![]() _______________________________________________ Theodora Yvonne Opal | pansexual ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ 20 | ♀ | 5'0" ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ truthful | independent | trusting persistent | uptight | perfectionist ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ a p p e a r a n c e + s k i l l s ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ Theodora will greet you with a child like smile with wavy locks of hazel brown hair, which would compliment her caramel, full eyes. With a face of a preteen, it sang the praise of her figure; "all bones but no meat," as her parents would tease her with. Her frame, which defined her sharp features, were usually hidden with loose-fitted sweaters. Any clothing that didn't fit her fully, was the style of Theodora. Her first impressions are usually perceived as a quiet young girl who doesn't really pop out. However, the remarkable feature that would cause those to stare in awe, would be her tiny freckles. Those freckles of hers were like galaxy of stars, waiting to be explored. (They were a proliferation of stars scattered about. Like a star-map, detailing the connections of each constellation.) ◦ Her photographic memory is pretty decent. ◦ Observant. ◦ Able to squeeze herself in tiny spaces. ◦ Decision making. Since her father is usually indecisive, she grew to always conclude things for him. ◦ Adaptability. ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ![]() | ▄p e r s o n a l i t y ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Theodora Opal is usually described as a quiet, meek girl. However, as quiet as she is, Theodora is not meek. She's not one to stand by when other's try and push her around as she easily defends herself. She is usually silent and kept to her self, but these qualities do not take away from her uptight nature. Being a classic introvert, she is typically a good listener and, luckily has the appearance of calmness. Solitude to her matters like the air everyone breathes. Theodora is just someone who likes to bask in the silence of her own(and hopefully others) and not have to force social interactions. Although she is fine with social activities, it can get exhausting to her. She was never skeptical. It was more of a, "It'd be cool if I could capture it on my camera"--than anything else. Upon hearing the small disappearances happening in Sonina, Theodora was a little bit annoyed at first. A new environment and she was already exposed to such mysteries. However, with her persistent trait; Theodora was completely invested with the thought of it ever actually being true, or the folks were just crazy. She did always want it to somehow happen to her. Plus, she figured accepting the invitation to the university--under a scholarship for the arts--was enough for Theodora to overwrite the disappearances as just something unlucky. But when she witnessed an unusual thing, Theodora realized, she had a stupid desire of wanting to see what shouldn't be seen. ▄p a r a n o r m a l e x p e r i e n c e ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Theodora had been visiting a classmates house in order to work on a project together. They settled themselves in the kitchen and began completing their assignment. Theodora basked in the silence while listening to the muffled music coming from her group-mate's earphones. She had been contemplating on striking a conversation with him, but his focus was more on the work rather than an interaction. She shifted in her seat, exchanging glances at him from time to time(mainly at the mirror behind him). Trying to turn her attention back to her work, the boy stood up from his seat. Ripping off his earphones and placing them to the side, he spoke out to catch Theodora's attention. "Want a drink?" A rough voice escaped his thin lips. She nodded. Her eyes dug deep into her paper as she fiddled with her pen. Usually, Theodora would've been working on this project alone. Since working with others had never been her forte, the girl would normally inflict the role of the one who did everything. But he had insisted on working together with her. Eventually, she shook her head and had decided to just complain to the teacher if push comes to shove(although in college, they don't really care). After what took hours, the boy settled the cup down near her books. She let out a small 'thank you' and returned to her work. Hearing a small grunt of acceptance from the boy, she listened to the small steps and finally the pushing of a chair. She lifted her head to take a sip from the drink, her eyes followed itself back to the mirror that was behind her partners back. Almost choking on her drink, Theodora rubbed her eye with her free hand, not believing in what was happening in front of her. The reflection of her partner was staring back at her, watching her through the mirror. But, no face. In fact, what was staring at her was a deep dark shadow. With no expression to it, she felt the tight glare that escaped the entity. It was scary. In complete shock, Theodora hurriedly stood up. That night, she left in a flash despite her confused classmates yells. Although everything had been a blur during her leave, she remembered passing a glance at the mirror, only to find her reflection staring right back at her; yet it was a shadow, not her. Nowadays, Theodora likes to not be reminded of that night but its hard when at the corner of her eye, she'll catch a glimpse of a shadow. ▄b i o g r a p h y ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Theodora grew up in a relatively normal household. Both parents worked long hours to supply her with her necessities, as she was an only child so they both ended up spoiling her to no ends. Growing up, Theodora was always kept to herself. She didn't have anyone to call a friend because Theodora never had much of a presence during class. Other's wouldn't even have known she attended the same class as them. Although nobody could see her, she had something that could; her camera. It was her life-long dream to create films that captured what her eyes have witnessed. When her tiny hands gripped on the camera, her eyes never leaving the miniature screen, Theodora began her first film. It was her birthday party. She slung the camera around in the beginning, showing off her rusty skills to her joyful parents. The film captured their tiredness that slept in their eyes, but, Theodora captured a slight happiness that floated about the two. They both shared a small kiss before returning a smile to the camera, her father talking to the camera and detailing Theodora's embarrassing moments. Her mother pushing her father slightly and laughing at flustered Theodora. Ever since that day, ever since her eyes--her lens--witnessed two people in love, Theodora decided to only film people in love. Their genuine smiles and laughter was something beautiful to Theodora. One day, her parents announced a sudden change of plans. Her father got a job transfer out in a small place called, "Sonina." Ecstatic, Theodora gripped tightly on her camera--she was ready to leave their hometown. He told her that they'd have to wait a least a few months in order to process everything. Her eyes sparkled and shimmered in delight, she was finally leaving. A new environment, new people, possibly new friends. But, the most she was excited for was the filming. These past few years, especially after her last birthday, Theodora never seemed to catch anything on film. Her camera--which was always with her--laid rusted inside her book-bag, hoping for the day Theodora could lift her tiny fingers up and record once more. Thus, during the last month before their leave, Theodora had met a new transfer student. (his eyes glanced to her's, and, as if Theodora didn't have any control of her own body, a curved smile reached the tips of her eyelids.) For the second time in her life, Theodora felt the urge to record someone again. Luckily she didn't have to go to him; he came to her. The two surprisingly hit it off and by the last day before her move, they met at a park. The stars colored the night skies in splattered bits, they shone brighter as if they were alive and breathing. He stood by, the two standing still and listening to the cold air brush past their bodies, tugging at their clothing. The boy pushed his strands of hair behind the red ears of his, it was cold, but they only had a moment to share before Theodora leaves. It was beautiful. The stars, as if they were winking at Theodora, were of a snowfall sparking light in outer space. His figure stood right before this scenery. Theodora only felt such privilege to have witnessed such a beautiful moment. He spilled careful tears as she told him the news. Her eyes drifted downwards to her camera, "Can I film you?" Back up to his eyes, he simply gave her silent nod back. (and then, the two ended off their night in a movie.) |