Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Suneli
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Suneli Currently Procrasinating: Procrasination

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aries was stunned into silence as the spider woman picked her up and hugged her. Wasn't she about to be eaten? She was confused as all hell and was still being hugged by the spider lady. Cute? That should mean she wasnt about to be eaten, just hugged to death. Although Aries was still a bit unnerved by her spider legs, she had relaxed a great amount in her embrace. She wasnt

As Ashwells grip loosened Aries moved to make herself more comfortable in her arms, but also to face outwards so she could talk to everyone else as she was held. Before she spoke again however she felt a hand petting her head and her expression changed to one of bliss. Who knew being pet was so nice?

She heard them mentioning where they came from and chipped in her previous location. "I was from Japan, I lived in Hakone." After listening to Lin talk for a bit longer, she was a bit conflicted. Wasn't this far too similar to those isekai novels for comfort? What if they were forced to fight the demon king or something. Then she looked down at her and Ashwells legs, maybe the demon king was a bit of a stretch.

Clearly, they were not in their previous bodies anymore. All she knew about her current one was that she had hard things attached to her head, she bad goat looking legs and alot of her body was fluffy. Seeing as how Ashwell had called her cute, she had to assume her appearance wasnt scary. Thinking about this she pat Ashwell to get her attention.

"Ne, what do I even look like here?" She tilted her head slightly, her curly white hair cascading down the other side. She hoped she wasnt a spider aswell - no offense to Ashwell - but she really wouldn't be able to deal with that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Being patted on the head like that was undeniably frustrating. Simply because I looked like a little girl didn't mean I was one! ... Or... okay, fine, I was, physically-speaking. But I still had the maturity of 32 years of life! I was an adult! ... And a man! ... Well... Fair enough, I wasn't right at this moment... I wasn't anymore... no-one here would know that I ever was... And I didn't know if I even felt comfortable trying to tell any of them. I didn't even know if it was a good idea for me to say my own original name!

I couldn't deny the fact that the idea of sticking together in a party sounded like a good one, especially given I felt about as helpless as humanly possible at the moment. Little girls, even those who are clearly not human, are not exactly known for being survival powerhouses. I couldn't help but acknowledge this fact as I shifted awkwardly where I stood, taking a deep breath.

... Why did the spider lady want to hug me?

No, no way.

"Yes, of course. I'll let a random strange I just met hug me. You always accept hugs from strangers," I said, dryly, my tone flat. I folded my arms, turning away with a small huff... only afterwards realizing how that sounded. Aaaah it was so childish...!

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ashewell continued to hug the sheep-like girl as she answered the... Doll girl? "Ahh, I suppose I could join you all. I'm a little lost here too." She seemed not to be too bothered with the situation altogether. Her thoughts then seemed to change to the sheep girl who mentioned being from Japan. "Ah! So was I! Though I was born and raised in Tokyo."

Then the girl asked what she looked like. Ashewell looked over her a bit and gave quizzical look. "Hmmm, well, you look a bit like the adopted sister of one of the heroines from Yuri Monmusu. So... A Sheep-Girl?" She said curiously. "You have ram horns and are fluffy so I guess so." The Drider smiled again, "Now, do you want a ride on my 'back'? You'll be the first rider~"

Ashewell didn't give the girl much of a chance to decline as she twisted her body around and set the girl on her back. "Now~" The Drider turned to the imp girl that technically agreed to a hug. "You won't regret it~" She continued as she scooped Ravy up in her arms and gave her a good tight hug. "Let your worries flow out." Her arms stroked the back of Ravy's head. "You're pretty cute too you know." Ashewell continued to tease.

As she held on to Ravy she looked to the rest of the party. "I don't mind being a bit of a carriage for those with shorter legs. If any of you have an idea of where to go, I'm all ears."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The overwhelming smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils as Ito slowly faded away into the darkness. As he laid there an overwhelming sense of guilt assaulted him, this couldn't be all his life had to offer. His life flashed before him as everything he had done had come back to haunt him; every little thing he had stolen, every person he had hurt by working for the Boss and it brought a tear to his eye. Surely his life had been more than that. So little good, so much time wasted. If only he had the chance to start again, he would do better. He would help more people give back more or something.

'But I'm dead….so much for that idea. Guess I'll just lay back and let the breeze take me away.'

Wait...breeze? One would think that drifting off to the next world wouldn't have a breeze? As he opened his eyes once again he was met with the sight of the ground coming to meet him at a speed that was a bit too fast for his liking. The sudden predicament he found himself in inspired an urgent sense of panic and all that he could do was open his mouth and let the terrified scream escape it. His eyes just happen to catch the sight of a group of people in the vicinity of his impact site and he figured they would be as good as any to call,


Ito was just shot and now he was going to turn into a mushy paste, seems like a cruel way to be brought back to life.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Hmm, sounds complicated." Lena replied to Lin. "But I get the gist of it. We died, and somehow got new bodies here! Simple enough." China, huh! And the sheep and spider were from Japan it sounded like. So a Russian, two Japanese, and A Chinese person walk into a new world. Sounded like the setup to a bad joke or cheap fantasy novel.

"Net." Lena replied to Ashewell. "I have two good legs of my own, so I'll walk! I couldn't sit still anyways!" The doll placed a hand on her hip, and pointed in a random direction. "Poshli, then friends! Onwards! Less talking and more moving ahead!" The doll began to move past the spider, continuing on her trek inwards towards the forest. The spider could be a nice addition, indeed! If she was like a spider, then she could likely make silk. String and thread of any kind would be a great addition to their survival. With her technical know how and that, she was almost certain their chances of survival had gone up sharply. They just needed to put it to practice.

"Hm?" She had only got a few more feet when an odd sound reached her ears. "Do I hear screaming?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Lin Quan

With Ashewell's cooperation settled for the moment, Lin nodded and, deciding that leaving the two children to be looked over by the relatively friendly drider was a good enough decision for the moment. If the worst that she did to the two was hug them, then that was acceptable; putting that aside, though, having someone else who could manage the heavy lifting alongside him would most certainly prove useful.

Vladlena's summary of the situation was also far more succinct than his, though a fair bit more blunt in phrasing. He couldn't deny, though, that this 'second chance' was something to make full use of. Whether or not that would mean that his new life would be more hellish, though, remained to be seen. With that said, though, the doll had a point; talking about such things would be much more efficient if they were searching for shelter and supplies in the interim.

Before the group could proceed too far into the forest, though, the sound of a rapidly approaching scream from the sky caused Lin to involuntarily glance upwards. Given how the rest of them had reached their destination now, that sound was most certainly an ill omen.

To some degree, he was right; given the rapidly approaching object falling towards them, there was no sense in letting the children witness a death by falling, and so Lin quickly shifted back into his dragon form and moved to catch whatever it was that was fast approaching the earth.

Of course, given that he didn't quite understand how to 'fly' yet (though the mechanics behind it were made clear in his mind), the best that he could do was use his antlers to break the fall and attempt to catch what was now apparently a green humanoid of some sort (a goblin?).

"Mmm... I certainly hope that nothing larger than you attempts to fall onto us," Lin remarked, barely failing to actually catch the creature before sighing changing back into his human form. "It seems like I remain the only one with the capability to catch someone without injury among this group..."

With that settled, Lin nodded and turned back towards Vladlena.

"We can begin exploring whenever; introductions can be handled as we search."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Suneli
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Suneli Currently Procrasinating: Procrasination

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aries turned to the Ashwell with a look of anticipation on her face. "Tokyo? Ash lived in Tokyo? Is it as amazing as people make it seem?" She had lived out in the country, so she had high expectations for the capital.

Hearing the Ashwell answer her previous question, Aries looked down at her body - already absorbed in her thoughts - as Ashwell effortlessly moved her onto her back a sheep-girl? Well, she couldn't really complain. A sheep-girl was better than something scary like a spider or a goblin.

She looked over at Lin, her eyes sparkling with and excitement deserving of a child who got told they can have cake for dessert. "Explore? Like an adventure! We're all gonna become adventurers like in those isekai novels, Ashie! Isn't that great?" She addressed Ashwell as she spoke, already seeing her as some kind of amazing person.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Perhaps I would have had a lot more to say about what was going on in another circumstance. I could have finally decided to reveal my origins, as I too once lived in Tokyo. I could have said something about the little green man who joined everyone else in falling from the sky. Yes, indeed, there are a long list of things I could have given a reaction to, I could have responded to. But, you see, there was something that made doing so quite a bit difficult.

I have a distinct feeling having your entire body lifted from the ground and your face pressed into a spider woman's chest would give anyone pause. I felt my cheeks burn hot, yelping in surprise as I felt myself completely lifted off the ground without any of my own volition. I hadn't been small enough for anyone to do this for many years, but this new body was quite, quite light and without any real ability to resist.

I wanted to protest, but the fact I was suddenly hugged and my face pressed into something quite soft caused anything I could say to come out as "Mmmm! Mmmf!"

My small legs kicked slightly, my tail swishing back and forth. I felt my cheeks growing hotter by the second. Certainly, I... well, I had been an adult in my previous life, but it's not as if anything quite prepared me for having my face shoved into a spider woman's cleavage.

This hug was not anywhere near as relaxing as the one giving it had intended.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Ah, another friend falls from the sky! Privet." Lena twirled, giving a friendly greeting and salute to the goblin before continuing on her path, walking alongside the river. "I'm no survivalist, but we should probably figure out some sort of...shelter first, yes?" Lena suggested, stopping at the edge of the river and pausing to think for a moment. Hmm, their best bet would probably be to find a cave or something similar. Something they could use temporarily to get their bearings. But at the same time, all of them doing that would be a waste of manpower. They should split up and try to focus on different things, but then, they had no way to get back into contact with the other, and one could easily get lost in a forest.

"Hmm..." Lena folded her arms, contemplating the options they had. "Okaaay, here's what we should probably do. Find some sorta shelter so we have some place to safely sleep," Walking around aimlessly would get them nowhere, and sitting still doing nothing was going to drive her crazy. If she could work with her hands at least, it would help her focus and think. "...while you all do that, I'm gonna make axe." With that, Lena began looking for suitable rocks to make the axe out of. It should be simple enough. A smooth, flat stone for sharpening and two rocks to make the head. A branch could easily be gotten, etc.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ashewell patted the imps head. "There, there. No need to be all tsun. One second please." She had a pretty good feeling of how to use her web from earlier... right? There was someone falling through the air so she shot some webbing between some trees to catch whatever or whoever it was falling at them. There was enough space where they should safely bungie down and not splatter. As soon as she was done, she turned her attention back to the imp. "With that over with..." She snuggled Ravy briefly before pulling her away.

The spider-woman sat Ravy behind the sheep girl so they could both get a free ride. "If you ever need a hug, don't be afraid to ask." She teased before changing her attention to the sheep. "Yes! Grand adventure! Though, I can't help but wonder if I'll have a hard problem adjusting to society in this world." She didn't ponder her situation long though. "Ahh! You can just think of me as Onee-Chan if you want!" Ashewell teased, though there were no complaints if they wanted to call her that.

"I'm very excited to see the rest of the world!" She said, looking around excitedly. "Let us go forward?" She asked? "Otherwise, I could figure out how you tick." She said, looking at the doll girl among them with an odd smile.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by manchild
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The one with that a large teal monkey falling from the sky

Falling from eight four floors high was taking longer than Shigeaki had expected. He could've sworn that his life already ended, but upon opening his eyes, what laid before him was a calming darkness void of any sound.

"I must've passed out from the fear." That was the only conclusion Shigeaki could end up. "Pathetic." He whispered to himself.

Closing his eyes, Shigeaki took a deep breath and calmly waited for the inevitable.


Moments had passed, but the inevitable never came. Instead, what followed was a burst of wind rushing at Shigeaki from below and warm bright lights that forcefully crept through the crevices of his closed eyelids.

Given the strange turn of events, it wasn't unlikely that curiosity had suddenly filled Shigeaki's mind. Succumbing to these thoughts, he couldn't help but take a glimpse of what was happening. Instead of the poorly lit, cigarette-scentes streets of downtown Tokyo, Shigeaki was surprised by the vivid blue sky, vast grasslands, mountain ranges, and great walled cities. Sadly, he had little time to appreciate these as he recalled the situation he was in: falling to his death.

The conviction he initially had to end his life had suddenly wavered. It was as if the scenery in front and around him brought life back to his will to live. Unfortunately, Shigeaki had no way of stopping his body from crashing to the ground, and to make matters worst, there were a group of "creatures" just below him.

Without much choice, he braced himself and roared loudly before instinctively crossing his arms across his face and his chest.

"Hey, move! Get out of the way!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Lin Quan

Seeing that Ashewell had promptly proven him wrong after his failure to catch the goblin, Lin couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. Hitting his antlers as the humanoid creature had, regardless of how light they were, would only serve to reduce the force of hitting the ground by so much. A pliable web, on the other hand...

Well, even putting aside how it had managed to reduce the remaining impact to almost nothing, the possibilities that stemmed from what may as well have been an inexhaustible supply of what might otherwise be categorized as 'magical silk' seemed to run wild within his mind. Ideas that he had never considered—nay, not even seen before—began to flood into his mind. It was not overwhelming, per se, but the dragon found it odd to have such things in his mind in the first place. That being said, the value of such knowledge was not lost upon him as the group began to move through the forest in turn.

By the time they had reached a river to work at, Lin had been given enough time to consider the possible routes that they could take. Logically, the question of if civilization existed or not within this new world was the largest of questions in mind, but the realization that the residents of this world might be hostile to them (especially the spider-girl, who seemed more monstrous than the rest of them) caused him to reconsider their priorities.

"Mmm... Shelter is a priority," he said as Lena announced her intentions to create an ax. Tools, of course, would get them a long way, but there was only so much exploration that their group could do in having to support two children.

"I wonder..."

Musing to himself, Lin began to experiment; given how his original form was a Eastern dragon, the possibility of flight while in this form was not entirely out of the question. Snaking through the air was obviously out of the question, though, and thus came attempts at other methods of flight from xianxia novels.

It took a few minutes thereafter for the dragon to learn that he could 'climb' the air as if walking up stairs, and it was at this point that he nodded before turning towards the people who had yet to move.

"I shall handle scouting the region from above. Can I request that the rest of you begin to form other things that may be useful for us in the near future? Baskets, traps, nets... Anything to catch, carry, or move food would allow us to get two birds with one stone," he asked, not waiting for a reply as he began to walk above the treeline. Step by step, Lin rose up into the air, slowly watching at the scenery around him was revealed.

"Mmm... I wonder how far this forest stretches for, anyhow. Logically, if there is a river, it leads to the ocean downstream and likely a mountain range upstream, right? But how far would those be from our current position...?"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The roaring sound of the wind passing his ears drowned out the sounds of his screaming as he knew that his life was coming to an end. The whipping and whistling kept him spinning and twirling during his decent as he tried pat himself down looking for something...anything to help him stop. During his decent his eye happened to catch the sight of a drag...A DRAGON!!! Well it just went from bad to worse. Where the expectation of teeth digging into flesh, however, there was some sort of spoken word and attempt to catch him...which failed. It did slow his fall enough for him to bounce off of some sort of net and lamd roughly onto some soft grass.

Rubbimg his backside from the rough landing he looked up to thank who ever just saved him.

"Ouch!...Hey thanks for the sa….WOAAHH!!"

The sight of a spider-woman frightened him as the sight of the dragon flew off into the distance only reinforced this dear. All he could do was keep his mouth wide open as what appeared to be some sort of doll thing hearded the group towards some sort of "adventure". What in the world did he get himself into?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jasmine Carson/Glaive

Eventually, Jasmine...nay Glaive, ran out of things to process, and had gotten herself back under control. Only to hear the sounds of two more people screaming as they fell from heaven. Guess it wasn't all at once people had been transported. Wait, that set her off into wondering if the situation was a repeating one, where people who died were sent to this realm? Maybe some sort of ongoing contract like in that one manga she'd glanced at once...? Eh, that sounded pretty sadistic, who would be cruel enough to drop a perfectly good...was it a piano that had killed her? The thought didn't thrill her.

But finally, she got composed again. Glaive mulled over the situation a few moments more, before realizing there was something strapped to her back, and more importantly, a bag at her side. Somehow, despite everything that had happened, she'd failed to notice them. Rising to her feet, and checking inside the bag, she found nothing useful. It was just a bag. A nice sachel she could probably use to store anything she found, but not magic. It was what she pulled off her back that left the Warforged frowning as best able. A lute, if she was right. A musical instrument. The irony wasn't lost on her, if she'd indeed died to a piano or something, to have a musical instrument. The thought she was some sort of specialized Envoy Warforged was becoming stronger, and as if to confirm, as she flexed her fingers of her left hand, a small item emerged from ah hidden slot, what looked like makeup of some kind. This elicited a soft groan.

"Oh great, I get to manifest as a robot, a probably warforged, but I don't get to be a speedy scout or a stronk titan. Instead I'm some kind of robot minstrel. I don't even think I know how to play!" Anything further of her groaning and whining ended up cut off, by the sounds of the people moving nearby, and louder screaming. Probably one of the others spooked whoever just landed. Might as well go find them, it sounded, as far as Glaive could tell, they were heading down stream, away from her. So with a sigh, the lute was placed back on her back, the bag readjusted, and the makeup item eventually was forced to return to inside her body. Maybe she could deploy a mirror or other tools from her body. Maybe a hidden compartment? Or perhaps any part of her body could manifest the items, it just depended on...oh never mind.

With another groan, and intenrally questioning the logic of everything, Glaive set off towards the sounds, and eventually, well after antics with the others had hopefully wrapped up, they'd hear the sound of branches moving, as the late to the party white haired Warforged caught up, emerging from behind a tree, but still keeping her distance. A hand was lifted to wave, one hand staying to grip at the strap of her bag, her lute swinging a tad as she came to a stop.

"Sup. Quick question, but is everyone else formerly human? Just wanna make sure my guess is right about what's going on." Her voice came out slightly distorted, which she'd already gotten to used to. Just imagine a Warforged talking, with the faint hint of an American accent. Just not strong enough to determine what part of the states she was from. "And uh, what's the plan if so, because I have no idea who brought us here." She sounded...a bit confident. If clearly also nervous.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Now you all have seemed to begin to settle, of course the question would lead to what you are going to do next. Where would you go? obviously you wouldn't be able to progress much if you just settled down in the location you were dropped down at. So of course the ascending skyward dragon would of loved to get a view of the map. That was to be expected after all. So heres what you see

Following the stream to the point it connects to the river you'd noticed that you would be closer to the shoreline then to the mountains. The trip to the shore would take at least a full days travel tops, but a trip to the mountains would be almost double that. You would also notice that the mountain range seemed to curl into a semi-circle obscuring what was behind it unless you soared even higher.

There would also be a village about a good 3 hour walk from your location. You could barely make out a large bonfire at the centre of the village and strange tribal markings. So the question was, where did you go now?

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So many people! It was enough to have a lively party, if they had any vodka.

"Privet, friend!" Lena greeted the warforged as she walked up, though didn't look away from her own activities, nor the spider addressing her. "Makes me tick? Hmm...Net." Lena replied with a light shake of her head, turning to the spider. "I seem to be an extremely well crafted mannequin...or doll? Of some sort." Humming a little tune, Lena found a few suitable rocks in the stream. Big enough to fit in her hand, and they seemed like they'd be good for making an axe head.

"I'll do a thorough inspection later when we're safer." The doll said in a fairly matter of fact tone. "Though I wouldn't be opposed to a bit of help, da." Having found the rocks, she began looking for fallen branches nearby the large trees as Lin ascended into the air. Hopefully he could see something, but she was fully ready for roughing it! Finding a good sized branch took a few minutes, after all, you couldn't use just any old one. It had to be suitably strong and at least reasonably fresh. "In the mean time though, you could lend me some thread so I can finish this axe."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Having my face and body pressed against a girl in dire need of more clothing was something that did very, very little to relax me at all. My cheeks were burning red as she held me close, my small legs still kicking slightly as my tail swished rapidly from side to side. Did she even care at all!? This was... way too much!

I was finally freed from my pillowy hell of embarrassment to be placed upon the spider woman's back. Well, abdomen, perhaps. It felt hard, and it was glossy. This was something I had never once even been slightly prepared for, if I was being honest, but then again this entire day so far had been time for new and oh so exciting experiences.

I found myself hugging myself slightly. Was this really how things were going to go from now on? Was this spider lady going to keep making me worry about being kidnapped?

I cast my eyes nervously about. There was what looked like a goblin, now. And a monkey man of some kind. And... some other woman... I shifted nervously. I wasn't sure exactly how I could even contribute to whatever plan we had... and then, to my surprise, I I discovered I had a bag with me this whole time.

It's what I thought, at least.

I swiftly opened it, hoping there was something useful inside... only to discover it was filled with identical outfits to the one I was wearing.

"... Ah, yes, that's just what I needed..." I commented with a sigh.

What exactly was I supposed to be doing here?

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ashewell scratched her chin at the Russian dolls reaction. That was a boring reaction. Well, she did say she needed help at least. "Well, if you needed help I wouldn't mind offering. You're not quite someone from Yuri Monmusu so this could be quite interesting. Thread? Quickly I shall." The Spider thought about how she did it earlier and.... Shot some out. It was a smaller thread than what she did with the web. It was a nice not sticky thread this time and shot in the doll's direction.

There was enough thread for what the doll needed and just a little bit more. She even seemed confused how she did it but seemed to give up wondering when she wave at the doll. "Well, later! I found something else very, very interesting." She had an obvious chance to hug the doll later anyway, so this was fine for now.

The Drider's eyes panned over to the girl that came out from behind a tree as she ignored the roaring. "Oh my! New to-- Err.. Friends, all day! A number of them cuties!" With the Imp and Sheep on her abdomen still, she walked over to this new girl at a brisk pace. "Hello friend!" Ashewell said. She seemed a bit shocked though. "Hmm, wait a minute." She looked over this girl with a lute for a minute. "Well... You look... Weird...ly familiar. An android? From a game?"

She walked around examining this girl. "Hmmm..." She started poke different parts of the Warforged's body. Arms, face, legs... Butt. "Hmmm. Interesting." She then took a grab at the girl's arm. Soft... But there was something metallic perhaps? "Yes, Android indeed I believe! How odd! How wonderful!" She said before putting her arms around this new girl and giving her a hug much similar to the others, though her face was a bit closer to Ashewell's face. She couldn't help but rub her face against this Android girl's. She finished rubbing her face against the Warforged and relaxed her grip enough so the woman could escape if she wanted. "Sorry, you might be a little big for my abdomen at the moment."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Lin Quan

With his hands in his sleeves, Lin calmly surveyed his surroundings, taking note of the landmarks and their positions relative to those landmarks. As far as assumptions went, being dropped where they had been was more of a boon than anything. The problem now, though, was deciding a line of action.

Having committed all of the necessary information to memory (including the odd town), the dragon simply descended from where he was, as if riding a platform unto the earth, before moving over to those gathered.

"...Hm. It seems our party has grown," he mentioned before the sound of screaming above caused him to turn and look. Given the apparent size of this unfortunate soul, though, Lin made the rational decision to simply move away from the possible blast zone. There was no way he would be able to catch someone of that magnitude, after all.

"In any case," he began, taking a seat next to the doll as he waved the others over, "our position is surprisingly useful, though I would like to consult you for our plan of action."

Taking a few stones from around the bank, the dragon began to set up a relative diagram of their position and, having found a stick lying around, began to point to each in turn.

"As it stands, we are here. There is a larger river nearby, which connects to a mountain range upstream and the ocean downstream. The distance to said mountain is absolutely something to be done over multiple days, while we could reach the beach within a day's time by foot—less, maybe, if we were to use a vessel and move downstream in that. There is also a village around this far from us, definitely within walking distance, but given how underdeveloped it seemed and its location in this forest, I am unsure if contacting them would be wise.

If we were to put it to a vote, though... I think I would abstain. The pros and cons of either location are at the point where I wouldn't mind traveling to whichever one you all would prefer."

After finishing his explanation, Lin simply sighed and shook his head. The matter of 'where to begin' and 'what equipment to pursue' was chief among his worries, and so he sat there mulling over the possible routes that could be taken if they chose one locale or the other.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Spasibo!" Lena called out after Ashwell as she handed her some fresh silk. She didn't know what the spider was talking about with the whole 'Yuri Monsumu' comment, but a person who lends someone something in a time of need can't possibly be a bad person. So for now, Lena was fine with the company of these others. She honestly wasn't sure about them being interesting as Ashewell implied - humans weren't interesting. Machinery and buildings were interesting.

People were...well, boring really. Imperfect and honestly not really pretty to look at for the most part. Thoughts aside - Lena turned her attention back to the wood and stone as Lin descended from his observational flight.

clack, crunch

She beat one of the stones against the other as Lin explained their surroundings, paying little attention to the falling gorilla man above. A larger river, of course. Could follow it, and lead them to civilization. A mountain far in the distance. Mountains were quite pretty. Indeed, she was already missing some of the beautiful unforgiving ones of Mother Russia. Shame, they were so beautiful, she doubted this land had any that could compare. That village seemed far more interesting though. They needed information, shelter, and other basic needs...otherwise things were going to get difficult.

"I see." Lena held the newly formed axe head in her hands. It wasn't perfect, and probably a little oversized, but she didn't quite have the luxury of time right now. "I say we head to the village, then." Grabbing a handful of water, she poured some on a decently sized, smooth rock she had pulled up out of the river and began sharpening it. "Finding our own shelter would be a gamble." Lena furrowed her brow as she glanced towards the stream.

"...hmm, perhaps we could split the party? Check out the village, another sees if they could find a decent cave. Meet back at the stream or river?"
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