@Stern Algorithm Every good hero needs an equally good rival, right?
@The Fool You did mention a need for it to be scientifically sound, so that's partly why I was stuck on things. I might just go for the enhanced genius route, as that's an archetype I'm good with, and have played before. Though is there a specific character sheet template we need to have? I also need to locate a faceclaim, but I think I have one in mind, would it be fine if the super genius I use disguises themselves as another villain? Would this world have awareness of some video game villains? Because I could see them pretending to be a mad scientist from a given series, and use that to hide their true nature, and thus, make it easier to operate in public when not doing villainy?
Don't get hung up on the pseudo-science part! That requirement is only in place to fit the tone of the RP and cut out the really OP powers (reality warping, etc.)
Alright, thanks for providing clarity, I'll get working on a character sheet soon. Stuck on a faceclaim, but I can always attribute strange aspects of a FC to either body modifications, or a costume part. Do you have a character sheet I can use?
Seems like a pretty fun concept. Consider me interested. Forgive me if this is an obvious question, but what sort of limitations would be present? Aside from base galaxy tier and the likes.
Alright, thanks for providing clarity, I'll get working on a character sheet soon. Stuck on a faceclaim, but I can always attribute strange aspects of a FC to either body modifications, or a costume part. Do you have a character sheet I can use?
Working on it right now! Should be finished by tomorrow or the day after, latest.
Seems like a pretty fun concept. Consider me interested. Forgive me if this is an obvious question, but what sort of limitations would be present? Aside from base galaxy tier and the likes.
It depends. I'd say that the cap is at building-level destruction, but with sufficient weaknesses as well. I'm really looking at it case-by-case, though.
@The Fool When you say 'Imperium Name', what do you mean? Do they have given birth names, or is it more like names/nicknames given by the hosts as a sort of identifier?
Name (& pronunciation): Eileen Fang Nicknames/Aliases: Interference Date of Birth (& age): November 11, 2011 (33) Place of Birth: Oakland, California, NALOC Gender: Female
Eileen is not petite, but is certainly unassuming, and easily overlooked. She does not have heroic proportions by any means, and is a bit on the short side with a small frame. She usually wears her dark, shoulder-blade-length hair in a small ponytail, and wears glasses for purely cosmetic reasons.
Typical Attire/Clothing:
Eileen dresses vary casually, usually sufficing with a T-shirt and a skirt, since she will almost always have a white lab coat draped over the ensemble. She is so casual in fact, that she even often wears flip-flops and sandals in the lab (Gasp! A safety violation!) but since she is usually master of her own lab, there is no one to punish her.
Hero Equipment:
Interference wears a caped, white enamel androgynous power suit that is easily mistaken for a robot. It looks something like the following image.
But the head has a single red camera in the center like the following image.
Power Suit: Provides minor protection, mainly used to focus or augment her sound and light abilities, gives her control of her 'locusts'.
Surveillance Swarm: a swarm of microrobot drones in the form of beetles/locusts used mainly for spying and eavesdropping, though Eileen can also use them offensively by laying them around in intricate patterns that amplify the harmonics of an area, augmenting her powers.
Blast Bludgeon: a long, baseball bat-like triangular rod that functions like a tuning fork. Eileen uses this to triangulate the harmonic frequencies of objects she strikes with it. After several strikes, she is able to determine the vibrational frequency that is most destructive to the particular material she is striking. She already knows what frequency works best for concrete and bone-through-flesh.
Eileen is soft-spoken and big-sisterly, often displaying cute, ditzy mannerisms. She can get excited when talking about technology or research, but is quite subdued most of the time. Yet her slow, quiet speech is accompanied with a certain gravity. She is very nurturing to her teammates, motherly as she takes care of their needs while also pushing them to challenge themselves and improve. Her quietness, at times, seems forlorn and determined as she stares off into some brave new future that she knows will one day come.
On the other hand, her personality slightly changes when she dons her power armor. Half of her powers being based off sound, Eileen understands the value of being loud, and often utilizes shock and awe tactics. In combat, she can be exacting, precise, and relentless. Control defines her, whether that is mastery over herself or the battlefield. She is determined to push onward and use the most optimum method to get the job done.
Skills/Talents: Likes:
When a plan falls together
Soothing sights and sounds
Space and Science
Bright light
Loud sound
People[Emotional individuals, or individuals who cannot otherwise be reasoned with
The world tearing itself apart
Guiding Life Philosophy: Machiavellian Humanist Utilitarianism
Origin Story:
Eileen was born to a poor immigrant Chinese family in Oakland, California. Living in a low-income household, Eileen was taught to obey the established peace and order, to not cause trouble, and to strive for self-improvement.
At a young age, Eileen demonstrated a knack for complex mathematics and, by extension, physics. Through study and hard work, Eileen saw that she could live a perfectly peaceful and successful life. Complacently and blindly, Eileen powered through her education, gaining multiple honors and advanced degrees. Though praised as a prodigy, Eileen remained humble and reserved. She eventually found herself moving to NAC and working in government laboratories, developing cutting-edge technology for the various failed projects of DIM, with whom she agreed with philosophically. Hosts were too dangerous, and order must be maintained. What she disagreed with, however, was DIM's methods. But what could she do? She was just a researcher.
One day, she woke up, her head filled with white noise, and her vision blurry, her skin sensitive. Her senses were competing for computing space in her brain. She tried to hide from all light sources, she tried to muffle all sound, but it helped minimally. Realizing that she might be going through an Imperium infection, she called her work and explained the symptoms. They came and collected her, dumping her, as requested, into a sensory deprivation chamber, that she had requested also be RF insulated. In the silent darkness, she was finally able to gather her thoughts. Her Imperium had made her skin able to sense two wave phenomena: light and sound, visible and invisible, audible and inaudible. With the help of her workplace, she slowly trained her brain to filter what she was normally supposed to be able to see and hear as a human, from the bombardment of white noise and RF static that a human was not supposed to be able to see or hear. Then she trained herself to tune in to that noise and static, to learn how to identify and interpret. She made herself a willing guinea pig to DIM, so long as they respected her rights within reason. But more than anything, her newly gained ability to detect both sonic and photonic harmonics accelerated her research into crystalline optronics, pushing the boundaries of robotics.
Now, as one of the few hosts working within DIM, Eileen plans to revitalize the department and bring order to this host-torn world. She is also slowly beginning to realize that in addition to sensing light and sound, she also has the ability to emit it, but she's not telling anyone.
Imperium Code: YF66613 Imperium Name: Sight and Sound Skin Power Name: Harmonic Detection Power Description:
Eileen has the ability to emit, detect, and absorb phenomena that exhibit mathematical wave behavior: sound and light. She uses technology to augment her abilities, relying on harmonics. The light and sound is emitted from her body (skin). Being inherently able to solve complex mathematical wave equations, she is blessed with a very high intelligence.
Sound Wave Emission/Reception: Eileen can emit as well as absorb/hear audible sound as well as sound outside the audible range, allowing her to mimic voices, make herself completely silent, send out shockwaves, fire disorienting beams of ultrasound, produce the brown note, have superhearing, tell when people are lying, etc.
EM Wave Emission/Reception: Eileen can emit and absorb/see visible light as well as light outside the visible spectrum allowing her to fire microwaves, create flashbangs, camouflage, have x-ray vision, night-vision, etc.
Pitfall Name:Eyes and Ears Pitfall Description:
Any high intensity light (such as a laser, powerful flashlight, or the Sun) pointed at Eileen's exposed skin floods her visual cortex and is temporarily blinding and deafening. The same is true if she is exposed to an unfiltered blast of high intensity sound (or if some pinpoint ultrasound was pointed at her skin, like a dog whistle or pest repellent) the same effect would occur. This is why she keeps her lab operating in mostly low-light conditions and behaves like a vampire when walking outside. Also why she wears a protective layer of armor.
@The Fool When you say 'Imperium Name', what do you mean? Do they have given birth names, or is it more like names/nicknames given by the hosts as a sort of identifier?
Ah, forgot to mention that, my bad. Imperium names are names that the Host sort of "term" the Imperium, like a nickname. Turns out I didn't end up noting that.
Sounds good, I just got home and free, so that's nice.
For appearance, can a reference image, like a faceclaim, be slotted in for usage?
No. I'd like an actual description at the very least, with a faceclaim being optional (but heavily recommended for.)
Name (& pronunciation): Allen Fahren (Fahren pronounced like fahrenheit) Nicknames/Aliases: Thermular Date of Birth (& age): 09/01/2019, 26 Place of Birth: St. Paul, Minnesota Gender: Male
Physical Description
Height: 6'4" Weight: 135 LBS Detailed Physical Description: Allen is a well built individual as seen from his muscles and toned body which he keeps in it's condition by exercising daily. He has white unkempt hair and crimson red eyes. Typical Attire/Clothing/Equipment: Allen wears a leather jacket along with a black undershirt, he wears navy blue pants and on his arms he wears a pair of metal gauntlets/bracers that are fitted with heater that can be turned off and on to produce heat. They must be charged daily, otherwise their internal battery only lasts 6 hours
Personality/Attitude: Calm and calculative, he doesn't like to underestimate his opoponents. He also doesn't like telling others what his power or abilities are, he let's them figure it out for themselves. Skills/Talents: Has a master's degree in meteorology, proficient in hand to hand combat, but isn't a master at it. Likes: Research, planning, finding out new ways to use his abilities. Dislikes: Gossip, disloyalty, being kept in the dark Fears: Dying of old age or disease Guiding Life Philosophy: In a world where super powered humans run a muck, the strong are the ones who should lead
Most of his life was relatively normal, he went to school, graduated, went to college, got a master's degree in meteorology, and got a job. However, deciding his life was boring, he quit his job and is now on the look out for mercenary work.
Origin Story: Originally just a kid who was born with his powers who didn't want anything special in his life, however as he grew older he became bored with his every day life and came to think that in today's metahuman filled society, the strong should be the ones who lead. However, he himself did not feel like leading, instead he wanted to feel the excitement and thrill of fights, thus he became a mercenary, selling his talents to the highest bidder.
Imperium Code: STN2435 Imperium Name: Thermular Power Name: Fourth Wave Power Description: Abilities: Thermal Energy Absorption and Conversion: With this ability, Allen can absorb thermal energy and convert it before releasing it back in either destructive forms or less destructive forms.
Fourth Wave: Allen releases the thermal energy hes absorbed into destructive thermal energy blasts.
Freezing: By absorbing the thermal energy within the immediate area, it is possible to cause the temperature to drop and freeze things over, this can also be used to freeze the bodies of other individuals by absorbing the thermal energy surrounding them, causing the moisture surrounding them to crystallize.
Absorption: Allen can absorb the thermal energy from fire type attacks, practically negating them, although he can absorb the heat, the impact of the attack is another matter.
Maelstrom: The user creates and controls wind, wind is created when there is a difference in atmospheric air pressure, and air pressure is affected by changes in temperature. If a certain point suddenly becomes cold, molecular activity becomes sluggish and air pressure drops. When that happens, the surrounding air flows in creating wind. If heat is applied to that area, and molecular activity is stimulated, the wind can be controlled.
Pitfall Name(s):Temperature Manipulators Pitfall Description: If faced against an opponent who can control the temperature of the surrounding area, such as an ice user, absorbing the thermal energy from the surrounding area becomes difficult, thus limiting the effectiveness of Allen's powers.