Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Some women are lost in the fire.
Some women are built from it.
- Michelle K.

Location: The Castle - Third Corridor off the Long Walk
Skills: Perception

Lyra's gaze gravitated over to Rainbrook as she caught the Ordinary Wizard's anxiety ridden movement out of the corner of her eye. Her pale brows drew together slightly and with it some of the intensity of her composure dissipated. She started to take a step towards the man when a ghost suddenly Appeared, stopping her in her tracks. She eyed the ghostly figure carefully but was ultimately unable to decipher anything beyond her general appearance and the unnerving nature of her gaze and smile.

She stepped around the ghost of Sabelina the Wise, her gaze never leaving the woman. She then hesitantly turned her attention back to Rainbrook, making easy strides over to the wizard. She let a small huff when she heard the door to Luna's bedroom open and the voice of Amarantha call out to her. She closed her eyes and took in a calming breath, before turning on her heels to face the woman. Her brows shot up at seeing the woman's soaking wet clothes. Her gaze then wandered past her to see the water soaked room. She arched her brow, but she didn't voice the questions that were clear on her features.

"Yes, of course," Lyra replied simply, giving a nod of her head. Her eyes narrowed marginally when Amarantha flashed her a smile. The woman was surely finding her demotion from the Queen's guard to a mere servant highly amusing. She was half-tempted right then to give the woman a gesture that would be deemed as highly unladylike. However, she quickly squelched that urge in favor of simply walking away to do the task that was requested of her. She made her way down the corridor, pausing for a brief moment by the still pacing Rainbrook.

"Sir, if there is any way I can be of assistance to you, please let me know. I have a few things I would need to do beforehand. We can walk and talk?" she offered, gesturing down the corridor. She waited a moment for his response before eventually going about her tasks.

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - Luna's Bedroom ⇢ His Bedroom

Tristan's gaze shot back over to Luna at her outburst about wanting everyone to leave her room. He started to rise from his seat but paused when he heard his name in the mix of those who could stay. He slowly sat back down, eyeing Luna. He was curious as to what exactly she was wanting to tell them and why she wanted him, a practical stranger, privy to it. After all, it was clearly personal if her reluctance was any indication. His gaze flitted back over to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard as everyone's attention seemed to turn to her, and for good reason considering she had just passed out totally out of the blue.

He leaned forward in his seat, watching as the woman was tended to. Fortunately, it didn't take too long before Arya came to again. Glancing over at Amarantha, he nodded his head in agreement. He wouldn't mind changing into some dry clothes too. Water dribbled off of him as he stood up and looked around at the waterlogged room. The corners of his lips pulled up into an amused smile. One had to admit that it had been kind of comical though. His smile quickly faded as his gaze landed back on Arya. That part certainly wasn't comical.

He turned his attention back to Luna as she addressed room, apparently just wanting to get the discussion said and done sooner rather than later. The corner of his lips twitched as she spoke about mental illnesses running in the family. His lips parted as she explained her current predicament. He didn't know what to say. He felt a sudden weight pressing down on his chest at this new revelation. Questions stirred inside his mind but none that he could form into audible words. What did this mean for their arranged marriage? Would his parents still want him to marry her? He would assume so since the Land of Long Nights needed the Castle's resources. But what would they think or do if they knew about this? So many questions and so little answers. He let out a shaky breath.

He didn't go after her when she left. She wanted her alone time, and he honestly still needed time to process all of this. He stared at the ground for a moment, before shaking his head and leaving the room without another word. He headed next door to his bedroom, stripping of his wet clothes once he was behind closed doors. He changed into something warm and dry before flopping onto his bed. He stared up at the ceiling as he thought over everything.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhys Asher

Location: Wizard Way traveling towards Home

There was a lot to see with so many people rushing to and fro. Now knowing the reason why, Rhys was more tolerant of the concept of patience. While it was indeed irritating, the dark green eyes did catch signs of movement from a nearby messenger rat office. His hand clenched into a fist slowly as he watched the ExtraOrdinary Wizard's Apprentice slip into the throng. Intent on abducting the boy or at least learning something of his habit, Rhys was stunned as the lad tossed the tunic he had been granted per his status on the ground and tramped off with obvious disdain for it. A curious thing that. Leading Rhys to adopt a warm smile that hid the poison beneath it.

Plucking the tunic from the ground he draped it over one arm, a bundle of clothing and nothing for anyone to really pay much attention to. If they did? What of it? He found it on the ground, a fact that was true as the sky was blue. Chuckling to himself, the Wizard noted another figure. Ernie, an old friend if Rhys were to call someone a friend. The least he could say about the other Wizard was the fact that Ernie at least had done nothing against him in his years in the Wizard's Tower under his mentor or now even though the man well knew Rhys was alive. Strolling up behind the man, Rhys looped a friendly arm over the Wizard's shoulders and guided him with the crowd and towards an alley. "Ernie." Rhys greeted amiably in a far better mood then when he had last seen the Wizard. "Mind if I have a word with you? No? How lovely." Overriding any protest Rhys gripped Ernie's shoulder tightly his head close enough to whisper to the Wizard. "I need your help, and it's nothing Darke or illegal. So move your damned feet, it's rather dire." Well, in truth it probably was in some sense but Rhys needed to find the cure and save himself- and his son. He also needed to keep his son from becoming Esmeralda's little pet.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Luna's Room[/center]

Small, shaking fingers fastened onto Cuyler's chin as Skaoi pulled the burly man's gaze to her own pale one. "My good sir. Please, as you seem to care for the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, fetch her some dry clothes. She will be safe enough under my watch." Skaoi softly said in a unyielding voice. "You mean well but you are just getting in my way." IT was perhaps hurtful and goodness knew Skaoi hated to be rude but it was what was needed to be said to get her patients taken care of. Oh, if she had her newly appointed servant! It was times like these she missed being a noble that would be listened to without question.

While the nobles and the royals had their drama Skaoi was quick to pluck what clothing Myrus and Arya could do without from them and wring them out. It did make sense that some strain of madness ran along the royal line, she supposed. What if how they were here especially! Perhaps some of that madness effected the girl who had been demoted? Skaoi did not like thinking ill of people but the girl was a bit useless and rather airheaded. There was a proper way to do thing and sitting around speaking like a friend to a royal wasn't one of them!Skaoi sighed wearily as she stared at her basket in annoyance, the contents drenched and some of the supplies ruined. Turning to the door, Skaoi poked her head out and fought back a wince as she spotted Lyra flirting with a young man. Perhaps the Queen had a reason to be harsh? "Miss, if you could? It probably would be best if you stopped woolgathering and looking for a potential husband at this moment." She advised softly as to not let those inside hear, an apologetic look in her eyes for the bold statement. But surely the girl would understand she was being indecent. "Could you go to the infirmary and bring me another basket with supplies? Herbs, and the means to make poultices? If you would please?" Skaoi floundered weakly before ducking back into the interior.


Location: Port Witch Coven House Upstairs/Malekith's Bedroom

Skills: Charisma, Persuasion, Intuition and Perception

Grimspound rubbed his jaw slightly as he listened to the others. Burning the house down would be foolish, at least without setting up precautions first, and seeking answers elsewhere seemed the route that Ahote and Arnora were more interested in. Minerva was playing towards the violent side of things, which was something that wasn't going to help them. Ghosts who could Cause things to happen were a problematic bunch and Grimspound didn't really want trouble with spirits. They weren't his favorites, pretty or not. Giving a slight bow to Nera, he smiled at her with a cheeky grin. "Burning down this place would be a waste. Whatever you're looking for Minerva? Ash and fire, surely it would ruin it. Unless what you are looking for can't be destroyed by the flames?" He raised a brow at the smaller woman as he turned towards the door.

Raising a hand to stop whatever she would say, he chuckled slightly. "Keep your secrets if your so desperate to. Or you could share and I might help you more than I am." It wouldn't matter to him after all. There were plenty of interesting things in this town. While Nera was amusing, and a pretty face, Grimspound had other things to consider. Namely books, and tomes. Yet they were paling against whatever that thing was that Minerva was looking for. Catching up to Arnora, Grimspound grinned at her in open friendliness and offered his arm.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Myth the Muse

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Truth be told, this was all becoming a lot. She expected to meet Bruce's family, and granted there weren't many of them, but the personalities of all of them could fill a castle! She found herself paying attention to one and then the other in a span of seconds. Her gaze lingered on Tate as he tried to scurry out of the room. Up his arm went as he gave his family the one finger salute. "Tate, I don't appreciate you doing that to your family!" but the boy was gone and she could only sigh in defeat.

"I assure you, I am fine now. A bit taken aback by all of this, but fine none the less. Also, do I want to know what a niffler is?" She had a feeling she did and didn't, but she would let Bruce be the judge of that. "Now, you mentioned a gift?" She looked at Astrid, eager to see what the girl had. She had a feeling it would be fantastic.

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Port Witch Coven Safe House

Fleur nodded her understanding of the situation. Truth be told, it was the perfect opportunity. "I do not deny that dear. As What worries me if having my flock go out with this Sicknesse plaguing us still. If we use any Magyk it gets worse. I wanted to discover a cure first, and I believe I have made strides in such, but I also cannot deny the will and desire to move forward." She stood up and walked over to a book and took it out.

"I believe this illness can be helped with Lyte Magyk, but it needs to be powerful enough. And I do not think it is enough. Still, the prince is dying which means attention should be on him. I'll have to see about which of my cohort is able and willing, but I do need some to stay behind to protect and watch over the young ones."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace

"...You do not seem well Arya..." Valda said, looking at the ExtraOrdinary Wizard with some concern. She felt a little guilty, as Arya had fallen unconscious in an attempt to help Myrus, an attempt she had made because Valda had asked her to. It made her feel bad, knowing that she hadn't exactly hesitated to do it, and now she was really wishing she could reverse what had happened and take it back. Sure, her family was everything to her at the moment, but she was concerned about other people as well.

Hearing Luna's words made her stop, thinking about what it was she was actually saying. History of mental illness was in their family? That was definitely not something that she had expected at all to hear. Worst of all her sister was hearing strange voices? That was definitely a really BAD thing. Valda felt powerless, knowing that she might have been partially to blame for what had happened to Luna, as if it wasn't for her being a Wendron Witch, the Port Witches might never have gone after Luna, and she might never have started hearing voices.

Sylvi the Bard and Bruce Banner

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Sylvi was starting to wonder what exactly Tate was up to... He was planning something, that was for sure, but what it was exactly she couldn't say. It made her curious enough to follow after him towards the basement, giving the assembled group a slight wave before following after him. "Tate? Is something wrong?" she asked him as she headed down into the basement, looking over at him, a little worried about what is going on.

Bruce rolled his eyes slightly as Tate left with the twins and his apparent girlfriend of sorts. Though he couldn't help but agree slightly with what it was that he had said about there being way too many people. It was getting just a bit crowded in the room, but that couldn't be helped. Sad thing was there were still a few members of his family missing from this little gathering, most notably his youngest sister Nova. Made him wonder where the girl had gotten off to.

"Okay, not sure if I should be glad or concerned that it isn't a niffler... Please tell me it isn't some other weird creature that you found?" Bruce said with a slight smile at his younger sister. Sure, he knew that Astrid meant well, but he still remembered the whole 101 dalmatians incident from when they were younger. Yes, he liked dogs, sure, but still, that was definitely way too many puppies in their home. "And Myth? A niffler is that little thing she's got with her and they tend to go towards anything shiny, gold, treasure, that sort of thing."

Lance nodded slightly at Myth, before turning his attention back to Runa. "Are you sure that you are okay? You need to be careful about how much energy you use up Runa... Trust me on that one, just don't wear yourself out okay?" he said, giving her a smile as he took in the group in the room. He had expected that Astrid would be the last one to show up, but apparently that sort of honor went to the youngest today. Where in the whole universe was Nova right now?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Present Day - The Castle: May 4th, 12,508 - 1:15 PM

We've finally hit the afternoon on May 4th and that means it's been a long time we've spent on the morning. To make the afternoon go by more quickly, you are all going to be assigned to cases. These cases work like collabs. You will PM/DM me for roll requests as needed, but you have a lot more free reign. Please look below to see what cases your characters have been assigned to. It will include the goal of your case, as well as how much time you have allotted to complete it.

My intention is that we have one round of cases, then transition into the wedding of Bruce and Myth. Characters do not have to attend the wedding of course - but it is a public wedding. If you do not attend the wedding, enjoy the continuation of your personal storylines!

Case Name: Tavern Brawl
Lead Reason: Discuss what you learned from Nera and plan your next move
Secondary Reason: Party bonding time!
Player Characters: Arnora Skadidottir, Jazen Grimspound Dyrki, Ahote Proudstar
NPCs: Minerva Frost, Bartender, Various Patrons
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: The Dark Knight Returns
Lead Reason: Retrieving a Questing Stone
Secondary Reason: Find a cure for Fayard
Player Characters: Rhys Asher
NPCs: Ernie; Various as needed
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Lead Reason: Tend to your fallen
Secondary Reason: Find a cure for the Sickenesse and plot the downfall of Queen Valda
Player Characters: Fleur La Mallificum
NPCs: Assorted witches
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown
Lead Reason: Princess Luna's Secret was revealed
Secondary Reason: Figure out the next steps for the Royal Family
Player Characters: Amarantha (526), Queen Valda, Princess Luna
NPCs: Hopefully none
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: Nature or Nurture
Lead Reason: Study Prince Myrus' condition
Secondary Reason: Cuyler needs to meet his mother
Player Characters: Cuyler Eysteinsson, Arya Rincewind, Myrus Silvers, Skaoi Silverveil
NPCs: The All-Mother
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: Rock Bottom
Lead Reason: Skaoi gave her a list of chores to do
Secondary Reason: Frightening Rainbrook
Player Characters: Lyra Laurek
NPCs: Various ghosts
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: The Banner Family
Lead Reason: Meet and greet
Secondary Reason: Get ready for the wedding
Player Characters: Bruce Banner, Myth the Muse
NPCs: Astrid Banner, Halley Banner, Runa the Goddess of Lies, Lance Banner, Nova Banner
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: Moody Millennials
Lead Reason: Get ready for the wedding
Secondary Reason: Figure out what Antonije is planning
Player Characters: Sylvi the Bard, Antonije Magnisky
NPCs: The Twins
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

Case Name: Home Alone
Lead Reason: Tristan is Bored/Confused?
Secondary Reason: Very free form
Player Characters:Tristan Alvissen
NPCs: Various as needed
Time: 10 Days Real Life - 4 Hours IC

And since why not...Sickenesse notes have been updated. We have a lot more deaths now.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Antonije glanced at Sylvi and shrugged a bit. Way too many people up there, дове. Marya was zipping around the room, before she decided to sit down and play with the strange device Myth had been commenting over earlier. From the basement, they could hear what was going on upstairs and Antonije shoved his hands into his pockets. He paced back and forth a bit, clearly planning something and simultaneously looking like a caged animal plotting its escape.

"I can understand that..." she said softly, wondering what it was that was going through his head. He was planning on something, that much was obvious, but what exactly that was was anyone's guess. Sylvi knew that there were ways to get him to talk, but decided to ask him nicely first. "...What's going through your head Tate?"

"Nothing, Silvija. Don't worry about it."

She hadn't expected him to tell her, and what she was thinking of doing, it made her feel really bad about even considering it. However she didn't feel like she had much of a choice, he wasn't going to tell her the truth. With a slight sigh, she started singing softly, choosing to use her bardic music to hopefully do something. "Tell me what is going on Tate, what are you thinking?"

It was as if he had fallen under a spell. His sisters were too busy playing their games to notice. Antonije blinked rapidly, his eyes having a slight pink hue to them as he stared at Sylvi. His pupils were dilated to an extreme as well and his pulse had quickened with need and anticipation. "...I'm going to rob the Manuscriptorium..." he whispered, as if he were talking in his sleep, and he reached out, feeling Sylvi's hair.

"...Why?" she immediately asked, though she didn't like the whole thing idea of controlling him. Once she got the info she wanted, she'd let him go. But still, it made her feel horrible for doing this sort of thing. Using Bardic suggestion like this was not something that she had wanted to happen, she hated using her music like that, but there wasn't any other way to get him to tell her the truth.

He kept touching her hair, completely underneath her spell. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, no matter how much Antonije tried. All of his defenses were useless, including the telepathic ones. "...They have every written record known to the Castle... And some that they keep secret..." he mumbled, moving closer to Sylvi until he was just inches away from her, enchanted.

"...Why would you need anything for that? I mean... Why would you need the stuff that they keep secret?" she said softly, a little taken aback by him coming so close to her. It wasn't exactly her trying, all she was wanting to do was get some info from him that he wouldn't admit to her.

Antonije was about to answer when Marya zipped over, standing next to Sylvi. She crossed her arms, her icy blue eyes and silver hair making her look fierce - as if she was the bastard offspring of a mutant and a Frost Giant. "What are you doing to my brother?" she asked, her voice heavily accented. She hated speaking Myde English. Antonije was looking entirely dazed still, just playing with Sylvi's hair.

Medea noticed what was going on, and pushed Sylvi back slightly, farther away from Tate now."I'm not doing anything Marya, Medea..." she said softly, before looking at Tate again. "What are you wanting to steal from the Manuscriptorium?"

"You are definitely doing something!" Marya snapped. She then moved in between Sylvi and Antonije. Antonije blinked slightly, like he was waking up from a trance, and his head hurt slightly as he looked forward. He frowned, realizing what Sylvi had done to him. His eyes watered slightly. "Хипнотисала ме је," he told his siblings quietly. Marya's eyes narrowed as she looked at Sylvi.

"I-I-I'm sorry... But y-y-you weren't t-t-telling me the truth..." Sylvi said, there were a few tears in her eyes now before she went to the corner of the room to stand off by herself, feeling really bad about what had happened. This sort of thing was not something she liked to do, she hated controlling people like that, it was the one thing she hated most about being back home. Her family had tried to control her after all, it was something she hated, and one of the reasons why she had left.

Antonije stepped out from behind his siblings, looking at Sylvi. He was really hurt by her actions... but he knew that it didn't change the way he felt about her. She was the person he disliked the least in the world. Silvija...

What is it? she responded mentally, looking at the floor where she was standing. She wasn't exactly too thrilled about what had happened, and likely would still be beating herself up over the whole thing for a while.

He didn't know how to express what he was feeling with words, so he merely shared his emotions with her. He shared how he loved her - but also how much she had hurt him by trying to control him. He didn't really know what to say to her or do. Antonije remained standing in the middle of the basement, letting her be by herself in the corner.

Sylvi didn't know what all to say to him, as she felt the rush of emotions. She glanced up at him, her eyes watering before she started crying. It was useless for her to try and fight back the tears, they just kept coming whether she wanted them to or not. Sylvi put her head in her hands, crying.

"...That's how I feel about you..." Marya made a gagging noise behind him.

"...I'm sorry for doing that Tate..." she said softly.

He knew that she was telling the truth, having read her mind. It was perhaps hypocritical for him to invade her privacy like that, but he didn't see it that way. "I know you are."

She just nodded, falling silent and looking away again, staring back down at the floor. There wasn't much else she really could say about the situation, especially considering the fact that Tate had probably read her mind to determine if she was telling the truth. She had gotten used to that though, and said nothing about it.

"I didn't want to tell you, Silvija, because I don't want you involved in that sort of thing. Imagine if the Land of Long Night's long lost princess was caught robbing the Manuscriptorium? With a boy with mental issues from the Eastern SnowPlains? I'm not really one for politics but...I don't think that would end well."

"...You still could have told me... And I don't care Tate, I haven't exactly been the princess for a long time, never really cared what anyone else thought ever..."

"Ти си ужасна принцеза," Marya chimed in with a smirk. Antonije shot her a bit of a look before he returned his attention to Syliv. "...If you're sure...The plan is to get everything on elixirs and stuff... Any sort of locked up healing remedies. I know they have to exist... And once we have the information, I can create whatever we need to save my sisters."

"Alright, that makes sense... Let me help you Tate, you aren't alone... Also do I want to know what your sister said and why she smirked at me like that?"

"...Oh, she said you're a terrible princess."

"...I have to agree with her on that one, I am."

"Yeah, well, so is she," Antonije said with a shrug. He then looked at his sisters. "Can you two um....can you give us some space for a bit? Like an hour or two?"

Medea stared at Tate for a moment, a bit annoyed at him for wanting to kick them out of the room. "Стварно? Желиш да нас избациш из собе баш тако? Непристојан!" she said, before looking over at her sister.

"Морам на тренутак да разговарам са Силви..."

"Фино!" she said, a bit annoyed, before racing off. Marya ran off with her.


About an hour later, Antonije was getting his clothes back on. He then looked at Sylvi with a smile. That had been a nice way to wake up. He kissed her forehead and then got her a glass of water, figuring she'd want something to drink. Thankfully, no one upstairs had come to borrow him. He then reached out to his sisters letting them know they could come back in five minutes.

Sylvi gave him a bit of a smile, putting her own clothes back. Now she didn't know what to do, especially since she didn't know really what his plan was in breaking into the Manuscriptorium. It did surprise her slightly, that she had agreed to help with that in the first place, but now she was finding that she didn't really care too much about that. She was willing to help him out, and that was all that mattered as she took the glass of water from him.

"You know, you don't need to sing a song to get me to like you..." Antonije pointed out, as his sisters sped back into the room.

"...Actually I don't know if the song was even supposed to do that, I never use it for a reason... It was really weird..." she mumbled.

"...It made me feel things..."

"...I could kind of tell..."

"You two are disgusting," Marya said, shaking her head.

Medea nodded her head in agreement at that. Sylvi looked away, once more staring at the floor, not really wanting to talk too much to the twins about things. She knew that Tate cared about his sisters, but in her mind the twins could be a little bit irritating. Hey, my sisters are cute, not annoying damn it!

S-S-Sorry... she mumbled mentally in response, still staring at the ground.

I was teasing you. But they are cute!

How about we agree to disagree on that one.

Nope, my sisters are adorable!

Yeah no. Not going to agree with you on that one.

They are 100% adorable!

Sylvi just rolled her eyes at him now, having looked over at him again. She definitely did not have to agree with him about his sisters.

Antonije was giving her a dead serious stare.

"You are ridiculous Tate," she said with a small laugh.

"How am I?" His sisters had gone off and were playing on their devices again.

"You just are."

Antonije rolled his eyes at her. "You're the ridiculous one who can't even pronounce my name."

"What makes you say I can't?"

"Say my name then."

"Antonije," she said simply, pronouncing his name correctly.

"Why do you call me Tate then?"

"...It is shorter and easier to say... Does it annoy you? I could call you Antonije if you want me to..."

He shook his head. "No, I'm just curious..."


"So....Do you still want to go to the wedding later?"

"Uh, yeah, sure... I'd be fine with still going..."

Antonije nodded, grabbing the bag with their nice clothes inside of it. They probably should consider getting them on at some point, since they then need to head on over to Wizard Tower and just generally be helpful to Myth and all with getting things ready for the ceremony. Plus, Antonije had heard things about the floor there that really caught his attention.

Sylvi just gave him a smile. It would be interesting to attend the wedding, at least in her mind, though she had one slight problem with the venue choice. That damn Floor of the actual Tower was annoying, and she didn't really want to walk across it if she didn't have to.


Antonije was wearing his finest formal wear - it was a hand-me-down from Bruce and was probably made on Asgard. Antonije felt a little ridiculous in the nice clothing. His sisters had already run to Wizard Tower and had stated the password for the day, allowing them inside. It was a temporary password they had been given in order to access things for the wedding. "So... the Floor..."

Sylvi was wearing a nice dress of sorts, different from her normal attire, that was for sure. However, she just stared at the entrance, letting out a small sigh, "I hate the damn floor... But guess there is no avoiding it, at least hopefully there shouldn't be too many people here at the moment, or they hopefully are all to distracted by something else. Let's get going then."

"...Wow, the Floor really is quite loud and colorful," Antonije said, shifting a bit awkwardly. A lot of people in his life had claimed to be his parent. Constance had called herself his mother. Bruce called himself his father. Neither of them really were his parents. He smiled slightly at the Floor's greeting. It understood him.

"Yes, yes it is... It is also very annoying and I really really don't like it..."

Antonije glared a bit at the Floor. "Hey, knock it off, that's my girlfriend damn it!" He then tried to telepathically attack the Floor, only to be hit back telepathically and he fell to the ground on his butt. "Hey!"

"Calm down Tate, okay?" she said, before she helped him to his feet.

Antonije looked pretty angry. "The Floor is hitting on you!"

"...Calm down, okay? Please Tate, it'll be alright, don't worry about it..."

"That's it!" Antonije snapped, getting down on his knees and he started to aggressively punch the Floor, but it was like punching sand. The words still remained in their cheerful and flashing bright colors, as if mocking him.

"Tate stop it! You can't punch the floor!" Sylvi said, trying to pull him away from it.

"Yes I can!" Antonije shouted, continuing to try and beat up the floor. There were a few wizards nearby - four in total. None of them had gotten to the Floor yet of the entrance way. A few of them were on the moving staircase heading down, while another had just come out of the Great Hall and was heading down the corridor towards them.

The weird message just made Antonije angrier, his fists were getting bloody.

"Tate please stop it!" she said, trying to beg him and pull away, before she looked at the ground again. "Can you both stop this please?"

Antonije spit on the ground, and somehow, the Floor managed to throw the spit back in his face. He was completely and utterly pissed at it. "I'm gonna kill it!" he growled. The wizards were over there now and looking on at the scene in confusion. The Floor wasn't displaying any messages about Sylvi being the Princess at least.

"Behave yourself, you two!" a wizard scolded. "This is a mystic place! Not some wrestling arena!"

"I am sorry... Come on Tate, please, we should see about helping out a bit... Uh... Floor? Mind being a bit nicer please? I will beg you if I have to..." she said, saying the last part somewhat softly. She didn't like the fact that she was talking to the ground, but if she could at least get it to back off, then maybe Tate would leave it alone.

"...Princess?" a wizard asked, looking up at Sylvi with discerning eyes. "Did Queen Meliscente, may she rest in peace, have another bastard we don't know about?"

"...Yes. This is Princess Sylvi of the Castle," Antonije said. "You may bow."

"Tate, don't pretend, no, I'm not from the Castle," Sylvi said simply, before she grabbed Tate's arm and started dragging him away.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhys Asher

Location: Wizard Way

Ernie looked at Rhys, flabbergasted. "What is it with you and pulling me into alleyways?!" Ernie exclaimed. While he had been genuinely glad to see Rhys last time, this entire routine was getting a bit old. "Ya can't keep doin' this, mate... If I were you, I'd just go talk to Miss Rincewind. She's a bit cold but I think she'd go easy on you," he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Especially with that boy of hers always around... Muller or something..."

"I'd pull you into a lovely young widow's bower if one was conveniently on hand, but we work with what we have." Rhys replied tartly, as he steered Ernie along. "And 'Miss' Rincewind's apprentice just threw his little tunic on the ground after coming out of Messenger Rat's office. You don't happen to know anything about that do you?" If he had an eyebrow, which he usually had at least fake ones these days, they would rise in question at the shorter Wizard. "And Ernie, you know I don't look fondly on that woman. Nor she me, I would suspect."

Ernie shook his head a bit. "Honestly, man, I don't reckon she has much of an opinion of you... Not to be rude or anythin' but... It's like she's a big pretty cat, right? And you're just a little worm trying to swim in the Moat. Ya just don't have an impact on her life," he pointed out to his friend. He thought about what Rhys said about the apprentice, before Ernie started to gasp, his chest feeling like it was about to explode. He gripped his friend tightly, his veins bulging. His eyes turned pure black. "Bring me to the Mistress of Chaos," he commanded, but his voice sounded ancient and worn. "I MUST HAVE HER!"

Whatever Rhys had been expecting it wasn't for Ernie to start manifesting this particular being. While he had been about to deliever a blistering lecture to the man about the fact that, he, Rhys Asher was no 'little worm trying to swim in the Moat' it seemed a more damning punishment had come about. One that was certain death. For Rhys knew of no way to stop the Elder God of Chthon, the God of Dark Arts and Chaos Magyk, from taking over the Wizard's body. It would be troublesome to loose the man, but he decided to point this out to the God, respectfully of course. "It would be my pleasure, however you are killing your host. He cannot sustain you it appears. Which is rather troublesome for me." For Rhys had a good idea of who the God was looking for, or at least who he could dump the being on. "I do rather need my inside man, of sorts. There's also the problem if you can survive to reach the Mistress of Chaos." He stated taking a good step out of reach with a polite bow.

Unfortunately, Rhys gave Chthon an excellent idea. His current host was not built to last. He smiled sickly at Rhys. "You will do," he then said, letting go of Ernie. Ernie crumbled to the ground in a pile of dust, before the strange force suddenly overwhelmed Rhys and entered him. It would feel like a parasite had just come into his body. Yet while Ernie had not been strong enough, Rhys was - at least for the time being. You are mine now, Chthon's voice whispered from the back of Rhys' head. Rhys would sense that he was still in charge - at least for now. But when would that change?

The Rogue Wizard cursed soundly as he felt that horrid force overwhelm him and enter into his being. It was as if he had just swallowed a tapeworm. The thought shuddered through him as Chthon whispered that Rhys was his now. While Rhys was firmly against the idea, he did know he had the disadvantage. Something he didn't like at all. "For now. I will be of far more use to you and myself if you let me, and help me, remain alive. For that My Lord-" The Wizard pointed out with cool and icy logical dislike. A bit of sucking up didn't hurt at this point didn't hurt either. "We need more power. Something to augment my strength. Plus there's also the problem of the Sicknesse within me. Unless you can do something about that and I shall take you to your Mistress of Chaos all the faster." The Wizard pointed out as he began to spell to teleport him to the Badlands. Reasoning that if he was fully better- and if this God could manage that it would benefit them both and give Rhys more time to figure something out. Because if Rhys had to admit what he never would? He was terrified.

Chthon laughed inside of Rhys' head. Rhys' hair turned a brilliant shade of white, his pupils becoming red instead of their normal darkened green. Chthon was transforming his host's body. Rhys would no longer feel the Sickenesse - which was all the more a problem. Do you understand now, boy? Chthon taunted.

Rhys studied his reflection in the metal of his blade. "Troublesome. Though I suppose the ladies will find me exotic now." He chuckled softly at the realization. Chthon was the Sickenesse in a sense. The so called disease was a small manifestation of the Elder God. "Oh, I approve... I approve greatly." Finishing the spell to teleport to the Badlands and near the Port Wytches' Safe House. When you had an Elder God, it seemed the Witch Mother was the one to go to.

Do you need help seducing women? I've had a good many in my time. The original Scarlet Witch... Chthon was still just chuckling. When Rhys looked at his reflection, he could see the elder god like a shadow behind him. He was extraordinary lucky - he was a perfect merge with the chaos god. Rhys would then feel extreme hunger. His Magyk would work without a flaw. HUNGRY.

"If I needed help with woman, I'd be the sorry husk you destroyed. " Rhys pointed out with amusement. taking his time wandering towards Fleur's domain. He was getting a feel of sorts for this Elder God, as much as a feel he could get for one. "The issue is we both have things we desire. You require your Mistress of Chaos and life forces. I require to remain living and in control." He didn't trust this being, nor did Rhys really care for what was going on. He didn't like this constant threat. He didn't want this Elder God grasping him, but there was little choice. So he would deal with it. He would do what he could with it, and he would damn well see what Fleur knew about this. And if she didn't know anything... He'd see what this Elder God could help him do.

HUNGRY! the elder god insisted again. It was getting to be unbearable. The more Chthon demanded to be fed, the more it would dominate Rhys' thoughts. At the mention of the Mistress of Chaos, the image of a young looking brunette swarmed into Rhys' mind. He would know that the woman was the granddaughter of Odin, supposedly the product of a union between a goddess and a wizard. It would not, however, be clear if Chthon wished to absorb her and use her as a host - or if he sought companionship.

Rhys cursed soundly as he saw no one in all the Badlands. Which was reasonable. "Dissapear, Reapear, Somewhere else, Take me there, Take me to the alley" Rhys muttered. It would be best to seek out a life force before he reached Fleur, who was in no way that Mistress of Chaos. If he was able to transpot back he slipped through the alleys looking for someone suitable. Someone who he could draw away into a private corner. Spying a child, he smiled at the brat and waved with teasing fingers. "Obscure the child, Scream screen about the brat. Come to me, small one. Heed my Call." He hated what he was about to do, but what else could he do? He's get some wench pregnant, make sure he raised another to replace this one.

The little girl walked over to Rhys, looking up at him. She had one green eye and one blue eye, just like Fayard. However, unlike Fayard, her eyes were partially clouded over. She was blind and looked to be without any family. "Hello?" her small voice called out, not afraid.

Rhys paused, looking at the child. Resting a hand on her head. She had potential, a useful tool for later, if there was a later, for she would have Magyk. "Go You where I Send, Tarry not until the End, Stay you where I Tell, Mark You This and Mark it Well. Spells all on you shall end when you reach Number 13 Snake Slipway. Tell my dear that I've found the answer to our troubles, and remain there yourself. There will be warmth and a bed and food all for you." He whispered to the girl, patting her on the head and sending her on her way. Silently speaking to the God. "She will be of more use later. Either as a tool or a emergency source of life. We are in a city. There will be others we can snap up, plenty of useless pampered sheep." A cold calculation in his voice as he slipped his hood over is hair and sought out a tavern. Keeping sharp eye for anyone he could lure away.

The god growled in frustration, having been denied its meal. The little girl was gone and he needed to be fed. HUNGRY! the god repeated. Its patience was growing thin and it may very well just take control of Rhys at this rate if it was not fed. The god took control of just one of Rhys' legs, not strong enough to do more, and began to drag him out of the alley and into the street, whether Rhys cooperated or not. It was a comical sight, as if Rhys were limping.

THERE! The god spied a group outside of the Gothyk Grotto.

"Agreed." Rhys snarled in annoyance as he was dragged into the street via one leg. Striding towards the group the rogue studied them. Observing the prey. Pausing behind them he chuckled slightly. "My, my. What little children get up to now a days." He smiled at the young adults and grasped one on the shoulder. "Why don't we have some fun?" He offered with a sly smile.

The boy wearing an excessive amount of eye liner grinned at Rhys. "Yeah man, it'll cost ya two crowns," he said. Well, it was the oldest profession after all!

Rhys traced a hand along the boy's chin. "Five crowns each. For all of you, I'm hosting a bit of a party." Rhys crooned as he smiled charmingly at the group. Gesturing them to follow even as he marked their faces.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

Arnora walked over towards the bar, looking at some of the people who were inside of the building, it was certainly very loud she was certainly preferring this atmosphere rather than the creepy Witch Coven house with all of the spirits there. She took a moment and eyed the small group she had been traveling a little bit, since coming off of the Aricie. "So what are we going to be doing now? We have a full day here." Arnora asked looking over towards Minerva. She of course did promise Ahote, and Grimspound to continue their little chat from earlier as well.

Grimspound had followed the others, knowing he'd be getting a reaming for this tale when next her turned up by his grandmother's hearth. Rubbing the back of his neck slightly at the uncomfortable thought, the man sighed in forlorn displeasure. The rowdy tavern, however, was proving a adept balm to these troubles as he trailed after Minerva and Arnora. Their acquaintanceship becoming a bit of something more. "I, for one, plan to pick all of your tales from the lot of you." A friendly grin on his face as he perched on a stool, raising a hand to the bartender. "A Blood Wine, bartender if you will." He grinned to the man before turning his attention back to his companions. "Of course, I'll share some of mine in return. It'd only be fair." While he was interested in trying the Kingslayer, Grimspound wasn't in the mood to go on a crawl tempting as it was.

Ahote sat down next to Minerva. The tavern was definitely alive with excitement and colour. Multiple colours swirled over people and shifted around them just like the changing of the winds. He couldn't pinpoint one to anyone specific but one things was for sure, all of Ahote's senses were on high alert in this place. It was awfully loud as well, his advanced hearing now making that any easier. If anything, this place set Ahote more on edge than the witches house had.

He ordered himself the house whiskey and shifted, trying to relax. He knew the whiskey would assist with that. He looked over at Minerva, watching her closely before he followed along the conversation with Grimspound and Arnora. Perhaps they should all get to know each other a bit more.

"If you are so interested in getting to know us Grimspound, perhaps you should go first," he said.

"Yes, Grimspound, tell us all about yourself," Minerva said with a bit of a smirk. She took a sip of her Dragon's Kiss, all while maintaining eye contact with him.

Arnora ordered herself a House Whiskey as well, as she looked over at Grimspound, and then Ahote as well, and then Minerva and smirked slightly at Grimspound. "The men should be the first to tell the ladies something about themselves first then, and since you are offering Grimspound you should be the first." She smirked as the bartender gave her drink and quickly paid as well, taking a sip from it.

Grimspound chuckled and did a jester's bow from his seat, giving a sultry wink at Minerva. "Well, what shall tale I tell you?" The traveling scholar wondered aloud as he considered the tale to weave. He had no problem sharing bits and pieces with these folk, it was fair after all and customary. He wouldn't spill all however, it would be a disservice to his mother's people who were intensely private folk to outsiders. Within the clan they were almost too much within each other's business. Which was perhaps why his grandmother dealt with so little nonsense when it did come up. "I was born to a clan in the Land of Long Nights. Very matriarchal you see, we menfolk were unwanted muscle and had even less to offer by way of brains." He shook his head in mocking dismay of this fact, in truth the men who were born of the clan generally did stick about either within their village or in neighboring villages. Providing something of a ring of protection about the home village of the Dyrki.

"Despite growing up surrounding but hunters and fishers and all that. My interest lied in books, something that drove my family to distraction. Though as my Grandmother says- 'Waste not a proficient goose for the cook pot when it lays eggs just as well as the hens if not better.' Though I can tell you whenever I tried her patience there was a serious threat of ending up in that cookpot!" Grimspound jested lightly, though there was a wistful smile at the corner of his mouth stating it was a good bit true. "Needless to say, I took to travelling when I came of age for it. Eager to see what was beyond my village, though I still stop by my mother's home with my books and scrolls and trinkets. The cousins enjoy the material on the long winter months and the children enjoy the trinkets I bring." He shrugged absently. "Though I will admit I think Grandmother was relieved to see me go, lest I blow out the wall to house again."

Ahote sipped his whiskey while he listened to Grimspound weave his tale of his home life. It did seem Grimspound was quite proficient with his words and his confirmed interest in books told Ahote all he needed to know that, that fact was true.

"Have you traveled to many places?" Ahote asked. He had more pressing questions he wanted to ask, but he figured starting out easy would be the more polite way.

"Don't wink at me," Minerva told Grimspound, rolling her eyes. "You'll regret it more than you currently realize." However, she was largely content to let the others just ask questions and she enjoyed her drink, wondering if Grimspound would ever see the real mystery in front of him.

Arnora took another drink as she started to listen in on Grimspound once more, and smiled a bit and laughed a bit at Minerva's warning to Grimspound. "Sounds like a place I would love to stay." She said as she watched a few of the patrons drinking and partying it was certainly a place she'd love to come by every day. "So where are you from Ahote?"

The traveler shrugged absently to Ahote's question. "A good few. Generally if a place piques my interest I travel there. Sometimes my clan needs me to get something, or messenger something some where. I find it no burden." Grimspound noted with some amusement as he grinned with a positively boyish smile at Minerva and Arnora. "You would, though I'd have to wonder if you could pull yourself away. As for my regrets Minerva... I regret it terribly. Your harsh comments are barbs to this lonesome wander's heart." He bemoaned with a dramatic flourish of his hand over his chest while the other went to the back of his head. Casting a smirk at several nearby women with a playful wink.

Ahote rolled his eyes at the overly dramatic Grimspound. How on earth did he get anything done with all the constant flaunting. He smiled a little at Minerva's comment to Grimspound. He was most positive that she would have no trouble laying him out or making him eat his words. There was a dishonest nature about her but Ahote had a thing about getting to the bottom of things. Getting the truth.

He looked over at Arnora when she asked where he was from. "The True North. Hardly touched, it's a beautiful place."

"Why leave then?" Minerva asked.

Arnora downed the rest of her drink while she listened to Grimspound as he talked, and then simply rolled her eyes when he went to wink at a few of the women nearby. As her attention turned back towards Ahote as he mentioned the name of his homeland she hadn't really heard of it. "I've never heard of it before." Arnora said.

The emerald eyes of the Dyrki lit up with interest as Ahote named his homeland. The True North was a place he had planned to travel to at some point. A matriarchy of sorts with elders the folk listened to. It distinctly reminded him of the Dyrki though his people were not a nation but a family. One that would pick up and move if they needed to. His lips twitched at the thought of that mass migration, knowing full well everyone would be called to aid in that. With his 'talents'? He'd have an entire clan hunting for him. Studying Ahote he sighed wistfully. "I would love to see the True North. Sounds like it'd be a wonder to see."

Ahote swirled the remaining liquid in the bottom of his glass and smiled slightly. He brought the glass to his lips and finished the ripe liquid. He raised the glass, motioning for another before he set it aside.

"I left because my work there is done. I left to find others who would be in need of what I can provide, of what I can teach. I miss the comforts of home. The open skies, rolling hills. Everywhere you looked was green but there is so much more out there that I wish to learn and approve upon. Perhaps one day we can all go back," Ahote suggested.

Minerva gave Ahote a bit of a funny smile. "It sounds amazing - positively thrilling. But if you are in need of work, I can see if my employers will take you on as well. We're after dangerous artefacts - with them, we're going to change the world. Make it better. Tear down what doesn't work and rebuild... All centered around a warm light for all the world to share."

Arnora waved for the bartender for another drink as well as she leaned back in her seat eyeing Ahote as he told them why he left and mentioned the land as well which sounded very nice as well. She then raised an eyebrow towards Minerva as she mentioned her employers, she wasn't sure what to think of them right now. "So that's why you are looking for whatever it was from the Port Witch Coven house?" Arnora asked Minerva.

Grimspound sat back, falling quiet as he observed the three. Considering what he was hearing. Ahote had left the True North because he had finished work, and desired more. A kindred spirit to himself, the wanderer mused as he took a swallow of his blood wine as he smiled slightly. More of cat's smirk, if his cousin Bera was to be believed, though his mother shared the same half smile that was trouble for those who spied it. Though who that trouble was for exactly, even Grimspound couldn't tell you. Minerva was stirring something and he didn't necessarily like the sounds of it. Organizations were messy and brought about trouble.

The tone of the conversation seemed to switch with Minerva's response. So did the atmosphere. Ahote looked over at her, his hands growing still from playing with his glass as he spoke of his reasons for leaving his home and embarking on this travel. Her aura only shifted slightly. It became more sure, more confident and passionate. Ahote shook his head.

"I am afraid, I have to turn down that offer. I am not a hunter," Ahote said coolly. He was here to help people. To pass on his knowledge and encourage safe practice of their powers. What Minerva was into, was dark and Ahote didn't want to be involved with it but now meeting her, he would keep his eyes and ears open for news of her works and inform the proper parties if she grew out of hand.

Minerva nodded at Arnora. "The Port Witch Coven supposedly had an artefact that would be able to help create - conjuration is cool and all, but even if has its limits. If we get enough of these objects, we could be able to bring about real change for people living in poverty - and I guess you just have something against helping the poor, Ahote. It's alright - not everyone is selfless enough to work towards the common good."

Arnora looked between Ahote and Minerva as she spoke, shifting a little bit in her seat as she started to think about what she had said, she wasn't really sure what to think right now. It did seem like it was dark as she ordered herself another drink, as the bartender came back with a new Whiskey for her. "Do these things that you are looking for also have their own limits as well?" Arnora asked, she was curious after all and wanted to know a bit more.

"Yes - but not when you collect them all and use them together... Though there is a price, as with all things."

Grimspound was on alert as Minerva spoke more of her intentions. His green eyes holding interest as his focus sharped. No, no longer was he Grimspound the friending wanderer but the Dyrki man who traveled for sake of his mother's people and the thirst for knowledge that had been kindled in those dark winter nights as he listened to the old tales and lessons. He did not like what he was hearing though he tried to mask it behind ambivalence. "You insult him Minerva. Just because he wishes not to join your organization is no reason to turn a hostile tongue on our dear comrade." He chastened the woman in an amused way. "We all have our own paths to walk. Though I am most curious about this organization, and would like to hear more upon it. Travelling can get expensive." Nothing he had said was a lie, but he was interested in different things for different reasons. Raising his goblet to Arnora he saluted her point with amusement.

Ahote finished off the rest of his drink and slid the empty glass to the middle of his table. Traveling had opened his eyes up to a lot of different things and people. For the most part he was easygoing and accepting of opinions towards him but telling him that he didn't care? In some people's eyes, Ahote could be considered one of those poor people. He didn't have money, he had knowledge. He didn't have power, he had passion.

"The common good? For who?" he questioned her.

"For humankind, Ahote."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
Avatar of KazAlkemi

KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cuyler left the room in a daze. He looked back at Arya, worried for her but Skaoi's intense look pushed him from the room. He was directed to the Queen's auxiliary room and given instructions on where to find the clothing. Apparently only those with royal blood, or accompanied by one with royal blood could enter those bedrooms. He searched blindly, grabbing something that was dry and purple in colour. He was having a difficult time wrapping his head around what he had just done. He destroyed a bedroom. He, Cuyler, with his bare hands had pulled water from the room and created an mini storm in a royals bedchamber. What was to happen to him now?

He returned with the dress and left the room to give the woman privacy to change. When Arya stepped out, he had never seen someone looking so regal. Even the Queen or Princess. Cuyler looked down, ashamed as he realized he was staring at Arya. The group before him split off to their rooms and Cuyler followed along behind Arya. He kept his distance and his hands shoved into his pockets. They were foreign to him now and he didn't want to even look at them. They walked into the Prince's room and Cuyler stuck to the walls while Arya walked in and took a seat, observing the Prince.

"Perhaps I will wait outside," Cuyler finally spoke up. This was a royal moment after all and Cuyler couldn't see his presence making anything better. The healer, Skaoi was in here after all. If anything happened she would surely let him know.

"No!" Arya said, perhaps a bit too quickly. Her eyes were instantly on Cuyler and she looked at him, begging him silently to stay with her. She had seen something when she was unconscious and it scared her. All of this, it was causing her to sink more and more into fear. "...Cuyler, I...I believe Skaoi would agree that medically speaking, you ought to be here with me..." Arya bit her lip slightly.

Skaoi studied the situation carefully as she stood over a small kettle that was heating courtesy of one of the servants. While she could work with some of the herbs, she would rather they were fresh. Giving a small sigh the timid woman gave a shy smile to the giant Cuyler. For all his brutish nature and looks he seemed now more like a puppy who had messed up and knew he had. "Indeed. You're presence, My Lord, is indeed a comfort and all the better for the ExtraOrdinary Wizard's health if she is at ease." Despite this her voice shook slightly as she dipped a curtsy to Valda, then turning to study the herbs she had with distaste.

There was a slight chuckle of sorts, coming from the corner of the room. A woman was standing there, looking over at the group in the room. "Oh Cuyler, what sort of trouble have you gotten yourself into? Control over water, that isn't exactly something to scoff about now is it?" she said, water swirling around her hand. She was wearing some sort of of armor, a sword at her side, and a pendant with some sort of symbol on it that it was difficult to see from a distance. "You really should be more careful, though I suppose based on the predicament of the Castle, you learning about your abilities now might actually prove useful."

Arya's sudden outburst surprised Cuyler. He honestly didn't think she would want him around the royals. He was unpredictable now. Could he even be trusted? He smiled slightly, looking bashful as he glanced over at the healer who agreed that he should remain. The moment hardly called for it but his heart swelled with pride that he was asked to remain. He removed his hands from his pockets, feeling a sense of control come back to him from Arya's affirmation.

"I'll stay then," he whispered. He would remain in the room with them but he didn't move any closer to Arya or the prince. And perhaps that was a good thing, for when another voice spoke up he gave quite the start. He looked up, seeing the woman in the corner and eyed her warily. Instead of moving towards Arya, to protect her, he remained in place. Child like curiosity got the best of Cuyler now. He felt he knew this woman but he had never seen her before. She was something, other though. Who else would be able to appear in a royal room without the royal or invitation. This was no ghost, their form was too solid and she addressed Cuyler as if they had know each other for a long time. Cuyler's eyes widened at the mention of his abilities. She wasn't present in the room with them though. Was she?

"How...how do you know of my ability?" Cuyler couldn't help but notice the swirling water around her own hand now.

Arya was more wary. This hadn't been someone she had seen before. She stood up from her seat and saw spots for a moment, but she didn't want to appear weak. "Who are you and how do you know his name?" Arya asked. It was dangerous sometimes, having your name be known - witches often preyed on people with Darke Magyk by using their name.

Skaoi started to move towards Arya, to urge her to sit back down. Knowing that standing right now was certainly not going to help the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Though the Physik paused at the harshness in Arya's voice and stepped back to the wall as to be out of the way if a fight did break out. It wouldn't do to draw attention right now. Though she was rather worried about Arya's state.

She let out a sigh, before walking over towards them, her pendant was finally visible, and she looked at the group, setting her hand on the hilt of her sword. "Well, I was originally here for the wedding of my nephew... Or more of some weird cousin nonsense, but I think of him more of as my nephew. Now, to answer both of your questions, I am the All-Mother Cuyler, I know just about everything... Though looks like you could use my help, on more than one front here," she said, giving Cuyler a bit of a wink as she looked at Arya.

For a split moment, Cuyler felt his heart stop. In all his life, he had prayed to the gods. Told their stories from the stars and dreamed of meeting them when he passed over but now, within a year he had met two. Cuyler sank down to one knee, right fist clasped over his heart and bowed to the All-Mother. Such tales she had. They would pray and sacrifice to her every time they set sail. Sailors would cry her name as they were thrown into the seas from rough weather. Cuyler looked back up at her, seeing her pendant clearly and committed it to memory. He would have to carve it later, to help him forever remember this moment. Thor and his hammer were just one tale he had heard and would tell, never had he seen the representation of it as clearly as he did now within Klara's necklace. It was perfect. Everything about this moment was perfect.

He continued to stare at the All-Mother in awe, is blue eyes even bluer now as they took her in. Something seemed to shift the longer he looked at her and he fell back in his shock. Moments before, Cuyler had wiped out a whole room and knocked back a person with the power of a tidal wave. Klara could create such waves from nothing. She calmed the seas for her best travelers and created great storms for those who tried to sail without sacrifice. It couldn't be. There were tales, great myths of gods and goddesses bedding with their mortals but could it be real? As real as she was standing in front of him?

"You know me...you know what I just did. Did you, give me this... this...." Words failed Cuyler. He wasn't sure what to call his untapped potential. A curse or a gift. Or perhaps a mistake. He didn't even know what to call the woman in front of him anymore.

Arya sensed that something was happening. "...Are you Cuyler's mother?" Arya whispered. She was filled with a sense of awe - though she didn't know who the All-Mother was or anything.

Skaoi was quite pleased that she was being ignored as she tried to press more water from the herbs she had with her. They were in a horrid state but they would suffice for now, at least until her 'assistant' got back with fresh ones. If she got back... Skaoi was seriously having doubts about the newly demoted woman. She seemed to have her heads in the clouds though it wasn't her place to point this out to anyone. Listening in on the conversation she mused over who exactly the 'All-Mother' was. That this woman was the ExtraOrdinary Wizard's lover's mother was evident she thought as the other two seemed to put this together. Though it seemed 'All-Mother' was something a bit more than a mother they were understanding her for. So Skaoi did what she did best. Stand in the background and moved about with a quietness that was part of her.

Klara thought for a moment, looking at the two of them, almost like she was debating about what to say. "Yes, I am..." she said finally, figuring that would answer both of their questions. "Allow me to introduce myself properly, my name is Klara, daughter of Thor, ruler of Asgard, and perhaps I might be able to help you learn to control your powers, as well as show you how to use them to help out the young prince, and Ms. Rincewind here," she said with a smirk, glancing between Arya and Cuyler, before looking over towards the prince. "Your powers can be used to heal just about anything Cuyler, if you let me help you, I can teach you how to help out against this Sicknesse."

It was a good thing Cuyler was still kneeling. He could hardly believe it. Klara was standing before him and was proclaiming that she was his mother. He shook his head, trying to clear the storm that was brewing inside.

"But my mother, she... she died and my father..." He paused, another what if occuring to him. "Is my father, Eystein, is he truly my father?" Cuyler looked at Arya. What would she think of him now? She always seemed to dismiss his gods, even with all her questions, what would she think of him now.

Arya was skeptical of this. The conclusion that she herself had arrived to - all of it was too good to be true. She know that Cuyler believed in gods and goddesses, yet she was of the belief that someone powerful enough could pose as one. Who was this woman, really? If she were Cuyler's mother, why not reach out before now? Why come here and so casually mention that she could aid against the Sickenesse. Arya stepped away from Cuyler and Klara, giving them privacy. This entire experience was unsettling. On the bed, Myrus' temperature suddenly skyrocketed and he began to struggle.

Taking a spinning step, SKaoi slipped by Arya and went straight to the boy Prince's side. Dabbing at his forehead with a cloth as she hissed at the sudden rise of temperature. "Easy, Your Highness. All is well." The Eastern Snow Plains exile crooned in a calming voice. Her hand wiping the sweat from the Prince's brow as she gripped his shoulder looking past the All-Mother with the most dislike Skaoi had ever given anyone, which was incredibly mild annoyance if anyone else were to use that expression, at the doorway. "Where is that assistant and my herbs...?" She hissed the language of her native people, as she tried her best to deal with new developement. Doing her best to keep her voice calm and soothing lest she stress the young prince.

This wasn't just a simple thing though, Skaoi's skin went pale as she stated in a very firm and cold voice so unlike her. "Everyone out. My Lord, I would request that you fetch any Healer you can find and the Queen immediately. Extra Ordinary Wizard, you will remain outside and are not to wander. My Lady, I suggest you get out. I do not have time to be distracted, please forgive my boldness." There was raw fear in Skaoi's voice as she began desperately working her skills to try and save the boy. She couldn't loose him. Not another patient. The terror of that gripped her heart more than any other had. For the Prince had been a friend and that loss hurt all the more.

"Well aren't you a slightly rude one, though I do understand your urgency..." she said to Skaoi with a tinge of sympathy in her voice, before turning back to Cuyler. "Yes, your father is your father... Though I will admit I'm more known on Midgard as a Goddess of Water and Oceans as opposed to what my title more of is on Asgard... Anyway, perhaps I could be of some assistance physician?" she continued, heading over towards Myrus, ignoring any sort of protest Skaoi or anyone might make. Water swirled around her, before covering her hand entirely as she placed her hand on Myrus, focusing for a moment. A second later, he woke up, though his eyes were a strange red color now, which was a bit odd in her mind, but she thought nothing of it.

Cuyler was more focused on the woman in front of him so he hardly noticed when Arya branched off to tend to the Prince. The healer, Skaoi suddenly spoke up in a manner that seemed unlike her. Of course, Cuyler had just met her but her personality seemed to be a bit mixed. Cuyler rose to his feet, not appreciating the tone he took with his girlfriend and with his apparent mother. His hands balled into his fists as he glared at her, ready to speak but then the Prince began to twitch and fuss. It seemed his condition was worsening.

He deflated and watched Klara step forward. She confidently took control and Cuyler watched in awe as she caused water to wrap around her hand. All she simply did was lay a hand on him and he woke, colour returning but there was an odd red colour to his eyes. Still, Cuyler's attention was torn. He stepped up to the group around the bed, close to Arya but he was staring at Klara.

"You...you can teach me to do that? To heal people? What else can we...I do?"

"Skaoi?" Myrus called out instantly, tears streaming down his face. Arya was still more or less hanging back, trying to blend into the background of this emotional and every changing landscape.

The words of the 'All-Mother' cut through Skaoi's near panic as she nodded eagerly. Her breathe abated as Myrus was returned to slightly normal, the red eyes strange but a small price for his life. Gripping Myrus, Skaoi gently checked the young Prince over tsking her tongue gently as the boy cried, dabbing away the tears with her sleeve as sh gently rubbed his back. "I am here Your Highness. How are you feeling? Any aches? Pains?" Her voice filled with worry as she turned her head to the strange woman. "Дугујем ти свој живот за ово. Хвала вам. Хвала вам." The woman whispered softly to Klara, her eyes bright with her own tears. For surely her own life would have been taken if the Prince had died with the poisoning that was laying blame on those from the Eastern Snow Plains. "Forgive for my rudeness towards you, My Lady, and ask of me what you will and it would be yours if I can but grant it." The Physik pledged as fervently grasping Klara's hand in one of hers while the other still stroked Myrus gently to let the boy know she was still there. "I swear it."

Klara glanced over at Cuyler, "Yes, I can, actually... We could see about helping out Arya over there, since pretty sure she is not doing the best because of the Sicknesse. Perhaps you might want to see about using your powers to heal her?" she said, giving Cuyler a bit of a smirk. "Of course, soulmates want to stick together," she muttered under her breath, her sword had a slight pinkish hue visible from her sheath. Turning towards Skaoi, she gave the woman a simple smile, "Do not worry, least I could do..."

Finally, Cuyler looked back at Arya. How long had it been since he had actually acknowledged her? He was afraid of his ability now and felt it better to keep to himself until he had better control over it. He didn't want it to randomly pop up and hurt her potentially. The idea of using his power to heal her, equally thrilled and terrified him. He shook his head slightly, looking at Arya's feet. It didn't want to hurt her. Klara however, continued to speak and he perked up at the mention of soulmates. Cuyler felt colour rise to his cheeks and he smiled. Yes, he almost forgot that Klara was also the off-handed goddess of love. Of course she would be able to detect their growing love.

"Of course I want her to be healed but am I really the best option? I haven't a clue what I am doing." He looked back at Arya. "I don't want to hurt you," he said. Of course, there was the whole, does she want to be healed thing. She was very adamant back in Wizard's Tower that she didn't want people speaking for her or making decisions on her behalf.

Myrus nodded at Skaoi, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry, Mum..." he mumbled, unaware of the fact that he had called Skaoi his mother. He was just feeling really bad about everything - about the entire scare with him nearly dying and his plan to runaway (which he hadn't told anyone yet) and the self harm... He wasn't sure how Skaoi and the others would forgive him for it.

"Cuyler, be careful..." Arya said quietly. She had heard Klara's comment as well and while it seemed to make Cuyler very happy, Arya was still skeptical. Why show up only now? Why come here, to the Palace, and heal the Prince if she was attending the wedding of Bruce Banner and Myth the Muse? Arya could not help but feel incredibly wary of this stranger - this woman who from what she could tell had abandoned Cuyler at birth on Midgard. "She may not be who you think she is. Her power... It might be bewitching your mind, ensnaring your senses."

Skaoi squeezed the woman's hand in gratitude. "I am in your debt." The woman stated firmly before turning her attention to Myrus as he called her 'Mum'. Her eyes were already tearing in relief though she felt a panic raising at that. Unsure of how the other royals would react if the Prince continued the trend. "There is nothing to apologize for, Your Highness. It is a pleasure to see you getting better." She would let the mother bit go for now. His health mattered more. Though her eyes did lock onto Arya with worry hearing their ExtraOrdinary Wizard was affected by the Sicknesse.

Klara did not care too much for the words that Arya was speaking. "Seems like there might be a skeptic around here. I do not care too much for the tone of voice you are using. Though there might be a way to help remedy the situation," she said, smirking slightly before she glanced over at Cuyler, giving him an almost slightly apologetic smile. Her hand had a pinkish hue to it, and she pointed her hand directly at him. He'd suddenly get the urge to go start kissing Arya.

Cuyler frowned and he was a bit hurt. She didn't understand. They couldn't just stick around, they had their own things to look after, their own worlds. Cuyler didn't know the story of his parents now, not this new development at least and he did intend to learn it. Even if he was being tricked. She knew of his power and how to assist him, so why wouldn't he try to learn from her? Klara didn't seem to appreciate her skepticism either but Cuyler was unable to respond when he saw his mother's hand shift colours. He did not get a good feeling from it initially but what occurred next, could not be helped.

He looked towards Arya and felt himself be overcome with desire. It was almost like being back at the tower but even more so. He closed the distance between Arya and himself. There was an intensity in his eyes as his hand slipped into her hair and he pulled her in close. Cuyler's hand came to rest on the back of her neck, tipping her head back and he pressed his lips firmly on hers. He kissed her with an intense passion that was usually built up to but there was no warning for it this time.

"What?" Arya muttered, not kissing Cuyler back since she was both extremely shocked and very uncomfortable about being kissed in public. Her eyes darted over towards the others for a moment and her face was bright red. "Cuyler, get off of me..."

Myrus was staring at them, confused. "Erm... I'm not sure I'm old enough to see this..." he mumbled to Skaoi.

Skaoi pointedly gave a small cough as Cuyler started kissing the ExtraOrdinary Wizard with a fair amount of heat. Clearing her throat a bit louder, the poor physik's cheeks were a fair hue of crimson as she pointed and politely studied the ceiling. Her hands clutched before her slightly. It wasn't her place to interrupt but someone here had to have sense more than the Prince!

Klara snickered slightly before lowering her hand, releasing Cuyler from her powers, and looking over at the two of them. "You two are such an adorable couple... Anyway, do you want help with the Sicknesse or not? If Ms. Oh so powerful I'm better than everyone and don't believe in anything weird ExtraOrdinary Wizard wouldn't mind playing guinea pig, than we can see about teaching you how to use your powers to help her, or anyone else like her who has fallen ill."

Arya didn't kiss Cuyler back, she refused him completely. He was a little hurt by this but when he was released from Klara, a wait lifted and the embarrassment hit him. He blushed a violent red and backed off from Arya immediately. Now Cuyler was hurt by his mother. Why would she have done that to him? To Arya. Perhaps he did have to keep his guard up with this one for a little longer but he was still intrigued by her. Klara's next commented bothered Cuyler even more. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes at the Norse Goddess. Mother or not, the name calling was not appreciated.

"I think that's enough," he said. His voice lacked power but it held meaning. He looked back at Arya. He was torn. Magyk had taken everything from him and here he was, suddenly powerful and able to help Arya, if only he could learn how. But this Magyk was different. It was pure and natural, inherited to him by the very gods themselves. It would only be bad if the person was bad. As was the act of Magyk. Arya had been teaching him that ever since they met, years ago.

"Arya, I would ask you be a little more open to this. As I have been open with you in your teachings. The very Gods I have spoken to you about are here, in The Castle for a wedding after all. You know they are real. Why would she be any less than what she says she is?". All he wanted to do was help. To not feel useless anymore.

Arya sighed slightly. She did not like Klara - especially with the manner that she had callously treated Cuyler and herself with. She had the urge to simply Transport off to Wizard Tower and damn the consequences, yet Rowland had been clear with her. As ExtraOrdinary Wizard, dealing with threats of this sort was her duty. She could not abandon her post. "Cuyler, you have no reason to take her claims as credible. From what I have heard of your traditions and ways, some of your beings are tricksters. A woman showing up all of the sudden, claiming to have the answer to the Sickenesse that Skaoi herself was unable to solve? And that somehow, she is your mother despite never having shown her face to you before - conveniently coming into your life now that your blood family is no longer living? I will trust her if and only if she earns that trust."

She then faced Klara. "If you are who you claim to be, then I would have words with you - yet if you are telling lies, I will defend the Castle with my dying breath - let that be clear," she said.

Myrus looked at Skaoi a beat meekly, with a face that clearly said this is weird, can we get out of here?

Skaoi looked between the three and bowed slightly to the woman who had saved the Princes life. "My Lady ExtraOrdinary Wizard, it is not my place to speak so boldly... But this woman has healed the Prince has she not? Forgive my boldness but I thank you for your credit though I feel it is misplaced. My knowledge of the Sickenesse is flimsy at best and spotty. Forgive me." The woman whispered as she bowed deeply to the three. "If you would Lord Cuyler, bring the ExtraOrdinary Wizard to the Infirmary when this business is concluded so I might assure that the Lady ExtraOrdinary Wizard is in truly good condition?" The pale Eastern Snow Plains woman whispered and moved towards the door, gesturing minutely to Myrus to follow as she scooped up the disaster of her basket. Oh, she was going to have some private words! Her assistant was no where to be seen!

"Actually... My cousin is the Goddess of Lies, so I learned that lying is a bad thing fairly quickly... My uncle is the God of Mischief and I am considered a minor trickster god, but think that has to do with the fact that I can control water and the oceans, as well as everyone's hearts. Love and hate, both of them, though I personally believe that love is better than hatred... I can teach you Cuyler, in time you will learn, but for now," she said, walking over to Arya. Her hand once more was covered in a crystal clear water, and it started glowing, however, after a moment, the color shifted, changing into more of a gray color, almost a tar like substance. Klara's eyes grew wide, seeing it, and she actually had a worried expression as her hand dropped, the water going splat on the ground, as it wasn't really water anymore. "...Oh no, this is bad, this is very very bad..."

Cuyler held his head in his hands and backed up further, closer to his mom. Arya’s continued mistrust of her was making it difficult for him to control his emotions. He was struggling with who he needed to listen to, to trust. Cuyler looked up when Klara started to speak. Her honesty and calm tone towards Arya was striking. She stepped towards Arya and he went still, his hands dropping to his sides in clenched fists. He watched her hand change with swirling water in a brilliant blue colour. The colour shifted and Cuyler’s stomach dropped as Klara released the now tar looking substance and it hit the ground with a splat. Klara piped up again, her tone changed and Cuyler’s heart sped up from it.

”How bad?” he questioned her. His concern was completely for Arya again. He forgot the two other people in the room as his attention shifted once more. He knew what he needed to do now, even if this woman was more trickster than mother. All that mattered was Arya’s health and safety and he knew she wouldn’t put herself first so, he would do so. Even if that meant the end of their love. As long as she was protected and well, he would be sated. This disease was made worse now that he saw it in a solid form. Klara was pulling it out of them and her power was greater than Arya’s Magyk. Magyk was not going to cure or get rid of this Sickenesse. Even Rainbrook said that a simple gem would keep the Sickenesse at bay and that was not Magyk. It was natural, as natural as this power Cuyler had inherited from the Gods.

Myrus nodded at Skaoi, slowly getting up and sneaking out of the room with the physician. He didn't really know what was going on in there, but quite honestly, it all seemed incredibly insane to him. Of course, was it any more insane than the abilities he had gained? His head felt clearer than it had in months, as if he had been drowning for ages and finally came up for air. His eyes reflected the change that had overcome him.

Hearing the woman that Arya did not trust admit to being a trickster goddess did not do much in terms of winning her over. The act of healing Myrus and Skaoi's reminder was largely the reason why Arya wasn't insisting on having Klara escorted from the Palace and interrogated as to why she was there. She felt wary as Klara brought up the water, yet the instant she started to do her work, Arya felt better. Her fatigue and headache lessened, the near permanent ache in her abdominal faded away. It was like she could breathe again. She then frowned a bit, noticing that the water had turned to tar.

"Thank you," Arya said. "Now... What exactly do you know of the Sickenesse? I imagine you have some guess as to its nature."

Bowing once more to the All-Mother, Skaoi hastened from the room meekly. Though her muttering were soft beneath her breath. "Oh, where is that assistant of mine?!" Skaoi hissed uncharacteristically as she half herded Myrus towards the infirmary, half hid herself in his shadow. Wary of running into the Young Army woman or Tristan.

"The Sicknesse is not exactly a natural occurring thing... This is a bit worrisome if it is who it appears to be... This is caused by the one known as Chthon, the Elder God of Chaos," she said. It obviously was bugging her, and she seemed to be trying to think of what to do.

Cuyler flexed his hand's, releasing some of the energy that was still built up from when Klara approached Arya. Arya seemed, calm. At least she was asking questions now rather than telling Cuyler that he couldn't trust the All-Mother. He watched Arya though, waiting for some sign that what Klara did was a figment of his imagination. His fingers twitched he wanted to go to her but after her earlier response, even though he was literally out of control, told him to hang back. She had her ExtraOrdinary Wizard face on and he shouldn't undermine her authority.

He frowned when Klara mention a God Cuyler had never heard of but the word Chaos brought one person to mind. Halley. But it couldn't be, could it? After all, Halley had brought his friend back from the dead and he was still alive and well, as far as Cuyler knew. Surprisingly, with everything he was learning and all the emotion at war inside him, Cuyler didn't unleash his power like he had before when Arya fainted and he succumbed to rage from being prevented to go to her. Doing his best to take everything in stride, the young man looked at his mother.

"So, mom, how do we stop him?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Luna had managed to find herself a set of dry clothes for herself, quietly muttering to herself about whole events that had happened in her own room. She wasn't sure what to think of the Cuyler guy who barged into her room, getting everything in her room drenched in water. Luna wanted to just tell a small number of people about her secret, but instead it was more than she wanted to know. Luna leaned herself up against the wall a little bit running a hand through her hair that was still very wet letting out a slight sigh, waiting to hear what her sister would have to say about the secret she had been keeping for such a long time.

Amarantha was wet. Soaked really. Luckily, this was nothing she wasn't used to already. At the very least, it was summer and not the middle of winter. Amarantha had watched many in the Young Army freeze to death from a similar fate but used as training or punishment. She shook out her hair after the others had left and braided back her hair expertly. She still looked like a drowned rat but at the very least she was a professional drowned rat. Luna had managed to find herself some clothes and Amarantha took it upon herself to take the former princesses soaking clothes and set them aside to be properly cleaned. She then looked around the bedroom. The entire thing would have to be emptied and dried in order to stave off mold.

"I'm afraid you will have to switch rooms until this mess can be taken care off," she told Luna. She stopped and looked at Luna. Amarantha was rather proud of her friend, for telling her family, and well, non-family members of her condition and what was going on. Perhaps with some added knowledge they would be able to save her. She was a bit uncomfortable with outsiders, the Northern Trader, Prince Tristan and Skaoi knowing of her condition though. They were all foreigners, and their kingdoms were vying to bring down this one. All they needed was one loose string to get their hooks around. Prince Myrus was one and now Luna was the other. Queen Valda was already on a thin beam as it was. Amarantha had picked a poor time to try herself to the dying horse, a poor time indeed.

Valda nodded simply, looking over at Amarantha. "Yes, this room is not exactly the best for Luna to stay in at the moment, hopefully though everything can be fixed up and put back to normal rather quickly," she said, almost a bit like a machine or something. She was still just trying to remain calm about this entire situation, not even caring about what had occurred with the water going everywhere. Her mind was still trying to process the fact that her sister was crazy, something she still blamed herself for Valda had no idea what to do at the moment, just trying to process everything completely before even trying to do something.

Luna took a moment as she started to think about what she should even say, as she looked over at Amarantha and nodded slightly though she had a lot of her things in her room she wanted to make sure they were okay. Then she turned to look over at Valda, sighing slightly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I shouldn't have kept any of this from you for this long. And i'm sorry for hiding this from you." Luna said closing her eyes as she tried to relax and calm herself down. "You have been really busy, and learning to run the kingdom. And with the Sicknesse going around, seeing the way you are sometimes I didn't want to put anymore on your plate. And if word got out I started to think of the riots again, and may accuse you of doing something to me. That's why I wanted to keep it from you for so long." Luna said softly.

Amarantha's eyes were still on Valda after she had spoken, even when Luna had started to speak again. In her opinion, she didn't owe her sister an explanation but, Luna was more considerate than Amarantha would ever be. Her voice was very unlike Valda and although no one would blame her, it set Amarantha on edge. One did not have to be on point all the time and it was only the three of them in here. Myrus was unconscious so he didn't make much of difference. She walked over to the rope that hung by the door and pulled it lightly.

"In my experience, it is best to let your emotion out rather than bottle it up for a later date. You are in relatively safe quarters Your Highness. I say you let your inner demons out before they break free in public." There was a knock on the door to which Amarantha answered. A servant lay waiting on the other side.

"Tea I believe is in order. Herbal, as quickly as you can," Amarantha said before she shut the door. She turned and leaned against the door, looking at Valda expectantly.

"I understand why you kept it to yourself, a lot of people would have in your place... Though accusing me of causing it, I feel like I inadvertently have. Your problems all started because of the Port Witches trying to turn you into one of their own, something that they might not have tried in the first place if it wasn't for me returning to the Castle. All of our problems started because of me being brought to the Castle..."

Luna watched as Amarantha moved over towards the door, and called for a servant for some tea and gave her friend a slight smile, before turning her attention back towards her sister and shook her head slightly she was glad that her sister wasn't mad at her. "It wasn't your fault Valda, it was bound to end up happening to me regardless." Luna said. "I lost control of myself in front of Tristan, which was probably the worse thing.."

Amarantha felt pity towards the Queen but not much more than thst. True, things had seemed to go downhill since Valda had been in power but a few good things had come from it.
"While that may be true, Luna would have been taken at some point. Either as Queen or Princess. The Port Witches wanted her and if not her, perhaps they would have taken the unguarded Prince. Besides, Luna said this runs in the family. It was only a matter of time." Amarantha winked at Luna when she smiled at her.

"Honestly Luna, you loosing control in front of Tristan was not the worst thing. He will not be missed. Of course, the marriage being called off does present some, security problems."

"...Truthfully I didn't care too much for the Prince either... I was going to see about leaving that choice up to you in the end, but it seems like you already have. His family likely will not be too thrilled. They might believe that we are allied with the Eastern Snowplains, though I personally would prefer us to stay out of that war in the long run... We need to be prepared in case we do end up having to fight one of those two countries... Everything is a little messed up, not like we can do anything about it though. That's just the way things are, we can't change that. No matter how much we might want to."

Luna looked towards Amarantha and smiled slightly towards and nodded slightly, she had only known Tristan for a few days she needed to work more on herself and her family right now. "Word may get out and he may tell his family why, i'd rather have word not spread about my mental condition." Luna said, as she looked at her sister nodding slightly maybe being neutral would be the best. "I'm not to fond of the Eastern Snowplains, since the late princess accused you of killing their queen after all."

Amarantha slipped out one of her daggers and placed the point against her finger and twirled it around. War was inevitable. No matter who they chose to marry Luna off to. They would be better off trying to organize some sort of trade agreement. She watched Luna as she spoke of wanting to keep her illness from the other kingdoms. She smiled to herself as she watched it spin. The idea of making sure Tristan didn't spread nasty rumors about her Princess tickled her.

"I would be happy to speak with the Prince to make sure that he doesn't spread any nasty rumors," Amarantha offered.

"I do ask if you do talk to him Amarantha, preferably it would not involve threatening him too much? After all, that could make things even worse in the long run. The Castle clearly being known for threatening the Prince from the Land of Long Nights, not the best idea don't you think? I hope he doesn't get it in his head to spread rumors around everywhere... If Luna doesn't want too many other to know about her issues, than I say let's try to keep it quiet until she wants to tell others. It is her choice. And I agree Luna, I don't care too much for the Eastern Snowplains royalty either..."

Luna shook her head slightly towards Amarantha and Valda. "I'll talk to him, I should be the one to anyway. But some company would be nice though, i'd rather he not feel threatened. Just give him a warning or something?" Luna asked.

Amarantha grinned but shifted off the door and ran her finger along the edge of her knife, checking the sharpness before she slipped the dagger away again, hiding it somewhere on her person.

"I'll only threaten him a little," she loosely promised. "I will be in the room with you then while you speak to him, being as quite as a mouse." She turned and looked over at the Queen. "While Lyra is, dismissed, you will need a change of guard. For the purposes of today though I will keep Titan on Luna and watch you myself Your Highness. I would also like to assess your combat skills. Magyk of course, is still very present and useful but people may attempt to harm you in other means while you are at a, disadvantage. I will also assign one of my top guards, Lennox, to Prince Myrus's side. He is of noble birth himself. I believe they will share a kind of, companionship that will better the Prince's mindset."

Valda let out a bit of a sigh. She wasn't too fond of the idea of learning how to fight using conventional methods. She was perfectly fine with the idea of Myrus getting a guard, he needed one, and if he had someone with him at all times, she'd worry slightly less about him. "Alright, set up a guard for Myrus, that would definitely be appreciated... Though I do not care too much for the idea of me learning any fighting skills really, that sort of thing seems more like a hassle than anything... No offense to you or anything, but I'd prefer not to..."

Luna listened to Amarantha and liked her suggestions, Myrus needed someone to watch over him currently. "Thank you." Luna said softly then looked over towards Valda for a moment, she did worry about her. "I have been taking lessons from Amarantha Valda, I do think it is a good idea. With the Sicknesse going around, your condition might worsen, so it might be a good idea to rely less on Magyk for the time being until the Sicknesse is gone." Luna suggested.

Amarantha's expression fell a little flat for a moment when Valda mentioned the training was a hassle. She looked over at Luna when she jumped on the idea and hoped to persuade her sister. The Deputy Hunter shifted and looked into Valda's eyes.

"Forgive me, I know you have faced a lot of, resistance and those who disagree with you but you did place me in this position for a reason Your Highness. If you are not immediately fond of the idea, then would you consider coming to watch one of Princess Luna's and my training sessions. Just to see what it is Your Highness. I have trust in my guard in order to put their lives on the line for their Queen but my mind would be slightly more at ease if you knew some type of combat training. You never know these days."

"Look, I don't need combat training, no offense to you, but I do perfectly fine on my own... What are the odds I'd ever use it anyway? I mean really, with people constantly bugging me and I can't really be alone for two seconds I doubt I have anything to worry about."

Luna stared at her sister for a moment, she was certainly being stubborn but she was the queen after all and it was her choice as well. "Could you at least consider it for me Valda?" Luna asked her. "I know you have a lot on your plate, but it would make me feel a lot better though. And if you use Magyk right now, your condition might worsen. And my mental state I would never be fit to rule, and if something happens to you now I would be the next in line."

Amarantha fought a sigh of exasperation. She hid it with a low bow to her Queen and nodded. Luna stepped in with another bit of information that might help sway the Queen a bit and she smiled at her Princess and friend. She was learning a thing or two that girl and although she was saying this with love and compassion, Amarantha couldn't help but feel there was a little bit of her influence in that statement as well.

"If that is your wish, than I will respect it. Of course, if you change your mind at any point, do let me know. I will continue training with Princess Luna but when we are not training, I will be your personal guard from now on." It wasn't that Amarantha didn't trust the others under her employ it was just, if you wanted a job done right, do it yourself.

"Princess Luna, now that your family, as well as a few unwanted extras, know of your predicament. I say we delve into the research a bit more and see what is the cause of this. Certainly it is involved around a certain amount of mental stress. If not emotional and physical as well. How would you feel about keeping a journal? Documenting every time the voice speaks to you or you feel a increase in stress? I am sure the ExtraOrdinary Wizard has some sort of charm that can keep that journal from being opened by anyone other than you and whom you deem trusted enough to read its contents."

"I have made up my mind, I do not wish to learn any combat skills, it is a bit of a hassle to me, and I would not have too much time for it, you know that... And perhaps keeping a journal or something of the sort would be a good thing for you Luna... It might help you..."

Luna listened to Amarantha's suggestion, and started to think about it, it wasn't a bad idea at all she could do it when she didn't have any of her duties to perform throughout the day. "I haven't thought about it, i'll start doing that now." Luna said, giving her friend a slight smile, she gave her sister a nod she didn't want to force her to do something she didn't want to do. "Thank you for listening to me as well."

Amarantha smiled at her friend, pleased that she agreed with her in thinking it would be a good idea. Amarantha's release tended to be fighting or, acting like a complete child when it rained. There was nothing like the rain when it came to calming or improving the Deputy Hunter's mood. She looked at both Queen and Princess.

"In that case, I say we get started on having your things transferred to a dryer room Princess Luna. There is still a wedding to be had." There was a knock and Amarantha turned to open the door. Their tea had finally arrived. Before the servant left however, Amarantha made her take a sip from each tea cup after they had been filled. One could never be to careful in light of recent events. The reaction wasn't quite what she expected. Amarantha merely took a half turn back at the servant spat out the tea. She shuddered and commented on the horrid taste of it. Amarantha sniffed the cup but found nothing wrong with it. It was simply poorly made.

"And some fresh tea as well. Or perhaps hot coco this time. I read somewhere chocolate helps with most anything," she said with a smile at her friend.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Myth and Bruce

Bruce was not too sure what to do at the moment, when there was the sound of someone else at the door, and the front door burst open. A young girl wearing some strange sort of armor came walking in, and she gave everyone a smile. A hammer was looped onto her belt and she was carrying around a stuffed rabbit and she went right up to Myth. "Hi, how are you? My name is Nova," she said somewhat softly, giving her a bit of a wave before she went over and gave her mother a hug.

"Oh, hey Nova, a few of us were wondering if you'd ever show up."

"Well not everyone can be on time to things..."

Myth stood up finally, after having the others fuss over her. She held out her hand to Nova. "Pleasure to meet you Nova. I heard good things about you." She turned back to Bruce. "Any other members of your family or have I met the lot?" She was joking, of course. Given that her family was all gone, she was happy that Bruce had a large family to be intertwined with. And all of them seemed welcoming and open to her, which she was worried about.

Runa hugged her daughter back. "Well, my parents - Baldur, God of Light and Nanna, Goddess of Peace and Joy - will be arriving shortly. They're visiting my brother in Asgardian prison," Runa informed Myth. Halley and Astrid were chatting in the corner, with Astrid showing Halley a little peak at the present she had gotten for the lovebirds.

Nova gave Myth a smile, before she stepped away from her mother and shook her hand. She may look to be around 12 or 13, but she definitely was a lot stronger than she appeared. "I think Klara and Thor are going to show up to the actual wedding too..." Bruce said with a shrug. They had said something about possibly coming, but it wouldn't surprise him if at the least Klara wasn't able to, she did have to deal with matters on Asgard after all.

"Yay, it'll be nice having the family back together all in one place again for the most part... Isn't that right Mr. Bunny?" Nova said, holding the rabbit up in her hands now. The stuffed animal looked pretty old and worn, but that didn't really seem to matter to her.

Myth tried to wrap her head around all the names. "This is going to take some getting used to. It was only ever my mother, father, my older brother, and me. Small village, not much to do there. Didn't have parties or big events. Weddings were quick and simple and now, here I am, being invited into a large family, of gods no less. It's...a lot to take in." Myth wandered over to Bruce, mainly to have someone familiar close by, should things prove to be intense.

"...Well, I know it is a lot to take in... My family is a bit on the strange side. If you want to talk to someone about getting used to the idea of being with gods or whatever, you might want to talk to my father... He's from Midgard too, so I believe he's kind of been in your shoes before... Oh, and I should probably warn you slightly about Nova..." Bruce said softly to Myth, looking at her.

Myth took that in. Perhaps she would talk to his father later. "Thanks. I'll get used to it in time. I signed up for it, after all. And we have a binding contract developing in my stomach as we speak." Myth glanced over to Nova as she talked and played with her stuffed rabbit. "What do you mean? She seems all right."

"...I've been around for almost 10,000 years, Nova won't exactly let anyone she knows age, reason why our parents and our grandparents are still around... So warning, she might not let you age past a certain point, you might be stuck for basically ever... So, just be warned, she likely won't let you age, at all... Trust me, Astrid has been trying to get her to age her past that of a teenager."

Myth shook her head and chuckled. "So you're telling me I may look as good as your mother for years and years? And this is a bad thing? I think I'll live with that, but thank you for the warning, love." She kissed Bruce's cheek and returned her attention to her guests. "While we wait for possible others, would anyone like something to drink?"

"Don't have anything too strong, husband dear," Runa told Lance with a bit of a smirk. "He's Midgardian - we have to water down the alcohol on Asgard to an extreme so that way it is safe for him to consume... Our spirits are traditionally aged a thousand years."

Astrid snorted. "Yeah, Dad can't handle his alcohol at all," she emphasized. She then nodded at Myth. "And I'll trade you your present for a drink?" she offered. Halley said she would take one as well. Astrid then opened a portal and pulled out a winged puppy. "Surprise! His name is Ulysses and he's all yours! He can do tricks too and he doesn't really bark - he kinda sings! So it's perfect, right? Since you love music and everything, he can sing with you!"

"It's more howling than singing..." Halley clarified.

"If you say so Myth, I just thought I'd warn you about whether or not you'd even want that... Nova doesn't like the idea of anyone ever dying..." Bruce whispered to her, before he heard the conversation his mother had started, and he couldn't help but laugh slightly at that. Then he saw the puppy, giving the animal a smile. Everyone in his family tended to have a bit of a soft spot for animals, especially more of his sister, father, and one of his grandparents.

"Hey! Not my fault I'm not Asgardian or even part one!" Lance responded with a bit of a chuckle.

"...Does that really matter so much? I doubt you'd be able to deal too much with Midgardian spirits," Nova said with a giggle. "And even if it is more of howling than singing Halley, the puppy is still adorable, so does that really matter?"

Myth had tuned everyone out as soon as saw that face. It was true love. "OH MY GOD A PUPPY!?!" Myth immediately took the pup in her arms for snuggles and pets. "Who's the best boy? Is it you? It's you! I've never had a pet and always wanted one! And he sings too? This is the best gift ever! Thank you!" Overcome with emotion, Myth began bawling, but it was happy tears. Happy smiles and happy tears to accompany this love fest.

Astrid had a huge smile on her face. "You are so welcome! Eeep, I just saw him and was like okay, if they don't instantly fall in love with his wittle paws and his witte smile then they're from Helheim!"

Bruce couldn't help but chuckle somewhat at Myth's reaction to the puppy. He also noticed how she didn't seem to have any reaction at all to the fact that it had wings. "...Well Astrid, never thought I'd be really happy at seeing one of your animals you bring places. The little guy is cute. Though where in all of the 9 realms did you get a dog that can fly?"

Myth had gone back to tuning everyone out and focused on her new puppy. "You are so cute! And wings? So useful! I'm going to love you as much as I love this being growing inside of me. And I will be yours forever and ever and if anyone tries to hurt you I will murder them where they stand because I love you so much!" She hugged the pup one more time before setting it down. She composed herself to the best of her ability.

"Sorry, what were we talking about?"

"Brucey, if I told you, I'd have to kill you," Astrid said with a wink, pleased with how much Myth loved the puppy. It was definitely going to be Myth's dog and not Bruce's, that much was obvious from the first few minutes.

"...How many times have I told you not to call me that Astrid..." he mumbled. Bruce did not like it at all when his siblings called him that, it got really annoying really quickly.

"Come on Brucey it isn't so bad..." Nova said with a giggle, and Bruce rolled his eyes slightly at her.

"Brucey? And it annoys you? Oh, this is good information to have. Don't piss me off love, I got some tricks in my pocket. Happy wife, happy life and all that."

"I think it was forty two times, Brucey," Astrid said with a giggle and a wink at Myth. "Oh the things we could tell you about him..."

"Oh you are one to talk about things Astrid, I do remember the incident involving the dalmatians, or have you forgotten that? How many did you have show up out of the blue like that? Or just about any other crazy creature you've had appear out of nowhere? Honestly, I at least didn't cause a lot of problems unless I got mad or something," Bruce said with an eye roll, before he looked over at Myth. "I do let a few people call me that on occasion, just not my siblings."

Myth would still use this information to her advantage when the time came. "I better be one of those people then, if you know what's good for you." She continued her attention to her new puppy and scratched its belly. She was slowly losing track of time. Didn't they have a wedding to start getting ready for?

"Of course Myth," he said with a slight smile, before thinking about the fact that they had to get going, after all, they had to get ready for the wedding. "Uh, Myth, we really should get going... We have a wedding to prepare for..." he said, before he transported everyone in the room (puppy included) as well as anything they needed to grab, to Wizard Tower.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Rock Bottom"

Some women are lost in the fire.
Some women are built from it.
- Michelle K.

Location: The Castle - Third Corridor off the Long Walk ⇢ Infirmary
Skills: Perception

Rainbrook looked at Lyra for a moment, his head tilting to the side like a confused dog. He wasn't really sure if she had meant it just to be polite, if she was blowing off chores, or if she was interested in him. Romantically. He wished that his dad had given him more advice in this arena - his mother, well, sometimes he found it was a miracle she even took her nose out of a book in order to meet his father. "Uh...." Rainbrook stammered, tripping over his legs as he moved backwards and fell to the floor.

A look of bewilderment crossed Lyra's features at the man's reaction. Had he been so engrained in thought that her mere voice had startled him? Was it something in her demeanor? Or was it something she had said? She couldn't understand what on earth it was...

Then Skaoi came out and gave Lyra a list of chores, disappearing but not before suggesting Lyra was looking for a husband. He didn't know what to say or do as he picked himself up, but one thing came to mind. "I'm so terribly sorry, miss...I think I'm gay."

Lyra looked over her shoulder at the sound of Skaoi's voice. Her pale brows shot up at the woman's words. Her gaze then flitted between Skaoi and Rainbrook, before she suddenly burst out laughing at the absurdity of such a suggestion. Her flirting, and at a time like this? Surely, they were joking. However, her laughter quickly diminished into an awkward chuckle, before ceasing altogether as she realized they weren't joking whatsoever. "Oh wait, you're serious," she remarked in astonishment. Her brows promptly furrowed in confusion.

"I beg your pardon, but I'm uncertain how what I said could have been misconstrued as such. I was just asking this man if he needed help," she explained, before turning back to Rainbrook. "Forgive me, sir, for any confusion."

Rainbrook was still looking at her, feeling awkward and not really sure of what was going on. "Um....Sure..."

"O-kay, well, I guess if you don't need anything then...Uh, I guess I will just go," she replied, giving the man an awkward smile as she slowly inched away. "Sorry to bother you."

"...Don't you have a job to do?" Rainbrook asked, confused as to why she was trying to help him. She didn't even know who he was. He hadn't introduced himself to her and he wasn't a known person around the Palace. Was she just trying to be nice? Did she have some other sort of motive? He shook his head slightly. "I-I'm flattered but... I am quite gay... As gay as a dragon..." he mumbled. Rainbrook then nodded at her slightly apologetically.

"Yup, going to go do that now..." she muttered, her traitorous cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Ducking her head, she then spun on her heels and walked off as quickly as she dared. She had perhaps never felt more embarrassed in her entire life than she did right then. She was normally so composed but certain things, little silly things like being accused of flirting, could be her undoing. Anything related to romance wasn't exactly her forte.

She shook her head as she rounded the corner, her platinum blonde locks lightly swaying with the movement. "Idiot!" she chided herself once she was certain that she was out of earshot.

She let out a sigh as she made her way through the corridors to the infirmary. She had a job to do. The job of a servant once again. Don't get her wrong she loved serving others, but the thing was that it had always been her choice. It had never been forced upon her, and certainly not in a degrading fashion such as this. There was a certain element of injustice to it all that caused a storm of emotions to once again buzz around inside her like angry bees. And a part of her was afraid that if pushed too far, she would split open, and then everyone would feel the sting.

Their ideals did not match her own, that much was becoming clear to her. It made her question why she had even wanted to come to the Castle in the first place. Why had she aspired to be the warrior servant of the Queen? Perhaps in her naivety she had thought that she could actually change them. That she could soften the cold ways of royals. Her hand paused on the doorknob to the infirmary.

Is this even the right place for me? Or should I just spare myself the future misery and move on from here, start my life anew again? She questioned herself. She turned her head to look down the corridor. There was a certain longing in her blue-green eyes. She felt trapped, and she desperately wanted a way out. But, she ultimately decided that it was selfish of her. She turned the doorknob, pushing the door open to walk into the infirmary.

Her gaze took in the room with a sweep of her eyes. She gave Becky a small, demure smile but didn't try to strike up a conversation with her. In Skaoi's eyes, she had already wasted enough time, and surely if she took any longer the Physik woman would think she was flirting with someone else. Lyra mentally winced at the thought. She shook her head. It's my mess to clean up, she thought to herself.

She went about the room searching for the herbs that Skaoi had requested. She found them with surprising ease thankfully. As she did so, she also noticed that some of the patients appeared to have worsened in condition, meaning they would need to be tended to. She bit her lip. She knew next to nothing about healing, so she didn't really know how she would be of much use to the woman, other than for running simple errands and washing linens. Perhaps Skaoi could teach her some healing, but given recent circumstances, she highly doubted that the woman would waste her time on that.

As she left the infirmary with the supplies in a small basket, she was once again hit with that desire to flee. Shutting the door behind her, she glanced back down the corridor, to the way out. She shook her head, ripping her gaze away and with it those thoughts of fleeing. "No," she told herself firmly. "Prove them wrong. You're made of tougher stuff than this."

She raised her chin, a certain intensity present in her blue-green eyes. She then made long, purposeful strides down the corridor.

"Home Alone"

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - His Bedroom ⇢ Outside Infirmary
Skills: Dexterity

Tristan laid sprawled out on his bed, his fingers drumming an unintelligible beat on the sheets as he tried to process all that Princess Luna had said. Her family had a history of mental illnesses? Why hadn't he ever been told that? Surely it was of great significance to him considering he was, presumably, marrying into the family. Or she was marrying into his. Or they were both marrying into each other's. Oh whatever with the technicalities. The point was that he had a right to know that his wife-to-be and his...children. His children could have a mental illness too.

He closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. Too fast. Everything was happening too fast. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to stand by her side, but at the same time, he didn't know the first thing about mental illnesses. And the way she was so certain that this voice would drive her mad, it honestly unnerved him. She had already lost control once. What's to say she wouldn't again? What's to say that next time she wouldn't cause more than just emotional harm? He hated that he had so little faith in her, but the truth was that he barely even knew her.

Yet he felt duty-bound to marry her, if only for the sake of his kingdom. Then again, what good would it do for his kingdom if the queen went mad? He let out a groan of frustration and covered his face with a pillow. He honestly didn't know what to do. He wished Fyror was here. The man always knew what to do...

He let out a low growl and made to chuck the pillow across the room.

"Agh! Gods!" he suddenly cried out as he pulled a muscle. The pillow did an unremarkable arc to the floor. Meanwhile, he was doubled over on his bed, clutching his throbbing bicep. He gritted his teeth as he got a Charlie horse. "Stupid pillow," he grumbled irritably as he worked to rub out some of the tension in his muscle. He stared up at the ceiling, his face contorted into a grimace.

He let out a breath of relief once the pain finally subsided. However, his relief was short-lived. Now that he was not otherwise preoccupied, the weight of reality came crashing back down on him. It was suffocating, the responsibility on his shoulders as the heir to the throne of the Land of Long Nights, let alone in a time of war. Perhaps a part of him understood, and could even empathize with his sister Ragna, despite how much he still resented her for abandoning her kingdom and leaving him to do the dirty work.

His lips thinned, his brows furrowing a touch. He didn't know what to do. He needed some advice, and he knew exactly who would be willing to give it. "NO! No. No, I'm not going to go see him," he told himself. He tightly shut his eyes, as if that could rid him of the thought of seeing the ghost of his recently slain best friend. Fyror's death was still too raw for him, yet who else was he to talk to? He had no friends or allies here. Well, maybe save for Lyra, but try as she might, she couldn't fully understand him. No one got him like Fyror got him. Or rather did get him...

Tristan let out a huff of frustration, pushing himself up out of bed, and before he could change his mind, he left his bedroom to go seek out his friend. He made his way through the corridors for the place of Fyror's death, just outside the infirmary. The closer he got, the more his steps faltered. His hands were shaking by the time he rounded the corner and laid eyes on Fyror's ghost. "Uh...um..." he stuttered, trying to find his voice. "F-fyror?"

Fyror's ghostly form turned to face him, his harsh features softening a bit. However, his lips soon tugged down into a frown as he looked Tristan over. "What's wrong? What happened?" he questioned.

Tristan paled. "Y-you're dead, dude...Y-you know that, right?" he stammered.

"Huh, I thought the air did seem a little off. Yes, I know I'm dead. Now quit evading the question you really want to ask."

"Gods, you're just as annoying as you were when you were alive," Tristan remarked. However, his facial expression sunk the very moment the words left his mouth.

"Breathe, Tristan."

Tristan nodded his head as he took in a shaky breath and found his voice again. "I-things have gotten more complicated with Luna. I can't talk about it in public like this, but long story short, I don't know want to do anymore."

"Yes, you do. You just don't like the answer. Hard work. It was never really your strong suit. But you've got to man up and do it anyways. The kingdom is counting on you."

Tristan slowly nodded his head. "You're right, as always," he admitted.

"Pinch me. I must be dreaming."

"Oh, shut up." Tristan rolled his eyes, but there was a smirk on his features.

"One other thing before you go."


"I have to say that that was one epic fart."

Tristan let out a loud groan. "BYE!" he yelled and quickly ran off. He could hear Fyror's laughter as he disappeared around the corner.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fleur gave an exaggerated curtsy towards the princess. "I have enjoyed our time together Princess. I look forward to the mischief we will make together. Allow me to get things in order here." With that, she walked the princess out.

And then the shite hit the fan. Not only had this Sicknesse taken two more of her own, it had worsened here. And there was activity in their old home? She had been meaning to visit Nera again to gain some insight, perhaps now would be the case.

She summoned another helper. "I am going to pop away for a brief instant and will be back shortly. Please inform Bernice of the conditions as well as checking up on Constance. And please tell the others to research a possible cure quickly. Lyte Magyk seems to work, but we need more information. I shan't be but a moment."

Fleur summoned her Magyk and casted Transport and put herself back in her old home.

The helper nodded and sprang into action, finding Beatrice to relay the information. As she did so, Fleur walked around the abandoned home that she spent so long in. She touched the walls, feeling the energy inside of them still flowing. She gradually made her way upstairs, knowing full well what awaited her. She was buzzing with anticipation.

Soon, she found herself on the top floor, outside of Mal's old room. She took a minute before she walked inside. It was a weird combination of feelings she was experiencing. But it was important. "Nera?" She called for her old friend and confidante. She was eager to see her again. There was a lot to discuss.

The room seemed to be largely untouched, except for the corner where Nera had died. It was vacant except for books in a semi circle around it and a small candle. The candle's wax was shining slightly, as if it had only recently been put out. There was a chill and a sudden wind, before there came Nera's voice but she herself did not Appear to Fleur. "Witch Mother," she greeted. "And here I thought I was forgotten."

"You are never forgotten, love. You are on my mind constantly. Not a moment goes by that I don't wish you were at my side again." Fleur walked around the room, letting the coolness of it rest on her. "And it is Witch Messiah now, apparently. They think me some sort of god. Hope for me to lead the revolution. The idea is titillating, to be sure. In fact, that is partly why I came here. Besides seeing you, which I would appreciate. I sensed a disturbance here. What has happened?"

Nera then Appeared, floating a few inches off the ground in the exact spot where Amarantha had killed her a few months prior. The injury was still visible - no ghost could ever truly Change how they Appeared. Some had tried to find ways around it but the fatal wounds always returned. She looked at Fleur, silent for a moment before her eyes went to the window. "A party of four came looking for the stone - I believe Hellfire wishes to reclaim the set."

Fleur felt the stone she now carried grow heavier. "Hellfire sounds like an arse then. If he wishes it so badly, he will have to take it from my cold, dead hands. I will not part with something you held dear." She turned back to face Nera now that she Appeared. "There is another matter I am dealing with. There seems to be an illness that affects Magyk users only. Using Magyk worsens it, but Lyte Magyk helps it but does not cure it. I am doing all I can to obtain knowledge on it, but apart from that, I have nothing."

"Hellfire is not a man - it is an organization," Nera clarified. She then nodded, looking at Fleur with thought for a moment. She then recalled an incident four months back - in which two young newly minted witches had come to the Port Witch Coven House, looking for trouble. The boy and girl had both died. "Perhaps you should know something... A young witch and warlock, both newly imbued with Magyk, died here strangely four months back... They left behind no ghosts."

"Well then they sound like arses." Fleur clarified. Then Nera told her the incident that happened in their home while she was gone, Fleur was stunned. And it took a lot to stun her these days. "How is that possible? Everyone leaves a ghost behind? There's no way around it. There has to be a connection then, especially if they were recently imbued with Magyk"

Nera laughed slightly, enjoying Fleur's diss of Hellfire - or as they were once called, the Hellfire Club. The mirth was not long, however, as the subject was decidedly turned to the matter of the dead boy and girl - the ones who died without leaving behind a ghost. "I do not know, Witch Mother - forgive me, Witch Messiah," Nera said. "I would have investigated but... I am chained to this place for a year and a day." Such were the rules of ghosthood, sadly.

"You can call me whatever you want, love. We are no longer leader and right hand. I've missed having you around. The new home is nothing compared to this. It does the job and does it well enough. Soon, if all goes to plan, I'll have a large estate and many under my command. You would have enjoyed it." Fleur held in whatever emotion wanted to come spilling out.

"But I came here on a mission. If this incident occurred like you said, it seems odd. I will investigate it. Whereabouts diid it happen?"

"Right where you stand now," Nera told Fleur. She had felt slightly hurt when Fleur reminded her that she was no longer Fleur's right hand. Ghosts were cursed to forever live in the past. They couldn't move forward very easily.

"We were more than simple Witch Mother and Aide and you know that, but can't move on from it. I get it. I've been doing research on the side. When I am powerful enough, we will reclaim the port so we can be together again. Until then, I need to investigate this Sicknesse. If I can figure it out first, I could use it."

Nera's spirits were not greatly lifted by that. She was stuck in a state of melancholy, her ghostly form seeming to flicker, Appearing and Disappearing rapidly. Eventually, she settled back into place and form. "Perhaps the Witch's Road might shed some light on it... You know as well as I that it has more uses than just to review memories..." However, Nera was feeling weak and tired. She would not be able to Appear to Fleur much longer.

Fleur noted that Nera started to fade. She would not be able to Appear for very long. "I'll get started on it then, which means our time is at an end. I will be back for you Nera. I give you my word and you know I do not throw my word around often or to many. Until then, rest easy." With that, Fleur began the spell for Witch's Road. In a matter of minutes, she went under and appeared along the road. She needed to begin immediately. The lives of her flock were on the line.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Present Day - The Castle: May 4th, 12,508 - 7:15 PM

Nicely done on the cases. I've decided to push us farther forward in time than had been originally planned. Not everyone is going to receive a character specific update here. In fact, very few of you will - this will be similar to the start of the arc. I will include general notes about things happening at the Castle. Once we finish the wedding and a brief reception, we will then be time skipping again to the next morning. Anyways, let's get on with the show!

Throughout the Castle, things are beginning to wind down for the day. The Market has closed, given that it is just about an hour before sunset and the merchants wish to get home to their families in time for dinner. Kids are running around the Ramblings, completing various errands for their parents before they have to go home and finish their chores for the evening. Apprentices return to their homes after a long day of work - with the exception of those at Wizard Tower for the most part. Only the older apprentices there choose to live outside of the Tower.

On Snake Slipway, a fight has broken out. A person with Magykal ability had been blamed for spreading the Sickenesse to a young child - and while it wasn't true, paranoia and fear were growing in the Castle. The poor young wizard was surrounded and branded with an M on their face for Magyk as the crowd cheered, saying it was time for them to reclaim their Castle.

Along Wizard Way, most of the businesses have closed as well. The Manuscriptorium - with the scribes perhaps relieved that Queen Valda hadn't come to inspect them - had closed early that day due to the break in. The scribes couldn't find much that had gone missing, but it would still be a bit of time until they knew for sure. The street itself is beginning to be lit by enchanted Fyre in suspended iron posts along the way.

The Gothyk Grotto - also known as the Grot - is one of the few places along Wizard Way that is still open. The outcasts of the Castle have already started to turn up, ready to party the night away. The more mainstream crowd has gone to the reopened Winking Duck Tavern in the Ramblings, of course.

For Wizard Tower itself, the first floor is abuzz with activity. There is a wedding happening soon and the doors are open to the public. Three Ordinary Wizards have been posted at the spiral staircase, ensuring that no one gets upstairs to where they are not authorized. The Stranger Chamber is ready to confine anyone who gets out of hand and most of the feast has been put into place. The Floor, of course, is in a rather chipper mood.

Over at the Port, Captain James continues to attempt to make repairs to her vessel. The ice from Arnora had been a blessing, but ice did as it always does - and it had melted. They weren't in danger of sinking, but it would be at least another day of repairs until the Aricie was seaworthy. There are a few more regular barges going between the Port and the Castle that are available, but once the sun sets, it'll be over to the Night Barge - of which there is only one.

The Port Witch Coven House has not been disturbed since Fleur entered the Witch's Road. An invaluable technique, most use it to review memories and catch details they had missed. It was how Queen Valda had been able to "rewind" so to speak and hear the speedsters when Princess Luna had been abducted back at the Winter Solstice. However, it is more powerful than that.

The Witch's Road exists outside of time. It is a dimension of its own, a plane crafted out of pure Magyk. In most scenarios, it appears to be a softly glowing road through a dense and dark wood. To use it, simply concentrate on what you wish to find - and it will Appear to you once you walk long enough.

It can be used to communicate across time as well. For example, a witch in May of this year might run into another using the Road 10,000 years in the future. Ghosts can manifest themselves on this plane, provided that they are witches. And should something be wrong with Magyk itself? It can manifest in this place... and be destroyed.

Another witch on the Road appeared to Fleur within moments. "You are not who I expected," the witch said simply. Her scarlet cloak billowed behind her slightly, as if disturbed by a wind.

Arya Rincewind

Location: The Palace - the Library

Arya had never quite felt this invigorated, ever since Klara had used her Magyk - though Arya was skeptical it truly was Magyk, it Felt different. She could tell that Klara had easily become incredibly important to Cuyler and that no word of caution on her part would convince Cuyler to guard his heart. He was not as formal, cold, and distant as she was. She was a glacier and he was the sun.

Due to the insistence that she remain at the Palace from her condition, Arya was in the library reading her way through Queen Valda's collection. More specifically, Arya had found a book in there detailing the beliefs of the Land of Long Nights. It was incredibly out of date, written in Olde English but she was managing to decipher it.

The ExtraOrdinary Wizard was not alone in the library.

"Arya," Rowland greeted, coming into the room. He looked a little tired, but there was still a twinkle in his eyes and a bit of a spring in his step. In fact, Rowland would have been there sooner had he not been on a date. It had gone very well and he had spent the night - hence his absence until this evening.

"Rowland," she replied, her eyes watering as she got up and hugged her mentor tightly. He hugged her back, sitting down on the sofa with her and he rubbed her back slightly as she sobbed into him. "There, there, little one... I know my beard is unkempt today, but it shouldn't be bad enough to make you cry."

She couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time now. "I'm doing everything wrong, Rowland... I-I do not know what to do. And I believe I have lost Cuyler as well to a stranger."

"If that's true, then he didn't deserve you, my dear - but I doubt it," Rowland said soothingly. "Now, in my experience there is no problem the two of us cannot solve in a library - so shall we get cracking then?"

Myrus Silvers

Location: The Palace Boat Launch

Myrus had gone outside, taking in the fresh air. He used to love sitting with his father on the docks, watching as ducks and the like would swim on past them. It was one of his happier memories. Fendrel had explained to Myrus that he had a big sister, Valda, who would return home one day - and that if he were ever lost, Valda would appear to help him. It was a nice sentiment, especially compared to the truth that his sister had been kidnapped and brainwashed.

Sitting on the edge of the launch, Myrus glanced up for a moment at the banners with the Castle's colors rippling in the breeze. His mother hadn't been one for coming out here, but he still remembered the trip they had taken together before her death. The sea had always inspired him, mostly because it was a gateway to the world - a world he had seen very little of. He then looked at his hands, grabbing a small pebble carefully that he had brought with him.

"Come on, Myrus, you can do this," he whispered to himself with a shaky voice. Slowly, his hands began to glow, as did the pebble. Instead of filling him with fear, anxiety, and dread as it had before, it made him feel... powerful. He flung the rock up into the sky, watching as it exploded and the small bits of debris landed into the river.

There was a slight smile on his face and a tear fell down his cheek.

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Wizard Tower - the Great Hall

Antonije had practically been dragged away from attacking the Floor. It continued to taunt him whenever he had to walk through there to get something Bruce asked for. While Bruce was the so called Master of the Cosmos, apparently he couldn't just teleport everything he needed to where he needed it. It made Antonije wonder if the man was purposefully trying to give him boring and pointless tasks. He had just finished grabbing the swords, incredibly tempted to see if he could juggle them, when he noticed his sisters trip over something and they fell.

"Marya! Medea!" Antonije called out, running towards the front of the hall - still carrying the swords. It was a dumb thing to do, but his brother instincts were overriding his common sense and he ended up stabbing himself in the left calf with one of the swords. However, he gritted his teeth and just set the swords aside, bending down next to his sisters.

Dude, we need another one of your apples, now! he screamed telepathically into Lance's mind.

Meanwhile, Runa, Halley, and Astrid were all inside with Myth, helping her get ready in the dressing room on the first floor. "You look beautiful," Halley complimented her soon to be sister in law, smiling at her. "Have you thought of names yet? No offense to my mother, but Brucey's name is awful... Bruce Baldur Banner is such a mouthful."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
Avatar of KazAlkemi

KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Klara Thordattir & Cuyler Eysteinsson

Cuyler and Arya did not part on good terms but part they did. Prince Myrus was well enough now, Arya was stable and Cuyler’s mother Klara, was about to help him learn more of this power he had recently acquired. Cuyler stood on the deck of the Hefring, opening and closing his hands. The water sat still below them but it was as foreign to him as his own hands now were. He sighed, frustrated and lost with himself. He turned and looked back at the woman on his ship.

”Why now? Why did this power come to me now?” Of course there was also the underlying question of why she had come to him now, claiming to be his mother but he let the weight of that question fall between them. He wanted answers yes but more than that he wanted to learn. Let Arya remain the voice of reason so that he may yearn as a young child would.

Meanwhile, the doors opened to the public and Thia, Cuyler's Night Transformer, was finally set free. She chased all the cats out of the tower, slipping through the people's legs easily as she chased one down until they climbed a fence. Thia didn't linger long but trotted off happily, feeling accomplished as she went on a hunt for food.

"It depends... For Asgardians, out powers come to us very young, but even then not all of our abilities show up at once. One of the main reasons I was labelled as a water goddess as opposed to the goddess of love and hatred... When my abilities first showed themselves, I was able to manipulate water, and well, breathe underwater, and many had expected me to manipulate an element of some sort because of my father. Your powers appeared now because you were emotional, Arya had just collapsed and you couldn't do anything to help her, it is not too uncommon for powers to appear that way."

It made sense, Cuyler had to admit to that. It took a lot to make him angry but when he was, it was all-consuming. He leaned over the railing, his hands pressed on flat board and stared at the water below. "Did you know when it happened? Is that why you came to the Castle?" He couldn't imagine they would have met if he didn't. Why would she bother? He was sure she had more than one child.

"...Yes, well, that was the reason I more specifically went to the Palace when I came to Midgard... I was going to come to the Castle anyway, my nephew is getting married after all and I'd been invited to the wedding."

He looked over at Klara, child-like wonder in his eyes. He couldn't help but get giddy or caught up with the Myth of Four and they were here, getting married in Wizard Tower and it was open to everyone to go. His mother was their Aunt, making him related as well. It was a incredibly surreal moment. He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to shove the prickling sensation moving up his arms and excitement away.

"So, how do I use my power without, getting emotional?" he asked.

"Now, that is the difficult part of any sort of power... Learning what triggers it, and how to use that sort of trigger to your advantage. Your anger, what caused that little bit of an explosion of sorts in the Palace, it was because Arya was hurt or in danger correct? All you need to do, is find out how to trigger that feeling, without losing control... I used to have that problem, always was told when I was younger I had inherited my mother's temper, and perhaps I had, I've gotten control over it, do to years of practice... It might take a while in order for you to completely master it, but you will gain control over it eventually," she said, giving him a bit of a smile. This sort of thing came a lot easier to her than it likely would for him, so all she had to do was be patient, hopefully she could manage that. It wasn't too much of a concern though, she knew that he'd already done part of the difficult task, which was figuring out the trigger, hopefully he could figure out how to trigger them without losing control.

"Anger is a pilot who always steers his ship onto rocks. It is a poor guide… but an excellent motivator," Cuyler stated. He sighed and rubbed his face with both hands. Even his father used to comment on his temper when he was younger. He had gotten good at stamping it down, only lashing out in the gravest of circumstances. He wasn't used to, embracing that side of him again.

"Is there no other way?" he asked his mother. He wasn't even sure what would get him angry enough anymore. Other than harm coming to Arya or being prevented from tending to her.

"I know anger is not something that you would want to mess with... But perhaps there is another thing that can trigger it... Despite not caring to be called a Water Goddess, the ocean I always find calming... And it helps me to focus on my powers... Perhaps that can help you..."

He smiled a little and looked at the water. It had always been his happy place. This ship after all held more memories and love for him than his own homeland did.

"I have always loved the water and the sky above it," he declared. "How do I go about, connecting or manipulating the water I guess?"

"Well I usually just jump into the water... Or sit on a beach with my feet in the ocean... Something like that usually works..."

"Well, I do need to wash before this wedding," Cuyler stated. He removed his shoes and shirt before he hopped up onto the railing. He grinned at his mom before he launched himself, doing a front flip into the water and dove under the smooth surface. He popped back up a few feet away and shook the water off his head. He laid himself out, staring up at the sky and shut his eyes, thinking of his former family and his new family. Thia, Klara and of course, Arya. He wished she were here, wished she could see him do this rather than wake up and be soaked from what he had done.

Klara smiled slightly at him, before she stepped off the edge of the boat and went into the water herself, a moment later, she resurfaced and ended up standing on the surface of the water. It didn't seem like she had gotten soaked by water from her brief time underwater either. "Focus on what is important Cuyler, stay calm, and try to connect to the ocean and the waves..."

Cuyler looked up at his mom and stared at her in awe for a moment. He definitely wanted to learn how to do that. He shut his eyes and listened to the sounds of the sea. The birds overhead, the commotion on the docks and the water itself. It was still today, eerily calm but that seemed to be working for him. There were times back home when he would sit on the beach and just watch the water roll in, the sea creatures playing in distance and the birds diving for the meals. The water contained a whole world in itself, separate from the chaos occurring on land.

Another dream popped into his head, but one of the future. It was Arya, dressed down in a simple cotton dress with her hair down and her face smooth, free of any stress. He sighed happily and as his mind focused the waters under him began to stir, responding to his simple hand movements of pushing the water back and forth. Waves started and in his excitement of getting somewhere, he lost control of it and it fell away from him.

"Did you see that!"

"Yes, I did Cuyler, nice job," she said, giving him a smile. "You likely can breathe underwater as well if you tried to, the trick is to remaining calm, like the ocean..." Klara continued, before she dropped down completely and was swallowed by the waves surrounding her. This time she didn't resurface.

He grinned and looked at the water around him, a new appreciation for it. He looked at Klara just as she disappeared under the water. He waited a moment but she didn't resurface. Even with her power, he was sure she could hold her breath for quite a long time. He took a breath, reminding himself to remain calm, that he knew how to swim and hold is breath. Still, it didn't help that one of his biggest fears was drowning.

Calm, focus on what is important. Calm. Focus. He chanted to himself repeatedly before he took a deep breath and let himself slip beneath the dark surface. He opened his eyes, trying to locate Klara. He looked up at the sky above him, he was close enough that if it all went south he would be able to save himself. Counting down from five, Cuyler took his first breath underwater and found, that he could breath easily, just as the fish under the sea. It was as if the water flowed through him, was now apart of him. It was an invigorating feeling. It was a high he never wanted to come down from.

"Nice job Cuyler," Klara's voice said, before she easily swam around, surrounded by fish. It was effortless for her to do something like that, breathing underwater was just as natural as breathing on land was for her, so she looked at him, saying nothing.

He beamed with pride. "This is incredible!" he found himself saying as easily as breathing. He started to swim around now, moving under his boat and the others before he arched back towards his mom. Everything was different now. If only Arya were here to see him! He swam with his mom, pleased to bond in such a way but he wanted to try more. He moved up to the surface, continuing to breathe like he wasn't just underwater. He looked at the water around him and moved his hands, trying to get the waves from before but to create more height with them. He tried several times but the waters did not respond to him. This however did not deter Cuyler, he simply laughed and swam along the surface to the dock, lifting himself up out of the water and sat on the dock, his feet still in the water.

Klara easily made her way to the surface of the water, standing on it as easily as if it had been land, but she still wasn't soaked or anything from the water, almost like she had never stepped in. She walked over and took a seat next to him. "So... Tell me about Arya," she asked suddenly, figuring he could use a break from learning about his powers to talk about something else.

Cuyler didn't mind the water dripping off of him in the least. It felt better than it ever had before. He leaned back on his hands and looked forward as Klara came to the surface. She was still completely dry and it amazed him. He was sure he would learn that too but for now, he kicked his feet in the water as he once did as a child. His mother finally asked the question about Arya and his face warmed entirely. He smiled a moment before it fell. He turned his head, looking back at Wizard Tower even though she wasn't there. Where did he even start when it came to Arya.

"We met a few years ago, she came into the market and we became fast friends. Ever since then, I looked forward to the days when we would get to travel back here so I could show her the other treasures we would bring forward. I liked her but I didn't know how much until just over a year ago." He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck before he leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. "I could go on about her forever."

"That's good to hear," she said with a laugh, before she got a bit more serious about it. "Cuyler... I don't want to come between you and Arya, and I fear that I may have... I understand her skepticism, despite me already showing things in good faith. I'm known to be a bit of a trickster, always have been, and I thought that was something she might need to know up front. I don't want to come between the two of you, and I sense that I may have. I also know that it sometimes is difficult for people to understand things like this, when they were raised to believe otherwise. Just... Don't give up on her, the two of you are meant to be, and perhaps if there are any problems between the two of you because of me, maybe you see about pushing through that, and in time she will come to understand."

The young man sighed. This was his first, anything. Sure he flirted here and there in order to get a sale but none of it was real. Arya was real, his soulmate. He nodded along after his mother finished speaking.

"This Sickenesse, it's changed everything. She's lost without her Magyk, at least that is what it seems to me. Mom, I can't loose her but she won't quit. Everything is for the Castle, for her position. Even her disagreeing with who you are, what I am doing. It's for my benefit and I don't know what to do. I've told her of our gods, how the stories are written in the stars. She knows much but she still doesn't seem to fully believe, to trust things out of her control." He felt at ease speaking with Klara, calling her mom. He had mourned his mother but he was now gifted with another. He wouldn't let that pass him by.

"I understand where she is coming from Cuyler, I always do... Actually, in her position I likely would do the exact same thing. If a Sicknesse had come to Asgard, and I was ill, my magic and power effected but I believed that they could help others, I'd do exactly what she has been doing. Perhaps instead of trying to make her see things from your perspective, perhaps you should try to see things from hers, and support the decisions that she makes, instead of trying to stop her. I know from experience having the people who you care about on your side, no matter how dire things appear, makes all the difference in the world..."

He frowned, becoming a bit defensive. "But she doesn't see things from my perspective. She's denied you! Despite everything I've told her about you." Cuyler didn't hide his frustration from her. He didn't feel the need to.

"I understand that Cuyler, but here is the thing, she doesn't know the ways of the Land of Long Nights, but that isn't the only thing. She is being cautious Cuyler, and in her place, I would do the same... She's acting the way she does because she cares about you and doesn't want to see you get hurt... My family is no stranger to skeptics and the like here, you must know that. The two of you belong together, but you need to try and meet her halfway when it comes to belief systems... I know it might be hard, but, I think the two of you can work things out. It doesn't help that she is fighting the Sicknesse off, I truthfully believe that she might be a little worried, scared even, because it is something she knows almost nothing about. Cuyler, the two of you can work things through, I know you can, but you have to trust in your love for her, and put small things like that aside, at least until she is more prepared to potentially understand them. Perhaps after the Sicknesse has been dealt with, things will be better and she will be more open, but you just have to be patient and trust in your feelings for her..."

Cuyler remained silent, staring at the water, daring it to react to his anger and frustration. Why did he have to be the bigger person? Why did he have to accept her fear and concerns but she didn't have to? Then there was this Sickenesse. Something that was far beyond her control. Something that she feared, perhaps Cuyler was the only one who saw that but he did. "I love her. I would do anything for her," he admitted.

"Than be there for her Cuyler... One of my powers is seeing others emotions, even the ones that they don't share with others. Arya is trying to be brave, and strong for everyone else, holding back what she is thinking. Be there for her Cuyler, no matter what happens, if you stay by her, I am positive the relationship between you two will be stronger than ever before. She's scared, and she needs someone to be there for her, even if she might seem like she doesn't want you to be."

He looked over at her, his vision swimming for a minute before it cleared and he nodded. He shifted uncomfortably for a moment. "Maybe you can remind me every once in awhile?" he asked hopefully. Just because Arya had a hard time with her didn't mean he was going to stop getting to know her, getting to know his power.

"Of course Cuyler... Besides, now I have more of an excuse to perhaps visit Midgard..." she said with a smile. "Still though, be there for her Cuyler, it may not seem like it, but she needs you now more than ever, so don't abandon her."

He grinned, pleased that she would say such a thing and want to be present in his life. How could Arya doubt that? Klara didn't have to extend such an invitation but she was and he would be there at the wedding with her as well. He smiled faded a little as she brought Arya up again.

"Do you think I would abandon her?" he questioned. She was bringing it up a awful lot. Perhaps she knew something he didn't.

"The only reason I am saying that, is because I have known too many couples over the years, whose relationship fell apart, despite the two being meant to be. It is because one ends up with an illness, or the two face a hardship that they can not overcome. I do not want this to happen to you. I'm not going to lie to you Cuyler, things like that, it actually hurts me more than people would know, as my powers over the heart, well... Things like that actually take a toll on me, though not many people realize it...I just want you to stay with her, not give up, no matter what happens..." she said softly, looking into the water falling silent. She had seen couples over the years get torn apart from everything, war, disease, everything. It hurts her almost as much as those involved, and she is truly worried about Cuyler and Arya.

Cuyler remained silent as well. That was something not shared in the stories he knew of her, or of the Gods for that matter. He looked away from her, gazing out into the port and gave her some time. Slowly, Cuyler reached out and took Klara's hand within his own. He held on securely. He was hoping she would find comfort with the simple action.

"I can promise you that I will try with Arya. I haven't given up on her, I'm just... frustrated. But could you make me a promise as well?" he asked and looked over at her.

"Oh? What is it Cuyler?" she asked him.

"What you did earlier... When I kissed Arya in front of the Prince and healer? Please don't do that again. I appreciate the advice and I am sure I will need more in the future, as I've never really had an opportunity to ask but that was too much."

"Understandable... Old habits die hard, used to do that sort of thing all the time when I was younger... Ended up with younger brothers because of it actually... Anyway, sure thing, no more things like that, don't worry."

He rose an eyebrow at his mother before he laughed and shook his head. He was sure there many stories that he did not know. Stories he hoped to learn all about one day.

"Thank you, but I think I should start getting ready now. I'd like to go see Arya before the wedding. You wouldn't happen to know where she is right now would you?"

"I believe she is in the library, up in the Palace I think..." she said, having hesitated for a moment to use her powers to find her.

"Thank you," he leaned in and kissed Klara's cheek before releasing her hand and stood. Just then he heard a familiar bark and Thia came bounding down the dock. She stopped a few feet away, seeing Klara there and paused a moment. She scented the air, ears flicking as she took a couple steps and then barked happily before trotting over to meet the new person. Cuyler was curious how Thia would react once she shifted form.

Klara laughed slightly at Thia, giving the creature a smile, before petting her gently on the head. "Well, you best be going if you wish to speak with Arya before the wedding... At the wedding I could introduce you to your grandfather, my father Thor, he'll be there..."

Cuyler smiled as Thia shifted over so Klara would scratch behind her ears; her favourite spot. He nodded along to her speaking. Yes, he had to finish getting ready too. He really needed to shave and of course dress in something a little more fitting for a big wedding. Especially since his mother and Th.... Cuyler looked up from Thia to the All-Mother. His eyes were as round as dinner plates.

"Thor is going to be there? Thor? God of Thunder Thor?" He questioned, like there would be another one.

"Yes Thor, the God of Thunder, after all, Bruce is his nephew, why is that at all surprising?" she said with a laugh as she started scratching Thia behind the ear.

Cuyler ran his hands over his head to the back of his neck where they interlocked and he hung back his head. Could this day get any more amazing?

"It's not surprising it's just... Amazing! I mean, we used to pretend to be all the different gods when we were younger. We always fought over Thor. I mean, I preferred Bruce cause it's well Bruce and he's getting married, here, of all places and all his siblings are going to be there and his parents and now you and now Thor! It's just... wow." Cuyler was a buzz of energy and excitement now. Arya had to come to the wedding now! She had to meet all these people.

Klara just chuckled at that, wondering what all was going through his head. She could sense the emotions, but couldn't really tell what it was he was thinking, so all she could really do was smile, saying nothing at all.

Cuyler blushed a little when he looked back at Klara and she was just smiling at him.

"Um, if you want Thia can stick with you while I get ready. After I finish getting ready though I'm going to go see Arya but I'll meet you at the front doors to the Wizard's Tower so I can escort you into your nephew's wedding," Cuyler said. His cheeks were still flushed from the excitement of meeting all these people soon and he was still feeling the thrill of his power and the closeness his was developing with his mom. With a parting smile, Cuyler hurried onto the Hefring to finish getting ready.


Location:The Palace ---> Her Bedroom ---> The Barracks
Skills: Leadership;

After Amarantha had sent the servant back to the kitchens for a better drink to warm the lot of them, she sent for messenger rat after messanger rat. One message was sent to her guard, requesting the presence of Phoenix and Alcott. They were to guard Valda while Amarantha was otherwise preoccupied. Next she sent for several workers to start moving Princess Luna’s effects to a new room. After that, Amarantha set out to her room. She showered quickly rather than linger like she enjoyed doing most. She dressed in a new dress. Perhaps it was a bit of flash but she would blend better in this than in her fighting gear. At the very least if something were to happen with the wedding, she would be able to blend in with the colourfully dressed crowd and decorations in order to get to the source of commotion more effectively.
She moved quickly through the Palace hallways, moving expertly outside and to the barracks. She was greeted with the sound of metal clashing and the smell of sweat. It was odd that such barbaric things could bring one such comfort. Amarantha stood in the shadows a moment, watching her guard move about as they got their weapons and selves ready to take on the event of the year. Although their numbers were small, they were a fierce group. Amarantha had brought in the best of the Young Army training tactics and married them with the Palace Guard’s usual training.
Not lingering too long, Amarantha stepped out and called attention to her group. She walked up a bit of a raised platform, not so she could stand over her people, but so that they would be able to hear her throughout the courtyard. Even though she preferred sleeping in the Palace and the comforts it provided, she was still one with her men and woman, still would rather be down in the mud with them then the safety of a war tent.
Even though it was just a wedding, this was the first big event for her and her people. She would treat it as seriously as any future battle would be. Commitment was one of the few things she touched on, not to mention the punishment she would dole out for those who overlooked their posts or let a threat pass them by. She may have been given a new fancy title but an executioner she still was.
Invigorated and pleased with herself and her people, Amarantha dismissed everyone to their positions. They had work to do. The ceremony would take place in Wizard Tower but security would still need to be tight. She kept one hundred of her best close to the wedding itself, placed in undisclosed places that gave them all of the advantages. The rest were kept close but placed throughout the Castle to keep an eye on all of the people and their comings and goings. Some walked the streets, others monitored the walls and she put the youngest of them up on the roofs. They would have the vantage point there plus the freedom of being able to inform others of something wrong quickly. There was also the added safety of being above any possible fighting. There was nothing like a wedding to bring about some destruction.
”Lennox Bennett. Stay here,” she called out to the dispersing crowd. A tall, lanky man with well built shoulders and perfect eyebrows walked out of the crowd to his commander. He raised one of those eyebrows at her and Amarantha merely grinned. She hopped off the platform and summoned him to follow her.
”You’ve been reassigned,” she said. ”I assume you have heard the latest on Prince Myrus?” He nodded tentatively and followed Amarantha quickly as she moved out of the barracks.
”Well, you are now responsible for the poor boy. See that he doesn’t get hurt, or anyone else for that matter.”

Ahote Proudstar

Location: The Port ---> Snake Slipway
Skills: Enhanced Senses

The barge ride was an easy trip. They all stepped off together but Ahote didn’t linger too long and stepped into the middle of the crowd. There was much commotion and there seemed to be a big fuss off to one side. He glanced over at Grimspound and smirked before he knelt down and shut his eyes. They still had yet to know what he could do, completely.
Ahote shut his eyes and focused on the sounds around him, as well as the last few minutes of time. There had been a group of angry people moving in the direction of commotion now. People were becoming violent towards each other in regards to this Sickenesse and blaming the enhanced people of this country. That, did not sit well with him.
”If you’re coming, keep up. Should get exciting,” he said before he started to push through the crowd towards the Snake Slipway.
He reached the crowd, pushing through to the front and listened as the crowd grew loud in their intense passion of reclaiming the Castle from those with Magykal ability. Ahote frowned and looked to the young boy who had suffered from their first victimization.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 28 min ago

Princess Luna

Location: Palace - The Palace Boat Launch
Skills: N/A

Luna was grateful for Amarantha to order some of her men to move some of her belongings into another room until her room dried out, after the talk with Valda and Amarantha, she managed to find a journal she hadn't even used. She sighed slightly, Luna didn't write in it just yet but when the evenings events settled down she would start writing in it. Though Luna hadn't told Myrus at least not yet he was out cold due to Valda using her Magyk on him to make him sleep. She wanted to also check up on him as well, as Luna walked along the halls of the Castle. She had gotten herself a dress, she was still intending on going to the wedding after all.

As Luna walked outside, she stopped and heard an small explosion as she looked around it sounded like it had came from the Boat Launch, as Luna started to make her way down the flight of stairs. She stopped and saw Myrus there and smiled slightly glad to see that he was up and awake now. "Myrus?" Luna called out to him, as she took a few steps towards him, and gave him a slight smile. "Is this a bad time right now? I would like to tell you something, if you are alright? Or I can give you some space if you'd like it.." Luna asked, shifting a little bit nervously.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: The Port -> Snake Slipway
Skills: N/A

After spending the time at the bar with Minerva, Grimspound and Ahote, Arnora took a stop at the Aricie to get an update on the ship, seeing her little piece of art now melting. Though the extra day here was either a good thing or a bad thing she really wasn't sure as she went and caught up with Ahote. As she looked up at the setting sun, she also had heard of the wedding going on later in the evening as well, figuring that it would be a good thing to crash since it was open to everyone as well. As she caught up with Ahote looking over at him for a moment, figuring he had a few tricks up his sleeve as well still.

"Well lead the way then." Arnora said, as she crossed her arms over her chest, as she looked at the people around the Snake Slipway as she looked over towards Ahote. "Also heard theres a wedding going on, I was thinking of going there just to get some of the free food there as well." Arnora said shrugging slightly as she looked towards Ahote.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhys Asher

Location: Port

A wedding was in the works, and one he was planning to crash though not immediately. Rhys chuckled as he studied the clothes he had acquired. The clothing he had been wearing had been tossed aside and burned with a bit of magyck. In their place he had donned the clothing of one of the Elder God's victims, meals so to speak. A man who could for his build and measurements be his twin, a shame he had to kill the man. He could have pinned all the nefarious deeds on the man. But you couldn't have everything in life, it was supposed to be bad for you. Which was ridiculous.

Staring up at the castle, he wandered with the crowd listening the gossip as he acted like the many who were going to take a look within the Wizard's Tower and this wedding that had a good potion of the castle stirred up. "I assume you will be able to negate most anyone who may cause trouble?" Rhys noted absently, and mentally, to his unwanted passenger. "This wedding should fill you up for a time and gain us both the knowledge we seek." While he had been planning to go straight to the Witch Mother of the Port Coven, that plan had been put on hold. There was no time and he needed to get into that damn tower. In was the hard part, getting out would be easy enough with all the confuse he could create.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmary[/center]

Skaoi sighed in forlorn annoyance as she sat quietly in the infirmary. Her slim fingers turning pages in the volume where she had found mention of the Sickenesse or something much like it. Still searching for something more, something that might spare others from the horrors this disease caused. As a physik, and someone who valued life, Skaoi abhorred death. She knew there were two types, the preventable and those whose passing was time. The latter was easy to accept and she had even heard from the whisper of other of her craft that there were those patients for whom this soft passing was a blessing. She hadn't known what to say to that when she first heard it, but now she thought she might understand it a bit better.

Though this noise and issue with the wedding was gnawing at her nerves. Terrified that she might be suspected as an assassin, found out as a disgraced noble, possibly imprisoned for both! Worse, if she was imprisoned who would come to her aid? A small Princeling? Oh, she would never doubt that Myrus would be her champion, the sweet boy, but his word against all the 'evidence' would be a small thing. No, her family would not care, disgrace and in exile as she was. Which meant she would need to find a good place to disappear while still being able to tend to her patients til this was all over and the true threat found. A impossible feat. On top of it all there were all manner of strange folk roaming the halls and heavens for-fend if one of them walked into her infirmary! The lovely 'All-Mother' had her enternal gratitude, and Skaoi would do practically anything for the woman.

Which brought her to another thought that strayed through her fretting mind. His Highness had called her mother. Her pale cheeks bloomed crimson at the thought. Standing swiftly she moved about the room, checking on those whose lives where resting in her hands. Of course she was embarrassed about the lapse, but a soft thought of pleasure at being so close to another was nestled against her heart. The physik cared for the young Prince a great deal and had the All-Mother asked for her life in exchange for the Prince's she would have given it. She was a noble and noble's loyalty was to the royals of the land. Technically she should still be bowing to the Easter Snow Plains, but they were far away and she wanted to put those old memories behind her.


Location: The Port => Snake Slipway

Skills: Asgardian Magic, Blend, Sneaking, Intuition and Perception

Jazen 'Grimspound' Dryki rubbed his freshly shaven jaw still unused to the smoothness. It was unwise to wield a razor at sea and while he could have done it magically he preferred to save that aspect of his nature for surprises. Made life more interesting, as his mother said once. "The hidden strike is always the most effective and swiftest. The shaved knuckle is always the most daunting element. Thus is why we of the Dryki keep to ourselves." His grandmother was the Matriarch of the family and his mother set to take over after her. A fact he tried to forget most days. Neither had explained exactly what the family was waiting for. But they were tireless in that fact and the rest of the aunts, uncles, and cousins were happy enough to live as they always had. The odd 'duck' every so often leaving for grander things.

Dressed now in a loose white dress-shirt with a dark green vest over it. The embroidery of the vest was done by the hand of his cousin Sandry, the minute detail of predators moving about the seams to those who looked carefully. The amber thread matched the dark gold buttons. Bits of wealth like the amber cuff-links that he had purchased rather than haul a trunk full of coins with him. Then again, it was always wise to have a spare high end outfit when travelling for just this reason. Boots that hugged his caff and pants that would make, and had made, many a woman swoon hugged his legs. He had spent a fair bit over an hour getting ready for the damned wedding and to perhaps seek out the ExtraOrdinary Wizard that seemed to run the Wizard's Tower. Not for anything formal, just for a good solid discussion of magick. Looking good would keep the guards from looking twice at him, as they most likely would have if he looked as though he'd been aboard a ship for weeks.

Of course, Ahote running off towards a mob and Arnora following the madden man had irked Grimspound a fair deal. He had learned on his travels that you didn't run towards mobs, and the best thing to do was to avoid them. Something that was further enforced as he saw the young wizard branded with a 'M'. The crime was spreading the Sickenesse and Grimspound felt that cold fury stir in his heart at the ignorance. If the boy had spread it, then they should find a way to cure him! Not this! "I will be heading to the wedding myself, though I do hope the Wizards will allow me access to their libraries." He was doubtful about it, but he just needed to get his foot in the door at least. Turning a cold gaze back to the crowed, the man snarled softly. Dangerously. "I tire of these savages. Ahote, could you get that young man out of there perhaps? Or cause a distraction? I'll get him away from here. He'd be better off..." Surrounded by others like him. Other Wizards who could defend themselves from this madness. Twitching his hand slightly, the man observed the crowd looking for any route to the branded wizard. Bending the light, a bit of unseeing... He could slip among them and grab the lad.

Moving before the man could respond, Grimspound moved towards the mob. Of course the minute he decided to do something his blast magic gave a wink and turned the coin of luck. Cursing to himself in several tongues and calling himself a fool several times over for this, he moved through the mob towards the branded wizard. The least he could do was try to get the boy out of there. Gripping the lad's shoulder, Grimspound suppressed the urge to blast the damnable mob into the river and coat ice over the water. His emerald eyes snapping with the fury that was clawing him up inside, Jazen gripped his temper and shortened the leash. It would not do to have an outcry and do damage to the mob, he reasoned. They would only have more reason to turn upon those who wielded magyck. They could try, whispered that cold rage within him. They would try at this rate either way, and he could end it here. Show them a power they could not match. And have his magick duck his summons again? His rational thoughts argued. No, the risk was too great and he would not be a fool.

He was already being foolish enough.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace - The Library

Valda was prepared to go to the wedding, she felt like she needed something joyful to take her mind off of everything that has been happening recently with the Sicknesse. She knew that for the time being, her siblings were alright for the moment, but she was also concerned slightly for the well being of the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, despite her earlier assurances that she was alright. Last she had really seen of Arya was when she passed out, and ended up waking up a little while later, so she was a bit concerned for her.

"Arya?" she called softly as she entered the library. That was when she noticed Arya and Rowland and felt a little weird for interrupting their conversation or whatever it was. "Apologies for the interruption, didn't mean to... Anyway, I was wondering how you were feeling Arya... The last time I really saw you you had passed out and then woke up a few moments later... How are you doing?"

Sylvi the Bard and Bruce Banner

Location: Wizard Tower - the Great Hall

Sylvi had been wandering around, doing one thing or another, helping to get things ready for the wedding. She had been walking across the Floor as sparingly as possible, not wanting Tate to potentially go back to try to beat the thing up again if she couldn't help it. Unfortunately, heading over to where Tate was with the twins, that wasn't exactly possible considering the fact that she had to go across it to reach him.

She rolled her eyes slightly as she hurried over. Why couldn't the Floor just shut up and leave her alone. Racing over to where Tate was, she glanced at the injury he had accidentally given himself with the swords. "Are you okay Tate? What happened?" she asked, looking from him to the twins.

Bruce had been working on a few last minute things for the wedding, and was with his father when Lance had gotten the yell about the twins needing another bit of the apple. "If I wasn't used to telepaths or the chance of people yelling at me telepathically I'd be saying ow right now..." Lance said, shaking his head, before he headed off towards where Tate was with the twins, and Bruce followed right along after him. As soon as they crossed the threshold, the floor decided to talk to them.

Was the message that Bruce got, and he put a hand to his head, and just shook. The Floor was being a bit ridiculous in his mind.

Was the message that Lance had gotten, and he had just rolled his eyes. He was honestly used to people making comments about that, considering just about everyone in his family was stronger than him, didn't stop that from being annoying though. The pair made their way over to Tate. Lance, seeing the twins, instantly got the apple out again, and cut off small portions, handing it to the twins, and soon, the pair were back to their normal selves.

Bruce, like Sylvi, noticed that Tate had stabbed himself and let out a small sigh. He felt partially to blame for that, considering he had asked Tate to grab the swords when the twins had fallen, and he should have expected something like that happening. There wasn't much that they could do about it now.

Sylvi was debating about what to do, but decided to start singing softly, using her Bardic abilities to hopefully heal him, to stop the bleeding. Her voice started having Magyk woven in and around her song, and soon, his leg would be perfectly healed. However, she didn't really notice, but he seemed to have fallen into a trance again.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

But who says soft can't be strong?
- Unknown

Location: The Castle - Infirmary
Skills: Perception

There was a tenderness to Lyra's blue-green eyes that belied the fierceness she held at her core. One could say she was in a constant state of flux, or she was two sides of the same coin. Whatever you wished to describe that she was both soft and strong, individually and simultaneously. It was indeed an odd paradox.

There was a slight furrow in her brows, and the corners of her lips tugged down into a frown as she was crouched over one patient. She tenderly dabbed sweat away from the person's brows with a cloth. "May the gods be with you," she murmured. She slowly rose back up onto her feet, her gaze flitting from patient to patient. She wasn't a Phsyik but even she could tell that they were are all in horrid condition. They were in pain, and they were dying. And it truly broke her heart. She felt powerless against this Sickenesse, and she had a feeling that Skaoi felt more or less the same way.

"It's sucking the life out of them," she remarked in hushed tones as she walked over to the Physik woman. She doubted the patients would be able to hear her even if she hadn't lowered her voice, as they were too out of it, but nevertheless, she felt that it was the more considerate thing to do. "This Sickenesse. It seems as if it has a life of its own, as if it's consuming them--like a parasite."

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - His Bedroom ⇢ Third Corridor off the Long Walk

Tristan stood before the mirror, tugging at his nicer clothing and readjusting his crown with some scrutiny. He honestly wasn't so sure he even wanted to go to the wedding anymore. He had originally intended to accompany Princess Luna, as her plus one so to speak. However, with recent circumstances, he doubted she would be ready to face him again just yet, if it all. Besides, he wasn't really in a party mood right then...

He shook his head. "Enough of that," he chided himself. "There's too much at stake here to simply let her slip through my fingers. I guess--I'll just have to be--persistent." Yeah, that sounded convincing. He rolled his eyes and gave himself one last look over in the mirror before leaving his bedroom. He glanced up and down the corridor with a small sigh, wondering where Princess Luna had gone off to. She obviously wouldn't be in her bedroom, seeing as it had been completely soaked through. Maybe she was outside getting some fresh air? Maybe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cuyler Eysteinsson & Amarantha

Location: The Hefring ---> The Palace Hallways ---> The Palace Library

Freshly shaved, showered and dressed, Cuyler hopped off the deck of the Hefring and landed on the dock below with a loud thud. He breathed in the air around him, feeling invigorated and headed into the Castle. Thia trotted along beside him, her eyes looking over to the horizon every few seconds. The hour before sunset she was always anxious. The change bristled around her and she would grow easily agitated as well.
Cuyler remained in high spirits as he neared the Palace. He hoped Arya was still inside. He felt changed and there was only more change to come for the Northern Trader and son of Klara. He was truly going to try and heed Klara’s words in regards to listening to Arya and being accomodating to her and what she needed out of this relationship but there were things Cuyler needed as well. Support for one. He could understand her caution, it was warranted with her position and personality but he still dreamed of some support from his girlfriend.
Cuyler reached the front doors to the Palace and looked over at Thia.
”Du kjenner boret,” he told her. ”Jeg skal finne deg etter bryllupet,” he said. Cuyler looked back at the doors, smoothed out his shirt and stepped forward. The guards didn’t hesitate to let Cuyler in. One even smiled and handed him a piece of candy! Bewildered, Cuyler slipped the candy into his pocket before he headed in.
”Could you tell me where the library is?” he asked them, turning back to look at the guards but they were too busy eating candy and throwing it at each other, trying to get it into the others mouth. Shaking his head, he looked around the vast building that was the Palace and started in some random direction, hoping he would come upon the library.
No such luck was on Cuyler’s side as he ends up going the wrong way and happens upon a tiny girl with toy wings on. She has a ribbon with her and starts running in circles around him.
"Hey, hey listen! Hey what are you doing? Why aren't you listening to me? Listen, listen!" The ribbon wraps around Cuyler’s legs and causes him to trip and she laughs at him. "Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.”
Cuyler stares up at the ceiling before he hoists himself up onto his elbows and looks at the small child.
”Tell you what. I will listen to whatever you have to say, only if you help me? Deal?”
The little girl, better know at Navi looked at him and nodded, before giggling and she started to squirm. "I gotta go potty!"
Cuyler’s eyes widened before he shifted and untangled the ribbon from around his ankles and stood.
”Oh, okay… Do you know where the… potty is?” he asked awkwardly.
Navi nodded, giggling. "But do YOU know where it is, Silly Rabbit? Do ya do ya do ya.? Hey why are you here? You don't look like you're from the Castle? Are you evil? Are you from the Snow Palace? Are ya? Hey why aren't ya listening to me?!"
Cuyler looked at her in disbelief, chuckling and shaking his head. He suddenly missed his sister, terribly so.
”No I’m afraid I don’t. I don’t even know where the library is… I’m from the Land of Lost Nights. And I am listening. I just can’t talk as fast as you,” he said smiling at her.
"So you're an idiot!" the little girl screamed, before she peed her pants. Poor Cuyler ended up getting caught by the pee puddle. He frowned as well, not from her mess really but more from her abrasiveness.
”Let’s go get you cleaned up okay?” Cuyler said and looked around for a female servant of some kind.
"Hey why aren't you listening to meeeee?!" Navi screamed, as if she had asked him something. She started jumping up and down, causing the pee puddle to splash and hit Cuyler's ankles. There were a few female servants walking down the halls with fresh linens.
Cuyler took a step back to be prevented from getting hit more. Thankfully he was wearing boots that could easily be cleaned. He saw female servants with linens and waved them over.
”Sorry to disturb but we’ve had a bit of an accident. Would one of you mind taking her to the bathroom to get cleaned up? I can clean the mess here and you wouldn’t happen to know where the library is either would you?” he asked hopeful.
The servants looked at him for a moment. "Amarantha said we mustn't speak to strange men, Dot!" one hissed to the other and they scurried out of sight.
"Ha ha you're a loser!" Navi teased. "Amarantha can kick your butt! That's B U T T E!"
Cuyler sighed, exasperated now. If he knew this area better…
Amarantha and Lennox were making their way down the hallway when they came across an interesting sight. Amarantha sized up the man and noticed Navi. Or rather heard her. She was… a pain honestly but one of Amarantha’s biggest fans and who was she to deny a small girl. Especially when she wanted to grow up and be like Amarantha.
”Navi! Is this man intruding where he does not belong? Are you defending the Castle?” she questioned the small child with wings. She used the same voice she would have used with Navi’s parent or any of the other guards under Amarantha’s eyes.
"YEAH!" Navi screamed, beating her little fists now on Cuyler's knees. It was fortunate that she wasn't taller since otherwise it might have been somewhere else. "He peed his pants too and is totally GROSS! G-R-O-S-S-E! He's got the Sickenesse aaaand cooties! That's like double bad!"
Amarantha smirked, crossing her arms, completely content to watch the little one beat up Cuyler. She saw the puddle on the ground and noted Navi’s proximity to it. Ah well, the child was still learning.
”That’s my girl and it’s g-r-o-s-s Navi, no E at the end. Come here, you have done a fine job. Let’s let Lennox try his hand at him shall we?”
Cuyler meanwhile was starting to get a little anxious. He watched the new people and watched the man beside Amarantha walk over to him and eye him up and down a moment.
”I don’t have the Sickenesse,” he said panicked now. Amarantha merely laughed at him and took Navi’s hand.
”Don’t get my dress dirty. I’ve already had to change this once,” she said and bent down. ”He already peed himself once today,” he informed the girl with a grin in Cuyler’s direction. ”Go on to the infirmary Navi. There’s a girl named Lyra there, she’ll help you change and get ready for the wedding. I want you upfront with me understand? You have to look your best ya?”
"Oooh can I wear the blood of our enemies? PWETTY PWEEEEEASE?!" Navi did a little twirl. Amarantha smiled brilliantly at the little girl.
”Now Navi, this is a wedding. We must be at our best during this ceremony. Strength is important yes, but we mustn't frighten the guests. Although I do like where your head is at. Now go, time is wasting. Don’t make me ask twice.”
Navi listened obediently and took off. With the child gone Amarantha refocused her sharp eyes on Cuyler.
"You do know the wedding is not in the Palace? What are you doing here? Looking to soak your girlfriend again perhaps?" she questioned him.
Cuyler stood proudly. Things had changed for him in the last hour, he wasn't going to let him be bullied down.
"I was informed she was in the library. Merely looking for it and got lost." Amarantha eyed him closely. She remembered how he reacted to her keeping him from Arya, ignoring the water bit he seemed to be all about her.
Amarantha started walking and Cuyler quickly followed, realizing that this was his invitation to do so. Lennox remained half a step behind Cuyler, hand on the hilt of his sword, ready should the Land of Lost Nights native try anything.
"The Library," Amarantha stated a short distance after. "Do try not to soak this room ya? Lots of expensive books in there. Not to mention the Queen and ExtraOrdinary Wizard." She looked at the Queen's guards who stood vigilant outside the door. "Let him in but if you hear any signs of commotion, move in and contain the situation." She nodded at Lennox and they continued on with their journey.
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