Constantin Kolev

Location: Port Annan(Streets)
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)
The situation was rapidly improving in the firewalker's mind as they were finally back on the road and heading for their destination. He nodded at the directions and the usual manner of speech coming out of Ludwig as he made his horse follow after Vlad. Gretne Green... supposedly the destination where they would fin Veta. Well that wasn't a certainty, given the nature of the problem. The vision he had back then weren't about her as far as they could have translate it, but if that vision was about the woman that Veta was looking for and it appeared to be so, there was a good chance Veta was near. at least that was the firewalker's hope right now. He would have wished they had direct line to chase after Veta herself and not some other woman, but this was going to do. Though he couldn't deny he was worried something might happen to her before they find her or she finds her target. This was a very nasty possibility, but he was refusing to let that be the case. Dammit he was going to deny the possibility that something happens to her until the last possible moment, even if he had to scour these lands step by step!
There was also another question that was puzzling him right now too as his train of thought ventured to Veta once more which led him to the case where she got pretty chilled by that weird Soulless at the lake. Something was definately up with these lands and he couldn't help consider that fact. As passionate and stubborn as he was, he was a careful in equal measure at least. The attack in London was big, attacked place was rather packed with people, then there was a weird soulless of unknown origin. It all pointed out to something happening behind the scenes. This concerned him a lot, especially the unknown creature. Soulless tended to have specified weaknesses that required specific knowledge or skillset to defeat, if another unknown soulless appeared, one of unknown origin and way to defeat, how can they defeat it? Rather, the bigger question was what manner of beast had remained unknown to them for all these years? What else was lurking out in the world, waiting to attack at the underprepared them?
Heavy was his mind at these thoughts, maybe the situation wasn't as improving as he believed it to be initially. Maybe it was getting worse instead." Bazhooli, do you recall that creature that attacked as by the Circus?" Constantin asked." Vhat if we encounter it again? Hov do ve fight it? It might not be a coincidence it had targeted Veta back then. It may appear once more. Ludwig, you have any ideas on that? It flies, had multiple heads I think and seemed to use Ice and Mist. Hov ve fight that?"