
"To lose is to gain. To gain is to lose."
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• Appearance: Self-explanatory. It would be preferable to have an anime-ish image because we are Weebs. Text descriptions are also fine.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Your title if you so choose.
• Age: Self-explanatory.
• Class: Your time in the Tower will change how you see the world and the threats you face will determine the skill set you consider. What path of life will you follow? And where will it take you...
• Aspect of Soul: All beings possess a Soul, some in greater aspects than others. As one who's journeyed into the Tower, the power of your Soul allows you to call forth your personal weapon or tool to fight back the threats from beyond. What then, reflects your soul?
• Abilities: Any special abilities or skills granted by your choices of Class and Aspect of Soul.
• Background: A quick summary of your character thus far.
• Inventory: Any noteworthy possession that your character may have should be placed here. Commonplace mundane items, like a smartphone, a car, etc., don't need to be listed. If you don't have any, you don't need to add this.
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Your title if you so choose.
• Age: Self-explanatory.
• Class: Your time in the Tower will change how you see the world and the threats you face will determine the skill set you consider. What path of life will you follow? And where will it take you...
• Aspect of Soul: All beings possess a Soul, some in greater aspects than others. As one who's journeyed into the Tower, the power of your Soul allows you to call forth your personal weapon or tool to fight back the threats from beyond. What then, reflects your soul?
• Abilities: Any special abilities or skills granted by your choices of Class and Aspect of Soul.
• Background: A quick summary of your character thus far.
• Inventory: Any noteworthy possession that your character may have should be placed here. Commonplace mundane items, like a smartphone, a car, etc., don't need to be listed. If you don't have any, you don't need to add this.
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.
Black Pentacle ★
- The Shining Star-(Red Wire)
- The Auroral Rose-(Librarian Chen, Harmless Homunculus, Infested Jester, Black Cat)
- The Loaded Linguist-(Imperial Justice, Crimson Guardian, Hellish Wood, Fated Feline)
- The Wheel of Fortuna-(Spawn of Greed, Mad Virus, Maddening Undead/The Master)
- Queen Krusha-(Scourge of the Sands, Vassal of Nether)
White Masks ✦
- The Stacked Deck-(The First General, The Gray Huntress)
- Lin Liao-(Black Knight, Noblesse, First Vassal of Energy)
- Foxy Blade-(Icy Thief, Paladin of the Squall)
- Boundless Horizon
- Takara Kohou
- Rosea Nyx
Unaffiliated ❃
- Bartizan-(Celestial Echo, Unknown Will)
- Sanctuary
- Velvet
- Vi-Vi-(Bringer of Order, Honorless Blade, Blood Countess)
- The Devil Queen
- Thomas Violet-(Aerial Diver, The Angel of Death, High Elf Archer)
- Riku Fuse-(Knight of Lovers, Demonic Rebellion, The Conquer Canine)
- Umbral Spear-(Alluring Dryad, Arc D'Lupin, Absolution)