Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: "Of course," Millicent said as she went about making sure everything was put back exactly the way she had found it. She obviously didn't want the mans who study this was to find out that she had been in there. As Maeve informed her she was going to try to get the letter sent off she looked over towards her. "And thank you." With mailing something during this time, there were a few methods to go by. In higher homes such as the Kirkpatrick's one could usually just rest the mail near the door and the butler would see to it. For normal people they would have to go the Post and hand it off to the next carrier heading in that general direction. Or one could take it the head of a home and ask if they could hire someone personally to take it with more speed (if one didn't have the initial funds to do so themselves)

The kitchen hadn't exactly been loud but it was noisy as people were working. That was until William broke the news of what had transpired. Everyone stopped suddenly and Cook dropped a spoon. It banged against the counter, flipping slightly before dinging several times on the floor. Had it been a needle it would have been just as loud all things considered. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," the Cook said as the girl at the stove lowered her head and sniffled slightly. "It must 'ave been Rory and the Father..." Cook added as she swallowed hard. Slowly sitting down as her hand rested on the counter. "Someone go and check on Lady Kirkpatrick," she managed to get out in a trembling voice. One of the servants nodded and headed out of the kitchen.

The driver sat there and sighed a bit. "Take it you knew the two well? You have me condolences ma'am," he said quietly.

"Mmm, yes, thank you. Yes, known them for a long time. Rory 'as been with the house since he was a wee one. The Father was one of the Lady's underwings, she made sure he would be trained..." Cook said quietly before sniffling a bit and standing up. "They been family you know." Finishing preparing the trays quickly with a sad face before settling them down in front of both William and the Driver.
Port Annan: Now the Post was not only where one would send of the mail and wait for it to be delivered but it was for carriages. It was quiet literally a post in the ground where horses would be tied up, waiting for riders and drivers to head out this way and that to deliver not only mail and parcels but people from point A to point B. It was not hard to find, each small town had one towards the edge of town. Now the smaller ones there was a high chance no one would be there but in the larger ones and in ports there tended to be people waiting around on tree stumps or stools or just sitting around on the ground or even on top of their carriage or horse.

Nigel smiled over towards the lady before she left. "Of course miss, good luck on yer journey," he said before he had left the room. It wasn't long before Nigel came out of the kitchen with a portly but kind faced woman following him. He carried a couple of small boxes and she carried several plates of food. On held fish and chips and he directed the woman to place it in front of Vlad. The others were a roast with root vegetables and they were placed in front of the other two. "Here we go, something good for the belly and a long journey and here we have," Nigel said holding up the boxes. "Some of my wife's famous sweets. Shortbreads and berry tarts. These will surely tingle yer tastebuds," he said proudly as the woman smiled.

"I promise you be liking them," she said in a happy voice as Nigel walked off to go clean some tables and tend to other customers. "Anything else I can do for ya?" she asked before her eyes went to the German fellow who had Dieter, the ferret not the brother, on his shoulder and was feeding the small rodent food while making the oddest of faces towards the animal.


Carlisle: The carriage sped down the road but while the pace was fast it was smooth as it could be. The older man seemed to know his way around a carriage and was ensuring they kept moving but were not in as much danger as they would have been if they had been going at a break neck speed. The carriage bounced slightly but it was a nothing that would send either of them spilling out on the floor of the carriage or against the wall either.

Ny looked over towards Virginia and flapped his gums a few times with a chuckle. "Oh my my, what a question. What a question. I wonder if I would be able to ever come up with something that would surprise a Crypt. Let me see, let me see." He looked off for a moment, thinking. He seemed to be mumbling to himself and then shaking his head, dismissing whatever event or little tid bit of his life came to mind as not being shocking or surprising enough about himself. Every so often he would chuckle and then shake his head again. "Oh my, hard one this is. Yes indeed."

After a few more long moments he finally slapped his knee and nodded to himself. "Hrm, yes, perhaps not so much about me persay but about you. Yes, well not about you personally but your family. Did you know there is a das Grabgewölbe in Germany? Distant, very distant. Whom broke off centuries ago so they could pursue the sun instead of the night? Yes, very different from the people you know but still of the same root beds. Was such a scandal. Tan skinned and dark eyes, quiet normal in the eyes of so many but so very strange to those that would have been blood elsewhere. Oh yes, truly a strange sect they are. Went quiet mad going against their nature."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (Inn)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

The service was impeccable, of course. The man with the eyebrows and sideburns that could probably fight the forces of evil with or without the man to whom they were attached certainly wasted no time in the acquisition and distribution of the finest of local foodstuffery. It was enough to easily fill the belly and warm the extremities. Vladimir's eyes danced across the wonder of his second attempt at consuming, as he put it so eloquently, The Fishes & Chips. I might be argued that the first such attempt was successful as he indeed did ingest said lunch back in Bristol, but considering that it quickly moved to decorate the main deck of the merchant vessel they had chartered, it could hardly be considered nourishment in the long-term. Such it was that Vlad felt a stirring of gratitude that the odd man, Nigel Ownerand, had graced him with such simple and welcome repast, that he barely mumbled a heartfelt, "Most absolute and vondrous thankings of you, Mr. Proprietor!" before attacking the contents of his plate with gusto. And malt vinegar.

Vlad laid another piece of local currency upon the bartop for the purpose of payment, just in case the first coin he pressed into the man's hand at their meeting was taken as a sort of bribe for preferential service and not payment in advance as he had (mostly) intended it to be. The customs of this strange country of England weren't fully picked up by Vladimir, although the sound of currency hitting flat, polished wood as recognized everywhere he had ever visited as something that could solve many minor difficulties, not unlike bacon. As he ate and ate, the boisterous Russian performer looked back to Constantin and Ludwig, stating, "Is good. Ve go in minutes, have the sveet things for road, and get to Green of Gretna strong. Da? Da. Is good." As he came to the last few morsels of fried potatoes and fish, Vladimir was regretful only that there was not more to be had. But his colleague was correct: they did have a mission to complete.

"A thousand thousand blessings upon establishment of Nigel Ownerand, Proprietor of this Inn. But ve must avay. If this place in vithin path upon return, I pledge to grace your fine floors vith my bootsteps. Spasibo, Mr. Nigel." The Great Bazhooli bowed with the flourish and panache generally reserved for dignitaries or special guests, or just people he wished to impress with his natural ...impressiveness... and gathered up one of the boxes presented to his group that contained the man's wife's handiwork. "This, I vill treasure." Provided that his traveling companions were coming to a likewise state of readiness, Vladimir prepared himself for the road yet again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Port Annan
Skills: Language -English

Colette rattled thoughts inside of her head. Surely the post was where letters were sent? She would have to find where that would be. Since Port Annan was a dock and a small hub, she assumed it would be easy to locate. However, the realization she was alone had just hit her. Fyror had ran off somewhere and she left the two from the ship back at the inn.

Fighting a small urge to panic, she took a deep breath. She made it here and was alive. That was important. And she was not without her own means. Also good. And she had that coin. For whatever reason, it gave her a small comfort. But she didn't need it now. She could take care of herself.

She came up to a random person, "Pardon me, but I am a bit lost. Could you tell me where the post is?" Hopefully the person knew and, more to the point, was feeling helpful.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Virginia smiled slightly at his comments. "Not even us Crypts know everything," she reminded him before he began. She never wanted to be so ignorant as to think there was nothing left in the world she would find shocking or surprising. People who made up their minds that everything was exactly as they expected and nothing could ever vary from that tended to be irritating and short sighted. If there was nothing left to surprise her, then life would become incredibly disappointing. She loved the unknown far more than she could ever cherish the known. She wanted to hold onto her sense of wonder as long as she possibly could.

As Ny finally came to a tidbit to share, Virginia grinned and leaned forward slightly in expectation. It was a good thing that the carriage wasn't too bumpy as otherwise, she might have been easily thrown to the ground in this position. Experience over speed was paying off so far. And she knew that Millicent could wait. Her friend hadn't even asked her to do this. This was a quest to ensure that Millicent was fine - not a quest to force a choice upon her.

His story did not fail to surprise her. Her eyes widened a bit, hearing that there were indeed white sheep in her family - those who decided to walk the Path of Light instead of the Path of Night. "I have never heard of the das Grabgewölbe before," she admitted, thinking over the news. "But I would very much like to meet them one day. Family is family, no matter the path that they walk." It was a firmly held belief of hers, as well as her parents. A Crypt was a Crypt - even if they made questionable choices and enjoyed gruesome aesthetics. Nothing changed that.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Outside of the Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve hesitated for a moment, holding the letter in her hands as she thought through the various options. Millicent had entrusted her to see that this was sent. Now, while she could leave it for the butler to have him send it out, there was the risk that Millicent's fiancé might find the letter and destroy it. Of course, there was also the question if Maeve cared enough to go out of her way to ensure that it was sent without that chance. She knew that had she not been in a household such as this, she would have to venture to the Post and see to it that a carrier brought it in that direction.

Now, if she did decide herself to go get this sent personally at the Post, she'd have to make her way back over there. The only Post she had knowledge of in this area would be at Port Annan. Taking a carriage in order to get back there seemed a bit ridiculous and over the top for her to do at the moment. She wasn't going to leave the house in order to get the highest quality delivery service for Millicent. No, so that left her with either leaving it by the door for the butler or tracking him down personally and telling him to immediately see to it. She sighed a bit, torn over the decision. Did she go out of her way for the security of this letter?

Shaking her head a bit, Maeve headed to the front entrance, letter in hand, hoping to spot the butler but if she didn't, she'd just leave it for him for when he had a moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

William had been expecting a reaction, but maybe not one quite so jarring. It was foolish of him not to think that the bodies that they had laid in front of the house might be more than just travelling companions of Lady Kirkpatrick. Of course they were members of their household, and he wasn't surprised that the news of their death would cause shock, especially if they had been with the house for as long as it sounded like they had. Regardless, what was done was done, and he couldn't take back what he had said. If he'd thought about it, he might have given the news in a gentler manner, but in the end, it was better that they knew.

Despite the somber mood that had rapidly descended over the room, one detail did strike William. The news of the Soulless attack itself seemed to have caused barely a ripple. This may of course have been down to the shock at the death of the two men, 'Rory' and 'the Father', but in his mind, it went some way in proving his initial thoughts. The servants were confident enough in the safety of the house. Clearly Lady Kirkpatrick could handle herself, and he knew that the girl that had been with her could too, but in a house this size, he was sure there were plenty of other's who were trained to defend against the Soulless. And even if they weren't officially trained, he was sure plenty would have a weapon close at hand. Lady Kirkpatrick didn't come across as a fool, nor someone who would tolerate any.

Glancing down at the tray that had now been placed before him, William realised that a stony silence was threatening to fall over the room, the servants reeling from the news. Looking up at the cook, William nodded slightly, echoing the driver again.

"You have my condolences as well, ma'am. I am sorry that I was the bearer of bad news, they sound like good men."

William had never been good at dealing with grief. When his mother had died, he was still a boy, and he had never had time to grieve. And when his father was killed, William simply didn't know how to. He'd lived his whole life from one day to the next, always moving, never lingering in one place for too long. Maybe he was continuing his father's quest, maybe he was simply living the life of the musician, or maybe he was scared of what ghosts would catch up with him if he ever did stop moving.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Inn)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Constantin's comments seemed to not be as noted, but he didn't mind it too much, especially when the food was delivered soon after and he hurried to eat the one put in front of him like a starving wolf. He ate about as fast as Vlad was doing and did so as a proud circus performer who was trying to save on time. Thus the meal was devoured and seemed like vanishing in a flash." Thank you, this very good." He said out in between a few bites before returning to the food. As Vlad was hurrying to finish his, Constantin was making sure to not be far behind his leader and finished his last bites moments after. He had stuffed himself quite a lot and his jaw was almost feeling tired from chewing too fast for too little time. Still he let out a satisfied breath and patted his stomach once he was done with the food.

He then looked at hte boxes of sweets and nodded. Well this was fine too, certianly not his proposal of dried fruits, but this was technically better in the short run. They could enjoy some great tasty sweets for the moment." These are much appreciated. You have my thanks." The fire walker added as he took a box of the sweets. Yeah, these were for later, for road, he had nodded at them and smiled as he threw a quick glance inside the box to confirm." Smells good!" He added.

He then hurried to stand up and prepare himself back for traveling condition. He checked his belt, his scabbard, his sword and so on. In a hurry he had confirmed all was on, all was secured and then picked the sweets back up. He threw a glance at Ludwig and Dieter, the ferret not the brother." I'm ready to go..." He said to Vlad then returned back his eyes to the ferret." I'm sorry, My ferret friend, we cannot stay longer to secure you other sweets. I vill give you some of mine on the road instead." The fire walker promised a ferret like it was the most ordinary thing to do in the world with a smile. Well it was. He liked the little thing and didn't see anything bad with fulfilling his promise to it which was to give it foodstuffs.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: In the lovely Kirkpatrick house there was a solemn feeling eeping out of the kitchen as foot steps hit the back set of stairs coming from the upper part of the house. It was the butler and he stopped and looked around at the people there. "I see you have been informed of our losses," he said as he looked them over, obviously overhearing the tail-end of the conversation on his way down. Sighing he pulled up a stool and sat down. One of the scullery maids pouring him a cup of tea, which he took and sipped on it slowly. "The Lady Kirkpatrick has given us the rest of the day off from our duties as long as several meals are packed and put in cold storage for this evening for those in the house," he said before looking over towards Cook. "Do make sure it is tended to before you leave for the day if you would. The Lady says there will be a funeral service in three days for both of them, I must deliver a letter to the church to inform them of..." he said trailing off, those of the house knew who he was referring too.

As Maeve was looking around footsteps came from the sitting room. It was Rutherford. He was grinning slightly as he sauntered over towards the woman. "Well, you seem to look lost," he said as he popped a grape into his mouth. He looked her over and stopped as he spotted that she was holding something in her hand. His eyes narrowed somewhat. "What we do have there?" he asked in an accusatory fashion.

Coming from around the corner, Millicent was patting the back of her hair as if she had just come from freshening up. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting," she said in a meek voice as she lowered her hand. Rutherford's eyes held to Maeve's for a moment before grunting and looking over towards Millicent. He looked her over and noted she did seem to be better put together. "Are we leaving now?" she asked timidly.

Rutherford cleared his throat. "Yes, it would be best. Something has come up with the Earl and Lord Kirkpatrick, they will not be back until this evening. We should be leaving now," he said as he ushered Millicent towards the door. "Do tell you Mistress we are thankful for the hospitality," he said before walking out the door with Millicent and shutting it behind them. Looking around his eyes narrowed. "Where in the hell is our driver?" he said in an angered tone.

Port Annan: Things over in Port Annan were about as calm as could be expected right then. Ludwig was more than happy to eat away bouncing in his chair like a spring that refused to stop being sprung. Every so often holding up a piece of food for Dieter, his ferret not his brother. I mean, honestly, it would be odd to feed his brother considering he was dead. If he was a Soulless, then maybe it wouldn't have been as odd then again it could have been even odder to feed a soulless perched on Ludwig's shoulder like a ferret, named Dieter of course, but then again, this is Ludwig we are talking about. For all we know he did convince his brother to sit on his shoulder like a parrot or a ferret. Oh a parrot, that would be a nice pet, teach it to talk, ride it into the air, but he could fly himself. No, ferrets were much better a choice for a noble steed.

Money was taken and thanks was given. It was time to move on. While Ludwig might have been the odd one in the bunch but Vlad was the must more dramatic one and was catching a lot of eyes from people who were not very sure what to make of the man. Once the group was out the door, Ludwig waving brightly with a wide goofy smile, they all kind of exchanged some odd looks to each other before going back about their day. Ludwig popping his head back in at the last second, rushing over to the bar and grabbing his box before rushing back out again. Once the door closed, it seemed the place was as quiet as it had been since a Father Fuddles was in the place.

Outside, in the streets. It seemed that a young French woman was lost in the crowd. One that had been on the boat with them and was trying to get directions. Ludwig was not fond of the French and swerved a wide path around the other side of the street from her. Tucking his head down as he cradled his bag tight and Dieter rested on his shoulder, his ferret not his brother. How many times do I have to tell you this? Anywho, there was a random person willing to help Colette thankfully. "Why yes Miss, just follow this road to the edge of town and you will see the post and carriages, you can't be missin' it," the man said before tipping his hat and going on his way.


Road To Gretna Green: Ny smiled and nodded, patting his knee roughly to her answer. "Tis good to hear. Yes, yes, very good indeed." He seemed pleased with the answer as he pushed back in his seat to make sure he was grounded as best he could be in the carriage. Even in the best types of carriages and on the best of roads they could be bumpy. This was neither of these but it did seem that the man that was driving them was able to make the best of a bad situation. But then again it was best to be safer than sorrier. Not safe than sorry because in this world everyone was a bit sorry and no one was fully safe. At least not really. Maybe in a mad mind, not a sad mind, but a mad mind they might be, but hey, don't tell a certain someone that. You know how he feels. He's never mad, not even when he is wearing a hat and drinking a lovely cuppa tea.

"Yes, do come to my home land. Oh yes, see the dark forest, we have creatures there that would truly scintillating to a Crypt of your nature. You said you know my friends student. Ludwig, did you not? He adores the dark forest and has traveled wide. Yes, do, please go visit and make sure to bring a tour guide lest you be lost in the dark," he said in a scary tone before chuckling, half expecting that she would adore getting lost in the dark. "So, my dear Virginia, quid pro quo. Tell me something about you that would surprise me. Yes, I believe I would like to be surprised. Not a surprise in which makes me jump or worry but something truly marvelous that makes my brows raised and lips turn upwards. Oh yes, tell me something only you know," he said turning the tables to the young woman. He felt it was only fair.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

William was glad of the distraction as footsteps approached. The kitchen had quickly been becoming far too dreary a place, and all of the grief was starting to make William's skin itch. Grieving had always seemed like a weakness to William, not something that he had ever suffered from. If nothing else, it had robbed him of his appetite. Not least because he could imagine the disapproving looks from the servants if he started tucking into some cold meats while they were still reeling from the deaths of their friends. No, for now he would forgo the tray that had been prepared for him, instead turning towards the doorway expectantly, hoping that whoever came through the door might alleviate the mood somewhat.

No such luck. At least the butler's message suggested that the grieving would be alleviated, at least in the immediate vicinity. He was sure if he had known the two men, then William could regret their deaths, but he had never known the men in life. The only experience he had ever had with them was dragging their bloody carcasses off the roof of a carriage, and that could hardly be considered a bonding experience. He wasn't cold-hearted, or at least he didn't think that he was, so maybe he was being harsh on these people and their suffering. Lady Kirkpatrick certainly seemed to have anticipated the impact that their deaths would cause if she was willing to give her staff the rest of the day off. Compassionate was not one of the qualities that he had heard mentioned regarding Lady Kirkpatrick, but compassionate she certainly appeared to be. The woman was certainly full of surprises.

The butler trailed off, and silence descended over the room again. William glanced down at the untouched tray before him, and frowned slightly at the waste before rising to his feet, and glancing across at the cook.

"Thank you for your hospitality, ma'am, but I do not want to intrude any longer than I already have."

William half-turned away from the table, back towards the door of the kitchen, before hesitating. A pang of hunger hit him, and he decided that perhaps he could weather the disapproving glances. He glanced down the tray sitting in front of him, looking at it properly for the first time. Feeling a second pang of hunger, William carefully picked up the bread and slice of ham sitting there. Looking across at the cook again, William smiled slightly.

"Thank you again, ma'am."

William glanced at the driver for a moment, hoping the man would follow, before turning to leave the kitchen.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (City Streets)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

"Life is nothing without passion. Nothing." These were the words of the previous Great Bazhooli, gifted to Vladimir, the present, prior to his ascension to the title himself. The words were often a centering phrase for him; a mantra, if you will. A thing which guided his words and actions even if others around him could not fathom the depths to the drama he imparted upon his surroundings. Perhaps such an opportunity to show off motivated him to enter the business of Master Nigel Ownerand, as the persons of La Canela did not appear to the overly impressed with the juggling of knives and smashing of his face. Or perhaps he had an ulterior motive involving the others hitching a ride with the seagoing folk.

The reasons he gave were genuine, though not a complete assessment of his full thoughts on the matter. He did wish to grab a hot meal, the last hot meal he might have in a while, but he also wanted to see if the paths of the other pair were to cross theirs in a more meaningful fashion before they departed. Coincidences seemed to tally up when out in the world of grand adventure, and this Great Bazhooli was going to move along with it in stride. There was the tiniest fleck of disappointment when they removed themselves from the Inn without so much as a nod or glance in their direction. Well, some coincidences were just that, Vlad supposed - coincidences. Incidents which merely happened concurrently.

These thoughts kept his head abuzz as he took back the reins of his great ebon horse, Tolstoy(!) and secured his belongings about the noble beast's tack. He took to his saddle with grace and panache, set his tall hat atop his brow, and nudged the horse to a walk. Safety suggested that he not bring the full power of the fine Brivaldi horse to bear until he had cleared the limits of the city. And then... the rush of wind in his face and the rhythm of hoofbeats thundering beneath him. He gave a broad, warming smile in the direction of his associate, Constantin, and got himself underway.

In contrast to his general verbose nature, Vladimir remained more or less quiet for a man of his ilk while making his way out of Port Annan. It was not until he witnessed the strange behavior (yes, even for him) of Ludwig, ducking away and succeeding in being conspicuously inconspicuous while trying to avoid the lady that he remembered from the boat. "Master Zimmer," he began to inquire, still seated upright in his saddle, "vhyfor do you hide from beauteous lady from boat? Vas there ..ah.. hmm, vhat is word... Ah! Vas there trysting taking place vith you and voman, and now drives you to embarrassment? Trying to avoid, as you have, oh dare I am proposing, other voman vith vhich you are not vanting to know? Qvite the scoundrel, da?" He spoke playfully, as if only half joking with the man about his motivations for wishing to remain hidden. "Maybe ve should asking, hmm?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle
Skills: N/A

Virginia had to think for a moment, considering the question that Ny had asked her in return. It was indeed fair for him to turn the tables on her and as she had learned much through the stories of her family, Virginia decided to focus on her family once more. There was something marvelous that had happened recently - something extraordinary that she was one of the few who could tell. The others she had informed about what had happened - they were dead. She doubted that they would come back as a Soulless to spoil this. "My parents have been on an extended voyage for some time - a voyage that many believe has caused them to pass onto the next life."

This was just the preface, of course. "At the funeral of my dear friend Mosi, a message from my father was sent to me - through the flames," she told him. "He made contact with me - instructed me to Seek Life Elsewhere." She knew it wasn't strictly about her, but communication through fire with a supposedly deceased parent she figured counted as surprising. Virginia certainly had not been expecting it at Mosi's funeral. Perhaps Ny might be able to shed some light on it. She had yet to consult with someone of his exact background on it. Her mind then flickered back to the woman she had seen at the Mamushka. So many extraordinary and terrible things were happening all at once. Had her brother not been placed in danger, she would have been able to enjoy the macabre delights more properly.

She then peered out the window again, wondering how much longer it would be. "Though... I would love to explore that forest. Perhaps I can convince Ludwig to be my guide," she mused, referring to their earlier line of conversation.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Outside of the Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve rolled her eyes in disgust as Rutherford came up to her, asking her in that tone about the letter she was carrying. Maeve tightened her grip on it, ready to give the man a good smacking if he tried to take it from her. She was hired to serve Lady Kirkpatrick - not the entitled behavior of these titled men. If Lady Kirkpatrick asked her to attend to them, then that would be fine - annoying but fine. It was all for Roisin. "Tis none av yer business what it'iz," Maeve told him matter of factly. Sure, she had no doubt that whatever Millicent had put inside of this letter, it was indeed connected to Rutherford but she didn't care. She didn't have the patience to stomach his ego unless she absolutely had to.

Millicent then appeared, preventing further questioning from Rutherford. Maeve supposed that he liked her for her beauty - she seemed very mild mannered and vulnerable. Perhaps there had been something more there, but she didn't know and it wasn't really any of her business. She then heard Lord Rutherford explain that the two men would not be back until evening - and it gave her an idea. She would be able to investigate if she wished. However, given that she could not read and these men struck her as the type to leave incriminating evidence in the form of the written word, there wasn't much use there. "Aye, I'll tell m'lady," she told Rutherford as he left. She then remained where she was, still holding onto Millicent's letter.

She still needed to get this sent off. She decided to wait until she knew Rutherford and Millicent had left, and then she'd just leave it by the front.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Inn)-> Port Annan(Streets)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

As his companions rushed to leave in a great hurry, a hurry which Constantin was quite in favor of, especially when he was the one who kept reminding htem that they should get moving, he quickly started walking after them in heading outside. He was really happy that it was about time they head out and resume their search for Veta. She was someone that Constantin really didn't want to abandon on both the side of duty and on the side of friendship. She was a dear friend to him and he valued her a lot and at the same time she was important person because of her heritage and origins. Thus he could only pray she was alright... somewhere out there. Maybe she had arrived at her destination whatever that was without problems. Hopefully it was so!

Finally outside, he quickly found his horse and joined in with Vlad who was also on his brave steed. Constantin didn't move as fast right away as they took some distance, he was looking for their German guide. Not surprisingly Constantin had found him doing some weird things not bound by his logic as a firewalker. He was sure by now that the German man had his own thread of logic reasoning that was probably sound in some way he didn't understand. Difference in ways of thinking and my the way of thinking between these two men was different on so many levels. As Vlad proceeded to attept to seemingly tease their guide, he looked around the street, eyes narrowed as he did so." Great Bazhooli, I'm sure he's got his reasons." Constantin just mentioned and looked at Ludwig. Besides the firewalker was reasonably inclined to believe that if Ludwig was really up to something it might have a hidden reason for it... Like moving giant valls... That one had left deep impression on the firewalker for the sheer amount of improbability of it being planned to be allowed to happen sometime in the past. Though to be fair he was also somewhat curios who exactly could make something like that to begin with.

"Do you still vant to ride vith me?" He asked, his horse stepping in place left and right, almost as if sensing it's rider's desire to get going." Vill be faster to ride you out of here rather than you valking out of here... I'm sure ve vill find the vay out fast." He threw in, wanting to save as much time as possible so they can travel for longer. Longer travel now, meant more grounds covered before resting for the night.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: The driver looked over towards William and noted he was starting to go. It was probably a good idea. Taking a bite of his food he then pulled out a piece of linen from his pocket and wrapped up the rest, downed his tea, and stood up. "Yes, thank ya kindly," he said before heading towards the door.

"Of course, safe travels," Cook said before they left. The driver made his way down the back steps, a crust of bread still in hand as he waddled around the back of the house and towards the front. Every so often taking a bite from it. He jumped slightly when he rounded the front of the house to see Millicent and Lord Rutherford standing there. The Lord Rutherford looking anything but happy about the situation, and Millicent biting her bottom lip slightly in what one could only assume was worry.

"Where in the blazes have you been?" Rutherford snapped as he walked down the front stairs, Millicent on his am but seemingly more in tow than anything else. The driver started moving quicker.

"Sorry Mi'lord, we saw that Lord Egerton had left and thought it would be a while, our mistake," he said as he rushed over to the carriage, shoving the bread into his pocket and opening the door for them. Rutherford seemed less than pleased with the explanation as he lead Millicent over to the carriage and ushered her into it.

It was a few moments after the front door closed that Lady Kirkpatrick came out of her room and appeared at the top of the stairs. "Have all the blithering idiots left my home?" she asked as she put her hand on the rail and started to walk down the stairs. "It is surely bad enough when I have to deal with one idiot that I am related to but when he brings in more, it is as if I have a congress of bumbling buffoons under my feet."

Making her way down the bottom of the stairs she glanced around. Seeing it was only her and Maeve about she sighed in a huff before glancing towards the girl. "Don't know about you but I could use a drink, what say you?"

Port Annan: There was a dip and dive, a duck and a doge of the people around him as Ludwig kept moving as quickly as his feet could carry him and as far away as space would allow from the woman. Spinning around in place he looked over towards Vlad. "I, oh hu hu hu, blah blah blah, French! Baguette, Croissant, conquer, no up, look down, hu hu hu," he rambled on. It seemed that the German man had no like of the French woman and was doing his apt best to stay away from her now that they were not on the boat. It was no secret that the Germans in general were not fans of the French, especially after their occupation of their homelands. Seemed Ludwig was of a general mind, even if muddled.

"Yes! To ride, on the wind!, Dieter, my ferret, not my brother, go to Fire Walker, I be there in a flap of a wing, not the shake of a lambs tail as I have no tail but you have a tail so shake it," he said. Dieter, the ferret not the brother, jumped down and scurried through the crowd towards Constantin's horse as Ludwig dipped into an alleyway. A look, a grin, and down down down he went. A dip and a dive and a little flight and there he was at the horse and climbing into the saddle bag along side Dieter, his ferret not his brother.

Oh yes, very nice, very nice indeed. Swift as winds we can go now. Yes, yes, far far away from French, blegh!" Ludwig said as he curled his tiny hands over the seam of the saddle bag and looked out. He wasn't mad, he was glad, he was always glad, people called him mad but he wasn't. But he could be, maybe, around the French he could be mad but no, right now he was glad, not mad, to ride, and hide, with Dieter, his ferret not his brother, by his side.


Road To Gretna Green: Ny sat there listening to the young Crypt woman. It seemed she had to think on it for a long while. That or the time that ticket in his head was far slower than the time that was actually passing. It could be that way sometimes. When one was actively doing something the time could seem to slip by like sand through open fingers but when someone was waiting on something, those sands stopped as if one had closed their fist fight, refusing to let a single grain pass through, a single second. Or maybe he was just old and going senile. Could be but then again, for someone of his line, what would be the difference?

As she finally spoke and gave him a tale of her own, he didn't looked surprised but he did look a tad intrigued. As she spoke he dug into his robe and pulled out a journal. It seemed to be on similar in nature to the one that Ludwig had used back at the Circus. Not the one he only drew in but in the one he kept his notes in of his travels. The thing was Ny's looked to be much thicker and much more worn out. Perhaps from the longer life that he had led. "Yes, mmm, yes," he said to her mention of perhaps seeking Ludwig as a tour guide through the Black Forest. "Ah, yes. Here is it," he said muttering and speaking more to himself than to Virginia. Running his finger over the page before snapping the book shut he looked over to her.

"He's alive, in India."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Port Annan
Skills: Language -English

Colette thanked the man with a light curtsy. “Thank you ever so much sir.” She turned to face the direction indicated by him and made her way. Thankful she was now heading in the right direction, she let her mind wander a bit more. She now had to determine how she would handle seeing Lord Rutherford. What could she do exactly? The man was powerful and had friends in high places, surely. Plus, how would she explain finding them? Being in the right place at the right time perhaps? Either way, once she was sure that Millicent’s safety was met, she would decide then and there what to do.

She wondered if she should write her brother and see what he thinks. She had a feeling she knew what he would say though. “Stay out of matters in another’s marriage.” Her brother did not understand the thoughts of a woman though. She had a small inkling he never will either and she pitied the woman that will marry him, despite his great personality and handsome looks. The woman will have to pick up the slack in that relationship.

She noted that a man walking down the street made a show of avoiding her by going completely around her on the opposite side. She stared at him briefly. What was that all about? Surely she was not scary-looking. She decided it was not worth thinking about too much as she made it to the post. She walked over to them, eager to get started. “Good day. My name is Colette and I was told to find you. You see, I am looking for a friend and her fiancé as I have an urgent message for them and was told you would know where to find them. Lady Millicent and, more specifically, Lord Rutherford.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Kirkpatrick House
Skills: N/A

William was glad to see that the driver had followed his example. He had to admit that he was reluctant to turn his back on the warmth and hospitality of the kitchen so quickly, but the news that their arrival had brought, and the mood that had subsequently settled, had certainly imbued a chill in the room, and William was loathe to remain any longer than he had to. Regardless, he still had some food, and as he walked, he ate, humming some half-forgotten tune between bites. He glanced across at the driver and saw that the other man was eating on the move as well. William allowed himself a slight smile. The man was rough-edged, but he was a good man, one of the hard-working and honest types. If the bad feeling that William got around Rutherford wasn't just a hunch, then the driver could prove to be a useful ally.

Almost as if just thinking his name could summon him, William caught sight of Rutherford, standing by the carriage, as they came around the side of the house. He didn't look to be in the best of moods. The driver spotted Rutherford at the same time, jumping slightly in surprise and quickening his pace. William saw that Millicent was also standing by the carriage, although whether that was at all by her choice, he couldn't tell. After a quick exchange of words, it appeared that they had been wrong when they thought that Egerton's departure meant that their own would be delayed, it looked like they would be heading on without the other man. This at least brought a smile to William's face. From a practical standpoint, it meant that if this whole thing did come to violence, Rutherford would not have a man at his back. But more importantly, it meant William wouldn't have to endure that toad any longer.

Rutherford and Millicent had already climbed inside the carriage by the time William reached it, but something stopped him from climbing in behind them. For a start, Rutherford had hardly looked like he was in a conversational mood, and there was also the matter of his last interaction with Millicent hardly going as smoothly as he liked. Making his decision, William closed the carriage door, and clambered up to sit beside the driver, taking another bite from the chunk of bread as he settled into his seat and prepared for the journey ahead.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Streets)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Constantin was somewhat concerned about the degree of the displayed emotions about the French woman and how the German might act from this moment on, but luckily his concern proved unwarranted as the German man agreed very readily to ride with him right away. This was good, he was worried Ludwig might choose to walk the longest way around before he joins them or something. Admittedly that was probably not the best way of thinking or the friendliest, but you never know. Ludwig had proven himself ellusive to the concept of common sense that was utilized by the firewalker. Though that mentioned, the firewalker realized that even if Ludwig took the longest way around, he might find a way to make it the best option avaible. Things seems to work that way with him.

Anyway, concerned left by the roadside, the firewalker watched as Dieter, the ferret not hte brother, was the first one to get onto the horse... sort of. Dieter got into the saddle bag, that worked, it was nice, safe and there was no danger of the important animal to be thrown off during the horse's fast galloping. Then moments later came Ludwig. Constantin almost wanted to figure out a quirky title for the German fellow as to go along with Dieter's, but couldn't think of one that would do a good job. Still he smiled as the German had gotten into the bag as well and nodded as he turned the horse along, ushering it forward in reasonable speed to move next to Vlad so they can get going onto the road indicated by their currently tiny guide." Don't shov out of the bag too much, we will be moving fast, I don't vant to find you having vanished cause you got throvn off, okey?" Constantin said to the tiny human that was now riding along with him. Then he turned to Vlad." Ve are ready to go at utmost speed once ve leave tovn." He readily reported.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Vladimir Alexandrov

Location: Port Annan (City Streets)
Skills: Fal'shbort (Passive), Tretiy Glaz (Passive), English

Vladimir gave a reaching and boisterous laugh, seeing the reaction of his German ally and guide to the supposition that he may (or may not) have engaged in activities most personal with the French lady. He shrugged it off. Vlad did not know what difficulties Ludwig may or may not have had with persons of a Francian nature, being as his knowledge of the geopolitical or military history of Europe was limited to what he overheard on the road or, with even less reliability, what news happened to make it into and/or past the Carpathian Mountains of his home. They had their own drama and difficulties there, so very far removed from the issues plaguing this part of the world. Yet it still drew a laugh from the veteran Circus performer. "Is good! Is good. I am liking you, Ludvig. You are humoring. But come! Are ve not trying for to make allies, friends, peoples who may come together from places most strange for to unite?" He shrugged and gave the German fellow a dashing smile. "And is very strange to eat snails and vear big powdery vigs, da?" He didn't take into consideration that the French were, to common knowledge, part of the nations that fell under the umbrella of the Graveolase, thus making it fairly ineligible for recruiting by their fledgling organization.

In any case, he was glad to be atop his great black horse, Tolstoy(!), riding out of town in pursuit of their mission. Vladimir was glad to be out and about in the world in a grand piece of adventure, but he did wish to get it accomplished and return to his people soon. To that end, he gave a steady affirmation to the words of Constantin and his report that they would be ready to haul their proverbial asses as soon as they exited the more population-congested limits of the city of Port Annan. "Excellent, Constantin Firevalker. Ve should be on the ready vonce ve get past post and onto trade road," he returned, before being struck with an air of rising histrionics. "And then... then, my companions of travel; then the peoples of Isle Britannia vill hear thundering hoofbeats, feel very ground shake at passing of majestic beasts of Rusyn Training, vitness awesome speed and stamina of ancient line of Brivaldi!" Vlad positioned himself to stand on his saddle, balancing with crossed arms as the horse stepped slowly forward. "Not far now. Da, Ludvig?" he inquired, slipping back down to rest upon his saddle. The edge of the town seemed to creep closer. Soon enough, they would be fully underway.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

March 24th, 1823


Kirkpatrick House: Will update next round

Road to Gretna Green: Once Lord Rutherford and Millicent were the carriage and the door was shut the driver looked down and spotted that William had opted to not join them in the main part of the carriage. He held the reigns to keep the horses steady until William had climbed up and had a seat next to him. "Don't blame ya," he said quietly before waiting for the tell tale double tap on the carriage roof. Once it came he snapped the reigns and the horses started to move, pulling the carriage with them slowly as they exited the grounds of the Kirkpatrick House.

Turning down the road, he picked up speed slightly but just slightly as they were still in town as it were. "I wouldn't want to be a fly in that carriage right now," the driver said as they kept moving. "A'long as we don' be havin' no problems should be at the Green within the hour," he added as he palmed both reigns in one hand and took out a piece of cheese he had pocketed. Popping it into his mouth and chewing slowly as they got the edge of town and picked up pace. "God I hope they be done with me after this, I want to be getting back to Port sometime tonight," he muttered under his breath but he doubted this would be the end of it.

Port Annan: A man at the post looked over to Colette and tilted his head to the side. "I be seein', just a minute Miss," he said before turning his pack and reaching through the small window of the office like building, more like an outhouse, but it did the job for the small post. Turning back around he held an old and well used ledger in his hand. "Let me see, let me see," he said as he placed a finger on the page and started going down it. "No Rutherford or Millicent listed but I do be having a Lord Egerton listed that headed out this morning with some others. Only lords listed in the last day," he said before looking up at her. "Sorry miss, don't seem to be having the ones you be looking fer."

"Yes, yes, like the wind, over the bridge and through the woods to Gretna Green we do, Ludwig knows the way to carry us there through the winding roads and brush," Ludwig rambled as he curled his fingers over the edge of the saddle bag. Dieter, his ferret not his brother, was curled up in the bottom of the back and Ludwig was using him as a booster stool to see better. He wouldn't fall out, he couldn't, or he could but he wouldn't. And even if he did, little wings he did have to move quickly and find his way back. Oh yes, it was time to go. There was a bridge not far out of town they would have to cross and then from there it would bend east. That was when things would change, not to Anna they would g but divert to the Green. Yes to the Green.


Road To Gretna Green: Will update next round.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Virginia Crypt

Location: Carlisle/Road to Gretna Green
Skills: N/A

Virginia's eyes widened slightly as Ny told her that her father was in India. She did not know if he was a man that she could trust truthfully, but her intuition was telling her that she could. He knew of her family, was well traveled, and did not have the same hang ups that most members of society did. Had he told her that she was his cousin, Virginia would have been inclined to take him at his word. Of course, the location of India struck her mostly because it was a stark contrast to the direction the Russian Circus wished to point them in. India brought to her mind visions of a hot climate - whether or not that was true was yet to be seen. The name seemed exotic and it was a place that she would very much care to go to - but Virginia wished to travel more or less everywhere if she were to be honest.

"Thank you," she told him, feeling that his words were true. She was intrigued by the book that he kept with him, especially since it reminded her of Ludwig's. It likely had to do something with his training, then, she deduced - or the two men both had a penchant for a similar form of journal. No, it knew the location of her father - that would not have been listed in an ordinary book, that much she was certain of. "If you do not mind, what exactly is the journal you have there? I am very curious in such a thing of knowledge - especially since it seems to have some sort of talent to it," Virginia asked kindly. She wasn't going to pressure him into revealing anything he didn't want to. He had been kind to her and she believed in treating others as one wished to be treated - in most cases anyways. Some people deserved to be treated horribly.

Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - Outside of the Study (Main Floor)
Skills: N/A

Maeve glanced up the stairs, hearing Lady Kirkpatrick and she smiled slightly. Millicent's letter was still in her hand and she realized that there was an additional option. She was here to work for Lady Kirkpatrick - though technically, also to spy on her - Maeve's life had become a bit complicated. Given that Millicent's letter detailed most likely whatever unsavoriness she had uncovered, relating to the ship she mentioned, it could very well be something pertinent for the Lady Kirkpatrick to see. "Aye, they've gone - I believe their carriage is departin' nigh," she told her employer. She nodded sympathetically at the chorus of bumbling idiots - she worked as a bartender in her family's gang and the drunks were more annoying and tiresome than they were pleasant.

"I would enjoy a draink, though oi 'av somethin' 'ere dat may interest yer? I don't know 'ow ter read, me lady, but me gut is tellin' me this is important," she explained, holding out the letter Millicent had given her to Lady Kirkpatrick. Her loyalty was towards the woman giving Roisin education and protection - not to the battered woman who had temporarily come into the house. The world was harsh and unforgiving, but who knew, maybe having Lady Kirkpatrick see the letter would be to the young woman's advantage. Maeve was mostly just certain that it would reveal something sinister on the part of Lady Kirkpatrick's nephew - information she had no doubt that Lady Kirkpatrick would want to possess if she didn't already.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

William Fraser

Location: Road to Gretna Green
Skills: N/A

William half-turned as the driver spoke softly, but before he could reply, a heavy double tap on the roof of the carriage signaled for them to be on their way. They moved slowly up the drive, the house falling away behind them. William cast one glance back at it before it was lost from view, and wondered if he would ever see it again. William had no attachment to the house itself, nor to the people within, although they had seemed pleasant enough, but he regretted not being given the freedom to wonder the corridors, or to perform in the halls. He had spent most of his life as a performer, a travelling musician, and he knew that performing at a place like that, for a family with the type of reputation that the Kirkpatrick's possessed, could line his pockets for weeks. As the house was lost from view, William turned back to watch the road in front of them. Besides, he'd already been hired by Rutherford, and for all the bad qualities that Rutherford seemed to have, he hoped that not paying the bill wasn't one of them.

As the carriage started to pick up speed, William smiled, enjoying the feeling of the wind on his face. He spent enough time travelling, but it was on horseback, not the level of luxury that a carriage afforded. He could get used to this. The driver quickly cut short that idea, reminding William that they were only a short ride away from their destination. Regardless, William resolved to enjoy it while he could, he had a feeling that things wouldn't be so relaxing when they did reach Gretna Green. William paused mid-thought. If. If they reached Gretna Green. Millicent had felt the need to try and warn him off, and it was clear that there was something dark lurking behind that relationship. There were dark things at work, and they weren't entirely limited to the Soulless that had started to emerge from the shadows.

William could tell that the driver was starting to get restless about his own hiring, and he could hardly blame him. What was probably promised to be a quick journey the short distance to Gretna Green had quickly gone off-track. Not only had they stumbled across the chaotic scene of the Soulless attack, that chance encounter had then seen them detour even further. And now that they had finally set off again, it was already getting late, and it was unlikely that he would find another customer in Gretna Green, which meant that he would be travelling back to Port Annan on his own fare. William could understand that life, always looking for the next customer. He smiled, trying to show some sympathy, even if it was only to distract the driver from the long ride back to the port, keeping his voice low to save it reaching the pair sitting within the carriage itself.

"I hope the pay will be worth it. Rutherford may be a piece of work, but at least he's a rich one."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Colette de La Fontaine

Location: Port Annan
Skills: Language -English

Colette had to do some thinking. Since the man in the inn knew of Lord Rutherford heading this general direction, it stood to reason that he and Millicent came this way. Perhaps this Lord Egerton was a friend of Lord Rutherford’s? She had a hard time imagining Lord Rutherford hanging out with someone who was not a lord of some kind, so it made sense that Lord Rutherford and company would be with Lord Egerton. Would the man share this information though? He seemed friendly thus far. She would have to pull off a ruse of some sort maybe. She needed this information.

“Oh goodness, I am desperately trying to find them. It is quite the important message for their ears only, you see, or I would, of course, send it through a letter. I believe this Lord Egerton must know of them then. Good sir, I implore you, could you point me in the direction of this Lord Egerton? It is vitally important I find these people. Quite the important mission.” All right, she may have been laying it on a bit too thick, but she was now desperate. If this went nowhere, she had nothing else to fall back on.

She wondered where Fyror had gotten off to. He was the one desperate to find Millicent. She only wanted to ensure her safety. Hopefully Lord Egerton was the direction to go otherwise she would have wasted this trip. And after she had nearly drowned, she was not about to go back empty-handed.
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