Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Forests around Suramar(Forest Path)

Gronar followed behind the druid form were the felhound were deeper into the forest. The warrior watch Malfurion deep in though as they speed through the forest. It confused him why Malfurion even asked about the legion. 'I mean not know the specific daemons types is understandable. But how he haven't heard of the legion itself. Something an't right.' he thought to himself before another realization hit him. Gornar forgot his sword.

'Dammit, I will have to go back for it later. If I return without it my parents will kill me. First chance I get I am going back to for it.' he thought running a hand through his hair. They soon arrive at the largest tree he has ever seen that tower over the glade. He listen to what the elf said about the tree. With a small hesitation the orc rested his hand on the tree. After a minute he removed his hand and turn back to the druid. "Now what?" he asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Draven Stagnum

Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase

Draven nodded and quickly hopped into the dragon's claw. The idea of meeting a dragon queen was exciting. He was curious how long it'd take and what it'd be like when they got there. As he perched in Kras' grasp, he couldn't help but examine the dragon with even more detailed attention, looking at its scales up close and the musculature underneath. Kras could, no doubt, crush him with ease if he chose to. That thought was also tantalizing. Knowing that death could be just a moment away made Draven surge with euphoric energy.

"Hello, Danger," he said, mostly to himself.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Right after Malfurion and Gronar had left the guardian of the entrance to the glade, soon after a FelHound followed after them, bringing it's corruption with it. The ancient tree, magical in nature, denfending the glade was naturally a juicy target for teh fel beast as it's tendrils shot out and sank into the tree's body, starting to drain the magic out of it. The ancient guardian fought against it, but it's magic was being sapped. The tree then started to grow rapidly, pulling the felhound along with it, danging in the air, taller and taller, but the beast did not let go. After minutes of struggle, the tree finally stated to crack, it's body naught, but a husk of it's former splendor. Then the huge ancient protector of the glade finally crumbled with a collosal crash, sending the FelHound tumbling down, injured. But the magic it had drained made it stronger. It was healing faster and then it suddenly started to growl as it literally split into two felhounds. Then it split again until there were four of them and then once more bringing the amount to six. With a triuphant grotesque sound they dashed back to the deeper parts of the forest towards the next greater source of magical energy, the demigod.

Gronar, Fabios Location: Cenarius's Glade.- Cenarius was NOT pleased with the attitude of his guest. His face now held a mighty scowl, his eyes narrowed onto the paladin." I think you do not understand the gravity of your situation." The demigod replied, his voice seemingly calm, but very cold." Signs are spreading across the world of corruption and danger that's not supposed to be present upon these lands. Some among my kind believe you and your companion are among it's heralds. To stop that danger, they are more than ready to sacrifice your life, because if you are truly part of the danger, the alternative of letting you roam even a few moments more is incredibly grim!" The demigod explaimed as the Dryad behind him jolted backwards. She didn't seem to be speaking, but the demigod did turn in her direction, their eyes locking for a moment." You sure, my daughter?" He asked as the dryad started nodding vigorously before she heard some sound in the surroundings nad darted off in some direction.

There was something really wrong going on here as moments later from the opposite direction onto the glade burst forth a nightelf in really simple clothing and something Fabios would unmistakenly recognize as a orc warrior. Mulfurion having finally led the orc to their destination after leaving the tree." SHAN'DO! Danger's encrouching the Glade!" The night elf shouted as soon as he saw Cenarius." We encountered some faul abominations that my companion here recognized as something called FelHounds! Some kind of demons according to his words! They seem to be eating magic!" The night elf hurried to explain as in the distance behind them a mighty rumble could be heard. The young nightelf suddenly turned onto heels as he felt the pain the entire forest felt at this very moment.

"A mighty guardian and old friend just fell..." The demigod stated and looked at the human paladin, then at the creature that his student had brought." It appears the riddle gets ever harder to solve... I'm undoubtedly yearning to learn how you came to meet this being..." Cenarius said as he eyed the orc, but didn't really react anything beyond that." As for what you said... something faul is about to arrive... It appears the ancient magics that protected my old friend made him a victim instead of defending him." He added, his voice pained, as unearthly growls and hows could be heard from the distance.

"Human, it seems tis was not meant to be, guess we will all be fighting for our survival here, you have anything you want to add on these creatures my student called FelHounds?" Cenarius asked the paladin, his voice cold still. He had a sneaking suspicion that this human might also know of them. He was just about as outlandish as the being the young nightelf had brought. He wasn't pleased, but there wasn't much he could do. He felt the forest dying as these creatures get closer to them." Malfurion, grab that treebranch!" He suddenly shouted and pointed at the piece of wood." Fashion a weapon out of it by following your companion's mind. You could do it as a druid, I see he's unarmed and these beings are too dangerous! You two, make this weapon and I shall give it my blessing, making it stronger than any steel and sharper than any blade!" He stated.

Draven, Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase).- Having the human warlock get into his grasp, the dragon suddenly flapped his wings hard as it's monumental body was propelled upwards, along with the relatively smaller human who was oddly unphased by the winds or the rapid movement. Rather he couldn't feel those at all as complex magics were swirdling around him, protecting him from all effects of the rapid movement. Then the dragon started to soar through the air towards a destination even deeper into the mountains. All that could be seen were colossal jagged rocks, the occasional spring of running water down the slopes and some greenery here and there. Finally after what seemed to be a few brief minutes, another colossal shadow even bigger than the one Kras was throwing blocked the moonlight. If Draven would take a look around and for the source, he would notice an even bigger red dragon that was soaring higher into the skies. He wasn't alone though, there were others, if you looked for them. All doing something and not minding the one carrying Draven.

Then as they flew, they found themselves at the entrance of a massive cavern, huge enough to allow even the biggest of dragons enter into the cavern without worries. The inside of this cavern would be weird to Draven's senses. There was basically no way for this to be inside that mountain. This cavern was too huge, whole dragon flights could fly side by side without any issues. In fact there were a number of other colors of dragons flying about. There appeared to be dragons of every flight, except the bronze dragons." Weird..." Draven would hear Kras muttering as the red golliath had noticed the other dragons." Did someone call for a gathering after I left in search for the disturbance?" He used.

Finally after some more flying underground, the dragon brought the warlock to the entrance of another cavern that was somewhat smaller as the dragon landed onto the ground and let the warlock down. Out in front of them was the most massive red dragon that Draven would have ever seen. Kneeling in front of the dragon was already another human like figure, but something was off. The difference was apparent because well the figure toward over him with at least twice his height. It was a female, covered in magical runes." Ahh, Korialstrasz, seeing you've returned and bringing this one with you, I take it he's the source of the disturbence?" A melodic female voice echoed across the cavern as the Red Dragon Queen shifted her gaze at the warlock." Very curious, especially after I got very interesting news from this one before you." The queen continued." Apparently, someone's tempering with time. I was forced to call for a gathering." She stated as matter of fact and looked at Draven." I assume you too have arrived here the same way, especially after taking into acount that you have the corruption of the fel upon you, mortal?" The queen asked." Otherwise, no one upon this world should have the understanding to become a warlock of your calibre. Ahh where are my manners, I'm Alexstrasza, Aspect of Life and the Queen of the red flight. What's your name, warlock?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Cenarius's Glade

Gronar took a brief moment to examine the glade as he enter along side the druid. As the elf called out to his teacher the orc turn and finally aware of who his teacher is. The orc gaze upon Cenarius things were starting to click in the orcs head. One Cenarius should be dead slain by Grom with the Warsong during battle in Ashvale. And that Malfurion with the other elves has no idea of who he was. Then also showing no knowledge of the legion. The orc came to one horrifying revelation.

"I am in the past." The orc whispered to himself. The sight of the Human brought him back to reality. Glaring at the while the student and master spoke about the felhounds. He tuned back into the conversion when Cenarius order Malfurion to grab a branch to make him a weapon. "So how do we create a greatsword from a branch?" He asked Malfurion.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Fabios Location: Cenarius's Glade.- Malfurion had actually just missed Gronar's reaction and realization as he was busy selecting a good enough branch with which he returned soon after to the orc. The druid just made an awkward smile at the orc." Well... you just have to imagine it. Imagine it real good, a weapon that you are most comfortable with. A weapon you've wielded for the longest time, imagine every inch of it, every nook and every curve." He explained as he held the branch in front of Gronar." Just place your hand on the branch and let your mind flow, your image of the weapon has to be as clear as possible, I will mold it into shape with my magic." Malfurion explained and got to work, closing his eyes to follow the image that was flowing into the treebranch from the warror's mind.

Under the work of the druid and the image of the warrior, the branch twisted, turned, it was changed off it's initial shape. It grew at parts and withdrew at others, until it's shape matched the weapon that Gronar had used for the longest of times until now. The greatsword... It was a spitting image of that weapon, just made out of wood. As good as replica it was as of shape, it was also lighter than the original weapon because it was not of metal, but of wood.

"Good." Cenarius's voice boomed as he walked over placing his hand on the wooden blade." I bestow my blessing upon this weapon. May it never break, may it never lose it's edge. It shall cut down evil wherever found. May the will of it's user empower it and it empowers it's user in return." The demigod said in booming voice as the blade was wrapped in a lively green light for a few moments before it finally returned to normal. Now Malfurion handed it over to the orc." Wield it well, warrior. You will find this weapon stronger than any steel for it now carries my blessing."

And the weapon was completed just in time as the first Felhound burst into the clearing, and it jumped right at the demigot, who grabbed it's tendrils in midair and tore them off the body, before using his hooves to stamp the beast's head into mush, only to be jumped by another 2 felhounds who were charging at him.

Malfurion and Gronar weren't left lonely too, the druid had a felhound of his very own to deal with while the warrior had one jumping right at him, it's maw wide open to bite him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios shook his head at Cenarius, unimpressed. "You know you're damn well daft for all the stories the knife-ears say about you. Go ahead, send me to die. Just remember for whom I died, and what it means to throw my life away. Go ahead, I'm no coward."

He laughed, looking to the sky and glad for the clarity the light bestowed upon him. Falling for this nonsense. A good way to die nonetheless. Yet, it seemed this would not be. Falling for this nonsense. A good way to die nonetheless. He did not even finish that thought as he saw a face so familiar. "Bloody hell." he muttered, seeing a face oh so familiar and a face oh so vile — one that made his hand go to his blade.

As Cenarius asked Fabios to fight alongside him, the Paladin again laughed. Moments after being threatened with being killed, he was supposed to just proverbially bend over, to possibly give his life for the goat-footed bastard... and with a green-skinned imbecile no less? The Knight began to laugh as Cenarius addressed him, starting with a light giggle and moving on to a night uncontrollable burst.

Several felhounds entered the fray with the first easily torn up by Cenarius, but quickly more entered to fight the trio of Fabios's "comrades." The Paladin's mind raced. This was frankly an opening for him, a chance to run away from these nasty folk. He drew his two handed sword and flipped it over to hold just below the crossguard with one hand so he could comfortably run with it yet also have it easily accessed should a Felhound come upon him. He leaned down on the ground grabbing two heftier stones and threw one at the head of the orc whilst the other at the head of Malfurion knowing both were occupied with an enemy and that subsequently would not be prepared for the Knight's attempt to knock them out, or at least slow them down enough to prevent pursuit.

At the same time as either stone was thrown the man flew into a sprint. He was in full plate and not the youngest man but he could still get around on his two feet very, very fast. Fabios was fully attentive to make sure naught cut him off but he was nevertheless thinking of his near future. If there were Felhounds about that neither Cenarius nor Malfurion knew of then Fabios knew that the elves in the locale would most likely be busy fighting them than trying to get an arrow to his face. So, what was his next path? Perhaps he could find Heda; she was a bit silly with all the thinking about business of time and such, but he knew she was the only one who understood his situation and if she was powerful enough - or had such friends - to get out of the circle the most likely sticking with her would be most wise.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Cenarius's Glade

Gronar may not have the greatest trust in magic. But seeing the greatsword being formed from a branch did make for one brief moment consider his stance on magic. It faded quickly as the demi-god imbued the weapon with a magical enchantment. Picking up his new wooden sword the orc gave the weapon a few practice swings. Feeling the weight distribution to be use of it. Now the only thing left to do its to test it on a target. Gronar took a quick glance at the human but shoved the idea as he doubt that Malfruion and Cenarius would approve. So for now he will wait.

The arrival of the felhounds gave Gronar a golden opportunity to test out his new sword. Before he charge the daemon he felt something pang off his helmet causing it to ring in his ear as the felhound charge him. He swung his bladed into the path of the felhounds lung. Aming to use it momentum to aid in cutting the daemon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade.- The chaos was complete in just a few moment as more and more felhounds were rushing into the glade. Cenarius was quickly killing them and Malfurion after his massive failure just a few moments prior, finally pulled himself back together and managed to ask the spirits of nature to tangle the fel beasts into powerful wines and roots that held them in place and also started dragging them down under. The demigod was currently wrestling with 3 hounds by himself, two trying to bit his hands while another was trying to flank him, but his hoves were a powerful weapon. He didn't seem to need too much help right now.

The spelcaster and the demigod aside, Gronar had found himself face to face with a felhound that was charging him. The weapon of wood seemed lighter and frail due it's material, but the moment it came in contact with the demonic beast, a marvel happened. It cut, it cut through it like hot knife through butter. The due to his own swing and the momentum of the charging beast, the sword cleaved through the Felhound, passing all the way through from the front to i'ts hind legs, making it fall in two different pieces by the orc. This was a weapon! This was a mighty weapon just for his hand! As his first kill in this world happened, another hound appeared and jumped at him through the trees, but reaction was the name of the game and he would be able to dodge it perfectly, leaving the beast that had just landed completley vulnerable and open to attack( He's getting a free hit here, make it as fancy as you wish)

Fabios, Location: ???.- Fabios had indeed managed to flee Cenarius glade during the attack of the felhounds. What was going through his head was all for him and he had his own reasons. Now though there was another problem he was facing. Where to go? He was in the middle of a massive ancient forest, with nary a point of interest to orient himself across the place. Where to go now? Could he escape from the keeper of the forests once the danger of the demons was over with? Well these questions were suddenly asnwered as blue glowing lines formed across the chest piece of his armor. They carried a complex pattern as suddenly he was engulved into blue light and pulled through a teleport, only to find himself face to face with a really amuzed Heda on the other end.

"We meed again, my human friend!" Heda exclaimed with a huge grin as she patted the paladin on the shoulder." Figured you'd get in trouble with Cenarius when he returns sooner or later, so I marked you to pull you over as soon as I could. Sorry took me a while, stuff got a little chaotic on this end too." She laughed, as only now would Fabios be able to see a smoking pile of rocks with green glow to it, at a closer look it appeared to be an Infernal. As for where they were they appeared to be in a big cave underground. There was also a fallen doomguard charred to cinders and tossed aside. The cave was empty aside from these and Heda right now though." Look I'm in need of a little bit of holy light help here.. you see, that guy over there..." She said and then pointed at a really grotesque humanoid creature that was currently raising from a big hole in the ground. It was alive... probably. It wasn't an undead, but it was like some twisted amalgam with a demon or rather demons. It was like someone took a bunch of clay figures of demons and rolled them into one with vague humanoid shape.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Cenarius's Glade

Gronar was impress with how the sword cut through the felhound. The orc thought the blade would splinter at the impact of the felhound. The two parts of the daemon fell harmlessly beside the orc he went on the hunt for more daemons. Gronar need to baptized the sword in daemon blood. He spotted another felhound making a lunge for him from the trees. He quickly sidestepped the lunging daemon. He quickly turning to faced the felhound he brought his sword down upon the daemon. The blade easily cleaved through the felhound neck. Cleaving its head from the rest of its body.

Stepping away from the daemons corpse he scan the glade. Cenarius and Malfurion were fighting with some other last remaining felhounds. Scanning the glade for any more daemons but soon relisted something. "Were did that human go?" he asked out loud to the other two in the Glade with him. Gronar continued to look around to see if he could spot the human.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade - ???

The Knight ran, and he ran long. He stopped paying attention to how far he had gone knowing very well he wouldn't be able to really make heads or tails of where he had got to and how to backtrack at all. Still he ran on, carried on by the knowledge he would have the life expectancy of a jellyfish in a pool of lava. Aging muscles cried in pain but he went on, sweat pouring off of him in a long trace that he more and more feared could be followed by the various creatures the elves had.

He was on the verge of falling over until - apparently from nowhere - a hand reached out to yank him through a portal. The man looked into the face of Heda, vision blurring as a face red from exhaustion tried to laugh as he dropped wearily to one knee. He had bloody well made it, and things had turned out far better than he had hoped. Fabios knew that the light was watching out for him and this was as good a proof as anyone could ask for. Heda said something but he wasn't paying much attention, only vaguely aware of some beastie coming from the ground.

The Paladin looked at it, standing up. Not a spot in his body wasn't sore and all his clothing was sticking to him by sweat. However he knew even in this state, this thing apparently needed a killing. Well, no rest for the weary he supposed. The man stood and walked towards the creature with a flourish to his sword, rolling his shoulders in anticipation of the fight to come.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade. Fight across the glade was raging at full fervor. Cenarius was mighty and a single strike from him would squash a Felhound like a bug, but some more were just rushing into the glade aiming for him. Heck he stuck one so strongly and tossed it into the air that the fel creature flew over even the tallest trees, vanishing from view. Malfurion himself was strugglign with the creatures since they were trying to drain his magic and he had to fend off the tendrils that were shooting out at him all the time. Still his mastery of the forest's path proved effective as the roots of these mighty trees tangled even the most energetic of Felhounds, eventually dragging their prey under the earth, suffocating nad crushing the demon beasts as they went.

Finally the battle was over with as the last felhound was crushed under the demigod's mighty hooves well the last at least for now. There was somethign unsettling about this whole thing. Finally teh night elf and Cenarius realized the missing human." What?!" The demigod's mighty voice roared across the forest as he couldn't quite blieve the human actually had vanished and he couldn't even track him! What manner of power could do this at his own domain no less! The arrogance! His anger was shortlived though as his head turned around and looked into the forest." There are more... other such creatures roaming my domain! I will go deal with them, the two of you, do what you seem fit. I will find you after that." Cenarius said as he vanished into the forest.

"Well..." Malfurion started, observing hte once sacred glade, now covered in the dead fel beasts. He could feel the very earth scream underneath as even in death the creatures were corrupting the very life around them. He still couldn't believe such vile thigns could exist in this world or rather they were probably not from this world? Then he felt it, something had happened. The source of the dominance of hte night elves, the link that he felt with the Well of Eternity had suddenly stopped. He as a follower of druidism wasn't really affected that much from it, but it still felt weird." Something bad happened..." He mumbled and threw a look at Gronar." You said these demons try to invade worlds?" He vaguely asked Gronar for confirmation, but deep inside he knew that it had began... something horrible had began.

"Gronar, I know I promised to help bring you to safety away from the night elves, but I must return to Suramar now." Malfurion said." I have to talk with Lord Ravencrest and try to help him see reason. I fear that this invasion has began and I need to make him do something about it. Queen Azshara must be on it otherwise this cannot happen withotu her knowledge. You could stay here, the soldiers will not find this place. Maybe Cenarius can help you return to your home after he returns from huting hte rest of hte demons." Malfurion explained, but just as he did so, he felt something odd. There was a felhound still alive among hte killed one. One of it's tendrils had sneakily shot at him and pierced his leg, starting to drain his magic to recover itself.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza

Heda had managed to pull Fabios to her location with a little bit of help from the dragons, but the incident had caused a massive demonic incursion within their very home so they had went to curbstomp the rest of hte demons that had invaded this place. It was apparent this was not how things should have happened, but htere wasn't much to be done about it. Heda was instead left here to try to deal with this demon, so she decided she might as well drag the paladin for aid because this wasn't quite something she had seen before. This demonic creature... was a grotesque merging of at least 4 other creatures. 3 demons and a warlock... She hadn't witnessed such event's before.

"Look out for it's attacks." Heda warned Fabios." I tried whacking it with full strenght, but it only got pushed down for a little bit and it is able to use magic." She explained the danger as the creature's form suddenly rippled. Then a limb sprouted out of it's stomach and the limb shot out fire at the paladin, it was a fireball like spell that flew at him. The spell trajectory was wrong through and instead it passed just by him. Still it left a few scorched marcks across his armor as the limb had vanished and the demon instead swung it's arm at the paladin. The creature now was big, while not as big as Heda's true form, it was well about over 3 meters tall and the arm was like a combination of a human arm, but covered in thick red scales and rocks with big claws.

Heda tried to intercept him, but it swung it's arm at her, she barely blocking in time as the swipe send her into the air, all the way to the wall of the cavern nearby, then it returned to it's original trajectory towards Fabios, who would be able to counter attack first.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza

As more and more Fabios went out of his tired stupor the gravity of the situation was made more and more clear to him. He slowly circled the thing giving his sword a twirl every other moment, smiling in spite of the danger. "Well isn't this funny, second time we might and again we're about to get our arses handed to us again!" he joked, looking at it's movements.

It lobbed a ball of fire at him that passed him by making black marks on his armour and charring some of his hair black. "Fore!" He shouted as Heda went airborne, looking then at the arm coming towards him. He cast Inner Fire upon himself in preparation of the strike coming to him so that his strikes would be imbued with Holy force. Just as the thing neared him he swivelled on one leg in a ballet-like pirouette swinging his sword with the aim of cutting off a chunk of the limb. Just after he finished the swing he would cast Holy-Light to further hurt the thing with two instances of damage to it so close in succession hopefully giving it at least some shock.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Cenarius's Glade

The rest of the felhounds being finished off by demi-god and druid's magic. Gronar took advantage of the quite to wipe the daemon blood of his sword. The two soon notice the missing human as well. Cenarius announce he was gonna hunt the other daemons still lurking in the forest and leaving the orc and night elf alone in the glade. "Were you think he keeps his boozes?" The warsong orc asked to himself taking a seat on a nearby log. He ignored Malfurion small panic attack as he relaxed on the from the recent battle.

"If ya going back to that place try and get my sword back. Also were is booze at I haven't had anything to drink in a long while." He said to Malfurion. Gronar quickly sprung into action as the felhound laced onto the leg of the druid. Drawing up his sword he hacked at both the daemon and the tendril.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade. Gronar's fast reaction managed to cut down the FelHounds not a moment too late. Before it had any time to drain much from the druid, the magical blade cut through the demon beast, freeing Malfurion from the danger of being drained of all his mana until he was but an empty husk. The young night elf fell to a knee, taking deep breaths before standing back up." Thank you, Gronar." He said, throwing a look at the demons, before using his magic to pull all the bodies under the ground just for good measure.

"That could have ended badly if you weren't here. I should have been more careful." The druid admitted, before looking around and then at the orc." Well I will see if I can get your sword back, in the meantime, one of Cenarius's helpers will bring you some food and something to drink." The druid said before giving Gronar a final words of thanks and headed out into the forest, back to where they came from.

It hadn't taken more than a couple of minutes before Gronar would be able to hear the sound of something moving in the forest and eventually see the distinct figure of a dryad looking at him from the edge of the glade before entering. She appeared young or at least young for her kind, no one could tell their actual age after all. As daugthers of cenarius they were extremely long lived if not immortal. She was carrying something in her hands, it was a big basket woven by wines and inside it there were wrapped in leaves peaces of cooked meat and what appeared to be a big wooden looking bottle. She placed the basket next to him then moved away, what seemed to be some safe distance as she studied him with great curiosity.

The wooden bottle was sealed, but once Gronar unseals it, he would be able to smell the distinct smell of fermented alcohol. It was a beavarage made from fermented fruit juice." It's tasty..." The dryad finally said as she pointed the bottle. She seemed both curious about him nad cautious." You... carry some taint... it's old and faint?" She asked.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza

Heda went flying and hit the wall of the cavern, but didn't sustain much damage as she fell down on her legs, steeling herself. This thing was strong, but it's power came from it's unnatural constitution. She was pretty sure this was not a sustainable existance in the long run, but it appeared as if it could cause a lot of issues if left unchecked for the moment.

She watched as Fabios spun around, dodging the attack by hairs breath, it's claws touching barely his armor as he returned to strike at it's hand. The sword couldn't quite cut through it's entire arm, but it managed to cut down all the way to the bone, stopping at the bone. The following spell, hit the creature as it screamed in pain, pulling it's arms back as if to hide from the holy light. As a demon this spell was quite effective on it and the only way it could be more effective would have been if it was an undead.

Taking this opportunity, Heda spun into action as her body shifted. in movement, growing rapidly to her proper size along with ehr axe as she dashed at the beast." ODYN! " He voice echoed through the cavern as she swung her mighty axe. Suddenly the carved runes upon it came to life, brimming with energy as the axe seemed to as if call lightning. The glyph of Lightning was activated as she swung, sending a bolt at the creature.

The lightning aimed true as it crackled through the air, hitting the beast right in one of it's heads, charing a big portion of it's body in hte process. To the regular onlookers it would appear the creature was heavily damaged, but Heda now knew better." DON'T STOP ATTACKING, IT CAN REGENERATE!" She roared as she jumped at the beast, axe still crackling with electricity as she chopped at one of it's shoulders. The attack cut through it's flesh, shattering the bone underneath because her axe simply was more massive and carried enough momentum than a sword. She nearly cut off it's arm, but didn't quite get the job done, instead causing it to hang off a few muscles that were still connected.

The beast roared as it's body started to flame up, fire bursting all around it, powerful flames that were rapidly increasing in strenght. She couldn't quite believe this, it was pulling off the infernal traits despite not being an infernal, but she supposed it was part infernal... either that or this was a kind of immolation spell? She jumped back, instead." This thing is more problematic than actual demons..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza

The Knight retrieved his sword quickly after it made contact, hopping to the side making sure that the thing wouldn't be able to track him readily. Fabios watched Heda attack, and made note of her advice making sure to attack it from the other side just after her attack to make sure the foe had no respite.

His sword had a long reach allowing him to avoid being burned by the flame, so he ran forth at the thing aiming a thrust at its core — yet said thrust would turn out to be a feint to get the thing to react and bring itself off balance. In that moment he would go back and draw his falchion to throw at the creature knowing neither of his pistols was loaded. With that, he'd instantly begin a more dedicated and true charge.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Cenarius's Glade

"Don't worry about that daemons are tricky asshole." he said walking back to the log. "Best of luck to ya." the orc said to druid as he left the glade. Gronar return to relaxing waiting for who ever it was gonna come by. He didn't wait long in till a dryad appear with a basket. He retrieved the basket and began to eat its contents.

It was the first full meal he had since he came to this time. He ignore what the dryad said as he guzzled the entire jug of fermented juice ignoring what the dryad said about the alcohol. Once he was done he turn his attention back to the daughter of Cenarius. "That the remnant of an old curse. Its nothing important, Grom saw to that." The warrior explain to the Dryad settling back after his meal.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade. The dryad nodded when the orc explained about the curse. She was a fairly naive thing, a really young dryad, young even by mortal standards. She just observed the warrior as he was finishing his meal. For her this unusual warrior was quite the curiosity, it picked the curiosity of her young self. She had never left the forests. It was expanseful forests that was true, but she was always curious about what was beyond Cenarius's domain.

"These creatures came from outside the forest... from the direction of the night elf capital city." The Dryad mentioned as she looked at hte Orc who appeared to be quite content with his meal that was provided. She was also happy about that, truth was she was the one who prepared the food. It wasn't magicked into existance or anything, she prepared it with her own hands.

"... What are your plans now?" She asked, looking at the Orc." Will you be hunting more demons? If you venture outside the forest... will you take me along? I want to see the world outside, but I will never be allowed to venture out alone."

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza

The creature was dangerous as Heda could see it's healing with naked eye. THe limb that was hanbing limply nearly cut off was visibly healing as flesh and muscle were reconnecting, she threw yet another lightning at it, just to keep it's healing from finishign the job, but the true winner of this fight turned out to be no other than the paladin. The feint the human pulled off was quite effective and the following thrown falchion struck the creature right in it's human head, impaling it nearly to the handle. THen teh demonic creature let out a terrible shriek as it's form started tremling as ripples formed across it's flesh.

The following charge from Fabios was even more effective as the strike caused the thing to finally crumble on teh ground, demonic flesh melting into nothingness until only the very destroyed form of a human remained. One of the hands was cut off and the falchion still was stuck in the forehead, piercing all the way to the other side." Imprssive, Fabios!" Heda exclaimed as the lightning across her axe vanished adn her body started shrinking to her more human size form." Those were some strikes worthy of legend!" She added with inspired voice, wishing she was a bard to commemorate them into songs to be remembered into the passage of time.

"Indeed." A female voice resounded into the cavern, a really feminine gentle female voice as a massive red dragon returned into the cavern chambers. This was the greatest of all red dragons, Aspect of Life herself." So this is the being you wanted us to help you bring from Cenarius's domian. Good." The dragon said with calm voice as she looked at Fabios with calm eyes. Alexstrasza respected life and all who protected it." I learned of your situation from her." The Aspect of life said as her draconic form shifted into humanoid one." I also called for a council of the aspects to decide on how to proceed, but decision cannot be ruled." She explained as she went to something that looked distinctly throne shaped and sat down." The Timeless was impossible to reach, as such we the Aspects cannot reach a decision without complete agreement." She stated and looked at Fabios and Heda.

"Still the Legion has arrived upon Azeroth, the worst possibility had happened." She added." The Highborn of the night elves are responsible for this. There are demons already out there, we suspect the portal is within the capital city Zin-Azshari." The dragon queen explained." I will be honest, we cannot return you to your time without the aid of the Aspect of Time. We can only hope he reappears shortly, but in the meantime, I wish to know if you are willing to help defend this world from the Demons, so your future doesn't turn out completely different from what it should? If luck is on our side, we may yet be able to stop this before a full blown invasion begins."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza

Pleasantly surprised at the effectiveness of his assault, Fabios went to the dead thing to retrieve his embedded falchion and place it in the corresponding sheath. He gave an appreciative salute at Heda's praised, flourishing his two handed sword as it too went into it's appropriate sheathe.

The Knight then turned to Alexstrasza, raising an eyebrow. He was vaguely aware who she was, and was quite surprised at just what a lineup of notable figures he had already experienced in his short trip to the past. The Paladin kept his silence for a moment as the dragon spoke, and sighed.

"No, I'm not willing. I'm tired, I'm angry, I need to go home, I want to see my fatherland once more I want to lay flowers on the graves of the fallen I want out." He stated, shaking his head. "But... I'm less unwilling to fight for you than for that hoofed bastard. You have me sword."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Cenarius's Glade

This dryad was proving a excellence source of information for Gronar. As now he knew were the daemons are coming from it would be easier to fight the legion. However he paused at the question on what he will do next. He could wait for Cenarius to come back and send him to his proper time. But the legion is still here. After mulling it over for a few minutes he decide he wanted to kill some daemons. The only problem he didn't know were this capital was. And on top of that he still wanted his sword back.

That only left what to do with the Dryad in front of him. She ask to take her with him if he did go outside the forest. "Im gonna go hunt some Daemons once that druid get back with my stuff." He explain to the Dryad. "You can come along. I am gonna need one thing from you. A name unless you want be called deer." Gronar told her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade. The dryad was calmly sitting around the orc now as she listed to his plans. She was really happy that she will get to leave the forests and the rest of her sisters. The other dryads never wanted to talk to her about the outside world, they only repeated it wasn't worth to be there and that she should just stay with the rest of them and do as Cenarius says. There was nothing to be gained from venturing outside.

"My name's Kalania." She finally said with smile." Well the druid will probably take a while to return..." She added, suspecting that it would likely not be as easy a task as the orc probably was suspecting.

Fabios & Heda, Location: Chambers of Alexstrasza. Heda had only sighed and rolled her eyes at Fabios seeminly innate desire to antagonize any of the powerful ancient beings they encountered, but seh didn't say anything about it. She had already told the dragon queen about him earlier." As I said, I do not possess the power to return you to where you have to go." Alexstrasza explained without getting angry or annoyed." I've already asked the bronze flight for details on the Timeless's condition, but they are keeping quiet, so I send one of my own consorts to check things out."

"That said, you have my word that once the situation is cleared and as soon as the Timeless appears, I will make sure you are returned to your time. For now we should focus on the incoming invasion. My newest consort, Korialstrasz will be your guide. He will take you to the capital city of hte night elves and help you locate the portal." The red dragon queen stated as the younger male dragon walked into the chambers.

~~~ Hours later ~~~

The world had seemed to continue to revolve as normal. People were milling to their tasks, unaware of the encrouching danger, but the signs came fast. Everyone sensed it. It didn't matter if it was night elves who used magic or ones who weren't magically trained. The access to the Well was completely cut off from all of them. The whole Kaldorei empire fell into a state of panic and confusion at the same time. People who lived in Zin' Azshari flocked towards the Queen's castle to ask for help, but to their horror when the closed gates finally opened, it was a tidal wave of green flames and demonic beasts who fell upon them, slaughtering everything on their path. The guards still stood calmly atop the castle walls, seeminly unphased by the demonic hordes that were ravaging the civilians. In that one moment, the deaths of thousands echoed across the world to those who could feel it.

Templers of Elune all across the empire felt the death of their sisters. Shamans and druids of all kinds sensed the corruption and death wrought by the Legion's hordes. The Legion had arrived before anything could be done about it.

Gronar, Location: Forests near Zin-Azshari. Eventually it became clear that the druid wasn't going to return soon. So Kalania instead started to lead the orc towards tehir possibile destination where they could encounter demons in other words Zin-Azshari. On the road there a big nightsaber showed up, carrying on it's back a big bundle which turned out to be the orc's sword and a letter. It was written in the kaldorei language, but Kalania was quick to translate. It basically explained that something terrible was happening at the capital and that Malfurion was going to stay behind because he had to do something about it and he didn't have time to come.

By then they were not far from the capital, maybe about a day distance away, but even from this distance it wasn't hard to see the smoke in the distance. Soon sounds of battle reached their ears as they could see running people. It was night elves, civilians mostly. They were all hurt and dirty, clearly running for a long time. They seemed desperate as motehrs were pulling their children with them, some falling only to be trampled by the ones behind them. Soon Gronar could see the cause. There were huge beings chasing after the night elves. It was Doomguards. They were relentless in their hunt for the civilians, they wanted blood! Fel hounds were running in front of the bigger demons like a pack of hunting dogs." THAT'S HORRIBLE!" Kalania gasped in horror as she saw the horrifying creatures.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Skies above Zin-Azshari

"We've arrived too late!" Heda exclaimed as the massive red dragon flew them at top speeds, but they still had arrived late! The city underneath them was engulved in flames. People were trying to exscape, but were pursued by the demonic beings. Fel Hounds were catching up to people, tearing them apart with their jaws. Men, women, old and young. The Doomguards ran undisturbed through the crowds turning people into paste with their massive swords. Infernals were reigning up from the skies, sending everything around where they fell into chaos. It was a one sided massacre. There were a few pockets of resistance here and there, but those were doomed efforts, created in vein to hopefully buy the civilians enough time to escape.

"BRING ME DOWN!" Heda roared as her axe surged in lightning. She swung it mightily causing a mighty lightning to descend from the heavens, charring a Doomguard." I will teach these beasts and send them back where they belong!" She was angry! She didn't know these people, but she couldn't accept the loss of life at the hands of the legion. It didn't matter if that life was night elves, humans, dwarves or orcs! Suddenly her speech was cut short as a spike of ice flew in their direction. Korialstrasz made a quick dodge in mid air, escaping from the attack send at them from a winged eredar.

"There are too many of them to fight for long even for me." The red dragon admitted as she let out a mighty deafening roar and let out a tide of dragon fire, charring a whole street worth of demons in one pass." We could buy enough time for the civilians to have a chance at escaping, but I fear that there's even greater foe inside that castle. I can feel him... He might be a match even for me." The dragon warned the Paladin and the Vrykul.

At this moment a grotesque laughter echoed across the skies as a massive four legged creature walked up upon the castle walls." You're too late, the Legion has arrived upon this world! It belongs to us now!" He the beast laughed.

Heda's eyes focused on him and growled." MANNOROTH!" She roared as she swung her axe, sending a lightning towards the castle, but it was deflected by the castle's defensive spells.
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