Washington D.C.: September 8th, 2020 - 2:00 PM
Frost International HQ - Downtown Washington D.C.: Emma gave Requiem a sweet yet clandestine smile.
"You flatter me, dear," she said, giving him a slight wink. She went back over to the elevator and used her credentials, overriding it and sending it back down to the first floor. A few annoyed employees reluctantly got off and realized they'd have to wait to use it. No one kept their job if they argued otherwise with Emma Frost.
"Today truly has been a day for the unexpected, hasn't it boys?" Emma commented, entering in a passcode now on the inside of the elevator.
Once everyone was inside, the elevator went down, stopping eventually at a floor with no name. It was the secret sub-level dedicated to Hellfire Club activities. Shaw had also stored his sentinels here and ironically, he had been a major supplier of sentinels to O.M.E.N. back in its hay day. She stepped out of the elevator and gave them a slight smile.
"Please take a look around." It was a large and expansive room, filled with luxurious lounge furniture and advanced scientific apparatuses. There was a few prototype helmets of some sort on the couch at the moment, though their function was hard to guess from just looking at them. In the middle of the room, there were gigantic scuff marks on the ground, as if someone had moved something incredibly heavy and decided it was fine to just drag it along.
Sunshine and Spirit Box

Location: the Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Mediumship
None of the Morlocks so far had explained to those in the Mutant Underground what was going on and Erg had to wonder a bit as to how these people had gotten this far in life. Leighton he knew had a life of privilege and wealth, so it was a bit understandable for her to just waltz through the portal without even explaining why she was coming through.
"We have come across some mutants who wish for shelter and training - and to potentially contribute to your cause," Erg told the Underground Leader.
The leader had wild curly brown hair and sharp, perceptive eyes.
"It's been a while. You're looking good, Erg," the woman said. She gave a slight nod.
"We'll take them in." Colossus replied to Jack's wave with one of his own, a bit of a hopeful expression on his face. Maybe he'd give him a call later, see if there was anymore news about his sister.
"Thank you, Veil," Erg nodded, seemingly knowing this person. How did they know each other, though? Erg didn't seem like the type to affiliate with the Mutant Underground. And the leader - Veil - had thought that the Morlocks were just a myth, so how?
"The others will come along in a few hours... Goodbye, Ice Queen," he explained, before Blink closed the tare in reality, the portal shutting.
Grimlock's voice whispered into James' mind about a second later, having heard his mental thoughts about her:
Rude! Casper grimaced slightly as James asked if he would go visit at the Underground.
"Willingly waltz into another manifestation of my dad's ego? No way in hell," he muttered. The Mutant Underground and the X-Men, they were both creations of his father, the world's most powerful telepath and award winning douchebag of a father. He knew that the odds of running into his father at a Mutant Underground cell was next to nothing, but he didn't care. The place would feel like his dad could show up at any moment and that wasn't something he wanted to sign up for.
"But coffee? I can do coffee," Casper gave him a grin at that, his mind already moving off from the topic of his father. Erg and Blink went off to go talk amongst themselves, leaving Tome and James free to work on the generators. There didn't seem to be an option of going back to get more materials - which made sense, given that they had nearly burned down a warehouse last time and Blink had other things to attend to.
Sunshine was feeling hungry already, so she made her way back towards where all of the food was kept. She found a bunch of packages of instant ramen noodles and squinted at the text. She wasn't completely illiterate - she had gone to preschool and had done some state mandated schooling at juvi. The simple words and sentences, things she was already expecting to see, those she could handle just fine. But the more she stared at the instructions on this tiny pack of ramen noodles, the harder it got. The letters looked like they were rearranging themselves and she let out a huff of frustration.
"...Water..." Sunshine whispered to herself. She knew that packaged noodles needed to be heated up. She ripped open the packaging, grabbed a bowl, and then dunked the bowl into the container of hot water nearby. She then plopped the brick of noodles in the bowl and stared at the seasoning packet. Shaking it slightly, she was able to tell it was some sort of powder, so she shrugged and opened up the packet, dumping the seasoning on top of the brick of noodles that was floating in what really was lukewarm water.
She hadn't washed her hands either and there was a bit of rat fur on the food, which she carefully plucked off and then wiped off on her clothing.

Location: The Mutant Underground Main Area - Washington D.C. Station
Skills: Leadership
Sunspot had calmed down slightly since Spark Plug asked if she was going to get burned, powering down and returning to normal. Negasonic had filled in Moonwalker on just how Cannonball was able to touch him -
"Cannonball is a bomb, basically. It'd suck ass if he couldn't take a little flame," she had told him, while Erg and Veil had talked.
"And it would be funny as shit!" "Language, Negasonic!" Colossus had scolded nearly instantly.
Now, with the portal shut, Veil took a moment to assess their current situation. They needed to go and vet the information Glimpse had given to them, ensure that the others got a chance to vote on them going after the Hound program, and they had just taken in another mutant. Resources were low as it was but Veil wasn't going to turn away mutants who needed help, no matter who they were or what their powers were. Moonwalker was right though - the new girl, she had the same powers as Sapphire.
"Welcome to the Mutant Underground, Ice Queen," Veil said, mistaking the nickname Erg had called Leighton by for a moment to be her preferred codename of choice.
"My name is Veil. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like - just let us know if there's any reason the police might be looking for you. We can also get you out of the state and send you up north to my native land, Canada, if you want to flee the country." She wanted to do right by this kid, but her mind was also going over what Glimpse had just told them - that Shaw had actively been wanting to meet with her. If people hadn't been suspicious of Glimpse before, then they would have all the more reason to not trust her now. Sapphire at least had started moving on to picking on Ice Queen and not Glimpse - which was a good sign, Veil hoped.
They'd need to do some rejigging as well of the plans. Erg had said that Ice Queen needed training - and there was an obvious candidate for helping her with those powers. They could take Ice Queen with them on the trip to gather information, but that would be a choice Sapphire and Ice Queen would have to agree on together.
"Sapphire, I'd like for you to help Ice Queen here with training on her powers, if she wants that," Veil said, glancing over at her close friend. She shivered slightly from the drop in temperature.
"And please don't raise the heating bill..." Havok had his arms crossed slightly. He could practically
smell the wealth on Ice Queen. He wouldn't have been all that surprised if she suddenly confessed an intimate connection to the Hellfire Club and mysterious information from Xavier as well.
"Not to undermine the welcome wagon but... The others need to know what's going on," Havok pointed out.
Veil nodded in agreement. She turned to look at Negasonic, Cannonball, Sunspot, and Moonwalker now.
"Glimpse here has information that Sebastian Shaw is hurting mutants - using them for an inhumane program of his - the Hound Program. Drugs them up and then makes them into weapons... We're taking a vote on whether or not to take him down. So far, everyone is in agreement." "A chance to kill the dick who hurt Juliana? Sign me the fuck up," Sunspot chimed in, without hesitation.
"I'm in," Cannonball agreed, nodding his head.
Negasonic was playing on her phone again.
"Not to be a joiner or anything, but sure, what the hell - sounds like fun."