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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Grimaldi Manor (Tunnels)

Priya could barely see in front of her, which just added to the whole “horror movie” aspect this case was slowly turning into. Some part of her wished she just listened to her parents and was a receptionist or something less chaotic. But then again, this is what she was good at. So she crept forward with Riley behind her. She wasn’t surprised the signal here was so bad. They were underground after all. “We’ll probably not get any until we get to the end of this tunnel. Horror movie logic. This looks old though. I’m surprised this wasn’t discovered when you and your friends hung out down here. This definitely isn’t a recent development.”

And then Riley used her knowledge of determining where they might be going and, of course, it was an asylum because the only other logical place would either be a graveyard or abandoned ruins. “That figures. It’s going to be the asylum which might explain why, whoever this is, is heading that way. They’ll be out of our comfort zone and into their home territory. Judging by how this town has been thus far, I’m going to assume the asylum has had its fair share of trouble? I wouldn’t be surprised if a quick Google search yielded results when you typed in Grimm and Asylum.” Priya sighed inwardly. This was not going to be good.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*Not many rolls called last round, so there isn't much information to give. You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update.

Chicago, Illinois (Grimaldi Books): Rapture smirked a bit. "Hey, I'm doing ya a favor pops, no need to get your panties in a wad," he said with a big grin as he popped the lollipop back into his mouth. Adelaide sighed and looked over towards Robert for a second, shaking her head.

"He didn't mean anything Robert, just answering," she said quietly. She had no idea how to speak or read the language on the paper.

"And I could, but I won't, ain't part of my job," Rapture added. A quick translation would have been easy for him but again, it wasn't what he was there for and the man had an attitude. He had just fucked himself over. Looking back at the screen he went back to his work. "Prometheus," Rapture repeated.

"Prometheus?" Adelaide interjected. "He was a titan in Greek mythology, stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity," she said as she looked at the screen. She had no idea what it said, it was just a bunch of code, a language she did not know either.

"Well ain't far from the truth. Prometheus is a top listed hacker, unknown who it really is. FBI, Interpol, ect. top wanted list. This hacker can do pretty much anything, takes information from governments and spreads it to the right people, or wrong. Either way."

"In Greek mythology, Prometheus was punished and forced to be tied to a rock. An eagle would eat his liver every day, only for it to regrow and Zeus have it eaten again the next. He was the inspiration to Frankenstein's Monster," Adelaide added as she leaned back in her chair.

Road To Grimm I (Roads of Chicago -> Gary, Indiana): Things are going smooth. Swimmingly in fact. So really damn good. Fuck LLA must like you two. You get out of Chicago, cross the bridge over the southern most tip of Lake Michigan, and get through to the southern part of Gary, Indiana in no time. I wish I had more to add but fuck, LLA gave her smooth sailing this round.

Road To Grimm II (Indiana): Zoie nodded as she finished off her last bit of food and shoved the garbage into the bag she had. Reaching out she took Mali's and climbed out of the car. "Sure thang girl, all yours," she said as she walked over to the trash can and got rid of the waste. Getting a deposit back on a rental wasn't really a big concern but she wasn't exactly one to want to sit surrounded by the wrapped of fast food stinking up the thing. Who knew how long they would have it and that type of fry oil could stink up the car quickly.

Waiting for Mali to get ready she climbed into the passenger side of the front and closed the door, putting her seat belt on. Pulling out a pair of sunglasses she slipped them on and got as comfortable as possible before starting up the navigation system and entering in their destination. She wasn't exactly sure where in Grimm they would stay the night, even if they would stay the night, so the general town was the goal. Looking over at Mali she grinned a bit. "Alright girl, roads all yers. Let's get this show on the road."

Grimm, Indiana (Beneath Grimm): The tunnel keeps going and there isn't anymore sounds, just that sickeningly sweet smell in the air that is really damn familiar to Riley but she hasn't exactly been able to place her finger on just what it is as of yet. the idea for a google search isn't a half bad one but sadly with there being no reception down there, getting a connection to do the actual search isn't going to yield much right then, nothing actually. Right now, they are under where one might assume is the grave yard between the house and the Asylum. About half way now, point of no return. Time to either push forward and see where this tunnel leads or turn back and run the fuck out of there and get reception.

Grimm, Indiana (Police Station): "No idea right now," Roy said as far as where Riley was. "Last I knew they were going to be checking into a hotel, haven't heard from Priya in a while," he said as he was looking around. Getting closer to the bulletin board ad taking a look at it. There was really no signs of where the killer went or anything like that or even a body at this point but there was still the question of where the Grimm Station's Receptionist was.

Sighing, Roy looked over and pointed to the bulletin board. "Don't think she is the only target," he said pointing to an article about the murders in Grimm not too long ago. There was a High School picture of all the Star Student's back in high school with most of them marked out. "Seems this is a fucking continuation of the shit that went down before..." he said before muttering a slew of curse words under his breath. Ripping the article down he held it out to Cecily.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Cecily Ashworth

Location: Grimm, Indiana (Police Station)
Skills: Deduction

"Well as long as the hotel wasn't built by H.H. Holmes..." Cecily grimaced. She wished that something like that wouldn't be a real possibility right now - but everything deadly and horrible was coming true, meaning an H.H. Holmes sponsored hotel wouldn't have shocked her too much right now. If anything, the idea of Riley just being holed up in a cute little hotel with someone like Mr. Moseby running the place seemed more impossible. She loved comic books - and now her life was just like one and it frightened her. She even had the codename of a prominent Marvel superhero. But unlike a comic book, there would be no resurrections. Death was death - it wasn't a plot device, it was final and permanent and terrifying.

Cecily bit her lip, taking the article from Roy. She hadn't really been able to make out any signs as to where the killer had gone or even a corpse, but the receptionist was still missing - and she imagined wouldn't be seen alive again. "Either they got the wrong guy the first time, he wasn't working alone, or this is a copycat then... Or he faked his death, but I think that last possibility is the most unlikely one at the moment," Cecily said softly. Something crossed her mind and she bit her lip. Her gut told her that whoever was responsible for all of this, it wasn't just some sort of random stranger. Grimm was too deadly and terrifying for this to just be a random copycat killer off of the streets.

"Hear me out but... I have a feeling that our suspect is going to be one of these Star Students. We should find Riley and the missing receptionist, then look over the Star Students - dead and alive - and see who has the skills needed to do this... Grimm is so much like a horror movie that I think we need to be that thorough," she said softly.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Chicago (Grimaldi Books: Back Room)
Skills: Law

Robert cared little whether or not the kid had meant anything by what he said, because he didn't like Rapture's cocky attitude. It hit too close to home for him. Plenty of former classmates had been showing of their own prowess and success when they met Robert, "Poor ol' Robert who only got to insurance.", which he hated. Sure you could show sympathy or superiority to him, but acting like that didn't get you anywhere in Robert's books. Then again, little those days got you into any of his books, except the one for sarcastic throwbacks.

But Adelaide reinforced the understanding that Rapture didn't mean anything malign. Robert sighed as he leaned back in his chair, looking from Adelaide while holding his tounge, then at Rapture. "Fine. My bad, kid." Robert apologized to Rapture, though he found no joy in doing so. But it was necessary as they needed him and his computer-magic skills. Robert sure as hell didn't know how to hack a computer.

"Great, more ancient history..." Robert mummered under his breath quietly upon hearing Adelaide's explaination of the word "Prometheus". At this rate, he'd have a PhD in the Classical Arts or something by the end of the day, considering all the things Adelaide had told him already. What caught his attention more was Rapture's explaination; A top-listed hacker? "Top wanted, FBI? Jesus Christ..." Robert repeated after the kid, running a hand through his hair. As if the FBI-files down in the vault wasn't enough, now they had a world infamous hacker at their heels. Well, Adelaide's heels.

"But why..." Robert began asking himself and the room, filling in the rest of the question in his head as he wondered why a top-wanted hacker would hack into Adelaide's systems. Was it because of this hacker that others were able to steal that ancient tome of hers, or was this Prometheus directly responsinble? But most importantly, why? Looking between the screen with a shitload of numbers, Rapture and Adelaide, only one conclusion came to Robert's mind as a possible explaination. And he couldn't believe he was saying it to herself.

"Could he want your attention? Think you're pretty and all that, Adelaide."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Road to Grimm (McDonalds)
Skills: Driving and Perception

Now came the question of where to stash her leftovers. A few thoughts ran through her head. She could just toss it in the back seat. But there it'd likely to be forgotten to be discovered by the next renter. Glove box? Same problem. On the dashboard it would just be a visual block. And the floor put her sandwich in an uncomfortably vulnerable position. She could just hand it over to Zoie, but she didn't want to burden her with holding onto a bag for the next few hours. Finally, she just decided to leave it on the middle section between the seats and hope that she didn't have to make any sudden stops.

While Zoie went to throw the trash away, Mali switched seats and immediately set to adjusting everything. The seat was too close, her legs were squished against the pedals, and she wanted it dialed forward a bit further. Some people liked to recline back and ride, but she wasn't about that. There were places to go, and she needed to be dialed in. With everything set to her satisfaction and both passengers buckled up, she was ready to roll. When Zoie flicked on the nav system, Mali couldn't help but look over. Well yeah it was telling them where to go, but the paranoid aspect of her piped in again. It was uncomfortable with the idea that their position was being precisely tracked at all time. How did those lyrics go again?

I take a pride in probing all your secret moves/My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove. Sure you could argue that not every satellite and GPS is controlled by Juno, but after watching Relic in action and all the computer shenanigans, Mali was pretty certain that it didn't really matter too much if it wasn't. If they wanted the information they could just take it. But it did no good to get lost over mostly unwarranted neurosis. She just had to reason that chances were that they were obfuscated or unimportant enough that this wouldn't fuck them over royally. Mali sighed once more and set forth towards Grimm.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 33 min ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Road To Grimm I (Roads of Chicago -> Gary, Indiana)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

With a little bit of luck, interspersed with much in the way of swearing and the forced necessity of cracking a window (yeah thanks, Keystone), the foreign duo from Machete Security Services finally made their way from the tangled, intensely busy streets of Chicago proper and into the metro area beyond. The road opened up, and thankfully they were finally able to put some real distance behind them. There was the slightest piece of disappointment on behalf of the larger of the two men; while Keystone was accustomed to life in large cities (London being his place of origin and the initial location that slung stones at anything akin to his happiness as a youth), he was under the impression that Chicago was a smaller city than his own home. He would be very correct in this assumption (three times as small, point of fact), but he had forgotten to take into consideration the massive metro area surrounding the city proper. He had really wanted to catch a glimpse at the extremely vast open spaces commonly depicted in movies set in the American Midwest. Instead, he saw a broad view of city, followed by city, followed by more city.

Caesar, meanwhile, was past the point of caring about the scenery. In the back of his mind, he was already gouging out the eyes of Agent Tinder. Maybe pump him full of amphetamines so that he wouldn't be physically able to pass out when the old man set his genitals on fire. Perhaps something resembling a mashup between jumper cables and tentacle pornography. Oh, Caesar knew of some good ways to inflict pain. His years struggling against the cartels in Mexico had exposed him to some very interesting methods of torture, at least on a conceptual level. He had to concede that, not being an experienced torturer, persay, he might very well go way too far and too quickly to really get the most fun out of seeing the man writhe and kick and beg Caesar to kill him instead of continuing to inflict various serious hurts upon the poor bastard's body. Now, killing a man - that's where he was a pro. In new and inventive ways sometimes, using the environment to his advantage as ideas took him. Maybe it came slow, maybe it came fast. But death was no stranger to Caesar Hannibal Gonzalez. He had sent many a man and woman to the steely embrace of Dama Muerte, and likewise had come close to it himself over his long decades of life. It was really only a matter of time before he breathed his last as got to see what all of them had experienced; that which he had only glimpsed from afar or viewed reflected in the eyes of the dying.

Back to Keystone, who glanced occasionally over in the direction of his employer. He was starting to get a little nervous, eyeing the expression on the old man's face. He wanted to inquire as to what thoughts occupied Caesar's mind at the time but quickly thought better of it. It was better this way. If he had a thought that was beneficial to their mission (or missions, as the case may be), then Keystone was confident that it would be shared, immediately or in due discourse. And more importantly, he didn't want to interrupt the man's thoughts, whatever they might be, because the horrific yet pleased expression Caesar was giving was frankly giving him the willies. Nah, talk could wait for a while.

The minutes continued to roll by as they rolled down the highway. Before they managed to see much in the way of a legitimate break between urban/residential areas, their SUV had crossed the Illinois-Indiana state line. Already the big man breathed a sigh of relief. The weapon laws were a lot less strict here, and the state honored permits issued from other states or like municipalities. When they stopped for gas or something to drink, they could more properly arm themselves without fear of invoking the wrath of the local law enforcement entities. But not now. They were on the road and that was all that mattered right then; nearing their destination and getting started. As the trip progressed further into Indiana, there peeked more in the way of greenery from the sides of the road and the area looked less like a single continuous city. Trees, even. Some of them pretty big. It wasn't until they began to head south out of the city of Gary that either of them gave much else in the way of notice to their surroundings as they continued more or less in the cardinal direction, away from the Great Lake.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Tunnel Passage Under Grimm
Skills: N/A

Riley sighed to herself as she rubbed her arm slightly looking over back the way from where they had came from, and then back over towards Pyira. "I haven't been at the Grimaldi's in years, so it may have been just uncovered by whoever it is awhile go maybe?" Riley said as she shrugged ever so slightly, she just wanted to get the hell out of here and felt like this was some kind of sick joke someone decided to pull on her. "I mean they did have an innocent girl framed for murder there who was my former classmate. But it was found that she didn't do it she's been free for awhile now but she's pretty insane last I saw her at the reunion." Riley said softly as she looked down at the floor for anything of interest.

"When we get to the other end, we call Tim and or Roy and stay put until they arrive and continue looking around then. I'd rather not die searching for some weird ass fucking clown who used the tunnels to escape." Riley did have her career to get back to, and she did not want to end up being in a new article where it said she had died in her hometown that she really and truly did hate. "Or we turn back, and call them there. But i'm think we are to far deep now to turn back, as much as I hate it.."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Grimaldi Manor (Tunnels)
Skills:Stealth, Investigation

Priya could only shake her head in disbelief upon hearing more of the tragic history of Grimm, Indiana. “I’m not surprised she went insane. Framed for murder and then having it not be her. I can’t imagine what that would do to a person.” But it was a sad fact of the justice system. How many inmates in jails and prisons in the country are there that are innocent? More than she liked to guess.

“We are too far in to turn back. You are more than welcome to head back and call Tim, but I am pushing forward.” She didn’t buy that these tunnels weren’t here during Riley’s high school time. Which begged the question: What did the Grimaldi’s intend with this tunnel system? If it did, in fact, lead to the asylum (which, come on, of course, it did) then did they want to bring someone in…or take someone out?

As she stepped forward, trying to be quiet but not doing such a hot job, her light hit a symbol on the wall. It looked carved in and definitely out of place. “Look at this. Some symbol etched into the wall. It doesn’t match the motif this tunnel is trying to have. I think it’s more recent. Wonder what it means?” She ran her hand along the carving, trying to see if it moved or not.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Chicago, Illinois (Grimaldi Books): Adelaide looked over towards Robert as if he had lost his mind. She was cute and all but to be hacked over that? That would seem more fitting for her home lap top upstairs in her apartment, not for her store itself. Rapture chuckled a bit and pushed the lollipop in his mouth into the side of his cheek, the paper straw at the end sticking out of his mouth.

"Why does a hacker hack anything?" he asked but it seemed more like he was leading into something. Pulling the lollipop out he turned around in his seat. "There are three reasons to hack. To prove you can, to cause trouble, and to get information," he said as he counted off the reasons on his fingers. "Hacking this place, if Prometheus wanted to hack something to prove something there are much harder places to get into. Now, to cause problems? Nah, could have set off alarms, set the place on fire, frame someone. Nothing like that there. So that leaves us with?" he said with a knowing look on his face.

"Information," Adelaide said looking around.

"Ding ding ding. This is a book store and books, well they were the internet of the old world. And yours is very old from what I am seeing. You have the equivalent to the world wide web of knowledge people fought wars over hundreds of years ago. Shit, Hitler would have loved your collection and looking at these email, so would the Vatican," he said as he opened her email account.

Adelaide gulped a bit. It didn't surprise her that this guy could get into her email. Wentworth had sent him. It was more so what he was saying. "Well shit..." she said under her breath. It wasn't common for Adelaide to curse but she was not exactly in the best of moods right then. "Can you keep it from happening again?" she asked.

"Against Prometheus?" Rapture asked with a half laugh. "I can bump up your security but if Prometheus wants in, Prometheus is getting in," he added. "But I can place a tracer. If you're lucky and another hack is tried, I might be able to find out from where," Rapture said before going back to work.

Adelaide nodded and sighed. "Fine, do what you can."

Road To Grimm I (Northern Indiana): Isn't this part of Indiana lovely? Little known fact. You are now in AMISH country! With the day rolling by, buggy signs start showing and Keystone is actually having to play it careful as they pass several Amish buggies on the road. In fact, as they move through on their personal route towards Grimm Indiana they are passing through the third largest Amish community area in the country. It isn't something that is widely publicized, why would it be? Most Amish do like they privacy. Thing is, now they need to stop and get gas. Thankfully there are a few tourist places and a gas station. Better pull over. This should be interesting, or at least funny as hell.

Road To Grimm II (Outskirt's Of Grimm, Indiana): Mali's ability to drive isn't near as bad as one would have thought. She is able to use a decent sense of perception and her driving skills to weave through traffic and find ways around any road blocks of slow moving areas. Causing both her and Zoie to reach the outskirts of Grimm much faster than anticipated. There is a haze over the town as they start getting close to it and one can see the white plum of smoke coming up from the woods out to the east. Zoie leans forward in her seat and takes off her sunglasses. "Well ain't that some shit..." she mutters under her breath before reaching over to the AC unit and turning it on recycle, last thing they need is for the cabin to fill up with outside smoke and such.

"Tinders place first or the hotel to clean up?" she asked Mali as she looked over to her and let out a breath. Either was a decent option. They could head to Tinders family home and get this over with or grab a shower before hand. Both would need to be done, just depended which one they wanted to do first.

Grimm, Indiana (Beneath Grimm): Riley isn't finding anything on the ground but she is going to start realizing what that damn smell is. She knows it. She knows it well. You see there was this girl she knew in high school. She went a little batty. And this girl, well she had a favorite drink... Strawberry Quick. The smell was always on her breath and she drank it constantly, especially after being locked up in the Asylum for so long. She was always asking for it. Yup, someone has been diving into the strawberry quick. Is that a good or a bad thing?

Priya figured something out as well. She found something. Now, it didn't turn or twist. It didn't reveal any type of hidden door as she fiddled with it. After a bit she is able to get her nails under the edges of the medallion though and pull it out of the wall. It seems to be a key to something. To what, who knows but the key part looks a lot more high tech than the actual medallion does. Like it was added later or updated. As if it had an older key on it and it was replaced with a high tech one on the end. This is probably something she will want to keep a hold of but the question remains, why the fuck is it down there?

Grimm, Indiana (Police Station): Roy nodded a bit. "See what you can dig up girl," he said as he kept an eye out while she did her search. Her search would yield the following:
    Remaining Alive Star Students
  • Jasmin Morgan
  • Riley Ridgeway
  • Adelaide Grimaldi
  • Cynthia McMillan
  • Ashley Cunningham
  • Kaikane Malana
  • Timothy Grayson
  • Celia Johnson
  • Dexter Paul
  • Jewell Price
  • Roxanne Waters

There were more but of those in the "more" list, they had survived the whole Reunion thing but had died since then. People like Marc Tinder and Chloe Ridgeway. Had those been hits?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Chicago (Grimaldi Books: Back Room)
Skills: Research

Now Robert wasn't very good with the ladies or women in general. Really he wasn't good with social interactions that involved him talking to them, his skills lay in him observing others to tell if they were talking shit or whatnot. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Adelaide didn't think too highly of Robert's theory about her getting hacked for her looks. As she looked at him and Rapture chuckled, Robert shrugged and looked in disbelief out in the room, clearly having no idea what he was saying. Why would Adelaide have been hacked by 'Prometheus'?

So Robert payed attention when Rapture decided to be a little helpful in that regard, giving them the only logical reasoning for why Adelaide was hacked; Information. He went on to pull in the Pope and the Nazis - of course he did, kids on the internet always dragged Adolf in sooner or later -, but Robert was on his phone at this point. Surely Adelaide couldn't have been the only one hacked as of lately? If 'Prometheus' was as big and scary as Rapture made him…them…it out to be, why only go for Adelaide? Robert quickly typed at his phone while the two others spoke of setting up a tracer, but Robert's pursuit of more leads was as cold as the bowl of rice he had in his fridge. Great, nothing.

At this point Rober felt as useful as a wet noodle, and was still annoyed at the tech-kid for a plethera of reasons. But being loud-mouthed with him clearly didn't help, and so Robert decided to ask about something else than Ratpure's obvious need to show himself off. "So, what about the cameras? Think you can go through and check the tapes for…well, anything? I'm no Einstein, but I'm pretty sure one couldn't steal something physically from a vault with just hacking. Or am I wrong?" Robert asked Rapture while he looked at him, though his gaze also landed on the computer screen behind him. Numbers and letters all over the place. At least Robert was good around numbers, so he wondered...it was probably a long shot, but he gave the numbers a look as good as someone dealing in insurance-fraud could.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 33 min ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Road To Grimm I (Indiana, Amish Country -> Convenience Store)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

The land opened considerably, buildings parting to make way for rolling hills meeting sky off in the distance. Copses of trees dotted the horizon at odd intervals, and slowly the structures of Man receded and shrunk. They had entered the breadbasket of North America. Agricultural lands stretched out as far as the eye could see. It vaguely reminded Caesar of the plains in southern Spain, only with far less in the way of grapes and fruit trees. It had been a while since he had been out that way, but he remembered it fondly. Keystone, on the other hand, viewed it with a level of simmering annoyance that was slightly less pronounced than when he learned that he had to go to California. He was very much an urbanite, the long-term stint in China notwithstanding. At least they had breathtaking scenery in Asia. Indiana? Pretty in its own way, but not his cup of Chamomile.

Scenery aside, odd signs began to make themselves known to Keystone, who had never observed anything of their like. Were it crop circles or sheep crossing signs, he might have an idea as to how he should proceed. But lack of experience with American roads led to interesting questions such as: "Bloody, piss-gargling 'ell is that?" he blurted, jamming one of his massive, sausage-like fingers in the direction of the offending yellow diamond at roadside.

Caesar responded with a sneering laugh. He had been in the country for far longer than Keystone, and as such had a better grasp on some of the proclivities of the culture. His laugh began to pick up, lazily drawing out in spurts as he sat up more fully in his seat. Oh, this might be a welcome diversion to whatever drama awaited them in Grimm. They had to stop sometime pretty soon. "Horse-drawn buggies. Watch out for horse-drawn buggies." he said, keeping an eye out for bearded men unburdened by the luxury of buttons. "They have right of way. Pass with care." Caesar exhaled with derision, saying out loud what was hanging in the air but had not been vocalized up until then: "We're in Amish Country."

Keystone had heard about the Amish. Mostly stuff that came through the filter of American television that was picked up in the U.K., watered down and altered by producers as it likely was, but had never been near a community of them before. There was a first time for everything, it seemed. He checked the SUV's panel and noted that it was just about time to fill he gas tank, anyway. And he could go for a bottle of water and something salty. After about a mile, Keystone spotted a gas station and pulled in. He looked to Caesar and asked, "Oi, could you fill up the petrol? I'm gonna run inside. Need anything?"

Caesar nodded his head slowly and stepped out of the vehicle. "Whatever you're getting." It might have been a mistake; he wasn't as grand an eater as his associate. But he could go for a beverage. Caesar popped off the gas cap and began to fill the tank as requested by Keystone, while the younger man strode solidly into the convenience store to grab some stuff for the road. Probably additional bottled water and some popcorn. This was Indiana, right? Home of Orville Redenbacher? They had popcorn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Tunnel Passage Under Grimm
Skills: N/A

Riley stood there as she looked back over her shoulder again, and sighed when she couldn't find anything of interest other than the smell of course, but she still couldn't pick up who had a fetish for the Strawberry Quick stuff. She turned her attention back towards Pyria and shook her head slightly and sighed. "I'll keep going, but making the call as soon as we are on the other end, and staying put until they are here." Riley said, but as soon as she got to the other end of that tunnel she was going to be making that call to both Tim and Roy. She knew that Roy had gone out of town again, for something but she hadn't had contact with him since her time back here now.

Riley stopped when Pyria found something on the wall, and managed to pry it off and took a few steps over towards her and tried to get a better look at it. "I haven't seen it before." Riley said softly towards Pyria as she continued to move forward, she was surprised to even find this tunnel down here in the first place after spending so much time here. "C'mon lets just continue and make our way to the other end." Riley muttered, though the weird medallion key thing seemed to be pretty new she didn't know why it was down in here in the first place.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Road to Grimm (McDonalds)
Skills: Driving and Perception

"We'll go to Tinder's place, first." As much as Mali wanted to say to get the hotel room first, she could feel that if she got the chance to lay down (while waiting for the shower to become unoccupied for example), she wouldn't want to get back up. And there wasn't much use in putting off the reason why they were here in the first place. They had gotten to Grimm ahead of time, so they might as well use it for something. Had they shown up at the originally projected 9pm to whatever, then things would be different. Kind of a dick move to show up at someone's doorstep right as they're probably trying to sleep and then dropping the bomb that their son's dead. Now, they'd be interrupting dinner at worse.

"So Zoie, call me paranoid, but I can't shake the feeling that something bad's going to happen." Her eyes flitted over towards the plume of smoke off in the distance. "Maybe it's the Silent Hill fog coming from over there, running into Caesar at the bookstore, or that we're driving into the cursed town where all those murders happened. But I can feel a wave of bullshit coming over the horizon. Just can't see it yet." She had her guard back up, but Mali wasn't sure if Zoie felt the same way. It would really suck if she got caught off guard when the flood came, so to speak. The least she could do was let her know beforehand about her sense of foreboding.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Chicago, Illinois (Grimaldi Books): Adelaide looked over towards Robert. "We've been over the tapes, they don't show anything but if he can find something we couldn't, I am all for it," she said towards him and Rapture nodded.

"I'll go over them but tracking anything Prometheus does isn't exactly a cake walk," he said with the lollipop shoved into the side of his mouth.

Sadly for Robert, any number cracking skills he has doesn't translate to coding. There is more to it than that. If it were that easy, Robert might have been able to do this instead of Rapture but it isn't a set of skills that crosses over. Wouldn't even cross over if Lady Luck herself stepped into the room and dropped twenty nat 20's in a row. It's like trying to cross knitting and knives. Sure they might be both made out of steel but the purpose and use is different. Roberts skill is for pure numbers, coding isn't that. Sowwy.

Road To Grimm I (Northern Indiana): Over in Corn Country, the folks are giving both Caesar and Keystone a lot of weird looks. Probably as many weird looks as Keystone is giving them. Equally out of place in their every day life. Getting gas isn't an issue and yup, they have popcorn but the thing is, the gas station doesn't have a microwave so the popcorn is old kettle style. Sweet and salty. Not bad though! The two should be back on the road without issue this round, nothing big happening there, besides Keystones biceps.

Road To Grimm II (Moving through Grimm, Indiana): "Yeah, you ain't just whistling Dixie sweetie, this shit reminds me of Deliverance...." Zoie said under her breath as she looked out the window and tucked her sunglasses on top of her head. Mali, studying the smoke and the smell would probably be able to figure out it wasn't a natural fire. It smells more like fires when they break out back in Justice. There is a lot of mixed smells, it isn't a pure smelling smoke like a bonfire. More like a whole bunch of over gassed grills on the 4th of July mixed with the rubber smell of tires across the asphalt. Thankfully, it is keeping most people off the streets and the route towards Tinder's parents house isn't bad so far.

Grimm, Indiana (Beneath Grimm): Things are still moving along and Riley will figure that they can't be far from the Asylum by now. She's walked the streets of Grimm enough in her youth to know about how many steps it takes to get from anywhere in town to another location. It's just second nature after being raised there and considering there wasn't a lot to do in town and everyone lived within walking distance. Now, the strawberry quick, it was Cynthia. She loved the stuff, was constantly drinking it in High School and even more so after she got out of the Asylum in Grimm. That smell followed her everywhere she went.

Grimm, Indiana (Police Station): Will update once Morose returns.

(Forgive the post, cranking the post out on no sleep for 2 days and a head cold lol So if it's loopy, my bad!)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Grimaldi Manor (Tunnels)

Priya picked up the weird looking thing. She had seen movies like Indiana Jones before. It looked like the type of thing that was a key to open a secret passage or stop traps from killing the hero. She hoped there were no traps of that nature down here but given the fact they were down in a creepy tunnel system; she wouldn’t put it past whoever dug these out.

She was not surprised to hear some amount of worry in Riley’s voice. It would be important to inform the others as soon as possible, but she wasn’t about to sit put. She wouldn’t blame Riley for thinking it, but she was not the type to let others come in and ruin whatever work she put into a case. Even a case she was given outside of her jurisdiction. Whoever was down here or, rather, in the asylum now that they were heading to, she would find them and find out what was going on. Some of the pieces were there and they would need to find more and assemble the puzzle to figure out what was going on in Grimm, Indiana.

“I think it’s a key of some sort. I’ll take it with just in case. Now it feels like an adventure movie. We are just passing through all the genres now.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Cecily Ashworth

Location: Grimm, Indiana (Police Station)
Skills: Deduction

Cecily's eyes darted down the list of alive students, but her mind kept on darting back to Justice. It was a lot like Gotham - or even Star(ling) City, home of the Green Arrow. Everything that happened to them, it was like something coming out of a gritty take on Batman, only none of them were superheroes. They were just regular (okay, Cecily was regular, the others weren't) people trying to survive amidst this massive conspiracy, fighting a shadowy organization that they didn't even fully understand. She hadn't woken up and decided to be a hero - she had gone into work in order to do her job, to use science to uncover the truth. And now, she was caught in the crosshairs.

"Alright, got a list of names of surviving students who are still alive," Cecily said. Riley's name stood out to her. Her roommate - the woman she had gone on a date with and she still wasn't sure what sort of relationship she wanted with her - the one who had gunned down the madman behind the original killings. If she viewed this through the perspective of a comic book, then this was Riley's story and it was all culminating in this. The only question was - how had that killing changed Riley? Was she still a force for good? Her paranoia was eating away at her and Cecily shook her head slightly. Riley wouldn't have done this.

"I'm not sure this will yield much," she admitted, as she started googling into the backgrounds of the remaining Star Students - as well as the ones who had recently died, such as Tinder and Riley's twin. "But while I'm running the world's fastest and hopefully not least thorough background check... Riley's sister and Marc Tinder both died incredibly recently. That can't be a coincidence that these killings are starting up again here in Grimm so soon afterwards."

She winced internally. That didn't look good for Riley. Her sister and friend die, and now this? Either Riley was next or she was the culprit. Cecily didn't like either option.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 33 min ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Road To Grimm I (Indiana, Amish Country)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A

A gnarled Mexican in a leather vest and secure trench coat wasn't exactly commonplace in this part of the country. Nonetheless, Caesar stood there, fueling up the company SUV with a look to his face that warned disharmonious, bodily injury to anyone who might want to interrupt or make pithy comment about the rarity of the situation. Ignoring the obvious, he did cut the very dashing if autumnal figure, stabbing the gas pump into the fuel port in a highly masculine fashion as the wind cut across the flat, open land around him, cascading his hair behind him and ruffling his coat in the manner of a Roman general's cape. Oh yes, no one could perform mundane tasks with as much epic flair as Caesar Gonzalez.

The occasional pickup truck or (God forbid) horse and buggy might pull in, gassing up or just purchasing day to day items, respectively. At first, Caesar was curious as to why a horse drawn carriage might be doing at a place that sells gas, let alone where one would cram the pump nozzle, but he eventually worked out that Amish people might like Oreos and jerky snacks like everyone else. Still, he felt the need to growl at one heavily bearded man whose eyes seemed to linger on him for longer than he was comfortable. "Keep moving, Straw Hat," he said under his breath. When the tank topped out, Caesar retracted the pump and hung it back up, then waited with measured impatience for his junior associate to return.

Meanwhile, Keystone was inside among a knot of younger Amish women. Chiefly the ones that did the shopping when it was called for, it was still a little offputting for the burly Londoner as he was more accustomed to assessing potential threats in a new location, not from which angle someone might try to sell him a doll without a face or unpasteurized milk. The goal was to pop in, grab snacks, pay for gas, leave. But somehow, soaking up the culture of the area made him realize that, in the vast and diverse world, sometimes a man just wanted to run back home and grab a curry in the East End. Or if not a curry, just to run home. Away from homespun woolen socks and wearing aprons out in public, and he had only just arrived in Amish country.

Parting the way through the mix of rural oddities and more modern roadside sales items, Keystone was rather taken aback to note a distinct lack of a microwave oven. The verbal urging of "Popcorn?" to the shopkeeper was met with a point in the direction of a kettle corn apparatus, oddly referred to as a Corn Kettle among polite society. He gave it a shrug. He was the outsider, it wouldn't do any good to complain or ask to change things just to suit his proclivities. Besides, he wanted to get in and out as fast as possible seeing as his one-word inquiry just alerted everyone in the establishment that he was, in fact, one of those foreigners that they'd read about in periodicals and/or immigration protests. The rampant sea of eyes birthed of questionable genetics focused on him was annoying, certainly, but as long as he was there Keystone figured that he'd give them a show.

Looking at the nearest Amish lady, he gave her a suggestive wink and began making his gargantuan pecs dance underneath his shirt. Bump-bump, bump-bump-bump. "Yeah, that's the crumpets 'n' tea right there, oi?" he rolled out in one of the more pronounced Cockney brogues of his adult life. Turning over to the proprietor, he set back to business. "Right. Bottles of water, a sackful of that - wait, you're sellin' the popcorn in bloody sacks? Wha'ever... Two of them sacks o' poppin' corn, and gas on pump fongin' three. Got me?"

Back outside, Caesar had the hatch open waiting for the imminent return of Keystone. The larger man returned, bearing the fruits of his purchases which he subsequently loaded into the vehicle. Caesar tipped his head to the man, asking, "Problems with the locals?"

"Nah, Boss. Little culture shock, is all. We good?"

"We're in Indiana now. Go ahead and gear back up."

"Yeah, Boss. On that."

The pair of them, likely to moderate concern of any locals out and about who cared to continue staring too hard, passed their working gear to each other from the back of the SUV. Keystone's heavier caliber firearms and massive knuckle dusters, some basic investigation equipment, and a secure coat; Caesar's collection of sharp things and pistols. They each had their way. Fresh batteries were flipped out for their personal electronics while older ones went into chargers, and the pair of them engaged standard protocol by logging their location and times with the head office. Ready to either wage war or participate in reality TV, it was a difficult call to anyone who did not know them personally.


"As I'll ever be. Grimm?"


The pair returned to their positions in the company vehicle and bid the gas station a dusty farewell. Next stop, hopefully, was a city they had been hearing a lot about lately: Grimm, Indiana.



"Is that a sack, full of popcorn?"

"Uhh, yeah."

There was an audible sigh. "...fine. Hand it here."

"Yeah, Boss."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Tunnel Passage Under Grimm
Skills: N/A

"Well all we need now is a giant as fucking boulder and we can be in our very own Indiana Jones flick." Riley said towards Pyira she half expected that to actually happen. As Riley continued to move forward she started to remember walking around town when she was younger, they weren't that far now actually. "We should be close now I think, even though we are in a tunnel it just feels like we are pretty close to the asylum now." Riley said as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed slightly to herself she wasn't going to stay put once they got out of the tunnel. Pyira can go on her own if she chose to, she needed to talk to Roy or Tim about it anyway as well and inform them what they had found and whats been going on.

Riley then paused for a moment, now that it was all coming back to her the smell was from Cynthia's favorite drink. "Now I remember the smell is from my former classmate. The one who was accused of murdering, but later found innocent, she drank Strawberry Quick like it was fucking crack." Riley said as she looked at Pyira, the girl was mentally crazy and unstable, so maybe she came down here for some reason she wasn't sure why.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Chicago (Grimaldi Books: Back Room)
Skills: N/A

For all the staring Robert did at the computer screen behind Rapture, Robert couldn't make heads or tails of what the hell was going on. It was just a bunch of zeroes and ones flying across the screen, and for all his skill in in maths, this wasn't working. Robert sighed in annoyed defeat at his failure, knowing that since he couldn't do it, they needed Rapture more than ever. Robert wasn't liking Rapture, but if he was who they had...Robert sighed again to himself, biting in a sarcastic comment that he wanted to give, but probably wasn't deserved by either Rapture or Adelaide. Not now at least.

Robert looked over at Adelaide, giving her words about the tapes already having been watched through. "Except for a name of a mysterious hacker and what we've already got, Adelaide, I'm not sure what else we can do." Robert said back to Adelaide, then turned his attention to the nerdy kid with an attitude way bigger than he deserved. "Not much is a cakewalk these days, but we're counting on you. We don't have much choice." Robert continued to tell Rapture, leaning back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling, not knowing what to say or do. They could probably go over the FBI-files while driving to Grimm, so what else could they do while Rapture was at work? "What else are you finding then, kid? If not left behind by Prometheus, anything else? The Pope, the guy next door, anyone?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 16 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Chicago, Illinois (Grimaldi Books): Rapture looked over towards Robert. "This takes time but hey, I've found out more in ten minutes than you did since you were assigned this case," he said. Turning in his seat he pulled out a cord and pulled his own lap top out before connecting them to the main computer in the store. Standing up he grabbed his bag and Adelaide looked a little worried.

"You're leaving?" she asked, a bit confused.

"I'm gonna transfer some files, and take this back to the office. My main frame there can handle things faster and I don't have to deal with his ass," he said before pulling the cord and shutting his lap top. Adelaide visibly face palmed but nodded as she held her face in her hands. "I'll call you when I get this figured out," he said before exiting the store. Looking over towards Robert she sighed before heading out of the back room.

"Gonna grab a few things and then heading out, I need to drive, might as well go," she said under her breath.

Road To Grimm I (Northern Indiana): The wheels on the SUV go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the suv go round and round all through Corn Town. Basically that is what is happening. That is until the vehicle blows a tire and they are forced to pull over on the side of the road. Thankfully it is only one. So shouldn't take too long to change, that is unless you want to call Triple A and have them come out to you but that could delay you for hours considering how far out you are from you know, civilization beyond 1820.

Grimm, Indiana (Heading Towards The Tinder Place): Will post next update.

Grimm, Indiana (Beneath Grimm): Things are pretty calm under the city even if that smell is getting stronger. It's kind of sickening at this point and seems to be mixed with something. There is something else. As you get further and further along in the tunnel it is starting to look like the tunnel just ends. Doesn't look like it breaks off anywhere or that there is a door to go through. Like it just ends. But that can't be now can it? I mean you swore you heard someone down there and there was a draft. So wind had to be moving from somewhere and whoever was down there had to go somewhere but the thing is - WHERE?

Grimm, Indiana (Police Station): "Yeah, I seriously doubt that this is just a thing that isn't connected, We've read enough comics to know this shit doesn't just happen," Roy said as he kept looking around.

As far as Cecily's deducting skills go, it seems that LLA isn't being really kind right now. Even trying more than once she came up with bupkis this round. Granted, knowing Riley, Cecily can at least figure that Chloe probably wasn't too violent. As far as Tinder goes, she can't be sure. Didn't seem to be the type but then again, just because she isn't finding anything doesn't mean that nothing ever happened. Chances are someone in the FBI has a pretty tight file that isn't advertised on a google search. At least we hope it isn't that easy. Maybe Keystone would have better luck with finding something but she hasn't heard from him in a bit.
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