♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SEASON ONE: GODS AMONG MEN ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Location: Stagg Enterprises - Los Angeles, California
Season One Epilogue: First Contact
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Devastation and Reform
"What do you mean A.R.G.U.S. has issued a warrant for my arrest?" Simon Stagg's voice echoed across the lab. Every syllable of his question was emphasized with the man's outrage and indignation. "Wipe every drive related to project and contact your partner, tell them I need asylum immediately."
Shaking her head, Stagg's Chief Engineer, Dr. Marcia Monroe, reiterated his orders to her staff, emphasizing the urgency further before turning around to address her employer. Raising her head towards Stagg, he took a step backwards at the sight of her unnervingly icy glare.
"Sir, we aren't happy about this." Dr. Monroe stated humorlessly.
"I know, the plan wasn't supposed to go this way," Stagg replied dismissively. "Metropolis of all places should have been secure. Having a storehouse in Gotham would have been asking for trouble, but Metropolis? How could I have foreseen these complications? This is out of my control." He reiterated, frustration clearly displayed across his features.
"I hope for your sake, the Ambassador agrees." Dr. Monroe’s human appearance suddenly disappeared to reveal an alien visage. Between the interlocking chitinous plates that covered the alien's body, Stagg could see various elements of cybernetic enhancements bonded to her being. A pair of short antenna twitch impatiently from atop the alien's head, her annoyance only further emphasized by the four spiny arms folded across her thorax. The mandibles that sat on either side of the Engineer's jaw clicked together in a sound that Stagg knew to only mean disapproval.
"You were to provide an opening for us. This technology was not given to you to be stolen and used for your planet's own petty prejudice." The creature formerly known as Marcia Monroe snapped towards Stagg.
"Worry about that later, secure the specimen for transport and get us the hell out of here." Came Stagg’s agitated retort, his temper unphased by the female alien's unsettling appearance.
"The specimen reproduced." The alien replied flatly. Its voice sounded as though there were three individual speakers, all coming from the same mouth. To Stagg, it sounded as though there was the initial voice, a second with a moment’s delay and then a third that was gargling rocks. Nonetheless, her comment stopped Stagg dead in his tracks.
"Several hundred of its offspring are now lining the holding tank." She added, her expression appeared to mimic the human sentiment of satisfaction at the sight of Stagg’s own flabbergasted face.
"Why was I not inf-" His words were unexpectedly interrupted by the simultaneous blare of several klaxons throughout the laboratory.
"It is time to go, your world's authorities are here." The alien Monroe ordered.
"But the specimens!" Stagg protested.
“With any luck in our absence, they will destroy your world and provide the opening you failed to give.” The alien engineer snapped again, grabbing Stagg seconds before the door flew off its hinges.
Standing in the portal was a squad of fully armed soldiers. A chevron-shaped logo set against a red background was clearly evident on their body armour. The silence was broken by a man raising his hand to the side of his head, activating an open communications channel with his superiors.
“Director.” The man stated, his uniform bearing the rank of Captain. The Captain had taken up a strategic position, one behind a line of trigger happy soldiers. Each of them with a weapon trained on Stagg and Monroe. “I’ve got eyes on Stagg and his partner. What are our orders?”
“I need them alive, Captain.” Came a woman’s crystal clear response in the earpiece of every soldier. The reply prompted a nod from the man in charge before he turned his head forward again towards the fugitives.
“Copy,” Captain Rick Flag responded, motioning towards the squad. “You heard the Wall, they’re coming with us.”
Suddenly Monroe grabbed Stagg, raising an arm towards his throat while restraining the corporate executive. A long spike extended from below her wrist, the tip pressing against the nape of Stagg’s neck. The creature’s mandibles vibrated aggressively as it let out a low hiss towards the A.R.G.U.S. operatives.
Raising his weapon, Flag trained it on the alien currently holding Simon Stagg. He couldn’t be entirely sure where to aim for a vital organ, but he felt safe in assuming the head to be a good start.
“Lower your… arms.” He ordered a mixture of hesitation and confusion diminishing some of his authority. “Retract the weapon, and no one has to die here.” Nodding towards one of his soldiers, Flag ordered her to flank the pair while another followed suit on the opposite side of the room.
“You do.” The alien hissed, suddenly pulling away from Stagg. Flag didn’t hesitate. The assault rifle’s muzzle flashed as a single shot rang out. Pieces of chitin clattered onto the ground. A solid portion of the alien’s skull blown clean apart. Stumbling forward towards the other operatives, Stagg looked like a frazzled old man, his arms drawn close to his body and held limply in place.
Ignoring Stagg, Captain Flag kept his weapon trained on the downed creature.
“Lieutenant Leing, report.” He called towards the female operative.
“It’s dead Si--” The soldier answered only for the creature to leap forward. The spike below the alien’s wrist was outstretched, aimed towards Leing’s throat. A single shot rang out, shattering the weapon but Leing was sprayed with whatever contents it had held.
Recovering nearly instantly, the alien had scampered over to Stagg. Taking ahold of her ally, Monroe activated their escape. The hum of foreign machinery filled the room before engulfing it in a yellow glow. The wanted pair suddenly dematerialized before Flag’s very eyes, vanishing before the squad could fire a single shot.
“Damnit!” Flag cursed, rushing to where Stagg had stood only moments. Kicking the empty air, the Captain continued to curse until turning towards Lieutenant Leing. Kneeling down, he offered her a hand before helping the woman to her feet. Nodded her thanks, Leing was preoccupied with cleaning off whatever alien goo she had been sprayed with.
“Take a moment,” Flag ordered, “Get yourself cleaned up.” Turning around, he walked through the rest of his squad, motioning them to follow. Walking back out into the main bullpen of the office, Flag addressed the remaining Stagg employees.
“This entire facility now belongs to Advanced Research Group Uniting Superhumans. Anyone caught destroying evidence will be prosecuted. Anyone caught withholding information or assets will be prosecuted.” He fired a shot into the air, dust falling from the city before he spoke again. “Am I understood?”
Nervous nods let Flag know his message had been heard. Tapping his commlink, the Captain contacted his superior.
“Director Waller, Stagg Enterprises is secured.”
“And Stagg?” Waller’s asked.
“Abducted.” Flag stated flatly.
“Elaborate, Captain.”
“Upon breaching the premises, Stagg was found with an unknown alien ally. When provoked, the alien attempted to attack the squad before being forced to retreat. It managed to do so using some kind of teleportation device.” Flag explained. “We have no means of tracking the signal.”
“Captain!” Came the yell of one of the squad members. “You’re going to want to see this.”
“Take care of it then continue your report, Captain.” Waller ordered.
“Yes Ma’am.” Moving quickly, Flag located the squad member who had called for him. Approaching the man, he moved past him immediately upon seeing the large tank behind him.
“What the hell is that?”
“Looks like they’ve got their own private Seaworld,” The soldier replied. “It’s full of starfish.”
“I may not be a marine biologist, but I feel pretty safe in saying whatever those are, they aren’t starfish.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Lieutenant Leing said, appearing behind the two men. “Whatever they are, they’ve been dissecting them. Running all sorts of experiments. Preliminary investigation suggests those creatures provided Stagg with the technology to control the public masses in New York and Star City.”
“Did you get all that?” Flag asked, tapping his ear piece again.
“Every word.” Came Waller’s reply. “Secure the specimens, Captain. I want them ready for transport immediat-” A scream drowned out the remainder of Waller’s words as Lieutenant Leing dropped to the ground.
“I need a medic!” Flag yelled, rushing to the Lieutenant’s side as he knelt down beside Leing. Her body was convulsing violently as though she were having a seizure. Instead, something else was happening inside of the woman. Whatever the alien had attempted to inject her with had been absorbed through Leing’s skin. It was now manifesting inside of the injured woman, spreading across her cells.
“Where’s that medic!” Flag yelled again.
“Shoot… me!” Leing begged, squeezing Flag’s arm tightly, “...Please!”
“Medic!” Flag repeated with a roar, “Hang in there, Lonna!” He was helpless to watch as the woman’s veins began to glow. Cybernetics like the alien had been covered in were slowly spreading onto her face and body.
“Captain, report.” Came Waller’s voice into Flag’s earpiece.
“Lieutenant Leing has been infected.” Flag replied. His tone was unwavering, but panic was knocking at the door. This was unlike anything he had ever seen before, except perhaps in old science fiction films.
“Quarantine and secure. Medics are on their way.” Waller reply was less than comforting. As usual, it was all business, devoid of any emotion.
“And if they can’t help?” Flag grimaced at the implications of his own words, his hand wandered to the butt of his rifle.
“You know what to do.”
Shaking her head, Stagg's Chief Engineer, Dr. Marcia Monroe, reiterated his orders to her staff, emphasizing the urgency further before turning around to address her employer. Raising her head towards Stagg, he took a step backwards at the sight of her unnervingly icy glare.
"Sir, we aren't happy about this." Dr. Monroe stated humorlessly.
"I know, the plan wasn't supposed to go this way," Stagg replied dismissively. "Metropolis of all places should have been secure. Having a storehouse in Gotham would have been asking for trouble, but Metropolis? How could I have foreseen these complications? This is out of my control." He reiterated, frustration clearly displayed across his features.
"I hope for your sake, the Ambassador agrees." Dr. Monroe’s human appearance suddenly disappeared to reveal an alien visage. Between the interlocking chitinous plates that covered the alien's body, Stagg could see various elements of cybernetic enhancements bonded to her being. A pair of short antenna twitch impatiently from atop the alien's head, her annoyance only further emphasized by the four spiny arms folded across her thorax. The mandibles that sat on either side of the Engineer's jaw clicked together in a sound that Stagg knew to only mean disapproval.
"You were to provide an opening for us. This technology was not given to you to be stolen and used for your planet's own petty prejudice." The creature formerly known as Marcia Monroe snapped towards Stagg.
"Worry about that later, secure the specimen for transport and get us the hell out of here." Came Stagg’s agitated retort, his temper unphased by the female alien's unsettling appearance.
"The specimen reproduced." The alien replied flatly. Its voice sounded as though there were three individual speakers, all coming from the same mouth. To Stagg, it sounded as though there was the initial voice, a second with a moment’s delay and then a third that was gargling rocks. Nonetheless, her comment stopped Stagg dead in his tracks.
"Several hundred of its offspring are now lining the holding tank." She added, her expression appeared to mimic the human sentiment of satisfaction at the sight of Stagg’s own flabbergasted face.
"Why was I not inf-" His words were unexpectedly interrupted by the simultaneous blare of several klaxons throughout the laboratory.
"It is time to go, your world's authorities are here." The alien Monroe ordered.
"But the specimens!" Stagg protested.
“With any luck in our absence, they will destroy your world and provide the opening you failed to give.” The alien engineer snapped again, grabbing Stagg seconds before the door flew off its hinges.
Standing in the portal was a squad of fully armed soldiers. A chevron-shaped logo set against a red background was clearly evident on their body armour. The silence was broken by a man raising his hand to the side of his head, activating an open communications channel with his superiors.
“Director.” The man stated, his uniform bearing the rank of Captain. The Captain had taken up a strategic position, one behind a line of trigger happy soldiers. Each of them with a weapon trained on Stagg and Monroe. “I’ve got eyes on Stagg and his partner. What are our orders?”
“I need them alive, Captain.” Came a woman’s crystal clear response in the earpiece of every soldier. The reply prompted a nod from the man in charge before he turned his head forward again towards the fugitives.
“Copy,” Captain Rick Flag responded, motioning towards the squad. “You heard the Wall, they’re coming with us.”
Suddenly Monroe grabbed Stagg, raising an arm towards his throat while restraining the corporate executive. A long spike extended from below her wrist, the tip pressing against the nape of Stagg’s neck. The creature’s mandibles vibrated aggressively as it let out a low hiss towards the A.R.G.U.S. operatives.
Raising his weapon, Flag trained it on the alien currently holding Simon Stagg. He couldn’t be entirely sure where to aim for a vital organ, but he felt safe in assuming the head to be a good start.
“Lower your… arms.” He ordered a mixture of hesitation and confusion diminishing some of his authority. “Retract the weapon, and no one has to die here.” Nodding towards one of his soldiers, Flag ordered her to flank the pair while another followed suit on the opposite side of the room.
“You do.” The alien hissed, suddenly pulling away from Stagg. Flag didn’t hesitate. The assault rifle’s muzzle flashed as a single shot rang out. Pieces of chitin clattered onto the ground. A solid portion of the alien’s skull blown clean apart. Stumbling forward towards the other operatives, Stagg looked like a frazzled old man, his arms drawn close to his body and held limply in place.
Ignoring Stagg, Captain Flag kept his weapon trained on the downed creature.
“Lieutenant Leing, report.” He called towards the female operative.
“It’s dead Si--” The soldier answered only for the creature to leap forward. The spike below the alien’s wrist was outstretched, aimed towards Leing’s throat. A single shot rang out, shattering the weapon but Leing was sprayed with whatever contents it had held.
Recovering nearly instantly, the alien had scampered over to Stagg. Taking ahold of her ally, Monroe activated their escape. The hum of foreign machinery filled the room before engulfing it in a yellow glow. The wanted pair suddenly dematerialized before Flag’s very eyes, vanishing before the squad could fire a single shot.
“Damnit!” Flag cursed, rushing to where Stagg had stood only moments. Kicking the empty air, the Captain continued to curse until turning towards Lieutenant Leing. Kneeling down, he offered her a hand before helping the woman to her feet. Nodded her thanks, Leing was preoccupied with cleaning off whatever alien goo she had been sprayed with.
“Take a moment,” Flag ordered, “Get yourself cleaned up.” Turning around, he walked through the rest of his squad, motioning them to follow. Walking back out into the main bullpen of the office, Flag addressed the remaining Stagg employees.
“This entire facility now belongs to Advanced Research Group Uniting Superhumans. Anyone caught destroying evidence will be prosecuted. Anyone caught withholding information or assets will be prosecuted.” He fired a shot into the air, dust falling from the city before he spoke again. “Am I understood?”
Nervous nods let Flag know his message had been heard. Tapping his commlink, the Captain contacted his superior.
“Director Waller, Stagg Enterprises is secured.”
“And Stagg?” Waller’s asked.
“Abducted.” Flag stated flatly.
“Elaborate, Captain.”
“Upon breaching the premises, Stagg was found with an unknown alien ally. When provoked, the alien attempted to attack the squad before being forced to retreat. It managed to do so using some kind of teleportation device.” Flag explained. “We have no means of tracking the signal.”
“Captain!” Came the yell of one of the squad members. “You’re going to want to see this.”
“Take care of it then continue your report, Captain.” Waller ordered.
“Yes Ma’am.” Moving quickly, Flag located the squad member who had called for him. Approaching the man, he moved past him immediately upon seeing the large tank behind him.
“What the hell is that?”
“Looks like they’ve got their own private Seaworld,” The soldier replied. “It’s full of starfish.”
“I may not be a marine biologist, but I feel pretty safe in saying whatever those are, they aren’t starfish.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Lieutenant Leing said, appearing behind the two men. “Whatever they are, they’ve been dissecting them. Running all sorts of experiments. Preliminary investigation suggests those creatures provided Stagg with the technology to control the public masses in New York and Star City.”
“Did you get all that?” Flag asked, tapping his ear piece again.
“Every word.” Came Waller’s reply. “Secure the specimens, Captain. I want them ready for transport immediat-” A scream drowned out the remainder of Waller’s words as Lieutenant Leing dropped to the ground.
“I need a medic!” Flag yelled, rushing to the Lieutenant’s side as he knelt down beside Leing. Her body was convulsing violently as though she were having a seizure. Instead, something else was happening inside of the woman. Whatever the alien had attempted to inject her with had been absorbed through Leing’s skin. It was now manifesting inside of the injured woman, spreading across her cells.
“Where’s that medic!” Flag yelled again.
“Shoot… me!” Leing begged, squeezing Flag’s arm tightly, “...Please!”
“Medic!” Flag repeated with a roar, “Hang in there, Lonna!” He was helpless to watch as the woman’s veins began to glow. Cybernetics like the alien had been covered in were slowly spreading onto her face and body.
“Captain, report.” Came Waller’s voice into Flag’s earpiece.
“Lieutenant Leing has been infected.” Flag replied. His tone was unwavering, but panic was knocking at the door. This was unlike anything he had ever seen before, except perhaps in old science fiction films.
“Quarantine and secure. Medics are on their way.” Waller reply was less than comforting. As usual, it was all business, devoid of any emotion.
“And if they can’t help?” Flag grimaced at the implications of his own words, his hand wandered to the butt of his rifle.
“You know what to do.”