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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kamasi Adwoa

Location: Kitchen → Formal Sitting Room → Ground Floor
Skills: N/A

Kitchen detour first, actually. He could hear the patter of voices gathered around and the tension in the air with words to match, though Kamasi couldn’t make out what was being said with any sort of clarity. He took to pouring himself some mid-day orange juice instead. Then, only when his glass was almost filled to the brim, two ice cubes--no more and no less, one with a little crack in it for aesthetic purposes--he took to the formal sitting room with the rest of the gathered bodies.

It was there he saw: Richard, Dean, Ayita, Mirembe, Neil, Allison, Mary, and others. Of the group, he hadn’t had the chance to get to know them all that well, though Mirembe had an ethereal familiarity about her, Kamasi just couldn’t figure what. He had stood far back as possible as he watched the argument go on.

He sipped some of hs orange juice and said, more to himself than anyone else but still audible enough,

”Looks like I missed the invitation.” Kamasi lifted an eyebrow, then sipped some more orange juice and gave the impression that he was minding his business.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Formal Sitting Room -- Ground Floor ---> The Kitchen

The kittens were absolutely precious. There was a childlike wonder to each of them but a feral being to protect and scheme just underneath the surface of that. They were fascinating creatures and Antoinette just wanted to pet and speak to everyone of them. How else would you discover each and every personality they had? Vaguely she heard of who had arrived on this jet while she had been preoccupied downstairs but she was still too busy with cats.
She only came back to being in the room when she heard a large amount of giggling and a shift in the atmosphere. She looked up to see the man she was slightly terrified of covered in glitter. Antoinette’s eyes widened and she couldn’t help a giggle of her own which she quickly covered by standing up and faking a sneeze. She had to admit, the multi-colour of the glitter was quite becoming on Richard.
The children were up hiding near the ceiling and she looked up at them, cocking her head to the side and shook her head. Smart to be hiding up there but thankfully Marygold told them to get down and then leave. They were kids being kids but there were only certain people who found such things a joke and Richard was not one of those people. No matter how hard you tried. Antoinette had a feeling the man could only handle so much before lashing out.
Something happened though that drained Antoinette of all her intuition power that would detect the rising hostilities and any ill intent one might have toward another. One of the cats returned to human form. Anotinette gasped as Ayita now stood before them all. Without any understanding, Antoinette grinned and waved at Ayita.
”Absolutely beautiful Ayita!” she complimented. Her friend however, was intent on something else and grabbed a hold of Marygold. Antoinette looked alarmed and looked over at Carolina, who was now urging them to leave, as Dean had done prior but Antoinette hadn’t heard or simply ignored him and the hungry her body was still feeling. She nodded and left on her own feet with Carolina and Dean.
”Why do you suppose Ayita lashed out so badly?” she asked Carolina as they walked. She hadn’t heard Shelly’s statement or Allison’s rebuttal as she had been too preoccupied with cats and then Ayita who shifted in front of her.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> Parlor (First Floor)

Mary looked over at Ayita, letting out a bit of a sigh. It definitely was a conversation that needed to happen, one she'd been putting off for a while now, but it couldn't be help. "Alright Ayita, been putting this conversation off for a while now," she said with a slight head shake, ignoring Shelly entirely. The woman really needed to know what it was that she was saying, especially considering the fact that she was in a school, why did she feel the need to make her opinion known? What did that do to help the current situation? Nothing! And it likely was going to make things even worse in the long run.

She moved towards the Parlor, and waved at Ayita slightly to follow her. Once in the Parlor, she looked over, giving a slight smile to the three little furball cats that were still rolling around and playing. The three cats were adorable, but she never really understood why Gambit insisted on dragging them everywhere. "Okay, you wanted to talk Ayita, let's talk then," Mary said as she turned towards her, except there was something slightly different about her. Instead of Mary's typical green eyes looking at her, they had shifted colors, the iris of her eyes were now red, bright red.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Formal Sitting Room (First Floor)

"And ta think that back in our day no one thought ta talk like that about anyone in the mansion, least out loud, I mean really, think anyone thought ta call Wolverine "feral"? Now ain't that just plain rude," Rogue said, looking over at Shelly as she walked into the room. That woman in her opinion needed to learn to be nicer to others if she expected to stay at the mansion for very long. She glanced over at Richard now, and chuckled slightly, "What happened to you? Did a unicorn decide ta puke on ya?"

"....Well sure, mon amie, I did think about it - ta call Wolfie feral but ah also value my limbs," Gambit said. He glanced at Shelly however, frowning slightly. "Sad day ta see mutants hatin' on each other though."

"Well yeah, but no one said it ta his face because they like the idea of living," she said nodding, but she did not like this woman, whoever she was, one bit. How could she stand there and basically say that out loud, directly to someone? It was a bit pathetic in her mind.

"Also ain't ah seen ya before?" Gambit said, squinting a bit as he looked at Richard. ".... Do ya gamble?"

A few others entered the room behind Rogue and Gambit, Storm of course, had already been seen at the mansion by a few people in the room, however, there were two others behind her. A somewhat tall man with red lensed sunglasses, and a woman next to him with long red hair, the woman look over at Sara with a smile. "Hey there Sara, how are you?" Jean Grey asked, walking over to her.

Mira wasn't too thrilled about the crowd of people, but she made herself stay in the room. She really needed to get used to larger crowds, that was for sure, and so she stayed where she was, listening in on the conversations still. Part of her wanted to cheer and applaud Allison for calling Shelly out, but there was a small part of her brain saying no, so she remained quiet about things.

"Sounds like we definitely came in at an interesting time," Cyclops said, shaking his head slightly. Storm nodded her head in agreement.

"It would definitely appear that way..."

Lance Banner

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement

Pietro shrugged slightly, giving Guin a bit of a smile, before he took off out of the lab, leaving Guin and Lance alone in the room. Lance rolled his eyes slightly at the gust of wind that had accompanied Pietro's exit, but there wasn't much else he could really do about it. The guy really needed to learn not to do that, since he could potentially knock things over, break things, whatever, all because he wasn't being careful! This was a bit ridiculous in his mind, but it couldn't be helped.

"So... Want to tell me why you were pissed off at your dad today? To be honest, I'm kind of curious... Though guess I should talk to you about the reason I'm pissed off at my dad, though half the time I don't need a reason..." he said, looking right at her. "So, apparently my dad has started dating, fine by me, don't really care, the thing that kind of pissed me off was who he was dating because it is way too weird! Apparently my dad is now dating Black Widow, and is it just me or does that seem really weird?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Richard Laine

Location: Formal Sitting Room

"Start tutoring and tell your feral sister 'paws off' before I get hose."

The comment cut through Richard's puzzling of why Ayita needed a 'chat' that looked less than friendly with Marygold, and it did more than merely disturb him. Turning with narrowed eyes on the snot-nosed brat while Allison tore into the woman, the assassin stood from his seat brushing the glitter from his clothes and hair. But it was a blessing for the fool girl when two voices thick with delightful accents interrupted the deadly hiss that was building in Richard's throat. His snake-esque eyes turning to examine the new comers with some shock.

"You forget my pretty face?" Richard grinned with a lazy arrogance that came with one who was used to playing the game of life and winning. "The Nightly Howler's Casino down in New Orleans. I believe I won you out of every chip you had. Richard Laine, my sister is a shifter of sorts about here." Offering the man a hand to grasp, Richard inclined his head slightly as he studied Remy. "And those are true words." He stated with a deadly smoothness to his voice as his head turned about to Shelly once again. "More however you arrogant girl. You insulted my sister. Ayita is no feral beast, and she has better manners than you as well as a vocabulary."

"Just because my sister takes the form of a cat does not mean she fears water. I have little doubt that she had a damn good reason for wanting to speak with Mary, just as I am sure that she does not want me to know. You, however, are stepping dangerously close to a line and I suggest you think before crossing it." Richard gave Shelly a stern look. "There are plenty of people here who are fond of that 'feral', and we will not tolerate your insult towards her. I should probably stop them, keeping the peace and everything... But I do blink on occasion." The Adder shrugged with a smug smile on his lips as he turned his attention to Remy, dismissing the girl as though she was little more than a side note as he continued the conversation as though they had not been interrupted. "I don't suppose you still gamble? I have a friend, of sorts. Might be interesting to make a night of it."

Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> Parlor (First Floor)

Ayita studied the palor and the kittens with a soft look as she considered how best to start the conversation. But Marygold's appearance threw the younger shifter a bit. Red irises were not a common trait and it set Ayita's hackles up. Still she would speak, though her instincts warned her to be careful. "You judge what you know little of." Deciding the best way to start this would be forthright, Ayita leaned against a chair lightly as her arms crossed over her chest. Studying Marygold with a look that bordered between irritation, weariness and outright rage. Running a hand through her dark auburn locks, Ayita listened to the clink of the beads and the rustle of feathers. It was some small touch of the wild north and the feel of home. Which this place was feeling less of. It was still a place to rest and den but it was like a cabin when one ranged far from the homestead on a long hunt following the herds in their migrations.

Amber eyes fixed on Marygold again and Ayita felt that all too familiar rage against those who were so quick to judge boil within her. She had always knocked those irritations to the side, keeping to herself often in one for or another that was not human. Pretending not to hear the whispers. What had changed? The metal band about her finger was answer enough she supposed. There was more at stake now. "You say I am barbaric. Perhaps in the eyes of you humans, but you are far more savage than I. For it is humans who hunt and slay for the fun of it. Not to satisfy their hunger or need, but for fun." Tossing her head to the side, Ayita let the notched ear be clear of the hair that often covered it. Studying Marygold, Ayita's nose twitched absently as she noticed a strange scent coming from the woman's hands. Like a bad oil was on her skin.

"Not to mention you thought it would be 'fun' to give those kittens catnip, knowing full well what form I would take." There was bitterness in her voice now, as Ayita stood fully and stared at Mary with revulsion in those amber eyes. "Or did you never bother to learn what happened that day when I killed Wonderland? Lizzie?" Stalking forward, Ayita kept caution close to her heart and was tense to avoid an attack. Something didn't feel right to her. "You say I think death and people dying is funny?" The shifter whispered as she stared into Marygold's eyes and snarled in sheer fury. "What would you know of death? You've faced it before, I know that. But you have not constantly caused it for survival. I was hunted through the forest for 'fun' by you humans. Did I turn around and kill the hunters? Did I rip their heads from their shoulders, gut them?" Ayita hissed as her eyes flashed from form to form, her mind thrusting into Marygold as she deposited the memory of running through the forests with those damned hunters on her heels. The pain as her hear was clipped by an arrow that had nearly missed her head. But these were not the thoughts of a human, they were the sheer panic of a deer fleeing a predator. But also in Ayita's memories were the echoes of the urge to turn about and fight. The urge to unleash her fangs and claws on these attackers and drive them from her territory. To risk those wounds that might hinder her survival. The human in that mind was minuscule and curled in a ball, letting the panic take control. "No. No I did not. I fled. I survived, and I learned." Ayita's mind withdrew as her voice quieted.

She had violated Marygold on some level but the woman was not understanding. Not seeing what was before her. Gripping the edge of a table, Ayita let out a snarl as her knuckles were white. "Trying to be 'cool'. As though I care about being cool." She snorted in disgust. Amber eyes looked to Marygold again. "I grow tired of your confusion in the matter. I am not human. I am human in some sense, and very much a mutant, but I am also... Something else. I am every creature that has walk, swam and flown upon this earth just about." Cocking her head to the side, Ayita studied Mary with annoyance plain in her face. "Some have accepted this, some have not. I am no longer content to sit to the side and let words be bandied by you humans about for now they effect more than just myself."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Guin Stark and Lance Banner

Location: First Sub Basement - Chemical Laboratory
Skills: N/A

Guin's gaze lingered a little bit where Pietro had been, before she sighed slightly and turned her full attention to Lance. As he asked about why she was mad at her father, she hesitated slightly for a moment, not really certain if she wanted to talk to anyone about it quite yet. "It's nothing... Wait, what the fuck? Your dad is dating Aunt Nat?!" Guin exclaimed, her eyes widening. If she had been drinking something, it would have sprayed everywhere. "How the hell does that even work?!"

"Don't ask me, he called me about it like, not too long ago... Right before I hung up the phone and decided to break a few things... Is it just me, or does that seem like, really really weird though?"

Guin nodded, thinking about it for a moment before she half shuddered, half twitched, and she jumped slightly. "Yeah. I think not thinking about it is a good call."

"No kidding..." he mumbled, looking at the floor for a moment. It wasn't something he wanted to think about at all. "So, are you going to tell me why you were pissed at Tony? Or would you rather not? Your choice..."

Guin shrugged slightly, sitting down on one of the counters. She picked up a vial of a cobalt complex Lance had synthesized, looking at the gorgeous blue color as she just turned the vial and caused the little blue powder to move. "...Honestly, I think I'm just being crazy... I haven't really been right since... since y'know."

"Yeah, that's understandable... I don't think you're being crazy," Lance said with a shrug, looking up from the ground and looking at her again. It had been a while since they actually had a conversation that was just between the two of them.

"...Well, you are the only one here that's... y'know... seen me like that," Guin mumbled. "...Sometimes I wonder what the people here would say about that, if they saw me... y'know..."

"Honestly? I don't think anyone would really care... It's okay to show your problems... The irony being that I'm the one kind of saying that, but still, look, I don't think that anyone would care, and if they do? Then screw them, they aren't really your friends then. Guin, you need to stop worrying about stuff like that, okay? Don't worry."

She laughed slightly, giving Lance a slight smile. It was ironic that he was giving her this advice. "Can you imagine how Mary would react if she found out? I don't even talk about it to Pietro and he has a fucking hotline to my brain."

"In my opinion, I don't really think Mary would really care. She doesn't exactly hold anyone's past against them, like, at all... The fact that Pietro is here kind of speaks volumes... She probably wouldn't care at all, but it is your choice whether you tell her about it," he said, shrugging slightly at that. He really didn't think Mary would care about that sort of thing.

Guin shook her head slightly. "Mary has a really narrow world view. She's like Mary Poppins - perfect, yes, but filled with ego too. Don't get me wrong, she's my friend but... Not the kind of person to discuss problems with. You should have seen the way she flipped out on me when I first got my powers... Honestly, I wish you had been there. It was so terrifying..."

"Yeah, she kind of does have a bit of an ego doesn't she? Anyway, I still remember us trying to figure out how to use my powers correctly when I first got them... I kind of wish I had decided to come here sooner to be honest, I mean, not like I can really stand being around my dad for very long."

Guin nodded, giving Lance a bit of a melancholy smile. "I kind of wish I didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D. sometimes... But we can't change the past. I mean, technically that did happen but you get my point. We'd go insane if we just played the what if game constantly..."

"Yeah, I know, we just have to move past that. Move on from what has happened, and focus on what lies ahead..."

"...Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Um, well, no..."

"You know, Annie would totally go out with you if you asked," Guin mentioned, tugging on her hair. She was starting to feel a bit anxious about being away from Pietro and she wanted to kick herself for it. She never wanted to be the clingy girlfriend.

"Uh, I don't know what you are getting at, or what you are talking about..."

"She likes you," Guin said. "Like she likes likes you. And I'm pretty sure that you think she's pretty and sweet, so ask her out on a date, go with her to a library or something. Could do a movie, then you don't have to talk."

"...Are we really having this sort of conversation right now?"

"Yes. So ask her out - you're going to go up to her, ask if she wants to go see a movie with you this weekend. You'll borrow my car and drive to the theater. You sit there, you pay for the popcorn, and if you have fun, you do it again. If not, then you come home and we play video games until Pietro decides to yank me away."

"I-I-I don't like talking to people o-o-or asking anyone things like that," he protested somewhat, he was just staring at her right now.

"Alright, I'll do it then," Guin said, snatching Lance's phone from him. "I want you to be happy, Lando." She glanced down at the phone and it was locked, there was a passcode on it. "Besides, you're lonely and apparently didn't like me enough to ask me out so might as well get you set up with Annie." It helped that she knew him for ages as Guin guessed the password easily and entered it, unlocking his phone.

Hey Annie - would you like to see Wonder Woman 1984 with me before it leaves theaters? she typed, before she hit sent on the message and looked at Lance.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Lance said, snatching his phone back from Guin, before he stared at the phone. "Really Guin?"

"I'm just trying to help you, Lando..."

Lance just let out a sigh, setting his phone down and looking at the ground. There wasn't much he could do about it, so he might as well keep quiet. Who knew what was going to happen after all. "Whatever you say Guin."

"I mean it, Lando, I really want you to be happy. And if it doesn't go well, you can smack me or something. Hell, smack me right now if you want to, I don't care."

"Whatever Guin, doesn't matter now does it? Can't take back things or whatever, so we'll just have to wait and see I guess..."

"So if she says yes, you'll go out with her then?" Guin asked, feeling a bit hopeful. She scratched slightly at her wrists.

"Yeah, I will..."


Dean Kesseli

Location: First Floor - the Kitchen
Skills: N/A

On his way to the kitchen, Dean turned slightly, hearing a shout. It was the same obnoxious girl from before who had painfully reminded him about Max. He thought about going back there, but decided nothing good would come of it and he continued into the kitchen. There didn't seem to be a lot of people here in comparison to the formal sitting room, something Dean was grateful for. He just wanted to make some floats with his friends. He grabbed a series of glasses and some cool looking bendy straws, before he overheard Annie's comment to Carolina.

"Ayita lashed out?" he asked, paling noticeably. She scared him and Dean doubted she was really happy with how he had talked to her earlier. He ran a hand through his hair nervously, hoping that Ayita wasn't going to track him down and lash out at him next. However, now the slight yelp that he had heard made sense. Someone might have provoked Ayita or Ayita might have decided that it would be "fun" to terrorize another innocent person. Did part of him feel bad for snapping at her? A little. But for the most part, he was worried about self preservation...

Richard... He felt like throwing up and Dean quickly zipped over to the freezer, opening it up and pulling out all the ice cream he could find. The assassin was going to murder him, wasn't he? Dean gulped. He didn't even have a will drawn up. And he wasn't dumb. He knew about the speedster curse. Maybe he'd be unlucky and as the so called wannabe speedster, he'd be hit by it next.

"Please tell me it was because of what's her face..." Dean asked Carolina and Annie. He liked Carolina and trusted her, but also knew that Annie had some sort of mutant sixth sense. "...I kinda yelled at Ayita earlier..." he then admitted quietly. "...So that uh... that might be why she's... you know... going all Hulk on people..." He assumed that was what Annie meant when she said Ayita lashed out, at the very least.

Neil Spellman

Location: First Floor - Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Neil snapped to attention, his gaze going up as he heard Shelly ridicule Ayita to her brother. He wasn't really much for talking - especially not in crowds with people he didn't know - but he liked Ayita. He really admired how she could turn into a wolf - and in this case, a cat. Had he ever gone up to her to tell her that? No. Would he ever? Probably not. He was debating if he should say something or not when Allison swooped in - of course she did. Neil admired her and disliked her at the same time. She was the popular, socially confident butterfly - the opposite of him. She was everything he wanted to be.

"...Okay," Neil said to Carolina, nodding as she went off to get a float. He was sad to see one of his friends leave the room, but at the same time he felt he could breathe a little easier - but more people came in without fail. He half smiled, half grimaced at Bethany's nod. Kamasi standing there, sipping his orange juice, felt a bit like a meme come to life. Once more, not that he'd ever say that. He wasn't comfortable talking to people he didn't really know.

Then the original X-Men team piled into the room, making comments on the situation that they had overheard. He bit his lip again, mentally kicking himself for not doing anything. He should have done something to help. Allison was right - they were a team and they needed to stand by each other.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Grand NY Apartments --> X-Mansion

NYC, the grandest of cities in the whole United States of America. It had everything from the best bagels, fashion models, coffee on every street corner, and the toughest roaches. Bobbi had settled for a day or two after coming to the city at the Grand NY Apartments which was a crappy little hotel located in Korea Town and not too far off from the Empire State Building. It was also cheap as sin, which made the cramped room and shared toilets worthwhile.

Sitting on her small, albeit comfortable, bed she flipped the blue, aluminum 6months NA token around in her fingers. She was eight months now and if she made it one more she would get a shiny new chip at her next meeting. With the amount of time she spent handling the blue-chip some of the words had started to rub off. It still had quite a bit of meaning for her; that she wanted her life to change. Still holding the chip she rubbed the Venus mount of the hand holding it against the center of her forehead.

Was she really ready to give up a life on the road, doing as she pleased, and fighting who she wanted all to become a pretty house cat? Bobbi sighed and flopped back in the bed, arms splayed. "I'll be a part of a fucking mutie hippie commune. A fancy one. What if I break some shit? Vases... noses..." She rolled over in the bed and her eyes found the blue-chip again. "Alright, alright. There's no harm in visitin' I guess." Bobbi tucked the chip in the pocket of her leather pants, pulled on her biker jacket, and grabbed her helmet from the end of the bed. It didn't take long for her to be on her way and swerving through crowded city streets.

What the young woman hadn't expected when she arrived at the mansion was... well, any of it. She certainly understood the concept of a mansion but it just looked too remarkably large for a mutant to ever own. Her only personal experiences with others of her kind tended to be among the less savory of sorts. The grounds of the mansion were well kept and there were fucking trees and flowers and shit. Bobbi stopped the bike just past the great doors and removed her helmet. She sat for a long moment, just letting the vision of the mansion flow over her until she felt less overwhelmed by its existence. Since this seemed to be a good sort of neighborhood what with all the pomp and circumstance, she left her helmet with the bike before making her way up the stairs. At the door she hesitated... should she knock? Would anyone hear if she did? Oh, look, a doorbell! She pressed the button, shoved her hands into her jacket pockets and watched the door handles expectantly.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> The Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Once Carolina was in the kitchen she pulled herself up on the counter and sat down on it, she would probably end up getting yelled at by one of the teachers or someone who was older than her for doing that. But she didn't really care at the moment as she watched Dean getting some icecream from the freezer. Her attention then turned over towards her best friend, when she asked her something about Ayita and shrugged slightly, she really wasn't there when the start of the argument happened with whoever Ayita was going to argue with. "I'm not sure really." Carolina said as she shrugged looking back at Dean, as he answered what had happened, and she was pretty surprised that he had yelled at Ayita in the first place.

"I didn't think you would end up yelling at her." Carolina said smiling towards Dean as she rubbed the back of her neck slightly and swayed her feet back and forth slightly as they hit the underside of the counter. "So why do you think the old X-Men members are here for anyway?" She was curious but probably to meet with the Professor for something which was pretty weird since she assumed that they all ended up breaking up years ago.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany watched as Ayita and Marry walked off to the next room, and watched as Richard and Gambit spoke to one another, she didn't really speak up as she watched Richard turn his attention towards Shelly. She couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly as she watched him call her out a bit. So far it seemed that everyone didn't like the new girl's comment, but Bethany remained quiet as she ran a hand through her hair, and looked over her shoulder seeing Kamasi coming in and leaned himself up against the far end of the room. "I guess you missed the starting show of the century." Bethany said with a slightly laugh.

Then she noticed the door opening again and saw Cyclopes coming in along with Sara's aunt, looking over at her friend, she was pretty jealous her aunt was pretty famous after all. Seeing the older members of the team all together in the same room was pretty interesting to see as well. Though she did start to feel a bit claustrophobic with so many people in the same room now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Some group therapy this was turning out to be. The new contender squared up and Shelly rose out of her seat, but Shelly gaze remained fixed on the grappling ladies in the doorway. Shelly was right, things were getting out of hand but perhaps not because catgirls were bad touching people. The halfpint of Seventeen Magazine certainly up'd the ante again, unnecessarily, getting herself physically involved. She was all talk though, there was no way missy one meal was going to throw anything but her back trying. God she wound Shelly up something chronic, Thick skull? If there weren't more important things taking place, Shelly'd give her nose a taste of how thick skulled she was but that was what made them different.

It was one thing to accurately describe people in a way that if they could internalise would help them grow as a person, another thing to hurl meaningless insults like "bitch", another thing to grab someone by the arm and another to fling them out the window. Words were words, grabbing people was not on. You can't go round manhandling people like that.

The attacked woman reluctantly left the room with her agressor, it was tough to imagine at this point anyone disagreed with her for any reason but the obvious. She was an outsider, a stranger, and she challenged the natural order. Order. Perhaps the catgirl wasn't to blame for her animalistic tendancies, in a world where some people can change into animals and some can counjour glitter then it couldn't be possible to consider each other equals. The weak make flowers, the strong engage in harassment. And this is all they know, they're just so ingrained in the system abuse is the norm.

With them out of the room, her focus relinquished. She was definitely the centre of attention and the only way that a fight was to break out is if she wanted it too. She looked up at the slutty toerag dead in the eyes and sat back in the chair delicately, if Shelly had not concerned about people in another room, she'd have given her the trademark signature shit eating grin, but we weren't at peak smug just yet and so she'd have to do with the thoroughly unimpressed frown she'd had on since the snatching took place. Your move.

"...Now ain't that just plain rude,"

Oh my stars an' stripes! We couldn'a be havin' them naughty words bein' spoken, deary me, oh lordy. 'specially when chil'en were fightin' in ta halls! Fucking blow me huckleberry.

"Sad day ta see mutants hatin' on each other though."

Ironic, Shelly wasn't the one threatening to throw anyone out windows or pulling people away from others. Shelly was not the bad gal here. These snowflakes were struggling already and they hadn't even heard the worst of it.

Finally the moment Shelly had been waiting for, Shitty Sibling was about to pontificate and she was all ears.

"...she has better manners than you as well as a vocabulary..."

Vocabulary? They really did want to test her. Shelly made a mental note, this one deserved a chewing out the likes of which he had never heard, one that pressed every button, Shelly would play his nerves like a bloody violin and she was already getting the hang of the fingering.

"...I should probably stop them, keeping the peace and everything..."

No surprise to Shelly, he really was a totally humourless personality vacuum. What was a surprise was how greasy and slippery his words were, the venomous way he barbed her. The way he slithered in his seat. There was a word for men like him, he was like a... now what did you call them? Oh yeah,

A cunt.

However all of this posturing was a veiled admission of his mistake and this was enough from him for Shelly as the violence hadn't materialized. It was still tough to relax, despite 10 seconds having elapsed and not being on the patio the agression she was reading off the Bratz doll was still pretty intense and the "business" between Ginger and the catgirl hadn't been concluded, but she tried to give off the air she had, in further attempts to "keep the peace" as he so rightly put it.

"Apology accepted," Shelly agreed, hesitating for a moment to prevent herself from inserting a well deserved, hilarious, but unproductive comment. "and while we're all formally introducing ourselves, I'm Michelle, and I too have a penchant for card games."

Shelly did not have a penchant for card games.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Kitchen -- First Floor

They entered the kitchen together and everyone seemed much better in the less cramped area. The kitchen was fairly big, lots of room to roam which was made better with there only being a few of them there. Antoinette helped Dean get the glasses ready and pulled out several different kinds of pop so they could add whatever they wanted to their ice cream
”Three scoops please Dean,” Antoinette said happily.
She moved back to go sit on the other side of Carolina when her phone buzzed. Strange. The only one whoever texted her was Carolina and that was rare since they were always together. She pulled out her phone and simply leaned against the counter to read over the message. Thankfully when she got to the mansion, Guin set her up with a laptop and a cell phone since Antoinette had misplaced most of her possessions. As soon as Antoinette saw who had texted her she paused, blinked several times and looked it over again. Yes, that was definitely Lance’s number. She didn’t even think she had Lance’s number… Guin must of programmed everyone who had a number into her phone. She beamed as she read his request to watch the newest Wonder Woman movie together sometime. Antoinette loved wonder woman.
Of course! When would you like to go? Antoinette’s schedule was pretty well free all the time. She was just doing the set pieces but there was still time before that play started.
She slid her phone back into her pocket so if he texted again, she would be able to reply right away. She wondered if anyone else would be coming with them. Was that a question she should ask him? Antoinette had a slight crush on the son of Bruce Banner but everyone had a crush on someone here.
Carolina and Dean’s voice came back to her head and she refocused on the room. It seemed no one knew about Ayita. Perhaps Antoinette would talk to her later. Make sure everything was on the up and up. Conversation came up about the old X-Men returning.
”Perhaps Professor Xavier has some sort of special task for them? They are still involved aren’t they?” she asked them. Antoinette walked back over to the fridge, opening it up and looked for something more sustainable than just ice cream floats to eat.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> Front Door

Allison willed the woman to say something to her. Instead, she just glared. Allison knew that look all too well. She was thinking insults at her as opposed to saying them. The woman obviously did not know Allison could easily pick her up with her mind and fling her from her presence, but instead, Richard intervened. He had calmer words for the woman and Allison backed up, hands in the air. She would let him handle things.

The doorbell rang and no one jumped up to get it. "I'll answer that." She walked over to the front door, wondering who else was visiting. Surely if it was another former X-men they would have just come in. She opened it and looked over the woman on the step. "Well I take it you're not a girl scout, not that we ever get them and darn if I don't want some thin mints. So either you are here to sell Bibles or ask if we believe we are being saved or you are here in the mutant capacity. Name's Allison, can I help you?"

Sara Grey

Location: Formal Sitting Room - Ground Floor

Sara hadn't expected to see her aunt there in front of her. Not that she was upset. Far from it, she just wished she had been notified. She would have met with her earlier. "Aunt Jean! Good to see you." She met her aunt in the middle and hugged her. "I'm doing good! Learning a lot here. Hey Uncle Scott!" She shook his hand. She never felt comfortable hugging him. She only hugged blood family really. And close friends. Of which she had....1?

"What brings you all here? Is it the professor's birthday or something?" She glanced around the room, seeing the former tense situation seemingly relieving itself and Allison answering the door. "I'm in the mood for a party, either way."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Front Door of the X-Mansion

While standing at the door she admired the framework and masonry of the building. The actual workings of such a thing were not in her repertoire of skills, still, she thought it was pretty. It looked well taken care of. Most buildings she encountered were in disrepair, falling apart, peeling paint - so this mansion was a welcome surprise. Could she live in something so clean? Bobbi almost turned and left, nervousness about not fitting in rolling around in her gut and making her nauseous.

Alas, as she was about to move, the door opened. Bobbi's green eyes widened as she looked up at the taller, younger girl who greeted her. Her sarcastic tone was not necessarily welcoming but it made the tiny biker feel a bit better. It certainly wasn't a prim and proper sort of greeting she expected. And she didn't dress like some snobby well to do. Perhaps she would not be so out of place. She offered Allison, as she introduced herself, a crooked and toothy smile.

"Ah yeah," she said in her low, whiskey and cigarette tinged voice. "I was invited here, by... Uhm... What was that dude's name?" She nibbled on her lower lip as her eyebrows scrunched up in thought. "Animal... Oh! Wolverine! I got a card around here somewhere." Bobbi began to dig through her pockets. It was almost like a comedic sketch as she pulled out keys, wallet, crumpled up receipts, an empty cigarette pack, a ten dollar bill, a pocket knife... AHA! there it was. She held out the crumpled, slightly coffee-stained card to the girl. "He wanted me to join up with some club or something. Fight bad guys 'n all that. He had said things would be all fancy like but I'll tells ya, I wasn't expecting this!"

The crooked smile returned to her lips and she waited, holding out the card in one hand and the other stuffed into her pants pocket. She held the NA coin tightly, hoping that she didn't make a mess of things. Would the girl turn her away? Had she just made a fool of herself? Maybe this was all a stupid joke and she was on candid camera or something. The smile wavered and her hand lowered slightly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Parlor (First Floor) -> Hallway (First Sub-Basement)

"...I've given those cats catnip before, this wasn't my first time around the cats... Lucifer, Figaro and Oliver have been around this mansion more than you... Catnip isn't the same sort of thing as what Wonderland did Ayita, it is far from it... And the problem I have with you killing like that? It isn't because it might not be necessary sometimes, I get that, but... We need to prove that we are better than them, better than those who would hunt us down, want us dead. People like Magneto and the Brotherhood, we don't kill them because we need to show that we aren't like them, that we can be a better person than them. The problem I have with the way you see killing, is the fact that you killed Wonderland when a lot of people tried to stop you. You need to learn the difference between unavoidable deaths and avoidable ones. Wonderland's death where we attacked the Brotherhood first was avoidable, the OMEN agents who had attacked us and ended up dead because we defended ourselves wasn't. You need to learn that there is such a thing as taking things too far, and you seriously did... I think you should apologize to Dean for what you did, what you said to him, because you also need to learn that not everyone thinks like you," Mary said softly, looking at her. It was true, and that was actually nice, getting that info off of her chest. At least now Ayita knew what Mary's thinking was, and why she tried to avoid killing whenever possible. That sort of thing bugged her, a lot, and there was nothing else she really could say about it.

"Look, think about what I said Ayita... I need to go see if I can find Guin, I need to talk to her about something..." she said softly, before heading to the elevator that was in the corner of the room. Stepping inside, she waved slightly at Ayita, giving her a bit of a reassuring smile as she hit the button for the First Sub-Basement. She really did need to talk to Guin about a few things, and she figured her best bet to find her friend was down in the electronics lab. A few seconds later, she stepped out of the elevator, and headed down the hallway.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Formal Sitting Room (First Floor)

"I gamble, just not when chère is around," Gambit said, towards Richard. Rogue instantly elbowed him slightly in the arm, but he just chuckled slightly at that.

Jean glanced over at Shelly, raising her eyebrow a bit. She just so happened to over hear Shelly's words in her mind, and it did not sit well with her. It was way too easy for Jean to get some slight control over Shelly, and soon, Shelly would find herself punching her own face. A black eye would start forming, but before she'd be able to react, she'd end up punching herself in the stomach, enough to cause quite a bit of pain, and her head would be throbbing to boot.

Gambit raised an eyebrow at the violence. He was a bit surprised that Jean did that - she tended to be more calm and rational compared to the rest of the team. "Oh this is just a fantastic start to this evenin'...."

"You didn't hear what her thoughts were," Jean responded with a slight shrug, knowing that he was wondering what that was about. "Honestly, now I'm curious as to why she's here, but Xavier likely has his reasons..." she said, as there was a gust of wind and Pietro entered the room, looking a bit bored as he zipped into a chair.

Gambit seemed to see red for a moment, walking over and punching Pietro in the head, actually managing to do it before Pietro could react. "Connard!" he yelled at him.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Pietro asked, rubbing his head slightly as Rogue walked up and grabbed Gambit's arm, pulling him away again.

"Calm down Remy," Rogue said with an eye roll.

"Bet the only reason you ain't in prison now is because you're sleepin' with the Stark brat." Gambit snapped at Pietro, who then jumped to his feet, glaring at him.

"Say that again?" Pietro responding, he was only a few inches shorter than Gambit when he stood up at his full height, so they were pretty close to staring him straight in the eye, both of them glaring.

"Remy, stop this right now, don't pick fights!"

Jean just shook her head, before turning her attention back to Sara. "The Professor wanted to talk to us about a few things, involving the insanity that was OMEN and how their disbanding could likely cause problems not just here, but worldwide."

"Yeah, luckily for us though, we didn't deal with the problems that you did, OMEN thankfully had no knowledge of the Morlocks, so they were safe during that time, but still. Their are still going to be people like OMEN out there, and odds are what's going to happen is going to be worldwide, not just in the US." Cyclops said, giving Sara a slight smile.

Mira was just listening in on the conversations around her still, not too thrilled with the idea of the crowd, but it was all she could really do. Trying to figure out what to do, glancing over at Neil, at least it didn't seem like she was the only one uncomfortable with the crowds. This group seemed to be a volatile mix for the most part, Shelly picking fights with just about everyone, Gambit and Pietro getting pissed off at each other, this was not a good situation to be in the middle of.

Lance Banner

Location: Chemical Lab (First Sub-Basement)

Lance just rolled his eyes at Guin's response, not even really sure what to say to her. "You are ridiculous Guin," he said, shaking his head slightly as his phone buzzed, signalling that he had gotten a new message on his phone. Lance hesitated for a moment, not even too sure he actually wanted to check to see the message. This was definitely not a situation that he was used to, used to mainly just hiding in a corner and not talking to anyone. Yet he should have known that was impossible if you had Guin for a best friend, she constantly was dragging him into doing things he normally wouldn't do.

After a moment, he looked down at his phone, reading Annie's message. So, apparently she was perfectly fine with the idea of going to the movies with him, which was honestly not something he had expected. Most people while he was in high school had either chosen to be mean to him, or ignore him, so someone actually being nice or something was a little weird for him. "...She said yes," he mumbled slightly, setting his phone down on the table.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: First Sub Basement - Chemical Laboratory
Skills: Mental Link with Pietro Maximoff

"How am I ridiculous?" Guin asked, crossing her arms. She found that Lance tended to say that whenever he himself was being ridiculous. There was some sort of commentary there on society, she felt. I love you more Guin then whispered to Pietro through the mental link. However, as Lance gave the verdict, her eyes lit up. "Aww, Lando, that's great!" Guin grinned. She really did want him to be happy and she hoped he'd have a good time on a date with Annie. At the very least, she thought he would enjoy the movie.

Nope, I still love you more. Oh yeah? Prove it then, she challenged. How? Hmm... Do something incredibly romantic. It was (sadly?) easy for Guin to get caught up in mental conversations with Pietro. Once they started talking, she usually ended up losing track of time and only realize hours later that she was standing in the middle of a hallway somewhere.

Little busy having a bit of a stand off with someone at the moment, give me a few minutes... What? Is your life a Western now? Since Piet, it's long past High Noon... ...No, not to mention things are getting a bit interesting and a lot of people seem to want to pick a few fights with that newer woman, Shelly or something, it makes for great entertainment... Makes me wish I had popcorn... Aww, I wanna see a fight!

She then glanced at Lance. "Apparently everyone upstairs wants to whack someone named Shelly, not sure why," she told him.

Nope, you stay down there, cause things could get like, really ugly really quickly... What? No! I'm not some little kid, I can handle a fight. No Guina... I'm coming upstairs. No! he snapped at her, before he just blocked her out, clearly mad about something.

Guin put a hand to her forehead for a second. She then shook her head slightly. "Come on, something weird is going on upstairs. P-P-Pietro just blocked me out after I even mentioned wanting to go up there," she said, stammering his name since whenever he blocked her out in the mental link she would feel anxious. She started scratching at her wrist.

Dean Kesseli

Location: First Floor - the Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Dean nodded, serving up ice cream for Annie and Carolina. He put three scoops in each of theirs, knowing that some girls could be sensitive about how much food was served to them. Dean meanwhile had the metabolism of a speedster, so he ended up eating a lot - and so he packed his glass as full as he could and still have room to add soda. Dean then grabbed the root beer, pouring it into his own glass and he grinned, looking at his creation. "This is a balanced, healthy meal!"

He then took a sip and savored the taste, all the while pondering Carolina's question. It was a good point - why did the old X-Men show up? Dean hadn't seen them around the Mansion in ages, with rumors spreading around the school as to why exactly they had left. Dean liked the rumor that they all were actually robots built by Magneto himself.

"Nah, they don't really have anything to do with Xavier anymore as far as I can tell," Dean told Annie and Carolina. He then looked down at his shake. Once he finished his food, there was something else he needed to go and do. He needed to go grab something downstairs.

Neil Spellman

Location: First Floor - Formal Sitting Room
Skills: Telekinesis

Neil hesitated for a moment. He knew what he had to do, but he was being cautious, playing it safe. Glancing around the room, it still felt uncomfortably crowded. He then glanced at Sara and nodded slightly at her. Hopefully she would understand his meaning. Unfortunately, the main way to disperse this crowd would involve talking to people he hardly knew. It also would prevent a few fights.

"...If you guys want, I can escort you to the Professor's office..." Neil offered softly. His hands twitched slightly. A few seconds later, Gambit seemed to trip over nothing and Neil's attention snapped over to the speedster. Pietro could move faster than the eye could see - had he really been that petty and tripped Gambit? It definitely seemed that Pietro had done it.

"Ya fuckin' connard, if ya wanna be a man for once and fight me, then do it! Stop hidin' behind a druggie girlfriend's money, she ain't here right now and I wouldn't be surprised if she cheats on ya!" Gambit then spat in Pietro's direction, seething.

Neil's eyes widened slightly. This was not good... Those two really hated each other...

"Shut up!"

He then looked at Sara, wondering if she'd recommend they get out of there or not, but she seemed pretty focused on her aunt and uncle.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kamasi Adwoa

Location: Formal Sitting Room → Ground Floor
Skills: N/A

Mmm, mm, mm! It was getting good. Kamasi lifted an eyebrow as after tensions cooled between the blonde haired girl and the… red haired? Chestnut? Hard to say, but after they had their argument then a man with a musical southern drawl and a man with silver hair began fighting. In all his years here, he hadn’t seen this much drama in one room and in one day. Kamasi had a feeling this would be a good couple of months.

”Sleeping with the Stark girl?” he admonished. So deliciously scandalous. He finished the orange juice but swirled the ice cubes around as he slithered about the crowd and got closer. And then Shelly started punching herself? By Bast!

Kamasi scanned the room, looking to meet eyes with anyone who found all of this as juicy as he did.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> The Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"From what I know Mary said they all broke up and stopped talking to each other, maybe Mary would know a bit more about it?" Carolina said shrugging slightly, as she watched Dean making the floats for the two of them as soon as Dean finished with hers Carolina quickly took it and started to eat it. While looking over towards her best friend as she took out her phone, getting a little bit curious as she leaned forward and started to take a look at Annie's phone seeing that it was indeed a text from Lance and smiled even more. She was pretty surpised that Lance had asked Annie out, he seemed to be the shy type a lot of the time. "That's awesome!" Carolina said happily and gave Annie a tight hug.

She looked over towards Dean for a moment as he dug into his, and laughed slightly and shook her head slightly. "It probably is for the speedsters." She said jokingly as Carolina continued to eat the float. A part of her did want to ask Dean out, but she kept giving him hints, or he was completely oblivious. "Hey, we should all go together or something if it's okay with Lance." Carolina suggested as she eyed Dean.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany looked towards Allison as she opened the door seeing a new face standing in the door, she wasn't sure who she is and hearing her say that Wolverine was the one who invited her. Her attention turned towards her friend as Sara hugged Jean and smiled slightly as stood there running a hand through her hair. Then the Shelly bitch started to beat herself up out of the blue and started to laugh seeing the girl ending up getting a black eye. Well this was certainly starting to get pretty interesting as soon as Gambit saw Pietro the two clearly hated each other's guts. Then Gambit looked like he nearly tripped, looking over towards Pietro and started to think that it was a pretty bad idea to be in the middle of.

"I'm going to go grab something to eat." Bethany said, feeling that the whole room was going to be wrecked in a few seconds, she looked towards Sara. "Let me know how the shitstorm goes." She said, before turning and leaving the room and made her way towards the kitchen, seeing Annie and Carolina there sitting together, made her roll her eyes ever so slightly as she walked over towards the fridge and pulled out a can of soda.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: The Kitchen -- First Floor

Antoinette blushed when Carolina congratulated and hugged her on her potential movie date with Lance. She was really excited for it. While Dean added root beer to his float, Antoinette decided to add orange soda to hers. She watched the liquid settle over the ice cream and let it melt a bit before eating. Anything she had seen in the fridge for additional food would have to be prepared and Antoinette wasn’t in the mood for that. No, something quick and easy was more her mood right now.
She climbed onto the counter beside Carolina and ate her float beside her friend.
”Well if they disbanded the group then something serious must be going on for them to all be in the same place again after so long,” she concluded.
Carolina then brought up the idea of her coming along to the movie as well. She glanced at Dean, knowing she had a bit of a thing for him and nodded.
”Let me ask.” She set her float aside before grabbing her phone and sent another message to Lance, telling him that Carolina would like to come along and bring Dean.
I wasn’t sure what your thoughts on a group date would be so I thought I would ask… I don’t mind it being just us either. She added in the last bit at the last minute, feeling it would be the best thing to do encase Lance preferred it that way. She knew how he felt about crowds and she wasn’t completely sure how he felt about Dean and all his, Deanness.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Richard Laine & Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Formal Sitting Room

The pulse of her heart hammered against her chest as Marygold's words struck blow after blow. Ayita's eyes because distant as the woman walked away and her hands curled into fists, her nails biting into her palms. This was rage. This was pain. A profound feeling she had known for those few who could not contain their sneers, who cared little for seeing her as anything but a beast. As a monster.

Gripping the back of a chair the shifter of the North took several deep breaths. Fighting the urge to run Marygold down, to challenge her as a she-wolf for this territory. The problem was that there were very few who thought like her, and she expected no one to. Which is why she was still here, learning to think like they did. The green-thorn bitch knew nothing. She knew nothing and assumed everything. Catnip was not like the same as Wonderland had done but it was damn similar. The nightmares would return and the she-birch would not care that Ayita would suffer for her ineptitude. Letting out a roar of fury of uncontained fury, Ayita whirled hurling the chair into the wall. Sending the chair straight up in the air.Sidestepping the projectile as it fell, Ayita stalked toward the door which opened with a furious bang.

Richard's head snapped about as he whirled to face his sister. He had seen Ayita in all her glory and rage before but not like this. Not this level of sheer spitting fury. "Ayita-" The imprudent anti-mutant spewing gurl had already sharpened his temper over his baby sister but this? It put his temper to dangerous levels.

Ayita cut her brother off as she spat with venom that rivalled his own.[coloe=ForestGreen]"I grow tired of that green-thorn bitch's insults. I grow tired of being condemned for a murder."[/color] Amber eyes watched as the fury filled Richard's face as she continued. No longer venting but giving her brother a list of the wounds she had verbally received and by who. It was not like her to say it out loud but fury drove her. "I killed Wonderland out of the fact that I lost control, and I was running out of time. I weighed her life against thousands and found her lacking. I took the blow she hurled at me while she died in my jaws and now Marygold, that bitch, condemns me not knowing the price I've paid. She gave the cats catnip, not giving a damn about my own sanity. You know what it does." Ayita hissed as her brother strode past her his hand pulling her dark head against his white shirt. Her hands gripping his as she shook with emotions. "She sees only my power and not the effect upon my mind. She said I need to learn not everyone thinks like me! As if I do not know that! Brother. I grow tired of these humans. So quick to judge, never seeing anything but their own natures. I grow tired of it all." Furious tears burned Ayita's eyes and she felt the hand pull her close.

Richard felt fury rise within him. It was one thing to dismiss Ayota but to call her a killer? Marygold did not know the number of time he, and most probably Ayita's mate, had woken to her seek comfort from the horrors of her killing humans. Beasts she could understand. It was survival, but it was never easy. Looking to Storm and Rogue as Gambit was busy with shouting at Pietro, the Adder nodded his head. "I don't have the right to ask this of you, but look after my sister, I must deal with this... woman." The Adder hissed as he strode from the room in search of Marygold. Leaving Ayita leaning against the chair he had occupied a shirt time before.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Shelly's muscles twisted and strained awkwardly, launching a powerful blow that Shelly barely had time to react to, turning her face enough just in time to spare her nose. Shelly barely had time to consider why her body had begun beating her up when the other fist gut punched her, winding her. Shelly was dazed and confused, but she wasn't confused for long.

"You didn't hear what her thoughts were,"

It didn't take long for Shelly to put one and two together. Shelly seathed with indignation, clutching at her throbbing face and stomach. How dare you. How fucking dare you! Shelly couldn't believe just how quickly and compliantly these muties had reached her expectations of them. Every single one of them was a liability, a child with a hand grenade and a God complex. They were all vicious predators and they were incapable of functioning without flexing their mutie muscles and this was not on, this was SO not on. Shelly had been kind when she called the institute an indifferent, uncaring but fair nature reserve, it was not, it was a gladitorial pit, maybe even a slaughterhouse.

"Honestly, now I'm curious as to why she's here, but Xavier likely has his reasons..."

Shelly knew precisely what she was here to do. Shelly wasn't here to be deprogrammed, Shelly was here to get them all under fucking control. Only she was well enough equipped in both mental faculties, willpower and raw mutant power to fuck with each and every one of them until they too came round to her philosophy on being a decent fucking human being. It was time to teach some nosey wine aunt a lesson in keeping the fuck out of my head. The safety was now off and Shelly was primed to blow, all she had to do was release the cord and that was better done before the psychic decided to make Shelly her plaything again than after. Regardless, Shelly had to take stock before using the nuclear option. She breathed deep, filling her lungs and emptying her mind. Yes! Revenge! An eye for an eye! A blood sacrifice in my Honor! The body screamed as it stung and ached and bruised, but the spirit? It was not so willing. Shelly imagined herself writing the now necessary "Book of Sin" entry that night by the light of a candle, as she always did. There on the page, compared to the last few entries, it read so... Petty. Getting one over on someone was not what her curse was for, it a real, serious choice with real, serious consequences, not a toy to be messed with.

Shelly took her hand off the detonator. Thats what made her better than them. Self control.

Her rage subsiding and the adrenaline fading with it, it became increasing apparent how painful her face was. Shelly wiped a tear off her puffy cheek with one hand as she reached over the arm of her chair into her bag for her mirror with the other. Ouch, people are going to want words with my husband.

Shelly watched as Monsieur Ironic Mutant ironically hated on another mutant with his ironic fist and listened as chairs were being smashed outside by one or both of the girls Shelly had tried to stop earlier before Neko-chan came back in crying to Onii-sama about how she's not a murderer and fucking catnip? Children with hand grenades and God complexes. Shelly could barely hold the laughter in, it helped that smiling was sore. Inner party member was going to busy bringing the beat down on all the new Thought Criminals, who had to be thinking naughty words as they engaged in senseless violence. No? She wasn't doing that? Colour me surprised. Shelly was still determined to beam her a message.

If you're still listening; since I'm having so much fun I'm going to let you off with a warning, and that warning is 'I'm going teach your niece a filthy thing or two about self-love', consentually of course.

With that thought nicely wrapped up, Shelly got up with a slap of her thighs. "Just going to grab some ice for this fucker," Shelly announced, gesturing to her bloodied eye, "and I'll be back for round 2, probably. Don't worry, everyone will get their shot at bullying the new bitch."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Front Door

Allison looked the girl over once and decided she liked her already. "Oh don't let appearances fool you, we get like, SUPER fancy here. I just had my maid send my dress to the cleaners and this was all I had left to wear. Jokes aside, if Wolverine vouched for you then that means you must have made a good impression because I don't think he vouches for anyone. Not even those of us that have been here for years."

Allison wondered if she should bring the girl inside to the sitting room or straight to Xavier himself. She decided that she needed to talk to the professor anyway and she may as well kill two birds with one stone. "Well come on in then. Didn't catch your name. I'll give you a brief tour as we go meet the professor. Mind if I ask what powers you have? I can see the future and move things with my mind. I am great at parties."

Sara Grey

Location: Formal Sitting Room - Ground Floor

Sara glanced over to where her aunt was staring at, wondering what those thoughts were exactly. She imagined it didn't have a filter, much like her mouth. She glanced at the others, Storm especially, and frowned, before returning her attention back to her aunt and uncle. "OMEN was bad news and it should not have gotten that far. If that's true its a good thing your here then. We don't need a worldwide crisis on OMEN's scale."

Sara left Beth with a wink, knowing full well she would be calling on the girl soon most likely. She noticed Neil and gave him a thumbs up, hoping that would make sense to the boy and to boost his self-esteem up a bit since it seemed he was still a bit uncomfortable. "Well, glad to have you here anyway Aunt Jean. It's been a while. I have a feeling things will get interesting here very soon."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Inside of the X-Mansion --> On the way to Xavier's office

She blinked in surprise as the young woman's demeanor changed from hesitant to welcoming. Bobbi's bright smile returned and she stuffed the card back into her jacket pocket. She followed the young woman in and was instantly floored by the decadent, yet regal decor. This place was the nicest she had ever entered in the whole entirety of her life. Could she really be that surprised though? She paused for a moment, in complete awe before the girl's continual (but not unwelcome) babble woke her back up.

The small woman hurried to catch up with the blonde and listened to her tell her about her own powers. "That's righteous! Moving shit with your mind! Telling the future! You're like some godddamn oracle." Obviously, this girl had cooler abilities than her own. The miniature mutant responded, "You can call me Bobbi and what I can do is pretty boring in comparison. I can reach through like dimension or some shit and pull something I need out. Like a hammer or clothespins, whatever. Sometimes it doesn't quite work well though. Once I went in for a baseball cap and came out with a mother fucking sombrero so, it's not always reliable." She paused a moment and then said, "Oh! And I can touch an object and figure out who owned it and where it has been and what not. That's pretty cool I guess."

Bobbi stuffed her hands in her jean pockets, in relative silence now she took in the fine carpets, the picture frames, and ornate architectural workings of the house. It was gorgeous and she was worried that if she dared touch a single thing it would break and she would be thrown out on her head. After a moment of pondering she realized the girl had said something earlier about Wolverine. "Is he really that picky? Wolverine I mean. I mean, fuck, we met at a mutant fight thing. I don't think it's all that great but you would probably know better than me, huh?"
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