Caesar & Keystone
Location: Grimm, Indiana (Outside of El Asilo/The Nuthouse!)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
Some things were best left ignored, lest they escalate beyond a level of response appropriate to a greater issue. Retributive as he could be, somehow the budding argument seemed far less important to Caesar than the giant, shadowy monster ripping the building apart from the inside trying to kill them all, his daughter coming back from the dead, and the massive improvised explosive that may or may not inflict even more damage to their immediate surroundings (and the insistence that it was the only thing capable of destroying the giant, shadowy monster). Did I mention a giant shadowy monster? Totally a giant, shadowy monster, doing giant, monstrous things. Oh, and the ancient international organization that may or may not be behind everything that had made his life suck as of recently. Yeah. Deal with the insult later, if at all. More important things at the moment.
He didn't notice any more voices, or anyone dusting away into nothingness. Most of what happened was cleared away by the sound of an unstable stack of dirty and highly impure chemicals in the proper proportions doing what they do best, in the form of a very impressive exothermic reaction. It was a beauty, too.
Meanwhile, Keystone was gearing up to feel like a dick. Not so much because of what he did, pulling his boss down behind cover. It was the right thing to do. But the fact that even though he
did do the right thing, it didn't stop a shaggy piece of random construction material from nigh bisecting the vehicle they were hiding behind. It left Keystone pretty much unscathed, but ripped the backdoor fully away and dragged Caesar along with it.
"Boss!" yelled Keystone after him, basically powerless to do anything to help him. He couldn't even hold on. One thing he prided himself on was his punishing physical prowess, yet he could not keep a grip on the older Mexican.
Caesar wasn't sure on the total amount of detail going on just then. Again, more pressing issues. This particular issue had to do with a chunk of the asylum laying on top of a car door, which was partially laying on him, pinning him to the ground. Yet, as the dust swirled about his horizontal, pain-stricken form, all he could do was laugh. It was a little unsettling, really. But he was laughing a hoarse, guttural series of chortles and guffaws. This,
this was something. Caesar had gone up against cartels, third-world dictators, criminal kinpins, government agencies, and corrupt law enforcement officers; yet now it looked like the person most responsible for the closest he'd been to death (and the jury was still out on whether he'd get out of it this time) was a 140 lb. twenty-something slip of a girl with a head for
science, unintentionally at that. And that, to Caesar, was goddamned hilarious.
Keystone, however... he saw what was happening to him. He had no idea what it was, but in that moment he wasn't thinking about himself. The large Brit looked to Alicia, who was likewise fading away. He still had a job to do. He was given that job by the old man who just got knocked silly and pinned under a piece of a building. See to Caesar's family. Now
Keystone's family, and one by blood. No, this sure as hell wasn't fair. They had survived too much shit to get turned to supernatural dust for no reason whatsoever here and now.
If what Caesar said was true, a representative from the Catholic Church would be getting in contact with the young woman taking care of little Liam. She would know where to go, she would know who to speak to. But nothing was certain. Especially now as the family patriarch was pinned under rubble and both of the little guy's parents were blowing away in the wind, other known, reliable family half a continent away and strangers in their midst... Keystone reached a disintegrating hand out in Alicia's direction. His last thoughts weren't on his fate, nor hers. Just before he dispersed completely, he uttered,
"Our son..." as if he had more to say. But he was gone.
Underneath the car door and slab of former wall, Caesar lay silent.