
Cassidy LeRoux




Student at Nearby University - Dance Major

✤ Graceful ✤ Charismatic ✤ Fun-Loving ✤
✤ Stubborn ✤ Perfectionist ✤ Dramatic ✤

✤ Dancing
✤ Cooking
✤ Maintaining a Routine
✤ Ignoring His Parents
✤ Selfies

Cassidy wiped the towel across his forehead and then down his arms. He desperately needed a shower. It was yet another late night in the studio practicing a new routine, working himself to perfection. Cas was nothing if not a complete and total perfectionist. He glanced at himself in the mirror that made up one wall and grimaced at how disheveled he looked. Thank god no one was there to see him in such an unruly state. He spent a few seconds prodding at his blonde hair and then sighed in defeat. He most definitely needed a shower.
He switched the light off as he left, humming lightly to himself, the music stuck at the back of his mind. Each note designated a movement that was now ingrained into his muscles. Every step was familiar to him. There was no chance he would miss a single one come time to perform. His humming continued as he passed the darkened studios and turned into the music hall. As he reached the halfway point, he heard a piano begin to play a few rooms ahead of him at the end of the corridor. He faltered and stopped in his tracks.
Did he really want anyone to see him like this? Up so late and wearing sweat like a second skin. Of course, they must have been up this late because they realized the importance of practice, of perfection. Continuing down the hallway, Cassidy mindlessly began to hum again. Just before he reached the door where the music was coming from, the music stopped. It left behind a silence that chilled him to the bone. Just as abruptly, the music began to play again. But this time, it played the song he had been humming, the song he had been dancing to.
Compelled, Cassidy inched forward and looked into the room. It hadn't occurred to him before how someone might be playing the piano in such pitch darkness. Perhaps it was how they challenged themselves. He rationalized to himself that they had heard his music as he practiced, that must have been it. Just as he thought as much, the music stopped and started again, as easily as a track being switched. This new song was all too familiar, though he hadn't heard it in a very long time. It was the lullaby his mother used to sing to him when he was a child.
Thoroughly freaked out, Cassidy skipped past the door and made his way from the performance arts building as quickly as possible. Just as his hands hit the handle of the door, he heard a very loud refrain from the piano behind him, like someone had slammed their hands against the keys in frustration. The silence followed him back to his dorm. Since that night, Cassidy has been wary of staying alone in the building at night. And he swears every now and then he will hear snippets of that lullaby from random sources, as if it's somehow mocking him.

Cassidy's parents were unmarried when he was born. His mother followed his father from France to America not six months before falling pregnant. She was a model and he was a rockstar and they were utterly in love. They always planned to get married, or so they say, but they never had the time. They were both just so busy doing their own thing. It was those things that saw their separation when Cassidy was only 4.
He lived primarily with his mother, as the traveling life of the music industry was no place for a child. His father made it clear he was in his life, though. They both loved their son and wanted to give him the world, insofar as they wanted him to choose between them. They never said as much, of course, but it was obvious enough. They were always trying to outdo each other, ignoring what Cassidy really wanted in favor of doing something extravagant that proclaimed their love louder. It was clear to Cassidy from a young age that they didn't like one another, and maybe they didn't even really like him.
Dance was a way for Cassidy to escape. His father thought it was hilarious when his mother took him to his first ballet. Instead of hating it, Cassidy was entranced by it. He begged for weeks to take a class until his mother finally conceded and signed him up. Something like fate, Cassidy was a natural. He hasn't given it up ever since, throwing himself into it with everything he had. Every time his parents missed a performance, every time his father said ballerina in that voice, every time his mom didn't listen to him when he tried to tell her about something only fueled him to be better. To be so perfect no one could deny him ever again.
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