Note: Seems to be a misunderstanding of whether the scene is happening outside, or inside. It was originally outside, but I am changing it to be inside by a booth.

Location | In-N-Out Burger
Interacting with | Errbody that is there
@Plank Sinatra@BleedingLover@Hoekage@GhostMami@CosmicComet@Legion02
Location | In-N-Out Burger
Interacting with | Errbody that is there
@Plank Sinatra@BleedingLover@Hoekage@GhostMami@CosmicComet@Legion02
He got it. They wanted him to stop being a little bitch. But fuck, why was everyone up his ass about it? He wasn't imposing his sorrow on them, and it came as fast as it went! Get off his dick. He doubted any of them knew what real, hardcore heartbreak was anyways, so really, they would never understand how he was feeling. Still, their concern was appreciated, even if it was slightly annoying. He didn't even remember making it inside In-N-Out, having gone from picnic table to booth, but here he was sitting inside, with his food in front of him, glaring at the 'open relationship' couple. Yes, his bluetooth was still connected to his car, playing Aces' radio.
"You have lettuce in your teeth."
Cosmo with his charming, hot, Yessi-can't-stop-getting-wet-for-him self had to point out a flaw that everyone would love to poke fun of. Rather than, y'know, offer him a toothpick or something, EVERYONE decided to make a scene of it by intensely looking at his pearly whites. Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer.
Don't even get him started with his Valentine! Chris, who slid next to Aleks, just took one of his fries to add insult to injury, didn't he? First he was bailing, and now this. With his brown gaze, AJ watched his best friend tauntingly chew his food. Didn't he just buy his own? That was HIS fry!
There was a light clap sound against AJ's face. Yessi... just threw a fry at him. That was HIS fry too.
He will ignore that, for now.
They were all vultures. “What’s up with that face, you thinkin’ bout how you gonna miss me, baby?” Betrayal. That's all AJ felt when he stared at that dark haired, smooth skin, eyeliner wearing prick. Holding his tongue, because he was too busy trying to get the lettuce out of his teeth, he kept his thoughts to himself, which for AJ's impulsive and reactive self, it wasn't like him. But he had more pressing matters at hand. His teeth.
Seemed like the only person who shared a mutual understanding of his sour mood was Mandy, who too wasn't in the highest of spirits. It probably made him a shitty friend for not inquiring about whatever damage was scraping at her mind today, but he'd like to think she appreciated the peace of their car ride here and the calm of them two sitting together in silence, eating, until everyone started trailing in a conga line. At least she wasn't teasing him like these–
..."Fix him before I get the nerve to demonstrate this roundhouse kick I've been practicing." BIIIIIIIIITCH. Glowering, AJ darted his eyes at Yessi with a expression that read: Try me. Don't think because she's a girl he wouldn't whoop her ass! She's lucky she got a pretty face that Aleks loves to touch or AJ wouldn't refrain himself from giving slaps! He didn't need fixing.
"Hello guys! How are we? Urgh. I'm starving. Time for a Double-Double!"
His attitude went up an octave when Monica came in with her welcoming, no-judgement face. Such a babe. Any guy, or girl, would be lucky to tap that! Of course, after AJ makes sure they were in her league, because god knows she was out of theirs. He kept his lips closed but did give her a wide smile, desperately wanting to grin and show his teeth. He might need to go to the counter and ask for something to pick this food out.
❝I’ll come with you.❞ Mandy sprang into action, following Monica to the register. Don't go! The two people that kept the scale balanced abandoned ship and left AJ with the three stooges. Okay, maybe this was his chance to get up and deal with it too.
Clap. With dead, narrowed eyes, the fuming gearhead brought his attention toward Aleks' hand immediately after he felt another fry hit his face. Specifically his jaw. No, he was in no mood to have quick reflexes and who would assume all three of them would utilize the fries on this table? He should've known better! They were making 'lets eat AJ's fries or throw it at his face' a trend. Greasy ass fries on his face. Dumb.
"I raised you to have better table manners, God damn it." The ticking bomb in AJ was nearly reaching its climax.
Unfortunately, the explosion was bound to happen, but toward a member who had just rolled in and was completely in the dark of anything that's been going on. “I’m MIA for one party and suddenly you all start acting out?”
AJ stood up, looking at Matt like he was gonna' punch him. Pushing out of the booth, he turned back and like a baby giving a tantrum grabbed a handful of fries and tossed it at Aleks, Chris, and Yessi, "Here! Have all the fries!" And that's when Mandy and Monica returned.
Turning on his heel, AJ stormed to the counter. While he was making his way, bitter about a layer of things by now, he tsked, "Someone call Ellie and Parker. If they ain't here in ten, we're leaving their asses." Looking at the sheepish teen behind the register, AJ barked, "I need a fucking toothpick." When she quickly, and nervously, found and gave a couple to him, he went off to the bathroom to make sure this stupid piece of lettuce made its exit.
After a moment of staring at himself in the mirror, showcasing his teeth widely, making sure no food could be found, he tossed the toothpick in the trash, put another in his mouth to chew on, and opened his phone to check his notifications. He went to a name that he hadn't opened in about a week, since she downright declined his offer to join him and his friends on a road trip.
The text thread seemed to look like all he did was spam her, and got nothing in return.
He knew the chances of her actually replying were low, but he'd be salty if she turned him down for SAMI's road trip. What did the Island of Misfit toys have that he didn't?! Wasn't he her BEST FRIEND?!
"You have lettuce in your teeth."
Cosmo with his charming, hot, Yessi-can't-stop-getting-wet-for-him self had to point out a flaw that everyone would love to poke fun of. Rather than, y'know, offer him a toothpick or something, EVERYONE decided to make a scene of it by intensely looking at his pearly whites. Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer.
Don't even get him started with his Valentine! Chris, who slid next to Aleks, just took one of his fries to add insult to injury, didn't he? First he was bailing, and now this. With his brown gaze, AJ watched his best friend tauntingly chew his food. Didn't he just buy his own? That was HIS fry!
There was a light clap sound against AJ's face. Yessi... just threw a fry at him. That was HIS fry too.
He will ignore that, for now.
They were all vultures. “What’s up with that face, you thinkin’ bout how you gonna miss me, baby?” Betrayal. That's all AJ felt when he stared at that dark haired, smooth skin, eyeliner wearing prick. Holding his tongue, because he was too busy trying to get the lettuce out of his teeth, he kept his thoughts to himself, which for AJ's impulsive and reactive self, it wasn't like him. But he had more pressing matters at hand. His teeth.
Seemed like the only person who shared a mutual understanding of his sour mood was Mandy, who too wasn't in the highest of spirits. It probably made him a shitty friend for not inquiring about whatever damage was scraping at her mind today, but he'd like to think she appreciated the peace of their car ride here and the calm of them two sitting together in silence, eating, until everyone started trailing in a conga line. At least she wasn't teasing him like these–
..."Fix him before I get the nerve to demonstrate this roundhouse kick I've been practicing." BIIIIIIIIITCH. Glowering, AJ darted his eyes at Yessi with a expression that read: Try me. Don't think because she's a girl he wouldn't whoop her ass! She's lucky she got a pretty face that Aleks loves to touch or AJ wouldn't refrain himself from giving slaps! He didn't need fixing.
"Hello guys! How are we? Urgh. I'm starving. Time for a Double-Double!"
His attitude went up an octave when Monica came in with her welcoming, no-judgement face. Such a babe. Any guy, or girl, would be lucky to tap that! Of course, after AJ makes sure they were in her league, because god knows she was out of theirs. He kept his lips closed but did give her a wide smile, desperately wanting to grin and show his teeth. He might need to go to the counter and ask for something to pick this food out.
❝I’ll come with you.❞ Mandy sprang into action, following Monica to the register. Don't go! The two people that kept the scale balanced abandoned ship and left AJ with the three stooges. Okay, maybe this was his chance to get up and deal with it too.
Clap. With dead, narrowed eyes, the fuming gearhead brought his attention toward Aleks' hand immediately after he felt another fry hit his face. Specifically his jaw. No, he was in no mood to have quick reflexes and who would assume all three of them would utilize the fries on this table? He should've known better! They were making 'lets eat AJ's fries or throw it at his face' a trend. Greasy ass fries on his face. Dumb.
"I raised you to have better table manners, God damn it." The ticking bomb in AJ was nearly reaching its climax.
Unfortunately, the explosion was bound to happen, but toward a member who had just rolled in and was completely in the dark of anything that's been going on. “I’m MIA for one party and suddenly you all start acting out?”
AJ stood up, looking at Matt like he was gonna' punch him. Pushing out of the booth, he turned back and like a baby giving a tantrum grabbed a handful of fries and tossed it at Aleks, Chris, and Yessi, "Here! Have all the fries!" And that's when Mandy and Monica returned.
Turning on his heel, AJ stormed to the counter. While he was making his way, bitter about a layer of things by now, he tsked, "Someone call Ellie and Parker. If they ain't here in ten, we're leaving their asses." Looking at the sheepish teen behind the register, AJ barked, "I need a fucking toothpick." When she quickly, and nervously, found and gave a couple to him, he went off to the bathroom to make sure this stupid piece of lettuce made its exit.
After a moment of staring at himself in the mirror, showcasing his teeth widely, making sure no food could be found, he tossed the toothpick in the trash, put another in his mouth to chew on, and opened his phone to check his notifications. He went to a name that he hadn't opened in about a week, since she downright declined his offer to join him and his friends on a road trip.
The text thread seemed to look like all he did was spam her, and got nothing in return.
To: Tinkerbell @Dirty Pretty Lies
r u with Sami?
He knew the chances of her actually replying were low, but he'd be salty if she turned him down for SAMI's road trip. What did the Island of Misfit toys have that he didn't?! Wasn't he her BEST FRIEND?!