Why did this take so long?
Kill la Kill bitches. And illness... But mostly Kill la Kill.
In loving memory of Deekin AlarcName: Weston "West" Meyer
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Frostgate, Warshire -- Third most populated city in Warshire; located near the Western Horn's tip
Current Home: Maxwell Military Base, Northern Arcarus
Personality: At a glance, Weston is a cardboard cut-out of the perfect soldier: Disciplined, tough, and reliable. As a captain in the continental army, he is a fierce fighter as well as a skilled tactician. Weston's military training made taugh him how to obey and respect orders, and how to effectively pass them on as a leader.
However, he is far more than a soldier, letting only his superiors think for him. Weston's upringing on the Western Horn has imbued him with a strong sense of honor and respect for both himself and others. The virtues of standing steadfastly for oneself, one's beliefs, and ones own goals remain strong within Weston's heart.
Bio: Frostgate, one of the largest mining, smithing, and manufacturing cities in the continent was Weston's first home. The city's industry was eclipsed only by Wintra, the grand capital of Warshire. Despite Frostgate's "city" label, it was far more rural than one would expect, and more like a massive village than a metropolis. Like everywhere else in Warshire, life was cold, rough, and rugged. Frostgate denizens lacked many luxuries people of the southern provinces enjoyed. They used wheeled--and in some cases animal-driven--transportation for its practicality and less expensive upkeep.
Weston's mother Ira Rolan, a beautiful woman native to Frostgate, married a handsome man from Arcarus known as Samael Meyer and had a single child. Tragically however, Ira died during childbirth, leaving Samael to name his son "Weston" after his younger brother. Despite living in the same city with his own son for the next ten years, Samael rarely spent time with him and stayed generally detached until his mysterious disappearance. When Weston was ten, his father has gone altogether, leaving only a note mentioning a "project" to the east.
Yrdonn Rolan, Weston's uncle and a core metal smith, brought Weston up in a meager home on the edge of Frostgate. With Yrdonn's income they were far from poor but definitely didn't live in excess, only making ends meet enough to get by without much discomfort. Over the years they spent together, Yrdonn and Weston formed a strong bond as Yrdonn mentored his nephew in hunting, smithing, scholastics, and self-defense. Weston looked up to his uncle as a true father figure that was there to stay.However, getting later in his years, Yrdonn fell terribly ill and eventually passed away.
With no family left, Weston fell into a lost sadness in his later teen years. He lived alone, in the small house he once shared with his uncle, with no purpose. Only hearing of "honor" and "finding your own path" his entire life, Weston sought what was considered "honorable" by the people of Leginia: Joining the military.
Strangely enough, the day he left the city a package arrived at his house marked, "From Sam". Inside was a short blade, somewhat heavy for its size, with an orange-colored core imbedded within the pommel. Allowed to bring a keepsake and two pairs of clothing, Weston took the blade sent by his father.
Signing up wasn't difficult, as many companies, industries, and infrastructure was publicized by the government and employed by the military. Within two weeks, Weston was sent on a shuttle to take his exams and physicals in Gaia, then sent to basic training. Used to a spartan lifestyle, Weston didn't have as much trouble as many other recruits, but struggled in this warm strange place nonetheless. From here on, the years seemed to fly by as the army assigned him to numerous standard missions ranging from town guard for a few months to exterminator for a couple days.
Weston's performance gained him promotions over the years until he was put in charge of a four-person squad and given a very different kind of mission. A small insurrection in northeast Valira began striking riots, killing over a dozen citizens in thier wake. Weston was sent with ten other units to quell the outbreak with minimal casualties.
However successful the mission ended up being however, Weston had been forced to kill his first real people. With his father's sword, he stabbed a woman in her thirties firing a modified Water Core pressure hose--a device originally used for crops, but altered to partially freeze the water for deadly effect--at his squad. The event sent him into another confused period, doubting whether this was the path his uncle wanted him to take. Eventually, he resigned himself to the belief that he had saved innocent lives and assisted in preserving the centuries-long peace.
Once again, time blurred as Weston was awarded for his valor in that mission and others to come. The blur was lessened by the company of his squad, whom he had befriended and grown quite close with. Eventually, Weston was made captain and stationed on the edge of Arcarus as an officer.
Appearance:About 6'2" (188cm); lean and muscular;

Special Traits/Weapons:Strengths:- Strong, fierce warrior in close and ranged combat
- Practical and tactical thinker
- Loyal to those he trusts
Weaknesses:- Morality: Weston's views may conflict with the actions of the military he follows after the Void Gate opens.
- Emotion: Despite Weston's general tact, acts of cruelety and dishonor disgust him and may lead to irrational thinking.
- Not technically minded: Weston is usually more savvy working with people or tools than computers and technology
Equipment:- Riser: A short sword given to Weston in his teens, installed with a rare Expansion Core discovered by his father.
- Military-grade Pistols (2): Standard Fire Core pistols and spare ammunition.
- Military-grade Longrifle: All on-duty soldiers are required to carry one rifle and spare ammunition.
Theme Song: Awesome combined with awesome.
Kage Type: Onikage
Kage Name: --- (Not yet determined)
Kage Primary Power: Strength Enhancement -- The Conduit's strength, speed, and agility are massively increased at a rate proportional with the spirit consumed for the increase (more spirit = more strength)
Kage Secondary Power: Rage -- Almost a side-effect more than an ability, Rage correlates with the mental state of the host and how much spirit is put into enhancement. The host will lose rationality in exchange for an even greater boost in power. However, exploitation of this ability leaves the host more vulnerable to the Onikage's influence.
Kage Personality/Description: As one can expect from an Onikage, it is deceptive and tries to pry into its Conduit's will, either for personal gain or entertainment. Despite its aggressive nature, the kage can wait patiently for the tide to turn in its favor before taking action. Often it will taunt and confuse its conduit to further break them down, but to what end is a mystery.