Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Varis' determination was admirable, if a little fruitless. But it got him the attention he wanted so who was he to complain? The shrug was anticipated with Eris being amused at the expression he got in return. He wasn't nearly as interested in the bottle as he was in the redhead holding it, but alas, if he diverged from the topic again he was going to get the vampire irritated. He hummed as he watched the glass fill, the movement of the red liquid sparking a pang of hunger that he had largely pushed away until now, eyes flashing red. Chewing on his lower lip, he reminded himself to have some restraint as he took the glass gratefully. Hmm, he needed to be careful about that, he probably should have fed earlier, but he wasn't sure how squirmy the kid was and he didn't want to risk it at the time.

At the mention of the Eve representative, Eris tried to remember if he had encountered them. Probably not, the only other noble he had come into contact with was the Marivaldi heiress. "Who, the temp?" He asked as he took his seat, letting himself get comfortable. He assumed that he was referring to the struggling vampire the House had as a stand-in for its missing Lord. "His floundering around is fun to watch. It's a little sad if you think on it too much, with the more competent members throwing him to the wolves while they scheme. But hey, if the opportunity presents itself, then why not?" Something about hearing about the house's struggles brought him an amusement that hit the spot.

Eris paused briefly to drink, relieving him of the hunger as he pulled the glass away. An interesting taste, not one he had before, at least.

"Well since I've gotten disapproval at knocking down a dying house, I think I might actually get a chance to relax. The student body's excitement will die down eventually and I'd think it odd if Her Highness allowed any paparazzi, so I'll get to have a little fun," His expression remained jovial as he looked at the blood in the glass. "That said, the Ghanie family has another new project, so I'll have Antigone look into that after tonight." He frowned slightly, the thought of having to waste his time because they were doing better than expected annoying him. It was always fun to have some competition, but even with some well placed words and minor points of sabotage, they were suspiciously successful.

He continued to drink, stopping to enjoy the taste for a second. Not bad. "Speaking of new projects, Maximus is going to be more work than I thought," He expressed his disappointment in his new mage, shaking his head. "He has the social aptitude of a brick wall. I'll have to check in with his classes to see if there's any hope for him." The fact that he seemed to loathe everything around him wasn't entirely a bad thing. Despite his less than impressive stature he did seem to have a backbone, and depending on the affinity and how he ended up working on his magic, he could make a decent bodyguard. Eris tapped the glass with a finger, mind at work on that possibility. Bulking him up wouldn't be hard. He could regulate his diet, make a workout plan...though he did find the lithe figure the kid currently had somewhat charming.

Running after: @Achronum

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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These older students were showing some real magic, and Cassandra was suddenly excited. Could they teach her that? So far everyone she had made friends(or she thought of them as friends) with was a new student like her. If she could ingratiate herself into this older group…

Cassandra followed directions with a silent nod, and moved on the balls of her feet into the second bedroom. She had to flip on a light in the windowless room, but didn't break stride as she surveyed the room. She found the closet to be a likely place, and went there first. The whole situation was suddenly a lot less fun. There was a selection of chains and manacles hanging among the clothes. Cassandra found herself hot all over, and she pulled them down, heedless of the clanking.

With chains draped over her shoulders, she made her way to the bed, checking under it. Just dust bunnies, but Cassandra pulled the covers off the bed, dragging her along to her next stop. The dresser, first drawer was socks and panties. Cassandra pulled the entire drawer and tossed it onto the naked bed, scattering underthings across the room. With the top drawer out, she could see right into the next one. It was neatly organized, a series of collars for all occasions, each with a matching leash, rolled into a tight coil. There was an item Cassandra had never seen, but guessed it was meant to keep someone's mouth shut. A gag, she supposed. Again, Cassandra pulled the entire drawer, and carried it with her as she turned about.

Cassandra stormed into the living room, throwing the drawer onto the floor, followed by the blanket from the bed, and lastly she let the chains fall off her shoulders. After a moment of thought, Cassandra bent down to one of the steel manacles, undid the clip to the chain, and slipped it around her own bicep(as her wrist was too small).

"Okay," she growled, low voice but clearly furious, "When do we burn this shit to the ground?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Something about having to go back to the same place again gave Lilie a little comfort, but considering what was going on, the familiarity did put a damper on her mood. The fact that Salem's suffering was downplayed didn't sit well with her, either. In a selfish train of thought, she wondered if she was expected to grin and bear it if something similar happened. Mariette hadn't shown any violent tendencies, but then again, she didn't think the vampire would go crying, either, so she couldn't rely on her own assumptions. Her nerves were already shot from worry, and the thought of heading straight to bed was even more tempting. But first, she needed to make sure Salem was properly settled.

Lilie was quiet on the walk over, though as she rubbed her eyes it was obvious it was more from being tired than not wanting to say anything. The change in sleep schedule was going to be hard to get used to for sure. All the excitement and adrenaline had kept her up, but now she kept losing focus, nearly walking into the other two a few times and offering an apology every time. Fortunately, the walk wasn't too long, and taking the familiar path was easy since they had been there before.

A white color caught her attention from the corner of her eye, and she spotted a familiar face not too far away. It was the guy Aaron had walked out of Treaty Law and had made the comment about him earlier. Salem had introduced him as Max, right? But admittedly he didn't hold her attention for too long, her gaze dropping to what he was carrying. A very small, fluffy tail was wagging under his arm, and she had to hold back another squeal. A little puppy! How adorable!

She tapped Salem's shoulder, gesturing to Max. "I didn't know he had such a cute dog!" She exclaimed, wondering if she would let him pet it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@Hero

Salem dreaded the walk back to the administrative building. Realizing he was now those people who had to visit a place twice just to get their work done because he hadn’t managed to think on such a simplistic thing like needing a key to go into his dorm. A long drawn out mental sigh filled his mind as he could just imagine the receptionist’s face as they entered once more, wondering what more these kids could possibly need in such a short span of time. Or perhaps they knew exactly what was needed and would secretly laugh at the mages like some sort of bumbling child who can scarcely learn to walk without a guiding hand. More and more apauling thoughts began to invade his mind with every step they took towards the place, Salem not even realizing the quiet that came from Lilie nor her constant stumblings onto him or Aaron as they made their trek there.

Something did catch his attention however, snapping him out of his own headspace long enough for all the thoughts to fade away. Lilie commented on how cute the dog was tha Max was holding and all he could think, and accidentally speak outloud in a low voice, was ”I didn’t realize he had such a cute ass.” Salems cheeks blushed and had it not been for his tan complexion it would be clearly visible to all. His aromatic pheromones began to exude once more, making him blush harder as he attempting to clear his throat and hope that no one heard his comment just then. ”Uh, yeah, I didn’t even think he’d like dogs, or animals, or people, to be honest.” Saved it. Salem tried to calm himself down by repeating the breathing excersise that he did in class for control, lowering his heart rate and attempting to real in his magic before Max had another thing to snap about or say.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

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Max watched Liam depart with his usual nonchalance. That'd be useful if he ever needed a conjurer, he guessed. Not that he had any idea what scenario he could find himself in where he'd need that kind of thing. Maybe if the dog went missing or something. Max looked down at the animal in question, tilting her a bit upward to look at him.

"I think I offended him," He offered flatly, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was talking to a dog, "Now, where were we?"

The mage tucked Maxie back under his arm and prepared to continue on to the administrative building when he suddenly paused in place at the revelation that he had people watching him. Retriever. Not only did he decide to come stalk Max, he brought his whole harem with him. That was the last time he was going to ask Aaron anything. It was partially his own fault for humoring that blogger too, he'd already be inside if he hadn't stopped. It was like the universe was punishing him for being nice to people. Well, his version of nice, at least.

It was probably too late to pretend he hadn't seen them, but he could still delay the inevitable. Max promptly started walking toward the door without a second glance.

@Achronum@Hero@Trainerblue192@Obscene Symphony
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 25 days ago

The walk over to the administrative office building was quiet, a comfortable—for Aaron, anyway—silence falling over the trio as they crossed the campus, following the same path Salem and Lilie had taken before. Aaron took note of Lilie’s sudden hush, but from the glassy look in her eye he could only assume she was falling asleep on her feet. Right, he recalled her mentioning that the adjustment to nocturnal life would be difficult for her. She’d probably call it a night shortly after he had to leave for his curfew, he imagined, unless she had some reason to push herself.

As they neared the building, Aaron was surprised to see Max ahead of them on the path. For a second he thought he must have been leaving just as they arrived, but he was definitely heading inside. Must have taken longer than Aaron expected to get back to campus after their conversation. Much more notably, however, he was holding what Aaron could only recognize as a small, peculiar mass of white fur under his arm.

"I didn't know he had such a cute dog!"

Salem’s comment was all but lost to Aaron as he stared at the thing, brow furrowed. He’d been wondering what all that ‘dog’ talk was with Max on the phone, but he’d thought it was some kind of mundane turn-of-phrase he didn't recognize. And surely that couldn’t be a dog. It looked more like a fluffy baseball than an animal of any kind, and surely if it was, Max wouldn’t be holding it.

Briefly distracted by the smell of fresh laundry—presumably the result of whatever Salem was mumbling about—Aaron couldn’t resist a smirk as he watched Max bolt into the building, definitely purposely ignoring the three of them. Funny, Aaron had known the man all of a night and he was already so predictable. He could only shake his head, an amused sigh escaping him, and continued inside with Salem and Lilie, not exactly following Max but definitely going the same way. He caught himself holding his earring to stop the swaying as they walked, and forced himself to use that hand to open the door for the other two instead. He’d have to get used to the sensation eventually, no sense in walking around like a fool with his hand to his ear in the meantime.

Luckily Salem and Lilie knew the way to the housing office, and they found their way without issue. Aaron briefly wondered if he’d be able to get a duplicate key for his own dorm while they were here, but dismissed the thought just as quickly. Even if they would issue him a third key, he had a sneaking suspicion Varis wouldn’t be pleased if he tried to weasel around his little dorm access arrangement and Aaron didn’t need more lines.

Aaron didn’t need anything here, and there wasn’t exactly much he could help Salem with either. So, either out of restlessness or poor judgement, he decided to see if he could talk to Max while Salem took care of his business.

“Don’t tell me that is the thing you were talking about on the phone,” he chuckled, sauntering over to the grump with the fluff ball under his arm. “I thought all that dog talk was a weird figure of speech or something. Where on earth did you get that?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

“Put him in classes after this. Then you won’t have to think about him for a while.” Varis suggested as he sipped. He watched Eris intently as he took a sip, sighing internally once again as the actor barely displayed any interest beyond the norm in the drink. Fruit might not be the way to go. He’d find something drier next time and if it gets a positive reaction, he’ll continue in that direction. He frowned momentarily but let it go. It had only been twenty seven years; Varis still had the rest of eternity to find it. “As much as I loathe to say it, I agree with that prattling bore from Mortal Psychology. Cultivate the boy’s friends group. He’s probably a shut in. A few years of forced social interaction should develop some semblance of decency in him. I’ll even lend you the Starag boy for it if you need. An hour or so of regular interaction should get some of the boy’s personality rubbed off on your mage’s.”

“Before I forget…” Varis muttered to himself as he checked his phone, putting it away again and walking over to place the extra key on the counter. He returned to his spot on the couch and nodded at the wine glass. “Finish your blood. I still have to handle a few affairs with the boy and I need you in position when he returns. So far he’s been a disappointment. We’ll see how well he faired today. I’m projecting maybe another two hundred lines and at least one correction on his first apology letter. His performance in his affinity class was abysmal.” His performance with the Spellman was at least. The boy had two years of training; Varis wasn’t interested in watching a piece of rock glow for a period but the tension between the two had been palpable and the Count expected better social skills from someone of the boy’s pedigree.

“Give us just a- Eva, break this fucking thing already- second! Got some grade A douchebaggery in here.” “Hannah” yelled back. Muffled muttering and shuffling came from the room and then a loud shrieking sound as metal protested being ripped apart. More muffled muttering and “Hannah” walked out of the room, metal bars with jagged ends whipping past her and burying themselves in a rough circle in a rough cage. Evalyn came out with torn and shredded bedding, eyes pure black as she tossed them into the circle.

“Apparently, he wasn’t even allowed a proper bed. She gave him some sheets and blankets as padding and made him sleep in a cage.” Venom dripped from her words, clearly seething at the situation. She tossed a small coin at “Hannah” and pulled out a small bottle of liquid, unstoppering it and emptying it over the pile. The smell of oil permeated the air while “Hannah” muttered once more and the coin lifted off her hand, spinning lazily.

“Light this shit up and bolt out into the woods. The school will be here within thirty seconds of the alarm ringing so we won’t have much time. We’ll circle back around and go our separate ways once we are clear.” Evalyn said as she quickly stepped back and opened the sliding glass door. The sound of people chatting and laughing drifted in.

“Welcome in!” The same clerk said as the group entered. He looked up from his computer screen and blinked, confused for a moment. “Or welcome back I should say to some.” The other two ladies looked up as well and greeted the group, watching expectantly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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"Now that," Cassandra muttered, raising a hand in a finger crossbow gesture, "I can do."

A small flaim appeared at the end of her extended finger, wavering unevenly as it grew. It licked backwards and touched her finger, hand and wrist, leaving black patches here and there. Holding up this "weapon," she backed with the other girls(and guy) to the door.

At the door, the fire now the size of a softball, Cassandra dropped her finger dramatically and said, "Twang," in a quiet, flat voice. The ball of fire shot toward the oil soaked torture devices, but Cassandra, ever the order-follower, wasted no time looking back at it, and was sprinting with the rest of them toward the forest.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So close. Max was so close to dodging them. He really needed to work on his power walk. At least they seemed like they had legitimate business here and didn't just show up to bother him, given that Flower Boy was trying to get the clerk's attention too, but Max sincerely doubted they were already headed this way before he had brought it up on the phone. And of course, the Retriever was walking over like he wanted to talk.

“Don’t tell me that is the thing you were talking about on the phone. I thought all that dog talk was a weird figure of speech or something. Where on earth did you get that?”

"I know colloquialisms are probably a bit rare up in your ivory tower, but I'm not quite sure what possessed you to think 'I need to make sure the dog doesn't shit all over the house' could be anything other than literal," Max grumbled with a dramatic roll of his eyes, "It's Eric's new pet rat. Apparently it's a gift for... someone."

He turned away and approached the counter, not too keen on a lengthy conversation when he had other priorities. "Hi, I'm Maxwell Alderman. My vampire just got switched and he neglected to tell me where my new dorm was." He then quirked his head back toward Aaron, apparently fielding two conversations at once. It was efficient enough, especially since he really didn't care whether he came off as rude.

"By the way, I don't recall inviting you to stalk me. Or was this just a happy accident?" Max's tone didn't make it sound very happy; more like a tragic twelve-car-pile-up-on-the-highway accident. And the road was blocked. And he was stuck in the traffic jam behind it. And he was late for work.

@Hero@Trainerblue192@Obscene Symphony
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony@Hero

Salem walked up towards the counter and noticed Max and Aaron speaking. He figured now was as good as anytime to speak to the receptionist while they were all busy. "Salem Spellman, again, sorry. I realised as we were heading to my dorm that I have no way to get in. Would you by any chance happen to have a key to my dorm so that I could enter it?" It was around that moment that the poor receptionist was barraged by another request, this time from Max who appeared to be in quite the hurry. Then again, judging by how he was holding the dog in the same manner as if it were luggage, he could only assume that Max was trying to rid himself of the cute little thing as fast as humanly possible. He didnt so much as eavesdrop so much as just heard what Max was asking of the receptionist before them. Noting that he also got a partner change although he was informed of the who but not the where.

"Oh it seems we're on the same boat here. Although I wasnt even informed by either of my partners, new or old, that there was an exchange. So when I found out where I was at now I nearly, well no I did, forget to request a new key for me to actually get in. So who's the new partner of yours? I happened to get...Victor Astorio." Salem gritted the vampires name between his teeth, knowing full well that his time at this school has taken a full turn and that unpredictability would be his new companion. He crossed his arms and leaned against the desk as he spoke to Max, wincing a bit when his knuckles pressed against his biceps and quickly changing poses to accommodate the new injuries.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lilie waved sheepishly at the receptionist as they were greeted once again. She wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing, but it definitely painted them as freshmen. She decided to let Salem ask what he needed to, deciding to take out her phone to occupy herself. She had somehow missed getting Kanalie's text, probably more occupied with talking to Salem and Aaron, so she decided to get back a response right away. She was really starting to lose it, barely stifling a yawn as she typed out her reply.

Once she pocketed her phone, she frowned at the conversation. Oh yeah, he's the one that got Eris Samael. The excitement died down almost immediately as he spoke, scratching her cheek as she watched him talk rather rudely to Aaron. His earlier comment cemented her opinion, and she crossed her arms as she listened. Why the heck was he so mean, anyway? She was momentarily distracted by Salem's wince, giving him a concerned look.

Despite knowing it wasn't any of her business, she bristled slightly at Max's tone. Reminding herself to be cordial, she tried to be more optimistic. Maybe he just had a bad day. She waved to the small dog, who seemed to be having a good time under Max's arm. "We're just tagging along with Salem," She decided to reply pleasantly in Aaron's place. "I didn't know Eris Samael had a dog." Maybe she was recent? He hadn't posted anything to any of his social media about getting a pet. Then again, he didn't post anything about coming to Noila Academy, either.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 25 days ago

Ooh, now that was an expert eye roll. Clytemnestra Starag would have been proud.

“Pardon me, when you left the tattoo parlour I wasn’t expecting you to have picked up a puppy within the hour,” Aaron shot back, matching Max’s tone with surprising ease but otherwise grinning. Eris’ new pet? He had to admit, it did seem to suit him. Aaron was more amused, however, by the mental image of the thing in Max’s arms curling up at the foot of his bed every day. For some reason he imagined Max drop-kicking it out the window or something.

At the stalking comment, Aaron shrugged, not all that fazed by the aggression. Before he could reply though, Lilie cut in.

"We're just tagging along with Salem. I didn't know Eris Samael had a dog."

“Apparently he didn’t until tonight,” Aaron chuckled in reply. From the look of the wicket though (especially with Max and Salem trying to speak to the same clerk for some reason) now probably wasn’t the best time to launch into conversation, so he decided to excuse himself for the moment. “But here, I’ll get out of your way.”

Backing up a touch, Aaron really had to wonder why Max and Salem had both gone to the same clerk. They were all open, after all. But, he wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity. Sure, it might not be wise to get a replacement key, but he did have at least one matter the housing clerks could help him with, and walked up to the farther wicket from the group.

“Excuse me,” he greeted politely, catching the attention of the female clerk behind the counter, “I was hoping you could help me understand something. There was some… hardware removed from the Sinnenodel dorm last night. Do you know when it’ll be replaced?”

"Sinnenodel dorm, right. Hardware? What, did they take away your TV or something?" The woman asked indifferently, fingers flying across the keyboard. Her brow furrowed for a bit and she looked at him with judgement written plain as day across her face. "Count Sinnenodel requested his mage's doors removed because his mage was feeling skittish about being separated from him. So I'm guessing they'll be put back when Count Sinnenodel feels that his mage's attachment issues are resolved."

Aaron’s heart sank as the clerk replied, everything from her curt attitude and the look she gave him to her tone of voice - clearly audible by everyone in the office, or at least it felt that way - only enhancing the flush of embarrassment that struck him at the explanation. So Varis had ordered the doors removed, and apparently indefinitely, on the basis of a blatant lie. Given his apparent contempt for privacy from before dinner, Aaron could only assume the loss of his doors was another one of Varis’ little training methods. Aaron had the urge to correct the clerk and put an end to whatever other rumour that might start about him having “attachment issues”, but… was the real reason (or at least, the conclusion he'd drawn) any better?

“Ah hah…” Aaron hummed in reply, brow furrowed. “...Thank you. Have a good night.”

Turning on his heel, Aaron returned to where Lilie was standing and glanced at his watch, just in time for his 5:45am alarm to sound.

“Oh, shoot,” he murmured, silencing his alarm immediately. He looked apologetically to Lilie for the second time that night. “I’m sorry, I have to go,” he told her, already turning to leave. “Keep me updated on your plans, okay?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

“Maxwell Alderman… Aha, here we go.” The clerk pulled out a map of the housing areas and circled his new address. “All of your belongings have been relocated as well. Your partner was given both keys as well.”

“Mr. Spellman, both your keys are in count Astorio’s possession. We can issue you a new key if either of them were lost but it will take twenty four hours. I’ll have the request placed and you can pick it up at your convenience if you wish.”

The needle dropped delicately from her finger onto the surface of the record, taking just a moment to start playing. Soft piano notes floated out from the gramophone, a little scratchy with age, and she let herself indulge in the music. The quiet, desperate scratching of boots on the stone floor and the creaking of fingers, white knuckled and trembling, slowly splintering wood faded away into hazy memories of dappled warmth on her skin and the laughter of a family long gone, long replaced by time and responsibilities. So rarely did she let herself remember a time when the hunger never existed, a time when she thought the world was safe and happy, that demons were only fairy tales and monsters existed under the bed only in the imagination of the young.

But those were times best left where they were. Red eyes opened slowly as she focused on the world around her. She could feel her sister’s impatient gaze on her back, she could smell the fear in his withered heart, she could feel the desperation rolling off her previous student’s fingers as they scratched uselessly at Nox’s wrists. Letting out a long sigh, Ryner turned with a friendly smile on her face as she settled back into the chair in the cold room. A champagne flute sat on a small table next to her chair alongside a dossier and a plain cloth napkin. Count Lutheran sat across with fingers leaving indents in the wooden arms, staring past her at Nox whose hand covered Mariette’s mouth and kept her just on the tips of her toes. Before they’d invited Lutheran in, the girl remained docile and cooperative and that wouldn’t do. It ruined the ambiance after all. So Ryner murmured exactly why she was there and Nox sntached her up like a rag doll just as the Countess screamed and bolted for the door.

Ryner let Lutheran stew a while longer, picking up the dossier. She flipped it open, reviewing the documents about the murder of Count Dracul and the exile of his daughter Arianna, the disappearance of Ikelos, and the full investigation report of Mariette Eve and her family’s extended vacation. Each report made her feel worse, not because her sister and she have systematically destabilized the House but rather Lutheran forcing her hand this far. She’d forgiven his incompetence the first time and spoken politely about it the second time. She still needed Varis’s influence for the time being and with this many problems, the noble brat wouldn’t stay contently in the dark for much longer. She’d already dealt with a few unauthorized inquiries but there were bound to be more snakes in the garden if she didn’t get this under control. She snapped the folder shut.

“The Noila family isn’t in the habit of letting mistakes go unpunished, let alone three, Lutheran.” Ryner spoke conversationally, like she was inquiring about the weather. “I would like to remind you, my Mother’s favor secured you your position. Just a few words, a rumor here and there, and a leaked report would ruin you, Lutheran. You have so many enemies in the House, each one with a better handle on their affairs and the affairs of their factions." She let the folder fall open on the table next to her, angled so the other vampire could clearly see everything in it. She pulled a letter out of the back, clearly addressed to Count Benjamin Eve.

"Dracul's would-be usurper managed to get his hands on a piece of history about my territory that was not authorized for release. Rather than bring the Council to bear against him, I believe I'd like to bind his spawn to me. Do you think you're capable of ensuring that information makes it into his hands?" Ryner asked sweetly.

"W-well, Princess that's a little difficult." Lutheran laughed nervously at Ryner's questioning look. "See, Pierce doesn't take orders all that well and that's a very specific thing you want. May-maybe something I'm not supposed to know about. So I'm not real-"

Ryner’s finger traced the rim of the glass as he spoke. A faint cracking could be heard and a muffled blood curdling scream. Lutheran watched in horror as a member of his house bled from the temples as Nox crushed the little vampire’s skull. She was slow about it, pausing periodically to let the girl scream herself hoarse. Lutheran made to speak, a protest on his tongue, but Ryner pressed a finger to her lips. She raised the glass and Nox let Marienette’s blood drip steadily into it. Once Ryner waved her away, Nox crushed the vampire’s skull completely against the wall and took her place behind her older sister. Ryner swirled the glass, breathing in the metallic tang. Her smile never wavered.

“I’ve always preferred Noble blood. And it’s been far too long since I’ve been allowed to indulge.” Ryner drank long and deep from the glass, a pleased sigh following her tongue as it darted out to lap at the stain on her lower lip. Ryner’s eyes never left Lutheran’s as she sipped at it again and again and again, showing no sign of the usual sickness vampiric blood afflicted. She drained the glass with one last content sigh.

"Please forgive me, Lord Eve. Duty has demanded my attention beyond my appetite's patience.” Her eyes barely cleared, still bright red despite the meal. She picked up the napkin and blotted her mouth. “Now, you were saying?”

"Nothing to be concerned about. It will be arranged as you wish" He spoke shakily.

"I expect so. Take this." She tossed the letter into his lap and with the press of a button, the shackles unlocked. Lutheran stood on shaky legs and bowed before he took his leave as quickly as he could. Ryner waited until the door shut behind him before covering her mouth with the napkin and retching. Only a few drops of blood came up and she clicked her tongue irritably. Her Sire forced her to acclimate to the experience all those years ago. Apparently, it’d been far too long since she drank and made a mental note to continue doing so. Behind her, Nox also made her way to the door.

“Thank you for your help.” Ryner said as she stood, fetching her supplies to clean up the mess.

“Now I owe you nothing.” The other spat and slammed the door behind her. Ryner sighed as the display. She missed the nights they would spend together before they were driven apart. She chuckled at the memory of teaching the younger girl to ride, of teaching her how to loose an arrow and set a trap, of long nights of hide and seek deep in the woods shrugged off as survival exercises. Ryner thought she’d be a useful ally but Greta discovered her plans and twisted the girl against her. Ryner sighed again at an opportunity lost.

Staring at the rotting corpse of a hundred year old vampire, Ryner considered asking one of the servants to clean up after it. But doing so would add one more unknown variable that the other Houses or even her own Sire could pick apart and she had little interest involving more individuals that she already had. ROlling her sleeves up, she picked up a trash bag and a bucket and mop and set to work cleaning up the mess her fun had made.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The night of Count Dracul’s death ushered in almost a week of clear night skies, a peculiarity this time of year. The Eve household managed to contain the worst of the fall out but the Royal Guard caught wind despite the House’s precautions and so their internal investigation fell apart in mere hours as the Noila’s brought the matter under their own scrutiny. Dracul’s line almost had the audacity to refuse them, pages and pages of legal jargon on the tip of the tongue ready to be launched at the face of the poor soul rapping the first knock, but their reservations quickly disappeared as Princess Nox herself demanded entrance. The Eves were all but removed from the stream of information but a few members managed to secure critical details about the operation.

Count Pierce’s family home towered on the western edge of the branch’s immediate territory, bordering their greatest and most influential supporter, Duke Gethin Ralstir, and the dam that supplied a vast majority of the water for the surrounding territories. Verdant forest surrounded the family’s home. Like most older branches of vampires, they valued the seclusion from the mortal society they reigned over. Summer heat has started yielding to winter winds and the leaves slowly shimmer from green to yellow before they fall to the ground.

The branch’s castle stood stately amongst the forest, two spires breaking the forested skyline and a heavy wall separating its occupants from the outside world. The castle originally held 50 individuals but at the beginning of the Blood Wars, the Royal family expanded it so they could use it as a base of operations for the Moonlight Council’s smaller reserves into the areas. Now capable of comfortably housing up to 200 individuals, the castle’s expanded design sprawls around the original structure in a winding labyrinth as a last line of defense against the Lycan forces.

“Sir, your father has requested your presence in his study for a matter of utmost urgency.” A servant’s voice carried through Count Benjamin’s door after a soft knock.

Gray eyes flickered from the assortment of notes scattered around the desk to the door at the sound of the knock. The words that followed caused the vampire to frown for a moment before he would gather up the mess. How odd, he had just spoken to his father earlier in the evening with little indication that they would be speaking again. It was a positive for him, if he was being honest; he had fully expected to spend the rest of the night planning out Eleanore's route for her search. Perhaps there had been something that had slipped his mind or a message he wanted to send to Duke Harrington.

Once the papers were unceremoniously stacked and stuffed into a drawer, Ben finally replied, "Thank you, I'll go now," as he stood. Taking care to head directly to his father's study, he nodded to the servants he passed, reaching his goal relatively quickly. Ben adjusted his collar before knocking sharply on the door. "You wanted to see me, Father?" He asked through the wood, waiting for a response.

“Yes, enter.” The vampire responded in a typically short fashion. Count Pierce developed a well known reputation for being taciturn by immortal standards and while this has ostracized him to a certain extent, it had allowed him to learn far more than he lets on. The Count’s study contrasted the younger Count’s own room, everything neatly organized and filed away. The vampire’s desk showed no clutter, only a book, quills, an ink pot, a letter, and a page beginning his response with the title Princess Nox. He gestured for his son to take a seat as he continued to write.

“Dracul’s heiress, a lesser member of our family, and the child of Malvik’s retainer all entered the Academy within forty eight hours of each other. It seemed Malvik didn’t approve of the second and forced him out. Now, that retainer has fallen out of favor and the spot will be empty soon. I am accepting an invitation forwarded from Princess Nox on your behalf.” Count Pierce explained. “This incompetency ends with you. The Eve name is slandered enough. This is an opportunity not to be squandered away. Both the heir of the Sinnenodel and the previous heiress of the Marivaldi are in attendance. You will court them, earn their favor in whatever method, and we will use that to strengthen our position for the Council Seat. If you have questions, this is your opportunity.”

Ben was all too used to his father's curtness, prepared to take the seat swiftly so he could focus properly on the topic at hand. The last thing that he had expected, however, was being told that he was to replace the current attendee at the princess' academy. His brow furrowed at the news, his initial feeling one of a minor disappointment. He had hoped to be around for Noah's Awakening, but it would seem his father had other plans. Typical, but instead of annoyance, Ben was more confused by the news. No less than three Eves had been in attendance? He wasn't surprised Arianna had withdrawn from the academy, but he wasn't aware that the next Eve had been replaced so quickly. The Eves must have been the laughingstock of the school already.

While he agreed that the opportunity wasn't one to be squandered, there was something very off about this situation. "This is sudden," He murmured, allowing himself a reaction before he would continue with his own questions. "While I have no qualms with associating with the Marivaldi heiress, is it wise to consort with the Sinnenodel heir? Surely you've heard the rumors."

“I am not one to act on unsubstantiated rumors.” Count Pierce responded sharply as he waved off the concern. ”’Tis the nature of the Devils to court a final death. If it is true, it is not the first nor last time power has shifted violently. You know how the favorite won his spot, correct? We have a rare opportunity to openly court the favor of two diametrically opposed Houses for their favor. I will not see Princess Nox’s gift squandered.”

There were so many questions about nearly everything he said that Ben genuinely didn't know where to start. His knuckles tightened for a moment before he relaxed his hands on his knees, his eyes searching his father's for a few seconds. A power shift so soon, the Sinnenodel house was an unpredictable one. But was it wise to approach the heir? Count Pierce may not believe rumors, but Ben himself believed that even the most erratic always spun out some semblance of truth; they were spread for a reason. Still, his father had reason here, even if it didn't erase the feeling in his gut.

But for now, he would rather use whatever time he had before his father dismissed him on better things. "Of course. I understand this is not a chance to be wasted," He gave in just enough to placate the older vampire. "That said, is there anything substantial that you feel I should know about the heirs or any other happenings of importance?" Anything would do, really. If he wanted to get an edge in, then he would take what he could get.

“The Marivaldi girl has been mourning for most of the past years. Despite her lack of direct succession, the current Lord Marivaldi was obsessively loyal to her father. She likely has far more influence over the family than she is aware of. Lord Marivaldi has rebuffed every Houses’ attempt to discover more about the girl viciously. Unlike his previous master, Salazar is far less inclined to mercy, status notwithstanding.” His father explained as he continued writing Ben’s acceptance letter. “As for Varis, he is far less dangerous than he presents himself. Any Sinnenodel but their Lady is. Their webs are more for their own protection than anything else. Stress his relationship with Ryner and see how shaken he gets. He’ll move quickly to reestablish that thread and if you present yourself properly, you may be able to take its place. Earning his trust should open up a few avenues and if he becomes a liability, you know just where to slash his support.” He sat back, carefully blowing on the ink and folding the paper and sealing it with wax. He pressed his ring into the hot substance and pulled it out to let it cool. Count Pierce never cared for technology, only introducing wi-fi to the castle so his servants could keep up with the current events for him.

“Bind them to our branch however you like. To yourself, to me, to the damn art gallery if it pleases them. So long as we have their support when I make my bid for the Council, I couldn’t care less. We can address whatever slights they incur on you then.” Count Pierce rapped knuckles on the desk loudly and one of the castle servants entered with a deep bow, scurrying to take the letter from the Count's outstretched hand and scurried out with a bow to the room. “This next piece does not leave this room. Use it as you will but do not let anyone know where you found it.” He passed an old folder, marked in faded ink. Ben would recognize the handwriting as his mother's.

"One of her last tasks was translating a book we recovered a century ago and forgot about until she rediscovered it. Do not speak what you read, for everywhere has ears if you look hard enough." What Ben would find is a description of a settlement that dated past any known civilization, including various ruins published under the Council's strict allowances. And the documents suggested it would have laid exactly where the Noila Academy now sits despite Ryner's claims that the area had been entirely woodland prior to development. It made note if several odd arrangements of buildings and pathways, discussing something known as a "Nithrexal".

He took careful note of he was told about each heir. It seemed he had his work cut out for him on both ends. Nonetheless he wasn’t the type to complain nor was he about to do it at this moment. If he was replacing the current Eve representative, then there was a possibility that whatever mage was assigned to them would have already established relationships with the other houses. Hopefully they were positive.

His line of thought was put aside as the conversation shifted. Quirking an eyebrow at his father, his eyes widened as he noticed the familiar handwriting. “Mother found this?” His tone may have come off a little more surprised than intended, but he could hardly believe any of what he was reading. The oddity of the word “Nithrexal” stood out more than anything. As his eyes trailed around the pathways, he wondered why the princess would hide this information.

Choosing his words carefully, he looked up at his father once again. “Are you finally putting your faith in me?” He asked. “This is all interesting information to share.”

"Consider this a test." His father responded. "If you fail this family, you will not have earned a place in it. I expect results and the ones I want."

That seemed more appropriate than his initial assumption. Still, it paled in comparison to what the folder held and that took more of his attention. Nithrexal, Algeria...he was going to have a busy school year. Better to have something interesting to focus on instead of boring lectures. The thought made him smile as he leaned back in his seat, a chuckle suppressed before closing the folder.

“And what is it that you want?” Ben continued questioning, taking advantage while he still could.

“The honor of our House restored and our position on the Council solidified, as any of our family does.” He replied simply but Ben could tell there was something more that he wouldn’t be allowed access to just yet. Between the new information and Princess Nox’s involvement, there seemed plenty Count Pierce was keeping hidden from his son.

How typical, but expected. He was sure the older vampire wouldn’t be interested in any insignificant progress and only actual advancement, but if this was to solidify his place in the family, there really was only one position he was interested in. It was actually thrilling to think about, as if handed a treasure map from the stories he was told as a child. His smile faltered as a thought occurred to him.

“Malvik and Dracul...they, too, were in place to go for the position of Lord.” It seemed slightly out of left field, but he knew his father wouldn't be surprised. He gave him a tiny smile, eyes glinting with a mischievous thought. “If all this helps you in any way, I hope I can do you proud. Who knows, maybe we’ll finally grant Mother’s wish and be more than simply amicable.” And when he did find what he needed, his father would have to eat out of the palm of his hand for once.

Ben was dismissed shortly after that with little more than a wave of his father’s hand. After making a swift yet proper exit he bypassed his office and headed straight for the mage wing. There was something he wanted to set in motion sooner than later, an excitement bubbling within his chest as he entered the room. He closed the door behind him as he scanned the room, his fortune still in his favor as only three occupied the foyer. A pair of parents and their child, the two adults his most trusted allies in this time. Their son would join them, soon, albeit there would still be some time before he would be up to the task. All three looked up, standing from their seats as Ben approached the table.

“It would seem my father has pulled some strings; I am to attend Noila Academy,” He announced.

The youngest of the three couldn’t hide his disappointment in time. His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, choosing to speak first. “What would you have us do?” She asked cheerfully.

“Depart at your earliest convenience; if my father has already made his move, I need to do whatever it takes to get ahead of him,” Ben instructed. “You have your task set.”

“Yes, sir,” She bowed deeply, coming up and snatching her son into her arms. Amid his protests she asked, “Does this mean you’ll no longer be attending school with Noah here?”

“Sadly, no, Eleanore,” He gave the young man a warm but sad smile. “In the meantime, I expect you to keep to your studies. I’ll keep in touch, of course.”

His words did well to reassure him, even as his mother pinched his cheek. “I’ll support my father and practice my magic. You’ll have another expert shadow mage at your disposal!” He assured him.

“Thatta boy,” As much as he would have liked to have brought Noah with him, he presumed he would be getting another mage once he got there. He was attached to the boy, but hopefully he would get along with his new mage and add to his team. He gave the silent father a more serious look. “Geoffrey, you will be my eyes and ears to this place. Tread lightly, if there is anything drastic, I would rather hear it from you first.” Hopefully his fortune would last and he wouldn’t have to hear anything.

“Of course,” Geoffrey nodded.

Ben gave the three another smile, choosing to take his leave. He’d have to make a few arrangements, yet the prospect was actually very exciting. The Noila Academy was sure to be entertaining at the very least.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Darkness rose cool on the night of the Revel. Mages restless and struggling to acclimate to their new routines would have heard the set up crew moving around across the campus, large trucks hauling the temporary structures that made up the roaming carnival. Rows on rows on rows of stalls, massive towers for coasters and rides, and an absurd amount of decorations were all unloaded over the course of the day with some help from the vampire organizers before the moon found its bed. Mages finished the job, magic and manuel labor hand in hand as they set up for the next few nights of fun.

Music and light broke the normally peaceful campus weekend, entertainers and workers eagerly calling about. Game stalls lined the walkways and the picnic benches had all been removed or shifted around to make room for the various spinning rides and bumper carts and coasters that broke the Academy skyline. The scent of carnival food, a break from the healthier options the school actively pushed on the students, drifted across the campus: funnel cake, cotton candy, meat pies, corn dogs, and the lot. Students bolted from one stall to another, laughter trailing them, and excited screams echoed from one end of the Academy to the other and the usual first semester tension of new students trying to find their place in a new society eased somewhat.

A few days before, every dorm received an informational letter of the special events occuring in the ballrooms. This year's theme was Masquerade but instead of demanding it across all campus, the Academy limited the required attire to ballroom events. It was required, as per the letter, that students be dressed appropriate to the theme in order to enter and more than one event would end in a contest for the best outfit. The last four of each day, specialty shows put on by Marivaldi show mages, had limited seating so RSVPs would have to be made in order to attend. However, all other dances, shows, and contests were open to anyone interested.

A porcelain mask painted with a dizzying array of spiral colors hung from an older woman's face, covering it completely. An elegant dress, black and silver with traces of green thread touching around the edges, flowed behind her as she made her way gracefully through the crowd. She practically skimmed the ground as she walked. The exuberant crowd barely phased her, moving with the ease and grace of someone accustomed to such things. She followed the paths around until she found a dark corner--out of sight is out of mind, after all--and she waited. The smell, the sound, the heat of precious blood pumping under the vermin's skin was intoxicating.

But she held strong. She waited. And waited. And waited. Impatience was boiling under her skin when the filth stopped to fix his shoe. Perfect. He was gone in a flash, experienced hands winding around his throat and mouth before they were safely away up the building. She relished that moment, the smell of fear and helplessness as her fangs broke skin, and a little sigh came out as the first drops of blood splattered across her tongue. She drank deeply.

Until his lifeless corpse slumped from her hands.

She grinned as she slipped her mask back on. The weak, silly Noila princess went soft after the war and she collected all these fine blood bags all ripe for the plucking. It was a feast, all cozy and unsuspecting, wrapped up in the silly comforts they didn’t deserve. These vermin were meant to fear them and she was in the prime position to remind them. And get a delicious meal to boot. The silly princess wouldn’t even know somone plundered her precious collection until the morn and she’d be long gone by then. The grin turned feral.

This would be far too fun.
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