Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Stairwell
Skills: N/A

Riley looked towards Pyira at least she had the same feeling as well that she had she didn't know what else to say or do to help make the woman feel better so that she could trust them. Riley continued to go slowly up the stairs until she could hear something break, and Riley quickly stopped where she was as she watched pieces of the stairs gave way and Alicia was dangling from the railing. She really wasn't sure what to even do, seeing that the stairs were pretty much unstable now at this point also wasn't a good thing to see either. Riley wanted to run up and help her, but the stairs weren't that safe at all. Riley wished that Roy and Cecily would come here as soon as they could and hopefully they would be able to do something to help.

Then Riley froze when she heard some banging, and then the door from the main floor opened from what she could barely see, and she could hear Caesar's voice. "Be careful of the stairs they aren't stable!" Riley yelled towards whoever was coming down, she knew that the voice wasn't someone she knew very well and wasn't Roy's and obviously wasn't Cecily's either. Riley hoped that whoever that was is also on their side, she then turned to look over towards Pyira since she was a cop, and probably had to help someone from dangling off of some kind of high ledge.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Tinder's Place (Basement)
Skills: Perception, Athletics, Weight Lifting

Mali was already pretty on edge. She liked nothing about the situation she was in, which could apply to a lot of things that had happened over the past few weeks, but none of them could quite touch the feeling of impending doom that walking into a horror movie brought along with it. And the balloon blocking her view of the spooky basement didn't help in the slightest. But when she saw the clown a few things happened. First, in some distant corner of her mind, she was relieved that she had made semi-proper preparations. Furthermore, that at least the horror movie monster wasn't a zombie or some other undead thing was another thing to be grateful for.

Second, she screamed. Really loudly in a much higher pitch than one would think possible for her frame. Perhaps if this were some movie or tv show where she was an always above it all, cooler than thou protagonist she would have had some appropriate quip to throw at the abomination before her, but as it stood, the vast majority of her mind was in abject terror. And finally, she pointed the gun at the clown and opened fire. If the scream wasn't enough to hear, then the gunshots sure as hell should. After a few rounds, regardless of whether they hit or not, she turned back around and sprinted as quickly as she could out of that basement. If that clown had killed the Tinders... well she didn't want her blood exploded out of her either.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Asylum
Skills: Stamina

Priya didn’t trust these stairs if her life depended on it. And it did. If the basement was to be believed, this asylum hadn’t seen maintenance or literally anyone in years. Which meant the creaky stairs with the rusted metal finish could just as easily kill them as the psycho they were chasing. Or escaping from. She did not know which and that concerned her too. It was like they were being led around and that was a feeling she detested. She followed Alicia closely, knowing the girl would likely make some comment at Riley or herself. Really, she was being kind of a bitch for someone they found tied like a mummy in the basement of a dilapidated asylum.

And then she fell.

Or rather, the stairs fell, like she knew they would, and Alicia tumbled down, managing to grip the sides. Priya was quick to action, rushing forward to try to grab the girl and pull her up. Whether it was the haze or not, she was struggling to grip the girl. ”Shit. Hold on!” Might have been pedantic, but there wasn’t much else she could do than to try to get her up. She glanced back at Riley, who seemed to just stand there. ”Riley! I need help! I can’t get a firm grip on her!” And she wanted her up soon, because who knew what else would break and plummet to the ground below?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): "Your guess is as good as mine," Adelaide said as she closed the door to the SUV. "I don't think so. They're just Marc's parents. Pretty normal people, grew up hanging out there. Just your typical Ozzy and Harriet," she said as she started to walk slowly towards the door. That was until she froze in her tracks when she heard the scream and the gun fire. Zoie heard it too and started tearing down the stairs from the second floor and down to the main floor.

"What in sweet Jesus!" Zoie yelled, loud enough for Adelaide to hear. Adelaide's eyes darting over to Robert. Well Mali might never been really trained to use a gun like a Marine Sharpshooter but fuck that. Sometimes when shit hits the fan you just can do what you need to. Like a mother lifting a car off her child that has gotten run over. And so Mali's shot hit the Clown Bitch right between the eyes and dropped her like a bad habit. The large body standing there for a second before the lard tub of lard dropped to the ground dead with a line of blood streaming between her eyes and her brain matters splattered along the back wall of the basement. The balloon popped just as the clowns last breath left her body.

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Stairs): Roy was more than happy to let the two new comers to the group handle the door. He had already lost a fight with it. And it seemed he wasn't the only one that would. Even Keystone couldn't get the damn thing to open. Well when muscles don't work, blow shit up. Or at least shoot at it. It seemed that was Caesar's approach and it worked. Roy braced himself for the noise. It echoed through the room and down the stairwell as the door opened. The sound of Caesar's voice screaming about Papi being here echoing down the empty Asylum. Caesar was able to make his way down two flights of stairs quickly with Keystone in tow, nothing else popping up until they reached the point where Alicia was hanging like a pinata with Priya trying to reach her to help her back up.

Roy took off with them and down the stairs, keeping an eye out on anything that might pop up and watching to make sure Cecily was close to him and out of danger, well as much as one could be right then. Hearing Riley Roy slowed down and spotted the shit storm that was going down between the two rifts. "Well shit," he said as he saw Alicia dangling there. "Wait, I thought she was dead?" he said asking but not expecting an answer. She obviously wasn't dead. She was alive and kicking, and yelling. "Mother fucker," she yelled through a grunt as she tried to keep ahold of the railing. Her fingers were starting to slip.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Main Floor -> Down the Stairs
Skills: Cool Headedness, Constitution

Cecily barely registered what was happening and she quickly stuffed her fingers in her ears, crouching her neck down slightly like a turtle attempting to retreat into its shell. It was a good thing she had, with the gunfire and screams that immediately followed. She slowly took her fingers out of her ears and wiped her fingers slightly on her pant leg, not really having anything more sanitary to do that on in this creepy old Arkham Asylum location shoot. Hearing a scream that the stairs weren't stable and then someone else calling out Riley's name, her heart quickened slightly and practically skipped a beat. They were so close to Riley.

Doing her best to stay calm and braced, she followed Roy down the stairs closely, fortunate enough to not end up falling to her doom or anything along those lines. "We really are living in a fucking comic book..." Cecily said with disbelief, her eyes wide as she stared at the supposedly dead girl. She had helped Natasha with the autopsy on Alicia's corpse. She was dead. Caesar had positively identified her as his daughter, hadn't he? She blinked slightly, wondering if Alicia had really gone to all of that trouble to fake her death. It seemed like something someone related to Caesar would do out of paranoia. "... Maybe that body we examined wasn't hers," she said quietly, making a statement but really asking a question to Roy. However, at least Riley was down there too - and alive. Maybe she knew how Alicia was here and not in Mexico six feet under.

"Riley, we're here!" Cecily called out to her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm Indiana (El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: General Observation
Skills: General Observation, Security Procedures

Caesar was very "on the warpath" as he made his way down the discolored and neglected stairwell. The illumination from his flashlight was steady enough, allowing for enough of a forward visual to navigate the twisty path downward without mishap. The light clipped to his associate's coat was also helpful, though he really wished that they had a viable power source running into the building. Naturally, wishing doesn't equal doing, so flashlights and firearms it was. The concept of stealth was understandably abandoned; if the attempt of force on the door wasn't enough to alert anyone and everyone who was in the building, friend or foe, then the heavy caliber firearm discharge in the hallway sure as hell was.

Let it never be said that the day wasn't full of surprises. Not just the mists, or the sudden bent of insanity that had him screaming off into an abandoned Asylum in search of his dead daughter, nor even the sudden appearance of people he hadn't seen in a while magically and very coincidentally appearing right in front of him so very far away from home. Now, the next piece of random oddness came from below - as he yelled PAPI'S HERE (a sure sign that was in fact present), he got a response he really wasn't expecting, someone essentially warning him to watch his step. Caesar wasn't sure if he recognized the voice or not, but one thing was for sure: This place had some kind of a drawing factor, maybe even supernatural in nature.

The two of them were actually a little surprised when Cecily rightly pointed out the name to go with the voice. Riley. It meant little to Keystone, but for Ceasar, it pointed out yet another Justice, CA resident was here.

Meanwhile, Keystone had switched fully into "work mode", keeping his eyes on sweeping lines of sight, checking any points of access to the stairwell as they came to and as they moved away from them. He made constant head counts as they moved along and took to note the small details. Further, he kept his steps light and flowing, one foot over the other and his back to the walls as he took the outside track, keeping his pistol at a lowered ready. He was not overly enthused at now keeping tabs on two more people in addition to his possibly unstable boss. Lucky for him, one was a cop and he had history with the other one, so one could handle himself and the other he didn't mind watching over so much. All the same, it altered the his priorities in regards to securing the area while they moved. It was a far cry from the life he used to lead, that was for sure.

Any misgivings or doubts Keystone had about the foolish quest to entertain whatever spot of crazy had ahold of El Jefe got dashed to the rocks the moment that he turned that last corner and saw the mother of his son dangling from stair railings over a place where rusted out metal stairs used to be. Agreeing with Cecily's comment about living in a comic book, Keystone mumbled in awe, "Beginnin'ta think you're right, I am." While he wasn't frozen on the spot, he was taking a second to process the fact that a dead woman he knew very, very well was hanging from the railing in serious trouble.

Caesar, on the other hand, was a lot more sure about the situation. He shrugged off the cordura security pack he set aside for Alicia, grabbed the railing, and said in a clear, commanding voice, "M'hija, papi esta aqui. Te estamos sacando de este lugar.1 Okay?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Indiana(Entering Grimm)
Skills: N/A

"Sounds like a lovely couple of people then. Perhaps we can get some answers as well…" Robert began to say back to Adelaide, chuckling at the Ozzy and Harriet comment as he turned away from the house. Now that was a show his parents had talked about a lot throughout his childhood. It was the type, no, the Show with capital S that Robert initally thought his own adult life would end up like. Sure there were some kind of trouble at home, but it was meant to turn out all right in the end.

Not standing outside an empty-looking house with an abandoned cop car parked outside, now emitting sounds of screaming and gunfire from the inside. Robert swallowed his own words, turning as quick as ever to see what the hell was going on. "What the…" Then someone else shouted in there, at least he thought it was someone else. Looking back at Adelaide, Robert began to make his way towards the house. "Call the cops, now! Whether or not they're here, clearly we need more police here!" Robert ordered Adelaide as he fiddled with something underneath his jacket. His hands would have been up in his face, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the accursed haze that was bothering him, but the shooting took priority right now. As annoying as it was, Robert didn't mind seeing shit if someone else was getting shot.

Robert jogged his way from where Adelaide had parked and up to the house, getting to the front door that stood ajar and pressing his shoulder up against the wall as he slowly pulled it out. His gun. This was not one of those days he wanted to use it, but the series of gunshots that came from inside didn't bode well. Especially not for the Tinder's and the cops who were not present. "Hello? Who's there? Don't shoot!" Robert shouted back into the house, leaning his head through open door, trying to see if he saw anything inside.

This was a stupid idea. But it was better than staying back and doing nothing, wasn't it?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Stairwell
Skills: N/A

Riley stood there for a moment as she wasn't sure what to even do right now, she was scared that she may end up falling as well as Riley was then shaken out of her little daze when Pyria yelled for her to help. She started to try and search for something to try and get Alicia to grab onto. Just as two new people started to come down, she recognized the Mexican brute who was coming down the stairs, but Riley didn't recognize the other guy either. But she then instantly recognized Cecily's voice who was just a few flights above her, she was really relived to hear her voice again. "I'm down here, just be really careful!" Riley yelled, she really didn't want to end up falling either.

Riley started to get up close to try and help out looking over towards Pyira, she was still keeping her distance from the edge right now, she wasn't to keen on dying in the asylum and in her hometown again. She really didn't have any intentions on dying here at all, and Cecily was there with her as well. "If theres anything up there to help her grab onto something please find it." Riley called out, she still couldn't see well enough through the haze right now and she wasn't sure how long the stairs would be able to hold them up either.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Tinder's Place (Basement->First Floor)
Skills: Perception

Mali wasn't sure how she managed to actually hit the clown, let alone actually get an instant kill. She'd never seriously fired a gun before now, perhaps it was just beginner's luck. She saw the bullet make its mark, but she still ran back up the stairs. Her body moved without her conscious input. Hell, even if she was thinking about what she was doing she would have ran. Horror movie logic dictated that clowns were immortal and guns almost never actually solved the problem. She wouldn't want to be around when the clown got back up.

By the time she got up the stairs and had slammed the door shut behind her, back to the door, she was hyperventilating. She stood there for a few seconds just catching her breath before she slowly slid down until her rear hit the ground. Mali dropped the gun before trying to pull herself together enough to answer Zoie.

"I'm okay. I think," Mali called out to calm her partner. She was pretty sure she had remained unharmed, but maybe she just did and didn't notice with the massive injection of adrenaline into her veins. However, she didn't really have time to come to terms with what had just occurred before somebody shouted in asking who they were and not to shoot. The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place where. The way he spoke also didn't sound like he was overtly hostile. But she did not just survive a monster clown to get killed by the first guy who used a really dumb trick to lower her guard.

Mali picked up the gun and waited. She wasn't going to fire at whoever was there, but she wasn't going to answer either. Any information given away in a situation like this could pose a major liability and if things came down to it, she'd rather be the one shooting again than being shot at.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Asylum
Skills: N/A

Priya tried to grip as hard as she could, but there was no way she was going to be able to do it alone. Alicia could go at any moment. And so could she for that matter. It would only take a small push to send them all spiraling down. And she was not about to die in some creepy asylum with a serial killer running around leaving freaking balloons everywhere. She glanced back at Riley, who was glancing around. Why the girl wasn’t running up to help her was concerning, but she was probably scared. Priya could hardly blame her.

Before she could call out, she heard footsteps and a large voice. Soon they were joined by two others. Riley seemed to know them, at least. She wasn’t about to turn down aid when it appeared. Was this their back-up? ”I don’t know who either of you are but that does not matter right now. Let’s get her up and get out of this God-forsaken asylum please!”

She mustered as much strength and stamina she could and latched on, allowing her and the big, strong man to pull Alicia to safety. Once she was up, they would have to go back up quickly. She had a feeling all this added weight to the stairs was not helping their situation. ”We need to hurry too! I doubt these stairs can hold much.”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): "Cops? He is the cops!" Adelaide said as she stood there. No one getting shot right now as Robert peeks in the house. Place looks tossed and Zoie flies passed him, stopping for a second and recognizing him from the book store back in Chicago. Adelaide runs up just behind him.

"Hey y'all," she said before running off in the direction she heard the gun shot. Zoie is locked and loaded. Mali can easily figure from the voices and sounds there are two others. Sounds familiar and non-monsterish. Zoie comes around and slams on the breaks as she spots Mali. "What the hell happened?" she asked looking around quickly. "Why'd you shoot?" she asked, concerned looking at the way Mali was breathing and acting.

Adelaide quirked a brow and slowly pushed the door open more and stepped in. "Um, hello? What happened?" she asked as she looks around at the place looking like things aren't as they should be but here in Grimm was anything the way it was supposed to be?

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Stairs): "Good, maybe I'll regenerate," Roy said with a solemn smirk. Would be a hell of a power to have, especially with all the shit that was constantly going down around them. Claws would be good but he'd rather be able to regenerate getting bashed and shot. Heading down the stairs he stopped and tilted his head to the side when he spotted Alicia. Roy looked over to Cecily and raised a brow. "Maybe, maybe not. I ain't counting anything out at this point. For all we know she's a damn zombie that talks. Honestly, doubt it would surprise me."

"Papi! No I'm not fuckin' alright! Get me the hell up!" she grunted. Her hands slipped, Caesar couldn't grab her, nearly falling. Even Keystone helping didn't work as the stairs crumbled a bit more. Thankfully they held well enough to keep Caesar and Keystone from falling as well. Alicia however was lucky enough that Riley was able to grab a hold of her and catch her hand before she plummeted to her death (again!). The stairs started to rumble again and started to give way. Priya, holding on, with the held of Riley though was able to pull Alicia to so called safety on the other side. Now Alicia was up with them but there was a good six foot gab between the three women and the Marvel Team on the other side. "Fuck me I made it. Okay, we get out alive, I'll give you answers," Alicia said as she gasped for breath. (Swear to god, LLA likes fucking with Alicia.)

Grabbing a hold of Riley she pulled her in, just for a second before grinning, rather sickly. "You first Chica," she said and without warning, chucked Riley over the fallen space of stairs. It was a hell of a toss. Sending Riley right over to Caesar and Keystone. (Caesar will miss but Keystone will be able to grab her no issue.) "You're turn," she said before grabbing Priya and tossing her as well. This toss wasn't as good but it was enough. (Caesar will be able to catch her on the other side.) Taking a few deep breaths, Alicia took a few steps back before rushing towards the edge of the broken stair ledge and leaping. Jumping she landed on the other side and fell against the others. "Fucking hell..." she grunted as she grabbed onto anything.

And then things got worse. There was a low rumbling from below yet it didn't come from the building. This sounded more animalistic. Gulping Alicia's eyes widened as she turned her head and looked down. There were shadows and the smell of fire, a light in the darkness that burned red. "Destruere..." she whispered in horror before looking at the others. Alicia wasn't one to show fear but terror was in her eyes. "Run!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Stairs
Skills: Cool Headedness, Constitution

Cecily was relieved to hear Riley's voice call back to her. It had been way too long since she had seen her roommate. The other female voice she assumed had to belong to Roy's partner, given that she had gone with Riley. "If you get to regenerate, hopefully Ms. Marvel isn't down there to fuck with me," Cecily commented, trying not to freak out too much. She bit her lip, watching the near tragic re-death of Alicia but luckily, she managed to get to safety without taking Riley down with her. A few tosses and daring jumps later, they were on the right side of the staircase and Cecily was starting to lose her cool. They were definitely pushing their luck here.

The animalistic rumbling made the hairs on her arms stand straight up. The haze was already worrisome - now, there was the scent of fire in the air and this noise. She didn't hear what Alicia whispered, but when Alicia shouted run Cecily wasn't going to stick around to argue. Whatever was going on inside of this asylum, she wanted no part of it. She tried to run, only to trip over her own feet and she fell face first into the stairs, her heart beating wildly and frantically as if it was trying to escape from her chest. The poor forensic tech was having a bit of a panic attack and every fiber of her being was screaming at her to run and get as much distance between herself and the asylum as possible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Grimm, Indiana. (Tinder House, inside)
Skills: N/A

Robert was the type of guy in Insurance Fraud who could give you a pretty good idea of what was going on from just taking a look at the case. It wasn't difficult to see when you had a solid case for fraud on your desk, all the inconsistencies piling up like the bills on a rainy day and shady victims changing their stories faster than they blinked. It was equally easy enough to figure out when you had a geniune accident on your hands, and the victims were right in their claims. Over the years, Robert had gotten pretty good at it, so good that he became cynical just at the sight of his clients.

Today was not one of those days. He had no clue what was going on.

Robert didn't get shot as he peaked his head in through the door, which was a plus. But he retracted his head as soon as he felt someone fly past him, only for him to realize he'd seen her before. One of the two girls from Adelaide's shop, the bearer of sad news. Greating him and Adelaide, she was just as quick on her feet and vanished deeper into the house to the sound of someone else inside…How many clowns fitted into that car!? Robert turned to look at Adelaide as they stood there together, before following behind her into the house, his gun still at the ready.

This was not a good day.

It was just like one of Robert's nightmares, at least the mood of it. The scene was one he was familiar with, but the mood outweighed any sense of normality the insurance fraud agent could feel of an empty house. Well, nearly empty, and the annoying haze was still ever present. Robert didn't call out for anyone like Adelaide did, but began to look around. Clues, hints or leads, anything to make sense out of this madness. Though one question he did ask his land-lady. "So if the cops are here, why are your two lady friends here by themselves? Really hope they weren't the ones to shoot the cops. I'd prefer not to end up like them."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm, Indiana, Grimm Asylum Stairwell
Skills: N/A

"Alright I got you." Riley said towards Alicia as she looked towards Pyria for a moment and gave her a slight nod, and started to pull the woman back up and onto what the remains of the stairs were as well. She leaned forward slightly taking a few deep breaths and looked towards Alicia for a moment and then looked over at the six foot gap that was now between them and safety as well. She turned to look at Alicia with a confused look seeing the gleam in her eyes before being picked up and tossed across the gap screaming at the sudden manhandling and being tossed. Riley landed in the big guy's arms, looking between Caesar and Keystone then turning her attention over towards Cecily and quickly made her way towards her roommate and pulled her into a hug and kissed her. She was really happy to see her, and it felt like it was a really long time since she last saw her.

"This wasn't really the homecoming I was hoping for, god I missed you." Riley said with an awkward smile, as she looked over and watched as Alicia did the same to Pyira and tossed her over the gap, landing by Caesar when he grabbed her and then Alicia jumping the gap as well. She took a moment and looked towards Roy and gave him a slight smile and nodded towards him, she was grateful to see him again. Riley then paused when she heard some kind of animalistic noise and then Alicia telling them to run. She was sick and tired of this place now at this point and quickly bolted up the stairs. But she watched Cecily as she tripped on the stairs and quickly went over and helped her back up to her feet. "Are you okay?" Riley managed to ask her, while taking her hand and quickly started going up the stairs again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Caesar & Keystone

Location: Grimm Indiana (El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: General Observation
Skills: Body Conditioning, Athletics

The rescue, or whatever this had turned into, was not going exactly as planned. Even saying that this had planning of any kind was a stretch. This was a disorganized jumble that, tactically speaking, just put them all in a horrifyingly bad situation. If Caesar had the notion of killing a handful of people all at once with minimal danger to himself, this is one of the ways he would have done it: Trapping all of them in a neglected stairwell and doing something awful. Come to think of it, this was almost exactly how he offed a group of Cartel members and corrupt Federales in Mexico City back in the early 80s. Or was that a freight elevator? The deaths piled up as to make details jumbled sometimes. Bottom line, that didn't matter. Caesar was in a place, lured by the one thing that he wouldn't have ever walked away from, and here they all were. He was waiting for the other shoe to drop just as much as he was elated to see his little Taco Belle again. Confused, maybe a little concerned, but still elated.

The problem was that, even so close to her as he was, Caesar couldn't help Alicia at all. Just out of reach. Sometimes that statement might be metaphorical but this time? Absolute glaring literal. If it wasn't for the musician snagging her at the last minute, he might have even gotten the chance to see her die this time. Caesar had to remember to get her a car or something. But later. Later. Now, they had to get back out.

Keystone was thoroughly amazed at the ease with which Alicia (that was Alicia, right?) hurled Riley across the gap. He was a big man - seriously, he was known for it - and throwing a whole, conscious person up a set of stairs was a deceptively difficult feat of strength, even for someone as large as himself without a start or counterbalance or something. She just picked the singer up and slung her like a ragdoll. That was something to talk about later.

Caesar reached out and snatched Priya at the end of her turn, being thrown up and across the gap. He had no idea who the hell this person was, and thus gave her a quick once-over. He inhaled sharply through his nose, as if catching a scent like he was part canine, while narrowing his eyes and glaring at her. A half second later he simply growled and nodded his head back up the stairs, indicating for her to continue to the others.

When Alicia made her similarly impressive jump, she didn't quite land as well as the threw the others. Keystone held out an arm for her to grab onto, offering his strength of his bicep and purchase of his ballistic coat to assist in her in staying upright after the leap.

Then things took the opportunity to get ever stranger, if that was possible. It might have been a trick of the uncertain light and shadow cast by the two LED security lights work on the coats of Mr. Gonzalez and Mr. Keystone, respectively, but it looked very much like Alicia became genuinely, morbidly afraid of something from below. Not that the two men were unfazed by the sudden growl, coupled with visuals that left all things demonic to the imagination, but they both knew Alicia very well in their own ways. If took a lot to faze her. A lot. Let alone to react in actual, visible horror. Caesar drew his .45 and readied to use it if necessary, though truth be told he was more of a melee aficionado, especially as it came to sharp implements. But as a very wise old greybeard once said, "Swords are of no more use here." The guy probably meant something that shouldn't have been answered by drawing a hand cannon, regardless, given the circumstances you work with what you have. Caesar shrugged. If Gandalf had an UZI, things might have gone differently.

Neither man knew the word that she uttered. They both understood the disadvantaged position they were in, however, and knew that a change of location to regroup was the smartest recourse. Keystone followed Alicia's advice first, picking up the until-recently deceased lady who had borne him a son and hauling ass back up the way they came. He remained ready to give assistance to anyone who might stumble along the way in the most directly effective, strength based manner possible. (Looking at you there, Cecily!)

Caesar took up the tail end of their withdrawal, firearm at the ready should anything uninvited require the speedy insertion of exothermically propelled ammunition anywhere vital. Or just messy. But preferably both. Either way, this was Dodge and they were all getting the hell out of it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mali Anson

Location: Tinder's Place (Basement)
Skills: N/A

The good news was that there probably were no more monster clown bitches to deal with in the immediate future, only the more of the same bullshit as usual. And Zoie's tone and body language was enough to indicate that she didn't have to be entirely on edge, ready to shoot people at the drop of a pin. But she still wasn't 100% convinced of anything. After all, the fog and weird haze were still there. The horror movie setting was still in place, the clown might have been a red herring. And the fact that the voices were familiar didn't mean that they didn't have ulterior motives.

Mali was still breathing pretty heavily, so she didn't answer Zoie's question immediately as she gathered what exactly just happened down in the basement.

"So, I went down into the basement and this balloon floats into view. And then suddenly there was this clown-thing with a voice like a gutter. And the moment I saw it I panicked, screamed, shot it and ran back up here." A small part of her brain chimed in that she had no definitive proof that the (presumably) dead clown in question was actually a monster responsible for all this, but the voices of life threatening horror and paranoia drowned it out rather effectively.

"I think that thing probably killed the Tinders and caused these weird blood spray marks. How, I don't want to know, and I don't want to go back down there and check on the body. I splattered its brains all over that basement, and the last thing I need right now is to see it stand back up." Why couldn't today just have panned out normally? Sure one might argue that it was her fault she was involved in all this Juno stuff, but Mali was certain that even the worst crimes and sins she committed combined did not produce nearly enough karma to warrant evil clown monsters.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 14 days ago

Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
*You can call for a roll before you post or you can leave a roll request at the end of your post and your results will be placed in the next update. You are allowed to get a roll during your post and place another at the end of your post.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure you keep to it. ^_~

Grimm, Indiana (Tinder House): Adelaide looked over towards Robert. "How the hell am I supposed to know and who shot what cop? I don't see a dead cop around here, you know something?" she asked in an accusatory voice. Yes, there was a cop car out front but there were no bodies, so his assumptions were going to get him in the crossfire with Adelaide, especially considering she had just been informed hours ago a friend of hers was dead and the Sheriff of this town she went to high school with.

Zoie sighed and blew her hair out of her face. "Well there ain't any bodies upstairs. Ain't seen anyone until these two walked in," she said in her thick southern accent. Looking around she rubbed her eyes. "More worried about feeling like I got knocked in the head, anyone else having problems seeing shit?" she asked as she looked around again. Zoies head snapped on a swivel as she heard a crash outside. Checking her gun she started to make a break for it to see what it was. Stepping outside a car had hit a fire hydrant and wrecked. Water spraying up in the air. "Aww hell," she said as she started running towards the car, the air bag was deployed but no one was trying to get out.

Adelaide ran after her and saw the accident, pulling out her phone and trying to call 911 but there was no service, for anyone, anywhere. "Fuck,landline..." she said running back into the house and into the living room. Picking up the phone she tried to call but the dial tone was dead as well. "What the hell is going on?"

Grimm, Indiana (Asylum Stairs): There was a guttural roar from deep below them that shook the stairwell. "Move your asses!" Alicia yelled. The stairs seemed to be holding for now, thankfully. There was some problems getting back up the stairs but the entire group will manage to get up to the top. Roy stopping at the door and keeping it open while waiving people through and keeping his gun ready. Once everyone was through, Alicia shoved Roy out of the way and slammed it shut though she knew it would do no good. The entire building was shaking now. It was as if the haze was growing and the dark red and blackness was enveloping the stairwell, growing stronger and brighter even though there no smoke. The smell however of smoke was growing.

Alicia knew what this thing was and knew what it could do. It had taken someone out far better at handling these things than she was. If she had a moment to think she might wonder why she could actually see it now in some way but she wasn't thinking about that. Pushing her back against the door she looked around. "We gotta get the fuck out of here, keep moving," she said pointing towards the hallway back towards the front of the building. One foot in front of the other she started running again.Roy didn't have to be told twice. Making sure Cecily was close he kept moving as well. He really didn't want to test that whole regeneration thing right now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Priya Khurana

Location: Asylum
Skills: N/A

With the ordeal over, they now had to get out of the building. What she hadn’t expected was the superhuman strength Alicia all of a sudden possesses as she picked up Riley and flung her across the gap. ”Jesus…fuck! What the hell…” Before she could sputter more curses and questions, Alicia grabbed her and flung her over too. The macho man latched on to her. She quickly picked herself up and dusted herself off, giving the man a glare that matched his own. Alicia jumped, meeting them there. ”What the hell are you?”

She leaned down a bit, but Alicia had a panicked look in her eyes. And she mentioned something. A word Priya had never heard before. Destruere. Before Priya could ask the obvious question of what the hell that meant, there was a loud cry. Like that of an animal, but one you heard of in a horror movie, which matched the theme of today’s events. ”The hell was that now?” But the others seemed hell bent on leaving and she wouldn’t lie and say she hadn’t thought that too. She followed suit, pacing herself behind them.

”We came here looking for a serial killer, but something tells me whatever the hell that was is not her. What was that and what is a Destruere? I think I should know what I am running for my life from.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Robert Adler

Location: Grimm, Indiana. (Tinder House, inside)
Skills: N/A

Robert's eyes scanned their surroundings, the dark and crawling-up-your-spine-feely interior of the Tinder House, trying to catch anything that stood out to him. None of what he had heard, seen or been told made any sort of sense to him, and it probably wouldn't have even if he was stupidly drunk after a long week of doing shit at his job. He couldn't though. Be it an already long day dragging into this crazy mumbo-jumbo mystery of conspiracies and all that good stuff or his vision still being blury, his mind didn't get hold of anything he could see. Robert sighed in stressed annoyance, his shoulders still held high in anticepation that anything else was going to happen.

Clearly Robert had hit a nerve with his questioning, or Adelaide was more on the edge than he expected to be, because didn't respond so kindly. Robert turned around to look at her for a moment, shrugging somewhat through his tense shoulders as he replied. "I don't know either, just askin'. I mean, who then were those shots meant for?" Robert tossed the question back to her, but probably not in time for an answer.

Something loud made one hell of a noise outside. A crash or something? Robert followed out after Zoie and Adelaide to the sight of the crashed car. "This just get's better and fucking better…" Robert muttered to himself, holstering the gun and running after Zoie towards the car. Whoever was inside that car, they needed to check on as soon as possible, if not get them to a hospital themselves ASAP! No time to investigate the house, they had more pressing matters to attend to.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: The Asylum - Stairs -> Outside
Skills: Cool Headedness, Constitution

Cecily didn't really know what to do when Riley kissed her - she still wasn't even certain if physical expressions of love were something that really appealed to her. The hug she knew that she liked so she hugged Riley back and didn't say anything about the kiss, just grateful to have her roommate and close friend alive and well. It had been too long since they had seen each other and far too much had happened. If Riley died... It would break her heart. Riley helped her back up after she tripped and Cecily nodded, blushing slightly. "Just freaked," she admitted.

If she had been freaked then, it was nothing compared to the pure rush of terror she felt as a guttural roar sounded from down below. She wasn't about to argue with Alicia, perfectly content to move her ass as fast as was humanly possible as she scrambled up the top of the stairs, sticking close to Riley and Roy (in R names we trust?). The building was shaking like the Hulk was coming at them, the scent of smoke was becoming almost unbearably strong, and Cecily wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but it would have done no good. They weren't just in any comic book now - this one had a horror twist. She ran down the hallway Alicia indicated and out the building, hearing Roy's partner mention the word Destruere. Oh, that did not sound good at all. However, she was too focused on running for her life to want to pause and ask exactly what it was. The more distance she could put between herself and whatever that thing was, the better - and talking was just going to impede that effort.
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