Appearance (civilian):

Appearance (costume):

Name: Serene Light
Quote: "Science is the way of the future, so if I'm on the cutting edge, I can give back to society!"
Alias: Rockwoman
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Runs her own small business, does repair jobs for her community, has a stable income, and also assists other heroes by repairing their gear or even designing their gear.
Genius Intellect - Serene was born with genius level intelligence, granting her an edge above her peers, with her skills landing primarily in the fields of mechanical engineering, computer engineering, computer programming, and eletronical engineering. Atop this, she is able to think on her feet, forming relatively good plans. However, this has also caused her to feel slightly isolated and alone.
Mechanical Intuition(Mechanical Genius): The ability to understand the inner workings of a machine by looking at it for a varying period of time, or creating a machine from various parts. The latter can be called a sort of Macguiver type intelligence. In the case of Serene, she possesses a good deal of awareness of how machines work, and can easily put together contraptions as needed. However, there are still clear limitations, as the more complex the machine gets, the size(which the smaller it gets can get more difficult to make), can require more time and effort to construct or design. Plus there's still limits to the factor of materials needed. Sure, you can make a blowtorch from fabricated materials, or a flamethrower from household products, but something worse, like seriously life threatening? Are you crazy?
Electrokinesis(Living Battery): There are a variety of applications for electric based powers, and one of the more utility based ones is that of a living battery. Serene produces electrical energy naturally in her body, acting as a battery, and can use this power to fuel machinery. However, if proper measures aren't taken, if another person makes bare skin contact, they can either take a bit of damage, or be badly injured. This has added to Serene's tendency to be insular, out of fear of hurting others. If too much electrical energy builds up in the body, it can also the run of a general area discharge, which can also cause problems, so Serene tries to discharge energy often, to avoid problems.
Migarines - Being a genius can have its downside, the brain can heat up under some conditions, and in Serene's case, she can suffer from headaches and migraines which hamper her ability to function, and in a combat situation, can be problematic. She's been working to get around this, but hasn't solved the issue yet. This gets worse the more stress she's under, or variables she has to factor in.
Only "human" - While being the child of a superhero and an unspecified female, Serene has to rely on her technology for the most part, rendering her a sort of glass cannon.
Defenseless - When remotely controlling her creations, Serene is often rendered unresponsive to outside stimulation, which means that for lack of a better word, if one can find where she's hiding, she can be easily taken advantage of. This is due to the focus required, and often having to fight past her headaches and migraines.
Not an Early Bird - Less a weakness than merely a biological matter, Serene often works late into the night, and thus, tends to sleep past the morning hours. Work being both her improving of her tech, and her own tendency to work at night as a heroine. While she can wake up before noon, she's often groggy, requiring caffeine in copious amounts to function.
Calorie Consumption - Her powers can consume a lot of energy, so if she runs out during a fight, this can hamper her abilities extensively, so she often packs supplies, especially if on long missions. This also means that she tends to eat a lot of cheap fast food, due to their high calorie count.
Other People - Serene isn't so good with other people, due to being slightly shunned due to the nature of her powers and her overall quiet nature. She has poor social skills.
Lack of Pride - Serene, due to not feeling confident in having others know she's the woman beneath the shell, will retreat if she feels her identity is about to be exposed. Perhaps its truly a fear of being compared to her father, or being targeted by old enemies of the Professor, or just an overall lack of ego. Who knows?
Non-Lethal - She hates the thought of seriously hurting people, or outright killing, so her weapons are generally designed to be non-lethal, and this may effect her in taking shots or attacks that may cause the death of an opponent. This also causes her to try and avoid doing as much extra damage as possible. Rookie heroes, eh?
Over-Charge - Using too much of her power to power machinery can have one of three effects. She can grow woozy, dizzy, as too much could cause problems with her own nervous system, make her tired, or outright pass out. Another possibility is the calories burned force her to take time to recover.
Lack of Utility/Funding - As a poor woman's iron man, she gets by on what she has, and as such, tries to avoid doing more damage than she can afford to repair. Perhaps its a desire to not use her father's name as a way to get money, or pride, or something else, but she's a DIY type of person. As such, she's still trying to develop more means of fighting, and has to rely on scrap, which against a person.
RockTech MKII Power Suit-
An exoskeletion made from a mixture of materials, including carbon fiber and kevlar underneath the metal exterior, allowing for decent protection, while still remaining relatively lightweight and mobile. The primary weapon is the arm cannon on the right arm, which can be detached as needed. Uses a mix of solar energy during the day time to fire compressed energy shots of an electric nature, via converting the solar energy to electrical energy, and power cells located on the back to fuel when unable to gain access to on demand energy. While decent in protection, explosive and energy projections can cause problems, even short circuiting the armor. It also can't fly, and if it runs out of direct power, will require her to feed it directly with her powers, such as fueling its systems with electrokinesis. The attacks are non-lethal for the most part, being moreso akin to a higher strength taser, but when used against non-living foes, the dosage can be moved up, to deal more damage, being strong enough to take down a building. The suit can withstand attacks capable of leveling buildings with ease, but anything beyond will compromise the suits functions. Additionally, due to the material its made from, can easily overheat, and short circuit, causing still more issues, leaving her unable to fight back. Further more, using the highest end blast, if not properly prepared, has a high chance of forcing the suit to shut down and reboot. In short, a glorified modernized suit of armor that has nothing too fancy beyond the whole electric blasts of energy.
RockTech Emergency Pistol-
A small handheld pistol that uses electronic power to fuel taser like shots. Moreso meant to stun and protect the user for short periods of time. If she has to rely on this, it means she's seriously compromised.
RockTech Remote Turret-
A small, portable security type turret that can be automated to fire on command, or if a non-white listed target is spotted. Serene can control these remotely via a headsup display she carries around. She only had the funds to build one good model, but she can build more from scrap if needed. Uses ammo generally meant to stun targets, but can switch to more lethal ammo if the need is required. So far, she refuses to use anything stronger than tasers.
RockTech Environmental Suit -
A skinsuit designed by Serene's father for her own protection. While keeping her living battery like nature from getting out of hand, it also allows her to safely discharge the energy through ports. She has to wear the suit anytime she goes into battle, or if in situations where there's a risk of physical contact regularly.
Daughter of the former superhero turned researcher Professor Drake, and an unspecified woman, Serene lived a relatively "normal" life, being raised primarily by her grandmother. Her powers didn't begin seriously manifesting until middle school, when she accidentally caused a toaster to explode in the teacher's lounge from static discharge, when she had stuck in there to mess around with it. The death of her father left her a tad troubled, making her turn to petty trouble causing at school, until her grandmother sat her down and set her straight. She'd graduate early from High School, her intelligence winning her a place at one of the city's decent universities via scholarship. Graduating with a bacholer's degree in mechanical engineering and a minor in computer coding at age 20, she'd end up inheriting her father's belongings, which had been kept in a storage unit. Among them was the prototype power suit, originally intended for non-powered beings in the military, and for the police to assist in heroic activities. It would be over the course of the next two years that she was able to redesign the suit, to her specifications. However, this came at the cost of feeling isolated from her own peers, and expending many of the funds that her father left her, forcing her to rely on her grandmother's kindness, until she was able to find housing with a former classmate's mother's tenant in Downtown. After visiting her father's grave, she swore to make him proud, and began a small business to cover the costs of being a heroine, and began to try and live up to her father's legacy. Thus did the tale of the Rockwoman begin, a heroine who fought by night, and whose identity was hidden by the suit she wore, as Serene didn't wish to be compared to her father, and instead rely on her own awareness...
Professor Drake -
Serene's father, and a former superhero who went into R&D, to help train new generations of heroes. He died when Serene was fifteen in a major lab accident. Possessed the power to cover his body in scales, and on occasion, control fire. Hence his name. Real name unknown, but some old associates referred to him as "Chris." She idolized her father, and became a hero to honor his memory. Despite this, she knows very little about his heroic activities, as some of his work was classified. He was good at the whole keeping the two lives he led separate, his life as a hero, and his life as a family man, as he did retire with Serene's birth supposedly.
Unspecified Woman -
Serene's mother, died when Serene was too young to remember her clearly, but vaguely recalls a woman with fiery red hair. Believed to be the source of Serene's eletrokinesis related powers, their role in society unknown.
Skymother Selzawill -
Serene's paternal Grandmother, who could control wind and electricity, who raised her both while her father was alive, and after her father died. Named after a goddess from an old video game, her real name is unknown, due to her birth records being destroyed in a mysterious fire. Currently runs a flower shop. Earned her title of Skymother due to being a mentor to many younger heroes.
Unnamed Grandfather -
Serene's paternal grandfather, who died long before Serene was born. Possibly commited unethenical experiments, believed to have died when battling his nemesis, an unspecified do-gooder.
Martha Smith(lazy name, but eh) -
Serene's landlady, and a former classmate's mother, allows Serene to live in the basement flat of her apartment building, in exchange for fixing stuff for the other tenants when they break. Might be a former support heroine, Serene has never asked.
Wildheart -
A superhero who channeled the spirits of animals to influence his skills, such as the speed of some animals for short bursts, or the breath of a whale to swim for periods, and so on. Apparently fought beside Serene's father, and sometimes checks up on the young heroine, as a promise to his fallen comrade.
Armor Man -
Real name Matthew Smith, Serene's old high school classmate whose power is forming armor from the environment around him, the strength of which varies based on the material used. Sometimes assists her when she needs it. Civilian identity has him working at a local pizzeria.