Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago


OK, I'm looking at fandom and the headliner states that by the time Clone Wars occurred many Mandalorians rehabilitated and quit their warmongering ways.

However it's an AU and combat looks like it's going to be a central element of the story.

I don't have a question because I think the answer is Yes, there will be Mando combat. I think that with the government being directed by Mandalore, there would have to be heavy levels of politicking and security. I don't know.

As Apollo literally just mentioned, and I will quote his post for this
Fanon isn't considered a source for this.

So using the fandom as a source for your research is not a valid source, I can direct you towards wookiepedia, which is a wiki dedicated to Star Wars. Both Canon and Legends (which is where the canon for this rp draws from). Further, the opening post to this interest check does say that Mandalore is now ruled by Mandalore the Paladin, a distinct change from canon and Legends.

While Mandalore is not nessecarily warmongering, they are not the pacifists we previously saw. This meaning that if War comes, the Mandalorians will not hesitate to answer in kind.

With the Republic of Mandalore being an established entity, there will be chances to do politics and the like.

Just figured I would clear things up for you that Mandalore are not by any stretch the pacifists we saw around this time in canon.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Whirligig
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Now don't get me wrong guys, Jedi are very cool and all, but they're not robot-cowboy cool:

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@Whirligig I'm not a GM or anything, however, how does one Pilot a Tri-Fighter?. They are designed with an integrated Droid Brain, basically, they are a droid.

It also has no hyperdrive but that would be a secondary issue.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Whirligig
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@Whirligig I'm not a GM or anything, however, how does one Pilot a Tri-Fighter?. They are designed with an integrated Droid Brain, basically, they are a droid.

It also has no hyperdrive but that would be a secondary issue.

Ah, you're not wrong...let me just edit that out
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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<Snipped quote by Sep>

Ah, you're not wrong...let me just edit that out

You'll struggle to find a Separatist ship that needs a pilot below a shuttle that needs a pilot with the rare exception of a Belbullab-22 which if Grevious was at Coruscant and his guard was there, there is a chance you could have come across one.

They're even hyperdrive equipped for extra plot convenience!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

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@Whirligig Oh man! A cowboy droid, how'd you like to hang out with a Dark Grey force sensitive?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 31 min ago

Hmm... I haven't been in a SWRP like this in a long time. Nor have I been here in a long time. Would you say there might still be active Clone Military Units under the direction of certain Jedi at this point? I've got an old one I could bring in with some new additions.

I meant to respond to this last night but got distracted, but in short the answer is not just a yes, but a firm yes. Both the Mandalorian Republic and the Renkar Imperium utilize clone troopers to a large extent, with the former having provided shelter and new worlds for the Kaminoans and the latter discovering secret cloning facilities to use for their own nefarious ends. Not just that, but almost 30% of all Clone forces ended up within the Empire after the Clone Wars in order to continue fighting, while a majority went to the Mandalorian Republic to serve what is known as The Republic in Exile.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Whirligig
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@Sep Having a Separatist ship would be neat but just that, not at all essential for the character, as long as it's plausible a Belbullab-22 would fit the bill then. Failing that, I'll give him a random ship swiped of Coruscant

@Seirei No Hai That would be a STRONG yes! *Fist-bumps*
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

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@Alfhedil Alright. One more question, what's the status of the Kuat Shipyards? As in what allegiance?

My idea is having a unit of clones serving as an active battlegroup with their Jedi General, with a large percentage of them having survived due to them having been assigned near the border of the Unknown Regions.

Their Command Ship is somewhat of a prototype that would have come before the Imperial Super Star Destroyers had things gone as they would have in the main continuity. The "Verigator" Class Republic Battleship.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 31 min ago

@Shiny Keldeo I'll go through one by one to clarify things as best I can.

@Alfhedil Alright. One more question, what's the status of the Kuat Shipyards? As in what allegiance?

Kuat was sacked by the Republic in Exile when they refused to assist in resupplying the Open Circle Fleet. Their databases were looted and burned, the ring was broken and most of their ships that weren't outright destroyed were stolen by ARC troopers. The planet itself was later taken in by the Corellian Hegemony and the driveyards were somewhat restored, but the days of KDY dominating starship design are over and it will likely be decades before they can ever get back what they lost. This is actually one of the core reasons why the Mandalorian Republic isn't that popular with the other states.

My idea is having a unit of clones serving as an active battlegroup with their Jedi General, with a large percentage of them having survived due to them having been assigned near the border of the Unknown Regions.

This is fine, though I am wondering if you're detailing out your own independent organization or just a small group or what. In the case of the later I suppose would like to see them talked about a bit as an addendum to a character sheet, but in the former might see it preferable to make like a CS of sorts for the organization itself.

Their Command Ship is somewhat of a prototype that would have come before the Imperial Super Star Destroyers had things gone as they would have in the main continuity. The "Verigator" Class Republic Battleship.

We have already commented previously in regards to fanon, as most of the time it's a bit of a shitshoot on what does and doesn't work. A lot of fanon outright contradicts what is stated in Legends and Canon, or is just personal headcannon from various people that really just doesn't make a lot of sense. I prefer greatly to avoid such things.

Another thing entirely is the idea of allowing one player to have access to such a large vessel. While I am fairly flexible on things and don't mind each player having their own ship, I do have limits. Someone starting out with a dreadnought is pretty well beyond that, not going to lie. Even if it is for their own organization that had ties to the old republic.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

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Alright, here is what I've cobbled together so far for the CS. If anything is unclear or needs to be modified, please let me know!

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

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Alright, though I still have somewhat of an idea for it. Possibly not a game starter, but more of an end goal. Could have gotten designs for it from Kuat, and brought it to them as one of those "This could turn the tide" kind of macguffins. If not, I can leave that out altogether.

Anyways, I'm a guy who likes to use a lot of characters. Will likely make CS's for the major ones later down the line, but here's a short blurb of what I have in mind in that area:

- Jedi Master Kellyn Rolin
Kellyn was a Corellian born male who served in the Clone Wars as part of a small Jedi Strike Team (somewhat like the Shadows, but focused on the War Effort rather than Ancient Dark Artifacts and Relics) that was almost completely wiped out a few months into the war. He was then assigned to the 117th Attack Battalion as their Jedi General, a unit he continues to serve with to this day.

- Jedi Knight Teela Kamara
Teela was a Twilek Jedi and former Padawan to Kellyn Rolin. She was taken under his wing shortly before their eventual assignment to the 117th. Before the Fall of Coruscant, she underwent her trials to become a Knight of the Jedi Order. Following Knightfall, she and her Master, with their unit, regrouped with survivors and eventually joined those who took refuge on Mandalore. She eventually took on a Padawan of her own. She was trained in many of the skills her Master had been in his time as part of his squad.

- Jedi Padawan Ashira Kena
A Togruta female and Padawan Learner to Teela Kamara. She has not been with her master for very long, but in this era you learn quick or fall quicker.

- Senior Clone Commander CC-7501 "Bronze"
A survivor from the Clone Wars, he was and still serves as the commanding officer of the 117th Clone Battalion. A veteran of Geonosis, he's seasoned in the tactics of what was formerly the CIS and now the Empire. His preferred weapon of choice is the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon. As well, he's the head of a small strike team of his best men, nicknamed "Hailfire Squad".

- Admiral Edward Millon
Serving as a Naval Officer during the Clone Wars, Millon's Fleet was stationed along the edge of the Unknown Regions when Coruscant fell. At the discretion of the Jedi General he served alongside, his fleet known as the Excalibur Battlegroup linked up with surviving forces at Mandalore. They've served as a defensive force and offensive battle fleet since that time.

- 117th Attack Battalion
A holdout from the Clone Wars, this unit is made up of veterans of the War and fresh troopers created by the Kaminoans and other various cloning facilites at Mandalore's discretion.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Shiny Keldeo So the ideas are okay, but maybe to many at once? It would be better to start out with one or two characters with a medium amount of pull at best. Since we aren't playing to heavily on the galactic scale and most of the combat organization is left to the Mandalorians.

That's not to say you couldn't have a small faction but it would better to downplay it as background more than have all these characters in use.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Now I've made my character I'm just sitting waiting for the OOC to repost my sheet, find out if I'm accepted or denied, then cry profusely.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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@Sep Details still being worked on, but overall we all quite like the character!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

@Sep Details still being worked on, but overall we all quite like the character!

You're just planning to let me fall harder.

Make it all the more painful.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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@Whirligig Oh man, can he be a part of Gui's crew?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Hai @Ruby
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

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I'm waiting for the OOC before I submit anything.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Foundry
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Pending approval but I thought it would be best for others to see. If anyone is interested in potential connections between our characters, hit me up.


25 | Male | Chiss
Csilla | Force Sensitive | Grey Alignment

Physical Abilities:
Equipment & Personal Belongings:

The son of a deserter, Rhand grew up an orphan as one of the only Chiss in known space, accompanied only by his brother, Odran.

Mriqo'vhen'karik, known commonly as Ovhenk, was a military man by trade. A gifted pilot, and a servant of the Chiss Ascendancy, Ovhenk reared two children; Odran, and Rhand. After a dispute unknown to Rhand, Ovhenk fled Csilla, stealing a ship and venturing into Corellian space. Thus, Rhand never knew his home planet, with his family settling on the Outer Rim planet of Scarif. Being a Chiss, an unknown race to most, Rhand and his family were generally mistrusted, and his father struggled to find work; though he eventually was employed as a starpilot for the planet's militia.

Having never known his mother, and his father busy serving in the Clone Wars, Rhand relied primarily on Odran for care, with his elder brother somehow finding credits and food for the both of them. In the end, their father did not return from the Clone Wars, and the two boys were left to fend for themselves, with Odran aged 13, and Rhand 5. Odran quickly learned that crime was the only way to keep the two of them fed, stealing and swindling for credits. Rhand quickly followed in his footsteps, and the two would often pull cons together. Before long, they were unwelcome on Scarif.

Over the years, Rhand and Odran would skip from planet to planet, often as stowaways, usually fleeing from individuals they had stolen from or cheated. In the process of planet-hopping, the brothers crossed paths with a Bith engineer named F'taza in a spaceport on Onderon. They impressed F'taza with their cunning, and he took pity on them, offering them work in exchange for food and shelter. With that, the duo settled on Onderon, living in the back of a workshop, with Odran becoming F'taza's apprentice. Rhand, still only a boy of 10, learned the basics of engineering - but took much more of a shine to piloting, as he would often test-drive pods and speeders for F'taza.

At age 14, Rhand was visited by a Corellian agent, a friend of F'taza's, and was offered a place in the piloting academy on Corellia. Wishing to follow in his father's footsteps, he agreed, leaving behind Odran for the first time in years. Though an exceptionally talented pilot, Rhand struggled with discipline, often sneaking out to drink with other students, and arguing with his instructors. After graduating from the academy, Rhand was given a permenant starpilot role, and was given enough time to return to Onderon to visit his brother, who was now flourishing as an engineer under F'taza.

One year, when Rhand made his visit to Onderon, now aged 20, he could not find his brother, nor F'taza. After doing some digging, he learned of F'taza's death, with his brother now embroiled in cartel business. Despite orders to return to duty, Rhand made his way into Hutt space, where he sought out his brother. Eventually, Rhand found Odran on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Odran revealed his heavy debts to a Hutt named Ubban. Rationalizing that his brother had cared for him for so many years alone, Rhand demanded that half of Odran's debts be transferred to him, and so he too became involved in Hutt business.

For a while, Rhand tried to pay off the debt via his work under the Corellians, but Ubban was impatient. Rhand began to run smuggling jobs on the side, working with mercenaries and bounty hunters behind closed doors. Slowly, the debt was being paid. Aged 22, he was discovered by Corellian agents who declared him under arrest. Panicking, Rhand shot them both and fled Corellia, returning to Nar Shaddaa.

Having destroyed his career as a pilot, Rhand found himself without a job. Despite almost having paid Ubban off completely, Rhand resorted to taking a loan of his own, spending it on a busted-up old freighter that he bought from a Toydarian. With Odran, he patched the freighter up, and the two began to make smuggling runs. The next year or so of Rhand's life was one of debt, dogfights, smuggling and shooting - and yet, it was perhaps the happiest he had ever been. Although Odran had turned out to be somewhat of a sleazebag, he still cared deeply for Rhand, and the two would tour cantinas across the Outer Rim, playing pazaak, drinking and living like spacers, doing jobs for Ubban all-the-while. Whatever discipline was left in Rhand from flight academy was expunged, and he joined his brother in the sleazebaggery.

By 24, Rhand was within reaching distance of being debt-free. Eager to get Ubban off of his back, and hungry to make a profit of his own, he took on an important smuggling job for the Hutt, taking a large ammount of counterfeits to Karvoss II, a planet well within Corellian space. After landing in the space port, and setting the deal in motion, Rhand was clocked by a Corellian soldier who recognised him, due to his kind's rarity. A gunfight transpired, and Rhand was forced to flee, leaving behind his brother and the ship, and paying a trader off for passage out of Corellian space.

Wracked with guilt for leaving Odran, and wanted by both the Corellians and Ubban the Hutt, Rhand crumbled, landing himself in some backwater Cantina on some backwater planet. For several weeks he drowned his sorrows, before a lucky hand of pazaak put some credits back in his pocket. Lost, and unsure of where to head next, Rhand set out on his next journey.
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