Race Name: Gior

Physical Description: Large and hulking, the brute-like Gior are a small race of beasts, primal to the core. They are brute-like and prefer to live under-ground, as they dislike sunlight. They have evolved to use their hearing and smell over sight, as their eyes are small and nearly useless in low, medium and high light levels, preferring tiny to no light. The Gior have some parts of muscular tissue visible, as their hide is tough and sturdy, to allow movement between limbs. They have two sets of arms, a single set of legs and a tail. Females have long tails that have a sharp point, using them to slice down trees and slash at prey, and have thin but flexible scaled hide and medium muscular stature, while Males have larger and sharper claws, allowing them to dig through rock with ease, and have thick sturdy scaled hide, and large muscular stature. Their coloring consists of white, grey, or dark-grey. However, primes always have black scales. Primes have all the excellent qualities of the Gior. They are not only strong, but also agile, smart, and have sharp tails and powerful claws.
Population: 12
Behavior: Although they are primal, they can still talk to one other through body-language, snarls, growls, roars and other beast-like sounds. Gior only hunt at night, as light hurts their eyes. The males hunt in packs with a female as their leader in each hunting party. Males grab hold of their prey, sinking in their claws to get better grasp while they bite the heads off of their prey, or savagely tearing into their insides through the chest or back. Females use stealth, swiftness and intellect to catch and kill their prey, setting ambushes and hiding in the trees, using their tails to strike from a distance. Primes are the leaders of a pack or colony, and all Gior listen to her command. A prime can only ever be female, and becomes the mate of the strongest male in the pack. During the prime mate selection, each male of the pack demonstrates skill and power to become the primes mate. The Gior construct massive interconnecting tunnels and caverns inside mountains or underground. Males dig and hunt, while females collect plants, harvest wood, hunt and tend to their eggs. Young members of a pack do not do any work, but learn to hunt and train in physical strength. Females can lay up to 1-6 eggs at a time. Eggs hatch after roughly 5 months and 18 days from when they are laid, and take around 2 weeks to develop. Males are more consistent than females, and Primes are rare, with a rough ratio of 62% Male, 36% Female, 2% Prime.
Culture: The Gior do not have a very built up culture. They do however, worship dragons and all creatures dragon-like, and are forbidden to kill any kind of lizard-like creature. They bring food, offerings and all kinds of treasure to dragons and dragon-like creatures, and obey any orders given from dragon creatures. Gior also may ask for strength from dragon or dragon-like creatures, with the blessing of fire. Asking for the dragon to breathe fire on them for a tiny period of time. This does sound idiotic, but the Gior believe it is the greatest honor a creature can have. They may do this often, to build fire resistance and feel less pain from attacks. This ritual has proven effective in training young warriors to become more resistant to attacks and fire.
History: Created like all creatures, but some Gior have other stories. They believe that they were created by dragons. Though this is mainly untrue, they do have some dragon-like features, and Gior species going back centuries show they had wings and preferred to live above ground.
Technology: Fire, Building, Mining