
Felix Ivanov

Twenty - Two



Student at nearby University - Majoring in Graphic Design

✤ Decisive ✤ Blunt ✤ Honest ✤ Lazy ✤ Creative ✤ Sloppy ✤
Felix is one of those people who always knows what he wants, he is never indecisive about anything and many people know it. He is also very blunt about things and often won't hold back his opinions, this can kind of be a problem because more often than not he's gonna call someone out on some bullshit. While his blunt nature might make him off-putting to some Felix is a very honest guy who cares about his friends and their well-being. There is no doubt that Fleix is a lazy bastard who never wants to do his homework, his teachers and friends have no problem with telling him this fact to his face. He can be very creative, something that goes well with his field of interest and just like any boy - he can make the biggest mess you've ever seen in minutes.

✤ Using a Computer
✤ Remembering small details
✤ Making inspiring art pieces/projects
✤ Poetry
✤ Spouting random facts

It was his freshman year when it happened, Felix was in his dorm room playing a handheld video game. He was completely oblivious to everything, at least until he heard a massive bang right outside his room. Felix wondered if his roommate had returned from the frat party he was at and ignored it, if he had passed out outside the room than that was his own fault. But then it happened again, more aggressive this time though. It was so violent that the door shook, Felix now was beginning to grow concerned.
Felix left the safety of his bed and went to the bedroom door, but he didn't open it. With his hand over the knob the boy broke out into a cold sweat, he had a very bad feeling...like if he opened the door something terrible would happen. Glancing down Felix felt his heartbeat quicken, he could clearly see the shadow of someone's feet right outside his door. Not wanting to open the door but wanting to know who was outside Felix decided that he would look through the little peephole on his door.
Felix doesn't remember much after as he woke up the next morning but one thing stuck in his mind, the image of pale face with dark long hair...covered in blood. The image stuck with him so much that he began to grow paranoid and now feels like he can see the face smiling at him from the shadows.

Born and raised within Sonina, Felix had a pretty normal life to begin with. His mother and father were divorced but it wasn't such a big deal for him, he spent his weekdays with his mom and the weekends with his father. Both were very civil about the whole thing and often times they would do things as a trio. That was until his father found a bimbo of a girlfriend who did nothing but talk bad about his mother. Felix absolutely hated her and made no attempt to hide it, this upset his father and he began to see him less. It only took a few months before Felix barely got to see his dad, but at that point the man was almost unrecognizable. He was rude, abusive and did whatever his girlfriend said. Felix wanted nothing to do with him anymore.
Felix wasn't sure when it began to happen but he started to rebel against his mother, due to the way his father acted she kind of went of deep end and took to being a Jesus freak. Felix would get piercings, he dyed his natural blonde hair a deep black and getting tattoos. Eventually she got completely fed up with it all and began to try and force her religion into his life. She would sneak into his room and take his things, go through his phone when he wasn't looking. She removed his door and hid it at a friends house, took his clothes and replaced them with things she liked. It became an unbearable place to live, he tried to do as she asked - if it didn't have to do with religion. But she couldn't respect the fact that and when college came around he decided to stay on campus rather than at home.
Once he was in college he began to hear rumors about the little town he grew up in. Something about curses, people going missing, ghosts - nonsense that any smart person would dismiss. But once he looked back on things he did remember a few times where people did indeed go missing. A child snatched, a women's car abandoned with her no where in sight, a man's clothing found beside a well. All of it was a little fishy but nothing came out of it. Being the non-believer he was Felix just forgot about it all, that is until the night he experienced something he could not explain.