Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Name: Negi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Saiyan


Personality: In childhood, Negi was a natural at playing the role of a high-born scion of Saiyan pride and blood. He scoffed at the weak, and viewed the strong as little more than just obstacles for him to eventually defeat. He was the very image of the arrogant Saiyan Elite. And perhaps, had things gone differently, he might have stayed that way. But things change people, and the years Negi was forced to spend away from his own kind and among people who were only superficially similar to himself changed the Saiyan somewhat. That sharp Saiyan pride of his dulled somewhat, and his instinct to fight had to be subdued and changed into an instinct for survival. Negi has become far more of a rational thinker than most would think his race capable of, willing to wait and think a problem through rather than charge in headlong. But that Saiyan pride of his has not died completely, and it can surface at times resulting in either positive or negative outcomes.

History: Negi was born on Planet Vegeta as the second son of Daikon, the Saiyan King. Negi's power level was high at birth, as expected of a Saiyan of his class, and he was quick to throw that power level around to establish his own dominance wherever he went. Negi grew up developing both a friendship and rivalry with his elder brother, Okura. The two Saiyan Princes were quick to start conquests of entire planets just for the sake of competing and one-upping each other, even if it was to the irritation of their father. Indeed, the brothers endured many a scolding from their father, who often had to forbid them from leaving the planet just to keep them in check and prevent any unnecessary wars with other races. But as the brothers grew into young men, it became impossible to keep them tethered to Planet Vegeta and they found themselves going missions of their own. Sometimes leading a team of warriors, while other times they flew solo. During these times, the brothers spent less time together and without even knowing began to drift apart.

Around five years ago, both Negi and Okura were on separate missions when they received word of the disaster. A huge meteor struck Planet Vegeta, destroying the planet and killing everyone who was not away on a mission at the time. This included their own father, which of course left the near-extinct Saiyan Race without King or any form of leadership. When both brothers arrived to investigate the remains of their home world, hostilities began to flare. Okura suddenly declared himself the new King and ordered all the other survivors to kill Negi, the only Saiyan he viewed as a threat to his claim of leadership. Battle ensued, with some Saiyans choosing to defend Negi while others chose to obey Okura's command. When it was over, Negi was forced to flee the remains of Planet Vegeta, without even being afforded a chance to see what fate befell those who had sided with him. After drifting through space, the exiled Prince's spacepod found itself on a crash course toward a remote, blue planet.

The pod crashed on the unknown planet, and Negi was quick to destroy the vehicle to prevent it from being traced to those coordinates. He then disabled the Scouter he wore, so that it too could not be traced. From there, the Saiyan prince had no choice but to look around and get the lay of the land. He was fortunate that his pod had crashed in a remote area, far from any civilization. But when Negi approached the nearest city he could find, he was surprised by what he found. The people on this planet all looked almost exactly like Saiyans! The only difference was their apparent lack of a tail and more variety of hair colors. All Negi needed to do was hide his tail and he could easily pass himself as one of these humans. And so that was what he did. He made sure to always wear clothes that made it easy for him hide his tail from view. He even forced himself to ignore his fighting instinct in order to keep his power level from rising too high to avoid anyone offworld from detecting him. During this time, Negi had learned that the city he came too was called East City, one of four major capitals that could be found in each cardinal direction, along with a fifth that could be found closer to the center. In order to feed himself, Negi needed to work and earn the planet's currency. At first he acted as a bouncer for a popular bar, his Saiyan strength allowing him to easily throw out anyone without breaking a sweat. But after a while, he started filling as the bartender from time to time.

As a bartender, Negi learned far more about the people of the planet than he originally intended. He wasn't sure why, but people had a strange tendency to vent or confide in bartenders on this planet. Without really wanting to, Negi ended up listening to a number of different people's stories and problems. Sometimes it was financial in nature, sometimes having to do with some relationship. They were an annoyance for Negi for the longest time, but he did eventually start warming up to listening to these people. At the very least, he no longer had the urge break their necks as soon as they started talking. On at least one occasion, the TV in the bar piped up and began showing an event called the Tenkaichi Budokai, referring to it as a tournament to discover who the strongest is. Negi wanted very much to compete, knowing full well he could probably win without breaking a sweat. But he fought the urge, and instead only watched the tournament unfold on the television screen. That tournament was held two years ago, and supposedly another one was coming up in the next year, but whatever plans Negi was making were about to be rudely interrupted when his past would come screaming back into the picture.


Raid Striker: A simple melee attack that opens with a powerful uppercut to send the opponent skyward, only for the user to appear above the target, grabbing them and then slamming them back down to ground again. It's used primarily to set things up for a follow up attack.

Thunder Stinger: The user uses his or her index and middle fingers to draw a horizontal line directly in front of them, leaving behind a straight line of Ki that suddenly explodes into shards that fly forward into their intended target like a volley of energy shrapnel.

Assault Raid: A melee rush that opens with charging downward into the target, followed by repeated punches sending them down even further. Especially devastating if the the target is sent into the ground mid rush.

Lightning Breaker: The user's aura of Ki takes the form of an electrified body for a short burst, during which they're melee strikes are electrified and made more powerful. Even when touched by an opponent, the electrification gives them a painful shock as a defense mechanism. Rapidly uses up Ki and is known to leave the user drained and vulnerable after it wears off.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by NylaofShadows
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Name Chayot
Age 23
Gender Female
Race Sayain

Personality Chayot is one of those silent but deadly types. She prefers to stay to herself and work alone. She usually has no expression on her face, even during that hardest of times, she is unphased. Some would see her as non caring or gloomy. Thruth is she does care about human and sayain life. When she does conversate, she speaks softly and in monotone. She absolutely hates sunlite, it merely irritates her.The way she carries herself in and out of battle, or in general is very un-feminine. It was very rare to see, but sometimes you could catch her out and about at night, gracefully, enjoying the nature around her.

History: Chayot was abandoned on planet Vegeta by her father, though she wasnt entirely alone, her sayain mother Raised her until she persished by a heart attack when Cayot was sevnteen. Since then she wanted to be like her father or even like her father, she wanted to be better than him actually. Cayot wanted to be the best sayain there was, a fresh new face for the sayain race. Ever since her mother passed, she put herself through years of rigourous training in preperstiin for her first goal in her endavours, winning the world tournament.

Gallick Gun
Eraser Beam
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Name: Po
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Race: Saiyan


Personality: Po has 4 major personality:

Po: A shy, but happy-go-lucky sort, that just wants to be friends with people. He is the weakest of the personalities, despite being the dominant one, and clearly resents this fact, looking up to Tah.
Tah: Tah is a confident, eager fighter, who takes over as soon as Po is in danger. Constantly throwing quips succeeding in annoying just about anyone that he fights, Tah is the Po's best friend.
Toh: Toh is a Po's gentle giant of a personality, in love with nature, but a pacifist at heart, Toh comes out when the moon is full and the blutz-waves are thick.
Es: Es is... We don't like to talk about Es. Cruel, sadistic, completely lacking any notions of mercy, Es is what happens when Po is in danger that Tah can't handle. When Es takes over, Po's power-level explodes to its peak. Whereas Tah fights with a modicum of skill and finesse, Es is a beast of pure aggression, he just rushes forward, relentlessly attacking, shrugging off damage, seemingly enjoying all pain, especially his own. Es is not allowed out under any circumstances, Toh and Tah see to that.
History: His earliest memories are of fire. Lots of fire, but the one he can remember most clearly was that pod opening and looking upon the face of the man he would call "Mother" He fell asleep and awoke later, in the presence of the woman. The woman explained who she was, a scientist by the name of Braddock and that they were on the planet of "Ry-Gal 7" a former member of the Tuffle Republic. She explained that she had previously created terraforming equipment to benefit her people, but they had gone to war with the Saiyans and when they went looking for allies, she had turned them down. Being a foremost scientist of her planet, she had been kidnapped and forced to teach the Tuffles how to build weapons to defend themselves, these weapons allowed the Tuffles to actually fight the bruteish Saiyans to a stand-still.

Although she had built it for them, she still did not like the Tuffles. The Saiyan leading the invasion, Prince Okura managed to break through the defenses of one of the cities and found Braddock. Before he could slaughter Braddock, he saw the weapons that she had created. Intregued by the fact that her last request was simply to make sure that the Tuffles paid for what they had made her do, he instead took Braddock as a servant and used her knowledge and technologies to overwhelm and destroy them. She had created an artificial moon for the assistance of developing oceans on new planets, but Okura used it for the purposes of calling on the Great Apes. After the conquest, he granted her a residence and laboratory on his newly conquered world. He left on an urgent errand to the homeworld and left her there. She had finished her daily exercises when she found the pod and awoke the boy. His arrival was quite the shock, why would the Saiyans have sent one of their battle-seeds to an already conquered planet?

She assumed it was an accident and built a training facility for the boy to learn how to fight, but noticed that he would keep changing throughout the day, different personalities, but took little notice of him. Okura returned after a few years and told her that he was now king and hunting for his young brother. He saw the child, so young, but well trained and decided to send him off to the planet Earth, as it was one of the few hospitable planets in that area of space. It would make for a good spot to launch some new world conquest campaigns from.

Po is now heading for Earth in his pod, ready conquer the planet in the name of his king.

Techniques -

Judgement Rain (Tah fires a large ki ball straight upwards, which splits into hundreds of smaller beams that seek their target.)
Great Rage (Toh blasts a large blue beam from his mouth.)
Sadistic Glee (Es' melee special attack. Grabbing his opponent by the leg or tail, he will proceed to spin them around his head before smashing them against the ground and wall a few times, before finally grabbing them in both hands and smashing their spine with his knee)
Overflowing Power (Beams of ki rush across his skin as he holds both hands above his head, the beams rush up his arms to his palms and a ball of ki forms, before bringing it down to his chest, holding it whilst he taunts his opponent. He then lets loose a beam of power to destroy his enemies.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Senseless Lurking in the Shadows

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Chev The Pecking Order

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Headhunter I AM A WARRIOR!!!

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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Name: Cheral Castella

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Cheral Castella could be described as cheerful and bright. Even if she faces setbacks she will try something again and again until she feels satisfied which adds a bit of a stubborn streak to the mix. She can be a bit scatterbrained however, which can lead her to forget things: like dates, eating, showering, etc. Despite this she is a hard worker and it is impossible not to notice her efforts.

Aside from her cheerful demeaner and attitude is a side she would rather not let people know, her fear of danger. If she thinks something, or someone is too dangerous she will avoid it like the plague. In order to overcome her fear of getting hurt she designed a power suit to wear which helps quite a bit. When she wears it she feels invincible, but if she starts to feel unsafe, she’ll quickly revert to a blubbering mess.

Cheral Castella began life as the energetic young heir to the Castella family, the head of the biggest Mafia in East City. Cheral had an interest in everything from mechanics to martial arts and her father gave her everything she wanted. He also paid for the best tutors available which included martial arts trainers.

It was soon discovered that she had a natural talent for Ki control and was soon flying around with ease at a young age, but soon after tragedy struck. Her martial arts teacher of the Crab style, got a little too ambitious in her training and in a sparring match broke her arm in his zeal. While martial arts had been all fun and games before, the realty of combat and pain left a deep impact on the young Cheral causing her to flinch from anything that could hurt her.

That marital artist trainer was never heard from again.

As she grew Cheral found herself gravitating toward mechanics and robotics, soon she had an entire lab to herself where she could tinker around with things. While not exactly a super genius, she was still quite an intelligent and hard worker and soon found herself working with a subsidiary of Capsule Corp, the foremost pioneer of the technological frontier. Before long she found herself working alongside scientists and engineers with dreams of taking humanity to new technological heights.

She had never completely lost her interest in martial arts and had kept up on her regular training but only spared with those she knew couldn’t hurt her. Annoyed by her trauma she used her connections with her work colleagues and her family to create her own power suit so she could fight again without worry. It took her a lot of train and error, plus a few 'volunteers', but she finally completed a usable prototype which she is currently refining and using for herself.

Thankfully she had managed to keep up normal marital arts training but now with the suit she is confident enough to spar with others and try more dangerous activities.

Voltage Palm – Combining her ki with an electric charge from her suit’s gloves, Cheral can fire a bolt of lightning from her palm up to a few meters away accurately. It is most effective when she can actually touch an opponent and can often stun or disorient an enemy with its high voltage. As it needs electricity to work she has to be careful it doesn’t drain her suit’s battery completely.

Fire Grenade – Gathering her ki up into a ball she can fire it like a projectile or lob it like a volley ball. The ki blast will explode in a fiery creshendo on impact with an object. She can also make it implode prematurely to cause a detonation in midair.

Iron Shell – Crossing her arms in front of her she can race her ki throughout her body to create a sort of barrier to strengthen her defense. The effect is greatly enhanced with her suit on.

Energy Blitz – A simple ki barrage with a very high volume of ki blasts. The sheer amount is designed to plow through an enemy’s defenses.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Genon
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Juze Ito
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human


Personality: Juze is fascinated by the stars, and even more so by the prospect of life beyond Earth. Once the Saiyans arrive, he will be ecstatic rather than worried, at least at first. He also learned the Falcon style primarily to protect himself. It was only at his master's insistence that he may end up fighting other superhuman martial artists--some who may be less than savory--that he regrettably decided to learn its more powerful (and dangerous) techniques. He tends to be obsessively neat and organized, and, while outgoing, tends to be careful, not liking to take risks.

Still, just because he doesn't like to take risks doesn't mean that he won't do so when necessary, and he's been known to help others in danger whenever he can. He's also notable for not keeping his martial arts as much of a secret as he probably should, as he uses them in his everyday life, be it flying to class when he's running late or making a nice campfire with his flame powers. If his master chose not to on the day he was almost kidnapped, why should he?

Juze can sometimes be a little prissy as well, due to his rich upbringing. His training with Master Wu largely conditioned this out of him, compared to his earlier days, and he tends to keep his discomfort to himself, but he's definitely not used to the horrors of battle. While Master Wu warned him about conflicts with other ki users, it certainly hasn't happened yet.

History: Juze was born into a family of prominent astronomers, and as a result, Juze grew up surrounded by scientific knowledge. Scientifically-literate at an earlier age than most, he often dreamed of the stars as a child. And he could afford to do so, as rich as his family was through his father's groundbreaking research.

It was a near-tragedy, however, that completely changed his trajectory in life. When he was 14, on the way home from a party late at night, a gang of kidnappers shoved him into a car at gunpoint, shoved a bag over his head, and drove off with him inside. Almost as soon as the car had taken off, however, it was stopped dead in its tracks, even as the tires squealed in protest to the driver still trying to floor the accelerator. Juze didn't know what was happening, but the kidnappers around him started screaming in panic and metal could be heard tearing. Gunshots were fired, the sounds of fighting were heard, and before he knew it, the bag was ripped off of his head.

A serious-faced old man was staring back at him, and the car around him was an absolute mess. The engine in front was smoking, the doors had been ripped clean off, and the kidnappers around him were either groaning in pain from their shattered bones or out cold.

From there, the expected happened. He was escorted back home, the police got involved, a news crew showed up at his house, and the old man was seen as a citywide hero for saving a child.

But Juze, after his shock faded, wanted something more from his savior. He wanted to learn how to do what the old man did that night, so that it could never happen again. The old man, who introduced himself as Master Wu Lin, agreed to teach him as a normal student at his dojo, though it was quite a trip to get there, being several miles outside of town, in the nearby mountains. His parents agreed that Master Wu would tutor Juze every summer between school years, and the training became a harsh, if regular, ritual of his life.

Every year, he would be driven up the mountain road to Wu's dojo, and he would tolerate the rustic conditions (he was a rich city kid, after all), while he learned the way of ki-infused martial arts. The stuff he learned was nothing short of fascinating. He learned to fly, lift trees and boulders over his head, sense the energy of nearby individuals, and learned Master Wu's specific style of martial arts: the Falcon school, a martial arts school that focused on harnessing one's own ki to release elemental-infused attacks. There were many directions a Falcon student could go into once they completed the general training, as the school opened up access to the Five Elements, or godai: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Void.

Now in college, Juze continues his training, but has much more to learn. But he would have never imagined that beings from the stars he cherished so much as a child would visit Earth during his lifetime, and wouldn't have dreamed he would need to punch them in the face!

--> Earth Shell: By using his ki to grab onto the dirt, stone, or metal round him, Juze can manipulate earth from the nearby ground into super-dense stone or metallic body armor capable of absorbing ki attacks by infusing the earth with his own energy. If he puts it on a striking surface such as his hands or feet, strikes do significantly more damage. Of course, the durability of the armor is limited by his own strength: Attacks from stronger beings will compromise its integrity, and it may even break it outright if they truly outclass him.
--> Flame Sphere: Juze can release a sphere of plasma-like ki-infused flame from his hand, which he can shoot at an opponent and detonate in a large explosion, or choose not to detonate it and strike the opponent with the mass of flame, setting them alight. Juze does not like to use this technique because of how dangerous it can be if mishandled. While Juze can put out the flame and end the technique if someone or something is caught in the crossfire, it's still risky.
--> Water Barrage: Juze can coalesce ambient water molecules into droplets (or generate water from his ki, though this takes significantly more energy to do), infuse them with his ki, and shoot it at the opponent in a barrage of ki projectiles.
--> Wind Rush: By harnessing the air around him (or even generating it from his ki, though this is taxing and rarely necessary), Juze can dramatically enhance his speed, soaring towards an enemy and usually unleashing a barrage of blows.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Idli
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human


Personality: Idli has a plethora of traits that she shouldn't. She's a brash young lady with a fiery temper and an enduring sense of determination. She's the kind of person that sticks to something with flesh and soul, which can cause her to go against the grain. Despite this, She's an inventive person who doesn't have any ill towards the people around her. She always shows great respect to people and isn't one to speak out of line, though she has no qualms with actions. She isn't against going behind other peoples backs and is given to relying on others for help.

Idli is the second daughter and fourth child of a proud master of martial arts. She, like all other members of the family, trained extensively in the studies and arts he taught. It was only when she grew to womanhood that her father revealed to her that he had been keeping techniques from her and her sisters. Their school only allowed the men to learn their most impressive techniques. In anger, she watched them study from hiding, teaching herself what her father had to offer, before running off to battle in the world martial arts tournament. When she got to the registry, she found she was a day late and with no money and no home to turn back to, she's drifter across the globe perfecting her fist and helping anyone she can along the way.

-Grasshopper: Idli's method of escape from a bad spot. She points her arms behind her and shoots out a blinding, powerful, short-ranged blast. It sends her flying in the other direction.

-Bone-breaking strike!: Years of breaking boards and stones pays off! Winding up a strong punch and focusing her ki and breath into a powerful strike! The punch is slow on the wind-up but fast coming out and can break bones if it connects. Leaves her wide open if it misses.

-Eyeblast: Two fast-firing blast from her eyes. Not a lot of damage but a little damage and some range.

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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Shoddy McCoy Salt Lord

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