Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 34 min ago

Time: Noon
Location: Outside of Malthemoor, Daka Island
Interaction with: Myra @13org and Artemis @Potter

"I almost forgot how fast she is." Darius commented as the demon dashed past him. Myra's speed invigorated him to pick up the pace, but the snow made that into a bit of a struggle. Still, the determined human charged through the snow. "Fuck this snow!" Darius grunted as he thrust his hand out and shot a column of water to part the snow and create a path ahead of him. "Ha!" Darius moved forward at a faster pace without the snow limiting his movement as much.

Moments after Myra reached the bound woman, Darius burst on the scene with an ungraceful skid. His eyes went to Myra and then to the woman bound and muzzled. The human woman?

Darius' eyes widened as he looked upon the sorry state of her. As her eyes met him he could tell she'd been crying. Crying for a long time. Then there were the bruises. Anger swelled up in him, but there was also a bit of relief. He had found one… Another human. Darius quickly moved towards fhe the woman who jumped at his sudden movement.

"It's okay. I'm here to help you. My name's Darius and I'm just like you." Darius assured as he made his movements slower and undid her her muzzle. "There. Hey Myra, can you get her cuffs?" Darius asked as pulled on the metal cuffs. He moved to face the woman, now with a friendly smile. "Got a name?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Time: Late Morning / Noon
Location: Roshimi City
Interaction: @Tae @helo

Belladonna listened to Torvi speak and waited patiently for her questions to finish. Once they had, she replied smoothly and without missing a beat. It was a convincing enough lie, though it remained partially true. "I don't know if the perpetrators have been caught yet. I guess we'll see in a few days," Belle didn't glance at Elle as she spoke, not wanting to raise suspicion. "If they are caught, may there be Mercy on their soul." Belle replied smoothly and forced herself to appear empathetic towards the rebels. Her curiosity was gnawing at her - was this woman human as well? Her thoughts ended though as the fairy began to speak. Belle's curiosity began to simmer into amusement.

She started to chuckle as he spoke and downed the rest of her glass. She folded her hands neatly on the table as he continue his tirade while watching him. How his snark and humor reminded her of her younger self. She would have to tap into that side. Like a snake, she was trying to shed that skin, but it would prove useful. The urge to not ask if he had another peach was beginning to eat away at her. She was dying to eat something soon. Elleta stood up and patted her shoulder to order food so Belle wouldn't have to stumble over it and possibly reveal herself.

While she understood, Bella hadn't wanted to give out their names until she felt they could establish a connection or become allies. Belle chuckled when he asked if anyone had died. She knew Morgayne and Regulus had put their necks on the line but were able to take care of themselves. Her concern was palpable; yet she knew she had to avoid them for the time being. Baraian, Kuroi and Ilan had also escaped though she didn't know where they had gone. Finally, when Bowyn finished spouting off and introducing his bird, Bella set the glass down and turned to face him. She nodded kindly to the bird - Boreas, after Bowyn introduced himself. She was quite curious to learn more regarding him, but she would have to hold back for now. How she envied that bird - its life must have been so simple.

He chewed obnoxiously, much like a child; with hopes they'd be disgusted and leave. Belle appeared unfazed and rather bored with the conversation. She was used to rude and obnoxious people, but she despised them. She had to set her hands in her lap in order to dig her nails into them as not to snatch the peach out of his hand and toss it away. What a waste of a perfect peach. As she studied him, she could see a noticeable difference between forest fairies and winter ones. She wasn't quite sure if he was, though his attitude fit a winter fairy. Either way, she'd play on that. She then let out a deep sigh and addressed him further. She didn't see a peach on the menu and wondered if he had bought or stolen it.

"Well Bowyn, or should I say Frosty?" She guessed he wouldn't understand the reference, but maybe she would be surprised. "And no, nobody has died yet as far as I know, though the day is still young. Maybe we should head to the graveyard and begin digging their graves and beat them to it?" Belle took a deep breath and remained calm - almost too calm. Her poker face had been one of her best asset while being in the gang and appearing innocent in school.

"I appreciate you saving me the time and energy of asking your name. Although, it is not as if you bothered to ask either; so much for mannerism for us both, huh? It's interesting, because you could have instead asked why we sat down here. It would have been nice for us to get off to a better start." Belle paused long enough to refill her glass and drink another round of mead, then continued.

"And, by the way, you remind me of a child with your antics. I sure do hope you have some maturity in you, Bowyn. This looming war with humans arriving is going to affect us all in some way or another. Your behavior doesn't faze me enough to leave; I am quite entertained by it, to be honest."

Belle paused for a moment and glanced at Torvi kindly, then back to Bowyn. She didn't want to bite too hard but she wasn't going to back down as well. She did not want to appear as if she couldn't handle herself. Belle then sweetened her expression and tone, though it remained low.

"Do you think you can tone it down yet, so we can have a more civil conversation? It would be much simpler than bickering, I don't quite care for it. Simply put, I am here to make friends." Belle then glanced over upon finishing to find Elleta bringing a plate of food. Belle stared at it, baffled, then began to nibble on a few of the native berries. She wrinkled her nose at first, then began to asses which ones were sour. Once she discovered it, she began to chew on those. While she began picking at the food, she began to embrace her old nickname and self. As hard as it was to bite her tongue and not snap back, she rather enjoyed the old comfort of her previous life and persona.

"By the way, you can call me Little Blue."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Roshmi Baelde's

Kyran gritted his teeth in fury as he listened about Elthrael touching her; he wanted to kill him before but this just solidified his reasoning. Hurting his best friend and the person he cared for the most was the last straw, she was so innocent and to do this to someone like Risa just showed how much of a selfish evil prick Elthrael was. He knew nothing good could come from Elthrael. That stupid insect would pay if he ever saw him again. Risa did not deserve any pain. He rubbed her back while she ate before agreeing with Elsea, "He's scum, Risa. Forget about him. That's why he always wants to try to get to me, he wants to get to you. I bet you he couldn't care less about you, on that matter what did he do to you? I know you may not want to talk about it but as your best friend, I'd like you to confide in me. I care about you Risa and know well enough you are selfless to the point you would sacrifice yourself or emotions."

Kyran pulled her closer to lean on him. "We are here for you, but I'd like you to tell us fully what went on with him this morning?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The food being delivered felt like the wrong moment in time, Dionaea nodded in thanks to the young waitress but she felt the tension at the table was unbearable. War was something you didn't just wriggle in someone's face like a worm. People's lives were at stakes. Her own flesh and blood had been murdered, left unrecognizable! She would never hear their voice again, she would never hear their laugh again- those things were just now a memory that she prayed to the Gods would not fade.

"My family is important to me, but I do not wish to intertwine the lives of many for them." the statement was bitter coming from her own mouth, the acidic and spiciness of her own meal fighting against her. "And Elsea is very right, they know exactly what they are doing. We would be foolish or perhaps insane not to think just that." she nodded, the words coming from the party all held their own weight, albeit some words rang more true that others for the young fairy.

"It would be nice to have a little bit of, well- um, normalcy." she cooed now switching to drinking her glass of wine. She wondered how the adults in her life drank this so easily, practically raving about it- when all she could taste was bitterness. Perhaps it wasn't the wine, but the lack of experience. The lack of life.

As Elsea and Ethereal exchanged heavy words and even a showcase of fire, the moth fairy would not and could not take it any longer as he left them without many words. Dionaea did not think too highly of him leaving as he did, but wasn't that surprised. She knew that they would probably see him again, but he did have his way with showmanship. What did concern Dia was how her friend reacted to him leaving, "Risa?" Dia commented after her two other friends as she watched the tears form in Risa's eyes. The young fairy described what had happened and Dionaea suddenly lost all her appetite.

How DARE he do such a thing?

In a bit of selfishness the young fairy wondered after Elsea commented why the fairy had no interest in her out of all the girls in the party. She shook her head, evacuating her mind of such foolish and immature thoughts. "She doesn't need to tell us what happened if she doesn't want to." Dionaea warned, those type of situations sometimes were not happy to speak about, nor were they really appropriate in their public setting. The young fairy was slightly tipsy, her words slurred a little and her eyes were glistening as she spoke the next words, "Whatever he did do to cause you to feel this way.. he can rot for!" the words came out low and cruel, as she pushed away from the table. She was desperate to find a restroom.

Getting up she walked quickly to where their counter was and asked for the restroom, and the minute she entered into the private area she vomited. Shaking she hurriedly ran some of the natural water and cupped it within her hands, removing the excess taste from around her mouth and lips. Why did people enjoy this? She wondered, as she sat on the floor for a moment imagining that pest cause harm onto her friends.

Freshening herself up first, Dionaea soon returned to the table and sat down after a few minutes away. "Let's get out of here." her tone was almost pleading, "I just want us to get out of here." she said again, hoping they would take their business elsewhere.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 26 min ago

Location:Baelde's --> Clothing shop

Risa had been silent during the reactions of the others, trying to decide how she felt about it all. She felt guilty for thinking so badly of another fairy but Elthrael was definitely untrustworthy if anything. Elsea and Kyran seemed angry about it. However, it was Dionaea's reaction that shocked her. She had been acting very strange. Her gaze locked on the wine glass and she sighed. The poor dear must have been hurting to ask for something like that so early. Risa was appreciative of Kyran's concern but when she opened her mouth to go into what happened, she found it difficult to speak about. Dionaea had told her she didn't have to, and Risa appreciated that.

"Whatever he did do to cause you to feel this way.. he can rot for!"

When Dionaea started to push away, Risa worriedly walked after her. She gave her privacy but stayed outside the restroom to make sure her friend was okay. She wanted badly to do more to help her friend but she couldn't imagine what she was going through. They needed to all take good care of her at this time. Once they returned to the table, she had paid once everyone was done with their meal and she led the group outside after giving Dionaea some water. There were clothing stores nearby, so she led them to one and gestured to the group to go in browse. "I am so very sorry for creating such a disturbance at your lunch. Please forgive me. I'll come to join you all soon, I'd like to enjoy the air for some time. " She looked at Elsea, whispering to her. "Please look after Dionaea and cheer her up if you can, sweetie."

Risa was not in a shopping mood for once in her life. She flew up to sit upon the edge of the overarching roof of the shop. There were just too many things to think about. The Elthrael situation was something she pushed out of her mind for now. The humans and Dionaea's family were now what plagued her mind. Every moment that went by, could be a moment that an innocent human could be losing their life. And who knew what kind of pain Dionaea's family was suffering! She needed to be more helpful and halt her selfish actions. There had to be something she could do to help. After all, she and Dionaea had been bystanders as the elves had summoned the humans and now shouldered the blame. Risa worried deep down that it was her fault and she had dragged Dionaea into it. There was no use for her to sit here and cry about it all. All she could do now was do the best she could to fix things.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 34 min ago

Time: Very Early Afternoon
Location: Biralei Residence, Roshmi City
Interaction with:

The structure is intact… but all is… hmm. Almost all is burned. Umber thought as he levitated in the center of the open living room area of the home. Emergency services had arrived after the fire was reported, but the flames had done their job… most of it at least. Umber could feel the lingering emotions in what used to be a home.

He had asked his dark elf companions, Xenelith's soldiers, to question members of the neighborhood as well as conduct a separate investigation from his own so he could work alone. None seemed disappointed to be away from the oddly quiet demon.

Fear… Loss… a family… and more fear… Such a small creature scared them this much? Zelginn... Overconfidence and cleverness do not mix well. Just look at the mess you made, fox… But I can be clever in your stead.

Umber let his feet grace the ground as he ceased his levitation and looked around at the charred floors and walls of the home. Umber shut the four of his eyes and tapped into his telekinetic powers. The entire house began to trembled at first, then it there was just a soft vibration until finally there was silence again. Ash began to rise from the floors, pull from the walls and gather before him. He also let his mind slip into the details of the information he knew so far.

Tsarra Kenia Urmicca… Household of Nym Biralei… elven names… elves… humans… fire… pyromancer… fear… loss… Umber opened his eyes to see ash thick in the air before reaching into and pulling out something peculiar. A hair. A few more strands, presented themselves through the thick ash as he used the power of his mind to pluck them out individually. Brunette… fireproof... pyromancer… human… possibly female by hair length... so much fear… but not Elsea. The ash suddenly fell to the ground as Umber narrowed his eyes in frustration. This one is too weak. Fear is appetizing, but it fails to quench me… Nevertheless, I found something for Aklenroth's forces and this could prove to be a snack… Hmm… humans… not human… there is at least another, perhaps they have the emotions I seek. Umber exited the building and telekinetically pulled a dark elf to face him.

"One of the humans is a brunette pyromancer. Most likely female with this hair color to be exact… She is in the presence of elves and disguised as so… There may be a group that matches with these descriptions. Inform your commander that there is another group here besides the one with the fox and the fairies he seeks." Umber set the soldier down who gave him the customary salute. The brunette strands of hair floated down to him and he grabbed them before turning to the rest of the soldiers present.

Two groups with humans in Roshmi City identified… Let the sun set… Let it set so I can truly demonstrate my prowess.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Early Morning > Noon
Location: Devil's Bay > Malthemoor
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Darius | @13org Myra

While Artemis knew she was on Daka, she had not expected to be approached by a demon so quickly. Her eyes widened as she stared at her. With apprehension rising, she out a low growl. Just as quickly as the demon approached her, so did a male.. human? She stared, utterly transfixed. He was not an elf, since his ears were not pointy. She didn't have time to ponder, because He began to move quickly towards her. She jumped with surprise and emanated a warning growl, but let it subside as he began to speak. The man began to speak and his words confused her. Just like her? What the hell was he saying? He was a merman? Artemis tensed as he moved slowly in front of her and his hands to her face. She quickly realized he was removing her muzzle and stared with shock. How long had she been wearing that, she had forgotten. No matter, it was gone now.

Once it was disposed of, Artemis spat on it with hatred. When it was gone though, it revealed her face: deep, indented scars from the muzzle lined her mouth. Her soft, doe brown eyes were reddened from crying, and her cheeks and forehead had scarring as well. Her indigo hair was messy and hanging around her face, tangled. Around her neck too, were faint hand marks, indicating she had been strangled on more than one occasion. The most noticeable were her muzzle scars. She had seen them before and felt her heart break at the sigh. After it was off, she stared at the man with confusion. Still confused, she held her bond wrists up to him for him to remove as well. However, he had already been instructing the demon - Myra - to remove them.

There was a lump in her throat. Was this actual freedom happening? It had been years; Artemis had lost all hope of it. Still, she refused to give into hope; this had to be some sick game. Finally, and after a few struggles, spoke, "Just.. like me? what do you... mean? What are you? How did... How did you find me?" Artemis coughed and began gulping in air. It felt incredible to breathe in air normally. As she adjusted to her situation, she could hear a faint trickle of a pond nearby and yearned to be closer to it. "I need to.. I need to get over there." Artemis turned and pointed to the sound of the lake. She fixed her bodysuit and parka around her, though she couldn't wait to remove the parka. Sadly, it was too cold here.

"Darius... Myra," She tested their names and then stared at them. Another lump formed in her throat, but she ignored it. "I'm... Artemis."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Dawn > Noon
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Baraian @Dezuel, Terneus @Dezuel
BGM: Kuroi's Conviction

By the time the governor was halfway through his self-serving speech, Kuroi realized that the governor had no sense of logic. His own ego clouded him from keeping those things near him that could potentially protect his assets, be they fairly earned or illegitimate spoils. Based on the condescending tone that came from the governor, Kuroi already knew he would have to spring into action. Unfortunately, as much as he would have loved to, murdering the governor would have ended terribly for both him and the rest of his family. A scrap, however, is where Kuroi would definitely have some political and legal protection. The vulpine eyed the mirror in the elf's hand as he began to say his farewells. Kuroi readied both of his fans and immediately moved at an angle to avoid the light beams that missed him by a few inches.

He quickly spun around and threw his fan down at the governor's feet, hoping to startle him in order to close the distance between them. Following the basic principles of kiting, Kuroi kept moving at an angle, avoiding the potential barrage of light beams that came his way. He felt a hotness scorch his right bicep but he knew he couldn't let up now. Adrenaline surged within him as he suddenly threw his other fan down at the governor's mirror, hoping to shatter it. In quick succession, Kuroi dove towards his opponent, rolling about his shoulder in order to come up to his knees. By the time he arrived at the elf's feet, he had already drawn his wakizashi and began shooting upwards with a vertical slash of his blade. He kept the blade in contact with the elf as long as possible, not caring for the flesh or metal that met with the edge of his sword.

The vulpine slashed upwards with one hand and used the other to immediately trap the opponent's nearest hand against his body. In the end, Kuroi's main objective was to leave a mark on the governor. One that couldn't be healed easily.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Biralei residence--->Small inn in the city
Interaction: @Tae - Kenia ✦ @princess - Malachi ✦ @Inertia Rei

Corvina listened to Kenia's words and nodded in reply. She formed fireballs in both hands and quickly set the linen ablaze. The fireplace roared to life and began to smother the linens. After she burned them, Corvina quickly finished packing the rest of her belongings. She was then instructed by Kenia to burn the rest of the house. Corvina stared at the Elven woman and bit her lip. Burn the whole house? She nodded again, though in compliance. Once they were out of the house, Corvina stood alone in the foyer. The gasoline stayed around her, though she didn't have fear of being burned. Cora quickly tied her hair into a bun and smoothed the rest of it out of her face. Cora then looked at the mask Kenia had pulled over her face in on the first day and tied it around her mouth and nose as well. She took a few steps away and summoned the flames once more on her hands.

She shut her eyes and took several deep breaths. Quickly, the hallway began to light up with flames. She continued to imagine the household in flames with total devastation following. The roar of flames greeted her, though it wasn't enough. She focused harder and began to shoot fireballs in different directions. Corvina turned in circles and stepped away from the gasoline before that area lit up. She then turned to watch as the portraits of Kenia's children lit up and spoke softly to it: "May you beautiful blessings rest in peace and may you never be forgotten. I can tell your mother loves you still." Corvina then shot fireballs into both of them in which they quickly began burning. They would be gone within minutes.

Cora then began to stride through the house, checking off which rooms were burning and which needed some more incentive. She glanced upstairs and found it hadn't lit on fire yet. She growled and shot more fireballs at it. Her focus was stronger than before, but not enough. She shut her eyes as she moved up the steps and halted. What else could she did? She shut her eyes and took deep breaths. She imagined the dragolich nearly burning them alive and suddenly the flames grew stronger, but still not enough. She opened her eyes to gaze at the damage. More fire had eagerly licked up the gasoline. No, nothing from Avalia would be enough for her yet. Corvina had only been semi-conscious that night. She took another deep breathe and began searching her past. Pain began to emerge. She wished she could never remember this day. Tears formed in her eyes, but she bit them back and opened them. She held her hands out as flames began erupting around the house...

When Cora opened her eyes, not only were tears streaming down her face, but the entire house was scorched in flames. She wiped her eyes with her sleeves. She glanced at the house and relished the flames around her. A smirk crossed her face as she strode down the staircase and then towards the door. She stared at the wall of flames and raised her hands. The wall of fire parted for her as she strode out of it and rejoined the others. Cora didn't look back as her mind replayed the memory in her mind. This time, she wouldn't be betrayed, nor would she runaway from her problems. She wouldn't end up in that position ever again. Corvina vowed to herself she would trust herself more this time and do whatever it took to protect the ones beside her and herself in this strange world.

Corvina strode through the city quietly with the others. However, due to using so much of her magic, she felt drained and ate as much as she could. She needed something to keep her energy up and her worries dim. She had ate in silence during lunch, only making friendly chitchat. Once they were in an Inn safely did she begin speaking. She was slightly more upbeat and pleasant. She had sat down and rested her head against the wall behind her, with another cloth around her neck in case she had to use her power once more.

"That would be nice, thanks Kenia. It would help us blend in more as well, though we should keep to our group only and maybe disguise ourselves a bit more. Is there anything else you can do with your magic? We don't know if that fox gave out our descriptions or not, so it might be best to hang as low as possible."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Early Afternoon
Location: Love Lounge
Interactions: @Legion02 Xenelith @Alivefalling Jack @Dezuel Zelginn

The information Umber had graced upon her about their little visitor was quite the intriguing one. She was thankful to him as it caused her to be a bit more alert and realize things weren’t always as they seemed. Something about it, though, was funny to her and she couldn’t keep the giggle from escaping her lips. Looking at Zelginn, he appeared to her as if he were made out of plastic or rubber, as if his appearance were fake and this was just silly to her. In all fairness, though, O’Ner appeared the same in his demi-human form, but that soon dissipated as he reverted to his skeletal form and left. A small sadness fell over her as he did so as something in her worried he wasn’t having fun. Wait, why was she worried about someone other than herself? That was just silly.

That’s when all that Zelginn had said seemed to register in her mind at once. Before that she’d just been giggling away. ”Fun is all relative to each person, don’t you think? While yes, it is fun to torture other beings, it can sometimes get old. Then you have to find fun somewhere else. This here is fun to me, taking these different things and seeing silliness such as yourself.” She said with a grin as she pointed at Zelginn. ”Sweet Xeney is finding fun with that lady, O’Ner doesn’t know how to have fun, and Jack…” She looked over at the human beside her and realized he’d eaten quite a few of the skaula mushrooms.

”Oh my...Jack, my dear, perhaps we should stop eating all those and find you something else to eat if you’re hungry?” She suggested as she gently grabbed his hand, keeping him from eating another. She pried it out of his grasp and set it down before looking at one of the whores at the table.

”Fetch us some food, whatever you think is the best thing here. Don’t come back without anything.” She told the woman who nodded and left them. She wasn’t even sure what kind of food they might have here if any, but it was clear that if there wasn’t food on the table soon Azriel would be a bit unhappy. So even if the whore had to run to the cafe down the street, food would be provided.

Azriel then looked back to Zelginn, grin in place once more. ”Oh yes, I’m sure Umber will have loads of fun. Enough about him, though, I wish to know more about you! So tell me, little demon, how old are you really? Because you said it yourself, things aren’t always quite as they seem.” She asked, one last giggle escaping her lips as she awaited his answer.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Noon.
Location: Outside of Malthemoor, Daka Island
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy and Artemis @Potter

Myra stopped the moment she saw the woman curled up on the forest floor. Unsure on what to do, she simply watched her at first, waiting for Darius. She looked a lot like Darius, a human, but there was something on her that made Myra think she wasn't entirely like him... Her scent was much different from his and her hair had quite an unique color, as it was evident by the few messy locks of hair over her face. Since she seemed to be scared when Myra tried to approach her, she simply stood still, looking curiously at the woman and waiting for Darius.

Darius arrived shortly after, immediately going over to the woman, clarifying his intentions to help her as he began removing the strange thing that was over her mouth. Myra was wondering what that was, but the second Darius finished taking it off, it became clear to her that it wasn't anything nice... The woman had a lot of scars beneath the strange thing and the way she spat it out made it clear she didn't enjoy using it. When Darius asked her to take her metal cuffs off, Myra slowly approached the woman, trying to be as delicate as possible in order to not scare her as she grabbed the cuffs, snapping them open one after another with a little bit of effort.

As Darius introduced himself and Myra to the woman, Myra looked at her with an amicable smile, raising her hand and waving it to the woman before taking a small look at it, almost as if she was confirming if the gesture Darius taught her was correct. When she finally spoke, now that the strange thing was off her mouth, Myra noticed with a curious stare, how beautiful her voice was. She introduced herself as Artemis as she pointed towards the direction where a lake was, judging by the scent and noises Myra was able to hear. Thinking she was thirsty, Myra immediately dashed to where the lake was, disappearing in the blink of an eye. She did take a few moments to return but when she finally arrived, both Darius and Artemis realized why she had taken more time to return. Myra was walking a bit slower, compared to the speed she was able reach, she was holding her hands in a cup, carrying water and being careful to not let it spill. As she got closer to Artemis, she extended her hands towards her with some clean water inside for her to drink.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Terneus Andros

Time: A bad time to be a governor
Place: Shack

It was at the end of his own wonderful words that the governor realized that the disgusting creature before him had no intent on dying quickly. The elf couldn't understand why creatures of seemingly lesser birth would try and struggle so much to little avail. Though their struggles were in comparison to his own hardships a spit in the vast ocean, when would the day come that the gods would award him for his service to the world? He dodged. Wait he dodged? The governor's mind got filled with surprise as his eyes widened in that short moment.

Then the strange humanoid creature before him had the gall to insult him, in a mannerism which brought back memories of a slave some fifty years ago who refused to fan him. Not only that, but said slave had thrown her fan in a similar manner towards his feet. The refusal of doing slave labor had been met with very sharp criticism. For fear of having his boots sullied any further, the elf took a step back, away from the dark elf which was prone. Watching the fan get stuck in the floor next to the dark elf, his attention on it briefly. Wait it's a decoy! The other fan flung into his grip, slamming against his armored bracer that extended to the top of his hand, the impact caused him to drop the mirror however. Ahh? What?! Terneus withdrew his both hands and assumed a pose resembling that of a hissing cat, his fingers slightly bent and raised above chest level. That's when his foe came up towards him. Why you unsavory little-

He stumbled back slightly in recoil as he felt something hit his armored belt, making a slight scratching noise and then he turned the other cheek towards his assailant, and that's when he all of a sudden felt a stinging pain in his right eye. Had the wretched creature spit at him? How disgusting. Terneus could feel how his entire body was getting warmer, especially his face as if all blood was gathering there.

His opponent had also the audacity to grab hold of his right hand, forcing it to point at his own chest and that's when he felt a slight stinging pain. Hnff! Not that rough! I'm nearly royal!

That's when he saw a red drop fall unto his white clothed arm, the one pointed in on his chest. Had he fatally wounded the annoying demi-human? No. This was.. He looked down to his chest, his attire from waist and up to his neck had been cut open and a slight red slice had made it into his skin. His chest had been scratched! But it wasn't deep, he had stepped back just in the right time and his belt had taken some of the impact itself. Then he saw another drop fall down on his arm, it didn't fall from his chest. His face was feeling warm and his right eye was beginning to sting badly.

He had been wounded? His face?! His wonderful face! He couldn't have?!

Terneus grinded his teeth together and began to channel his magical powers, he didn't need his right hand to cast magic. That was for novices and knaves! Like one-hundred and fifty year olds! Mere fiddlers of the magical art! This creature however had wounded him! The disgrace, if anyone would know it could ruin his social standing. No this creature had to be annihilated right where he stood along with the entire shack! The elf violently kicked with his right leg towards his assailant, as his left hand rose up to use his bracer to attempt to parry the attackers blade would he take a swing, his right hand trying to free itself. His magical powers was gathering around him quickly, he was going to blow the building into the skies above and this wretched fool along with it! The dark elf who held a low elevation would surely be safe down there. The shack window still looked like it could be used as an escape route.

"My face! My -beautiful- face! HOW DARE YOU?! YOU DEMON! I'LL SEND YOU TO YOUR GRAVE! RAAAAGHHH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME, YOU DIRTY PEASANT!" The elf screamed as his magical energy had gathered sufficiently, then he unleashed a barrage of beams of light in all directions emenating from him, targetting all around but the floor where he stood and where Baraian still laid, trying to recuperate.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Time: Noon
Location: Den of sin

Zelginn tilted his head to the side slightly as he inspected Azriel, his eyes blinking quickly as he listened to her speak. Looked also like she had some questions in store for him. "Torture? Oh, you are a really, really bad woman aren't you?" He said with a gasp, placing both his clawed hands by his mouth before lowering them again. "You are awful. You have to be nice to a child? Right?"

"Xeney, O'Ner and Jack? Not sure if I can remember all these names you know, I can get abit forgetful at times. Maybe it's an age thing." He gave an awkward smile as he scratched his own neck. "Oh food.. that reminds me I got to go get some of that soon. I'm basically starving. Maybe that dark elf from before will be there to give me some food." Zelginn reached his small hands down to his belly and rubbed it in a circular manner. "Umber does seem like he has lots of fun doesn't he?" He said in a giggling manner, his ears perking up as he heard Azriel refer to him as a little demon. What a curious way to refer to him, thankfully his pride wouldn't let that stop him.

"There are those who are born from elves, and there are those who are born from fairies. Then there be us, who come from something else." The small figure said with a smug look on his face as he crossed his legs on the table, sitting down as if preparing to stay for awhile.

"Know about me? I'm just a lost child, I've been lost for a very, very long time. How old I am? Hmm.. There are things that get born now, there has been things born years ago... like mister Umber." He said in a pondersome voice, tapping his chin with a finger before placing both his clawed hands down and leaning forwards slightly, close to one of the candles on the table, before continuing. "...and theres things that has always been." Zelginn said, poking the candle right in front of him on the table, until it tipped over and began to roll along the table, it's flame still lit. The small figure reached out to catch it, before it would have rolled off the edge of the table.

"Oh that was close. Candles can be fun. But best not let them burn too much. If everything goes up in flames there will be no more fun right? Mother really hates fun stuff. Oh oh, I know. How about a riddle?" He said in a cheery tone, putting the candle back into it's holder on the table and stared right into Azriel's eyes.

"I am always there, my presence sometimes heard. I can be void for some time, I can be full for some time. But cannot stay in either state. I am a lurker and you should know me. If you want nothing to do with me, you will most surely be dead. What am I?" Zelginn smiled widely, eagerly awaiting the reply. His tail would wiggle slightly from side to side, in a slow rhytmic manner. Like a cat playing with a mouse.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 34 min ago

Time: Noon
Location: Outside of Malthemoor, Daka Island
Interaction with: Myra @13org and Artemis @Potter

"Artemis." Darius repeated with a smile. He let loose a chuckle at Myra's wave and her brief moment of silently questioning her own gesture. "You got it right, Myra." He assured. Myra's success in communicating always filled Darius with pride and joy. His attention then drew Artemis, a sad, but also another lovely sight.

Darius wondered about the woman they had found almost by chance. He wanted to know where she was from and what she had experienced in her week in Avalia. She kinda speaks like someone from the Caribbean maybe. What if she's from somewhere I've been to?! This is… Well, actually, as cool as this is, I can tell things have definitely been rough on her. Who would do this to her and why? And she was just dumped into the woods? It's sad, but at least we found her when we did.

Once Myra cut her free, Artemis pointed toward a direction away from Malthemoor and claimed she needed to get to wherever the mystery location was. Darius raised an eyebrow and looked to where she pointed. He was all for helping the woman, but he needed to know why they would be going deeper into the woods. Myra however, dashed off in the direction.

"What's over there?" Darius questioned more so to himself than directed at Artemis while looking a bit confused. He looked in the direction for some time before watching Myra hurry over while cupping her hands. As soon as Darius noticed it was water she carried over, his smile returned.

"So you're thirsty? Makes sense since that muzzle looked like it was on for a while. I think we should head to the amora we took here. We can fly back to the castle, get you cleaned up, and get you something nice to eat, and then… we can take you back home to Earth! Man, I can't believe we found a human on the first day I set out to even do it!" Darius said cheerfully with a beaming smile. He hadn't been filled with this much hope since being in Avalia. This feeling only motivated him that much more. Something was off though. Maybe he was too excited to place his finger on it, but there was more to this situation… even more than the fact that Artemis wasn't a human, and he hadn't even figured that bit out yet.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Roshmi
Interactions: @Helo-Bowyn @Potter Belle

Torvi had been expecting Bowyn to not be as friendly as that was a rather rare thing for him to display. What she wasn’t expecting was to be caught in the middle of an insult competition. She did smirk a little at Bowyn’s obnoxious chewing and gave him an amused shake of her head. She could understand why he was acting the way he was, yet at the same time she saw no harm in learning all they could out of these two and if that meant tolerating what he considered rudeness then she would.

She hadn’t a moment to get a word in when Little Blue began speaking and tossing back just as much snark as Bowyn had. While Torvi found it somewhat amusing, what she didn’t like was the stares they were beginning to get. People always seemed to become interested once a fight was looking like it was about to break out. Each person she caught she gave them a harsh look to tell them to mind their own business. All quickly looked away and she was slightly satisfied, however she needed to put a stop to the two at the table.

”Alright that is quite enough.” She said as she gave both stern looks. Unexpectedly the ground trembled just a tiny bit. She took a moment to glance around and see if anyone really noticed, but thankfully none had quite seemed to realize that it came from her. She took a breath to calm herself as she glanced at Bowyn briefly with a tiny bit of alarm. ”Anyways, how about we start over? I’m Torvi, it’s nice to meet you Little Blue. Please excuse Bowyn here, he has a hard time trusting new people which is understandable with the times we live in.” She explained as she gave the two women a smile while at the same time looking to Bowyn and giving him a look as if to say ‘play nice’.

”So are you guys from Roshmi?” She was trying to make some friendly conversation with the two.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Afternoon
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Torvi @Tae, Belle @Potter

Bowyn cocked his head at Torvi’s outburst, which had caused a slight tremor of the earth. He saw no harm in antagonizing the strangers a bit, even if they did turn out to be potential allies, he needed to show he wasn’t weak. Letting slights slide by him, showing kindness to random strangers, trusting without cause; these were marks of the weak, and the weak died quick, especially in times of war. So, he gave an eye roll to Torvi, she could befriend these strangers if she wanted to, but he was not going to make connections with the first people to speak to him, he had to pickier than that, he needed to be sure they worthy first. He continued to taunt them some, keeping it lighter than before though, not to appease Torvi, but rather to avoid any more inadvertent use of magic from her that might get them exposed.

“I remind you of a child? Would that be from my youthful beauty or delightful playfulness?” He asked his tone now more playful and less indignant than before. “Strange you would call me a child right before Torvi decides to become the mother I never had. But I guess Torvi has a point, these are dangerous times, forests and towns are burning and humans have been brought to Avalia to die yet again. But it’s the elves we have to thank for these lovely developments isn’t it?” Bowyn said, his tone casual but keeping an eye on the two elves as he casually mentioned humans.

“Not that I blame all the elves for the actions of a few but when one loses their home for a second time it tends to sting a bit. Sorry if I seem a little bitter.” Bowyn added, the half sincere apology was his attempt to be more friendly. He doubted the elves were truly here to make friends though, with one giving out an obviously fake name and the other barely speaking, it seemed more like they were doing what he and Torvi were doing; searching for information. So, he kept his words vague enough that they could be interpreted as the bitter musings of one dissatisfied with either Aklenroth or the rebels. He resigned to judge them on their reactions, and hoped keeping the conversation on more provocative topics would distract them from Torvi’s slight use of her magic.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Time: Noon
Location: Roshimi City

Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn

Belladonna raised her eyebrows at Torvi with surprise at her words, then inhaled sharply at the sudden tremor. Her eyes widened as she glanced around. No-one else looked as if they had noticed. Her gaze settled on Torvi and knew in her heart she had found another human. She didn't dare speak it yet, and exchanged glances with Elleta. "I understand, and it is okay. We all can difficulty trusting people right now. It's understandable, since I do too. Little Blue is a nickname I had as a child, which is why I gave that out instead. You can call me that for now." She toed the line of how much she would reveal and added, "I am sure the humans are on everyone's mind. I would hate for them to end up in a situation that was detrimental for them. They didn't ask to come here."

Belle sighed and set her glass down and turned to listen to Bowyn. A smirk of amusement crossed her face now. He was keeping it moderately spicy, which was something she could do as well. She didn't want to accidentally provoke them further and reveal more magic. Belle especially didn't want to accidentally use hers as well in case someone noticed. Elleta noticed Belle went to speak and quickly spoke instead. "We're from the Moon Elf Kingdom." Their voices were quieter and people had stopped staring. Belle kept glancing ever so often in Rosemary's direction as not to attract attention to her existence. The woman had a shield of light magic around her to keep her invisible to everyone else so she could remain vigilant and protective. Her gaze focused back on Bowyn. The alarm was evident in her eyes, but she didn't show that she had noticed.

"It would be both, Bowyn. Your delightful playfulness is quite entertaining, so thank you for it." Belle took another sip of her glass and noticed it was almost gone. She didn't want to ask for it to be refilled and draw anymore attention to their table. So, she waited for Bowyn to finish speaking and snickered when he mentioned the humans. She could sense his scrutiny upon mentioning them and kept her expression impassive. She continued to pick at the food, her stomach now churning. Would it be a mistake to befriend these two? Bowyn, or Frosty to her, was going to be difficult; the woman Torvi, perhaps not as much.

Belle had to remind herself to be cautious. She was after all, the Golden Death Rebellion leader. The thought of it caused her temples to begin to throb and her expression to briefly show some stress. She didn't want anyone else to experience the sheer stress, aggravation and anxiety she felt at the moment. What if she trusted them on accident and led to her being revealed and murdered; then what? Elleta seemed to catch onto her situation and spoke for her.

"It would seem as though the humans arrival in Avalia has everyone on edge. The few Elves who participated in their arrival bare the responsibility and them alone." In that moment, Belle wondered how much Elle and Rosemary had to do with the arrival and if that was why they were hellbent on keeping her safe, excluding other reasons. She felt bitterness rise momentarily, then let it go. They were the closest things she had to friends right now; and besides, their concern over her was sweet, too. She wasn't used to the genuine concern. She smiled softly at Bowyn. "I do like winter fairies. It's been a pleasure meeting you both, Torvi and Bowyn. Your sentiments are forgiven. I can understand your tenacity. I would like to help you if you would allow us both to assist you, however I can understand if you decline." Belle smiled at her faintly and thanked her silently. What would she do without her? Belle didn't want to halt her sassy remarks, but she didn't want to continue dividng them further or causing more of a rift.

"It isn't a problem, Bowyn. I lost my home many times as well, so I can understand your bitterness. I do think you and I are similar in some ways we may not know yet. Furthermore, I would like to apologize as well for my partial rudeness, too." She then took a deep breath and added, "To make up for it, if you are hungry or thirsty, I can buy the next round. Please let me know what you would like." Belladonna glanced at Elleta who nodded in agreement.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Noon
Location: Baelde's restaurant---->Dress Shopping
Interaction:@Alivefalling-Kyran @MissCapnCrunch Dionaea @princess Risa

Elsea couldn’t help but agree with Dionaea that Risa shouldn’t need to talk about what happened between her and Elthrael if she didn’t feel comfortable with doing so. She could pretty well imagine what had taken place, though. It was probably for the best if Kyran didn’t know all the gritty details as she had a feeling he might lose it. She wasn’t blind, she could see that he cared for Risa just a tiny bit more than the rest of them. Whether it was because he had certain feelings for her or she was just the one he was closest to Elsea couldn’t know for sure without prying and she wasn’t about to do that.

Dio getting up and going to the bathroom had pulled her out of her thoughts and she watched the girl briefly. She didn’t look too great and Elsea felt bad for her. She’d been going through quite a lot and Elsea couldn’t imagine what all was going through her mind. She was the one she’d talked to the least over the last week as she wanted to let her have her space. Now, however, maybe it was time for things to change a bit. So when they left to go shopping, Elsea placed herself beside Dio as they walked, giving her a friendly smile.

It didn’t take long to get to the first shop and Risa whispered for her to look after Dionaea. She gave the young fairy a reassuring smile and nod. She could tell Risa needed a moment alone and so she linked arms with Dio as she looked at her. ”I’m quite excited for this ball as I’ve never been to something like this or worn anything so nice. I don’t know where to start! I’d be ever so grateful if you helped me find a stunning dress.” She said to the girl as she led her into the shop. She was quite shocked at all the intricate dresses that were in there and realized that what she said was true, she really had no idea where to start with these sorts of things.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Noon
Place: Roshmi City (The Bar)

Having surveyed the surrounding area, the fairy soon realized that he had been in that place for too long and had to move. The fairy jumped down to the cobblestone path on the outer side of the wall separating the old graveyard from the rest of the city, he landed softly on his feet, his cloak momentarily flowing upwards revealing his wings hidden underneath, before slowly falling over his form again.

Elthrael decided to take a stroll down one of the many streets of Roshmi, even if his forest senses was screaming at him not to. It was a deathtrap in the forests to follow paths, it meant ambushes and being watched by all manner of creatures being out hunting. Not that he was overly worried, as in the forest he used to dwell he was considering himself to be the apex predator in that place. The city was very different, it wasn't that he overly disliked the city. It was just noisy, and the overpowering smell of so many different things made it near impossible to track people properly. His mind wandered back on his choice of taking the streets, as jumping from building to building would no doubt draw some attention sooner or later.

A few demi-humans passed him by, some of them mumbling about some elven governor being openly attacked in the marketplace. Why would someone attack an elven governor? Not that he had ever met one, perhaps they were asking for it. What was an elven governor doing in Roshmi anyhow? This wasn't a place of elven buisness in general was it? Could it be this governor was looking for humans aswell or sheltering them? He shook his head softly from side to side. He could ponder on the possibilities but it would yield little use. Soon he found himself outside a place with a very distinct smell, one that he recognized. A local bar. Where people were no doubt trying to drown their worries and all that.

While he had never been to a bar in person, he knew of the brew they would serve in such a place from having liberated such items from travelling merchants passing through the forests near the River kingdom. He disliked the taste of it, and it seemed to intoxicate the ones using it. He would have none of that poison. His mind and body needed to be clear and in top form. But he did know that intoxicated people had the habit of talking too much, and being overall honest. Perhaps one of the locals had caught unto rumors about any humans, it could very well be possible. On the other hand, the place was not ideal for him. No building were. Without being able to fully utilize his flying, he would have to rely on other things would a fight break out. It was not unheard of that intoxicated people ended up fighting others.

Would any of them find themselves picking a fight with him, he would just have to let them try some new form of poison. But if he could avoid fighting, all the better.

'That dark elf was not a person who would give up. He must be here in the city somewhere. Alongside a large demon and a winged woman. I'd guess I'll keep my eyes and ears open.' He thought, before letting out a chuckle softly to himself, as he approached the door which was reeking of drinks. He would have liked to open the door in a dramatic fashion, but such at this time would draw too much attention. Thus he just pushed the door open and stepped inside, his hood still raised and with his long hair falling out of it. The fairy moved over to what seemed to be a serving woman.

"I am waiting for a friend... we'll get our things ordered once he arrives." Elthrael said in a soft tone to the woman, giving her a soft smile from under his hood. His favored choice for table spot in the room had however been taken, by three elves and what looked like a fairy. A strange looking fairy. The overall appearance of the man awoke some curiousity in him.

He tilted his head a slight bit. 'A winter fairy? This far south? What is it doing here?' He had never actually seen a winter fairy before, as they all were supposed to be living further north in Avalia. But his mother have told him about them when he was young, and the description of this fairy did seem to be quite much like what his mother have used to describe them. They also had the quite unique ability to manipulate cold, such as ice and snow.

A dangerous way of magic. Potent and powerful in the right hands, and not all too shabby in the wrong. Yet despite that he felt confident in his own style of magic. It would grant him more than a weapon, it would give him the ability to sustain himself. But not only himself but others. Perhaps it was due to the winter fairy's lack of knowledge in Chlorokinesis that drove their kind into near extinction. Ofcourse he knew that there were other ways to draw a species or a race to extinction. He if anyone should know that fear and greed be contributors too.

Ultimately Elthrael settled down on a stool by the table closest to the four, intent on fetching unto something they were saying. If there was an elven governor in the city, these elves might talk about that. Their kind did tend to babble on forever about their own things to the point that others would turn a deaf ear. As for the winter fairy, he wondered still what he was doing so far south. Was there something here he sought to obtain or was there something he was fleeing from... or with?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 26 min ago

Kyran & Risa

Time: Afternoon
Location: Outside a clothing shop in Roshmi

Kyran looked around for Risa once Elsea and Dionaea had gone inside the shop. He finally found her by looking upward at the overhang of the place. She was sitting up there instead of going inside. Risa never rejected shopping. He decided to go up and check on her himself. Kyran climbed up, jumping up on a nearby box and with his high agility, managed to climb up on overhang too. He sat beside her, putting his arm around her. “Not in the mood to shop, princess? That’s not like you; what’s on your mind?” he questioned.

He knew there was obviously a lot that could be on her mind, but he wanted to give her the chance to vent. She bottled up things very often for others’ sake.

Risa glanced over at him and leaned her head on his shoulder. She had been deep in thought and had barely noticed him climb up. Kicking her feet over the edge anxiously, she was silent for a few moments, reluctant to dump her thoughts on him. She sighed finally, relenting and telling him quietly, “I’m so worried about all those humans… They could be lost and alone. Who knows how many there are. And oh gosh, Dionaea’s family… My heart feels like it’s going to crumble. I am not sure I know the right thing to do.”

Kyran rubbed her arm to comfort her. “Well, we need to gather humans to keep them safe and speak up. I am sure there are a lot of others that do not agree with everything going on and will stand by you. We need you to tell the species of this city that we can stand against this we have the means to do so if humans are willing to stand and fight by our side. Your voice could mean the end of Aklenroth’s reign. And about Dionaea’s family that goes hand in hand with the first thing I said we need help if we ever plan to save them, we cannot do this alone.” He said hoping to spark something in her mind.

“I don’t know if my voice is important. ” “Risa said honestly, “I’m just a nineteen-year-old girl… But I guess if my last name may mean something to people I could speak up. “ She bit her lip as she thought it over. Her grandparents were well-respected by all due to the kindness they had shown not just fairies, but other species. Older generations would probably respect her word. Though there was a chance she could get people to hear her out, she needed to say the right words. Risa at first pondered if she would need a script but she quickly realized the best she could do was speak from her heart. She needed to gather her thoughts together at the least regardless. They’d probably need orbs to broadcast an announcement with the amount of range they needed and it would definitely be risky. It would also have to be in the right place and time.

“The ball could be good for finding more humans and allies, though risky. But we need more than just humans so maybe my voice can reach others. I will gather my thoughts for such an event but the where and how will be another obstacle I fear.” Risa added.

“Your voice is important, Risa, and honestly you could be our only hope to gather enough of those willing to stand up. I need you, no, we need you.” He said to her softly, “I think I know the best time to do it and I’ll explain it all later. We can look for humans during the ball though that would be a good idea since there will be a lot of mingling between everyone there.”

Everyone was really counting on her then. Risa would bear the burden and she’d succeed for them. She had to. “Okay. I will do this.” She told him firmly and smiled at him. “I’ll be brave. We can talk about it later. I wanna think about it. “ Now that they were alone, she could finally ask him about what had happened in the diner. “So what happened with your eye? I was really worried about you… Has that happened before?”

“Honestly, I am not sure. It has never happened before but I felt a deep rage and hatred almost like an insatiable sense of hunger toward war and fighting. I fear that was only a glimpse, also was there any changes in my eye? I only felt a searing pain in it.” He told Risa, holding her close to him protectively.

” Your eye looked … kind of scary.”Risa replied quietly, looking away, ” Let me know if it happens again. I haven’t learned of any condition like that yet in training, so we might need to find someone more experienced.” She noticed he was holding her as she finished speaking and blushed. They had always been close and affectionate but something about it felt different the last year.

“What do you mean scary?” He questioned with jumbles of thoughts in his mind about what it could be; he thought of telling his parents but what if that caused too much concern with them. He decided to try and let this go for the time being.

” One of your eyes glowed red.” Risa explained to him. Maybe she had just not heard of the phenomenon because it was a demi-human ailment. Although, the healing mentors did try to teach them of ailments of all species. ” Just watch your stress and anger for now. It’s probably a good thing Elthrael left.”

“Yeah, thanks Risa, by the way, for being there for me,” he said, before kissing her cheek. “You’re an amazing friend and I love you for that.”

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