![]() | Takai Shunsen 'Taki' 6'0" | 81kg | 27 Years | Heterosexual |
Takai Shunsen isn't an overly well-built fellow, only carrying enough muscle to withstand the necessary tasks he'd be assigned to as a combat operative. With lengthy brown hair, draping just below his neck and covering the majority of his forehead, Takai isn't one to present himself in a neat-and-tidy sense unless the situation called for it. Standing at 6'0", he holds a rather well-rounded height for his agility and requirements within his working field. He holds a hazel iris shade behind his occasionally tired-filled eyelids. What's more, Takai tends to follow inconsistencies in his facial presentation, sometimes brandishing a faint stubble, on the occasion with some styling to it, or simply reducing his skin to a clean-shaven smoothness to help represent his stability inside. On a less biological and human sense, Takai also has several smaller metallic frames built into his temple, holding in place his portable but reliable PHUD, or Personal Heads Up Display. Acting as a quick alternative to headgear-mounted visual setups, Takai takes full advantage of this during operational values, but it can equally be taken off to maintain the pure skin view. On top of that, his forearms use muscle reinforcement augmentations, instead of a full prosthetic replacement.
When it comes to his attire, on-duty Takai takes his outfitting into serious consideration. A balance of protection and mobility is key in his eyes, allowing for versatility in the streets of NeoTokyo and on the rooftops of skylines. His Combat Unit outfit is bred by the NSF for Raids and with combat situations entirely in mind. Offering moderate protection against ballistics and other small fragmentation pieces ensures Takai is well rounded for intense skirmishes if need be. For a less intensive roll, casual investigative attires are usually scattered across his wardrobe. Finally, his off-duty clothing is as ranged as it could be. A blend of modernised street clothes to the more smart casual can find its way onto his body with ease.
When it comes to his attire, on-duty Takai takes his outfitting into serious consideration. A balance of protection and mobility is key in his eyes, allowing for versatility in the streets of NeoTokyo and on the rooftops of skylines. His Combat Unit outfit is bred by the NSF for Raids and with combat situations entirely in mind. Offering moderate protection against ballistics and other small fragmentation pieces ensures Takai is well rounded for intense skirmishes if need be. For a less intensive roll, casual investigative attires are usually scattered across his wardrobe. Finally, his off-duty clothing is as ranged as it could be. A blend of modernised street clothes to the more smart casual can find its way onto his body with ease.
Letting someone out of his grasp is what Takai would describe as his worst fear. Whether that is losing a suspect he's been following, a loved one or a simple friend and comrade, losing those around him is the greatest pain. However, at the same time, the aggressive nature of the NeoToyko lifestyle has taught him to maintain a consistent set of confidence and determination around his goals, hoping to at least excel in his prime nature. On top of that, Takai has only recently come out of his shell for interactions outside of the workplace, with recent reforms to the NSF guiding him into trusting his comrades whenever he can. Whilst his unit is relatively managed well, Takai takes it upon himself to deal with some of the more theoretical parts of the job role, such as pen-pushing, whenever his comrades are struggling. It's a carried trait that has led on from his past years in investigation and interception of policing. Takai at least finds himself to be quite well managed on time, concerned with going off schedule and sometimes getting easily annoyed when things don't go the initial planned way. Despite this, Takai is proficient in his determination to improvise in deadly situations, attempting to keep a clear head to reduce the chances of losing it.
On the other hand, Takai isn't as unapproachable as one might expect. Sure, his stern work-face has given off impressions of aggressiveness, assertive dominance and perpetual obedience, but his real persona is quite the opposite. Takai does enjoy the life outside of his workplace, despite how corrupt and unfathomably immoral many of the establishments may turn out. With a slight hope to bring more people into his life after the loss of many more in the past, Takai's initiative rests in that of the friends he makes around him and their capabilities as people. Previously, Takai's kindness went on to simply being a lending ear for venting and aggression, however his attempted consulting nature has recently made a new arrival into his inviting charisma. Obviously, he isn't a perfect man when it comes to keeping the social situation going, and has trouble separating certain incriminating eras of his career from the reality of his homebound life. Even so, a natural sceptic at heart, Takai is prone to raise questions, even when those he works for may not advise him to. Results are like gold, of course.
On the other hand, Takai isn't as unapproachable as one might expect. Sure, his stern work-face has given off impressions of aggressiveness, assertive dominance and perpetual obedience, but his real persona is quite the opposite. Takai does enjoy the life outside of his workplace, despite how corrupt and unfathomably immoral many of the establishments may turn out. With a slight hope to bring more people into his life after the loss of many more in the past, Takai's initiative rests in that of the friends he makes around him and their capabilities as people. Previously, Takai's kindness went on to simply being a lending ear for venting and aggression, however his attempted consulting nature has recently made a new arrival into his inviting charisma. Obviously, he isn't a perfect man when it comes to keeping the social situation going, and has trouble separating certain incriminating eras of his career from the reality of his homebound life. Even so, a natural sceptic at heart, Takai is prone to raise questions, even when those he works for may not advise him to. Results are like gold, of course.
Investigative Combat Specialist - NSF
Previous Employment
Kyoto Police - Honshu Special Investigation Agency (H.S.I.A)
Kyoto Police - Honshu Special Investigation Agency (H.S.I.A)
Okinawa, being the smallest of the five main Japanese islands, was the birthplace of young Takai, where he was brought up by pure homeland parents under a rather strict and disciplined collective. A bloodline leaning back to the traditional values of the Imperial Regime, Takai grew up in vigilance and honesty, learning to value the community and nation he was bred from. At first, the themes of nationalism were all but clear to him, swiping him up in a tempting wave of family value. Moving through the years of youth was swift but it was no means easy. Every week his family would listen to stories told by Takai's own Grandfather and Great Grandfather, speaking of their time within the Imperial Japanese Air Force and Army during the Second World War. Both coming from officerhood, it seemed rather miraculous that both had survived, holding the contradictory belief of living to fight another day if the next day needed them more. Iwo Jima, Okinawa and the Battle of Midway were all from their fabulous tales, still making Takai ponder how none of them had been subjected to ritualistic suicides for their nation and Emperor. He speculated that they were either too important or perhaps just lucky, but the sceptical questioning was always there.
In fact, that was where Takai first developed his intrigue in questioning the legitimacy of ones stories. A thirst for knowledge drove the child to study well throughout his education, he began to expertise in a sort of questioning task of philosophy, finding it more fun to ask questions and to find answers. However, philosophy itself frustrated him dearly, and the fact that no definite answer could be found drove him to drop all interest and instead pursue the ideas of law and order. Partly influenced by his Dad's convincing, hoping to get some sort of success out of Takai himself, eventually he tried to find his way through the pen-pushing environment of the lawyer's firms. Yet despite this, something in his early childhood struck him with fear. It all happened in 2012. That singular nuclear warhead dropped onto Tokyo, the capital of his homeland, and decimated half of the capital he'd grown to idolise through stories of his elders. Splintering screams and the vast boom was heard all throughout Okinawa on the very day. The sirens and the shrieks of panicked mothers, worried more arsenals were going to drop on their heads plagued his nightmares and struck a nerve in the poor boy.
Immediately, he found it within himself to take up a fatherly legacy. There was no war to come forth, not yet, and so Tekai immediately switched gears in his childlike mind to be a police officer of sorts, hoping to serve against those who would root out to destroy the means of his own nation. Throughout his teenage years, he heard stories all about the construction of NeoTokyo. It sounded wonderful at first; a true comeback against a supposed Korean menace. As the years passed faster and faster, with technology rising even quicker than before, the overwhelming tales of brilliance started to flood through his school gates. As soon as he graduated, Tekai left to Kyoto after securing a place in the police academy nearby, spending the next few years of his life learning the trades of an officer within the law. And unexpectedly, this is where his ideals began to change.
He began to see the dangers. Nationalist tendencies began to fade from his very view as he found the damage it began to cause upon others who weren't well versed in their own nations supposed superiority. Once again, Takai found himself questioning and being as sceptical as he could be. Failing to meet eye to eye with several of his officers, many of which were thinking of joining a recently acclaimed Military Unit formed within the JSDF. Article 9 had been abolished, and so a new wave of military interest had surged throughout the nation. Many individuals were hopeful of the newfound rise to power the nation may go through, and yet Takai refused to find a reason to join up. Instead, as the numbers of his policing precinct began to shrink, the overload of work began to bury Takai, ruining his social life once more and restricting him to long nights away from home. A previous lover of his, short term of course, left his side due to the recent absurdity of his work hours, finding him to be only loyal to that of his badge. Within months of the breakup, Takai found himself searching for a job within the Honshu Special Investigation Agency, a blend of armed policing and inspector career paths. Soon enough, he fell in love with the job, and finally made the trip to the acclaimed NeoTokyo for his first ever assignment.
It was a blend of beauty and a shithole all in the same street. No matter where he looked, he was struck by the awe of the neon lights, beautiful smells and amazing sounds to go around, and yet at the same time he felt an edge of disgust seep into the conditions of the city's populace. Hundreds were somewhat struggling, particularly those who hadn't conformed to the new wave of nationalism, living out their days on the old-Tokyo town. Before being granted access into the newly established Exclusion Zone of the fateful day that shook his childhood, Takai underwent several augmentation surgeries to enhance his ability both as a detective and peacekeeping soldier, of sorts. These included the face mounts for his regularly attached PHUD, small cybernetic muscle relaxants and reinforcements to further amplify his ability and reflexes to a par level with most soldiers of the modern world. Eventually, he was stationed in several lookout posts just outside of the pockets of radiation, routing out information on local criminal groups and rumoured organisations of Korean Exiles keen on continuing a supposed fight that had never been started. Gunfights were regular and the toils of battle eventually wore him down. And just as things were about to settle, the Moderate Minister won the elections.
A failed coup later, the big news of the exiling of the Jinrai, an infamous military branch destined to raise the banner of the rising sun across their homeland, brought about a new employment opportunity. At first, Takai didn't actually choose the career path offered to him. Initially he dismissed the invitation into a newfound branch known as the NSF, but persistence from his recruiters eventually granted him consent into joining this somewhat shadowy protection force he was unaware of. Eventually, he discovered its connections to the Prime Minister, and soon learned about a war that was seemingly raging for the last few weeks before the NSF's initiation. Against the Jinrai, a potentially black and white engagement of violent politics was fought in the shadowy alleyways and abandoned rooftops of much of Tokyo. One year passed and Takai made himself a somewhat recognisable member, but not one of any famous standing point. Specialising more in investigation as well as participating in numerous failed and successful raids on the advanced Jinrai adversaries, he felt the stress of battle begin to rip and tear into his confidence again. And now? Well...now was a time for being sceptical, as always.
Okinawa, being the smallest of the five main Japanese islands, was the birthplace of young Takai, where he was brought up by pure homeland parents under a rather strict and disciplined collective. A bloodline leaning back to the traditional values of the Imperial Regime, Takai grew up in vigilance and honesty, learning to value the community and nation he was bred from. At first, the themes of nationalism were all but clear to him, swiping him up in a tempting wave of family value. Moving through the years of youth was swift but it was no means easy. Every week his family would listen to stories told by Takai's own Grandfather and Great Grandfather, speaking of their time within the Imperial Japanese Air Force and Army during the Second World War. Both coming from officerhood, it seemed rather miraculous that both had survived, holding the contradictory belief of living to fight another day if the next day needed them more. Iwo Jima, Okinawa and the Battle of Midway were all from their fabulous tales, still making Takai ponder how none of them had been subjected to ritualistic suicides for their nation and Emperor. He speculated that they were either too important or perhaps just lucky, but the sceptical questioning was always there.
In fact, that was where Takai first developed his intrigue in questioning the legitimacy of ones stories. A thirst for knowledge drove the child to study well throughout his education, he began to expertise in a sort of questioning task of philosophy, finding it more fun to ask questions and to find answers. However, philosophy itself frustrated him dearly, and the fact that no definite answer could be found drove him to drop all interest and instead pursue the ideas of law and order. Partly influenced by his Dad's convincing, hoping to get some sort of success out of Takai himself, eventually he tried to find his way through the pen-pushing environment of the lawyer's firms. Yet despite this, something in his early childhood struck him with fear. It all happened in 2012. That singular nuclear warhead dropped onto Tokyo, the capital of his homeland, and decimated half of the capital he'd grown to idolise through stories of his elders. Splintering screams and the vast boom was heard all throughout Okinawa on the very day. The sirens and the shrieks of panicked mothers, worried more arsenals were going to drop on their heads plagued his nightmares and struck a nerve in the poor boy.
Immediately, he found it within himself to take up a fatherly legacy. There was no war to come forth, not yet, and so Tekai immediately switched gears in his childlike mind to be a police officer of sorts, hoping to serve against those who would root out to destroy the means of his own nation. Throughout his teenage years, he heard stories all about the construction of NeoTokyo. It sounded wonderful at first; a true comeback against a supposed Korean menace. As the years passed faster and faster, with technology rising even quicker than before, the overwhelming tales of brilliance started to flood through his school gates. As soon as he graduated, Tekai left to Kyoto after securing a place in the police academy nearby, spending the next few years of his life learning the trades of an officer within the law. And unexpectedly, this is where his ideals began to change.
He began to see the dangers. Nationalist tendencies began to fade from his very view as he found the damage it began to cause upon others who weren't well versed in their own nations supposed superiority. Once again, Takai found himself questioning and being as sceptical as he could be. Failing to meet eye to eye with several of his officers, many of which were thinking of joining a recently acclaimed Military Unit formed within the JSDF. Article 9 had been abolished, and so a new wave of military interest had surged throughout the nation. Many individuals were hopeful of the newfound rise to power the nation may go through, and yet Takai refused to find a reason to join up. Instead, as the numbers of his policing precinct began to shrink, the overload of work began to bury Takai, ruining his social life once more and restricting him to long nights away from home. A previous lover of his, short term of course, left his side due to the recent absurdity of his work hours, finding him to be only loyal to that of his badge. Within months of the breakup, Takai found himself searching for a job within the Honshu Special Investigation Agency, a blend of armed policing and inspector career paths. Soon enough, he fell in love with the job, and finally made the trip to the acclaimed NeoTokyo for his first ever assignment.
It was a blend of beauty and a shithole all in the same street. No matter where he looked, he was struck by the awe of the neon lights, beautiful smells and amazing sounds to go around, and yet at the same time he felt an edge of disgust seep into the conditions of the city's populace. Hundreds were somewhat struggling, particularly those who hadn't conformed to the new wave of nationalism, living out their days on the old-Tokyo town. Before being granted access into the newly established Exclusion Zone of the fateful day that shook his childhood, Takai underwent several augmentation surgeries to enhance his ability both as a detective and peacekeeping soldier, of sorts. These included the face mounts for his regularly attached PHUD, small cybernetic muscle relaxants and reinforcements to further amplify his ability and reflexes to a par level with most soldiers of the modern world. Eventually, he was stationed in several lookout posts just outside of the pockets of radiation, routing out information on local criminal groups and rumoured organisations of Korean Exiles keen on continuing a supposed fight that had never been started. Gunfights were regular and the toils of battle eventually wore him down. And just as things were about to settle, the Moderate Minister won the elections.
A failed coup later, the big news of the exiling of the Jinrai, an infamous military branch destined to raise the banner of the rising sun across their homeland, brought about a new employment opportunity. At first, Takai didn't actually choose the career path offered to him. Initially he dismissed the invitation into a newfound branch known as the NSF, but persistence from his recruiters eventually granted him consent into joining this somewhat shadowy protection force he was unaware of. Eventually, he discovered its connections to the Prime Minister, and soon learned about a war that was seemingly raging for the last few weeks before the NSF's initiation. Against the Jinrai, a potentially black and white engagement of violent politics was fought in the shadowy alleyways and abandoned rooftops of much of Tokyo. One year passed and Takai made himself a somewhat recognisable member, but not one of any famous standing point. Specialising more in investigation as well as participating in numerous failed and successful raids on the advanced Jinrai adversaries, he felt the stress of battle begin to rip and tear into his confidence again. And now? Well...now was a time for being sceptical, as always.
Field and On-Duty
- Combat Unit of the NSF
- Personal Heads Up Display, tailored to his face mounts.
- Tactical Notations Pad
- NP-721-S Variant Sub-Carbine
- S-112 Handgun
- NSF Dataknife
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