treasures Ral have made his first move against the Divine affairs of the grand pantheon. Ral approached a nearby tree, before taking the formal greetings at one of the new god’s creation, A pea pod?

"I would like to seek audience to your god, young one."

Maintaining on his tone of civilness, Ral asked that strange pea pod that seemed to be embraced with life. That sight reminded him of Hayim, and out of the Gods, he found him to be the nicest of the ones he'd hear of.

Once again, he looked around the area that he whisked himself to, to see if there are other gods present in the scene of the strange location.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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The canopy shifted as the kind human from earlier stopped speaking. Above Hayim it shifted, revealing the wooden face of a woman far above him. Her voice cut through the silence of the forest clearly, thanks to both her grand size, as well as the lack of activity everywhere else. The chime continued to ring out, causing his leafy legs to shake with each successive ring.

"I am Udrassa, once the wise woman of this tribe. I am now, as you can see, merged with this great tree. Though I would love to speak with a divine one such as yourself I am afraid there is little time. Having absorbed as much essence from that pillar of light as I have I can distantly hear the chiming. It may affect me worse but I worry you may be experiencing it far greater than I. I humbly ask you to allow us to explain ourselves, however long you may have to hear us out."

Another chime - Hayim nearly collapsed. He barely remained standing, his exploits this day having drained him of far more energy than he was used to expending. He could feel his will draining with each successive chime.

"Ok... Please hurry though, Hayim wants help you all as fast as he can, and Hayim feels very tired right now..."

Hayim chose to lean against the tree, hoping that it would allow him to withstand the chimes easier. He couldn't retreat back to Akhuz, especially not when he was so close to healing the humies. He'd have to stay and make sure his siblings didn't try to destroy the forest until he could help them recover their old forms.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Her wooden brow may have indicated a softer expression but her gaze held a solemn understanding for his concern towards them.

"I fear that you may not have the time to help those before sleep claims you." She warned him. Underneath Hayim a flower bud that was even tinier than him emerged from the wooden limp he was sat upon. It grew and then bloomed, it's lovely white and light green spotted petals unfurling beneath him. It became platform for him to stand upon as it outgrew him, growing large enough to support his frame.

"When we merged into the wood of these trees we found our roots connected. We could hear one another's thoughts and feelings through our roots and so we spoke with those of our tribe. While there are some who still seek to return to their humanity our majority wish to keep the divine power this event has filled us with. As humans we were small and frail but as trees we are tall and hard. We can still move despite our changes and should another catastrophe like this occur these new forms of ours will help us endure. Though we welcome you to aid those of us who do not wish to remain in this form we must ask that you consider yourself. We will survive until you return, even now we adapt to better accommodate ourselves to this strange new life we now live. While we will do all that is within our power to keep you safe during your stay whether or not you wish to return to the safety of your realm is your choice to make alone."

As she finished her words the ninth chime rang. It was not solely Hayim that felt this exhaustion but all gods, all goddesses, all deities of every form. The chime resonated with their Divine Cords, echoing inside the mind that resided within these tiny strands of endless power.

Whichever choice was made by Hayim the tenth and final chime rang soon after. Should he have stayed his unconscious form would be shielded by the flower which would enclose him, concealing his form from the harshness of the world.

As for Ral the pod did not answer. The chimes rang no further in distance from him than it did for Hayim or even Oao. With the ninth chime it was made clear that no matter what he was doing sleep was no longer an option, it was guaranteed. After a short time the tenth chime came and, no matter where he decided he would be there is where he would rest.

There is where they would all rest...

For the next ten thousand years.

She felt herself stirring. Though Oao's eyes were opening the form they took were not quite the same, her form was not her physical manifestation.

She rose from her curled fetal position like smoke from a smoldering ember, her body a vaguely humanoid mass of living shadow. It flowed like air, an immaterial conglomerate of lightless space occupying the space in which her mind resided. She looked down to herself to see this form, a form quite familiar to her as it was similar to how she molded the shadows when she cast her senses forward, operating them as though she were there as, in a sense, she was there.

This was simply how he dreamt herself to be. She was the darkness and this was the form she picked for herself, not the one that was picked for her at either of her births. This was a dream.

A familiar dream too. She had stood before these massive golden gates before. What she stood upon was nothing but a solid nothing she could not pass through. Behind her from every direction except from the gates was a deep black nothingness. It wasn't simply the darkest darkness for even darkness was something, a something that she was. This was nothingness, an empty black void which pulled at the mind the longer one looked at it. She turned away from the void and back to the gates again. A massive beautiful ornate solid set of golden doors set within a wall which towered overhead. The doors were seamless, nothing able to slip through the cracks and the walls would simply extend upwards against those who would think to fly above them.

Except now these doors were no longer closed. They were left ajar, their flawless golden surface seemingly inviting her inside. What laid beyond was something she could have never conceived of without seeing it for herself. It was a large temple of sorts, It's entrance a long corridor bereft of walls as tall pale white pillars supported the arched roof above. The structures were perfectly smooth, formed to exact angled and shaped without flaw. Beneath the formless wisp that were her legs joined together she could see the floor was long perfect smooth surface. This surface, unlike the pillars, had a split pattern. Half the entire floor was perfectly black while the opposite half was perfectly white. This pattern was split lengthwise down the corridor into the temple itself, dividing the entire structure down the middle into two halves.

She continued down this corridor, drawn by this amazing structure which had laid hidden since the dawn of man and deity alike. Something hidden like a pearl within the maw of a clam for so long now open for them.

Why? She asked herself. For what purpose does this great structure open it's gates to us now of all times? What changed?

She had to explore. To be kept in mystery for so long it would be a disservice to not investigate deeper into this wondrous building.

At the end of the hall was a massive set of doors, similar to those that kept them from the courtyard of this temple to begin with. Unlike the golden gates however this door was divided along a similar pattern to that of the floor. One door was white, one door was black. On them a massive insignia was emblazoned onto their surface, occupying a majority of the door's face. It was a clock.

She did not recognize what it was though. She had never seen a clock before either. They did not exist, not yet.

The half of the clock on the black door was a brilliant white while the half on the white door was a tenebrous black. She could not tear her eyes away from this strange design.

What does it mean? Is this the symbol of it's creator? It's chieftain?... It's god?

Her thoughts were cut off as she heard distant movement behind her. A few of the other deities had come as well. She turned, the long thin fibrous strands of darkness that her hair comprised of roiling as flecks of darkness flit out from the tips like sparks from a flame. She shrank somewhat, receding behind one of the pillars though there were no shadows to hide within here. She might not be at risk of exposure in this form but her disdain for being looked at had not abated.

Those few that remained...

Relevant to:@Duoya@Noodles@Archangel89 And any other participants I may have missed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Ral at the White Hall

"It’s good to see you here, Goddess Oao." The god of treasures caught sight of an ever familiar blackness. As always, was in his human form, of yellow and brown robes that are embroidered in gold threading. For one whom is considered a younger god, born after the dawn of man.

"Was it one of those damned ploys of Gammaton, or Iva’Krorh?... From the last I hear they have their own council," Ral uttered a few curses, "A force of 9 gods will easily overwhelm any single god."

But Ral personally wouldn’t imagine the likes of these older gods working together.

"Oh.... pardon me for my lack of temperament, Hayim the god of life." He had only noticed Hayim right at this moment, the size that he chooses to appear in is usually a small one.

"Reminds me of that Iva’Krorh Library..." Ral sneered at that thought. But an object of a black and white symbol, he wasn't sure what that is, the symbol of that of their council? I'd have known that garden to be a trap!!! Only that ever sleeping Ragnagedon has not fell into the God of Law's ploys!

"And here I thought that Ragnagedon would be here too. Seemed that the dragon god is smarter than he appears..." He had always used that dragon god as a benchmark for rationality, and that part is failing onto him from the recent turn of events.

"Any ways where we can get out of this place?" Ral asked other gods. There might be a way to break out of this mysterious world.

@A Lowly Wretch@Duoya@Archangel89
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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The ringing never did stop. Or, if it did, it did not stop in time for Hayim to recover from his exhaustion. He barely registered the words that Udrassa spoke, his mind rapidly drifting from the realm of consciousness. Thoughts invaded his dimming mind, regret that he was unable to help the humans yet, fear that they would be trampled while he was asleep and most important of all, the foreboding feeling that he was under the effect of the spire still. The effects were not warping his body, nor could he feel his mind shifting as it did earlier, but it may have simply chosen to attack his being instead. Give him the same level of consciousness as a simple plant... Turn him into a vegetable.

It was a mix of adherence and fear that Hayim felt as sleep claimed him. He refused to retreat to his realm no matter the cost, the thought of his precious humans suffering being too much for the young god to bear. However, he was fearful that he would never awake from the rapidly encroaching darkness, the encompassing mass that it represented. Perhaps it was a part of his simply plant brain - the natural aversion to darkness, and love of the light. Or perhaps it was his childlike nature. Either way, he entered the world of the unwaking with a very keen sense of apprehension. His last moments were crowned with the gentle coverings of a flower, the trees seeming to offer their protection to the young god as he drifted to sleep.

Awakening was never easy. The young god was lucky to not possess a heart - his fear was quick to come, but seemed to have a certain limit. He couldn't have a 'heart attack' like the humies. That fact was little comfort to Hayim, has he came to in a familiar place. Ah, how he spent so many millennia like this, every few nights revisiting it. The sound of cicada chirping, dusk casting everything in purple-orange light. A warmth next to him that he could never manage to look at normally, resting its hand on his delicate body. Normally he was semilucid, allowing the tranquility to ease his sorrows and allow him to simply exist - the prayers of his worshipers streaming through his mind as a soft lullaby.

There were no prayers, and he was not tired in the slightest. The cicadas chirping was ravenous, a cacophony rather than an orchestra. There was no warmth, the one who provided it was nowhere in sight. Hayim did not like this

Hayim was not happy.

He chose to leave. His exit was clear before him, extending to the heavens like a spear, like one of Ragnadon's mighty claws. A tree - the world tree. His tree. No, not his tree, NOT HIS TREE - Hayim ran for it. Leaves struck out ahead of him, clambering to throw the light god forwards as fast as possible. Nothing chased him - the cicadas dimmed their calls, and the silence grew overbearing. Hayim did not breath, so the only thing breaking up the single, oppressive silence was the movement of grass under Hayim's legs. He didn't slow as he ran to the tree - he leaped through it.

Hayim was in a corridor, shuddering slightly. He was in a room, with a single massive set of doors dominating it. Its ornamentation drew the gods attention for a fraction of a second, before the presence of his siblings wretched him from it. Oao... Hayim couldn't remember the last time he had talked to her. Rai was similar in that situation, but the pair were on friendlier terms - Hayim knew his status with the humies, and the Humies respected him highly for his craft.

As the god of treasure spoke, Hayim remained silent. He was unaccustomed to this place - there were no plants in sight, so his escape had to wait... No, escape was impossible as long as his siblings were there. He couldn't leave them behind, even if there were plants at his disposal. Hayim was aware of the only way out of here... Well, there were two ways, but Hayim refused to return back to the dreamscape. Not as it was now. That left the doors.

@Noodles@A Lowly Wretch
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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@Duoya @Noodles @A Lowly Wretch @Archangel89

Gammaton awoke in front of the golden gates. Here his form was less disorganized, ivory, sleeker, representative of the infallible law he desired to embody. Yet he knew not why he was here. He had been in the Administrative Hive, pondering the state of the world and writing up the laws that Lord Ferron had requested of him when the horrible ringing occurred. Each ring had sapped his strength, and he surmised that the higher powers had caught on to his schemes against them and had come to punish him for his insolence. Perhaps this was their prison for him, to seal him away for all eternity. He wondered if the others who had agreed to his Assembly were here too or if he was to suffer incarceration alone. Still, he would get no answers just standing here, staring at these gates, so he pushed forward. Hearing voices, Gammaton quickened his steps, at first happy to see Hayim, but then saddened to know that Hayim's association with Gammaton had trapped the innocent god in this realm too. But upon noticing Oao and Ral, Gammaton knew that their being here likely had nothing to do with his own schemes, as he had not yet gotten around to contacting the God of Treasures and the Goddess of Darkness.

"Siblings! Though it is a great pleasure to see you all again, this is, unfortunately, no time to rejoice. I have surmised for a period of time, that greater powers exist that seek to enslave or destroy us, and I fear that this may be their doing. I am at a loss for I did not expect them to act this quickly, and I do not know what we can do to escape, unless one of you can shed light on this matter?" He looked around at the other gods, wondering if they had a solution, but the sight of the clock gate caught his eye. Though he did not understand what a clock is, he found the image, the very concept of it...beautiful.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

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"It’s good to see you here, Goddess Oao."

From behind the pillar she peered up at the one who addressed her. Ral, the young god of treasures. His very gaze burned her with the way they fed on the light, staring into her precious darkness in the hopes of revealing what laid beneath to said light. The could almost literally feel the sensation of his eyes looking upon her all over as though he were some all encompassing beholder. This form was little more than a humanoid wisp but even through her shroud her discomfort was unparalleled.

Despite this she felt emboldened by this fear. The feeling of possibly being seen despite how impossible it was in this state fed into her, her dominion over fear feeding upon her own fears like a snake consuming it's own tail. She felt emboldened by this repulsion towards their horrible prying eyes. The energy that filled her felt like electricity, an almost physical excitement that made her chest swell up as though she were caught on her last breath. At least, that was how it was for her physically. This form of hers in this realm of dreams hardly differed regardless of her emotional state currently.

Ignoring the remainder of what he had to say the shifting darkness emerged from the comfort of her shadow. The edges of her hair, her fingers and the tail that her legs formed into flickered and swayed like the body of a candle's flame. The faceless black slate where a face should of been stared back into his own eyes, her hatred for them nearly as intense as the fear they elicited from her.

"Ral... You..."

In a sudden motion swifter than the time it takes for light to leave a doused torch her long needle-like claw that was her finger had passed into the space where Ral's eyes should have been. He felt no pain however as the fingers remained briefly, the tips just barely deep enough to skewer his eyes upon them. They did not however. She retracted her hand, her finger tips no longer overlapping the space Ral's eyes occupied.

"Hhh... As I suspected. You're not real. This... This is just a dream."

Her meager voice's intensity waned as she lost interest in the two who were present. As it was a dream it seemed they were naught but phantoms to one another, visible in sight and sound but intangible to the touch. She slowly turned towards the great bi-chromatic doors which barred their path into the rest of this strange palace.

"Younger gods may not have dreamed for so long but we... Those of us who remember our origin have seen this before. In dreams, no matter how often we revisited this same dream it's gates were always closed to us. So close yet unattainable... Until now."

She reached out towards this magnificent door, her claw just shy of grazing it's surface when another familiar voice drew her gaze back towards the three that were gathered behind her. This time it was Gammaton, going on about some odd theory of greater beings threatening their lives. She would have answered but a sudden noise from the door immediately snapped her attention back upon it.

The massive doors shifted, slowly opening inwards as they parted. Beyond them a great hallway laid in full view. The architecture was nothing like they had ever seen before. Neither the palaces of Hyperion nor the chambers of Ferron were so ornate nor so massive. The roof was nearly identical in make to the arches outside but instead of being an open aired pavilion each space between the pillars contained an alcove, the roof connecting to the floor to form a semi-oval wall overlooking each recess.

The entire floor was one perfectly smooth surface. It held a black and white checkered pattern with not a single square larger than any other. It was vaguely hypnotic as this pattern repeatedly all the way down the hall which almost seemed to stretch on forever. Despite it's length the entire area was quite well lit despite there being no origin to this diffuse illumination.

The crowning feature of this hall however were the pedestals which stood inside each and every alcove. Each pedestal was formed of the same white stone shaped into a small pillar of greco-roman design despite this form of architecture having never before been seen within the world of Tabrasa. Atop every single pedestal was an orb of transparent material which resembled glass at a glance. Inside each of these spheres were a wide variety of materials and effects. Most notable of all was that inside many of these spheres were Divine Cords.

These containers covered a wide variety of themes. One such container held a Divine Cord that was surrounded with burning embers which stormed about inside like a burning blizzard. Another contained a Divine Cord which sat upon a masterfully shaped metal bar comprised of a truly dizzying medley of different metals. Another one held a Divine Cord that radiated a brilliant glow. There was one that held a Divine Cord that gleamed with a dark crimson glow which sat within a measure of boiling fluid which held the rich scarlet pigment of blood. There was even one that contained a strange white Divine Cord which rested within a small tome that sat within the sphere, the Divine Cord acting as a bookmark to remember which page it was on.

Unable to resist the temptation Oao had drifted into this strange gallery of sorts. Only after she had proceeded inside did it strike her. Not only did these contain Divine Cords, these spheres contained Divine Cords of elements that belonged to the deities that walked the face of Tabrasa. That light, the radiant shimmer contained within the sphere, she was absolutely certain that it was Hyperion's own light.

"Hh... How?" She pondered aloud, gazing upon the surfaces of these strange containers. Quickly looking across the many she looked for those belonging to the deities that were in her company. She saw a sphere which contained strange treasures. There were many golden coins, almost all of which were imprinted with the faces of kings that had yet to be born. The container also held a golden chalice of unparalleled craftsmanship, the sides just below the rim studded with large gleaming jewels of almost every variety. There was also a crown which sat upon the pile of coins, it's make no less impressive than the chalice and similarly adorned with many gems. Unlike the other containers however it did not contain a Divine Cord.

There was a container that held a single sheet of some sort of paper. Written upon it's face in a strange mystical ink which made it almost impossible to not read was a contract. The nature of this contract seemed to detail the duties of one's godhood. It detailed the necessity of maintaining order within the recipient party's domain, numerous clauses referencing events identical to the spiral tower event she had witnessed. Signed at the bottom of the contract was Gammaton's own name, his signature written in his exact handwriting. This container also did not contain a Divine Cord within.

There was another container that was empty of a Divine Cord. This one contained an old log upon which a strange moss grew. Blooming upon this moss were delicate white flowers with pink tipped petals. These flowers contained a special pollen that could eliminate pain and bring health to those who ingest it. The product of this mold was likely quite familiar to Hayim.

Lastly her gaze fell upon a seemingly opaque black sphere. It was so black within that nothing could be seen within. Before long however a strange sickly grey mist rose from the bottom, swimming in the liquid darkness as it mixed about in wispy thin grey tendrils. Looking into the darkness she could feel it looking back at her, preying on her deepest fears, gnawing at her mind with it's inescapable dread. This confirmed many questions this hall had created but it also formed many, many more.

Looking down the hall it seemed there were many, many more spheres. Most of them held Divine Cords. Some of them did not.

"If these spheres do not hold our own cords then why do others hold the cords of our kin?... Are they...?"

Down the halls as though echoing from the heart of the palace itself a great repetitive ticking noise could be heard.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Relevant to:@Stern Algorithm@Duoya@Noodles
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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TIME: Present | LOCATION: Inner Sanctum - Heka - The City of Aaru | INTERACTION: None

Mana...ever flowing, ever changing. With each new spell cast the flow changes showing new and amazing things. Standing at the precipice of the ever flowing river was Ahmenophus who guards the flow and creator of magic. His keen eyes peered through the depths as his mind raced with the possibilities of the pantheon. The gods were moving again after ten thousand years and it seems that some have remained missing.

Something pulled at his mind however, something told him that he was not the first God of Magic and the voices in his head kept pulling and tugging at him. As the voices grew louder the pool of mana became more and more unstable. These voices had been plaguing the Prime Magician and were tied to a rhythm that could not be explained. If something wasn't done soon he feared that he would fall into M A D N E S S.

”My liege...a moment if you would?”

The sudden addition to his sanctum drew Ahmenophus back from the brink of his own mind as his personal vizier flowed into the room. Amr, if he remembered correctly. A djinni of surprising intellect and capability came and interrupted the gods train of thought.

”Hmm...yes Amr?”


TIME: Unknown | LOCATION: The White Hall | INTERACTION: All Gods in Attendance

Ringing...that awful sound echoed in his head for so long that he almost forgot that the world had other sounds in it. All at once there he stood in front of the golden gates unaware of how or when he got to this place. As he gazed upon his reflection he saw, much to his surprise, a face within the light he projected.

Oddly satisfied with his new appearance he continued he continued further into the White Hall. As he joined his brothers and sisters in the meeting hall he was surprised to find them all in one place. Before he had a chance to speak to his kin, the doors opened unto the miraculous collection of all things divinity. Wandering around the hall he was instantly drawn to the light that was unmistakably Hyperion's. His friend, the long lasting effect of the Sun's brilliance.

He did not see his friend among the gathered which made his heart sink. He hoped that all was well. Finally unable wait any longer Apolios spoke,

”It seems as if time itself has been written out here. Who would have such power?”

The ticking sound drew him closer, perhaps the answers were closer than he thought.
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