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S E A S O N O N E | S E A S O N T W O


G M (s): HenryJonesJr & Houd55 C O N S U L T I N G G M: Lord Wraith G E N R E: Fandom T Y P E: Sandbox with linear and Collaborative Arcs
"We all wish we had super powers."
"We all wish we could do more than we can do."

S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )

I N T R O D U C T I O N:

Welcome fans of Marvel, DC and all comics alike. Absolute Comics is a sandbox based RP that seeks to merge and mix the lore of your favourite DC and Marvel characters into one living cohesive world. The idea behind this RP is not to embody our favourite heroes to simply retell iconic stories and origins but to take these characters and make them our own. In fact, the goal of the RP is for players to take their favourite characters and re-imagine them to tell their own stories. We only ask that the 'heart' of the character remains the same. Players will take the roles of their favourite characters and tell stories either alone or in collaboration with other players in order to develop and grow the world.

A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:


ARSENAL aka Roy Harper U P D A T E D
As portrayed by webboysurf
As portrayed by Hound55
DAREDEVIL aka Matthew Murdock U P D A T E D
As portrayed by Roman
FLASH, THE aka Eobard Thawne
As portrayed by Hillan
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, THE aka Groot, Hawk, Peter Quill, Rocket and Thor Odinson
As portrayed by HenryJonesJr
MAGIK aka Illyana Rasputina U P D A T E D
As portrayed by Natty
OLD MAN GRAYSON & ROBIN THE TOY WONDER aka Richard Grayson and Toyboy U P D A T E D
As portrayed by Bounce
SPIDER-MAN aka Peter Parker
As portrayed by DocTachyon
STATIC aka Virgil Hawkins U P D A T E D
As portrayed by The Bork Lazer
VIXEN aka Mari McCabe
As portrayed by Moskau Spieluhr
WONDER WOMAN aka Diana Prince U P D A T E D
As portrayed by Star-Lord

AQUAWOMAN aka Mareena of Atlantis
As portrayed by Inkarnate
BOOSTER GOLD aka Unknown
As portrayed by HenryJonesJr
CONSTANTINE aka John Constantine
As portrayed by Roman
HULK, THE aka Bruce Banner
As portrayed by Pacifista
PUNISHER, THE aka James Pierce
As portrayed by Star-Lord
QUESTION, THE aka Victor Sage
As portrayed by SimpleUnicycle
SOLDIERS OF VICTORY aka Greg and Clark Saunders
As portrayed by DocTachyon
SUPERGIRL aka Kara Danvers
As portrayed by IceHeart
X-23 aka Laura Kinney
As portrayed by Techne

I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S:

W I T H D R A W N C H A R A C T E R S:

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 39 min ago

C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N S:

Due to the nature of the RP, character submissions will not be based on traditional sheets but on 'Character Proposals'. This differs in that instead of the usual fact spill that a character sheet is based on, a Character Proposal outlines the character you're intending to play, any differences from their source material and a proposed character arc. This is so we know coming in that you have a story you want to tell with this character. Unlike other RPs where you create a character and then enter the IC for collaborative writing, Absolute Comics is based around self-directed arcs. That's not to say you can't write with other players, by all means, make plans with other players but it's unlikely you'll be able to do this for your first arc.

Character Proposal sheets do not necessarily have to be limited to one character per se, meaning you could make a sheet for Batman and Robin or the X-Men if you wanted to. As this is a One Universe RP don't hesitate to mix the teams up a little or try out some new team-ups. It should be noted however that all applications are limited to heroic characters only and that villainous character sheets won't be accepted.

Players will only be allowed one character concept to start with, potentially able to earn or request a second primary point of view at a later time, pending the IC's activity coupled with their own. However, due to the singular universe of the RP, it is asked that players choose the opposite franchise when creating a second character. This means that if you started the game with Captain America, then your second character will be required to be a character from the DC Universe, not another Marvel Character.

Players interested in the same character will be judged based on the strength of their proposed concept and sample with the GMs choosing the preferred candidate. In the event that someone applies as a character you were interested in, you will have a window of twenty-four hours to submit a competing application. If a character submission goes unchallenged for twenty-four hours and the GMs have no outstanding issues with it, the character will be accepted.

R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S:











All players will initially be allotted one Character Concept, to begin with. This concept may be any heroic character from the Marvel or DC Universe. If applying as a 'Team Concept', a combination roster may be allowed at the scrutiny of the GM Team. Characters originally appearing in Manga or Anime are heavily discouraged because of their incompatibility with western superhero comics. Other comic titles discouraged are those of belonging to science fiction genres such as Transformers, Star Trek, and Star Wars. We will judge all properties from outside of the Marvel and DC Universes on a case-by-case basis provided they fit the themes and tones of the game, but the above limitations are definitive.

We will grant a second character concept to players at the end of their first season within the game, provided they meet the following criteria. We will grant secondary concepts to players who remained consistent throughout the season, posting regularly of their own accord. The player should not be abrasive towards either the GMs or the other players, instead, inspiring the community and helping the game flourish. To summarize, players need to meet three criteria:

  • Be part of the game for a minimum of one Season
  • Post consistently over the course of the Season preceding the application
  • Contribute to the game and community positively (i.e. Comment on posts and discussions, take part in Crises, create Crossovers etc)

Players can compete for characters if an application for your desired character is posted ahead of yours and has not yet been accepted. To compete for a character, you have a twenty-four-hour window to state your intent to compete. The competing application(s) will then be given a 72hrs deadline in which both players must submit their samples if they have no done so already. The GM Team will then judge the two competing applications. The winner will be selected by who the GMs believe portrays the character better and has a stronger concept. During this competition, the GMs may also vet a player's history to check for posting consistency or previous incidents of abrasive behaviours to better weigh their options.

In terms of character creation, you are free to overhaul and redesign any canon character from one of the aforementioned publishers. This means you can tell the story of the character how you believe it should be told. However, there is one major limitation, the heart and soul of the character must stay intact. The character should not be changed so much that they're unrecognizable. This means that Batman can't be a cold-blooded killer any more than Spider-Man can be a rich, well off playboy. Every aspect of the character that isn't a key to their major identity is malleable, this can even include sex and abilities if so desired.

Player characters are claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis. If the parent character (i.e. Batman to Robin), hasn’t been claimed, the legacy is just as available. If another player comes along and asks about playing the parent, it’s requested that both players be as accommodating as possible to allow the other to express their vision. It is understandable that sometimes two visions will not mesh, and in this case, we will give the player who came first precedence. If a GM needs to step in as a mediator or an arbiter, we can arrange this in a group PM.

The 'parent character' or 'acting parent characters' have a say in any further legacies being applied for. For instance, if you were playing Spider-Gwen, and another player applied as Ben Reilly, as the established 'parent' character, you could are able to voice if the concept compliments your own, or if you would rather the character not be accepted. The GMs will take this into consideration before moving further ahead with any legacy application.

In regards to NPCs and supporting casts, it is asked that first and foremost you use those who come from within your character's franchise. Furthermore, the GM Team requests that you include any NPCs you intend to use on your character application, however, we also ask that you only include those which are relevant to your current story arc. NPCs from outside of your character's franchise may be used but should be asked in the OOC to avoid conflicting plans. It is requested that these characters only be borrowed, however, and once finished be set 'free' so that other players may also use them. If a character from outside of your franchise is critical to your plot, then it should be included in your application.

Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon. If you require a more immediate answer, don't hesitate to directly ask the GM Team or relevant player in the Discord.

Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts, however, would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar is also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.

You are required to post at least once per character within a fourteen (14) day period. There will be a post-check-in, once per week performed by the GMs in order to ensure the IC is moving consistently. Extensions will be given in extenuating circumstances. Please recognize your limitations before joining the RP, if you are unable to post once every ten days, then it's highly likely that you do not have enough time to keep up with the RP. In the event that you do miss the deadline, your character will be listed as 'inactive'. After a further week of inactivity, your character will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. This whole process is simply easier if you just let the GM know if you're unable to keep up or simply have lost interest in the RP. If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM.

This is a Character-Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. There will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However, we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

If you join this RP, if you take the time to submit an application, I'm putting my faith in you that you'll be committed to it and that the character you play will be consistent with the one in the agreed-upon CS. Personally, I have a hard time with this sometimes and I understand that things just happen. That said I’m referring to suddenly giving a character new powers with no explanation or completely changing their backstory in order to add new skills. I’m okay with changes but I’d like a heads-up first so perhaps we can work a more natural way towards these things happening. In terms of commitment, dropping out of the RP randomly for whatever reason is a pain or a GM. Simply put, it wastes my time along with the other players. If you do not think you can join and you're sure something will come up, do not join. The tendency to not care about an RP after a while? Don't join. Simple as that. I will work with you when it comes to bumps in the road. If you think you're going to be out for a couple of days, that's fine. I'll find a way to excuse you from the story or play your character. However, please let the group known as far in advance as possible. If you're going on a trip, tell me something. Do not leave me wondering where you are. Let me know so I can keep things going. I will work around you if you work with me when you can.
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T A P P L I C A T I O N:

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 39 min ago


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"The world needs a Batman."
The Batman is an urban legend.

At least, this is what the majority of the world has believed since rumours of a giant bat-like creature preying on the superstitious and cowardly criminals of Gotham City began in the late sixties. Since that date, the rumours have persisted, if not grown as the entity known as the Batman began its caped crusade against the crime families of Gotham. A one-man army, the man beneath the cowl, the renowned billionaire playboy; Bruce Wayne, had spent most of his youth training his body and mind to avenge the death of his parents. Travelling the world, he accumulated the skills and talents required to wage his war before returning to Gotham to strike fear in the hearts of those who stood on the wrong side of the law. But Bruce Wayne was only a man, and men eventually become old.

A life of masquerading as a charming billionaire and a growling vigilante took a toll on the heir to the Wayne fortune and it eventually forced Bruce to retire his cape and cowl. However, fate would intervene as a young man named Terrance McGinnis was pursued by a gang onto the Wayne Estate grounds. Outnumbered, McGinnis was surprised to find himself aided by an elder man as Bruce Wayne successfully fended off the gangbangers become succumbing to the strain of the fight. Helping the older man back inside his home, Terry stumbled upon Wayne's secret.

Enraged by the young man's intrusion, Bruce banished Tery from his estate. It wasn't until Terry returned home after school to find his father murdered that he sought Bruce Wayne again. Pleading for the elder man's help, Terry appealed to Bruce not as a man but as Gotham's Dark Knight. Still, Bruce denied the young man and when Bruce had fallen asleep that night, Terry broke into the Batcave and stole a prototype Batsuit.

On that night, the Batman was reborn.

My story will pick up a few years later, revolving around Terry's career as he transitions from not only being under Bruce's wing but also from a teenager into a young man. Due to the anachronisms in place by having Terry and Barbara operating at the same time, I will be cherry-picking from both Bruce's and Terry's rogue galleries as I tell a story of legacy in Gotham City.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

While I had a solid story to tell with Namor, I struggled to stay above water with a character I honestly did not know enough about and was trying wholly to reinvent to fit a certain ideal I had projected onto him. With Terry McGinnis and the Batfamily as a whole however, I am far more versed in their stories, personalities, rogues and just Gotham in general. By doing Terry, I felt it would feel fresher than simply trying my hand at another version of Bruce which this game has already had two attempts at and additionally I couldn't likely do anything better than Master Bruce himself had done in UOU.

Instead, I opted to focus on a legacy and make Batman a character which spans the decades. This, of course, will lead to some anachronisms because of Terry operating as Batman while Barbara is still Batgirl, however, overall I feel it's a good fit for both the game and for me. As many of you are aware, Dick Grayson is my favourite character, however, I didn't feel as though he would be the right fit for the game especially with the Batman sized hole. Using Terry, he has enough similarities with Dick Grayson that I feel it allows me to scratch that itch while still playing a Batman and even being able to borrow from some of the Spider-Man feel due to where Terry is in his life compared how Bruce Wayne is traditionally portrayed.

The obvious influence of this story is Batman Beyond, but I'll also be drawing on The Batman, Batman: The Animated Series, Batman White Knight, Batman: Hush, Batman: Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, and The Nolan films. Additionally, I'll be looking at the newer DCAU films for inspiration and direction as they have a decent model for streamlining years of canon. Expect to see villains both familiar and redefined for this new continuity as I blend Terry's Neo-Gotham with the traditional city. Gotham has always been a city that transcends a definitive time era and this iteration will be no different.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

▼ S E A S O N O N E S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

▼ S E A S O N T W O A D D I T I O N A L C A S T:

S Y N O P S E S & P O S T C A T A L O G::

S E A S O N O N E - W E L C O M E T O T H E M A S Q U E R A D E:

► C H A P T E R O N E

During the course of Season One, Terry battled the disturbed individual later dubbed the MAD HATTER. The Hatter, a Dr. Jervis Tetch had created the means to control the human mind. Striking a bargain with one of Gotham's reigning crimelords, the BLACK MASK, the Hatter allowed the Black Mask to use technology in exchange for payment. This payment came in the form of a young girl, a friend of Terry McGinnis'. Working together, Bruce and Terry managed to rescue the girl but not without gaining the attention of the Black Mask who has now put a price on the Bat's pointy cowl.

Primary Antagonist: The Mad Hatter

S E A S O N O N E C R I S I S ' M A S S P A N I C ' T I E - I N:

► C R I S I S T I E - I N

Inspired by STRYFE's attack on New York and Star City, Gotham's own metahuman gang, the aptly dubbed MUTANTS decide to get in on the action. Essentially shutting down the University District, Terry and his friends find their lunch plans interrupted as they're drawn into the chaos. Unable to suit up, Terry is forced to fight the metahumans unarmed while protecting his friends, leading to one of his toughest struggles to date.

Primary Antagonist: The Mutants

S E A S O N T W O - M E M E N T O M O R I:

► C H A P T E R T W O

Coming August, 2019

Primary Antagonist: Black Mask's Assassins

#2.01: TBD
#2.02: TBD
#2.03: TBD
#2.04: TBD
#2.05: TBD
#2.06: TBD
#2.07: TBD
#2.08: TBD
#2.09: TBD
#2.10: TBD
#2.11: TBD
#2.12: TBD
Epilogue: TBD

► C H A P T E R T H R E E

Coming Fall, 2019

Primary Antagonist: Black Mask & Anarky


► C H A P T E R F O U R

Coming Christmas, 2019

Primary Antagonist: The Children of Arkham

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 39 min ago


N A T H A N I E L H E N R Y H E Y W O O D G O V E R N M E N T A G E N T W A S H I N G T O N D . C . A . R . G . U . S .
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Get behind me."
"Where's your shield?"
"I am the shield."


Following Stryfe's attack on the United States and the creation of the Department of Metahuman Affairs, tensions between the general and metahuman populaces are at an all-time high. Even with all the good that the likes of Wonder Woman and the X-Men accomplished during the attack on New York, superheroes need a new face. They need a visage that reminds the people of the better times, not someone like Supergirl who gives off echoes of Wonder Woman. The people of the United States long for a certain cut of hero, one that is distinctly different from the Amazonian Warrior.

Enter, Citizen Steel.

Nathaniel Heywood is a homegrown American hero. An honourably discharged member of the United States Marine Corps, this is a soldier intended to remind the populace of the legendary Captain America. Heywood was one of several candidates approached by Amanda Waller to undergo an experimental procedure that promised to put the amputee back in fighting shape. Not only did Heywood regain his leg, but he also acquired the ability to coat his entire body in a steel-like substance, making him nearly impervious to conventional forms of harm. Backed by a division of Homeland Security known as A.R.G.U.S., the Advanced Research Group Uniting Superhumans, Citizen Steel is ready to take on the world and change public perception on superheroes and metahumans alike.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I chose to do Citizen Steel in order to have a vessel to direct this upcoming season's GM plot through. My goal is firstly to drive a stronger, more defined overarching plot going into Season Two, but also Citizen Steel will allow for more collaborative efforts and stories than what I have planned with Batman. Where Batman is very much off in his own corner, Citizen Steel will be wherever he needs to, going on missions across the United States, if not the world. Where Batman was treated as an urban myth, Steel is going to be very public. He's under a microscope every day, every action and every decision. This is a man who's being used to push forward an agenda, one he might not even fully comprehend yet.

Obviously, both in and out of 'verse, Citizen Steel is going to be inspired by Captain America. For me, that means MCU version of the character. But Steel will also be inspired by his DC's Legends of Tomorrow Counterpart and even some Superman. He's meant to be an all-American boy scout, an ideal to strive for.

Compared to Batman, I don't have his story fully fleshed out yet, and unlike Batman, many of his supporting cast will be available for other players to reference and interact with, just give me the courtesy of a heads up. His story is going to be based on the duality of his identity and more heart than brawn. Nathaniel was given the opportunity of a lifetime, and he's going to have to deal with how if something seems too good to be true it probably is, all while the world around him changes in real-time.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

▼ S E A S O N T W O S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:
◼ Bordeaux, Sasha - Supervisory Special Agent
Speech Colour: TBD

One of A.R.G.U.S.'s highest ranking and most respected agents, Supervisory Special Agent Sasha Bordeaux was assigned to Nathaniel Heywood to act as Citizen Steel's handler. Known as Waller's Right Hand, Sasha Bordeaux is assumed to be the ideal replacement for the Wall should she ever choose to retire. For the time being, however, Sasha's orders are to ensure that no harm comes to America's newest superhero.

◼ Calvin, Wilma - Chief Medical Researcher
Speech Colour: TBD

Among A.R.G.U.S.'s staff, Dr. Wilma Calvin is known as the Miracle Worker. It was Dr. Calvin who led the team that performed Project Gladiator, intending to replicate the procedure that gifted the world Captain America during the Second World War. Instead, they created Citizen Steel. While Dr. Calvin continues to try to replicate the Super Soldier Serum, she is also mandated to perform regular check ups on Nathaniel to ensure A.R.G.U.S.'s newest asset is kept in prime condition.

◼ Hammer, Justin* - Independent Weapons Contractor
Speech Colour: TBD

Snarky, Suave and not Tony Stark, three phrases which can be used to describe Justin Hammer. One of the world's leading weapon designers, Hammer has never received the same recognition as the likes of Stark and Osbourne. Despite this, Hammer is still recognized as a mechanical genius and is the leading developer not only for Citizen Steel's suit and weapons but also all of A.R.G.U.S.'s anti-metahuman arsenal.
*Disclaimer: Justin Hammer is under the jurisdiction of @Webboysurf who has kindly granted me use of the character. Any and all characterization is subject to change at his whim.

◼ Morse, Barbara - Agent of A.R.G.U.S.
Speech Colour: TBD

A member of Dr. Calvin's Project Gladiator, Dr. Barbara 'Bobbi' Morse is a bright, young biologist turned agent of A.R.G.U.S. Assigned to Citizen Steel, Bobbi is Nathaniel's chief caretaker and reports the heroes achievements, limits and general health to Dr. Calvin. in addition to medical, Agent Morse is a trained field operative and often accompanies Citizen Steel when the hero is deployed.

◼ Waller, Amanda* - Director of A.R.G.U.S.
Speech Colour: TBD

What happens when an unstoppable object meets an unmoveable wall? Amanda 'The Wall' Waller is a force few can stand to be in the presence of, let alone stand up to. Unflinching in her resolution, it is Amanda Waller who made A.R.G.U.S. the asset it is today. Acting as Director of the organization, Waller has contacts within S.H.I.E.L.D., the United Nations and especially the Oval Office. Rivalled only by Nicholas J. Fury as the world's foremost intelligence agent, there is little Waller doesn't have her hands in or know about.
*Disclaimer: Amanda Waller is a public character, while she's necessary for Citizen Steel's story, I understand that she's a character with widespread influence and by no means claim exclusivity over her use.

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

~Coming Soon~

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 1 day ago

X A V I E R S C H O O L F O R H I G H E R L E A R N I N G T H E X - M E N
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:

"Like I said before, helping mutants is sort of what we do."

The X-Men are a ragtag group of young and aspiring metahumans seeking to make the world a better place. Each of them came to Charles Xavier, the mind that discovered the Meta-Gene and has led the fight for metahuman civil rights, broken and lost. He offered them something no one else could: purpose, and the means to see that purpose come to fruition. All of them already knew from personal experience the difficulty that came with being born a mutant, but it wasn't until Xavier that they realized just how widespread their repression and abuse was, and how deep the roots of hatred went.

The system was fundamentally broken, but they had an opportunity to fix it.

The one place metahumans found some degree of acceptance was as heroes: servants of justice dedicated to protecting the people from those that would do them harm. Metas like Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel and Captain America had laid the foundations for such acceptance long ago, and Charles saw it as the perfect way to expose the general population to Metas- to prove to them that Metas aren't some dangerous, subversive element of society, but people. Ordinary people who just want to be treated as such.

So he founded the X-Men. He gave them the flashy costumes, helped them control their powers, and sent them out into the world to change it. The road is long and hazardous, but they're as dedicated as they come. They won't stop until their people are free.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

The recent escalation in violence and meta-normal tension has proven to the X-Men that they are far from equipped or prepared to deal with either the former or the latter. They have so much more to learn if they ever wish to have the positive impact on society that the team desires. Minimizing collateral damage, de-escalating potentially violent situations, and winning hearts and minds are just some of the vital skills they'll need to succeed as public metahuman superheroes. Young and inexperienced though the X-Men may be, they're dedicated to defending the civil rights of metahumans from all threats- no matter who or where they're coming from. Xavier taught them that both man and mutant kind can live in harmony, it'll just take some work to get there.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S E A S O N O N E S Y N O P S I S:

New York City has a long and storied history of racial violence, and the recent rise in the metahuman population has brought about a continuation of that tradition. Tensions reached a boiling point when a metahuman youth named Lance Alvers went on a rampage in Bayville High School, injuring several students and killing two police officers before evading arrest. The X-Men were noted for attempting to subdue Lance, though many commentators and even the police chief have argued that the vigilantes only exacerbated the situation.

A vigil for the fallen officers was held at the church of the prominent anti-metahuman activist, Reverend William Stryker. It was at that vigil that he radicalized a number of the Bayville survivors, recruiting them into the Purifiers- a militant militia organization dedicated to protecting America from the threat of metahuman violence.

Stryker went on to strike a deal with unknown, foreign elements to acquire advanced technology and military-grade hardware. Now equipped with technology indistinguishable from metahuman powers, the Purifiers launched a terrorist attack that would forever change the political landscape of America- perhaps even the world. They called themselves the Metahuman Supremacy Front. Their leader, Stryfe, declared an all-out war on humanity, and urged metahumans everywhere to violence. Using a swarm of unknown, bug-like drones, Stryfe took control of the minds of many of New York's citizens and forced them to murder one another in the streets. Untold numbers were killed or wounded during the incident. It was only by the combined efforts of many of America's best and brightest heroes that Stryfe was eliminated and the threat was ended.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

S E A S O N O N E:

S E A S O N T W O:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Μαρινα of Atlantis Princess of Atlantis Mobile The Kingdom of Atlantis

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

“The ocean is really pissed off at you, alright?”

Aquaman has largely been an urban legend among whalers, fishermen, and conspiracy theorists. The Kingdom of Atlantis? Never exposed to the light of the surface world.

Though, there was a time where it almost happened—a time when the reign of “The Oceanmaster” brought peril upon Orin and his kinsman Namor. However, even in the undersea depths of Atlantis and its fellow city-states, this has been largely forgotten, a significant footnote in the early reign of Orin of Atlantis, the self-titled Aquaman and Lord of the Seven Seas. It has been over forty years since the events of The Oceanmaster, and the King of Atlantis has waged mindful diplomacy with his rivals, battled weird magic, and fought accursed foes such as the legendary treasure hunter, mercenary, and traitor known as Black Manta. But the days of battling Black Manta and the mythological calamity known as Charybdis are long over. Orin has sought to rule quietly as his marriage with Mera of Xebel afforded him a daughter named Mareena and great happiness.

However, near the anniversary of Mareena's twentieth nameday tragedy reared its head for the first time in twenty years. Following a voyage into the deepest part of the ocean, he vanished without a trace. His disappearance has created concern and unrest, and it appears a new age of atlantean upheaval has begun. Mareena, Orin's only capable heir is now forced to take charge and become the hero she is destined to become.

And so the tides turn.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Following the theme of importing Beyond/Unlimited characters into a modern narrative, Mareena follows Terry as the second character from that particular brand to Absolute Comics.

Ultimately, my ideas here are to continue the trend of strong female protagonists with sarcastic fervor. Mareena, however, is not Sealab Supergirl. She has magical connections and introduces the opportunity to talk about deep sea ecological issues, global warming, pollution, underwater sea zombies, lovecraftian horrors, and everyone’s favorite: politics. That last sentence isn’t all that far-off. The King of Atlantis and Mareena’s father, Orin, has vanished without a trace, leaving ultimately a kingdom that is sitting on a powder-keg. Mareena would prefer to go searching for her father, but ultimately, him being “not around” has sort of set things in motion where someone needs to represent Atlantis and act upon the kingdom’s relations with both the surface and the far reaches of the deep.

Mareena is a young woman, unmarried and untested, who will have to rise to the challenge of doing her father’s job while her advisors try to ensure Atlantis doesn’t catch on fire while she is dealing with pirates, pollution, weird undersea magic, and everything in-between.

Beyond that, you’ll probably be seeing merging of Namor, Aquaman, and other aquatic storylines within the framework of a character that doesn’t get a lot of facetime in either Batman Beyond or the comics inspired by that particular tv series. As a daughter of Xebel, Atlantis, and Maine there’s a lot to explore not only with her powers but also her mindset. I hope I’ll be able to be somewhat reliable going forward. Either way, I’ve got a cavalcade of ideas.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Sark: A member of the Kingdom of Atlantis, a soldier and member of the honor guard who holds the rank of lokhagos.

Vulko: A high ranking member of the Kingdom of Atlantis and mentor of Aquawoman. He holds the rank of taxiarhos and is the highest ranking adviser to the throne.

C A T A L O G:

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