Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

As the fire scorched the sand the trail of the Diglett stopped. For a moment there was no movement at all. Suddenly the Diglett emerged at the edge of the sand, far away from where the sand had gotten hot.
"Did it get too hot for you, little buddy?" Henri asked, but he didn't need to see the reaction of the Diglett to know that was the case, with its thin skin it stayed out of the sunlight, and fire attacks could hurt just as bad. "Time to attack. Bulldoze!"
An orange aura appeared around Diglett. "Lett," it said and a shockwave rippled through the sand, on course to the Absol.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Mesperit City Gym
Interactions: @CalleHenri the Gym Leader

The fire tactic worked Absol stopped when Diglet came back up. Bakuto knows that Absol used a lot of strength to keep the attack up as long as it did. This battle wasn't going to last longer Absol fought a Rhydon before this. Bakuto was thinking the Diglett would be a bit worn from all that digging in the hot sand. Which should still be heated up a bit. When Henri the gym leader declared the next attack bulldoze. This was much like how Rhydon came in for a horn attack except instead of a normal attack this was a ground one. Bakuto yells out, "Alright Absol meet that bulldoze with a full attack of your own. Charge in and use Psycho Cut and give it everything you got!"

Doing as it told to do, the horn like skin glows slightly pinkish white. Going full speed towards the on coming Diglett. The two attacks looking to collide at full force. Two moves colliding the psychic cutting move, and the ground bulldozing move. Absol putting everything into this attack to try and end the battle. Something has to give first but Bakuto wasn't sure if Absol would fail first or will he succeed against the smaller Diglett.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sarah didn't display a desire to be on top, necessarily, but it seemed enough. Wanting to give her all for the competition was a compatible goal, and she wouldn't be causing any disrespect. Good. "A fine goal. I think you'll do well." She'd have to watch the young lady a little longer, maybe even have a little match against her. Just to be sure she was right for the tournament. But, that could come later. For now, more observation.

"I met Terra, my Flygon, when she was just a little Trapinch. She joined my team after she evolved once. I've always specialized in fighting-type Pokemon, but somehow I was also very good at handling her. Her and Umi, my Lapras. Well, not mine anymore, I released then when I quit being a trainer. If we run into any of my old Pokemon, I'll be sure to introduce you."

"Seems like we're getting close," the Ranger had just stumbled on a rock, causing her to assess her surroundings. As she searched the skies ahead of them, she smiled and held out her arm. Rapier returned, and alighted to her arm. She scratched the bird on the back of the head, "you're back quickly, what did you find?"

Rapier turned to face her properly and gripped her arm repeatedly with alternating feet.

"... Tracks? Sounds perfect. Show us the way when we get close."

The Staraptor took off again, flying just a little bit ahead to land on the next tree.

"Well, sounds like he's found something promising. I wonder how far ahead it is?" She wanted to see this big Onyx. They were normally pretty big, so how big was a big one?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Both attacks hit each other and the resulting shockwave blasted sand in every direction. Henri shielded his eyes from the incoming sand, but he thought he saw something brown in it too.
"I guess I'll have to do some sweeping after this," he muttered and he dusted off his clothes when the sand after the blast was over. One of the downsides of running the ground gym, but at least he wouldn't get wet, unlike Alana when something like this happened in her battlefield.
He scanned his battlefield, but his Diglett was nowhere to be seen. He waited for a moment, but then looked at the Absol and his opponent. "Really good attack," he said. "Smart move too. If the Bulldoze attack would have hit the Absol it could have been over for you, because he put a lot of force in it, but countering it with another attack was a good strategy." He gestured to the field. "It looks like Diglett withdrew deeper into the sand, you disturbed his habitat violently twice and I think he had enough. And you showed good skill and strategy, so I will award your efforts with a ground badge."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah listened Regan talking about the pokemon she released. Sarah wasn't sure if she could do that, but maybe she should release the pokemon she would catch for her research. It would only be fair to give them the option. "That would be great, I would love to meet them would their path cross ours."

Sarah carefully avoided the loose rocks and was about to support Regan when she stumbled but the ranger seemed to recover quickly. When Rapier returned Sarah watched the interaction between pokemon and ranger.
"This is just the beginning of the rocky area of the island, gradually it will change from plains to rocks," Sarah said. "Flying pokemon can cover more ground faster then we can so I'd say it'll still be a little hike."
Not that Sarah knew exactly where the Onix was and the pokemon could roam through the entire area. The rocky area was a pretty big area covering most of the north part of the island. But it was a good sign that tracks were found already. I could mean the Onix had closer to the midsection of the island, to the edge of the rocky area. If they would find the tracks they could easily follow it. Sarah just hoped it were fresh tracks and not days old tracks.
"You trained your Staraptor well." she said smiling as she noticed the flying type just flying a bit ahead and waiting again.

Gira ran up to the tree where Rapier was waiting. "Hello, mind if I walk ahead with you? I'm Gira, Sarah is my trainer."

Sarah glanced at Regan. So far it had been more pleasant than she would have thought it would be. Sarah got a chance to think about her project more in detail and the help of Regan's pokemon was very valuable. "I'm glad you had time to came along," Sarah said, shooting a brief smile to the other female.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Aaah, now you've got me thinking about the old team. The team I challenged the league with was Umi, my Lapras; Terra; Brawly, my Breloom; Lucia, my Lucario; A Hariyama that wouldn't let me name him; and Naien, my Blaziken. She's probably helping Mom cook. Hm hm."

"I have no doubt it will take us a decent amount of time to cross the terrain the Professor described. That's why Rapier is so good to have around for this. It'd take us much longer to find the Onix on our own, not just because of his vantage point, but even more because be doesn't have to contest with the terrain. He found the clue we needed, so it's up to us to get there. I dunno how far ahead he went in the first place, though. I wonder if I should have requested a vehicle..."

"Oh, Rapier? He's a patient old bird. When you spend enough time with a Pokemon, it gets to be like you share thoughts. Even if they aren't psychic." It was a good bond to share. It filled her with a certain sense of satisfaction. The Ranger looked at her companion as the other relayed her gratitude, "oh? I'm certainly pleased to be able to help. Let me know if you need anything else. Help with your research?"

"Hm?" Rapier turned his eyes down from the sky as Gira approached. He'd been considering doing lazy circles through the open air, maybe a little hunting, but that could wait. "Ah, it's the Girafarig. Gira?" He considered it for a moment, and decided he should be sociable. "She calls me Rapier. You've met her already, I noticed. I've been with her since I was a Starly. Hah, that was a long time ago." He saw Regan waving and raised a wing momentarily, in response. "We had quite a journey. Hah, I suppose we still are."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah wondered how it would be, parting with pokemon that you shared so much with as £regan was describing her old team. She could hear the fondness in the ranger her voice. Gira would always stay with her that was for sure, she had her since she was in her egg. Saur seemed to like hanging around too. She stopped her thoughts, it was not needed to think about it now. She would deal with in the future when it was needed to be dealt with.

Sarah contemplated about the vehicle. Regan was right about the rest. "Well, a vehicle wouldn't be able to get everywhere. some paths are narrow or so rugged it is hard to drive. And the sound might scare away the Onix." she finally said. It would be more convenient and faster but perhaps not the best way to get around here. Best bet would be a bicycle or motorcycle but Sarah had neither and couldn't drive anyway.
"But I am glad Rapier found a clue already, saves a whole lot of time wandering around. And narrow the area of search down a lot.

Sarah sure had felt that way with Gira; a bond where she could understand as good as if they spoke, but since Gira was half psychic she always thought it might be because of that. She hadn't considered it might be the bond instead, especially since her Girafarig didn't have very strong psychic abilities as her Abra had. The offer to help with her research sure was welcome. "I might take you on that offer. practice makes perfect, right?" Sarah said with a small smile. Besides her newest addition to the team needed experience. "And seeing you use Rapier in battle after I witnessed how you two are outside of battle might be valuable information."

Gira smiled friendly. "I had quite a journey too, but nothing too adventurous." Gira glanced behind her at Sarah and Regan briefly. "It's great you found a clue already, I think it would have taken us a whole lot longer without your wings and eyes."
Gira turned her gaze to the landscape, looking if she could spot a pokemon her trainer had expressed that would be good for her team for her research.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Mesperit City Gym
Interactions: @CalleHenri the Gym Leader

Watching as the two attacks collided, Bakuto had to brace himself as the sand that started to fly made it hard to see his Absol. He had to shield his eyes slightly to keep sand from getting into them. Fearing the worst out come when the dust and sand clears, but when it does clear and Absol is still standing tall. Bakuto couldn't help but crack a smile. When he saw Henri return his Diglett back to his pokeball he knew the battle was over.

Absol walked back over to Bakuto, who pulled out a pokeball then leans down to his Absol, "Need a rest buddy?" Absol pushes the center of the pokeball and the red light of the pokeball envelops Absol as it goes into its pokeball to have a bit of rest after that pokemon battle. Bakuto walked over and when he heard the praises for his strategy counter and attack with another attack. Bakuto then says in response to the praises for his attacks, "Didn't really have much choice. I did something similar against your Rhydon before and figured it might work again."

When he was presented the badge. Bakuto pulls out his badge case and opens it up currently empty as Bakuto takes the Ground badge the very first one that will be going into the case he smiles then says cheerfully, "My first badge awesome. But that battle did teach me one thing and that is that my pokemon and I both need to get stronger as we barely got by with just my current pokemon. As you said before if that Bulldoze would have connected with Absol then we would have been done there. Well I need to get to the pokemon center. My pokemon could use a good healing after that battle. Thank you for that amazing battle." After that if there wasn't much more Bakuto gets ready to leave to head back to the pokemon center to get his pokemon the proper rest and healing they need for after the gym battle.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Do Onyx scare easily?" They didn't, as far as she was aware. She didn't know too much about them, though, only what that encyclopedia had told her. She had tried to keep her attention on pokemon that were known to appear on these islands, though she may have gotten. "I suppose this one could be skittish."

"Rapier's been my eyes and ears in the sky hundreds of times." The ranger smiled fondly. The idea of calling on Rapier in battle took her back. "Hmm. It's been a long time since I asked him to fight. I'm sure he's kept his talons sharp. I wouldn't call on him for just anything, though." Something would have to make her quite serious. Thinking about it, such a fight could be very influential in Sarah's research. She couldn't help but think of a specific person, from back home. Regan believed in the philosophy she held as a trainer, that Pokemon were not tools. The respect formed by treating them as living equals furthered their potential, as only by respecting them could you so truly maximize the effectiveness of their training. And besides that, you should be so kind to them, as they are just as alive as anyone else. "Perhaps that fight will be more educational than you realize."

"Or maybe not. Until then, you'll have to settle for watching Kawaken and I." Her Poliwhirl popped out from the single ball kept on her belt. He jumped up with a hand raised and Regan met him with a high-five. He landed, looked around, got disappointed, and sent himself back into his ball. Regan gave a chuckle, "sorry, buddy. No water here, I'm only talking about you."

"I've been her eyes and ears in the sky many, many times. We've searched deserts, mountains, forests, plains, even the ocean. I was surprised how different it is flying over a desert, or the ocean. Moisture makes a big difference." Rapier brought his attention in from Regan and the horizon, to see Gira searching. "And what is it you seek, Gira? Maybe I can help."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

@BladeSS4 "It was a pleasure battling with you," Henri said. "I'm sure you'll do well." He walked him to the entrance of the gym, knowing Bakuto wanted to get his Pokémon healed. The Marowak had marched to a door in the arena and had picked taken a broom of his size from it, starting to sweep some of the sand into the pit. "
Don't forget to get some League-approved types if you want to battle in the Rorie League too. Your Absol is strong, but he can only help you get the badges you need. I've seen trainers do great against the gym leaders, but stumble and fall in the League because they relied too much on their ace Pokémon which they couldn't use during the League."
A piece of advice he often gave trainers, the experience had taught him it was better to remind them one time too many, than not at all.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location: Mesperit City Gym

Taking in the last bit of advice, Bakuto kind of knew what Henri told him but this reminder that he couldn't use Absol in the League tournament in the end. This was something Bakuto knew he would have to fix, and with that gym battle, it showed that Bakuto had to rely on Absol to get the job done, the problem is Bakuto couldn't do that in the League tournament if things got tough Bakuto would be stuck without his ace in Absol. This wasn't worrying Bakuto too much though, as his journey in the Rorie league, he had a bit of time to get many of other pokemon and make his other two strong enough so he can battle without his Absol. Bakuto left and went back to where he originally started when he got to this city and that is back to the pokemon center. That's if nothing stopped him on his way there.

Location Pokémon Center

Once returning to the Pokémon Center Bakuto hands all three of his pokemon to the Nurse Joy then sat a table going to wait for his pokemon to get healed up. Bakuto sat at the same table he sat at once he first got to the city. Not sure if he is going to run into that old man again. Bakuto wanted to find a map or something to figure where he was going to go next. He wasn't wanting to leave the island just yet. Bakuto wanted to explore and maybe catch some new pokemon while on this island. To add to his current team of pokemon.

But first he now must wait for his pokemon to get healed up before he travels anywhere. Bakuto looks around the pokemon center while sitting there waiting. Trying to see what is there to see in the pokemon center, now being there for a second time as he awaits his pokemon to get healed.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah shook her head to Regan's question. "Onix don't scare easily in general but since they all have their own personalities and all have their own experiences some may be more skittish than others. I haven't heard that this Onix, in particular, is easily scared but it does seem to avoid contact. There are trainers that saw it though but just not lately."

Sarah listened to Regan and nodded, she could understand what Regan said. "If Rapier would prefer not not fight, I understand. Gira doesn't want to battle any pokemon significantly smaller than her unless the pokemon is very persistent and provoking or she feels the team is in danger." Sarah stopped talking when the Poliwhirl appeared. She watched the high five and smiled. She never did such a thing herself but it reminded her of her brother Gabe who had similar ways to interact with his pokemon.
"I would love watching you and Kawaken." she said, "the brief moment I saw him already hinted at a great dynamic."

Sarah focussed back on Rapier and Gira. "You think the clue Rapier found is near?" she asked. she hoped so, even though chatting with Regan was enjoyable and insightful she wanted to make some progress. She hoped it would be a track or at least broken branches or something that indicated something large had passed there so they would at least have a direction.

Gira looked at Rapier. " I have never seen a desert nor real mountains." Gira sighed before she continued. "I am trying to help Sarah. She has told me what kind of pokemon she would like in her team and showed me what they look like. So I am looking around to see if I could spot one. She is very organised and sticks to her plans most of the time. She said that Hoppip are on Rhando and she would like one. They don't live in the rocky area but more on the grasslands, they might drift to the mountains"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Since it's a large Onix, he could be even bolder than normal. Isn't that how that usually goes? I think it also usually goes that they get more clever, too. Probably good we didn't go for a vehicle..." Vehicles weren't typically suited to Ranger work. Not anything with a motor, anyway. Pedal bikes were fine, but they could be a pain to lug around or keep secured, and they could be way more tiring, depending on the terrain. Going on foot was always best, if you had the time. "The clue? Well, he's waiting just ahead. It's probably across the crest of that hill behind him. He'll move when we get closer."

"Kawaken's an energetic little dude. Makes me wonder what he likes about his pokeball so much." Probably just that he doesn't have to worry about dehydrating in there. "He's used to me calling him out so he can enjoy whatever freshwater bodies I come across. Spoiled brat..." She chuckled softly to herself. It was her own fault, after all.

"Hoppip? Hmm... Yes, I think I know what they look like." He could look for one, maybe even corral it toward the others. "Ah, it's time for me to move up. The trail starts just ahead. You'll see it." Rapier turned over on the branch and took flight, flying over the next hill and finding a boulder to land on, near a large Onix trail. Large enough to be the one they're looking for, probably. It was a little old, but still distinguishable.

"Ah, he moved." Just over the crest of a small hill in front of them. "Maybe it's close." She started climbing, careful of her footing now that she knew it could be treacherous. As she crested the rise, she looked down to find Rapier perched on a rock. "It must be- oh, oh, yes, there it is, I think I see what he's got. A neat little trench, isn't it." She turned to see Sarah. "This look like it?"

The thing about being larger was that it also made you heavier. Usually. Especially with Rock-type Pokemon. That meant that tracks left behind would be deeper and wider. Because of the great, grinding weight of the Onix, a lane of dirt was formed at the deepest points of the trench. Tracks like this would take a long time to blend into the environment.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

@BladeSS4 The old man with his Houndoom walked into the Pokémon Center again, carrying a Spinarak in his arms. He went to the counter and talked briefly with the nurse, who took the Spinarak from him and went into the backroom.
After looking around Thomas noticed the trainer he had talked with earlier and went to him. "How did your gym battle go?" he asked him.

@Salenea@CitrusArms Unrelated to the Oxin, but close to the old Onix trail was a small group of Chuckle were plucking berries from a bush and retreating into their shell to store them there. They seemed to stock up before crawling back towards the rockier area where they lived.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location Pokémon Center
Interaction: Old man Thomas@Calle

Sitting at the table, Bakuto sees the old man Thomas enter the pokemon center again. Dropping off a spider like pokemon. Bakuto didn't get a chance to see the pokemon as it was taken by the nurses. Soon the old man came over and asked Bakuto how the gym battle went. Bakuto answers after pulling out the gym badge, "Well, after a very close battle walked out of the gym with this badge. Came pretty close, and has given me a lot to think about when it comes to my team and going forward in this League. I need to start building my team up to one I can use in the league. Absol saved that battle but I cant use Absol in the end after all the gym battles. If I don't strengthen my team then the League tournament will end up being a rude awakening."

Bakuto sits there, "Currently I only have one pokemon that can even compete. It did well but, in the end it is just one." Bakuto looks back up at the counter to check on his pokemon but don't see they are ready yet. He then says, "Waiting on my pokemon to get healed up. Not sure where I am going to head off too. I kind of want to head up towards the mountain rocky outcrop I saw I arrived to the Island. Might be a good place to train up and catch a few pokemon before leaving the Island for the next to get to the next gym." Not really worried about rambling on this time. Bakuto was still riding the joys of victory but also wanting to move on to get back to his journey.

The plan on going to the rocky region was more formed from his recent battle with Henri the ground type gym leader. In an area quite similar to the gym Bakuto figured he might be able to run into a ground type to add to his team similar to those he battle against recently. If not find other pokemon that he could add to his team.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah looked pensively towards Regan. Was it always that larger than average pokemon were bolder? It would be an interesting topic as well.
She nodded briefly when Regan said where the clue would be, luckily it wasn't that far.
She smiled when Regan talked about Kawaken. "Too bad there aren't that many large bodies of water around here," she remarked.

Gira nodded "We'll be right behind you." she said. She glanced back to see if Sarah and Regan were still following and saw Rapier take off to the next part. Gira picked up some speed and followed the flying-type pokemon. "Oh wow, that is quite a trail. Hopefully, it's the right one."

Sarah watched Regan climb the hill. The Ranger was obviously in better shape than Sarah. Sarah followed suit but slower. Slightly panting she made it to the top of the small hill and looked down to where Rapier was perched, thankfully Regan spotted Rapier first so Sarah just had to follow Regan's gaze. From where she was standing she could see the trench. "That looks promising," she said. "I'd have to look closer but it definitely looks like a trail a very big Onix could make."

Sarah walked down the hill again and went to the boulder. "Thank you," she said to Rapier before she kneeled to take a closer look to the very clear marking in the ground. Her eyes darted up and down the trail. "I don't think it is very fresh but at least it gives us the direction. Since the body of the Onix narrows at the end you can see which way they go." The trench the Onix had made lead towards an area with lots of pits and caves. The caverns were ideal hiding places but one could get lost in them. Sarah stood up and made a couple of photographs of the trail and made some quick notes about measurements. "Hope you brought a flashlight," Sarah said. "It could be we'd have to look in one of the caves." She hoped not but it was a possibility.

Sarah noticed the Shuckle and pointed them out to Regan. "Look, Shuckle picking berries." She took her pokedex and registered the Shuckle. she would love to follow them to see where they were going but she didn't want to sidetrack from her current assignment and keep Regan longer than needed.

The path they would have to follow was slightly rising. Sarah was sure she would feel it in her legs the next day. Gira started walking alongside the trail. "Be careful, there can be some dangerous spots with half-concealed pits and some unknown cave entrances," Sarah warned Regan, even though she felt that the Ranger probably knew better than her.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Thomas listened the the trainer, smiling at his well-deserved pride for winning the badge, and nodding when he explained in more detail what he had learned. He had heard similar stories before, but he had also seen trainers who didn't begin soon enough building a team suitable for the League. It was good to hear this trainer wouldn't fall into that trap.
"It sounds you will do well in the League," he said. "There are plenty of League-appropriate Pokémon to find, I'm sure you'll find one to your liking."
When he noticed Nurse Joy put some Pokéballs on the counter and look in their direction, he brought to the counter with a couple of sideway nods with his head. "I think your Pokémon are ready."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Location Pokémon Center
Interaction: Old man Thomas@Calle

Listening to Thomas as Bakuto was also waiting for his Pokémon to get finish getting healed up. He knew what Thomas said was true, he knew he would find a Pokémon that he would like. When he hears Thomas say something about his Pokémon are ready. Bakuto was surprised they were ready so quickly.

He gets up and looks at the pokeballs, he didn't have too wait long until one of the balls opened up and Absol comes right out. Having enough with being held in its pokeball. Now being fully healed wanted to walk around on its own. Bakuto says, "Looks like you are right they are ready." Bakuto walks up and says to his own pokemon, "Couldn't wait for me to call you out again Absol?" Absol responds by saying its name. Bakuto then quickly puts the other pokeballs and Absol's onto his belt. He then grabs an empty ball then says to Absol, "How you feel about getting going out there and seeing if we cant get another Pokémon to join our team finally?" Once again Absol says its name then nods its head in approval.

Bakuto then turns back to the old man then says, "Well, looks like I am ready to head out. Absol is ready to go, and I should head out before Absol decides to start going without me..." Absol turned and walked out the doors. One could swear if it could it would have smiled at the comment of Bakuto saying it that it would have started out without Absol. Bakuto quickly goes to keep up with his pokemon then starts telling his pokemon where he wanted to head to the rocky areas. To begin his search and start his training for his next gym battle.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Yeah. I feel kind of like I'm teasing him, with all this water around, but none for him. Lots of salt water on this trip. It'd be nice to run into Umi, actually." Regan watched Sarah climb up behind her, watching for her to lose her balance or something.

"Yes, it's a trail alright. I've seen an Onix or two before, so I knew what to look for." Rapier looked down the trail, unsure of which direction to go from here. The trail disappeared at either end, too. "I just hope this is enough."

"Something big and heavy definitely came through here. Is it big enough? I don't think I've seen an Onix in person before, just pictures." She followed the student down from the hill, into the trail. "Big enough to walk in. It'd be helpful if I knew more about them..." She stood in the dug-out path, thoughtful for a moment before looking closer at the ground beneath her feet. Because the shape tapered down, huh? "Yeah, you're right. It's going... That way?" She had to look at the trail a few times to really get a sense for it, before picking a direction. Sarah seemed to have gotten the same reading from the trail, so things looked good.

"Shuckle?" Regan looked back for direction, before scanning for the Pokemon in question. "Oh, yeah. Gathering their berries. Cute things, aren't they? But, we can't get side tracked yet. I think I've got..." Regan searched her pockets before producing both a lantern and a flashlight, "ah. We'll split the equipment. Which would you prefer?" As they walked, Regan would let the student inspect the items. The LED flashlight had different settings it cycled through. There was a narrow inspection beam, a broader area beam, and the first setting in the cycle was both together. The lantern had a top, middle, and bottom row of 3 LED units. The lantern had three buttons, one for each row. Each row had two settings, all on and forward only on.

The student warned her about the ground being unstable. The Ranger thought about it for a moment, considering what she's learned about their mark. "Are there a lot of other burrowing Pokemon around here? That would certainly make the ground a bit-" she stopped when she felt her body drop about 5 centimeters. The ground around her foot had caved in. There was more to go, she could feel it, but it hadn't given just yet. She had managed to catch herself on something going across, maybe a root. She couldn't tell, she just knew it might break. "Hey, Rapier." She slowly raised her arm. "Come pull on me. You don't have to lift me, just..." She looked back, sensing something amiss.

He wasn't there. He'd gone to track the Shuckle.

"He-..." She looked around, cautious of her movements, "Of all the times to disappear, duuuude! Come on! Uhg. Uh, alright. Well." She took a sharp breath as she felt something shift under her feet, having shifted her weight, "Sarah, any tricks up your sleeve? There's more to this hole and I'm not sure I can move any without falling the rest of the way in." Her breathing was yet very measured.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Sarah was glad Regan agreed with her on the direction. Made her feel more confident. Actively tracking down a pokemon wasn't something she had done before and other than knowing the theory she had no experience. Sarah nodded when Regan asked if the tracks were going that way. she was also right that they couldn't be sidetracked now. Clearly Regan could keep her focus on her priorities, a good quality in Sarah's opinion

Sarah inspected the two items Regan had as they walked on. Both the flashlight and the lantern seemed to be in good condition and working properly. she wasn't sure if she could handle the lantern so she settled for the flashlight. "The Flashlight, I can work better with a flashlight, thanks," she said. Sarah pressed the buttons to quickly examine the light the flashlight emitted before she cycled through the settings. She had no doubt the ranger had good equipment for all sorts of situations.

Sarah glanced towards Regan when she asked if there were a lot burrowing pokemon but before she could answer she saw Regan drop a bit. A warning died on her lips when Regan grabbed hold onto a root. When Regan called Rapier Sarah sighed with relief but when Regan said that Rapier wasn't there her eyes widened. "Yes, hold on," Sarah replied when Regan asked for her help. "Saur, come on out and wrap your vines around Regan. Keep her from falling, pull just enough to keep her from sinking further." Sarah's Bulbasaur came out of his pokeball and wrapped his vines around Regan and pulled hard enough so the weight was better distributed and Regan wouldn't fall deeper with the little support she had left, Gira walked back and was placed herself before Saur so she could keep him in place in case Regan would drop so Saur wouldn't get pulled in too. That would buy Sarah some time. She lacked the strenght to pull Regan out or even be a counter weight. She wasn't sure if Saur could hold on if the ground would gave away beneath Regan. Her fingers wrapped around Abra's pokeball. abra could teleport but the extra weight might be too much. But she had Saur to counter that. As long as Saur could keep the tension on vines and get some of the weight of the instable ground it should be ok. "Abra, teleport Regan to safety." Abra appeared and Telepoted himself to Regan, Abra had to focus before he could teleport himself and the Ranger next to Sarah again.
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