
| {Full Name} |
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |
Yes. Vasani is currently unaligned, as she has received no training beyond how to hide her presence in the force. However, there is a strong taint of the dark side upon her soul.
| {Appearance} |

Vasani is a rather beautiful blue-skinned Togruta, standing at 5'4” tall with a rather distinct look about herself. The different coloring and white markings on her body sure to stand out and draw attention to the young girl. While having athletic and toned build, the girl has a body sure to attract attention. Something which Vasani often dresses to accentuate, wanting to look rather attractive. As afterall, that kind of attention helps with a popstar such as herself. A common trait of her casual outfits often includes a half-cape, and tight clothing to make it easier to move in. She typically favors darker colors, though the occasional lighter color to go with her skin tone is something she is known to enjoy every now and then. She also is often enough wearing a more minimalistic out if working out, or just hanging around at home or else wise in a casual, private setting. (See pictures for outfit)
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
- Nubia Star Drives Incorporated O-Type 001 “Orca”
- M31 Airspeeder
- Basic Commlink
- Reprogrammed IG-100 “IG”
- Various Outfits (Public Clothes, Costumes, Dresses, and Casual Outfits)
- Basic Datapad (Used as a journal)
- Hygiene Tools
- High Quality Holo Projector
| {Physical Abilities} |
- Self-Defense: As a result of being raised by a former Arc Trooper, Vasani was taught how to defend herself in melee. Her training is not on the scale of soldiers or jedi, Vasani is capable of handling herself in most situations. Her hand-to-hand style is the very basics of the style that the special operations (ARC Troopers and Clone Commandos) were taught.
- Tinkering/Mechanics: Throughout much of her life before she became famous, Vasani helped with maintenance around the ship due to her being small enough to crawl into hard to reach areas. From this, she has learned much about mechanics, and working with machines. She has since worked on improving these skills as it is something she found herself enjoying.
- Stamina: Due to the intense physical demands of concerts and practicing for her concerts, Vasani has quite good stamina.
- Piloting: Vasani fell in love with the ability to fly as a young girl after her small family stole a freighter to escape the ruins of Coruscant. Her adoptive father taught the young girl how to fly in small bursts, until over time the girl learned how to fly pretty much by herself. While her skill is not on par with those of more seasoned pilots, she can pilot a small freighter with decent skill. She has also since learned the basics of how to fly an airspeeder.
- Persuasion: Being a popstar, Vasani has learned how to use what she has available to assist in persuasions. This skill is something that helps in deception, as she has learned how to control her emotions and what she displays over the years to only show what she wants to show. She is also rather adept at helping influence the opinions of others, such as when she is trying to convince fans to participate in a charity event of hers.
- Agility/Flexibility: Vasani is extremely agile/flexible, due to her being a popstar. She is also quite fast in movement speed.
| {Force Abilities} |
- Force Capable, But Untrained
| {Limitations} |
- Strength: Vasani is not that physically strong, weaker than an average human male. As such she cannot lift objects that are very heavy, and in a close-quarters fight can’t do too much damage in maneuvers that come to pure strength.
- Close Quarters Combat: Vasani is not skilled in how to fight up close, both with her fists or melee weapons beyond self-defense. As such, she will find herself at a disadvantage in a close quarters fight with skilled combatants.
- Force Resistance: Vasani is not very experienced in the force, and as such is unable to resist the effects of a force user acting upon her.
- Dark-Side Influence: Due to her family heritage, the dark side is seeded within Vasani’s soul. Because of this, she can act out in rage rather easily in some cases and with a rather explosive anger. She is also susceptible to dark-side influences/corruption.
- Suppression: Vasani is unable to suppress or conceal her presence in the force, identifying herself to those who can sense it as a rather unskilled force-sensitive.
| {Personality} |
Vasani is typically seen as a rather friendly and open individual towards others. The girl being not overly afraid to wear her emotions on her sleeve. Keeping an air about herself that seemed to paint the picture of a young girl with little to care about, she typically tries to engage those she can in conversation to build a bond. At times, she even comes across as being rather flirtatious as needed, as she does find a bit of a thrill in flirting with others. Vasani also has a habit of being more than willing to help those that seem to be in need. Something that traces its way back to her heritage and where the girl started from. Whether it be in the form of finding them food, money, or simply stepping in to protect those in need she has no problem stepping in and doing what must be done. Sometimes, the girl even champions large-scaled charity initiatives to help others in the galaxy who have it less fortunate than her. Often seen on site helping those who need it. She also is a girl not afraid to speak of her mind, and has shown this by publicly speaking out against the crimes of the CIS and Grevious, as well as the harsh treatment of imperial citizens by the Empire.
What she does not show towards others, is that Vasani is a bit of a hurting soul. For every bit that she acts as a carefree and friendly persona, Vasani also has her own flaws hidden inside. She has a strong fear of abandonment, being left alone in the galaxy after her biological family was killed during the bombing of Coruscant. Despite being somebody who has seemingly the entire galaxy at her fingertips, Vasani has quite the inferiority complex. She believes that others are often better, more worthy than she is. She also is tormented by the memories of the bombed Coruscant. While she does not remember the event itself, she does remember the time spent on the ruins of the world. A memory which haunts her in the back of her mind at almost all times.
Towards those she is close with, Vasani is virtually the same as she appears to most others, with a few key things she allows those she is close to see. With those she is close with, Vasani will allow herself to confide some of those demons eating away inside, mainly about her issues with self-confidence. However, she is also more affectionate towards those she is close with, Although she is also more physical, in that with those she trusts Vasani will often give hugs, bump shoulders, or other small signs of affection. She also will show that she has one side of her that simply wants to be loved, and is often watching romantic holotapes in her spare time. As well as reading romance novels when otherwise unoccupied. In general, she allows those she is close with to see the more ‘normal’ side of the girl, as opposed to how she has to present herself on the larger scale.
What she does not show towards others, is that Vasani is a bit of a hurting soul. For every bit that she acts as a carefree and friendly persona, Vasani also has her own flaws hidden inside. She has a strong fear of abandonment, being left alone in the galaxy after her biological family was killed during the bombing of Coruscant. Despite being somebody who has seemingly the entire galaxy at her fingertips, Vasani has quite the inferiority complex. She believes that others are often better, more worthy than she is. She also is tormented by the memories of the bombed Coruscant. While she does not remember the event itself, she does remember the time spent on the ruins of the world. A memory which haunts her in the back of her mind at almost all times.
Towards those she is close with, Vasani is virtually the same as she appears to most others, with a few key things she allows those she is close to see. With those she is close with, Vasani will allow herself to confide some of those demons eating away inside, mainly about her issues with self-confidence. However, she is also more affectionate towards those she is close with, Although she is also more physical, in that with those she trusts Vasani will often give hugs, bump shoulders, or other small signs of affection. She also will show that she has one side of her that simply wants to be loved, and is often watching romantic holotapes in her spare time. As well as reading romance novels when otherwise unoccupied. In general, she allows those she is close with to see the more ‘normal’ side of the girl, as opposed to how she has to present herself on the larger scale.
| {Place of Origin} |
Vasani was born to a single father, and an unknown mother alongside her twin sister Talik. They were raised by their father, a simple contractor on Coruscant, and lived two years in the lower levels. Though when they were two, Coruscant was reduced to ruins by General Grievous, and her father passed in the attack. The two girls were later found by a Null ARC Trooper, Captain Ordo, and eventually found their way off that planet.
| {Background} |
Born to a single father in the lower levels of Coruscant, Vasani was born into what should not have been a prosperous life. Her father tried to raise the two girls to the best of his ability, differently than the environment he grew up in. Yet, some traditions he still saw passed down, as both his daughters received the black tattoos his family had borne since their ancient ancestors. Vasani’s mother was absent from her life as far as she could remember, although Vasani only has vague concepts of what life might have been like in the younger years. As the girl was only born two years before the Republic was shattered on the fateful day that General Grievous reduced the capital to nothing more than rubble and glass. Due to this Vasani and her twin, Talik, were left as orphans of war at the ripe old age of two years. The bombings has left the twins stuck within their apartment. Buried beneath an impossible amount of rubble for the two toddlers to have a hope of escaping. Scared and alone, only the sounds of the young twins crying carried softly out of the piles of rubble that created their tombs. The two were much too young to have any concept of how long they were under the rubble. Alone, hungry, thirsty, and scared. The two clung tightly to each other in that lonely darkness, desperately hoping for a savior to come to rescue them from their tomb.
Their saviour would eventually come for the two toddlers, as a harsh light suddenly burned its way into the darkness. The two girls cowered from this sudden burst of light, terrified of the unknown after the events that the two had already survived just to reach this point. However, when the world did not shake as if trying to throw them, nor the invisible fists slammed into them that had come so recently before the girls slowly moved towards the light. Only to immediately cower back at the sight of the large metal… thing towering over the hole that had been made in the rubble. Yet the thing would slowly crouch down and place its hands on either side of its head before lifting. Beneath the metal head, was a human who wore a kind expression as he holstered some kind of black object at his hip and held out a hand towards the two girls. ”Easy Adiik, I’m human. Not like those clankers.” He said in a soft tone, clearly trying to keep the two little girls calm. As Vasani’s younger sister, Talik, made the first move forward he gave a small smile towards her. ”Atta girl, lets get you out from under there.” The man said as she gently placed her small hand in his much larger, gauntleted one. Talik’s other hand stayed wrapped tightly around that of her twin, to ensure she was coming along right behind them. In Vasani’s free hand, a silver tube that would be easily recognizable to any who had once served alongside Jedi. A tube which had once belonged to their father from a time long ago. Soon enough, the man led the two girls out of that little tomb and out into the rubble that was once their home world.
After surviving five years on the surface of that hell, Captain Ordo and the two girls managed to get a ship off the wreckage of Coruscant. Granted, the ship originally belonged to a slaver coming for easy prey, but the Null had managed to ‘convince’ the man to give it over to them. At the point of a blaster. Nevertheless, the trio managed to get off the planet in their little freighter. From there, years were spent going about the galaxy as they learned that it was not quite the galaxy they once had remembered. During their adventures about the galaxy, Ordo had the two a bit about how to live in the galaxy. Seeing it as his job to care for these two girls, much in the way Kal Skirata had done for him and his brothers when they were young. During these times, Ordo had done a job for the Mandalorians with the repayment being the serum they had supposedly concocted to slow their aging. That way Ordo would have more time to spend with his girls, for he had officially adopted the young girls on their 10th birthday. It was a peaceful time for the small family, they hadn’t made it back to Mandalore to reunite with his family quite yet, as it always seemed that somebody else had something that needed help. Which regularly the Null would’ve ignored, but a young Vasani and Talik refused to accept. Thus, they were always stopping to go help out some group or another. Often times, they stopped by the ruins of Coruscant so they could help other unfortunate souls make it off the surface of the planet.
Over the years, the two siblings started to travel down very different paths despite their bond remaining strong. Talik, heading down a path that had her learning to fight more and more from her father than Vasani who learned just simple self defense. Instead, Vasani decided that she still would remain unmoved from the past she had survived and instead move towards the dream she had since she could remember. Spending most of her free time practicing her singing and dancing, Vasani had decided that she would do what all little girls dreamed of at some point; become a popstar. It took a few years, but eventually at the age of 15 she had been ‘discovered’ by one of the agencies looking for new talent to support in the galactic scene. Taking her under their wing, she received formal training in the skills she would need to succeed as well as setting up a record label for the young girl. Two years later, Vasani exploded onto the galactic scene, bearing the name ‘Shiri’ as her idol name. Her opening single rocketed towards the top of the charts, making a rather larger splash across the galaxy. From there, the girl’s fame skyrocketed practically overnight. She was suddenly in high demand, with many attempting to book the young popstar. Since then, Vasani shot to the top of the charts and consistently held onto the top spot though she often was rivaled by a droid rapper from the CIS space of all things. Her distinctive tone, and high-energy songs drew quite a following. Especially when considering how her music has a bit of a more adult tone.. Around her 20th birthday, Vasani received a gift from her twin in the form of a reprogrammed Magna Droid that would work as a personal guard. Along with this, her adoptive father gifted the girl with her own suit of Beskar’gam, which is alot lighter than most mandalorian armor sets would be. Although she doesn’t wear the armor much herself, keeps it on a display and takes excellent care of it. A reminder of the tradition she was raised under by her adoptive father. Since then, she then formed a small group of four other popstars to effectively work as a pop supergroup and continue to dominate the scene. All of these girls were doing well in their own rights, although Vasani was very much the headliner of the group. Although one of the more well known members of the group is a girl by the stage name of PAFF, an up and coming star hailing from Corellia who Vasani had scouted and recruited to help show her the ropes.
Vasani had also started using her position to try to help others wherever she could around the galaxy. Along with this, she became rather active in the galactic political community. Vasani’s views on Grievous and his CIS’ treatment of its own citizens as well as how they ended the Clone Wars became well known. The girl using the chances she got while funding and working at various charities around the galaxy to help those affected by the war to publicly denounce Grievous. One thing led into another, and eventually just after her 22nd birthday the girl’s ship was found adrift in interplanetary space. The young star simply went missing from the face of the galaxy, leaving many asking what had happened to her so suddenly.
Their saviour would eventually come for the two toddlers, as a harsh light suddenly burned its way into the darkness. The two girls cowered from this sudden burst of light, terrified of the unknown after the events that the two had already survived just to reach this point. However, when the world did not shake as if trying to throw them, nor the invisible fists slammed into them that had come so recently before the girls slowly moved towards the light. Only to immediately cower back at the sight of the large metal… thing towering over the hole that had been made in the rubble. Yet the thing would slowly crouch down and place its hands on either side of its head before lifting. Beneath the metal head, was a human who wore a kind expression as he holstered some kind of black object at his hip and held out a hand towards the two girls. ”Easy Adiik, I’m human. Not like those clankers.” He said in a soft tone, clearly trying to keep the two little girls calm. As Vasani’s younger sister, Talik, made the first move forward he gave a small smile towards her. ”Atta girl, lets get you out from under there.” The man said as she gently placed her small hand in his much larger, gauntleted one. Talik’s other hand stayed wrapped tightly around that of her twin, to ensure she was coming along right behind them. In Vasani’s free hand, a silver tube that would be easily recognizable to any who had once served alongside Jedi. A tube which had once belonged to their father from a time long ago. Soon enough, the man led the two girls out of that little tomb and out into the rubble that was once their home world.
After surviving five years on the surface of that hell, Captain Ordo and the two girls managed to get a ship off the wreckage of Coruscant. Granted, the ship originally belonged to a slaver coming for easy prey, but the Null had managed to ‘convince’ the man to give it over to them. At the point of a blaster. Nevertheless, the trio managed to get off the planet in their little freighter. From there, years were spent going about the galaxy as they learned that it was not quite the galaxy they once had remembered. During their adventures about the galaxy, Ordo had the two a bit about how to live in the galaxy. Seeing it as his job to care for these two girls, much in the way Kal Skirata had done for him and his brothers when they were young. During these times, Ordo had done a job for the Mandalorians with the repayment being the serum they had supposedly concocted to slow their aging. That way Ordo would have more time to spend with his girls, for he had officially adopted the young girls on their 10th birthday. It was a peaceful time for the small family, they hadn’t made it back to Mandalore to reunite with his family quite yet, as it always seemed that somebody else had something that needed help. Which regularly the Null would’ve ignored, but a young Vasani and Talik refused to accept. Thus, they were always stopping to go help out some group or another. Often times, they stopped by the ruins of Coruscant so they could help other unfortunate souls make it off the surface of the planet.
Over the years, the two siblings started to travel down very different paths despite their bond remaining strong. Talik, heading down a path that had her learning to fight more and more from her father than Vasani who learned just simple self defense. Instead, Vasani decided that she still would remain unmoved from the past she had survived and instead move towards the dream she had since she could remember. Spending most of her free time practicing her singing and dancing, Vasani had decided that she would do what all little girls dreamed of at some point; become a popstar. It took a few years, but eventually at the age of 15 she had been ‘discovered’ by one of the agencies looking for new talent to support in the galactic scene. Taking her under their wing, she received formal training in the skills she would need to succeed as well as setting up a record label for the young girl. Two years later, Vasani exploded onto the galactic scene, bearing the name ‘Shiri’ as her idol name. Her opening single rocketed towards the top of the charts, making a rather larger splash across the galaxy. From there, the girl’s fame skyrocketed practically overnight. She was suddenly in high demand, with many attempting to book the young popstar. Since then, Vasani shot to the top of the charts and consistently held onto the top spot though she often was rivaled by a droid rapper from the CIS space of all things. Her distinctive tone, and high-energy songs drew quite a following. Especially when considering how her music has a bit of a more adult tone.
Her music is similar to Britney Spears.
Vasani had also started using her position to try to help others wherever she could around the galaxy. Along with this, she became rather active in the galactic political community. Vasani’s views on Grievous and his CIS’ treatment of its own citizens as well as how they ended the Clone Wars became well known. The girl using the chances she got while funding and working at various charities around the galaxy to help those affected by the war to publicly denounce Grievous. One thing led into another, and eventually just after her 22nd birthday the girl’s ship was found adrift in interplanetary space. The young star simply went missing from the face of the galaxy, leaving many asking what had happened to her so suddenly.