Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

The Headhunter and The Mountain.

Dracion waited for the stands to clear and his students to leave the Arena, standing where he buried the offending vampire with arms crossed and a scowl etched into his face. Once he was satisfied that no one was likely to see the proceedings, Dracion drew his blade and the ground rumbled again. The ground separated just enough for the top of Victor's head to pop out and the instructor glared down the Astorio.

"Ye got some explaining to do, boy." Dracion snapped. "Why in the Queen's name did ye think throwin' a mage that don't belong to ye like that was an sorta good idea? Firsts, ye don't wear safety equipment that I specifically required. Twos, ye "punish" a mage who ain't your own by tossin' her halfway 'cross my Arena. Thirds… I don't have no three but my point's the same!"

Even down as deep into the stone as he was, the vampire was almost one with the stone. These claustrophobic surroundings could drive one insane if not prepared. This however, was not the first time he had been in such confinement. Even if at first the stone did hurt, all pain is momentary and fades. He could hear, even through the stone he was melded with, key words and phrases used by the other students. Brute, classic Astorio, savage, barbarian. The list went on but it was all he needed to hear to know he got his point across.

Slowly the sounds stopped and soon he was being forced back to the surface only to met with a blade and a rather upset looking instructor. He didn't seem to pay the man any mind as he said what he had too. Victor was more worried about their surroundings and if anyone was still lingering around. If he was to tell this man what exactly he was doing, he needed to be sure no one would be nearby to hear him. Finally feeling satisfied with their privacy, he looked up at the man standing before him. “You played your part perfectly.” he told him while still keeping his voice a down a little so it wouldn't carry.

“You did exactly as I thought you would, for that I apologize. I’m sure this caused you unnecessary paperwork and I'm sure you despise paperwork just as much as I do.” the vampire attempted to shift his shoulders in the stone but nothing budged. “It would be safe for you to assume that I have thought out ever one of my actions and chosen that specific action for a purpose. I threw her because she is not royalty. If her vampire is, they are more than likely Mirivaldi or Eve. in that case they will be prompted to take the abuse of their mage out on me rather then the princess. If I did it to the Starag, Varis would not hesitate at the opportunity and jump on it like a bitch in heat.” again he tried to adjust to no avail.

Checking his surroundings again for anyone listening in he started again, “I also am very well versed on how to harm or kill humans and vampires alike. I threw her in a way that the worst injury she could have acquired is a dislocation. So thanks to you and at the cost of the girls discomfort the others now think I’m just another impulsive Astorio who does not give a damn about mages. That is exactly what I want them to think, that I am a barbarian. Because now they will underestimate me.” If he could sigh right now he would but it seems he can barely move his chest. “As for the pads? I’ve gone into combat situations with less. I’m sure you have a waiver of some sort I could sign releasing you and this school of liability of any injury incurred while I’m in the arena at my own volition.”

The longer Victor spoke, the deeper Dracion’s scowl buried itself into his face. By the end of it, his right eye twitched and if looks could kill, Victor would have exploded on the spot. It took the man a few seconds of deep breathing to calm the reddening in his face and still the twitch in his eye. He crouched down so he was closer to Victor’s level.

“Ye know why the Devil’s little pet ain’t here on my sands? Mostly cause I ain’t dealin’ with the brat’s whining but also cause I knows there be trouble brewin’ anywhere that lot wanders. Ye know why I have Princess Ryner’s permission to ignore the dumbassery ye snot nosed vampires get up to with yer shit for brains attitude?” Dracion practically spat in the vampire’s face. “Cause that bullcrap is more dangerous than magic when ye get sharp things involved. I strip ye of yer titles and nobility and ranks so this garbage don’t start happenin’. And yet, here ye are, using my Arena to play with yer silly scheming. Furthermore, ye’d have me belivin’ ye plans should keep me at ease on top of it all!” Dracion let out a short bark of a laugh.

“On this campus, yers truly advises the Princess on who should and shouldn’t have combat permissions. Training, sparring, entering matches, everything related to this place is under my command. And if I recommend a cool off period for ye cause ye stepped out of line, ye won’t be even considerin’ lifting a finger." Dracion snarled at the bound vampire. “I don't care want ye agenda is or how ye go about it. As long that ye plans don't involve this pace. Is that understood?"

Grimacing slightly at each shout from the man Victor’s expression remained the same. “It's not a scheme, it's a lesson.” he paused for a moment before beginning again. “I love my job, spending months away from the political shit hole that is my house. Hunting down humans, mages, and my favorite… vampires, who break our rules and laws and try to run. That is where my passion lies, where I am happy and content with the world. So when I tell you that I chose to come to this place and suffer through the same political bullshit that I try to escape from just to try and teach them a lesson or two on survival. I would only hope that you would have some kind of acknowledgement that I was telling the truth.”

His eyes began to flash with red and he was not controlling it this time. “I am aware that my methods are not to your liking and no matter the problems that it causes for me I will keep up with this lesson on psychological warfare as long as I can before they find themselves in the same predicament in the real world with far greater risks of life or death then they will find here.” given that he had an extraordinary small space to work with around him just so he could expand his lungs far enough to talk. Victor used this to wrench his right arm free dislocating his left in the process with a crack. “So I will adhere to your rules.”

“I will hurt them but I will not kill them, so that they may learn and heal. We must suffer and be broken down, so that we can build each other up and be stronger than we were before.” pulling himself free from the stone and rubble, kneeling before the man for a moment to put his limp left arm into place. Standing up but still needing to look up to the man in front of him, “my mission is to teach all of them how to fight an enemy that is gone but not forgotten, an enemy that forged that treaty we all follow, one that nearly drove both of our people to extinction.” the red in his eyes died down but something in his voice or maybe it was his eyes said he wasn't telling the man everything but he was being truthful.

“Yer a pompous ass.” Dracion informed him. “I frankly don’t give a rat’s ass what nonsense fuels yer broken sense of self worth but keep it out of my arena. I’ll say it again since yer head is thick as this stone. Keep yer archaic obsessions off my field. Ye launch a mortal again, no matter how “calculated” the risk, yer out of my Arena and I place yer inane dribbling pompous idiocy on probation. This is yer warning Astorio. What ye do outside of here ain’t none of my business so leave at the doorstep. Yer dismissed.” with a few waves of his hand, the stones Victor so rudely destroyed turned to sand and filled the gap under Victor’s feet. Victor rose a bit while the sand solidified and smoothed out the Arena surface once more.

He wasn't getting anywhere with this one, like his father it would definitely take more than a few words to convince him he was doing this for the greater good. At the same time he could at least accept and understand why the man was this way as well. “As you wish, I will adhere to your demands Arena Master.” Victor was well aware that he didn't ‘need’ this class but it was at least still fun to play with these humans. However, now he felt like he needed to apologize to Lucan. It wasn't part of the plan to get him in trouble. The vampire just turned away from the larger man and retrieved his things. Now he had to go find his mage and make sure he wasn't trying to hurt himself.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Hero

“Really? Varis let out a long suffering sigh, pulling out his phone as he glared away anyone who paused too long near their seat. He sent Ryner a message explaining he expected a car ready for four in town and, after a few regular insults going back and forth as he continued to keep attention off Eris, she confirmed she’d send one. As if she had a choice. Varis tucked his phone away.

“Yes. He was her little pet human but couldn’t keep his leash tight enough. He disrespected the wrong vampire, an official demand for his head was submitted to the Council, my Lady and Lord Peiron turned on each other, and the Queen compromised while the Marivaldis and the Eves thankfully didn’t escalate the issue for once.” Varis explained, wincing at the memory of his Lady practically tearing her castle apart when she heard Peiron was posed to grant something that could destroy a legendary talent and if there was only one thing his Lady cared for more than herself, it was the arts. So she fought tooth and nail to keep the boy alive but with the amount of distress related to the boy, the possibility of final punishment had to be present to mollify the bloodthirsty rabble. Death or turning and the Queen dismissed the matter before the situation turned to blows.

“The turned is in Treaty Law as well. I paired him with the boy. She may not have said it but if anything happens to him and it affects his Sire, my Lady will be…. displeased.” Varis twirled the key on his necklace absently, worrying his lower lip between his teeth for a moment. “You may amuse yourself with him but play nicely.” Varis would only give Eris the warning once. If the star messed up, he’d have little issue crushing that behavior.

“On a more pleasant note, we’ll have private transportation on the way back.” Varis informed Eris as the bus doors shut and it pulled out of the bus stop. “Do you have business in town or are we leaving after the boy’s appointment?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Eris did feign a look of innocence at on Varis' reaction, though he wouldn't go further, only sulking a little. It looked like he was going to be strictly business for this little excursion. Fortunately, Joryldin's transition turned out to have a fascinating backstory to it, confirming a thought that Eris had before. The Nailo had already been in the crosshairs of the Council, his only saving grace being the Widow Nailo's status and Lady Sinnenodel's intervention. He honestly never would have imagined that, though it definitely furthered his interest. Choosing to keep an eye on him had been the right call. Besides, there was nothing wrong with a little socializing with the turned, though Varis' warning did have Eris raising an eyebrow at him. A fair warning, the very last thing he wanted was for his Lady to remember his existence for the wrong reason. Between the sunny blonde and the Nailo, he'd keep himself entertained.

Varis' mention of the private car on their return was a relief, the bus' seats bothering him for some reason. He just could not get comfortable, forcing himself to sit still lest he look like some kind unruly child. "Oh, that works out nicely," He commented, resisting the urge to make yet another comment on privacy, though the flash of a phone camera made him rethink that. "...I'll probably be exhausted by the end of the night, so it's appreciated."

When asked about his own plans, Eris briefly turned his head back at the two mages, returning his gaze to Varis shortly afterwards. He was briefly distracted by the man's lips before shrugging slightly. "Apparently Maximilian's affinity is secondary, and seeing how he has the emotional range of a wooden block, he wants to buy a focus," Eris said, leaning back into his seat. "I don't expect it to take long, at the very least the little one is direct. With any luck his control over his magic will prove his usefulness." Hopefully. Otherwise he really didn't know what he was going to do with the kid.

"I am expecting a delivery as well, but they'll meet us in town. I would have had it sent straight to my dorm, but I'd rather make sure it arrives safely." Not to mention he needed to give the place a good look around. The last thing he wanted was to find another hidden camera or bug where he would be living for the next few years.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Another time? Another time?! Was this some sort of game to him? Does this pointy toothed bastard think he’s some sort of fat cat playing with a mere mouse? Salem’s fist clenched tightly at his side as his blood began to boil. He took half a step towards Lucan as he began to walk away when suddenly the ground shifted beneath his feet. A tsunami of earth and stone washed beneath him, throwing him out of the arena before his fist could ever fly. Salem stood there angrily for a moment, the sudden shock of the transport allowing him to calm down form his rage for a second. Probably wouldn’t due to punch a royal guard while under investigation. He still had a few vials left to potentially sour Lucan’s food for their first feeding, that may be as much as he could do.

Lilie’s voice broke Salem out of his thoughts, snapping him back into reality and plastering a smile onto his face. ”Heh, yeah. Probably should head there next huh? You know, Cassandras real lucky.” His voice trailed of for a bit as he stared down the hallways, his right hand sheepishly rubbing his left arm. ”She’s got a Marivaldi. If anything, I’d of ki- I’d of loved to have one as my partner. As far as vampires go, they aren’t bad. Actually, my families vampires are modeled after the Marivaldi’s. They sort of...idolize them, the way they treat mages with more respect than others tend to. We don’t feel like servants when we stand beside them, we feel like equals...though I suppose its that naive notion that’s gotten me where I am currently. Spouting ideology to the Queen about equality for all, not just the vampires who ‘rule’. I know you mentioned having your miss givings about your partner but... if you were to give anyone a chance, then it should be her partner, they’re truly are great.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Following Salem's lead, Lilie clasped her hands in front of her as he spoke. She frowned as he mentioned Cassandra and her vampire, scratching the back of her head. She did feel bad for him, she really did, but she genuinely didn't understand how he could honestly be okay with vampires in general. It seemed the two had very different opinions on the topic, but his explanation revealed that they also had very different upbringings as well. Of course he would give them a chance, the vampires he knew and interacted with treated him and his family well. The only time he maybe had any bad interactions was here at the Academy.

Letting out a sigh, she gently patted his shoulder. "I appreciate you telling me, and I've heard the same thing, but I don't know. I just can't do it," She muttered, shaking her head as she looked ahead. "Marivaldi, Eve, whoever...at the end of the day it's really hard to look at them that way, to think they don't have some sort of ulterior motive. Besides, we're here to understand our magic and serve them, we don't have to understand or give anyone a chance or--" She stopped herself, realizing that her speech was getting a little too frantic.

After a few seconds of recollecting her thoughts, she shook her head again, smiling at Salem. "I just can't. Not now, anyway," Lilie finished rather lamely, only offering an apologetic shrug. "All I want to do is keep my head low and avoid trouble. The less any vampire notices me, the better." There was only one vampire she absolutely had to interact with, and if she could, that was exactly how she wanted the rest of her years here to be.

Interacting with: @Trainerblue192
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Apparently Maximilian's affinity-"

'Maximilian', seriously? That was his best comeback to the Eric jab? Weak.

"-and seeing how he has the emotional range of a wooden block-"

More like a wooden stake, preferably one going right through Eris' smug vampiric heart.

"-at the very least the little one is direct."

So he liked it when Max was direct, noted. The mage would have to make sure to be more forthcoming with his ever-so-polite opinions in the future.

It was too bad Max wasn't seated directly behind Eris, he didn't know how he'd explain draping his leg over the Retriever's to manage a kick to the back of Eris' chair. Oh well, he could drive the leech up a wall another time. He still needed to behave for the time being, at least to keep Cinnamon off his ass. Varis' stunt with the solar whatever-us earlier in Treaty Law was enough to tip off anyone paying attention that the count was playing a big game right now. Max wasn't against the idea of leeches backstabbing each other, but he didn't want to be physically involved unless he got the privilege of doing the stabbing. If he could fly under the radar until this all blew over, it'd be in his best interests. Hopefully Eris was smart enough to do the same, though he seriously doubted that.

Max glanced toward the Retriever while he played on his phone. Looked like... gambling? A bit odd, but it made sense; Cinnamon didn't seem like the type to give him an allowance every week. Still, you'd think a Starag would have some savings he could dip into somewhere. Did he get cut off from the family's bank account too when he got sold off to another house? It would be pitiable if Aaron weren't such a fucking tool. A wry smile crossed Max's face for a brief instant before he trained his face back into careful neutrality.

"Whatcha doing?" He muttered as he looked over Aaron's calculations, bored enough to not sound out of character but curious enough to not sound like he was forcing talk for the sake of talk. It wasn't a very rewarding scheme; either the Retriever just had a dumb hobby, or he was actually clever enough to be building up income that Varis didn't know about. Max was pretty sure it was the former, but if Aaron lied about what he was doing while in Varis' earshot, Max would have to concede that he at least misjudged the light mage for a total sellout.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 26 days ago

“The turned is in Treaty Law as well. I paired him with the boy. She may not have said it but if anything happens to him and it affects his Sire, my Lady will be… displeased.”

Aaron clued a little more into the conversation in front of him when he was mentioned, and while he was momentarily disgusted (good grief, was he really starting to answer to boy? His mother would have a heart attack) he was glad he did; apparently one of the members of his Treaty Law group was worth paying attention to. He hadn’t caught the name, but there had been only one on his group list he hadn’t recognized, something he’d written off as an unpronounceable jumble of letters under the surname “Nailo.” Considering Lady Sinnenodel’s well-known love and patronage of the arts, it wasn’t difficult to put the pieces together. Aaron had never been one to follow the personal affairs of celebrities outside the aristocracy, but it would probably serve him well to pay a little more attention going forward. He wasn’t sure how much trouble one could get into in a study group, but Aaron made a mental note to keep an eye on the Nailo boy all the same; it wasn’t exactly an order, nor was it even aimed at him, but Varis’ tone made it pretty clear to Aaron that things wouldn’t go over well if anything happened to the embraced on his watch.

"Whatcha doing?"

Aaron had decidedly not been expecting Max to speak up again, especially not with such an unassuming question. Apparently Max couldn’t quite decide between silent brooding and polite conversation, but Aaron wouldn’t discourage the latter. “Oh, just checking race results. It’s been a really good season so far,” he explained. Tugging on his ear, he couldn’t help a little joke. “Certainly would be nice if the winnings were real!”

There was a brief pause while Aaron stowed the bus tablet back into the armrest of his seat, though it was mostly just to give himself something to do. Max was difficult to talk to, although it sounded like he had at least a little interest in what Aaron had been doing, so after a second he decided to roll with it. “Do you follow anything? Like races or fights?” he asked, “You might not see magical combat in your future, but I bet you’d enjoy the TCL.” The words were already out of his mouth before Aaron had the chance to wonder if human communities even knew about the TCL, or magical contests in any capacity for that matter.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Hero

“If your mage doesn’t find a spot in your household, the Astorios are always willing to purchase second hand merchandise.” Varis recommended. It was true. The Astorios price gouge anyone who took advantage of their services but it was oftentimes a better investment than spending one's own time and resources in a mage whose utility caps too early. Varis never had used it but he knew a few other Sinnenodels had. Countess Adianna took advantage of it often whenever she grew bored of her bed warmers.

“If you do decide to rid yourself of him, I may have a more profitable option. Favors are always better than money after all.” Varis looked outside for a few moments, watching the scenery outside as Eris continued. A package in town? How odd. He’d never go fetch how own package. What was the point of his prestige if he couldn’t get someone else to do that for him? Delegate, delegate, delegate.

But then again, Eris was always the odd one.

His thought process was interrupted with another one of Eris’s fans trying to catch a photo, an attempt Varis quickly dissuaded with a practiced look. Was public transportation always this awful. Varis berated himself for not thinking about the car but he’d been so preoccupied with the feeding, it entirely slipped his mind. If this was how he was going to feel afterwards, he’d probably return to bottles rather than the boy. Feeding directly would only be for days he reserved for relaxing, right before he kicked the boy out for the day, so he wouldn’t have to worry about silly things like private cars. That flavor would put him in the perfect mood for a long soak.

“How does your family feel about putting your career on hiatus for this school? Varis asked, turning his full attention back to the vampire.

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Damien grimaced at the thought of having to kneel in front of Lucan. If it was for anything other than their mutual enjoyment, then Damien wasn’t sure he could do something like that. And calling him Master? What a joke! The poor guy’s vampire must get off on some weird shit. Was that really allowed here?

“Oof, that’s awful for the poor dude. Is that even allowed? I feel like someone at this school should say something.” Damien demanded. “Like I get it. Apparently we fucking lost all rights to our own existance but have some damn sympathy. What is wrong with these fuckers? You’d think maybe the Princess would step in on that. She seems like the type that wouldn’t care for that very much, especially since her name is plastered all over this place!” Though he chuckled at her description of her vampire.

“Oh, so he’s stuck in his teenage “I hate everyone and everyone hates me” stage? Yesh, that’s a terrible time. Gotta suck that he’ll be like that for all eternity.” Damien laughed. “So now we get to prank him right? Gotta brighten up his mood and everything! Probably needs a friend or two and that’ll give him a new outlook on… Life? Unlife? I don’t know but one of those!”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Varis did bring up a good point. Not that money was an issue, but Eris supposed if Maxton didn't prove his worth then cleaning his hands of him was probably for the best. He was interested in the favor presented, making a mental note to visit that later. Having a few extra favors in his pocket was never a bad thing, although he was sorely missing out on having more considering he had buried himself in his work. There simply weren't enough hours in the night, his social life taking a dive in the past decade or so. Juggling everything had been a hassle, after all, with appearances and interviews eating up whatever free time he had after filming.

The redhead seemed to have been reading his mind, causing Eris to chuckle. It wasn't a surprising question, really; it was no secret how closely he worked with his mother. "Surprised. Disappointed. Furious that I didn't mention a word. At least, that's the assumption I'm getting from Harmonia, who's been calling every fifteen minutes," He patted his pocket where his phone sat quietly. "She might be a little offended, but she'll get over it."

The corners of his lips frowned slightly, recalling the conversation he had with Pandora. "Mother seemed uncertain. Sunset just came out and I had a few offers lined up, she was concerned suddenly stepping out of the spotlight would have a negative effect, especially with the Ghanie family picking up speed a lot faster than anticipated." Too fast in Eris' opinion. That was something he would have one of the siblings look into as soon as he could. "But as abrupt as it is, it's a good opportunity to meet fresh faces and create opportunities with those who have yet to make connections. By graduation we'll see how that pans out."

And of course getting to see his favorite redhead, but if he said that, he'd get yelled at.

"Antigone had a hard time renegotiating my contracts, but I swear I think he likes the challenge." He perked himself up a bit, shooting Varis a grin. "At the very least, I finally surprised Ismene. She was about halfway done with a letter declining the invitation when I let her know it wasn't needed," He fondly remembered her adorable expression, her apology for making an assumption accompanied by a rare blush of embarrassment making the entire ordeal worth it if he was being honest. He let out a wistful sigh, perching his chin on the palm of his hand. "I still wish I could have brought her with me, she makes life so much easier..."

Being introspective with: @Achronum
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting with:@Hero @Trainerblue192

The main administrative building muffled all sound as soon as the door shut behind them. A small reception area met the pair, a few comfortable chairs scattered around a couple tables with various forms stored carefully in vertical leather magazine holders. The receptionist wasn’t present behind the counter, a little sign with a clock on it reading another ten minutes, but several plaques acted as signs for various departments in the building. Student Housing, with Inquiries and Requisitions printed in cursive beneath the department name, stood out among Library, Tutoring, Finance, Student Government, and various other areas.

Following the Student Housing sign would take students down a few hallways and up one flight of stairs before depositing them in front of a large frosted glass wall with a door titled Student Housing. Beyond it, a small row of chairs lined the inside and three receptionists sat behind counters. A muted clicking filled the air, the sound of three pairs of hands typing into their computers, and a few students either trying not to doze off as their vampires chatted after running into each other in the office.

“Did you hear? Rumor has it Lord Pieron is going to host next year’s Sanguinem here on the Academy grounds.”

“Well, I got a grudge to settle with that dick from Ethical Consumption. If that's true, I’ll wait to kick his ass in front of everyone then.”

“Welcome to the Student Housing office. How can we help you this morning?” The male receptionist called out as Salem and Lilie entered.

The bus only took a few minutes to reach town after it stopped by the dorms. It seemed a few groups were already making the rounds, window shopping here and there. Mages and Turned lounged on some benches enjoying some of the house made ice cream from the town’s family run dinner and several groups of bats fluttered through the air. The bus hummed with energy as the newer students fidgeted in their seats.

The town itself was quite small, the entire business area able to be seen down this one street with a single crossroad and a single light. Almost no vehicle traffic came through and when it did, most people ignored it. A general store was immediately next to the bus stop followed by a diner and a bookshop. Across the street, a tattoo parlor covered in various styles of street art sat next to an art store followed by an alchemist’s shop.

Joryldin’s phone buzzed with a text from Evalyn. “Uh, hello? Where are you? We got shit to do and we can’t find you. Pres is pissed!

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Almost all at once, the campus sprung to life as classes let out. The serene quiet from early was lost to the muted roar of hundreds of students pouring out from various buildings. Some made a quick beeline for the cafeteria, shouting something about early morning snacking as they whipped past Dakota and Damien.

A small group of vampires, five or six, brushed past the pair as they made their way down a path. They were talking about the newest fashion trend the designer Vasiliev started but more noticeably, all of them held a leash with their mages cowering behind them. Only one mage didn’t look particularly upset, instead using the cord as a guide as they read a book titled “Affinity Sickness and Alchemical Solutions.” One girl murmured a quiet apology to the pair after her partner knocked shoulders with Kota.

Across from them, a pair of mages started slinging small spells at each other. Their clothes constantly changed colors as they pelted each other with charms. A few others joined in and pretty soon, color changing charms were flying wildly. Professor Baker made her way across campus, a few older students in her wake, and she shook her head with a laugh as she dispelled anything that got too close to her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Certainly would be nice if the winnings were real!”

Aaaand his interest was gone, just like that. Unless Aaron was lying about it not being real money. He shouldn't have bothered asking, these games stop being fun too soon. It might be momentarily entertaining to guess at someone's intentions, but in the long run it was far more satisfying for everyone to just say what they meant. Either he guesses right and gets momentary satisfaction from being, well, right, or he guesses wrong and he's at a disadvantage in any future dealings with that person, which likely involve more guessing. So tiresome.

“Do you follow anything? Like races or fights? You might not see magical combat in your future, but I bet you’d enjoy the TCL.”

TCL? What sport was that again? It was the one where mages bombarded the crap out of each other, right? The Retriever was talking about magical combat, it would have to be.

"That's the... magic fight one, right? Never watched it. Sounds like a waste of time." Max half-lied. For the most part, it sounded like flashy spectacle, but it could be useful in witnessing what one's affinity is theoretically capable of doing. Metal didn't sound too complicated to make combative use of, though. Make something sharp and throw it at the other guy, repeat until dead, easy. That just sounded like a matter of practice.

He vaguely noted Eris droning on about his assistants - no doubt people he'd have to interact with in the future; what a pain - and the prospect of selling him off like old furniture. Max wasn't sure if he should consider that a blessing or a curse; a vamprie was a vampire, and being offloaded as useless would probably afford him a degree of solitude, but an Astorio could very well use him for target practice when they were bored or something. No use dwelling on it, Eris was likely trying to rile him up. He had to know damn well Max was listening in.

Max stood up abruptly and shifted out into the aisle when the bus reached their stop in town, essentially trying to block off anyone trying to pass him as he waited for the two vampires ahead of him to disembark before following. No way was he going to sit here and let passing fangirls waste his time by begging Eris for autographs or selfies or whatever fatuous crap starstruck women (and apparently the occasional man, judging by his earlier observations) did when they met a celebrity.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dakota Brookes

Interacting with: Damien @Achronum and Joryldin @Jade Blades

Dakota didn’t have much to offer the other mage aside from a shrug of the shoulders. Such behavior wasn’t exclusive to vampires, there had been plenty of it within the mundane world. People were always all too willing to fall in with what the rest of the crowd wanted, even if said person was meant to be in charge. It could be rather difficult to maintain leadership if you didn’t agree with the masses, and most humans cared more for what semblance of power they could grasp than the people their decisions affected… It wasn’t much of a stretch between the two worlds now that Dakota could finally see the other side.

Damien’s laughter brought the youth back to the present as he began poking fun at the solemn vampire.

I don’t know if it’s so much ‘everyone hates me’ as it is ‘everyone should hate me’. Eternity is a long time to have to feel like that. Maybe a prank or two will cheer him up!” A bout of laughter was interrupted by the buzzing of a cell phone, Dakota glancing at their screen to see there was a text from Jory.

Ha, would you look at that. Speak of the devil.

>Hey Kota, I’m headed out to town to run some errands. When I get back I’m probably gonna crash right away, so if we don’t see each other before tomorrow; Enjoy the sunrise, ok? Dakota’s expression shifted slightly, a bit of concern breaking through the initial amusement. The mage tapped at the screen a few times before pocketing the device and returning their attention to Damien.

He’s acting weird.” It was a strange feeling to have as Dakota hadn’t really had the chance to get to know the guy at all. But there was something about his sudden disappearances that was setting off the big sibling alarm.

Hey… Would you mind if we looked for something in town? I wanna check something out.

Before Damien had a chance to respond, though, Dakota felt something knock into their shoulder. A soft voice delivered an apology but it clearly didn’t belong to the culprit of the insult, the mage making an irritated noise as they called out.

Tch, I thought you snaggle-tooths were supposed to have superior eyesight. Why don’t you try using it sometime.” Dakota growled out of habit.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris and Cassandra

Interacting with: each other
A @Gisk and @WeepingLiberty collab

”No, I don’t need anything. Let’s go, before - oh shit!”

Several blocks from the arena floor rose up to usher the last lingering students out. Cassandra rushed ahead of them to get to the doors and out. When they were safely out of the maniac instructor’s reach, she looked up at her partner, just a bit sheepish.

”Sorry, hope you don’t mind the language.”

Noting the impending stone block, Amaris pranced lightly after Cassandra. A small burst of airy laughter filled the space between the pair as they narrowly avoided being catapulted unceremoniously out the door.

It’s not a problem at all. ‘Vulgar’ words are supposedly a sign of a learned and expressive mind. Use them to your heart's content… when appropriate.” The countess maintained her smile as she took over the lead, seeming to know off-hand the direction of their dorms. While there were many things that Amaris preferred the privacy of the dorms to speak about, she couldn’t allow the journey back to be one of a silence. It took her a moment, but she finally thought of a subject that could bide their time while they walked.

I’m starting to wonder where the princess picked up her staff. There are some rather… extreme personalities in charge around here. Would you believe it, there is a professor who has made it his life’s purpose to teach anyone and everyone he can about pineapples?

”Maybe it’s magical. Apparently plants can have magic power too.” She found herself just a half step behind Amaris. It seemed appropriate to her.

Can they really? A magical pineapple, now that’s something I’d like to see.” Amaris mused, glancing over her shoulder with a half-incredulous look.

”Yeah, we talked about it in spell theory. Maybe you already have! If your teacher had a pineapple with her, maybe it was a magical one.”

The conversation was unfortunately shallow, and Cassandra thought they were waiting to get back to the dorm before having the talk Amaris really meant to get into.

As intentionally shallow as the conversation had been, Amaris found herself surprisingly thrilled by the prospect of a magical pineapple. The professor had seemed so genuinely interested when talking about it, but nothing he said pointed to it being magical in any way.

I don’t know… I’ve heard of several superstitions surrounding animals and magic, but nothing about plants. That does have to make you wonder, though, about products made from beings that have awoken to their magical potential. Paper, dyes, clothing… Do they maintain a degree of their magical potential even after altering their form?” To an outsider, the topic of conversation might have been a rather odd one; especially coming from a vampire. But Amaris had always been rather interested in magic and its rules, and now… well, she had even more of a reason to.

The ramblings of an over-excited countess found the pair approaching their dorms in what felt like no time at all. Walking up to the entrance, Amaris withdrew her key from her belongings and unlocked the door in one easy motion. She half expected to see more of the royal guard to be waiting for them within but the room before them was still and silent. Shaking her head, the countess entered the space and set her bag down next to the common area’s table before taking a seat. She crossed her right left overtop her left as she motioned with her arm for Cassandra to take a seat for herself.

Cassandra sat. She had her feet flat on the floor, and her hands held loosely in her lap as she looked at Amaris with patient interest.

In truth, she was ecstatic to be sitting down with her partner. It had been so turbulent, between the Astorio count's sudden disappearance, and the unknown image's ejection from the school. She had been operating the last day and a half off of blind optimism and luck.

Alright now, let’s get to the point before there are any further interruptions. While I have no way to know for certain what sort of an experience you’ve personally had with your previous partner, I do know that Count Varis’ display with one of your classmates is difficult to ignore. I would like to assure you that is not the sort of relationship I am seeking.” Amaris leaned forward slightly to rest her elbows on the table, her fingers weaving together so that her chin could settle atop them.

I suppose my preferences fall on the more… unconventional side at times. There is little I have in the way of expectations; so long as you can prove to me that you are trustworthy that is really all I require. But trust is something that can take time and it is far from a one-sided ordeal. That is why I would like to start with a contract of sorts, a verbal agreement between the two of us that will hopefully garner a mutually beneficial partnership.” The countess relaxed her posture once again, shifting so that her spine touched the back of the chair she sat in.

Do you have any objections to this approach?

Cassandra followed her lead and relaxed significantly. Perhaps too much. She leaned all the way forward, and laid her chin in the crook of her arm, laying on the table.

”That sounds perfect,” she was surprised at the relief in her own voice. ”I think you know I was originally paired with an Astorio. I think one of us would have killed the other, if we’d been left alone too long. I trust you. And I’ll prove myself trustworthy. I promise.”

"Ah yes, the Astorios. They are, as I'm sure you've realized, an aggressive bunch. I regret that your friend had to learn that the hard way." An irritated gaze flashed through Amaris' eyes, the color shifting through subtle shades before returning to normal.

"The other houses can wait for a moment, though. I think we've put off a few key details for long enough. While I would prefer more time for us both to acclimate to our new arrangements, it's not a risk that should be taken lightly. Since the time table is mine, I would like to hear your preferences on the how… I believe that's a fair exchange wouldn't you say?" There were many things to consider from such a broad statement, but Amaris found herself curious to see which particular details Cassandra's mind would go to first. The most obvious would be method, as there was always the option of equipment over fang… but would that be the only request this mage would consider?

"Well," she started nervously, but Amaris's demeanor reassured her. "Obviously, I've never done it before. I, um, I hear it feels good, though. So I think as long as it's safe and clean, I'll be willing to try however you prefer."

Excellent! Honest and considerate. Keep that up and we’ll have no issues getting along.” Amaris beamed, a short clap of her hands punctuating her exclamation. She had to admit she was slightly disappointed at the lack of adventure in Cassandra’s response, but it was satisfactory in the sense that she was already learning a lot about her new partner. Having gotten the most important part of their arrangement settled, Amaris decided it was time she reciprocated the education. While they were far from sharing major secrets, it would be a good start to teach the mage what sort of a family she was now tied to.

Rising from her seat, the countess stepped away to the kitchen as she began to speak. Having pulled a mug and tea leaves from their respective homes, Amaris set to brewing the fragrant substance without ever once losing her train of thought. Despite her inability to consume the drink, she had always liked the scent. She found it calming and had noticed it worked similarly for humans, thus sparking the countess to seek techniques from the lord’s wife.

I do apologize, most of this must seem rather mundane for a conversation requested in private. Be it fortune or misfortune, you have the distinct honor of being paired within the Noble circles. This, unfortunately, can come with varying degrees of complications. Your every move from here on will be watched by someone, sometimes friend and other times… not so friendly. The expectations will be higher for you than some of your classmates but I don’t want this to intimidate you; rather I want this to be a source of inspiration for you. Consider it a challenge to become the very best version of yourself, someone you can be proud of at the end of the day.” There was a pause while Amaris fiddled with some items, allowing the information to sink in before continuing on.

Even if you decide this partnership is more of a curse than a blessing, you can still count yourself rather lucky.” Surprised to find that the water had already reached the desired temperature, Amaris poured the steaming liquid into the mug with the infusion spoon and returned to the table with the goods. The mug was set before Cassandra alongside a container for sugar and an empty saucer for the infuser once it had steeped to the mage’s preferred strength.

The house of Marivaldi is a rather unique one. We have what is greatly considered ‘controversial’ ideals. Unlike most other highborne houses the current Lord Marivaldi is actually Embraced, but before, he was a mage for our house just as you are now. To the outside we appear soft on our mages, gifting them with special privileges and spoiling them as if they were our children or pets. We generally allow this thought as it is more readily accepted at the moment than our belief that mages can be our equals.” Retaking her seat, Amaris sat back and studied Cassandra’s expressions for a sign of what might be going through her head.

Cassandra piled an inordinate amount of sugar into the tea, then took a large gulp, leaving the infuser in the cup. Then she added more sugar.

”Good,” she said at last. ”I’ll be your partner, not your servant. That’s all I ask. But don’t treat me like a pet, or like a child. I’m going to hold you to all that talk of being equals. And I’ll show you that I’m worth it. Deal?” She lifted herself to sit straight, and held out a hand to shake.

Amaris’ smiled widened as Cassandra offered out a hand to shake, her words and actions more confident now that they had come to an understanding. She shifted her posture to mirror her partner’s and extended her own arm to accept the deal.

A deal it is. I’m looking forward to working with you, Cassandra.” While she was confident that she could live by the promises she made, there was still a lingering concern over the times where it might not be so easy. There was little doubt in the countess’ mind that a time would come where she would have to command rather than ask… she just hoped the pair were still on the same page when such a time came.

The sudden sensation of something wrapping around her leg drew Amaris’ attention downward, her expression taking on a playful but disapproving look as she picked the creature up with her arms.

How did you get out, I thought I closed that door.” She asked before making a realization.

Oh! Right, I almost forgot. Since you are now officially assigned to a Marivaldi there is no reason for you to be staying with the Astorios; not that anyone would want to room that sociopath. Knowing Her Royal Highness, I’m sure your belongings have already been moved over if you’d like to double check everything. I’ll see about finding you that other key… I’m sure it’s here somewhere.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Salem turned to face the employee that spoke to the pair. Steeling himself for what may come, and worrying about what they might say on the situation. He took a few steps forward, stopping just before the desk ”Hi, um, I noticed the head office was out for lunch and thought that maybe this department would be who I am meant to speak to? I went into my dorm today and found that all of my belongings are missing, everything that wasn’t on my person is now gone and I’d like to know where they are as well as why they were moved.” He shot a nervous glance towards Lilie, unsure of how his response came across and hoping that he wouldn’t sink into any further trouble. His hand was fidgeting with his pants pocket out of nervousness, tapping his fingers every once in a while.

”Oh, my name is Salem Spellman by the way, my partner is Lucan Bordelaux. His stuff is also missing, however it was never really unpacked in the first place. I’m missing several plant species, a pet, and well everything else such as clothing, some books, equipment...” Salem ruffled through his bag, pulling out the information he was given when he first entered the school. His dorm number, partners name, image, as well as his class schedule, and handed it over to the receptionist. Anything he could do to make this process go faster as well as smoother so that he wouldn’t end up late for his etiquette class that he now had to take.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Victor Astorio

Dust still drifted off him like trails of smoke as the tall vampire made his way through the crowd of students freshly released from their classes. He could hear them whisper as he walked through them moving at a faster pace than most of them, most would barely make eye contact with him but apparently, a small video had begun to float around the masses most likely recorded from someone in the stands. Victor caught glimpses of it as he moved through the crowd.

What he could tell was someone was recording that motion picture actor Eris fight his opponent before the camera focused in on a scream and a white haired girl flying through the air in the back ground. The video focused on victor for a moment as he smiled but abruptly ended when he was pounded into the ground. Now he was sure everyone was going to know that he was the Astorio count, information spreading this quickly among his peers could very well be a double-edged sword for him.

Again, he was met with glares and the odd good job from another traditional vampire or so he assumed. At least they were staying out of his way for now, but this would hopefully draw out the ire of those mages and vampires that would try to take revenge on his public treatment of that mage. As he scanned the crowd, he found it slightly difficult to follow the scent of his mage, the scent he did pick up from him was unique but not very strong something along the lines of dirt and onions would be how he would describe it.

As he was far too focused on the task at hand he hadn’t seen the small outbreak of mages slinging color changing enchantments nearby. A small group of them didn’t seem to be paying attention to what was behind where they were shooting. As one ducked out of the way of one enchantment, the boy instantly froze as he saw what he just hit. Victor didn’t know what happened he only heard a small sizzling sound before a thump hit his left shoulder. The other boys in the small group stopped as well, almost like deer frozen in the middle of the road.

The vampire looked at his coat sleeve to see a patch of dark purple seemingly burnt into the fabric. Slowly turning his head towards the mage in question with an angry look on his face. The boy simply stuttered for a moment and pointed at his friend, “Uhh... He did it.” Before running off toward the rest of the group, the other boy just giggled nervously as he rubbed his arm taking a few steps back before running off towards the rest of the gaggle of mages, who momentarily paused what they were doing to see if they would need to fight this vampire or not.

A few tense seconds of mages holding what he could only assume where their focuses before victor broke his stare with a sigh and continued down the path toward what he assumed was student housing. The mages soon began again making sure to give the other boy crap for hitting a dangerous vampire.

Soon Victor caught a strong scent of his mage and the girl from the arena. The vampire slowly made his way through the heavy doors of the building and followed the scent until he could see what he was looking for. The two mages were talking to a receptionist at the department. He couldn’t make out what they were saying but could tell Salem looked nervous or anxious. Locking eyes with the man behind the desk for just a moment, he turned and left the building the same way he came. Victor was pondering how to proceed before deciding on simply waiting for his mage out here in front of the building. He found a nice spot along the path with a bench and sat down so he may wait for his prey to emerge.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lilie walked with Salem, the trip mercifully uneventful. Admittedly she was probably a little more on edge than she should have been. But getting to the bottom of Salem's problem provided some much needed relief--he didn't question her further, thankfully, and as good as he had been with her, she just wasn't ready to share the root of her issues with vampires. Maybe not ever, but Salem's current problem took precedent so that was that. She did take advantage and take a good look around as they walked. As she spotted the Library, she made sure to keep a note where it was; just because she had poor control doesn't mean it had to stay that way. On the contrary, she needed to do her best and pull out ahead. Good grades meant good progress which meant victory! There was yet to be a course that she couldn't ace, and just because it was magic didn't mean she had any intention to slack off.

She couldn't help but overhear a snippet of the conversation that had been happening when they arrived. This year's Sanguinem would be taking place here? Granted, it wouldn't be for some time, but that was certainly something if the Academy was to host the normally violent event. Most people used it as a chance to get back at someone that had wronged them, but she couldn't imagine participating for reasons like that. She always preferred Chaend, anyway, even if she was biased because it coincided with her birthday. But both of those were far off, anyway; Sanguiem wasn't until June, and Chaend wasn't until March.

Once Salem spoke, Lilie listened carefully, catching his nervous look. She gave him an assuring smile, though she wasn't sure why he was so nervous. He was just asking where his belongings had gone, there wasn't anything wrong with that, right?

Tagging along with: @Trainerblue192
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 26 days ago

"That's the... magic fight one, right? Never watched it. Sounds like a waste of time."

Aaron shrugged. “To each their own, I suppose.” He had a sneaking suspicion that Max considered a lot of things a waste of time, prompting him to wonder what the other mage did for a hobby. Maybe he practiced his disinterested scowl in the mirror; it was really quite impressive. 

Suppressing a smirk at the thought, Aaron stood and followed as the bus came to a halt and the vampires disembarked, helped considerably by Max’s aisle blocking and a few glares from Varis that could probably curdle milk. As the few who tried to linger around their group dispersed and the bus pulled away, Aaron was able to get a look around at the town, though he found himself wondering if this was all of it. He knew the town near the Academy was small, but he hadn’t been expecting it to be quite so miniscule; good grief, the whole thing could easily fit inside one of the castle’s ballrooms. It reminded him of the quaint little towns that Dora and Clara’s romantic comedies usually took place in, but he’d always thought those were just small because the films had low budgets. 

Still, what there was of the town was charming: people wandering about, no traffic, all nestled nicely in the woods. A building labeled “General Store”, sat right next to the bus stop, though from this angle Aaron couldn’t see the buildings beyond it. A small cloud of bats, maybe four or five in total, flew low past their heads as he looked around, weaving between each other sociably. As they passed, the bat bringing up the rear of the group dipped particularly low and circled back, looping around the group on the ground and hovering for a moment nearby. When Aaron gave the bat a smile and a polite dip of the head it seemed to remember itself, rushing to catch up with its group and chattering loudly. 

Aaron watched them go with an amused grin before a burst of colour across the street caught his eye. The artwork on the front of the shop in question was so busy that it took a moment for Aaron to find the sign, advertising tattoos and piercings. The sight dropped a stone in his stomach once again, and he tore his eyes away in favour of scrutinizing the alchemist’s shop next door. He had a more-than-sneaking suspicion that the tattoo shop was their destination, but he could at least pretend it wasn’t for a few minutes longer.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Hero@Obscene Symphony

The relief at escaping the overcrowded transport manifested as a long sigh after the crowds dispersed. Varis found the general clamour unnecessarily overwhelming and the mingling of the inferior with the superior in such a tight space left a faintly bitter taste in his mouth, not to mention the cretins swarming Eris at every possible moment for their fifteen minutes of fame. The behavior of those left him mildly concerned for the welfare of the state. It just reaffirmed the Noila’s reluctance to push a proper standardized code of ethics and behavior across the common class supported such impudence.

“Puerile.” Varis clicked his tongue disapprovingly at the bats frolicking and had half a mind to order Aaron to encourage the loiterer to move along. Allowing the rabble to linger would only bring the attention of the others. He followed its flight when it rejoined it’s peers and Varis put it from his mind as he looked around the town. Varis had Eloise setup the appointment before she met with one of the family’s suppliers, not interested in setting foot here until he had to. The town was… homely at best, barely a step above a hovel in his opinion. The entire place was little more than a leech on the Noila Academy but it was what was available so it would have to do. Perhaps he’d stop at the bookstore. Little one like these often misunderstood their stock, overlooking the inherent worth of older titles in favor of the passing fancy of the masses.

“Quickly now. The sooner we finish, the sooner we may quit this place.” Varis sneered as he crossed the street, approaching the tattoo parlor. He paused outside the shop, eyes skating over the artwork decorating the outside of the building. Few pieces showed more than a modicum of talent but those that did shone starkly against the banality. Applied to an appropriate medium, the artists may actually make something of themselves. “A beggar’s medium crippling a savant’s talent. What a disappointment.” Varis shook his head when a sudden thought caught his attention. He hadn’t decided which ear to have pierced yet. He turned, caught the boy’s chin in his hand, and turned it this way and that as he inspected which one he preferred.

“Considering your medical files are incomplete, a fact that will be brought to the royal family’s attention, is there anything else you want to tell me about before we continue?” He demanded of the boy, turning his attention to Eris for a moment. “Can you believe the Royal family somehow managed to overlook this? I found it preparing him for dinner last night. Apparently, he wasn’t worth the effort of a thorough exam.”

Interacting with: @WeepingLiberty

Damien eyed the mages on leashes warily. Sure, that kind of play was one thing but it definitely didn;t look that play. Was that what vampires did to their mages? He took a quick look around, checking other mages’ necks. Was everyone wearing a necklace marked like an animal? Damien had thought most of them fashion choices but maybe not. He grimaced at the thought of an angry Lucan slapping something around his neck but Lucan didn;t strike him as a lock and key kind of guy. Maybe more of a corporal punishment but at least he could try and dish that back.

“Lets just keep going.” Lucan;s warning clear in the back of his head. Keep your head down or you might get killed. And looking at those poor people on the shit side of a leash, he wasn’t entirely the vampire had been exaggerating as much as he’d originally thought. “Lucan says that those inds wouldn’t have much of an issue burying you six feet under and I’d rather keep my head long enough to learn enough magic to fuck them up later.” Damien wouldn’t, conflict was not his forte and he was sure his partner would shut him the hell down, but he was always one to talk a decent game. You had to with three parents breathing down your neck and no mistake could be hidden fast enough from three pairs of eyes. It was all about how you sold it rather than how well you hide it!

“So, how do we get to town? We drove through it but I was more concerned with the terrified and attracted conflict about my partner to really pay attention.” He asked cheerfully, trying to keep her mind off the rudeness of the vampires.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Being free from the bus was liberating. His numerous complaints were shelved as he noticed his mage block the aisle, much to the dismay of the many that had gotten on. Huh, that was a use for him he hadn't expected. Granted, most bodyguards were usually large and had more of a presence, but if it was a direction the kid wanted to go with, it was easy enough to steer him in that direction. The thought soothed Eris; one less thing to worry about, he supposed.

Hurrying along lest Varis snap at some unsuspecting soul, he gave his watch a little attention as he followed. The incoming message had perfect timing: once they finished, his package would arrive just in the nick of time. As Varis spoke, Eris looked up from his watch. Art on a body was always a fun little surprise to find, albeit he wasn't entirely sure he would ever do it himself. Piercings and tattoos were ghastly in his opinion, though it wasn't like he could do them himself without causing some kind of uproar. For the better, he had an image to uphold.

At the mention of the royal family overlooking something, Eris' eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really now?" The thought of the Starag potentially being damaged goods was one of Eris' theories, though from how he walked and spoke he didn't see anything outwardly wrong with him. As Varis turned the blond's head, however, there was something ever so slightly off about one of his ears. And here he thought the Noilas usually took good care of their stock. Eris frowned as he leaned in for a better look, eyes squinting slightly at the scar. Either the kid was scrappier than Eris thought or that had been a harsh lesson he had learned.

Clucking his tongue, Eris slowly shook his head. "Look at that," He muttered mostly to himself, taking a step back. "I'm shocked they didn't take care of that. Pretty sure I know a good plastic surgeon that can help with it." His hand gestured towards the scar. "Not that time is a luxury, but I suppose it being covered was satisfactory for his old masters."

Inspecting merchandise with: @Achronum@Obscene Symphony
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max lazily followed after the trio, paying little regard to the grumbled complaints of the people who were on the bus behind him. What were they mad about? He was certain they'd all be good little brownnosers around a self-important celebrity and a noble in any other scenario, but apparently letting them off a bus unmolested was too much of a sacrifice.

The town was rather underwhelming, and he was beginning to doubt the pitiful stores that were present would have what he wanted to begin with. One would think such a place would cater to mages more effectively, though there was an apothecary; perhaps appearances were deceiving. With Eris' funds at his disposal he could probably just order something better online anyway, but his priority was acquiring a focus in a timely manner rather than something trivial like fashion appeal. Maybe he could ask around while the leeches were distracted with their deliveries.

The mage turned back as the vampires were inspecting Aaron like a prime cut of meat - and to them, he probably was - and wrinkled his nose distastefully. Granted, he was happy the attention wasn't directed at him; he'd been manhandled enough for one day, but was the Retriever's ear really such a big deal? Max didn't even see what they were looking at. It was an ear. It looked like an ear. Idiots.

Nonethless, he waited patiently for them to finish gawking, pointedly turning away to stare off apathetically at the passing strangers. He was so excited after leaving spell theory that he was afraid he was behind on his glaring quota for the day, and lingering paparazzi would more than suffice in making up for it. Plus, he was sure once Cinnamon finished branding his new pet with whatever mark of ownership he had in mind, Eris would be without a chaperone and prone to stroking his ego again. It would be wise on Max's part to dissuade any fans from further contact.

@Hero@Obscene Symphony@Achronum
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