
Character Name
Stephanie Brown
Attributes & Abilities
Acrobatics & Athletics - Stephanie spent seven years of her life taking gymnastics lessons. In addition to the standard acrobatic tumbling, balance, vaulting, and high bar techniques she studied extensively, her time acting as a vigilante and training under Batman has given her excellent freerunning skills. As a result, she possesses Olympic-level conditioning and strength levels.
Escapology & Lockpicking - During her time as Batman's partner, Stephanie has learned many unique skills including the art of escape. Undergoing countless hours of rigorous training, the elder vigilante had ensured his apprentice had the tools and knowhow to get out of just about any conventional bindings. She also, through her own hands-on experience in pursuit of her father, developed a knack for defeating common locks with nothing but a hairpin. The professional lockpicking tools she now has at her disposal has only enhanced her prowess.
Gadgetry & Weaponry - During her time as Robin, Stephanie was introduced to and trained in the use of various gadgets, both simple and advanced. Such tech would include a grappling gun, smoke bombs, a small laser-based cutting tool, and extra-strength pepper spray. In addition, she carries two special, telescoping rods that she uses as eskrima sticks and can be linked together to form a bo staff. Uniquely shaped shuriken stylized as a bird in flight compliment her fighting style by giving her long-range capabilities. Ultimately, though, it is her suit that is the most essential tool in her crimefighting kit. Woven with kevlar, titanium, and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer to protect her body from kinetic impacts, blades, and small-caliber ballistics, it also contains sufficient insulation and flame-retardant material to guard against electrical and flame-based attacks. The mask contains a re-breathing apparatus as well as a voice-changer. A hands-free, wireless relay system allows her to access several private and public communication channels. Finally, the gloves to the costume are fitted with micro-circuitry to allow her short discharges of electricity similar to a 10,000,000 volt and 4 milliamp stun gun.
Investigation & Interrogation - Naturally curious, Stephanie has always had a certain fondness for ferreting out secrets. First as a young girl in school capable of sniffing out pre-teen drama, then as a concerned daughter and amateur sleuth discovering the nefarious deeds of her father. Now, under the tutelage of the Batman, she finds herself a more than capable investigator with keen deductive reasoning skills. Her extensive training in the art of interrogation only further increases her capabilities to find clues and solve riddles.
Martial Arts & Marksmanship - Thanks to her experience in strict, serious exercise regiments, the girl who would become Robin was a quick study in hand-to-hand combat. Over three years, Batman would instruct her in various martial arts including Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Karate, Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Judo. Although still not close to becoming a master in either discipline, Stephanie is adept in a unique blend of the styles employed by Batman. Named Keysi, it is a brutal but efficient, idiosyncratic technique. Furthermore, she is also highly skilled in both Bojutsu and Eskrima. The Batman also ensured that the young woman spent significant time on the range training in archery and throwing weapons, finely honing her marksmanship abilities.
Stealth & Disguise - Much of Stephanie's training was devoted to the art of Ninjutsu; utilizing camouflage and subterfuge to remain unseen. In her role as a partner to Batman and protector of Gotham, it was stressed that she would need to remain in the shadows to be most effective. Blending into her surroundings, always watching her step to ensure utter silence, and most importantly remaining perfectly still for long periods. These traits were drilled into her until Stephanie was capable of following Batman without giving away her location. Although not as highlighted in her training, she was also instructed on how to both create a disguise from near-scrap as well as fully embrace the false identity as an extension of herself. This allows her to go undercover as a civilian when costumed vigilantism is not subtle enough.
Escapology & Lockpicking - During her time as Batman's partner, Stephanie has learned many unique skills including the art of escape. Undergoing countless hours of rigorous training, the elder vigilante had ensured his apprentice had the tools and knowhow to get out of just about any conventional bindings. She also, through her own hands-on experience in pursuit of her father, developed a knack for defeating common locks with nothing but a hairpin. The professional lockpicking tools she now has at her disposal has only enhanced her prowess.
Gadgetry & Weaponry - During her time as Robin, Stephanie was introduced to and trained in the use of various gadgets, both simple and advanced. Such tech would include a grappling gun, smoke bombs, a small laser-based cutting tool, and extra-strength pepper spray. In addition, she carries two special, telescoping rods that she uses as eskrima sticks and can be linked together to form a bo staff. Uniquely shaped shuriken stylized as a bird in flight compliment her fighting style by giving her long-range capabilities. Ultimately, though, it is her suit that is the most essential tool in her crimefighting kit. Woven with kevlar, titanium, and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer to protect her body from kinetic impacts, blades, and small-caliber ballistics, it also contains sufficient insulation and flame-retardant material to guard against electrical and flame-based attacks. The mask contains a re-breathing apparatus as well as a voice-changer. A hands-free, wireless relay system allows her to access several private and public communication channels. Finally, the gloves to the costume are fitted with micro-circuitry to allow her short discharges of electricity similar to a 10,000,000 volt and 4 milliamp stun gun.
Investigation & Interrogation - Naturally curious, Stephanie has always had a certain fondness for ferreting out secrets. First as a young girl in school capable of sniffing out pre-teen drama, then as a concerned daughter and amateur sleuth discovering the nefarious deeds of her father. Now, under the tutelage of the Batman, she finds herself a more than capable investigator with keen deductive reasoning skills. Her extensive training in the art of interrogation only further increases her capabilities to find clues and solve riddles.
Martial Arts & Marksmanship - Thanks to her experience in strict, serious exercise regiments, the girl who would become Robin was a quick study in hand-to-hand combat. Over three years, Batman would instruct her in various martial arts including Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, Karate, Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Boxing, Kickboxing, and Judo. Although still not close to becoming a master in either discipline, Stephanie is adept in a unique blend of the styles employed by Batman. Named Keysi, it is a brutal but efficient, idiosyncratic technique. Furthermore, she is also highly skilled in both Bojutsu and Eskrima. The Batman also ensured that the young woman spent significant time on the range training in archery and throwing weapons, finely honing her marksmanship abilities.
Stealth & Disguise - Much of Stephanie's training was devoted to the art of Ninjutsu; utilizing camouflage and subterfuge to remain unseen. In her role as a partner to Batman and protector of Gotham, it was stressed that she would need to remain in the shadows to be most effective. Blending into her surroundings, always watching her step to ensure utter silence, and most importantly remaining perfectly still for long periods. These traits were drilled into her until Stephanie was capable of following Batman without giving away her location. Although not as highlighted in her training, she was also instructed on how to both create a disguise from near-scrap as well as fully embrace the false identity as an extension of herself. This allows her to go undercover as a civilian when costumed vigilantism is not subtle enough.
Character Synopsis
Stephanie's early life was, for the most part, fairly typical. Born in Metropolis to Arthur and Crystal Brown, she was raised to believe her family was normal and happy. At the age of seven, she began gymnastics lessons at the behest of her mother. At the age of nine, she vacationed to Disneyland with her parents. Every Summer afterward for the next four years the trio were treated to lavish, weeks-long vacations thanks to her father's work.
When she was fourteen, Stephanie's life quickly came crashing down. She awoke on the morning of her birthday to the surprise of FBI agents breaking down her home's front door. She spent that day crying in the arms of her mother as Arthur Brown was carted away in handcuffs. For four months the two women were forced to experience the reality of Arthur's second, secret life as a criminal who masterminded numerous whitecollar crimes and embezzled tens of millions from the company he worked for. However, still months before his trial was to be held, all evidence of Arthur's crimes mysteriously vanished and charges were shockingly dropped, allowing the man to go free.
The outrage that followed this sudden turn of events directly and negatively impacted Stephanie and her mother who were hounded by media and received death threats from outraged victims of Arthur's crimes and anonymous hatemongers. Crystal, having already begun the process in the months prior, divorced him and moved with her daughter to a new state in a city more affordable on her significantly less substantial salary: Gotham.
Stephanie's new life in Gotham City was not spectacular. Forced into a new school with strange faces, many of whom seemed disconcertingly dark and brooding, she was unable to continue her gymnastics life. Her once comfortable lifestyle had now been diminished to near-impoverished levels, and she encountered more acts of crime in one week than she had experienced in all her prior life. Her mother had grown distant, both due to the shock and humiliation of her former husband's betrayal and the now foreign necessity to devote her time working two jobs, and Stephanie herself struggled with avoiding depression.
Still, life went on.
Then, several months after the move, Arthur Brown showed up on her doorstep. Begging for a second chance, claiming the accusations against him were lies and the media had perpetuated fake news, Arthur did all he could to earn his daughter's love and respect back. He got an apartment in the city and began attempting to buy her new expensive items. Stephanie decided to keep this secret from her mother, not wanting to upset her any further. After two weeks of this treatment, Stephanie thought that maybe her father was right, maybe he did deserve a second chance. And so she decided to surprise him one evening by visiting his apartment and asking to spend the night with him at the movies in father-daughter bonding time. When she arrived at the apartment, however, she was instead greeted by a group of men meeting with her father. These men, she noticed, were sporting extensive tattoo work including the tell-tale symbol of five playing cards overlapping one another; the distinct marker of the Royal Flush Gang, a dangerous collective of Gotham thugs often warned about on the local news.
Stephanie spent that night spying on her father and his strange new friends. Then the following night. Soon she was spending every hour not in school observing her father and this gang from a distance. For a week, she learned of Arthur's plans to work alongside the Royal Flush Gang in perpetrating a string of armed bank robberies coinciding with complex heists of several prominent local companies' sensitive data. Seeing the true face of her father for herself now, Stephanie grew determined to catch him herself, if not for her mother then for herself and the misery he had brought on them.
While Arthur spent the next month planning his elaborate crime down to the exact detail, Stephanie spent this time gathering evidence against her father. Various purchases online and countless hours watching tutorials enabled the young teen to first take high-quality surveillance photos from a distance, then break into her father's apartment and plant several listening devices. She next began following him every day as he visited various locations throughout the city and took more photos of every shady dealing he seemed to have. Eventually, this amateur sleuthwork culminated in Stephanie uploading all her evidence anonymously online to multiple websites, tagging the Gotham Police Department, as well as mailing a flash drive with all the evidence directly to one police plaza.
Calling it a day, she returned home and obsessively refreshed every Gotham news site and the Gotham PD's Twitter page for hours in hopes of hearing about his arrest. As the day turned to night and she realized it may take time for the police to vet her anonymous tip, Stephanie decided to turn in for the evening. Upon entering her room, however, she was shocked to discover a dark, imposing figure waiting for her.
The Batman: myth, legend, nightmare, bane to every Gotham nutcase who decided to don a colorful costume and terrorize the city. And he was standing in her bedroom. After the initial fright and awkward stammerings, Stephanie learned from the Dark Knight that he had been following her activities for the last month. While he made sure to call attention to her sloppy work and the myriad of mistakes she had made, he informed the girl that he felt she had potential. He made her an offer that day, to allow him to hone her amateur skills and forge her into a true weapon of justice. To make her his apprentice in his everlasting war on crime.
From that day on, Stephanie would spend her evenings being taken to a secret location where the Batman would train and test her in assorted ways by often brutal methods. The training was beyond difficult, but Stephanie persevered. She had discovered she had very much enjoyed her brief act of vigilantism and the role she played in her father's capture, and she eagerly wanted more. For a year she diligently worked to become everything Batman wished to mold her into. Then, finally, at just shy of sixteen years old, Stephanie Brown found herself standing side-by-side with Batman watching over the Gotham skyline as his true partner, Robin.
During the next two years, Stephanie Brown proved herself time and time again. With the Batman, she took down brilliant masterminds and brutish foes alike. Riddler, Black Mask, Bane, Clayface. Dozens of enemies and criminal syndicates stomped out. Their escapades were not without failure, and Stephanie suffered her fair share of pain and injuries, but ultimately their endeavors proved successful and the pair were unstoppable.
That was, until, Stephanie graduated high school and had to once more face the real world.
At her mother's urging, Stephanie applied for colleges. Surprisingly enough, even Batman, her mysterious, grim partner who had still yet to share his true identity with her, supported this and encouraged her to continue to grow and find herself as a person. Though reluctant to leave her role as Gotham's protector, Stephanie eventually relented. Though she still made sure to apply only to relatively close-by universities. Now, with her freshman year of college looming close, Stephanie finds herself alone in New York City. Accepting both her new home and a new chapter of life, Stephanie was still not ready to abandon all that she had dedicated herself to the past three years. Donning her familiar costume, she took to the rooftops of New York determined to make her mark as its newest protector.
When she was fourteen, Stephanie's life quickly came crashing down. She awoke on the morning of her birthday to the surprise of FBI agents breaking down her home's front door. She spent that day crying in the arms of her mother as Arthur Brown was carted away in handcuffs. For four months the two women were forced to experience the reality of Arthur's second, secret life as a criminal who masterminded numerous whitecollar crimes and embezzled tens of millions from the company he worked for. However, still months before his trial was to be held, all evidence of Arthur's crimes mysteriously vanished and charges were shockingly dropped, allowing the man to go free.
The outrage that followed this sudden turn of events directly and negatively impacted Stephanie and her mother who were hounded by media and received death threats from outraged victims of Arthur's crimes and anonymous hatemongers. Crystal, having already begun the process in the months prior, divorced him and moved with her daughter to a new state in a city more affordable on her significantly less substantial salary: Gotham.
Stephanie's new life in Gotham City was not spectacular. Forced into a new school with strange faces, many of whom seemed disconcertingly dark and brooding, she was unable to continue her gymnastics life. Her once comfortable lifestyle had now been diminished to near-impoverished levels, and she encountered more acts of crime in one week than she had experienced in all her prior life. Her mother had grown distant, both due to the shock and humiliation of her former husband's betrayal and the now foreign necessity to devote her time working two jobs, and Stephanie herself struggled with avoiding depression.
Still, life went on.
Then, several months after the move, Arthur Brown showed up on her doorstep. Begging for a second chance, claiming the accusations against him were lies and the media had perpetuated fake news, Arthur did all he could to earn his daughter's love and respect back. He got an apartment in the city and began attempting to buy her new expensive items. Stephanie decided to keep this secret from her mother, not wanting to upset her any further. After two weeks of this treatment, Stephanie thought that maybe her father was right, maybe he did deserve a second chance. And so she decided to surprise him one evening by visiting his apartment and asking to spend the night with him at the movies in father-daughter bonding time. When she arrived at the apartment, however, she was instead greeted by a group of men meeting with her father. These men, she noticed, were sporting extensive tattoo work including the tell-tale symbol of five playing cards overlapping one another; the distinct marker of the Royal Flush Gang, a dangerous collective of Gotham thugs often warned about on the local news.
Stephanie spent that night spying on her father and his strange new friends. Then the following night. Soon she was spending every hour not in school observing her father and this gang from a distance. For a week, she learned of Arthur's plans to work alongside the Royal Flush Gang in perpetrating a string of armed bank robberies coinciding with complex heists of several prominent local companies' sensitive data. Seeing the true face of her father for herself now, Stephanie grew determined to catch him herself, if not for her mother then for herself and the misery he had brought on them.
While Arthur spent the next month planning his elaborate crime down to the exact detail, Stephanie spent this time gathering evidence against her father. Various purchases online and countless hours watching tutorials enabled the young teen to first take high-quality surveillance photos from a distance, then break into her father's apartment and plant several listening devices. She next began following him every day as he visited various locations throughout the city and took more photos of every shady dealing he seemed to have. Eventually, this amateur sleuthwork culminated in Stephanie uploading all her evidence anonymously online to multiple websites, tagging the Gotham Police Department, as well as mailing a flash drive with all the evidence directly to one police plaza.
Calling it a day, she returned home and obsessively refreshed every Gotham news site and the Gotham PD's Twitter page for hours in hopes of hearing about his arrest. As the day turned to night and she realized it may take time for the police to vet her anonymous tip, Stephanie decided to turn in for the evening. Upon entering her room, however, she was shocked to discover a dark, imposing figure waiting for her.
The Batman: myth, legend, nightmare, bane to every Gotham nutcase who decided to don a colorful costume and terrorize the city. And he was standing in her bedroom. After the initial fright and awkward stammerings, Stephanie learned from the Dark Knight that he had been following her activities for the last month. While he made sure to call attention to her sloppy work and the myriad of mistakes she had made, he informed the girl that he felt she had potential. He made her an offer that day, to allow him to hone her amateur skills and forge her into a true weapon of justice. To make her his apprentice in his everlasting war on crime.
From that day on, Stephanie would spend her evenings being taken to a secret location where the Batman would train and test her in assorted ways by often brutal methods. The training was beyond difficult, but Stephanie persevered. She had discovered she had very much enjoyed her brief act of vigilantism and the role she played in her father's capture, and she eagerly wanted more. For a year she diligently worked to become everything Batman wished to mold her into. Then, finally, at just shy of sixteen years old, Stephanie Brown found herself standing side-by-side with Batman watching over the Gotham skyline as his true partner, Robin.
During the next two years, Stephanie Brown proved herself time and time again. With the Batman, she took down brilliant masterminds and brutish foes alike. Riddler, Black Mask, Bane, Clayface. Dozens of enemies and criminal syndicates stomped out. Their escapades were not without failure, and Stephanie suffered her fair share of pain and injuries, but ultimately their endeavors proved successful and the pair were unstoppable.
That was, until, Stephanie graduated high school and had to once more face the real world.
At her mother's urging, Stephanie applied for colleges. Surprisingly enough, even Batman, her mysterious, grim partner who had still yet to share his true identity with her, supported this and encouraged her to continue to grow and find herself as a person. Though reluctant to leave her role as Gotham's protector, Stephanie eventually relented. Though she still made sure to apply only to relatively close-by universities. Now, with her freshman year of college looming close, Stephanie finds herself alone in New York City. Accepting both her new home and a new chapter of life, Stephanie was still not ready to abandon all that she had dedicated herself to the past three years. Donning her familiar costume, she took to the rooftops of New York determined to make her mark as its newest protector.