Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 25 days ago

It turned out that Aaron’s premonitions were right, not a particularly comforting thought as Varis lead the group toward the tattoo shop across the street. There was a brief flash of hope when Varis stopped to scrutinize the storefront that maybe they had come to the wrong place, but those hopes were dashed when the vampire turned on him, snatching his chin and tilting his head around. Despite having already lost count of how many times Varis had felt the need to grab him by the face, Aaron had to consciously remind himself not to pull away; the last thing he needed was another slight, especially with Varis irritable. He’d managed to get this far into the night without earning extra lines, but the Count seemed to be losing his patience. So Aaron carefully - if rigidly - complied, keeping his eyes respectfully averted as Varis examined him.

“Considering your medical files are incomplete, a fact that will be brought to the royal family’s attention, is there anything else you want to tell me about before we continue?” Varis demanded, though he wasted no time waiting for an answer before turning his attention to Eris.

“Can you believe the Royal family somehow managed to overlook this? I found it preparing him for dinner last night. Apparently, he wasn’t worth the effort of a thorough exam.”

Aaron’s stomach twisted as Eris leaned in for a look at his scar, the intensity of the vampire’s gaze still unnerving even without the open leering from before. Varis’ words stung, of course, as did the airing of his personal business to Eris, Max and anyone else on the street who happened to hear, but all of it paled in comparison to the thought of Varis bringing the matter of his scar to the royal family. The consequences of them finding out were what drove him to bury it in the first place, though time and time again he’d wondered if it would have been better to just doctor the story rather than hide it altogether…

"I'm shocked they didn't take care of that. Pretty sure I know a good plastic surgeon that can help with it." Aaron was brought out of his thoughts when Eris spoke, gesturing to his scar. "Not that time is a luxury, but I suppose it being covered was satisfactory for his old masters."

As daunting as Eris’ suggestion was, Aaron was grateful for it, if only because it pulled him out of his head. If his service to Varis was going to play out how it had thus far, he couldn’t just go sinking into his thoughts every time something disturbing came up. Besides, he’d been asked a question.

He waited until the vampires finished talking to deliver his reply. “No, Master, there’s nothing.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Interacting with:@Hero @Trainerblue192

“That is concerning. Lets see what we can do to get this all sorted out.” The male receptionist gave a reassuring smile as he accepted the documents and started typing into his computer. “Alright, Salem Spellman let's see where you ended up. Here we go! Your partner is-” The man blinked for a few seconds, typed again, frowned as he clicked and typed away. “Ah.” an uneasy look passed across his face for half a moment before a polite calm replaced it.

“Due to some concerns, it seems you were reassigned and your belongings were moved to your new dorm. There were a few items confiscated and I’ll print you that list in a moment, but you’ve been reassigned to Victor Astorio. Your new partner has your dorm key as well.” The receptionist pulled a form out from underneath the desk after a few moments of a printer whirring to life. “Here is that list. It seems like a few varieties of poisonous plants mostly. You can find them with the Plant mages. Is there anything else you require help with? He handed over a new map of the dorms, circling the Astorio dorm for Salem’s convenience. The other noble dorms were also labelled.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Hero@Obscene Symphony

“Hm. If the boy enters my service after I finally leave this inane institution, that may not be the worst idea. But something to consider another day. For now, I believe I’ve made my choice.” He stated, releasing the boy’s chin. “As much as I’d like to mark that same one, it’d unbalance his entire appearance.” Varis gestured at the sword resting on the boy’s left hip, the sword that never seemed very far out of reach for the boy. He’d have to keep an eye on that. It wouldn’t do to have his mage dependant on one particular item. The boy was past his dependency age; Varis would find a way to deprive him of the item if deemed necessary. He made yet another mental note on this boy, the number of them quickly piling up, and pushed into the store.

A soft bell chimed as Varis walked in, a bright “Welcome! Take a seat and we’ll be right with you.”coming from the vampire behind the half counter. The inside was a modern aesthetic, a black leather couch against the wall behind a coffee table covered in various art albums and a simple rug sat beneath them, separating them from the wood floors. A student chatted amicably with the woman behind the counter as she typed into a tablet. The back of the store could be clearly seen, framed between two rows of partitions that held a tattoo station. A plethora of art examples and pictures covered almost every inch of the parlor, presenting plenty of inspiration. Soft music played through the store as a muted whirring came from behind one of the partitions.

“You’ll handle this now.” Varis corrected her as he approached the counter. The woman looked up and the retort died in her throat as she looked at the individuals entering her shop. It took her half as second as she blinked between Varis and Eris but her customer service smile finally made its appearance. The student at the counter stared slack jawed at Eris and his hand slowly crept towards his pocket. “Your business is done here. Any tab remaining will be added to mine. You are dismissed. Boy, escort him out. Now.” Varis informed the other at the counter without so much as a glance. The vampire at the counter frowned briefly at the treatment but kept her commentary to herself as she pulled up the Sinnenodel’s reservation.

“Your reservation requests magic only but it was noted he has a minor resistance to life magic. Depending on the degree of tolerance, we may still have to use the machine to ensure a clean piercing.” The vampire finished typing into the tablet and looked up at the group again. “The one getting a piercing is Aaron Stra-” She double checked the screen and the blond. She seemed confused, for good reason, but she pressed on nevertheless. “Did Mr. Starag need to select an earring?”

“No, he does not. Just see that he gets through this as quickly as possible.” Varis pulled out the box he brought from the dorm and set it on the counter. The woman opened the box, eyes the two earrings critically for a few moments before closing it again.

“Well then if everything is in order, we’ll have you on your way in less than an hour. Feel free to sit. We’ll have him back as soon as Jacob is done with our current client.” Varis turned away and snapped his fingers, pointing at the couch.

“You’ll stay there until you are called. Once you are finished, you are free for the rest of the evening. I recommend you take the time to familiarize yourself with the area. Remember your curfew.” Varis instructed him before turning to Eris. “Now that my official business is finished, you had something to attend to right?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Eris followed Varis' gesture to the scabbard at the blond's side. Noila trained and everything, and yet they chose to release him into the Sinnenodel household. He'd feel bad if he wasn't convinced that there was more to this than he thought, but for now it wasn't a priority. He did chuckle to himself at the redhead's response, paying little mind to the interaction between the receptionist and Varis as he instead admired the work around the shop. Humble, clean, and noisy, though it would get the job done, he supposed. There was no mistaking the confusion on the poor little one's face as he looked at him, Eris throwing him a wink in recognition. A few weeks and hopefully that would die down, then he can tuck an idea to rally up some noise again if needed.

Once Eris was addressed, he flashed a grin at Varis. Alone at last. Wait, no, his own mage was probably brooding nearby, wasn't he? Turning his head towards the mage in question, Eris clucked his tongue. Right, right, the focus for this kid. He supposed it was best to get that over with and done sooner than later lest he remain with that scowl permanently on his face. The town wasn't exactly brimming with options, though, the few shops around probably having limited inventory.

"Make the best of what you have," He muttered to himself before looking at Varis. "My delivery will be here soon, so if you'll suffer his company a bit longer, we should wrap up sooner than later," Eris glanced at the time and felt his phone buzzing once again. Sooner than later, actually.

Eris' eyes roamed the street as he pulled out his phone, walking outside of the shop. "Bonjour? ...oui, je suis devant le salon de tatouage," He raised his free hand as he spotted a sleek, black car. "Est-ce vous? Parfait, viens ici, alors."

Once the car pulled over in front of the shop, a long legged, blonde woman with a suit jacket and her hair neatly tied underneath her cap came out of the driver's seat. Coming around the car, she offered the two vampires a deep bow of respect before opening the passenger's door. A young man with golden brown hair cautiously climbed out of the car holding what looked like a duffel bag. His clothes were on the casual side; a polo accompanied with a pair of jeans, though an eagle-eyed observer would notice the Ivanov logo adorning the collar. He seemed to be finishing a conversation, a hand flying to the wireless Bluetooth headset before flashing a brilliant grin at Eris.

"Good evening," He greeted them cordially, holding the duffel bag to his side.

Eris practically beamed at the man, a hand on his hip as he looked him up and down. He must have just come from a golf match or something."Perfect timing," He said before reintroducing him. "Antigone, you remember Count Varis, of course," Antigone bowed to the count on cue, subduing his grin a touch as he looked at the other mage. Spinning around to introduce him, Eris pointed at him as he spoke. "And this is..." He trailed off, pulling out the card with the mage's name on it. "Maxwell Alderman." Yeah, he was never going to remember all that. Deciding on a shorthand, he continued, "Wells will be my mage while I'm here at the academy. Wells, this is Antigone Aëdon, my agent and manager."

Antigone nodded at Maxwell, the tiniest hint of amusement in his otherwise cordial expression. "Nice to meet you," He said politely, handing Eris the bag.

The vampire was giddy as he placed the bag on the ground, kneeling down to unzip the side. As he worked the zipper, a small whine could be heard. Shortly after, a small puff of a pup walked out nervously, looking around at the many people around her. Eris was positively delighted as he watched her take a few steps, scooping her up into his hand as he would stand. She sat on his hand, tiny limbs hanging as her eyes darted around.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Eris gushed, gently stroking her head to soothe her.

"She is a purebred white Pomeranian, she will grow to be approximately six pounds and eight inches in height." Antigone said, eyes darting to Maxwell for a second. "Her name is...Maxie." He finished, scratching his neck as he contained a laugh.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Salem stared blankly at the attendant whilst absent-mindedly grappling the list that they had produced for him. His gaze just met off into space as thoughts and emotions ran through his head, trying as hard as he could to make sense out of anything that was just said to him. He could feel his right eye threatening to twitch, a fake plastered smile stuck onto his face while he momentarily shut down inside and waited for it all to come back up. Finally after what seemed like an eternity to him he said weakly ”Thank you. That should be all I suppose.” It was barely noticeable, only to the most astute eyes could one see the slight quiver of his lip as he spoke. His emotions ran somewhere from anger to fear to confusion as he still held the paper out in front of him. Clearing his throat, Salem turned to give Lilie another smile as he thanked her for her presence and company during this mess.

”Well now, it appears that the Astorio I mouthed off to earlier is now my partner, and Lucian, although a Knight, didn’t have the balls to tell me to my face, figuring I’d find out sooner or later i suppose. No matter, my stuff is relatively safe, though it appears I’ll have to make a stop to the plant mages after my next class in order to see about acquiring back some, if not all, of my plants that I use on a daily basis.” Salem knew that this school was going to open him up to new possibilities, new adventures, and change his life. He did not however, think that any of those things should happen so soon, nor to such a drastic measure as they have so far. He almost wished that he had the stone cold silence of his previous partner so that he wouldn’t have to deal with what could only be described as a feral brute with the brain of a walnut, run purely on instinct most likely. ”Was there anything else you’d like to attend to before my next class starts Lilie?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The look of initial unease on the receptionist's face was an ill omen. And rightfully so: Lucan wasn't Salem's partner anymore, it was Victor Astorio. As in the guy Salem had mouthed off to in her defense earlier in the day. Her initial thought was a correction on a thought she had earlier, as it looked like she did know every mage belonging to a noble. But the humor in that died off quickly as she watched Salem's reaction. She didn't know if he was defeated or worried or what, the smile on his face throwing her off for a second. This was terrible, and there he was taking the news relatively well. Better than she would have, anyway.

As he asked if she needed anything else, she shook her head. "No, but..." She trailed off as she tried to find the right words to say. What could she say, really? 'Sorry you're getting stuck with one of the worst vampire families'? No, that wasn't right. If it was the other way around, she was more than sure that he would be comforting her. But she didn't really know what to make of the vampire; on the one hand, he was absolutely right in what he said about her fears, on the other hand he had leered on her and tossed her like a ragdoll, so she wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

Clearing her throat, she gave Salem a genuine smile as she touched his shoulder in comfort, trying her hardest to look on the bright side. "It'll be okay, I'm sure that maybe if you apologize, it'll smooth things over," She tried to be as positive as she could. "And me and Aaron and Cassandra--all of us are in the same cul-de-sac, so if you need anyone, we're all here for you. It's times like this that we have to stick together, you know?"

Interacting with: @Trainerblue192
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 25 days ago

Interacting with: his mom <3

Ugh, there it was, that if again. If he entered Varis’ service. The thought of surgery was far from comforting, but it was that if that gnawed at him most. For the moment, though, Aaron remembered what he told himself and pushed the thought to the back of his mind. He could brood over it later; in the meantime, Varis had apparently made his choice, and it was time for Aaron to accept the unpleasant reality of this ‘marking’ business. He eyed the tattoo shop warily as they stepped inside, casting aside his former optimism in favour of hoping Varis’ taste in ‘adornments’ was at least less disturbing than his Lady’s.

Inside, the shop was clean and tidy, though the artwork plastered all over the walls did loosen it up a bit. Aaron, of course, was anything but, the casual atmosphere doing nothing to quell his dread. The receptionist bade them to wait, but Varis clearly had no intention of obeying; Aaron was glad for the command to escort the other client out, if only because it gave him something to do. With an apologetic smile, he gestured for the mage at the counter to follow him, opening the door for him as he politely ushered him outside.

Aaron waited a moment for the door to close behind them before offering the mage a somewhat more sheepish grin. “Sorry about that, I hope we didn’t interrupt anything important.”

The mage blinked between Aaron, his scabbard and the tattoo shop for a moment, looking a little dazed. His hand still teased at his pocket, apparently still debating pulling out his phone. “O-oh, no problem,” he finally rushed out, accented by something like a laugh. He shot Aaron a nervous smile and offered a wave as he turned to leave, a partially completed sleeve tattoo on display. “Uh, have a good night!”

Aaron smiled and nodded as the other mage took off, ducking into the first door he reached. He re-entered the tattoo shop just in time for the receptionist to give him a weird look, glancing between him and her screen. Aaron had half a mind to make sure his tie wasn't tied inside-out or something, but the receptionist seemed to catch her composure quickly, returning to her exchange with Varis. “Did Mr. Starag need to select an earring?”

“No, he does not. Just see that he gets through this as quickly as possible.” Varis might have almost sounded kind if not for his tone and clear impatience. He placed a box on the counter for the receptionist to appraise; Aaron guessed that the contents were those ‘adornments’ Varis had mentioned. The receptionist seemed satisfied, and Aaron was more than a little curious. He supposed he’d find out about them soon enough.

Varis snapped his fingers at him again, and it looked like he’d be free of the vampires for the rest of the evening. Aaron sat down where he was indicated, taking a moment to remove his scabbard from his hip and balance it against his knee, and set a quick alarm for 5:45am so he wouldn’t miss his 6am curfew. Roughly two hours to himself, minus however long this appointment took. Not bad, maybe he’d have time to see Salem after all. For the moment, though, he was more concerned with his appointment. The receptionist said ‘earring’, so that meant he was getting his ear pierced, right? Probably the right ear, since Varis apparently didn’t want to do his left. Just an ear piercing, that couldn’t be too bad. Surely it wouldn’t hurt much, though he wasn’t really concerned about the pain; it was just that something about poking holes in oneself and sticking jewelry in them always sent a shiver up his spine. But women got their ears pierced all the time, how bad could it be? Much better than those ones Lady Sinnenodel’s mages had had in their faces, or the one Vanessa had on her back. Right?

He was fighting a losing battle with his nerves when his watch and phone buzzed in tandem, his watch face displaying a phone call from “Mom”. His phone displayed a candid shot of a smiling older woman, with his same blue eyes and silvery blonde hair twisted into an elaborate braid. He was caught between perking up and sinking down at the sight, both happy to speak with her and dreading whatever she might ask. But it wouldn’t do to keep her waiting, so he quickly answered the call, speaking more brightly than he felt. “Hey mom, how are you feeling?”

“Mr. Starag, Jacob is ready for you.” As if on cue, the receptionist called Aaron up, gesturing to the back of the tattoo parlor. Aaron had not expected to be relieved to head back for his appointment, but it was definitely the better alternative to what he was about to say.

“I’m sorry mom, I have to go,” he excused hastily, standing and balancing his phone on his shoulder so he could clip his scabbard back onto his belt. “Say hello to everyone at home for me, and I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

He was sure his mother was less than impressed, but she didn’t let it leak into her voice. “Of course. I love you, Sunshine.”

Aaron smiled, despite himself. “Love you too, mom.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max kept near the door as the group entered the tattoo parlor. Seemed like Count Cinnamon was already microchipping his new dog. While Max personally found the practice immediately abhorrent, he couldn't think of a more deserving victim, so he kept his disgusted sneering to a minimum.

The mage followed Eris outside the shop, assuming the long-awaited delivery had finally arrived. Seemed a bit extraneous to give the deliveryman his own driver, though judging by Eris' expression, this was someone he knew. Probably one of his assistants that he was babbling about earlier.

"Wells, this is Antigone Aëdon, my agent and manager."

Wells, god. He'd have to come up with a better name than 'Eric' if this kept up.

"Yeah, yeah, nice to meet you too." It was halfway genuine. The more staff Eris had doting on him, the less work Max would have to do. If he was lucky Eris would spend all his time bugging Antagonism and Max would just get to blend into the background. Probably for the best given the fame surrounding the leech; throwing a chair at some paparazzi clown waving a camera in his face and asking about Eris would be more trouble than it was worth.

He was less enthusiastic about the little white rodent that crawled out of the bag. This was what Eris was so concerned about? A dog? He could already hear it barking all night- err, day, whenever the hell he was supposed to be sleeping. The name was just icing on the cake; he'd have to do a distracting double-take every time Eris called the oversized squirrel from across the dorm.

"Do they even let pets in the dorms?" Max questioned simply. He held back most of what he actually wanted to say given Varis was still lingering. No sense in dropping the act now when he was almost rid of the vampire's oversight.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Hero@Scribe of Thoth

Varis had all but forgotten Eris had a waif following him. He took the time to cast a critical eye back over the mage, once again disappointed in Alderman. Dark, brooding, and probably more than content to fade into the background. Not without its charm for some, Varis wouldn’t have tolerated that behavior longer than it took Aldeman to introduce himself. He felt something akin to jealousy. Breaking that mage would have been far more challenging than the boy. Maybe he’d borrow Alderman when he was in a particularly good mood. Eris would be more than happy to occupy the boy for a day or two while Varis picked this one apart.

Varis was shaken from his musing when Eris reintroduced his agent, eyebrow cocked in disapproval at the overbearing expression on the man’s face. Coupled with the distasteful outfit the man seemed determined to flaunt―never mind Eris spent an entire evening detailing why this look was far more practical during events. Eris indulged the modern world far too much as it was in the Count’s opinion―Varis couldn’t help but wonder why it was this sibling that made the delivery. At least the other one knew how to mind her manners in public. How they act behind closed doors in the Samael household was one thing; doing it in public was an entirely different story.

“Was there a reason you didn’t send for the quality sibling?” Varis asked the actor dryly as the duffle bag passed hands. Varis originally assumed it was some new designer toy the actor got his hands on but that would be too simple for Eris. No. Instead, Varis mustered every ounce of strength he had not to bear fangs at the thing Eris dragged out of the bag. He did let a sneer make it’s way onto his lips and a scoff wormed its way out of his throat. “While I have a few concerns about your new interest in rats, I concur with your courier selection.”
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Eris rolled his eyes at Maxwell's predictable response to Antigone. Such a socially awkward kid, he could have at least pretended to care. Another in a growing list of improvements needing to be made. He'd have to get that Astorio contact on reserve. "Of course pets are allowed, why else do you think they allow mages to dorm with vampires?" He informed Wells with an air of nonchalance. "It would be too much of a hassle to have a separate quarters for immature mages. Can you imagine the pandemonium, letting them roam free and mingle alone without any guidance?" Not to mention the actual consequences of fights and unauthorized hookups. If either one of those situations would happen, it would be because he wanted it to.

Varis' comment caught Eris' attention, his jaw dropping at the accusation. "A rat? How could you say such a thing with this adorable face?" He nuzzled Maxie happily, much to her delight. "She's small and cute and absolutely perfect for lessons, and once I'm done with her, she'll make a great gift." He cast a wary gaze on Antigone, who didn't seem to react much to Varis' comment except to bow his head. Eh, being second best should be something he's used to by now.

Actually, since he still had his mage here, he figured he could do one last thing for him. "Before I forget, Wells here could probably use an idea for a focus," He jabbed a finger Max's way. "Why don't you and Josette show him what you use?

The woman took off her hat and tugged on the bun until it unraveled, holding the golden orbital hairpin in the palm of her hand. Antigone seemed surprised by the request, but complied just as quickly, turning his collar up slightly. A small, gold stud glinted as he prodded it with his thumb.

Eris seemed satisfied, dismissing the pair with a wave of his hand. Hopefully seeing them would help the kid choose one faster so hey wouldn't have to linger long. The woman wordlessly tied her hair back up, once again opening the car door for Antigone. Oh, right, before he would forget, he did want one more thing. "Wrap up any lingering work you have today, tomorrow I need you to look into something for me," He told him, throwing him a wink.

"Yes, sir," Antigone said, once again bowing to Varis and offering Max a slight wave before getting into the car.

Holding Maxie happily, Eris looked around the street, stopping when he spotted the apothecary. They could just go over and get something mundane, but there was another option to consider. Looking at Max once again, he gave him a rather cheeky grin. "You know, I bet you'd prefer a focus that isn't so easy taken," He said. "That said, pretty sure a Prince Albert would do nicely. We could get matching ones, too!" He swayed his hips for a moment, raising his eyebrows.

Hangin' around town with: @Achronum@Scribe of Thoth

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jade Blades
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Jade Blades Wandering Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joryldin Nailo

When the bus finally came to a slow and agonizing halt, Joryldin was still as a statue. His phone had found its way back into his pocket several minutes ago, and the vampire spent that time with no entertainment other than his own thoughts. Entertainment, or maybe better phrased as torture. He didn't even notice that the ride was over until a chorus of groans rang out among the populace when a human blocked the aisle. It was a wonder that some impatient vampire didn't crush the guy like an energy drink can.

“She may not have said it; but if anything happens to him and it affects his Sire, my Lady will be… displeased.”

The words rang in his head like a gong. With his heightened senses, it was impossible not to eavesdrop on the TA's conversation. Now, he wished with every fiber of his being that he didn't. To thought that the sniveling pile of undead garbage that wanted him dead escalated his case all the way to the highest authority in the whole world made Joryldin's eyes burn with a glowing red hatred. To make matters worse, it meant that all of his mother's pleas, apologies, and entreating to those in power weren't even considered. The only reason he was still alive was because Lady Sinnenodel's glutinous hunger for fine arts made Widow Nailo's happiness a commodity.

"Hey, kid, you awake? We're here." The bus driver called back when he saw Joryldin still glued to his seat, prompting a startled twitch from the vampire lost in his own thoughts.

"T-Thanks. Sorry about that." He made sure to keep his hood pulled ever tighter over his face as he meandered out into town. His phone began to buzz, but his mind was in too much of a twist to pay it any mind. He began meandering around the market intersection. When he passed the craft shop, Joryldin took the time and look inside to give Mrs. A a wave and a smile. It wasn't until after a few minutes of loitering about that his phone began to buzz again, repeating a notification for texts that he missed.

The most recent, from Kota, confirmed that she was fine and dandy, which put him slightly at ease. The next, however, struck another frayed nerve. “Uh, hello? Where are you? We got shit to do and we can’t find you. Pres is pissed!

Joryldin began frantically tapping away at his device. "Huh!? What do you guys need me for!? I'm in town running errands! I can try to run back, but I don't know if that'd be suspicious or something."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 25 days ago

The Ear-ening

The vampire behind the counter motioned for Aaron to wait a moment while another mage, a girl with puffy red eyes, hurried out from the left partition. The vampire gave her a sympathetic look and waved Aaron into the one the girl just vacated. She put a small box on the counter, filled with a lotion and replacement bandages, and explained how to take care of the tattoo.

“First time tattoos are always the worst.” The vampiress commented as she rang the mage up. “At least the design you wanted was simple enough for a single session though.” 

Behind the partition, an older man was just finishing wiping down a leather chair that resembled ones from a dental office. The man himself was balding and glasses hung around his neck. A simple black short sleeved shirt showed off the various tattoos decorating his arms and neck as he messed around with his station. From here, Aaron could see the other three sections were immaculate, completely untouched and missing equipment. The man looked up, squinted at the boy briefly, and let out a surprised chuckle.

“Well I’ll be damned. A blood and flesh Starag in my shop.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Thought that girl was taking my leg when she said it but I put it on the books on the off chance since the Sinnenodel name was all moseyed up to it. Good thing I did, eh? Bet that snotty brat out there would have been real pissed.” He laughed again before he smiled kindly at Aaron and stretched his hand to shake Aaron’s. “So kid, what’s your name? Mine’s Jacob and I run this little shop.”

Some of Aaron’s dread came creeping back when he was motioned behind the partition, though of course he hid it well, looking around the area to occupy himself. The stations were clean and organized, a small comfort, though save for one they looked unoccupied. Aaron wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the place, but he figured it would be to his benefit to keep an open mind. 

The man at the occupied station was welcoming, but Aaron found himself momentarily transfixed on his myriad of tattoos. He’d never seen anything like them, covering practically every square inch of his arms, and he had to wonder what it must have been like to get them. Judging by the teary-eyed girl who’d been in here before him, Aaron could only assume it hadn’t been pleasant. 

He remembered himself at the man’s greeting, smiling humbly at his comment and briefly wondering if he’d get a similar reaction every time he met someone new. “Aaron. It’s a pleasure,” he introduced himself, shaking Jacob’s hand. His grin turned a little sheepish, free hand coming up to tug on his left ear. “Your shop is impressive, although I must admit that this is all pretty new to me.”

“I reckon it is. They keep your family all nestled up snug as a bug in that palace with not even a peep of you all. Think it would do some people some good to see you aren’t just myths made up by the vampires.” Jacob shrugged as he patted the leather chair. “Take a seat, Aaron. Standing up ain’t goin’ to do you no good here.” He pulled a chair out for himself and sat across from Aaron, making no move towards his tools yet. He opened a drawer from the desk various implements sat on and pulled out a pitcher and two cups. He poured them each a glass and tapped on them, muttering an incantation. Instantly, steam rose from the cups and he passed one to Aaron. 

“Go ahead and drink a little. First time for anything is always nerve wracking and a little mulled apple cider always calms my nerves.” Jacob sipped at his own with a content sigh. “So, Miranda tells me you have a bit of a life magic resistance. Why don’t you tell me about that?”

Aaron sat as Jacob indicated, wondering if there was any truth to what he said. Did some people really think his family was just a myth? It seemed silly, but he supposed he had no way to be sure. After all, until arriving at the Academy the rest of the world might as well have been myth to him. He watched with mild interest as Jacob charmed two glasses of cider, thanking Jacob for the one he was given and taking a sip mostly to be polite. It wasn't unwelcome, though, and the gesture did put him a little more at ease. 

“Oh, right,” Aaron replied at the mention of his resistance, shifting a little in his chair to tap his pommel. “There’s not much to tell, really. A big part of my training was swordplay, and since I usually learned things the hard way, I was no stranger to the life mages back home.” A nostalgic smile briefly found its way to his lips as he remembered a few especially dumb trips to the life mage from his teenage years, then faded again. “Why, will it pose a problem?”

“Not particularly. Just means we can’t use magic only for this.” Jacob shrugged, still making no move for his tools as he sipped at the drink. “If you hadn’t any, I could do this whole thing with magic. Costs a pretty penny but I doubt that’s much of a problem. Just have to convince your skin that’s how it’s supposed to be but if you’ve already developed a resistance, your body won’t take too kindly to that line of thought. So we have to make a small hole and then I can work with it while your cells are all confused and such. Only catch is, it’ll always heal back with the hole. Even if you slash it, the hole won’t seal itself. Gotta use magic to put it back.” Jacob explained. It was much more complicated than that. It took someone with plenty of skill and control to even consider attempting it but Jacob had plenty of practice when he was still under the heels of the Astorios. It was how he eventually managed to escape their yoke. 

“Nope. It won’t be a problem at all. But if you’ve learn things the hard way, I doubt this’ll bother you anyways. Feels like a little prick, not much else. I’ll easy away the sting soon enough anyhow. Wish I could figure out how to do it with tattoos. Right pain in the butt with people tryin’ not to twitch but oh well. Such is life.” He finished his drink and picked up the box Miranda placed back here while he had been working with the previous client. He flipped it open and let out an appreciative whistle. “Interesting choice you made here. This is some fine jewelry but I didn’t take you for someone so flashy. But the good news is, you won’t be needin’ the stud unless you’re going in for a fight. Ear will be all healed to wear the proper one right away so don’t worry about that at all.” He set the box back on the counter, open and facing Aaron. There were two earrings in the box, one small silver stud set with the Sinnenodel crest and another one on a fine silver chain and ending in a small emerald set above the scroll of the Sinnodel crest. “I guess devotin’ yourself so wholeheartedly to your new family is admirable.”

Aaron had to fight down the shiver threatening to crawl up his spine as Jacob went over the piercing process, and his fingers absently tapped his glass, a small outward indication of the anxiety creeping back up on him. He wasn’t really sure why it bothered him so much, either; it wasn’t the pain that concerned him, and he could handle blood and broken bones with little more than a flinch, but something about sticking jewelry into himself made his stomach turn. Maybe he just wasn’t a fan of putting holes in himself on purpose, though he didn’t care to think hard enough on it to find out. 

He watched Jacob pull out the box, raising an eyebrow at the mention of “flashy.” The talk of studs and fighting didn’t make sense until the box was turned to him, and his eyes widened at the sight. Jacob wasn’t lying; the craftsmanship of the earrings was extraordinary, and if Aaron’s guess was right, they were cast in solid silver. No wonder Varis had been so impressed at the speed at which they’d arrived, Aaron would have guessed it would take weeks to make them to Sinnenodel standards. Still, Jacob was right. The stud alone was more than Aaron would ever wear of his own volition, and the long one - presumably the one he was meant to be wearing most of the time - was beyond noticeable. It was nearly as long as his finger, for crying out loud!

Jacob’s talk of devotion pulled Aaron out of his head, though a sad sort of weight fell over him as it did. Jacob seemed to think he was doing this of his own volition; either that or he was pretending to save Aaron a little dignity. “...Thank you,” Aaron replied finally, though he was a little more stiff than before as he summoned his court smile. “I’m nothing if not loyal.”

He spared another wary glance at the earrings and Jacob’s equipment before shifting in his seat again and clearing his throat. “So, is there anything else I should know before we get this done?”

“Sorry, sorry. Told ya more than you really needed to know anyways.” The older man barked out a laugh, wheeling the chair around to Aaron’s side. He deposited a small piercing gun, sterile wipes, and the box on a small metal table attached to the chair. “Just get my mouth running sometimes. Alrighty, now just relax for a minute. I’m going to sterilize your lobe real quick now and then I’ll mark the spot so don’t flinch when you feel it.” Jacob talked him through each step he took as he did, giving about 30 seconds between each instruction. He gently marked the spot and then wiped it away, leaving just a faint dot, and then picked up the gun. 

“Now, I’ll make a quick puncture with this. Like I said, it’ll only sting for a few seconds until I get my magic around the wound then you won’t feel a thing. Gotta give ten minutes or so to encourage everything to grow right and double check it and then you’ll be right as rain. No long term care or anything.” Jacob explained, bringing it up to his ear and pulling the trigger gently, piercing the ear. His magic reached out from his fingertips almost immediately and his face went blank as he worked, letting the trigger go slowly until the piercing implement finally came free and he moved it away from Aaron’s ear entirely. 

“There we go. All done.” Jacob exclaimed merrily as he wiped at the hole once more with sterile wipes just to be safe. “So, this earring here has a little clasp on the back of it to help stay in. Lose that and it’ll be a right pain to keep it in your head.” He held up the longer one, displaying the clasp on the back. “Did you need help getting it in the first time or you think you’ll be just fine? Gotta mirror right here if you want one.” The man held the hand mirror up for Aaron to use.

The seconds of anticipation before the little gun went off were definitely worse than the piercing itself. Aaron flinched a touch at the sudden sting, but Jacob either didn’t notice or paid no mind, and like he’d said, the pain disappeared almost immediately. A few minutes later and there was no lingering soreness, though Aaron did bring his hand up to his right ear to investigate the change. There was the slightest of bumps in the middle of his lobe, but no swelling, though the thought of a hole in his skin was still not the most comforting one. 

He considered asking Jacob to help him put the earring in, but dismissed the idea just as quickly. He’d need to know how to do it, might as well start now. It couldn’t be that hard. Gingerly he took the earring from Jacob, pausing another moment to examine it again, and carefully slid the clasp off the back of the post, taking care not to drop it. It took a few jabs and a few head tilts in the mirror, but he got the earring through, fumbling a moment with the clasp before he finally got it secured. He took his hands away slowly, distantly worried that the earring would fall out the minute he let go, but it held, and he took a moment to stare. 

The chain was long enough for the pendant-charm-part to fall just below his hair, flaunting the Sinnenodel crest proudly to anyone who happened to look. The emerald setting glinted just so in the light, as if to draw more attention to it, and the silver shone starkly against the gold of his hair. It felt a lot heavier in his ear than it had in his hand, and it swayed with every little tilt and movement, sometimes even touching the side of his neck. Aaron could already tell the swinging and swaying would get on his nerves, but for the moment he was more concerned with how utterly foreign it looked. It wasn’t “jewelry,” that much was clear. It was a tag. Varis might as well have gotten “Property of Varis Sinnenodel” tattooed on his forehead. 

But, again, Aaron reminded himself that this was not the time or place for brooding. All told, Jacob had done an excellent job - clean, quick, and nearly painless - and it would be rude to return the favour with bitterness. So Aaron smiled, offering his hand for the older man to shake once more. “Thank you, it looks excellent,” he commented, speaking more about the wound than the earring. “Is there anything else you need from me before I get out of your way?”

“Nope. We’re all set on this side.” Jacob shook his hand again and gave Aaron a friendly clap on the shoulder. “You come now if there are any problems, okay? And if I hear about any issues and you didn’t, I’ll be sure to hunt you down now. Now go off and do whatever you young folk do for fun these days.” Jacob laughed as he escorted him out to the front of the counter. 

Aaron couldn’t help but smile at Jacob’s antics and nodded. “I will,” he agreed, offering Jacob a wave and thanking Miranda on his way out. 
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Of course pets are allowed, why else do you think they allow mages to dorm with vampires?"

Maybe he should get into divination, he saw that one coming a mile away. Stunning play, Eric. He wasn't even going to dignify that with a response, it would be giving Eris too much credit. At least Varis summed up Max's opinion on the dog rather succinctly in his place. Eris called the thing a 'gift', though, so that implied it wouldn't be sticking around too long.

"Before I forget, Wells here could probably use an idea for a focus. Why don't you and Josette show him what you use?

Max didn't know whether to consider that gesture thoughtful or patronizing. At least it superficially came off as helpful, even though Max was confident he didn't need the advice. He had a few ideas in mind already and, while the collar stud was an interesting idea, he was still confident in his own decisions. At worst, he had some backup plans in mind. Focus redundancy wouldn't interfere with his magic, would it? Max gave - what the hell was his name? Anteater? - a polite wave as he got back in the car. More than the mage would've usually done, but that was essentially his new coworker, and it would be better in the long run if he remained cordial. He didn't know enough about the guy to hate him yet, though Max suspected he was a complete tool like the Retriever.

"You know, I bet you'd prefer a focus that isn't so easy taken. That said, pretty sure a Prince Albert would do nicely. We could get matching ones, too!"

Max had no idea what a 'Prince Albert' was, but judging from the context, he assumed it was a piercing of some kind. And judging by the fact that Eris was being... Eris, he could only assume it was somewhere dirty. The mage was almost tempted to agree just so he'd have a nice piece of metal handy to rip the vampire's junk off with, though he doubted Eris would actually follow through. They were almost free of Varis, so it would be a waste for him to bite down on Eris' bait either way, but he supposed a little nip or two wouldn't hurt.

"I think I'll pass, I'd hate for you to scar up your award-winning body on my behalf. Whatever will your fans think?" His voice was flat and dripping with sardonicism, "Just a bracelet or something will work fine. Maybe two, it's your money." An anklet would probably be more secure, but it offered less room for brandishing it threateningly. Maybe one of each. He'd have to see what he could weasel out of the leech's bank account.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Salem smiled, a genuine smile breaking through the harshness that was his current reality. Although he hardly knew the girl, the words she that she spoke ran through to him and seemed to mean the world. He began to realize that with all the bad that was being thrown his way, there was also pillars of good that helped to hold him up and support him where he may falter. He leaned in close and hugged Lilie, holding for few seconds as he said ”Thank you, really...thanks.” Salem let her go, taking a few steps back as his right hand now held his left arm sheepishly. ”You’re absolutely right, we do need to stick together and help lift each other up when needed. Let’s head back to our cul-de-sac. I’m sure your partner is wondering where you are, and i have to head to my etiquette class. Maybe later we can all hang out if the Astorio isn’t in a foul mood. Though my room wont be as well kept as it was last time, given the circumstances.”

With that, Salem turned to thank the assistant once more before turning and leaving the building. As they made they’re way a thought crossed his mind. ”Oh wait, now that we’re all in the cul-de-sac we should plan some study sessions for you, Max and I. Seeing as how we’re all partners in the Sinnenodel team for Varis’ class. This should hopefully make things easier although...between you and me, I have a strange feeling that Max isn’t much of a team player. We may need to find some way to coerce him, a little incentive to get him going you know?”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dakota Brookes

Interacting with: Damien @Achronum

Lucan says that those inds wouldn’t have much of an issue burying you six feeet under and I’d rather keep my head long enough to learn enough magic to fuck them up later.” Dakota’s eyes trailed back to Damien as he spoke before returning to the group passing by. The longer the mage stared the deeper the pit in their stomach grew. It was a familiar feeling, the very same one that was often felt when deciding to face off against the biggest thug on the playground. Unlike back home, however, this kind of thug was not one that could be beat with some quick footwork and some dumb luck.

Still, Dakota could not shake the feeling of unease felt at the sight of the leashes and collars connecting mages to vampires and vampires to their property. There was no use trying to fight the practice, especially at this stage, but there was still the sinking feeling that someday Dakota might find themselves exactly where the other students were at this exact moment. Would Joryldin turn out the same way, cave to the expectations of the hierarchy and chain what he was told belonged to him.

Yeah, fine. Let’s go.” The mage allowed Damien to steer the pair away from the group, a sour expression remaining for quite a few paces before beginning to dissipate.

So, how do we get to town? We drove through it but I was more concerned with the terrified and attracted conflict about my partner to really pay attention.” Somehow, the thought of Damien sitting in a car next to some random vampire, that more than likely invited himself into a moving vehicle, was an uplifting one.

You’ll have to point out this terrifying and… what did you say? Attractive?” Dakota chuckled and smirked teasingly before continuing.

I remember seeing something about buses to town. Maybe we’ll be able to pick something out along the way if we catch one.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Salem's hug was unexpected--two in one day! Night? She would need that terminology cleared up sooner than later. But much more importantly, she was able to properly comfort him, the relief felt as she quickly hugged him back. She meant everything she said, too. As he thanked her she gave him a sheepish smile, trying not to get too flustered. Goodness, she didn't know how nice it was to see the feeling was mutual. Fast friends were good, anyway! Aaron, Cassandra, Salem...maybe Max if he ever came around, too.

It looked like they were thinking the same thing as Salem would bring Max up, too. Right, they were all in the same study group. Even she could tell that the guy just hated everyone from their first conversation alone. Her expression fell slightly as she remembered what she had overheard before getting confronted by the vampire, his comment towards Aaron. She never did get an answer to what he meant, but it gave her an uneasy feeling the more she thought about it. These vampires were unpredictable and she didn't know what to expect from any of them, let alone her own partner.

As for her vampire, she appreciated Salem's concern, but she seriously doubted it. "We can always hang out at the Eve dorm, pretty sure Mariette forgot I exist," She couldn't help but joke, deciding to shift the focus back to Max. "He reminds me of my brother," She ended up replying wistfully. "I guess this is how he comes off to everyone else. I'm sure at the very least we can all get along, we can start there and see how it goes." If he really was anything like Ren, then being polite was probably the best they could hope for.

Clapping her hands together, she threw Salem a grin as an idea hit her. "Maybe going out for lunch--dinner--something would be good, too!" She suggested. "We can hang out and get to know each other better!"

Interacting with: @Trainerblue192
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

“Hm, perhaps you should.” Varis agreed with Eris’s suggestion, raising an eyebrow expectantly. “One of my vassel’s was prattling on about it a decade or two ago and now that you’ve reminded me, it would be an interesting experience. Probably wouldn’t have to wait more than an hour either.” Varis contemplated the idea seriously. The vampire probably hadn’t expected Varis to react, much less like this, but catching the actor by surprise was always amusing. The corner of his mouth twitched upward in brief amusement. And if the actor followed through... well, Varis wouldn’t waste the opportunity.

Alderman’s comments caught his attention quickly after that though, eyebrows shot up in surprise. His words, if genuine, wouldn't have caught his attention but the insolence in his tone grated on the Sinnenodel’s nerves. The Starag boy may be incompetent but at least he knew how to keep his tongue still. Varis eyed the waif critically. While normally he could just allow Eris to handle his own problems, blatantly disrespecting a vampire known to be in regular contact with himself would be paramount to approval.

“A ugly bark fitting an ugly mutt. Here I thought you merely had the good sense to keep your council but I was mistaken. Hold your tongue in the future otherwise you’ll find yourself without the choice to loose it. Whatever insolence you had the opportunity to develop should be quelled now.” Varis warned the mage before turning back to Eris. “You have some work cut out for you with this one. I recommend investing in a muzzle for the mage straight away. If he continues to act like this, we can have his magic artificially bound over his breaks. Deprive the boy of his reprieves until he behaves.”

“Let’s be about getting your mage his toy. The sooner we do that, the sooner we can rid ourselves of mages for a while.” Varis sighed. Frankly, he wanted to leave as soon as he dropped off the boy. It was the whole reason he gave him the night off despite his performance issues.Varis would be more than happy just to leave Alderman here to find his own if it meant leaving sooner but he understood leaving a dog without its master on the first day was never a good way to establish the relationship.

Meanwhile, Jory receives a very angry text message response.

“What do you mean, what do we need you for? Remember, we were supposed to talk at lunch but we couldn’t find you? And now you’ve disappeared into the wind again? You know, the whole you have to help us or the Hive digs through your head deal? Ring a bell?”

Plenty of students made their way around campus now that their last class was done for the evening. Mages and vampires roamed in groups in various degrees of haste, the newer students clearly a little overwhelmed by everything they’ve gone through today. Students separated for various extracurricular activities, some heading towards the arena and others heading back into the halls. As she often did, Ryner could be seen walking around campus and talking excitedly with various staff and students with Sariel and William trailing close behind her.

Salem’s next class was held in the Library’s Study Room 1, easily found on the side of the massive room. His name and another, Julian Noila, were written in neat script on the marker next to the door. Various sconces glowed along the walls covered in soft tapestries depicting various scenes from history and a fire crackled on the back wall. Plush carpet muffled the sound of footsteps and the various chairs from the room were lining the walls. On the far end of the room, a small round side table held a ruler and a metal rod. A stool sat in the middle of the room.

But perhaps most noticeably, the walls rose and rose without end and faded into the sky to reveal a million stars shining down softly. This would be the sky above the academy without lights, without civilization, as if the room hovered ten thousand feet in the air. It was one of the most popular ones, especially with astronomy students, and plenty of people just came in to star gaze for an hour.

Far less exciting, a vampire stood on the back wall. Hands clasped behind his back, his face neutral as he awaited his newest pupil, Julian Noila instructed every Noila and every Starag to grace the royal household in the past 300 years in manners and etiquette. The man towered over most, looking down with a haughty expression at those who didn’t reach his standards and incorrect behaviors were quickly met with a swift snap of a ruler or, if the individual was particularly stubborn, a metal rod. The man wore a simple three piece suit, hair pulled back tightly and just the hint of a scowl twisted his otherwise blank expression.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The fact that he didn't get an eyeroll or his third exasperated sigh was surprising enough, but Varis managed to knock Eris on his ass with his response. Eris' expression seemed to be stuck between disbelief and glee. He wasn't actually serious. Or was he? He was! As Eris fought his internal questioning, on the outside the star was struck by clear surprise before long. A laugh out of disbelief escaped him, his reaction barely contained as he covered his grin with his free hand. Well shit, he got him good.

That said, he had forgotten Maxwell's existence until he spoke, and Eris' amusement took a nosedive for the worse, immediately closing his eyes as his irritation got to him. Tripping over the finish line, rookie mistake. And he was doing so--actually, he wasn't doing well, but Eris had mistakenly assumed the mage would know better than to come up with a retort in public. At the very least, staying quiet meant he knew how to shut up, but no, Eris had expected too much out of the kid since apparently he thought it was okay to talk like that. And in front of Varis, no doubt, which only made it worse. It looked like he would have to dedicate more time than he wanted to properly socializing this one.

The small whine of discomfort from Maxie seemed to snap Eris out of his thoughts, not having realized his hand had squeezed the pup in his irritation. Despite not meaning to, she gave him a proper idea on how to deal with the kid. Looks like she'd serve more of a purpose than just a gift. Keeping his eyes closed, he mentally counted to three before opening them once again, flashing a brilliant grin as the usual shade of chartreuse came back.

"Oh, you know how hard of hearing little ones are. Comprehension isn't usually their strong suit, either," He replied cheerfully, free hand petting Maxie in comfort as he walked. He supposed a muzzle wasn't the worst idea, but if a little public humiliation would teach him the needed lesson, then so be it. He might need that second leash after all.

As they arrived, Eris cast a glance around the place. It was bigger than he anticipated, reminding him of the small grocery mart near his own place. Several rows of plants, powders, and bottled liquids could be seen right away. A sign marked 'Modern Medicines' pointed to the far end of the store, a section dedicated to wands and other magical items close by, and a locked bookcase behind the counter. Magic was alright and all, but since he couldn't use it, it wasn't as interesting to him as it used to be. That said, he did want a little payback to make himself feel better. He motioned for Varis to stay back, knowing the vampire wasn't a fan of Eris' little displays.

The blond then perked up as he looked at his dull minded mage, patting his head as he looked at him lovingly. "Whenever you decide on what you're getting, let me know. Try not to be shy," Eris spoke to him slowly, his tone sweet as he pinched his cheek. His entire demeanor had changed, putting on a show of a caring, nurturing vampire. After all, if Max was going to act like a child, he would be treated like one. "Should I have one of the associates help you out? You know what, I'll get you someone to help."

The blond looked around and spotted an employee, waving them over. "Excuse me, could you help out my poor mage?" He called, giving the guy a pleading look. "He really needs a focus for his affinity, but all this magic stuff goes completely over my head! I'd feel so much better knowing he was in your capable hands."

He looked back at Max, smiling. "Be nice to the employee, okay? They're here to help you," He assured Max, giving him a wink as he would step back, leaving the mage with the employee.

Into the Apocethary with: @Achronum@Scribe of Thoth

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oooh, scary. Max clicked his tongue as Varis started his tirade, keeping his expression deliberately unimpressed. He spent more time weighing his options then he did actually comprehending what Cinnamon was babbling about; he could apologize like a cowed dog, but that would make it look like Varis had intimidated him into shape. On the other hand, he could keep talking now that he had less to lose. No, this game was annoying, but he had overstepped, and this round was Eris' victory. He might as well take his loss gracefully. The mage turned to Eris and put up his best scolded puppy look - he was mostly copying Aaron for reference - and bowed his head a bit.

"Apologies, it won't happen again." Max said curtly, trying to sound as sincere as possible without overplaying. He doubted Eris would believe him and he didn't really care whether the leech did or not, he just needed to put on a convincing show for the count. Besides, it wasn't a lie per se; he had no intention of letting Eris prod him like that again, though it would've been better if the leech had scolded him personally so Varis wouldn't get to feel like he'd won something there. He could've risked outright rolling his eyes, but that would've made it obvious he was just paying Eris lip service.

He followed behind Eris as the vampire made for the apothecary, keeping his posture even more sunken than usual in a continuation of his kicked dog charade. The shop was about as underwhelming as he expected, mostly weird plants and gross looking bottles. Max hoped the selection of wands wasn't all this place had to offer; he'd sooner figure out a way to turn his shoe into a focus before he started waving around a stick like a jackass to do magic.

Eris pinching his cheek like an excited grandma once they were inside was barely a surprise at this point, given how touchy the vampire had been earlier, but the infantilizing was a bit new. Still not surprising, but new. Max supposed this was his punishment. Admittedly, it was tempting to play the role of an incompetent child just to waste Eris' time, but he was probably more eager to leave than the leech was.

"Be nice to the employee, okay? They're here to help you,"

The employee wasn't the one Eris needed to worry about him not being nice to. Although Eris was technically still doing him a favor here, so there was no real need to call him a patronizing moron over a bit of pretend doting. Wasn't like Max had a reputation to uphold to some tool that worked at a glorified pharmacy.

"I was thinking jewelry or something," He muttered to the poor attendant that Eris roped into helping him as he walked over toward the focus displays, "Don't need anything fancy, just a metal anklet or something would work. The more subtle, the better. Make it two, if you have 'em." Max was definitely getting two. Fuck Eris. Not that this petty financial attack would likely do anything to the actor's no doubt substantial funds, it was the principle that counted.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

After bidding farewell to Salem, Lilie felt like most of her energy had been spent. What a day, she had a lot to think about and too much to tell her brother the next time they spoke. Maybe she would leave out the arena stuff, she didn't want him worried. At first she thought that maybe getting to hang out with someone after class would be nice, but she felt exhausted. Well, there was nothing wrong with going back to the dorm and just sleeping for the next ten hours, right? There was homework to get started on, but she wasn't too worried. Speaking of homework, Salem had a good point about Max, but she didn't have his number. She'd have to ask him for it tomorrow. For now, she was content with a nice, hot bath.

She was still invigorated by her idea of a get together, and rather than wait, she decided to jump on the idea. She pulled out her phone, deciding to send a text to Cassandra first. She felt like they would get along easily, with the fire mage setting a good precedent for Lilie to look up to.

"And...sent!" Lilie smiled to herself, relatively pleased as she scrolled through her new contacts. Sitting on Kanalie's name, the white haired girl tried not to get too giddy as she decided to text her as well.

Lilie didn't know what it was about the older student that made her heart race, but she was eager to get to know her, too. Maybe she could give her a little more insight on trying to properly socialize with vampires. Admittedly she was definitely more curious about the nature of her, uh, relationship, but she seemed genuinely nice. Putting her phone away for the moment, as she looked up, she stopped in her tracks as she saw the Astorio sitting on a bench. He looked like he was waiting for someone, stern as he was the last time she saw him. There was no way he didn't see her. Slowly raising a hand, she gave him a small wave with a somewhat tight-lipped smile, though she continued on her way, picking up the pace. She didn't mean to be obvious, but she wasn't entirely sure she was ready for another talk with him. Not yet.

Turning the corner, she slowed down as she tried to calm her frayed nerves. He really was right, wasn't he? If she let her fear get the better of her, she was going to give herself an anxiety attack. But she couldn't help it, she was scared! And she had the right to be! It was just the first day, she could give herself that leeway. She'd try to work on that going forward, she had years of academic education to learn how to talk to vampires without quaking in fear.

As the thought crossed her mind, Lilie spotted Sariel with another mage and a vampire. Her eyes widened as she realized it wasn't just any vampire, it was Princess Ryner! The universe really had a funny way of throwing more people she didn't like at her, didn't it? She frowned as she watched the princess from where she stood, watching her interact with people. She seemed so casual, it was so different than when she had seen her at the first night. Was it easy for her since she was the one that got to pick and choose who got to go to her school? If only she was braver, maybe she could ask why she picked her of all people.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, Lilie pulled out her phone again. Well, even if she wasn't happy to see the princess, she could think of at least one person who might be. She had no idea where Aaron was at the moment, but he would probably be happy to see someone from the castle.

After sending the text, Lilie lifted her phone, zooming in to Princess Ryner. Once the familiar shutter sound went off, she went to forward the picture, though she must have moved at the last moment since it was blurry. The princess still looked gorgeous despite her features being fuzzy; go figure, vampires could make a potato sack look amazing, even messed up pictures couldn't make them look bad. Focusing a little more, she made absolutely sure her hands were steady as she took a second picture. As she opened up her texting history with Aaron, the image preview showed that the princess was looking right at the camera.

Lilie didn't dare look up, though the shock on her face was still obvious. Did she see her?! She must have, she's looking right at the phone! Daring herself to lift her head, Lilie slowly looked up, nearly screaming as she caught an amused look on the princess's face. Yup, she saw her. She totally caught her. Lilie was paralyzed, unsure whether to laugh or cry, her face red with embarrassment. Day one and she had already made a fool of herself, go figure.

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