Washington D.C.: September 7th, 2020 - 1:00 PM

Location: Apartment Complex - Parking Lot
Skills: Leadership, Perception, Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil nodded, glancing around for a moment. They needed to be quick and efficient about this. Usually, there would be subtle signs as to which units were more likely to house mutants, but instead, Veil instead counted 16 units in total. They'd likely all have mutants, in a place like this, and even the humans could be hurt by Purifiers.
"We're going dark," Veil said. She closed her eyes and took a breath, beginning to create a bubble of invisibility around them.
Havok and Colossus had already went over to Unit A. They were inside and as Veil started to walk towards the last unit, Unit P, she felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Her eyes widened and Veil reflexively made gigantic force shields cover Sapphire and Spark Plug.
"Purifiers!" Veil shouted. She turned around, about to try to shove them backwards to knock them out with a shield.
"They must have seen us arrive - they were waiting for us!" The Purifiers opened fire. "We know yer there, mutie scum!"
They got off seven rounds in total, the bullets headed towards Sapphire and Spark Plug stopped by Veil's force field. Yet the assholes must have come prepared - either that or they were lucky, as one of the shots pushed through Veil's force field like it was nothing and hit the Mutant Underground Leader in the chest. Veil dropped to the ground, her companions becoming visible, and her eyes closed. Her breathing had all but stilled.
"Killed one, ha!" a Purifier cheered. "Two little girls to go!"

Location: Millennium Plaza - Comic Book Store
Skills: People Reading, Disease Manipulation
Inside the Target across the street from the Plaza, Leighton will be greeted with a gorgeous sight:
SALES, SALES, SALES! There's tons of signage everywhere for various goods and sections, and no one inside seems to be any the wiser as to what she had just fled. In fact, one of the employees smiled at her kindly, asking if she needed any help finding anything. There is - as an added bonus - a super cute
guy in one of the aisles, buying toothpaste and
Incredibles! band-aids.
Back over at the Plaza, James.... Damn, that boy is lucky. He rolled a
20 for going unnoticed! As he walks through the Plaza, none of the cops tap him on the shoulder and ask him what he's doing there. No one at any of the stores looks out and accuses him of having the X-gene. He's like an invisible man, able to go wherever he pleases without being bothered. Seriously - he's so stealthy he has now picked up
Hiding in Plain Sight as a skill - add it to the general skills section in his CS. Dude is a chameleon, I swear...
Inside the comic book store, Sunshine rolled her eyes at Grey.
"You know who ducks down and hides? People who have a reason to hide, idiot," she scolded. She went back to thumbing through comics on the shelves, ignoring the plight of the poor shop assistant. She then glanced at Max, trying not to laugh at the way he was hiding.
"If you don't want the police to bother you, then don't act like you don't want them to see you - make sense?" She then glanced back over at the front and waved her hand, the green energy seemingly coming back into it as the shop assistant recovered. Sunshine was about to brag to Max that she was right and he was wrong, when the shop keeper had come into the back and knocked Sunshine out with a baseball bat. The young mutant went down, hitting her head on a bookshelf as she went.
"I don't mind mutants, as long as ya keep to yourself and don't hurt people," the shop keeper muttered.