March 24th, 1823

Kirkpatrick House: The Lady Kirkpatrick waited for the parchment and ink to be brought back by by Maeve. Sitting there she studied the letter over and over again. Her fingers running over the ink as she looked at it. Once Maeve came back she took the items and set them down. Setting the letter down she looked over it again. Dipping the ink into the well she glanced over towards Meave and smirked a bit. "The one controlling him," she said in a knowing voice before looking a the letter again. "Time to take the upper hand my dear."
Then she began. Her hand moving steady over the paper. She took her time and seemed to be writing. Leaning back she set the quill down and blew over the paper slowly. Picking up the original she looked them over and then flipped the original over. "Do be a dear and fetch me a potato uncooked from the kitchen. Cook should be able to find you one," she said as she set it back down. The two letters looked identical, minus the extra line of text added to the last bit of the letter.
Road to Gretna Green From The Kirkpatricks: The woman looked around slowly. Her azure eyes looking around slowly but the rest of her body seemed to stand perfectly still, like a painting. Slowly she took a breath and looked back over to the men, particularly the one that was speaking to her. "Da Circus," she said before kneeling down and running her blade clean on the dead Soulless's clothing. Standing back up she started to step towards the carriage but the door flung open as Rutherford shoved his head out.
"Just what in the hell...." he started before stopping what was sure to be a long slew of beratements. Slowly he stepped out of the carriage as his eyes narrowed. "Grand Duchess?" he asked. The woman stiffened, her fingers tightening on her sword for a moment before slipping it into the waist. "What are you doing here?"
Straightening up, she started walking towards the man but brushed passed him and looked into the carriage. One could feel the small jostling as Millicent jumped from surprise. "Dere you are," she whispered before looking back out. "Ve have much to discuss."
"Hey just wait a minute!" Rutherford said as he came towards the woman but she was cut short as her sword came out and the tip topped just at his throat.
"You vill not enter, ve go, nov," the woman said in a song like voice but so strong. Holding his hands up, he grumbled under his breath but took a step back. The woman climbed into the carriage and shut the door. Rutherford looked around confused before climbing up and taking the back upper seat, which was more of a luggage rack than anything.
"God damn it, you heard the woman, let's go..." he muttered. The driver looked confused but snapped the reins and the carriage pulled forward slowly. Rutherford winged his hands together as they started moving again.
Road To House Kirkpatrick: The road from Port Annan to the House Kirkpatrick was well worn but decently maintained. They seemed to be making good time. The man looking over towards Colette from time to time to make sure she was keeping up but she was doing fine with the ride. The horse she had been sold was good enough and they were not making a breakneck speed. The weather was holding for them and soon the man brought Colette to a small road and turned off, before a wall and a gate could be seen. The multiple story dwelling was there, with a plaque on the gate that read Kirkpatrick. Two bodies lay in the front yard and an old man that looked to be a butler was crossing their arms over their chest.
He stopped and looked at the two as they road up, wiping his brow away with a piece of linen. "Can I help you?" he asked but the man that road and lead Colette here didn't say anything, simply looking over towards her with a slight motion of his brows.
Road to Gretna Green From Port Annan: Three very weird men, all headed in the same direction. Well, three men, two horses, and Dieter. The ferret, not the brother, because if it had been the brother then there would have been four men traveling, or three men and a corpse. Either way it would have thrown the numbers off and we wouldn't want to do that now would we? Ludwig went back to his study, looking over his books, every so often popping his head up and making sure they were on the right track or if they needed to adjust their course. Then he would pop his head back down, after a bit he popped his head back up and looked confused, as if that was something new. "What was I looking up again?" he asked. Seemed he might have gotten a little off track.
Road To Gretna Green From Carlisle: Ny smiled over towards her and reached out, resting his hand over Virginia's. "He had to be alive to send the message, so worry not. I have yet to met a Crypt that was not full of surprises," he said in a reassuring voice before releasing his hand and sitting back in his seat. Looking back down at the paper he kept writing and writing, until the carriage pulled to a stop.
"Gretna Green," the driver called out and one could feel the carriage shift as he climbed down. The door swung open slowly and the driver grinned at them. "Here safe and sound," he said proudly, motioning with a sweeping hand towards the small town around them.
Ny smacked his lips and climbed out as he tucked his things back into his sack and used his walking cane to lean against. "Oh yes, this is not near as Green as I thought it would be, pity," he mused.