C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A LThe Emerald Knight

Alan Scott ♦ Full-Time Hero ♦ The Emerald Citadel (Currently Floating above London, England) ♦ Independant
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"Beware my power..."
This version of Alan is on a one-man crusade against evil. Well, it would be one man, if he wasn't effectively possessed by an incomprehensible mystical entity bent on the eradication of evil at all costs. Alan Scott would say that his life before finding The Lantern was pretty irrelevant. He was twenty-two when he was chosen by the being inside The Lantern, but he hasn't aged since. After being chosen by the thing in The Lantern, leading an ordinary civilian life became nearly impossible for him. Due to the influence of the evil-hating entity within The Green Lantern, his mind is constantly bent toward the eradication of those things The Lantern deems evil.
Due to the inability to "turn off" the lantern's intrusions into his mind, Alan is on a never-ending crusade to purge the Earth of all threats to the innocent, be they be they alien, demon, or even human. Taking on the moniker of The Emerald Knight, Alan used the power of The Lantern to build a floating fortress-construct which he calls the Emerald Citadel. The Citadel runs on the power of The Lantern itself, and is capable of magically shrouding itself in clouds, teleportation, and can spawn magical defensive knight-constructs when assailed. With The Citadel as his new home, Alan floats around the globe, seeking out threats to the innocent, whether local, extra-terrestrial, or even extra-dimensional.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
So the idea is that this version of Alan is basically a vessel for the mysterious magical power of The Lantern. He still has a mind and is human, but his relationship to his power is more akin to Dr. Fate and Nabu or Jean Gray and The Phoenix Force than traditional Alan Scott and The Starheart or The Green. In times of great danger (such as a planetary invasion by aliens or demons or some such) The being within the Lantern takes complete control of his body. So, the concept is a man sharing his body with an incomprehensible god-like entity with benevolent (if somewhat detached) intentions. I want to take him to a place where he can eventually come to an understanding with the being inside The Lantern and master it, or take it to a somewhat darker place, where the power within The Lantern takes complete control and Alan is phased out, to be replaced by a relatively detached dictator-like being on a crusade to wipe out evil at any cost. Either way, his human side will be curious and studious, in a constant search to understand his gift (or curse, depending on one's perspective.)
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Because Alan's powers will be changed pretty considerably, I'll go ahead and list the important stuff here. Firstly, his constructs are magical in origin and appearance, and have no resemblance to hard-light constructs except that they have a faint green shimmer around them. Alan wears no ring. Instead, his powers depend on his proximity to The Lantern. When he is withing 50 feet of The Lantern, there is virtually no limit to the things he could do or create. If given enough time and the required knowledge, he could feasibly create lifeforms.
Outside of that range, his power begins to ebb. When he reaches a mile distance from The Lantern, his ability to create complex constructs fades, and he can only make simple ones, such as swords, shields, and grasping hands. At two miles distance, his powers weaken considerably. He loses the ability to fly, and he can only produce harmless flashes of green light. Anything past that, and not only does he become weaker than an average mortal, but his body begins to deteriorate rapidly. The state of decay caused by separation from The Lantern can and will end in his death, if he is not returned to it promptly. Upon return, however, his body is rejuvenated, assuming this is done before death occurs.
Being within the radius of The Lantern's power also affords Alan a measure of superhuman attributes, such as strength exceeding that of a mortal, and speed to match, as well as preternatural flight. Similar to his body, Alan's constructs weaken and breakdown based on distance from The Lantern.
A sample post that can be used in the IC if you so desire upon acceptance. This post should provide an example of your vision for the desired character. This sample post should meet all standards outline in the rules and additionally include dialogue, mannerisms and other actions representative of your intended portrayal.