Virginia Crypt

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: N/A
Virginia was slightly confused by Ny's words. She had grabbed onto his arm and started attempting her very best to assist him, in order to get him out of the way. At any rate, it wasn't the immediate problem, the intricacies of his perception of her and awareness of what she was doing. They needed to find a way to stop the runaway carriage. It wasn't out of the kindness of her heart or for the poor soul stuck to it, but rather from practicality. If they let the carriage keep on barreling around, then others were potentially standing on Death's door. Stopping the horses in the carriage also might give them insight onto who the carriage had belonged to. She really hoped that it wasn't a matter of a Soulless attack sending the carriage off like that - though if she needed to shed more blood with her axes, then so be it.
She started to look for something that would allow her to stall the horses quickly, since the only thing she had thought of thus far was throwing her axes at them and trying to kill the horses, but the idea struck her as rash and hasty. There had to be a better thing to do. Maybe Ny would think of something but she was a Crypt and she was certain that she could come up with some sort of solution. "Do you have any idea of how to stop it?" Virginia asked Ny, still mulling the entire thing over and knowing that time was of the essence.
Maeve Brennan

Location: House Kirkpatrick - the Parlor
Skills: N/A
Maeve watched the Lady Kirkpatrick with care, pausing slightly as the topic turned to the potential that she could learn this set of skills. Instantly, however, she found a slight problem with it - she didn't know how to read. She didn't know how to write. In order to forge a letter, both of those struck her as necessary skills to obtain. But as much as she wanted to learn these skills for her own trade, she also saw an advantage for Roisin. Her daughter was going to be in Rome, training and growing up in as normal a life as Maeve could give her. If she learned to read and write, she could communicate with her daughter while she was abroad. "I would need ter learn ter read an' write, but... I would be pure keen ter learn these things, m'lady," Maeve answered respectfully.
At the very least, she would be able to learn the art of carving potatoes in order to fake a seal. That much didn't seem to require needing any sort of familiarity with reading and writing. And it was understandable to her if Lady Kirkpatrick didn't want to put in the time or funds or resources into teaching Maeve how to read and write. Not very many people in the lower classes these days were literate, much less women. "Is there anythin' else I can do for yer?" Maeve then asked politely. She really was enjoying her time with Lady Kirkpatrick. It made her wonder how her family back home would have reacted to this news - though she recalled the words about the Soulless attacks and her heart faltered slightly. Roisin was fine and that was all that mattered - but what of the others?