Okay here's most of what I had before. I went a little lazy on the concept because I didn't want to write it again. If it needs to get beefed up let me know. I should have the sample done tomorrow-ish. Maybe Tuesday.
B R U C E W A Y N E ♦ E N G I N E E R ♦ G O T H A M C I T Y ♦ N O N E

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"I wear a mask. And that mask, it’s not to hide who I am, but to create what I am."
We all know Bruce Wayne's story. We've seen it countless times. Golden boy of Gotham's life is destroyed when his parents are murdered in front of him after a movie. He's taken care of by his parents' butler, or in this case his father's best friend. Alfred starts the boy's training, but as Bruce matures into the genius and prodigy he is, he quickly outpaces the old SAS officer's teachings. So after college, Alfred helps Bruce fake his death so he can travel the world and get the best training he possibly can. Bruce returns to Gotham and takes on the moniker of THE BATMAN in order to play off of criminals' fear and superstition.
Only this time there is no fortune to back his endevours. In this universe, Bruce's parents' enemies conspired to have them killed. After their deaths, the criminals and corporate raiders destroy Thomas and Martha's life work. In order to pay for his schooling, Bruce sells the mansion. When he returns to Gotham he has nothing but a penthouse home he bought for Alfred before leaving. He now works for his father's old friend, Lucius Fox. Fox refused to work for Sionis Industries after they purchased Wayne Enterprises, and set out to start his own tech company. He helps Bruce with any projects needed to aid Batman.
We are three years into Batman's crusade. We start the story right after his apprehension of Carmine Falcone and the notorious mob boss's arrest, leaving a power vacuum in Gotham City.
-3 Years Ago: Bruce returns to Gotham incognito, staying at Alfred's penthouse and not allowing anyone to know he is still alive yet. The Batman appears in Gotham, terrorizing low level criminals. Co missioner Loeb, who is on the mob's payroll, sets up a nominal task force to catch the vigilante led by Lieutenant Jim Gordon.
-2.5 Years Ago: Bruce Wayne reveals he is still living to the world. The Batman's crusade is starting to take a toll on the mob's profits. Dick Grayson's parents are killed by Tony Zucco and his men, members of the Maroni Crime Family. Bruce takes the teenager in and begins training him to be a partner in crime-fighting, against Alfred's better judgement.
-2 Years Ago: Batman and Dick, now known as Robin, put Zucco behind bars with the help of Jim Gordon. The loss of one of his top lieutenants sends Maroni into a full on panic. He calls for a truce between the families of Gotham in order to kill the Batman.
-1.5 Years Ago: Due to the prolonged pressures of Gotham's declared war on the Batman and Bruce's changed demeanor because of it, Robin leaves and strikes out on his own.
-1 Year Ago: Batman puts Sal Maroni away, again with the help of Jim Gordon. Gordon is promoted to Captain.
-.5 Years Ago: Bruce's best friend, Harvey Dent becomes Gotham's DA on a platform of restoring order in the City. Batman sets his sights on Carmine Falcone, the head of Gotham's crime cartel.
-Now: Batman makes his final move against Falcone
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
It's been a while since I played Batman, and I want to revisit some ideas I had the last time I did. Chiefly, this Bruce doesn't have unlimited resources at his disposal. He's much more of a normal guy, and will have to rely on his skills even more than usual. In a world where Tony Stark exists, I don't think we need 2 billionaires with fancy suits and double lives.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Supporting Characters
Alfred Pennyworth - Bruce's mentor and surrogate father, the two live together in a Gotham City Penthouse. Alfred helps Bruce when he can.
Lucius Fox - Bruce's boss and his father's old friend. Lucius allows Bruce free reign of FoxTech's R&D department after hours in order for Wayne to construct his tools for his crusafe.
Harvey Dent - Bruce's oldest friend and current Gotham City DA.
Dick Grayson/Robin - Bruce's former protege and adopted son. Dick lost his family at the hands of Tony Zucco. Currently off on his own.
Captain Jim Gordon - Batman's liaison with Gotham PD.
Gotham was a dark city in general. Something about the mix of gothic and art deco architecture made the city dimmer even in the brightest of sunny days. But at night Gotham was a veritable black hole with only the neon of signs and streetligts seem to pierce the inky blackness like stars in the night sky. Alleys were like black holes that too many people never returned from.
That thought made Bruce wince as he stood on a rooftop overlooking his city. It had hit too close to home, but of course his mind was never far from his parents. He had been trying to move on. His crusade against the scum of Gotham had consumed his life for the most part, but the memory of their death still crept back into his mind now and again.
Alfred tried his best to dissuade him from dwelling on it. Bruce figured the old spy was remorseful for sending his charge down the path he was now on. Alfred wanted Bruce to leave Batman and Gotham behind. He never mentioned it outright, but Bruce knew. Alfred had seen Dick as a way out of the life, at least until Bruce brought him into the vigilante life as well. When the young man walked out on Wayne, Alfred figured all hope was lost. Batman was all there was now.
And Batman was about to catch his biggest fish.
Across the street from where he was perched was Carmine Falcone's nightclub. At least it was normally a nightclub. As of now it was a fortress, manned by every gun left in the Falcone Crime Syndicate. Carmine knew the Batman was coming for him, and he believed he was saef holed up in there. He was wrong, of course, but that's what he believed.
"Are you ready for this?" Alfred's voice came through the comms system in the cowl. "Because this is basically suicide. I just want to make sure you realize that."
Bruce smiled faintly, "You're so confident in my abilities."
"I'd be more confident if you were Superman," the Englishman responded dryly.
"Well that would take all the fun out of it," Batman shrugged. "Besides I look terrible in blue."
"Drole," Alfred sighed. "I can turn off the power whenever you're ready. Outside of that, you're on your own."
Bruce took a deep breath. He had worked so hard to get to this moment. They had put away Zucco and Maroni, sure, but Falcone was the linchpin of organized crime in Gotham. Batman had the evidence to leak to the press. Once that was in the wild Carmine would have nowhere to hide. He had bled and punished himself to get here. He watched Dick walk out on him to get here. But finally, one of the main men responsible for his parents' deaths would be behind bars.
"I'm ready. Do it."
With that the lights on the whole city block went dark. Alfred had patched himself into the city's grid, which was far easier than it should have been. Gotham was woefully unprepared for a real cyber attack.
Not wasting any time, he fired a grapnel towards the roof of the building. Once he felt it secure, he swung towards the building before landing softly on the roof. He had breach about a hundred hostile areas before in his life, but he had to admit this was the first time he could remember being nervous. Nervous might not have been the best word. Maybe it was anticipation.
As he approached a skylight for the building, he centered himself. Emotion, no matter what it was, could get him killed. Especially in a situation like this.
Bruce pushed on the skylight gently at a pressure point and felt the glass pop away. He pulled it out and laid it on the roof.
His cape fluttered lightly as he dropped down into the building silently. As his feet touched the floor, however, heavy metal shutters closed up around the skylight above him.
"Well, well, well," a fat, confident voice came over the intercomms of the building, "Batman. Funny you should drop in."
"Falcone," Batman growled.
"In the flesh," Carmine Falcone responded. "Well, no. Not actually. But my men are there. All of them. Tell them I said hi."
Bruce heard a stampede of footsteps coming his way, and cursed under his breath.