Washington, D.C.
Present Day
Issue #4.01
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There were four different opening statements each designed to deprecate Wonder Woman for various reasons. Senator Stern's opening was about placing blame on her for the recent surge of heroes and villains. Next, Senator Suarez expressed concern over the whereabouts of her rivals, Cheetah and Giganta, since their escape from prison years ago. He asked where Diana was on the night of their escape and how she didn't immediately search for them. Then, Senator Finch spent five minutes talking about her CGI simulation of Wonder Woman attacking New York City and even showed it to the public. It revealed that she won without a sweat against a fully trained company. That resulted in the senator stating that the simulation could easily become a reality if the hero had reasons.
Finally, it was Senator Swanwick's turn as he readied himself for the statement. He proclaimed that Wonder Woman was an unstoppable force with unknown intentions. In the course of the investigation, they have found several events throughout the 20th century that were troubling. That was when he started listing them off for the public: Opposition of the Hamburg bombing, Rohwer WRC incident, JSA conflict of 1945, her interventions during the Civil Rights Movement, and her conflictions with the Bush administration during the War on Terror. Each of these events, according to Swanwick, highlighted how Wonder Woman unnecessary inserted herself into situations. He called the hero out on it, saying that none of this would have happened if she listened and obeyed orders. Eventually, he ended the opening statement with a reminder that she'll have to answer for her actions.
Now came the sworn statement that took only a few minutes. After that, it was Diana's turn to give her own opening statement to the committee. She looked up at the twelve senators and took a deep breath. That was when she addressed them.
"Good morning, Chairman Finch, Ranking Member Swanwick, and members of the committee. It's an honor to be here today, answering any concerns you have. I want to take a minute to discuss the events mentioned in this room and apologize. I am sorry for any pain that I have caused to the victims and their loved ones, especially in Transia. Yet, I can't express regret for my actions. I did what felt right in my heart instead of following orders."
"What about Transia? Did your heart tell you to kill those men?" Senator Stern interrupted.
"Those footages lacked context. The insurgents were setting buildings on fire, shooting fleeing citizens, and holding police officers hostage. Not to mention Yuri Petrovitch was responsible for starting the rebellion against the current President. And he had "killed" Iron Man. Imagine if you were in my shoes, Senator. What would have done?" Diana fired back at the senator before Senator Swanwick banged the gavel.
"That's enough! Both of you!" Swanwick shouted and turned to Diana. "Finish your statement so we can move on."
Diana continued her opening speech. "Still, I have learned from Transia and vowed to do better. Not just for this committee and my innocence, but for the whole world."
Senator Swanwick looked around the room and sighed. "Now, with that done, we are here today to ask-"
Suddenly, the television screen behind Senator Finch began flickering out of control until an armored man appeared. "The time of Men has come to an end. You sit atop your ivory towers and in your arrogance believe yourselves to be the superior people. You think your government, your armies, your heroes can keep you safe- that they'll protect you from people like me. You're all fools. I am called Stryfe, and we are the Metahuman Supremacy Front. We will show America- and humanity- humility. We will tear down your palaces, put to the pyre your precious law and order. We will show you how truly vulnerable your nation really is. Safety is an illusion."
Stryfe uncrossed his arms and approached the camera until his masked face dominated the entire screen.
"This is your reckoning."
The scene changed to a view of Central Park in New York City, where an art-piece broke apart and unleashed a mass of locust. It quickly covered the park before moving on to a different part of the city. There was silence for a moment from the screen and in the room until a blood-curdling scream got everyone's attention. That was when a man appeared running awkwardly towards the woman and then processed to attack her brutality. He would have killed the woman, but she responded by biting his ear off and clawing at his face. Meanwhile, the room expressed terror as people within the park started attacking each other without control. Senator Reilly was desperately trying to search for his phone to call his wife and daughter, who lived in New York City. The other senators were frozen with fear as the screen changed again to the swarm as it was being dispersed across New York City and Star City alike. Then, the screen went black before the capitol logo reappeared.
While the other senators were starting to realize what happened, Diana knew that there were people that needed her in New York City. "I am sorry senators, but I have to go and stop that swarm." Diana proclaimed and started heading towards the doors. However, Senator Swanwick banged the gavel again with more force and it got everyone's attention, including hers.
"You can't leave this building." the senator said oddly calm.
"I am not allowing you to leave this building for the benefit of this nation. You are currently under investigation for your actions, including the current incident at New York City and Star City." Senator Swanwick answered the question. Meanwhile, Senator Stern looked at her with disgust and snapped.
"What are you doing?! We need to call the police to restrict her! Who knows what she'll do next!"
Diana was dumbfounded at Swanwick's accusation and stared at the others while they argued about what to do with her. The journalists started to take pictures of everyone while the people in the back were on their phones, trying to find more information. She knew that being here was pointless because they already found her guilty. The people of New York City and Star City were at risk of losing their sanity to the swarm and their lives to people affected. Initially, she tried to call for the senators' notice, but that proved pointless. That was when she was done.
As hard as she could, Diana struck the podium to get their attention. The senators looked at her with fear in their eyes while the wooden top split in half. Senator Stern tried to call for help but Senator Suarez quickly told him to be quiet. "I've had enough of this political bullshit!" Diana barked at them.
"The real purpose of this committee is to control heroes and metahumans. Your country's attempts on the previous generations have failed. Now, they have decided to set up this committee to make all of you find the answer. However, this generation of heroes is unlike any that I have ever seen. I've read the writing on the wall. They'll resist your country's attempts at controlling their lives. They'll band together and show the entire world that their powers are meant to protect and defend. Instead of giving in to your hatred, this new generation will only become stronger."
Diana turned around and looked at the people, some of them had their phones out to film her. "I know that I haven't been a perfect role model for them or the whole world. And I have disappointed many of them recently. That's how I know the heroes of today and tomorrow will make me proud. They'll be better than me. They'll become everything the heroes of the past stood for. Now, I have a city to save."
Senator Swanwick, almost speechless, knew that he needed to regain control. "If you leave this room, there will be consequences! I'll make sure of that!"
"I honestly don't fucking care, Senator Swanwick. You can make the government send out warrants for my arrest or have them kill me. Do whatever it takes to prevent me from setting foot in your country. I'll still risk my life for the people of the United States of America. That is a promise." And with that, she made her way out of the room and started running across the hallway. She ran as fast as she could to the outside. The crowds from earlier were gone most likely due to the news of the swarm. It gave her enough space to take off as quickly as possible. Her speech to the committee wasted a lot of time, but it was necessary. She started heading towards New York City, the nearest city compared to Star City.
Finally, it was Senator Swanwick's turn as he readied himself for the statement. He proclaimed that Wonder Woman was an unstoppable force with unknown intentions. In the course of the investigation, they have found several events throughout the 20th century that were troubling. That was when he started listing them off for the public: Opposition of the Hamburg bombing, Rohwer WRC incident, JSA conflict of 1945, her interventions during the Civil Rights Movement, and her conflictions with the Bush administration during the War on Terror. Each of these events, according to Swanwick, highlighted how Wonder Woman unnecessary inserted herself into situations. He called the hero out on it, saying that none of this would have happened if she listened and obeyed orders. Eventually, he ended the opening statement with a reminder that she'll have to answer for her actions.
Now came the sworn statement that took only a few minutes. After that, it was Diana's turn to give her own opening statement to the committee. She looked up at the twelve senators and took a deep breath. That was when she addressed them.
"Good morning, Chairman Finch, Ranking Member Swanwick, and members of the committee. It's an honor to be here today, answering any concerns you have. I want to take a minute to discuss the events mentioned in this room and apologize. I am sorry for any pain that I have caused to the victims and their loved ones, especially in Transia. Yet, I can't express regret for my actions. I did what felt right in my heart instead of following orders."
"What about Transia? Did your heart tell you to kill those men?" Senator Stern interrupted.
"Those footages lacked context. The insurgents were setting buildings on fire, shooting fleeing citizens, and holding police officers hostage. Not to mention Yuri Petrovitch was responsible for starting the rebellion against the current President. And he had "killed" Iron Man. Imagine if you were in my shoes, Senator. What would have done?" Diana fired back at the senator before Senator Swanwick banged the gavel.
"That's enough! Both of you!" Swanwick shouted and turned to Diana. "Finish your statement so we can move on."
Diana continued her opening speech. "Still, I have learned from Transia and vowed to do better. Not just for this committee and my innocence, but for the whole world."
Senator Swanwick looked around the room and sighed. "Now, with that done, we are here today to ask-"
Suddenly, the television screen behind Senator Finch began flickering out of control until an armored man appeared. "The time of Men has come to an end. You sit atop your ivory towers and in your arrogance believe yourselves to be the superior people. You think your government, your armies, your heroes can keep you safe- that they'll protect you from people like me. You're all fools. I am called Stryfe, and we are the Metahuman Supremacy Front. We will show America- and humanity- humility. We will tear down your palaces, put to the pyre your precious law and order. We will show you how truly vulnerable your nation really is. Safety is an illusion."
Stryfe uncrossed his arms and approached the camera until his masked face dominated the entire screen.
"This is your reckoning."
The scene changed to a view of Central Park in New York City, where an art-piece broke apart and unleashed a mass of locust. It quickly covered the park before moving on to a different part of the city. There was silence for a moment from the screen and in the room until a blood-curdling scream got everyone's attention. That was when a man appeared running awkwardly towards the woman and then processed to attack her brutality. He would have killed the woman, but she responded by biting his ear off and clawing at his face. Meanwhile, the room expressed terror as people within the park started attacking each other without control. Senator Reilly was desperately trying to search for his phone to call his wife and daughter, who lived in New York City. The other senators were frozen with fear as the screen changed again to the swarm as it was being dispersed across New York City and Star City alike. Then, the screen went black before the capitol logo reappeared.
While the other senators were starting to realize what happened, Diana knew that there were people that needed her in New York City. "I am sorry senators, but I have to go and stop that swarm." Diana proclaimed and started heading towards the doors. However, Senator Swanwick banged the gavel again with more force and it got everyone's attention, including hers.
"You can't leave this building." the senator said oddly calm.
"I am not allowing you to leave this building for the benefit of this nation. You are currently under investigation for your actions, including the current incident at New York City and Star City." Senator Swanwick answered the question. Meanwhile, Senator Stern looked at her with disgust and snapped.
"What are you doing?! We need to call the police to restrict her! Who knows what she'll do next!"
Diana was dumbfounded at Swanwick's accusation and stared at the others while they argued about what to do with her. The journalists started to take pictures of everyone while the people in the back were on their phones, trying to find more information. She knew that being here was pointless because they already found her guilty. The people of New York City and Star City were at risk of losing their sanity to the swarm and their lives to people affected. Initially, she tried to call for the senators' notice, but that proved pointless. That was when she was done.
As hard as she could, Diana struck the podium to get their attention. The senators looked at her with fear in their eyes while the wooden top split in half. Senator Stern tried to call for help but Senator Suarez quickly told him to be quiet. "I've had enough of this political bullshit!" Diana barked at them.
"The real purpose of this committee is to control heroes and metahumans. Your country's attempts on the previous generations have failed. Now, they have decided to set up this committee to make all of you find the answer. However, this generation of heroes is unlike any that I have ever seen. I've read the writing on the wall. They'll resist your country's attempts at controlling their lives. They'll band together and show the entire world that their powers are meant to protect and defend. Instead of giving in to your hatred, this new generation will only become stronger."
Diana turned around and looked at the people, some of them had their phones out to film her. "I know that I haven't been a perfect role model for them or the whole world. And I have disappointed many of them recently. That's how I know the heroes of today and tomorrow will make me proud. They'll be better than me. They'll become everything the heroes of the past stood for. Now, I have a city to save."
Senator Swanwick, almost speechless, knew that he needed to regain control. "If you leave this room, there will be consequences! I'll make sure of that!"
"I honestly don't fucking care, Senator Swanwick. You can make the government send out warrants for my arrest or have them kill me. Do whatever it takes to prevent me from setting foot in your country. I'll still risk my life for the people of the United States of America. That is a promise." And with that, she made her way out of the room and started running across the hallway. She ran as fast as she could to the outside. The crowds from earlier were gone most likely due to the news of the swarm. It gave her enough space to take off as quickly as possible. Her speech to the committee wasted a lot of time, but it was necessary. She started heading towards New York City, the nearest city compared to Star City.