William Fraser

Location: Gretna Green - Church
Skills: First Aid, Perception, Cnut, Dexterity
Skills: First Aid, Perception, Cnut, Dexterity
The arms of the creature moved quicker than William's eyes could follow, darting around even as the creature itself was pinned to the alter. In truth, William had lost count of the arms, and he was beginning to doubt they could even be called arms. They were more like the tentacles of some terrible leviathan, lashing out at any threat to it's shifting form, almost seeming to act independently of each other. Another time, William might have been fascinated by this creature, but he didn't have time to think about it, not while he was so close to it that the smell of burning still overwhelmed his senses. Even as he moved back from the creature, still cursing his failed attack against it, the creature retaliated.
A shifting tendril of darkness lashed out, and it was almost upon him before he could even register the threat. He flinched back, half-raising an arm in vain attempt to shield himself, bracing himself for the impact. But the impact never came. Half an instant before the tendril reached him, there was a flash of metal, and the shifting darkness recoiled backwards as quickly as it had surged forwards. William managed to tear his gaze away from the creature long enough to see that his unlikely savior was one of the Russians, who had clearly decided to move away from the Duchess for now, a long saber clutched in one hand, freshly blooded against the creature. Or it would have been, if this abomination bled, or reacted to any of the blows against it with more than a shift in the darkness.
Before William could thank the Russian, everything seemed to happen at once. Another tendril lashed out, and this time, it found it's mark, sending the Russian tumbling backwards, his saber unable to banish the darkness for a second time. The other male Russian seemed to have fully recovered from his own brush with the creature, and hurled a knife towards the writhing mass atop the alter. His aim was true, but whether it truly hurt the creature, William had no way of knowing. A blur of movement passed William's shoulder, and he barely needed to look to know that it would be the Irish woman. She was a fierce warrior, and as he watched her strike at the creature with her stout club, auburn hair flowing and fire burning in her eyes, William couldn't help but think of the valkyries of legend.
A gasp of air cut through the noise, and William turned to Millicent in time to see that the creature's grip on her throat was loosening. Although no-one had attacked the tendril that was latched to her, the damage being dealt to the creature seemed to be affecting it. Before William could rush forwards again, hoping to redeem himself and be the one to free Millicent, he was beaten to the punch. He was almost stunned by the image that he witnessed. The blonde woman, the one whose beauty could inspire a hundred heroes to hunt dragons for her favour, was charging the creature herself, clutching an ornate candlestick. Despite the improvised weapon, the woman's strike was good, and as she bludgeoned the creature, Millicent was finally released.
To her credit, Millicent landed on her feet, but she was still gasping for breath. For a brief moment, William tore his gaze away from the creature, and looked towards the injured woman. Where the creature had been holding her the skin looked almost burnt, but Millicent was still standing, and considering William would need a closer examination to determine what medical aid he could offer, he decided to wait until the creature wasn't likely to cause more damage. Turning away from Millicent, William gritted his teeth. The praying from the Duchess faltered as a tendril flung her back against the wall, but she barely seemed to notice, clambering back to her feet and launching into the chanting again, hardly missing a beat. Despite what little he knew about the Russians, William could tell they were hardy folk, if nothing else.
Determined to prove his worth, William moved towards the alter again. The prayer of the Duchess may be the only way to kill this creature, but it clearly couldn't ignore sharpened steel, and if William could distract it from the Duchess, then he would willingly do so. Pulling back his kopis, William brought the blade crashing down towards the shifting darkness.