
”Young Master…” A feminine voice croaked into Fran’s skull, the noise at once both comforting and rattling his teeth until they threatened to fly from their sockets. Fran groaned objectionably, rising from his place atop one of the messy desks of the Artisan’s clubroom. While he couldn’t see himself, or his servant for that matter, he could tell she likely had some objections to how he must have looked. His hair stuck up at odd angles, silver locks tilting awkwardly into his obscured vision, with a few smudges of grey-black coating their tips. His clothes were little better, the button up had somehow lost nearly half its buttons during his rest and what few remained were struggling to keep him halfway decent.
So all in all, today was starting out fairly normally.
”Miiiillltiii….” Fran grumbled, his hands flopping gently around the desk in search of his glasses for a moment.
”I told you to wake me up at three this afternoon. This is not what three o’clock looks like.” He continued, finally finding his glasses and putting them on, his eyes refocusing quickly to the familiar darkness of the clubroom.
”I apologize young master...” The voice said again as space tore itself apart for a moment, Milti stepping through.
”But you asked that I keep you abreast of any significant changes to Lady Olgmire’s condition.” She chirps, her tentacles moving quickly to his side and brushing out the worst of the tangle of his hair. Fran stared at his servant for a moment, his confusion clear on his face.
”She called last night saying she might not make it…?” His servant offered, hoping that would suffice to jog his memory as she attempted (and failed) to fix his bed head. After an awkward silence she continued.
”...She is the model sir.” She added.
”Model fer what?” Fran asked dully, leaning onto the desk and giving up, knowing full well Milti would tell him even if he didn’t put any effort into trying to remember. The shoggoth sighs, her tentacles retracting from her master’s frame after smoothing out what she could.
”The model for this mornings Artisan club still life sir. She has just informed me, or rather you, via ear wrym that she will be unable to make it. Citing Gastrointestinal distress.” She said primly, handing the offending ear wrym to Fran, the echoes of retching still playing clearly through its speaker even at a distance.
”Uuugh. That thingy….” Fran whinned, declining to get a better listen of the poor girls continued suffering.
”Can’t we jus’ cancel it? ‘S not like we’ve got a lot of people to disappoint anyways.. ” he half slurred, laying back down onto the desk as he readied himself to make this problem not his anymore.
”I’m afraid not.” Milti said sternly, her tone killing any notion he might have had of getting out of this nearly instantly.
”If we were to do so that would make the 47th consecutive event to which you were responsible for organizing to have been canceled. And need I remind you that should that happen agai-””again then the remaining members have threatened to quit...” Fran finished for her, his voiced pained. God he doesn’t know who nominated him to the position of club chairmen but if he found out he was going to throw them into the furthest reaches.
Part of the reason he’d joined the Artisan’s club is that next to nobody ever did. When you attended a school for summoning all sorts of magical beasts and mythological creatures, learning how to paint really seemed like a waste of time. All in all, it was probably the second least popular club, with a grand total of six members at his last count. Not that he counted closely. The club mostly left him to his own devices, content to let him sleep on the job so long as he occasionally got an event together.
Not that he ever did, which was sort of the problem. The rest of the club had banded together to MAKE him do his job, sick of having to do his work for him. And if they quit, then HE’D have to be the one to handle all the paperwork associated with a club dissolving due to lack of membership. Yeah, hard pass.
Taking the ear wrym he cut the connection to whatsherface and took a look at a nearby clock. 40 minutes till the club was meeting. That...really wasn’t enough time to find someone respectable enough to fill the slot. Thankfully, he didn’t really need (or expected) to find respectable.
Placing the ear Wrym on he quickly zero’d in on his new
rube volunteer.
”Come on...pick up. If I’m awake I know you are…”The Earwyrm only rang for a few seconds before it was answered.
“HELLLO IT'S YA GIRL LIZ, WHO BE CALLIN!?” Her loud voice rang over the wyrm, almost threatening to deafen whoever was on the other line.
“Master Lizaveta, now is not the time to answer calls.”“Ah, shut up Fel, I've earned a break. Trying to fit muffin with this voice modulator is annoying.”Fran winced as his ear exploded from the sheer volume of his ‘friend’.
”Good morning Billboard. Its Fran. I need you.” He said after sighing, rubbing his eyes as Milti set about the room, carefully righting upturned canvases and generally tidying up the space.
“Geh, why you always gotta be mean?” Liz grumbled.
“What the hell you need me for ya lazy nerd? Need me to fix your toaster or something?” ”I’m not mean. I am simply direct.” Fran objected, an audible thunk being heard across the ear wrym as he laid his head down.
” As for what I need….it is less I need you and more I need your body. I’m in a bit of a tight spot and frankly...you’re the only one I can trust with it.” He said, thinking he was being pretty clear with the whole thing. Its not like he made a big secret out of his membership in the artisan’s club. And Liz, for all her bluster, was probably smart enough to put two and two together.
“E-eh? My...body?!” There was an audible 'thunk' as whatever Liz was working on slid off the table and fell to the floor.
“You insult me then you want...my...body!? There was a few seconds of silence that followed as Liz grumbled something just barely inaudible.
”I dunno who taught you to flirt, but that ain't the way ya do it. Request rejected. I got better things to do, ya sleep zombie.”Fran stares into the middle distance, eyes unfocused like...well a sleep zombie.
”I fail to see how asking you to model for the Art club is flirting.” He said bluntly, deciding that Liz was no longer smart enough to put two and two together. As always, she seemed to go beyond the call of duty, despite no one asking.
”I figured you would have been thrilled for an opportunity to preen and prance about like a show pony....” he drawled slowly, now atleast somewhat worried that Liz might not do it.
Time to use the big guns then. He sighed loudly into the ear wrym.
”Ah well, if you wont do it...I’m sure your housemate Rena would be more than happy to….” He said, voice slightly sweeter and more attentive than normal. Rena was just as annoying to him as Liz, but the
mousey platinum blonde that was machina’s resident welding enthusiast was also a rather hot topic to his ‘friend’. ...parts of her anyway.
”How is she by the way? Last I heard she’d passed you in terms of cumulative scores. That puts you at what rank again? 65th I think it was?” He added dreamily, knowing he’d probably get an earful about this later. Thankfully, ignoring Liz was a lot easier than asking her for permission.
“....WHAT.” Liz stood up from her chair. The balls on this guy was amazing sometimes.
“Geh, what the hell you talking about? That fat cow got lucky! LUCKY! The professor was probably too busy staring at her boobs to grade the exams properly!” The petite redhead snapped.
“And why didn't you just say that in the first place!” She scooted back from her chair, standing up and placing a hand over her chest.
“Obviously, as someone who is far more good looking, energetic, and overall just simply better than that hussy, I would be a far better choice for a model!””Good. “ Fran said dully, emotion falling out of his voice like a brick back into the familiar flat monotone.
”Be at clubroom C in 10 minutes. Milti will help you get undressed. I owe you...nothing. I owe you nothing. But Milti is giving me that look that says I have to say something appericative or I will get in trouble. Remember. C in 10.” He says in a clipped tone, snapping the connection through the ear wrym off before the redhead had a chance to rebut.
Milti stared at her master,disapproval written all over her face.
”Young Master…” She said warningly.
”Need I remind you that it is poor form to treat a young lady like that…”Fran shrugs before laying back down on the desk, deciding that his comment about Liz’s dubious quality as a proper lady would only net him more hassle.
”Just let me know when she gets here…” he grumbled, immediately falling back asleep.
-A few minutes later-
The door to the club room burst open. A large metallic spider walked into the room. Atop it, sat none other than Lizaveta. She was leaning back, hand resting atop her mount with a book in her other hand. Her labcoat was unbuttoned, showing the school uniform underneath, and her legs were hiked up to make sure everyone had a good view of them.
“No need to stand up,” She called from her mount as Muffin shuffled into the room.
“But your goddess has arrived. Feel free to paint or sculpt me like the perfectly build machine that I am.”From his seat at the desk Fran...stayed slumped, loud snoring echoing throughout the room. He did, if nothing else, take the suggestion not to stand up to a whole new level. Milti, however, strode quickly to Muffin’s side, patting the metallic spider’s thorax gently.
”Lady Vasilev, It is so wonderful to see you again!” The shoggoth warbled, raising a tentacle to help the small girl down from her mount.
”On behalf of both my master and the art club thank you again for volunteering. We’ve got about twenty minutes until the rest of the club arrives so we’ve plenty of time to get you ready.” She chirped, her many eyes swiveling in different directions as she pinpointed the things she’d need to fix or collect.
“E-eh?” Was no one here? She expected everyone else to already be here. Oh well, she'd make her grand entrance later.
“Hmph, alright, then!” She hopped of Muffin, using Milti's tentacle to help her hop off the spider. Muffin waved a claw at the shoggoth, before positioning herself in the middle of the room and relaxing.
“Nice to know one of you isn't rude, hmph.” Liz said to Milti.
“Alright, so what are we doing?”Felicia slowly walked into the room behind Liz, hands held in front of her. She cast Milti a bored glance, but otherwise didn't seem intent on interacting with anyone here. The robot settled next to Muffin, resting a hand on the large spiders leg.
”I am glad you asked madame!” the shoggoth said, bouncing in place happily.
”Today's event was organized by the young master. Many of the club feel like their practice with anatomies is somewhat lacking. So the young master decided that a few sessions dedicated to improving on this front was the best option. Today we will be doing the preliminary nude still life to determine where everyone's current level of skill rests and on what elements they need to improve upon.” She explained, slowly walking over to a corner of the room and pinning the corner of a sheet to a wall.
[color=Grey] “How rude.”[/color] Felicia sighed idly, draping herself over Muffin, rubbing the top of the Spider gently. [color=grey]“He interrupts our work and doesn't even have the decency to greet us. And they say this one is rude.”[/color]
“N-nude?!” Liz stuttered out, blushing lightly.
“W-well, Felicia's right! You should be thankful I'm taking the time out of my day to help you. I want to hear that idiot fran to thank me personally. I was busy developing a voice modulator for Muffin.”Milti raises a tentacle to her chin for a moment, considering a few things. As a servant, she couldn’t actively defy an order given to her by an esteemed guest. But, conversely, she couldn’t actively permit an insult to her master (however very much deserved) to be perpetrated on her watch. After a few silent seconds a thought finally occurs to her.
”Would Madame perhaps instead wish to partake in an act of...let us call it petty vengeance?” She asked, an inhumanely wide grin of thousands of razor teeth spreading across her face in what she thought was perhaps a playful manner.
”The young master’s earlier behavior ...leaves much to be desired. As his caretaker, I am concerned that if such open and crass assessments of his female peers forms were to continue, he would go unwed. Rightly so might I amend. If the young lady permits, I would like to...how you say ...make him eat his face noises?”“...I like the way you think, Milti.” Liz replied with an impish chuckle. Well fine, if she couldn't get that pile of failure to reply to her directly, then this was the next best thing. She trusted Milti wouldn't do anything weird, or put her in a weird situation, so it was fine.
“What ya got in mind, Milti?” ”Well, firstly…” Milti says, strolling silently over to Fran’s side. A pair of thin tentacles slide forth from her sleeves, wrapping themselves around the frames of Fran’s glasses and removing them slowly. It would be nice to say this took some degree of finesse, but given Fran’s track record, she probably could have shaken the damn things off him and he’d not have woken up.
”The Young Master has a horrible habit of wearing his glasses to bed. As his servant, it is my duty to make sure they are removed. It would not do to have him near sighted for an extended period of time in a school environment after all. Especially when he can only barely make out detail from approximately six feet away.” She explained in an airy voice, somewhat mocking of her own role.
”Secondly, I am to provide you with the equipment necessary for acting as our nude model. Hopefully he will find his assessment to be...a learning experience.” She added, making a point to walk to an oddly specific point on the floor before gesturing vaguely to the sheet she hung earlier.
”On the chair provided you shall find a pair of flesh tone undergarments and tape for your breasts. Please forgive the slight discrepancy in shade, but it was short notice. Also please do ensure only to cover what is necessary for decency to be maintained. After all…” She says, grin now widening so far that it the toothy maw was beginning to lap her skull as her many eyes narrowed to slits.
”We wish to provide as close to a real experience as we can for our club members.”“Heh.” Liz's mouth curled into a smug grin.
“Milti, your wasted on that lazy, unmotivated zombie. You ever think about working for someone else?” She asked absentmindedly as she walked over to where the garments and the sheet was located. Phew, she wasn't actually gonna be naked. It would have been embarrassing, but she'd do it. Totally would. Yep. She didn't mind the attention at all.
Tossing off her labcoat, Liz quickly undressed, tossing her clothes carelessly to the side. Next came the flesh colored suit. Weird, but it was doable. Slipping on the garments, Liz slid them over her legs, taking a moment to make sure they left as little to the imagination as possible, the shorts cutting them off just at her upper thigh. This was a 100% fool proof plan that could not possibly go wrong.
“Fully dressed!” Liz shouted.
“You can start drawing whenever. And make me look good, and don't forget to be generous in the chest area.”Milti raised a tentacle to her lips, stifling a giggle at the girls eagerness. Fran shifted in his sleep, mumbling something barely audible about advertisements.
”Now hold your horses…” The shoggoth said, sliding over to the girl.
”A few things first…” She said, gently taking off the girls glasses and placing them on the table next to Frans. A trio of tentacles slid out from the maid’s wrist, carefully and expertly combing through Liz’s hair and tossing it into a sultry wild mess.
”There. Perfect. Now, take your position and get comfortable, I’ll awaken Fran…”“A-ah hey I can't...see...” Liz narrowed her eyes. She herself, was farsighted, so she didn't have trouble seeing far away, but close up? Yea, she couldn't see Milti's pretty face. Eh, shouldn't be too much of a problem since she wouldn't be doing anything up close. Smirking to herself, Liz took a moment to decide how she wanted to do this. Something sexy. Something daring, something using that chair. Hm...ah.
Climbing into the chair, Liz sat in the chair sideways, stomach facing the back of the chair. She propped her arms on the back of it, resting her head on them, facing Fran. One of her legs hung lazily off the front and waited for Milti to wake the other summoner.
Content with the trap laid out before her, Milti walked over and gently pat Fran on the back.
”Young master. The meeting is about to start…” She coo’d, her voice echoing inside the collective groups skull with surprising volume. Fran shifted uncomfortably from his heap, yawning as he raised his head.
”Fucking hell...Milti I said to wake me when Liz got here. Dont tell me that dumb bim-” He grumbled briefly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes until he spotted Liz.
Pink exploded on the young mans face as six black tentacle shot from his clothing, slamming into the tile floor and hurling him bodily away from the girl, as though space might somehow provide the decency she was currently lacking. There was a loud slap as he covered his eyes stammering.
”Milti the FUCK IS SHE NAKED FOR?” he demanded.
”SHE’SNOTSUPPOSEDTOBENAKED.FUCKSHIT.OHGODSIFCOGSWORTHSEESTHISI’LLBEDEALING-...” He starts, speaking far faster than one might expect from such a normally lax boy before suddenly realizing what he WASN’T feeling on his face.
Keeping his hand firmly in place, just in case, the tentacled youth turned back towards Liz’s vague direction. Blush now redoubled with the addition of annoyance.
”Oh you think you’re fucking cute, eh b-billboard?” he attempted to seeth, the image somewhat failing at the stutter.
“Yaahahaha!” Liz laughed loudly. That's the fastest she'd ever seen the guy move.
“What's the matter, sleepyhead, can't handle true beauty?” She didn't change her position from the chair much, only holding a hand to her mouth as she sat up straight.
“Finally realizing the charm of this billboard is more than Rena? Go on, compliment and shower me with praise already.”Fran ground his teeth together, glaring daggers at Liz as he slowly lowered himself back down into a skulking over to her.
”Big talk when it took me being vision impaired to think of you as even slightly cute.” He huffed, ‘leaning’ (more tilting oddly in her direction while his legs dangled beneath him really…) into her face.
”Hell. Blind me and you’d probably the sexiest thing on two legs by default.” He added.
“Vision impaired? You mean my natural beauty blinded you!” Liz shifted her position again, leaning back in the chair and extending her slender leg towards Fran, pointing at him with one of her toes.
“Come on, back me up here Milti.””I am inclined to agree with Madame’s assessment sir!” Milti said, bobbing happily from her position.
”You did react rather strongly to her appearance. And you have mentioned before that red haired females are to your preference.” She added helpfully, eyeing the clock carefully but saying nothing more.
”That was ONE time!” Fran blurts, shooting Milti a damning look at the shoggoth rolled off easily. Turning back to Liz he quickly wrapped a tentacle around her ankle, pulling her and the chair forward with a soft squeak of metal on tile.
”As for you, is your ego really THAT inflated? The hell is your problem with not being the biggest issue in the room at all times?” He asked, leaning forward and practically bumping noses with Liz.
”Maybe the reason people like Rena more than you aint got anything to do with pointless chest fat!“ He half yelled, startling Milti.
”Uh Young master…” She attempted, her voice going ignored as her summoners tempers began to flare.
“Tsk, I'm ten times cuter than that cow.” Liz sat up, puffing out her chest as her chair was pulled forward.
“Smarter, cuter, and one-hundred percent better at everything than she is. Those big bahongaloos are the only redeeming quality she has!””Oh yeah. Her boobs are why she’s more popular than you.” Fran says, rolling his eyes.
”Not the fact she’s NICER than you. Yeah you might be cuter but if you’re so great why is it that she’s got dozens of friends and you’re stuck with me?”Liz opened her mouth to respond, but words initially escaped her. She was perfectly nice, wasn't she? Sure she was a little headstrong, but it wasn't like she was intentionally mean to people...right?
“Hah? Me stuck with you?” She laughed, standing up in the chair.
“What about you then, huh? What's that mean for you that you're stuck with just me?””I…” Fran started, backing up a bit, looking ready to back down and racking his brain for a good come back.
”Dont flatter yourself Billboard. I only hang out with you cause you dont look at me weird for being a cripple!” He blurted, slapping a hand over his mouth a half second later.
“....Yahahaha!” Liz laughed brightly, placing one of her feet on the back of the chair, hands on her hips.
“See? You said I'm mean, but doesn't that mean I'm a nice girl? I let you hang out with me, so obviously that makes me much nicer than that cow!”She put her weight on the back of the chair.
“So don't go saying I'm not nice, ya hear-eh!?” The chair, unable to take the weight of it, began tipping forward at an unstoppable fate.
“Yeeep!” Liz squealed as the chair barreled forward, stumbling and sending her crashing down to the floor in Fran's direction.
As soon as Liz’s fall registered in his brain, Fran’s tentacles leapt forward and wrapped themselves around her arms and waist. For a second, he almost felt proud of his good reflexes and was about to rub the save into Liz’s face when he realized something. That right now the only thing holding either of them up were his legs. His totally useless actual legs.
With a mighty cry of ‘FUCK’ Fran was thrown to the ground as Liz toppled ontop of him. He felt his head crack against the tile, pain blossoming in the back of his head. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like it was too serious of a fall. It hurt to be sure, but it didn’t hurt enough to fully quell his annoyance with the scrawny redhead.
”Mfuffer fnuke..” He started, his voice...oddly muffled by something soft pressing against his face. Cracking his eyes open he felt the energy drain out of him as he was greeted by Liz’s...well, even now he’d strain to call it ‘cleavage’. Was more of a canyon really. A very very close and very warm canyon he noted, if the heat on his cheeks was anything to go by.
He quickly threw his eyes upward, eager to look at anything other than that right now. Liz...seemed alright. Her hair was still tossed about in wild trussels but otherwise it looked like the tentacles (And himself) broke her fall rather well.
”L...Liz you ok?” he asked, trying to command his tentacles to release the girl only for them to give a small squeeze. Panic, evidently, threw his control out of the window.
“Geh, Lemme goooo!” The redhead squealed, panic setting in as she struggled against the tentacles.
“I'm fine thank you just lemme go!” She shouted, her chest rubbing against Fran's face.
“Eeek-That's not some place you should be touching!?””C..calm down!” Fran said, trying and failing to get his tentacles to listen to him. The offending appendages pulled the girl closer, rubbery black skin sliding smoothly and soundlessly as they drew her arms in.
”They’re freaking out cause you’re freaking out!” He said over a face full (half full?) of bosom and quickly wrapping his arms around the girls waist in an attempt to get her to stop wiggling. Both to help his tentacles and so he could try and breath reliably without being smothered.
”Just calm down and let them figure out you’re not a threat.” He grumbled, trying not to think about how (admittedly) cute the little squeaks Liz was making were. He’d have to bring that up...later.
”Uh Young master…” Milti said from the side lines, raising a finger to try and get the two attention.
”Milti not now!” Fran barked back, not really in the mood for whatever the traitorous shoggoth had to add. He’d had just enough of her shenanigans for the day thank you very much!
“I'm freaking out because they're freaking out!” Liz shouted.
“How do you expect me to be calm when I got these slimy tentacles touching me in places!?”She squealed again, pulling at a particularly annoying tentacle trying to coil around her neck.
“You calm down first! I'll calm down when my cute butt isn't on the liiiine!”The tentacles, for their part, seem to take offense that the implication of them being slimy. The one freed from Liz’s neck coils around her wrist and begins to slither steadily up her arm.
”I’ll calm down when you calm down!” Fran yells, attempting to uncoil a tentacle from the girls midsection.
”And this isn’t one of those stupid pornos you read. They’re not going to try and do anything weird to your scrawny ass!” He adds, the tentacle he was working on loosening ...and then dipping quickly behind Liz. Sliding quickly down her back and into the hem of what little she had keeping her modest and sliding out the left leg from the front.
”...SHUT UP THEY DONT NORMALLY DO THAT.” He said, ignoring the fact that they sometimes did that. But when they were YOUR tentacles it didn’t seem so bad.
“Eeee, I don't believe you! That tentacle's definitely feeling me up!” Liz squealed again, trying to do her best from turning this entire thing into a bad doujin. She wasn't being very successful, if the one slowly slithering down her backside was any indication.
“This is not how I imagined my first time to gooooo-geh!?” A sharp smack was delivered to the back of her head, causing most of her body to fall limp.
“That is enough of this farce.” A cold, mechanical voice interrupted the two of them as a strong, metallic hand reached down and grabbed Liz by the waist.
“Organic, I suggest you unhand This One's summoner or this one shall be forced to register you as a threat.” By now Liz had at least, stopped struggling.
“...ooof, why'd you have to hit me so hard.”“Because this was annoying to watch.””Finally someone sensible..” Fran said with a sigh, turning his attention back to the tentacles. They writhed for a moment, still agitated with Liz and his own panic, but were calming quickly. But eventually they calmed enough that Fran was able to start uncoiling them from Liz’s form. Finally all but one were freed, Fran quickly taking the time to skitter out from under Liz and turning away, turning away dutifully as the one still trapped in the girls clothing retracted quickly.
”Thank you Felica. “ Milti said, feeling that maybe she let this get too far out of hand...and not regretting it.
”Young master I feel as you might wish to kno-””What Milti? What could I possibly wish to know that wouldn’t make this dumpster fire of a morning better?” Fran asked, rubbing his eyes and wanting to disappear down a very very dark hole.
”...That Lady Rena has arrived…” Milti said, stepping to the side as a flushed platinum haired girl cast eager glances between the two of them.
“...I believe we have wasted enough time here.” Felicia threw Liz over her shoulder.
“Wait....my clothes!”“We have more clothes in the dorm. We can let this organic flesh thing have them.” Liz wasn't in any position to wiggle out of the robot nuns grip. Muffin had seemingly been watching the whole thing, fidgeting back and forth, desiring to help but her body was far too big to help intervene in any reasonable way. She cast a glance over to Rena as Felicia carried her by.
“So how long have you been there, tits for brains?”Rena shot Liz a coy smile.
”Long enough that if you call me again I’ll make sure the whole school knows you like to park in the handicapped zone.” She said, voice sweet and friendly despite the threat. Fran quickly re-evaluating as to who the nicer one was. Right now it was Muffin. Muffin was the nice one.
Sighing, Liz gave her dismissive wave.
“Yea yea, sure thing.” She let her body hang over the robots body.
“See ya later.” Muffin was following after, making little mechanical chirping noises.
“Fine, fine, just my wounded maidenly pride...”Fran watched as the trio leave feeling... a little guilty for how things turned out. He threw a look towards Milti, the shoggoth not shrinking under the annoyed glare in the slightest but standing as prim and confidently as she had through the whole exchange.
”Soooooo…” Rena chirped, taking out a pen.
”When’s the model getting here?” She asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes saying she already knew that answer.
”....I need a favor?” Fran asked, wilting under the gaze.
”I think I can arrange that...for a price.”Fran swallowed hard, deciding that he hated the weekends.