March 24th, 1823

Kirkpatrick House: "Of course," Millicent said as she went about making sure everything was put back exactly the way she had found it. She obviously didn't want the mans who study this was to find out that she had been in there. As Maeve informed her she was going to try to get the letter sent off she looked over towards her. "And thank you." With mailing something during this time, there were a few methods to go by. In higher homes such as the Kirkpatrick's one could usually just rest the mail near the door and the butler would see to it. For normal people they would have to go the Post and hand it off to the next carrier heading in that general direction. Or one could take it the head of a home and ask if they could hire someone personally to take it with more speed (if one didn't have the initial funds to do so themselves)
The kitchen hadn't exactly been loud but it was noisy as people were working. That was until William broke the news of what had transpired. Everyone stopped suddenly and Cook dropped a spoon. It banged against the counter, flipping slightly before dinging several times on the floor. Had it been a needle it would have been just as loud all things considered. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," the Cook said as the girl at the stove lowered her head and sniffled slightly. "It must 'ave been Rory and the Father..." Cook added as she swallowed hard. Slowly sitting down as her hand rested on the counter. "Someone go and check on Lady Kirkpatrick," she managed to get out in a trembling voice. One of the servants nodded and headed out of the kitchen.
The driver sat there and sighed a bit. "Take it you knew the two well? You have me condolences ma'am," he said quietly.
"Mmm, yes, thank you. Yes, known them for a long time. Rory 'as been with the house since he was a wee one. The Father was one of the Lady's underwings, she made sure he would be trained..." Cook said quietly before sniffling a bit and standing up. "They been family you know." Finishing preparing the trays quickly with a sad face before settling them down in front of both William and the Driver.
Port Annan: Now the Post was not only where one would send of the mail and wait for it to be delivered but it was for carriages. It was quiet literally a post in the ground where horses would be tied up, waiting for riders and drivers to head out this way and that to deliver not only mail and parcels but people from point A to point B. It was not hard to find, each small town had one towards the edge of town. Now the smaller ones there was a high chance no one would be there but in the larger ones and in ports there tended to be people waiting around on tree stumps or stools or just sitting around on the ground or even on top of their carriage or horse.
Nigel smiled over towards the lady before she left. "Of course miss, good luck on yer journey," he said before he had left the room. It wasn't long before Nigel came out of the kitchen with a portly but kind faced woman following him. He carried a couple of small boxes and she carried several plates of food. On held fish and chips and he directed the woman to place it in front of Vlad. The others were a roast with root vegetables and they were placed in front of the other two. "Here we go, something good for the belly and a long journey and here we have," Nigel said holding up the boxes. "Some of my wife's famous sweets. Shortbreads and berry tarts. These will surely tingle yer tastebuds," he said proudly as the woman smiled.
"I promise you be liking them," she said in a happy voice as Nigel walked off to go clean some tables and tend to other customers. "Anything else I can do for ya?" she asked before her eyes went to the German fellow who had Dieter, the ferret not the brother, on his shoulder and was feeding the small rodent food while making the oddest of faces towards the animal.
Carlisle: The carriage sped down the road but while the pace was fast it was smooth as it could be. The older man seemed to know his way around a carriage and was ensuring they kept moving but were not in as much danger as they would have been if they had been going at a break neck speed. The carriage bounced slightly but it was a nothing that would send either of them spilling out on the floor of the carriage or against the wall either.
Ny looked over towards Virginia and flapped his gums a few times with a chuckle. "Oh my my, what a question. What a question. I wonder if I would be able to ever come up with something that would surprise a Crypt. Let me see, let me see." He looked off for a moment, thinking. He seemed to be mumbling to himself and then shaking his head, dismissing whatever event or little tid bit of his life came to mind as not being shocking or surprising enough about himself. Every so often he would chuckle and then shake his head again. "Oh my, hard one this is. Yes indeed."
After a few more long moments he finally slapped his knee and nodded to himself. "Hrm, yes, perhaps not so much about me persay but about you. Yes, well not about you personally but your family. Did you know there is a das Grabgewölbe in Germany? Distant, very distant. Whom broke off centuries ago so they could pursue the sun instead of the night? Yes, very different from the people you know but still of the same root beds. Was such a scandal. Tan skinned and dark eyes, quiet normal in the eyes of so many but so very strange to those that would have been blood elsewhere. Oh yes, truly a strange sect they are. Went quiet mad going against their nature."