Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade. The dryad was calmly sitting around the orc now as she listed to his plans. She was really happy that she will get to leave the forests and the rest of her sisters. The other dryads never wanted to talk to her about the outside world, they only repeated it wasn't worth to be there and that she should just stay with the rest of them and do as Cenarius says. There was nothing to be gained from venturing outside.
"My name's Kalania." She finally said with smile." Well the druid will probably take a while to return..." She added, suspecting that it would likely not be as easy a task as the orc probably was suspecting.
Fabios & Heda, Location: Chambers of Alexstrasza. Heda had only sighed and rolled her eyes at Fabios seeminly innate desire to antagonize any of the powerful ancient beings they encountered, but seh didn't say anything about it. She had already told the dragon queen about him earlier." As I said, I do not possess the power to return you to where you have to go." Alexstrasza explained without getting angry or annoyed." I've already asked the bronze flight for details on the Timeless's condition, but they are keeping quiet, so I send one of my own consorts to check things out."
"That said, you have my word that once the situation is cleared and as soon as the Timeless appears, I will make sure you are returned to your time. For now we should focus on the incoming invasion. My newest consort, Korialstrasz will be your guide. He will take you to the capital city of hte night elves and help you locate the portal." The red dragon queen stated as the younger male dragon walked into the chambers.
~~~ Hours later ~~~
The world had seemed to continue to revolve as normal. People were milling to their tasks, unaware of the encrouching danger, but the signs came fast. Everyone sensed it. It didn't matter if it was night elves who used magic or ones who weren't magically trained. The access to the Well was completely cut off from all of them. The whole Kaldorei empire fell into a state of panic and confusion at the same time. People who lived in Zin' Azshari flocked towards the Queen's castle to ask for help, but to their horror when the closed gates finally opened, it was a tidal wave of green flames and demonic beasts who fell upon them, slaughtering everything on their path. The guards still stood calmly atop the castle walls, seeminly unphased by the demonic hordes that were ravaging the civilians. In that one moment, the deaths of thousands echoed across the world to those who could feel it.
Templers of Elune all across the empire felt the death of their sisters. Shamans and druids of all kinds sensed the corruption and death wrought by the Legion's hordes. The Legion had arrived before anything could be done about it.
Gronar, Location: Forests near Zin-Azshari. Eventually it became clear that the druid wasn't going to return soon. So Kalania instead started to lead the orc towards tehir possibile destination where they could encounter demons in other words Zin-Azshari. On the road there a big nightsaber showed up, carrying on it's back a big bundle which turned out to be the orc's sword and a letter. It was written in the kaldorei language, but Kalania was quick to translate. It basically explained that something terrible was happening at the capital and that Malfurion was going to stay behind because he had to do something about it and he didn't have time to come.
By then they were not far from the capital, maybe about a day distance away, but even from this distance it wasn't hard to see the smoke in the distance. Soon sounds of battle reached their ears as they could see running people. It was night elves, civilians mostly. They were all hurt and dirty, clearly running for a long time. They seemed desperate as motehrs were pulling their children with them, some falling only to be trampled by the ones behind them. Soon Gronar could see the cause. There were huge beings chasing after the night elves. It was Doomguards. They were relentless in their hunt for the civilians, they wanted blood! Fel hounds were running in front of the bigger demons like a pack of hunting dogs." THAT'S HORRIBLE!" Kalania gasped in horror as she saw the horrifying creatures.
Heda Runeclaw

Location: Skies above Zin-Azshari
"We've arrived too late!" Heda exclaimed as the massive red dragon flew them at top speeds, but they still had arrived late! The city underneath them was engulved in flames. People were trying to exscape, but were pursued by the demonic beings. Fel Hounds were catching up to people, tearing them apart with their jaws. Men, women, old and young. The Doomguards ran undisturbed through the crowds turning people into paste with their massive swords. Infernals were reigning up from the skies, sending everything around where they fell into chaos. It was a one sided massacre. There were a few pockets of resistance here and there, but those were doomed efforts, created in vein to hopefully buy the civilians enough time to escape.
"BRING ME DOWN!" Heda roared as her axe surged in lightning. She swung it mightily causing a mighty lightning to descend from the heavens, charring a Doomguard.
" I will teach these beasts and send them back where they belong!" She was angry! She didn't know these people, but she couldn't accept the loss of life at the hands of the legion. It didn't matter if that life was night elves, humans, dwarves or orcs! Suddenly her speech was cut short as a spike of ice flew in their direction. Korialstrasz made a quick dodge in mid air, escaping from the attack send at them from a winged eredar.
"There are too many of them to fight for long even for me." The red dragon admitted as she let out a mighty deafening roar and let out a tide of dragon fire, charring a whole street worth of demons in one pass." We could buy enough time for the civilians to have a chance at escaping, but I fear that there's even greater foe inside that castle. I can feel him... He might be a match even for me." The dragon warned the Paladin and the Vrykul.
At this moment a grotesque laughter echoed across the skies as a massive four legged creature walked up upon the castle walls." You're too late, the Legion has arrived upon this world! It belongs to us now!" He the beast laughed.
Heda's eyes focused on him and growled.
" MANNOROTH!" She roared as she swung her axe, sending a lightning towards the castle, but it was deflected by the castle's defensive spells.