Blackthorn Investigation, Final
January 1st, 8:30 PM.
Cultist Hideout Depths, New York City, Pricetown.
Interactions - None.One would not be mistaken, when claiming that the world felt frozen in time, as if the only sounds making their way through the area were crackling flames on burning torches. The moans of tortured souls were slowly vanishing into distant space as Nello's crimson gaze met the glare which struck at him like the piercing nature of a lance.
Fear, an emotion with the power to overwhelm every other sensation, a yoke which managed to chain Nello to the spot, his trembling hand gripping Calamity for dear life. Nocturne's confession had not been wasted on him, nor had it been lost in the wind. It was what kept Nello from turning on his heel to run from that forsaken chamber of death and agony. 'Because I love you,' a statement which might perhaps be stronger still, than the choking grasp of terror.
Clenching his teeth, Nello attempted to manage a breath, his eyes focused on the demonic entity which sat opposite him, reveling in the gore which coated its seat. "I take it you came here to..," the demon continued, it's voice a combination of sultry charm and blizzard winds. "Make a difference?" Came the question, like a sharpened blade drawn from its sheath.
Nello was left awestruck, his opponent maintaining a demeanor considered calm, relaxed, and by all intents, entirely composed. It was unlike what the boy had expected from followers of the evil God. In opposition to the gruesome picture painted for all to see within the demon's torturous lair, there was a sense of adequate regality upon this creature, a practiced charm which belonged to a seductive vampire.
As if staring at an emissary of The Horned God himself, Nello felt pain echoing throughout his hand, as the boy's claws dug through his scaled skin. A clenched fist which soon loosened to allow Nello's wound to close, black blood dripping onto a stone floor. It glistened in the torch light, as if dark paint reflecting the bright illumination of a light source.
"I came to stop you..," Nello uttered, the statement somewhat of a whimper, more so than steadfast determination.
Where Nello expected the monstrous entity he had confronted to laugh, or shout with zealous intent, he was, yet again, struck by surprise. Leaning forth on the stone altar where it was sitting, the demon appeared quite intrigued by this young intruder. "And what is it you seek to stop, little one?"
Lowering his eyes to the floor, taking in the smooth surface with curves occasionally rowing its shape, various answers began circling Nello's mind. Was it not obvious, what he wanted to stop? The world was not always black and white, but in circumstances like these, what else could possibly be presented? The Three Horned God wanted others to anguish beneath his servants. Where shades of gray often warranted their place, this was not one of those times.
"Your tyranny." Nello tried, earning a soft smirk from the creature prompting a philosophically inclined conversation.
"Our tyranny," the demon echoed, slowly nodding his head. "Will you then seek to free your people from the tyranny of humanity, as well?" A clawed hand gently extended, a long talon pointing its length at Nello. "Those who have forsaken chaos in lieu of.., compassion?" He was undoubtedly referring to demons attempting to find another path.
"At least we all have a common enemy," the boy frowned, pointing his sword at the monster,
"and humanity doesn't do this!" Nello exclaimed, motioning at the twisted and tortured creatures decorating the demon's chamber.
"No, humanity are more subtle in their pursuits, I admit," a large, clawed foot slid down from the altar as the demon rose to his full height. Clearly towering above the young hero who had ventured into these abyssal depths, the demon managed a height of seven feet. It was an estimation, of course, but an accurate assumption all the same. With a straight back and a glare demanding authority, the demon spoke once more. "You aim to challenge me, then." It was a statement, expressed in the shape of a question.
Bringing his remaining hand to Calamity's hilt, Nello opened his mouth to release a breath. Tension spread through him like a blanket of terror, his head lifting to meet a sinister gaze which knew pain as a close companion, indeed.
"Yeah," came a short response from the small hero, his grip on Calamity tightening to stifle the trembling of Nello's hands. He felt Nocturne's presence, within, the one anchor which kept his sanity in order amidst absolute chaos. Yes, an ironic twist, indeed.
"Then, it is only right to present your name," the demon responded. With a swipe of his hand, a large sword appeared in his grip through a torrental burst of flame, the blade emanating the same tyrannical presence as its master. "I am Malfiell, and I will offer you this courtesy, as one demon to another," he continued. "Join us, join our shepherd, our God, and cast aside the shackles you choose to clasp around wrists and ankles alike."
Clenching his teeth, Nello felt his eyes watering at the offer.
"I..," he began, a scowl making its way to his features. The blurry coat which acted as a layer over the boy's eyes were not prompted from gratitude, or relief. Rather, thoughts of those Nello had managed to help came to mind, and most of all, the children surrounding him at that very moment. Join Blackthorn? Join his fellow demons, and spread this savagery which groaned in a chorus of agony all around him? Meeting Malfiell's gaze in a manner of challenging intent, Nello finally found his voice.
"I'm Nello, and I will never forsake my humanity!" "Nello..," Nocturne's uttering came as a mere whisper, a sense of pride, if surprise, washing through it.
"I am demon, and human, and I'll stand against everything you freaks throw at us!" Shaking the tears from his eyes, Nello's words left his lips in a scream, a battle cry.
"Whatever it takes! I will put an end to you, and your God!""Such lofty ideals," Malfiell responded, the ground cracking beneath his feet as the demon charged forth in a vicious dash. "Do you truly believe you, a child, can herald this utopia you so desperately seek?" With a massive swing, Malfiell's sword slammed into the ground where Nello had been standing, only moments before the boy dodged the attack.
Cracked stone splintered and fragmented upon impact, bursting like bullets. Nello would not be deterred. He couldn't be, or this would end with him on one of the countless hooks rowing those walls.
"So what if I'm a kid!?" The boy swung Calamity at his overwhelming enemy, a loud clang ringing out as Malfiell caught Calamity's edge against his own sword.
"So what if I'm naive!?" The boy continued, unleashing a series of expertly executed swings, each attack clashing with Malfiell's blade in a cacophony of metallic tunes.
"I'll throw everything I've got at you!""Hmph," Malfiell grunted, "so you will," he finished, in a most unamused manner before a powerful cleave sent Nello tumbling towards a cage where he bashed against metal bars. "The little hero attempts to fulfill his quest by slaying the dragon? That is not the conclusion written for this confrontation, dear Nello."
"I'm..," the teenager clenched his teeth, and rose to his feet,
"rewriting the ending!" With a quick, hasty advance, Nello evened the distance between himself and Malfiell, initiating their new exchange. Trained and calculated strikes connected with countless motions, their battle as if a choreographed danced executed upon a starlit stage.
"Delusions are for the weak, Nello," Malfiell barked, a massive wave of fire engulfing his sword with the demon's next attack. Though Nello raised his weapon and managed to prevent Malfiell's molten blade from unseaming him at the shoulders, he was instead struck by the flames. Pushed back, but rolling to his feet in an impressively agile manouver, the boy's shirt faded in a coat of embers. It revealed his white, reflective scales covering a scrawny body, which conjured forth another smirk on Malfiell's lips. "I would have enjoyed taking you under my wing, boy."
With his burns healing, Nello displayed a deep frown, the searing pain he had experienced washed away beneath anger, fury, and adrenaline.
"Tell that to the Horned asshole, when I send you back to him!" Pulling the remnants of his shirt from place, Nello tossed them aside. With horns now clearly visible through a mop of black hair, none would mistake the boy for a mere monster. He was a demon.
Their battle continued, with wounds tearing their way into Nello's body before they healed in an instant. However, with every wound closed, he felt his consciousness fading further. Fatigue was washing over him, and as the teen was disarmed by a powerful swing from an overwhelming opponent, he felt a large hand clasping itself around his throat. It was with no effort that Malfiell lifted Nello from the ground, his fingers crushing the boy's air canal. Gasping, Nello held his hands on Malfiell's arm, tired eyes meeting the larger demon's bored gaze. "You were a worthy opponent, Nello, champion of humanity, herald of a deluded cause."
Raising his sword to impale Nello on its long edge, the teenager conjured forth fragments of his strength, in the form of Calamity. Instantly, he shoved his sword through Malfiell's arm, and heard a loud cry of pain echoing throughout the torturous chamber. As Nello tore the sword free in a vicious motion, he left a massive fissure in Malfiell's appendage. The swordsman was dropped to the floor where he coughed, gasping for air, but felt a foot kicking him in the stomach. "Insect!" Malfiell screamed, his now useless arm falling to his side.
"I'm..," Nello groaned, managing to roll aside as he dodged Malfiell's hellish weapon. Jolting to his feet, Nello slid between the massive demon's legs, and executed a critical swing with his blade. It severed Malfiell's hamstrings, sending the demon to his knees.
"Rewriting the ending..," Nello spat.
"Foolish!" Dropping his sword, Malfiell was right in considering it a hindrance in these circumstances. The weapon was too large, and Nello was too close. Rather, he managed to catch Nello's incoming swing, as the demon wrapped his fingers around Calamity. Blood gushed from the appendage, but it was enough to pull Nello into position, where he bashed his forehead against the smaller demon's. With a punch, he forced Nello to the floor, where another would have caved the boy's skull.
Luckily, the young swordsman managed to raise his blade in a desperate attempt, severing Malfiell's hand from place only moments before impact. A relentless foe, Malfiell would not let up, as he lunged forth and pulled Nello into a devastating grapple, nearly crushing the boy's back.
"Nello, no!" Nocturne screamed, feeling the agony of cracking bones with every passing second.
His arms were stuck, his life rapidly leaving the boy as he felt his body breaking beneath Malfiell's strength. Nello could not use Calamity, his hands locked at his sides. With a loud, anguished, and desperate howl, Nello opened his maw, razor sharp teeth on full display, before he sunk them into Malfiell's throat, tearing it out.
Red, hot blood spewed from the demon's gaping wound, coating Nello like a morbid blanket as the teen was dropped to the floor. Limply, Malfiell fell to his back, a trembling young swordsman attempting to cling to consciousness as tears streaked down his cheeks.
He had killed someone.