Washington D.C.: September 8th, 2020 - 1:10 PM
Washington D.C. Waterfront:
Frost International isn't too far from the Waterfront - it's located in the downtown portion of Washington D.C., approximately fifteen blocks away from where they are currently. They can walk there without too much difficulty, though it's rather humid outside at the moment and not that pleasant. Another option would be to hail an Uber and hope that the driver isn't a Purifier (and doesn't realize they're mutants!) Of course, there is also the metro but do you really want to get packed into a car without functioning air conditioning right now? Gross! At any rate, no matter what choice they make, they'll be able to get to Frost International at the end of your post.
The Morlock Tunnels - Washington D.C. Sewers:
Erg grimaced slightly - there were reasons why he had issues with Stretch and his brother was one of them. Unlike the rest of the Morlocks, Stretch lived a double life - he continued to go and act on the surface, as if the people up there could accept him. His elasticity meant that no mark could stay on his face even if they tried, and his ability to change his appearance made him ideal for getting the food and medicine the Morlocks needed to survive. "I agreed with you once, Leighton," Erg said quietly. "I used to fight for... for tolerance but people can only tolerate something they hate. The world is not ready for mutants. If I can minimize contact with the surface, my people are better for it. Stretch's crusade after his brother was foolish. He tries to live in both worlds and it will kill him one day."
He let a moment of silence pass, before he picked up an empty beer bottle. "Freeze the bottle - and just the bottle," Erg instructed Leighton. He needed to more or less see what they were working with. He imagined that she would have some trouble getting her powers started, but a lot of difficulty with keeping them contained and manipulating them to do exactly as she wished. He'd take her to see other mutant talented with ice that evening, once the supply run had concluded. Blink was the go-to method for Morlock's to travel around the city.

Location: The Mutant Underground - Washington D.C. Station
Skills: N/A
Havok had shot a glare back at Spark Plug for her comments about him not getting every single woman. He had half a mind to remind her that his on-and-off again girlfriend was Magneto's daughter and that his older brother used to run the X-Men, as a way of arguing that both the Brotherhood and the X-Men would come smack Spark Plug around for him if he wanted them to. Of course, he knew better than to say things like that - since he doubted either event would actually come true.
Veil shook her head at Spark Plug as she was offered the pain killers. "No, those are yours. I'm fine," she insisted, giving her friend a slight smile. She was glad to see that Spark Plug was okay. She had been really worried about her, since the last time Veil saw her, she had been shot and they were practically surrounded by cops. She then gave a nod towards Moonwalker, holding out a hand to him since Glimpse seemed to be thinking things over. "I'm Veil. Good to meet you," she said, introducing herself.
She was a bit curious as to why Glimpse had gone to them - she had connections if she was related to the Braddocks. Why would she go to the cash strapped and barely functioning Mutant Underground with this sort of information? Veil guessed that it might have been in order to ask them to pass it along to the X-Men, but if she was rich, wouldn't Luna have a phone? There was something just weird about this entire situation, but she wouldn't know what to do until Luna explained to her what was going on and why she needed to meet with Veil personally.
Sunshine and Spirit Box

Location: the Warehouse (K2 -> I7 and I2 -> G9)
Skills: Mediumship
So far, they were lucky - security hadn't come by this portion of the warehouse just yet. James would even be able to find a detailed copy of the warehouse's manifest, with keyword searches making it easy to find the locations of just about everything he would need. Crimp wire connectors, wire nuts, wire strippers, one alternate generator, and volt regulators were all indicated as being stored on the first floor of the warehouse - where they currently were. He would need to check the manifest for items stored on the other floors in order to see if they had the rest of the things he needed here.
Casper stared at James for a few moments after he explained everything they were looking for. He wasn't even certain what language that had been - was it English? It all sounded Greek to him. Never before in his life had he really attempted to do any sort of electrical or mechanical repair. Sure, his dad's place ended up exploding a lot and needing to be rebuilt, but Casper had been too young to really help out with it - and he never had much interest in that sort of thing. "... I think I might have an easier time finding the Holy Grail - is Nick Cage around here anywhere? I bet there's some sort of National Treasure thing dealing with a warehouse," Casper mused. He had completely forgotten to answer his brother's question about why he was here.
"For once, I know as little as you do," Ben mused, as he followed off after Casper. Everyone was looking through the first row of boxes, so he decided to round the bend and go somewhere new. Of course, technically he was really picking boxes from the same shelf as all of them, but his brother was handling the top boxes so Casper went for the lowest one. Opening it up, he found the crimp wire connectors and he held them up. "Do you need these?" he called out to James.
Of course, Sunshine gave Stretch a bit of a look after he chastised her for her choice in language. She was surprised that he spoke Greek - it wasn't exactly the most common of languages. Had she been cursing in Spanish, she would have understood someone understanding it - everyone spoke Spanish in the United States (well, she didn't but that wasn't the point). She committed James' descriptions to memory easily, walking forward to go start looking through things. She wasn't too far away from Tome when he started going off about how he found boxes and she rolled her eyes.
"Congratulations, you found a box. Now just take some markers and you can make yourself a friend, Max!," Sunshine told him, rolling her eyes. "Though being friends with you might qualify as cruel and unusual punishment," she quipped, picking on him for really no reason at all. He struck her as weak and an easy target. Smirking slightly, Sunshine then turned her attention to the box closest to her and she opened it up. Her eyes widened in surprise, finding a dead rat inside of the box. She then picked it up and held it out to James by the tail.
"Would this help?" she asked, giggling.
Blink had been looking through boxes on her own, using her portals to grab the ones from the top of the shelf she was dealing with. She didn't exactly appreciate the way Sunshine was talking to Tome, and she looked over just in time to see the kid holding a rat carcass up like some sort of sick trophy. "Kid, don't touch that! You don't know where it's been!"